Steal This Wiki
Steal This Book Today (1st Edition)

We are libertarians, anarchists, socialists, pacifists, vegetarians, black, white, asian, hispanic.
Security of Your Security Culture
A Few Helpful Hints on Cooking
Pan-Asian, Wok-Cooking, and Rice
Draining Pasta Without a Colander
Hard-Wheat and Soft-Wheat Flours
Hog Farm Granola Breakfast (Road Hog Crispies)
Victorian Curtain and Canopy Bed
For those who have been abandoned on the streets too long and forced to make terrible choices
Rape and Battery Support Groups
Guys, Gals, Roommates, and Safety Pacts
A Word on Batteries, Solar, and “Wind-Up” Gadgets
Spaces between and behind buildings
Recycled Sea Shipping Container
Finding a Building and Investigating It
Makeshift Toilets, Water, and Cooking
Wilderness Gear, and Urban Crash Gear
The most important things to remember about hitchhiking are
Original List of Free Universities
Internet educational resources
Universities with free educational content
Post-Secondary Enrollment Option
Urinary Tract and Bladder Infections
Original Birth Control Clinics
Original Diseases Treated Free
Free Skiing and Boarding Through Hitching
Riding for Free At the Resorts
How Can I Use this to Make Useful Stuff?
The International Yippie Currency Exchange
The International Yippie Currency Exchange
Trying automated in store coin counters with foreign coins
Original The International Yippie Currency Exchange
What drugs are the most and least dangerous?
Making Plans & Not Getting Caught
WARNING! Dangerous Additives in OTC and Perscription Meds
Benadryl (aka Diphenhydramine)
Fly Agaric Mushrooms (Amanita Muscaria)
Recovering Files Off of Hard Disk
Computer Information recovery tools
Old Laptop Converted to Fast Linux
Angstrom Linux for ARM Mobile Devices
Portable Versions of your Most Used Software
Other sound card modes of digital communication
OSCARS Satellite communication
.Tell it all, Brothers and Sisters
Using bumper-sticker paper and an inkjet printer
Independent Media Center (Indymedia)
Examples of full phrases using the above list
Months, Seasons and Days of the Week
Radio Station Rebrodcast Override
"Legal" Unlicensed Broadcasting
Experience Behind the Iron Curtan
Avoiding Unnecessary Controversial and Offensive Comments
Radicalizing Oppressed Communities
Assessing Incipient Revolutionary Groups
Fireman's carry/ Shoulder Wheel
Original First Aid for Street Fighters
Original Join the Army of Your Choice
Canada Sweden and Political Asylum
Switzerland, Sweden, Other Nations & Political Asylum
Original Canada, Sweden & Political Asylum
Using an Established Union to Represent You
Union as a Vehicle for Radicalism
Black Powder Firearms and Their Advantages
Manufacturing and Reloading Handgun Cartridges
The M16/5.56mm is unreliable/has no stopping power/is a bad rifle
The AK series of rifles is incredibly inaccurate
Fully automatic firearms are easy to get
Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape
Decision process — Fight or Flight
Infrared cameras and helicopters
Credit cards, Checks, or Bank transfers
Air Travel and Stay ID Requirements
Using a Corporation as an Identity
Solitare Encryption and Decryption
Armed Forces/Deployment Avoidance Counseling
Armed Forces/Deployment Avoidance Counseling
Lake Mead National Recreation Area & Hoover Dam
Steal This
Book Today
A Modern Survival Guide
(Alpha 0.00)
Vol I
Copyright 2008 released under the GNU FDL
“I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat whichfitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” - Thomas Jefferson
I’ve never been one for hippies. I don’t mean hippies as a name, because, of course, Abbie Hoffman was a Yippie, not a Hippie. But as a generation, I have always thought, the youth movement of the late sixties and early seventies, most commonly referred to as the hippies, have failed this nation greatly.
Those young men and women back then had tremendous courage. They risked their freedom and often their lives in order to force our government and our country to have to recognize decency and intelligence. It’s not right that our government had to be forced into such seemingly common decency, and up until a few years ago, we seemed surprised that our elected officials and decent American citizens could ever have been so wrong. And yet, here we are again.
When I was growing up in ordinary suburban America in the nineteen eighties, I idolized the everyman players of the sixties. Wavy Gravy, Bobby Seale, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, etc. I listened to The Who, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Dylan, The Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, Neil Young, Crosby, Stills and Nash. I read every Doonesbury comic strip since the ones published at his Yale newspaper while he was a student there. I was also fascinated with the history of the war in Vietnam. This fascination was recognized and possibly validated when my mother offered to take me to see Oliver Stone’s “Platoon.” I read First Blood, and one of the first courses I took during my freshman year at the University at Buffalo was a third-year course called “The Literature of Vietnam.”
