Free This City Template
Free This City Template
Go into the edit link on this page and copy and paste this template into new pages for "Free this City" information. Please do not edit this page with city-specific information, but feel free to modify the template with new ideas.
General Guide
Please provide a general outline of the city and its neighborhoods/boroughs/parts of town, including information about political leanings, police forces, population, income levels, social services, etc.
Free housing, shelters and hostels, etc.
Free/low-cost markets, produce, butchers, day-old bakeries, Food banks, missions, church meals, etc.
Medical Care
Planned parenthood, free clinics, free medical advice, Medicare resources, low-cost clinics, etc.
Legal Aid
ACLU, free legal aid/counseling, pro bono attorneys, etc.
See Free Play section, include details for this city.
Beaches, Swimming Pools, Parks, Sports, Museums, Music, Theatre, TV shows, Movies, etc.
General weather, traffic, news resources, etc.
Underground Papers
Any other freebies
Public Transit
Subways, Buses, Ferries, Shuttles, etc.
Free Clothing and Furniture
See Free Clothing and Free Furniture section, provide details for this city.
Assorted Freebies
See Assorted Freebies Section, provide details for this city, including other topics. Whatever fits and is useful.
Go to the Survive section and provide any city-specific details, including new topics.