Title: List of Free Universities
Notes: Last updated: 6 March 2011

Do not expect some of the things listed to be seriously respected by CorpGov, with the excption of the CLEP program which we also talk about in Free College Life However, knowlege itself is power. There are many institutions that offer free (or nearly free) courses on a variety of sources. The authors of this project are constantly hunting for free or inexpensive somewhat useful learning courses. Free religous courses (which seem to be everywhere) will not be listed. If you find a useful free course, feel free to add it.

List of Free Universities

  • http://mpkb.net/en/Main_Page - Macalester College, a private undergraduate liberal-arts college in Saint Paul, Minnesota, runs the Macalester Public Knowledge Base, "...a project for organized activism that anyone can edit."

  • http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/index.htm - MIT Open Courseware is a completely free archive of previous MIT courses and course materials available on the web or for download although it does not provide you with a degree or faculty access.

  • http://www.ocwconsortium.org/ - OpenCourseWareConsortium also provides lists of free courseware in addition to promoting open university courses around the world.

  • http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/clep/about.html - In the USA, many colleges grant credit or advanced standing for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). This is a test that determines how much you already know on a topic and grants you college credit for it. It costs $77 but it shaves a lot of money off your tuition costs and time spent in class! You can take the test for free if you're active military, while veterans can apply for reimbursement (Ask at your local VA office).

  • http://www.anarchistu.org - Anarchist Free University ("Anarchist U"), Toronto, Ontario, Canada:

"The Anarchist U is an open, volunteer-run, non-hierarchical collective that organizes community events, workshops and a variety of courses on arts and sciences. Most courses run for ten weeks, and meet once a week:. There are no admission fees."

"We offer an open, collaborative, radical way of learning built on democratic models of education, structure and process. We are working to build a vibrant and productive community free from the struggles for power, profit and prestige that are the consequences of existing social and economic structures. The AFU also acts as a space that critiques the ongoing forms of oppression that result from this."