And it wasn’t just me. Everywhere we looked, we found sixties nostalgia madness.
But it turns out that it really was simply cultural nostalgia.
Where are the hippies now? I don’t mean, let’s blame them because they are old and aren’t on the cutting edge anymore. But, seriously, I can tell you where the hippies are. They are driving Volvos and living in McMansions. They are investing heavily in the stock market upon which Mr. Hoffman and his gang threw money back in the day. “All You Need Is Love” is featured in an ad for moneymaking credit cards.
George W. Bush grew up in the sixties, and, make no mistake, the baby boomers are the ones who voted for him, by and large. This largest generation has given us Enron and the war in Iraq. It’s not just the administration, either. It’s CEOs, it’s false charities, it’s a horrible tax system. By now, 30 years after Vietnam, our country should be enjoying the wealth of insight provided by the youth of that era. Instead, we wallow in what has nearly become a failed empire.
We don’t want to be an empire in the first place, and I thought, neither did the hippies. And yet, here we are.
I see a nation in profoundjeopardy oflosing its very point of existing. Despite the failure of the hippies to provide many enduring changes, I find myselflooking back to that very youth movement for inspiration.
Granted, it’s simply a different world these days, and in many wonderful ways. It’s easier to get from sea to shining sea these days, and even less necessary. The internet connects us with people in Australia, Egypt and Norway.
We have to embrace our world, this one we live in, not look back or ahead too far. We have to focus on the now. we can’t change the past, we can’t dwell on the future. But we can improve the future by listening to ourselves now, by always making the right decision, by always standing up for the very real things that we believe in. So instead of ruing the changes in technology and culture, we should be ruing the changes in our freedoms. Our technology has grown, our culture has created new traditions, but our freedoms have been squeezed, our intelligence has been insulted, and our lives have been threatened. And I don’t mean by the terrorists. Let me tell you a story about the terrorists.
I was in the hallway of my lower Manhattan office building on the morning of September 11 when the second plane hit the World Trade Center. It seemed the whole building shook, and it sounded like a bomb went off right downstairs. We had known that a plane had hit the north tower a few minutes earlier, but with the impact of that second hit all the resonance of its meaning dropped like half a million tons ofbricks. At that instant we didn’t simply guess, but we knew that we were under some serious attack.
I saw for myself the south tower collapse — I had to sprint to outrun the rolling ten story wall of dust. I had staff who lost family and friends. I breathed in toxic dust for months serving Guiliani and Bush and the federal administration in their effort to get things “back to normal so the terrorists don’t win.” Ever since then, our administration has done nothing except highlight the obvious differences in our daily lives and try to take advantage of us because of them.
What have we had since that day? Since that day they insisted that everything was ever and for always going to be all right?
We were introduced to the Patriot Act. Hundreds of millions of dollars were sunk into Halliburton.
We were lied to, baldfaced and criminally, about the military knowledge of a small country in the middle of the desert, despite what I knew when I was growing up, that the United States knew where every silo well was, where every truck moved, within the secretive and high-tech military complex of the Soviet Union, twenty-five years ago.
Children, young and old, have been murdered by mechanical weapons aimed by presidents of corporations.
Law-abiding groups have been spied on, their rights violated.
Freedom of the press has been compromised and directly and openly attacked by our government.
Our poorest and most in need were completely and arrogantly ignored by the government and corporations and yet at the same time attacked by right-wing media for having ever been on welfare.
Where were the huge corporations coming up with advertisements about how much they’ve donated to Katrina victims? I know I’ve seen that one about Halliburton in the desert...
The economic wealth of America, earned on the shoulders of millions ofhard-working citizens, is almost completely in the hands of a privileged and deceptive few.
Our young men are being recruited into a capitalistic war, and are dying for the government’s betrayal of their patriotic sensibilities.
People have been refused their right to vote, including women and blacks, who, even post- first revolution, had to die in order to gain the right.
And the best critical commentary comes from The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Saturday Night Live, each and all simply comedy shows, filmed in closed studios and vomiting cash to the conglomerate owners.
A major part of our actual and existing workforce was declared illegal after decades of implied legality.
The control that religious fanaticism has over social and political control hasn’t been this strong in Western Civilization since the thirteen-hundreds, having somehow ignorantly leapfrogged centuries of scientific and philosophical discoveries.
And speaking of science, we have scientific proof now that our government and economic leaders are full ofblinded and drunk medieval monks. Our planet is melting and instead of being a forest fire of global proportions, it’s been rendered by our system into a lobbyist political capitalistic propaganda game.
Now look at this. Nations firing ultra-modern technological warfare as well as muddy and rusty incoming mortar shells at the children and homes of other nations, well-armed militaries killing each others’ civilians.
And we complain a lot about the news, and rightly so. But we are also very informed, albeit restrictedly so. Even though our citizens are listening to biased information, they are really sitting in front of their televisions, aint they? So in that way, our nation has never been more involved.
They fucked us up pretending that we could prove everything was all right for them. Now they’re fucking us up by pretending that nothing will ever be all right again.
The only thing that hasn’t changed since 9/11 is that the government is still fucking us up.
And now they even want to restrict this new technology that is bringing people together, facilitating the communication of the everyman. Even this, even now, the majority of citizens of America are being pushed back upon. They’re pushing back, pushing back, and how much is even left behind us anymore?
So, why this? From someone who thinks the hippies betrayed us, from someone who experienced first-hand the deadly nightmare ofinternational terrorism?
Because we need it. Those most harmed by this new way of America life are the ones least able to communicate anything. The rich are fewer and more removed from the rest of the real world than they’ve ever been.
Look, man, we don’t want to hurt anybody here. But our government doesn’t want many of us to live. But our government is killing its poorest citizens, whether it be in New Orleans, Baghdad or a moth-eaten sleeping bag in a New York City alleyway, in the alleyway of any American city.
I may not agree with every bit of reference in this book, but that is why I’m involved in it. I may not hold values identical to each contributing writer or editor, and in some ways may differ critically, but that is why I’m involved in it, and that is why they are involved in it, too. This isn’t about promoting one of those -isms, one of those broad beliefs. This isn’t about promoting socialism or communism or capitalism or ism ism ism ism ism. This is about helping fellow citizens who, for a number of reasons and coming from a billion different points of view, feel the need for change. Dramatic change. But not a change to simply one thing, one ism or one source of cash. Rather a change to the one original thing, the set of ideas that America was founded upon. The things we want are not new or revolutionary. That this can be considered revolutionary is an (appropriate) insult to our social, political and economic leaders in the first place, and it’s also an insult to us, rightly so.
Here is another not very new idea: citizens have not only the ability but also the responsibility to change things when they are not going well. That is something straight from Jefferson’s Declaration oflndependence. So this thing we’re in, it’s a thing of all of us. Yours, mine, theirs. And I don’t think they’re going to do anything about it, seeing as it fits them so well.
It’s not us you have to worry about, it’s them.
If you’re poor, you have to worry about them. If you’re a minority, you have to worry about them. If you live paycheck to paycheck, you have to worry about them. If you have children, you have to worry about them. If you like something they don’t like, you have to worry about them. If you believe something they don’t believe in, you have to worry about them. If you don’t have health insurance, you have to worry about them. If you don’t know your rights, you have to worry about them.
But they have one big problem that we don’t have. They have a lot more to lose. They have everything. They own us.
Love live the revolutions, and may gods bless America.
Original Introduction
What follows is the original text
It’s perhaps fitting that I write this introduction in jail- that graduate school of survival. Here you learn how to use toothpaste as glue, fashion a shiv out of a spoon and build intricate communication networks. Here too, you learn the only rehabilitation possible-hatred of oppression.
Steal This Book is, in a way, a manual of survival in the prison that is Amerika. It preaches jailbreak. It shows you where exactly how to place the dynamite that will destroy the walls. The first section-SURVIVE!-lays out a potential action program for our new Nation. The chapter headings spell out the demands for a free society. A community where the technology produces goods and services for whoever needs them, come who may. It calls on the Robin Hoods of Santa Barbara Forest to steal from the robber barons who own the castles of capitalism. It implies that the reader already is “ideologically set,” in that he understands corporate feudalism as the only robbery worthy ofbeing called “crime,” for it is committed against the people as a whole. Whether the ways it describes to rip-off shit are legal or illegal is irrelevant. The dictionary oflaw is written by the bosses of order. Our moral dictionary says no heisting from each other. To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral.
Community within our Nation, chaos in theirs; that is the message of SURVIVE!
We cannot survive without learning to fight and that is the lesson in the second section. FIGHT! separates revolutionaries from outlaws. The purpose of part two is not to fuck the system, but destroy it. The weapons are carefully chosen. They are “home-made,” in that they are designed for use in our unique electronic jungle. Here the uptown reviewer will find ample proof of our “violent” nature. But again, the dictionary oflaw fails us. Murder in a uniform is heroic, in a costume it is a crime. False advertisements win awards, forgers end up in jail. Inflated prices guarantee large profits while shoplifters are punished. Politicians conspire to create police riots and the victims are convicted in the courts. Students are gunned down and then indicted by suburban grand juries as the trouble-makers. A modern, highly mechanized army travels 9,000 miles to commit genocide against a small nation of great vision and then accuses its people of aggression. Slumlords allow rats to maim children and then complain of violence in the streets. Everything is topsy-turvy. If we internalize the language and imagery of the pigs, we will forever be fucked. Let me illustrate the point. Amerika was built on the slaughter of a people. That is its history. For years we watched movie after movie that demonstrated the white man’s benevolence. Jimmy Stewart, the epitome of fairness, puts his arm around Cochise and tells how the Indians and the whites can live in peace if only both sides will be reasonable, responsible and rational (the three R’s imperialists always teach the “natives”). “You will find good grazing land on the other side of the mountain,” drawls the public relations man. “Take your people and go in peace.” Cochise as well as millions of youngsters in the balcony oflearning, were being dealt off the bottom of the deck. The Indians should have offed Jimmy Stewart in every picture and we should have cheered ourselves hoarse. Until we understand the nature of institutional violence and how it manipulates values and mores to maintain the power of the few, we will forever be imprisoned in the caves of ignorance. When we conclude that bank robbers rather than bankers should be the trustees of the universities, then we begin to think clearly. When we see the Army Mathematics Research and Development Center and the Bank of Amerika as cesspools of violence, filling the minds of our young with hatred, turning one against another, then we begin to think revolutionary.
Be clever using section two; clever as a snake. Dig the spirit of the struggle. Don’t get hung up on a sacrifice trip. Revolution is not about suicide, it is about life. With your fingers probe the holiness of your body and see that it was meant to live. Your body is just one in a mass of cuddly humanity. Become an internationalist and learn to respect all life. Make war on machines, and in particular the sterile machines of corporate death and the robots that guard them. The duty of a revolutionary is to make love and that means staying alive and free. That doesn’t allow for cop-outs. Smoking dope and hanging up Che’s picture is no more a commitment than drinking milk and collecting postage stamps. A revolution in consciousness is an empty high without a revolution in the distribution of power. We are not interested in the greening of Amerika except for the grass that will cover its grave.
Section three — LIBERATE! — concerns itself with efforts to free stuff (or at least make it cheap) in four cities. Sort of a quick U.S. on no dollars a day. It begins to scratch the potential for a national effort in this area. Since we are a nation of gypsies, dope on how to move around and dig in anywhere is always needed. Together we can expand this section. It is far from complete, as is the entire project. Incomplete chapters on how to identify police agents, steal a car, run day-care centers, conduct your own trial, organize a G.I. coffee house, start a rock and roll band and make neat clothes, are scattered all over the floor of the cell. The book as it now stands was completed in the late summer of 1970. For three months manuscripts made the rounds of every major publisher. In all, over 30 rejections occurred before the decision to publish the book ourselves was made, or rather made for us. Perhaps no other book in modern times presented such a dilemma. Everyone agreed the book would be a commercial success. But even greed had its limits, and the IRS and FBI following the manuscript with their little jive rap had a telling effect. Thirty “yeses” become thirty “noes” after “thinking it over.” Liberals, who supposedly led the fight against censorship, talked of how the book “will end free speech.”
Finally the day we were bringing the proofs to the printer, Grove consented to act as distributor. To pull a total solo trip, including distribution, would have been neat, but such an effort would be doomed from the start. We had tried it before and blew it. In fact, if anyone is interested in 4,000 1969 Yippie calendars, they’ve got a deal. Even with a distributor joining the fight, the battle will only begin when the books come off the press. There is a saying that “Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one.” In past eras, this was probably the case, but now, high speed methods of typesetting, offset printing and a host of other developments have made substantial reductions in printing costs. Literally anyone is free to print their own works. In even the most repressive society imaginable, you can get away with some form of private publishing. Because Amerika allows this, does not make it the democracy Jefferson envisioned. Repressive tolerance is a real phenomenon. To talk of true freedom of the press, we must talk of the availability of the channels of communication that are designed to reach the entire population, or at least that segment of the population that might participate in such a dialogue. Freedom of the press belongs to those that own the distribution system. Perhaps that has always been the case, but in a mass society where nearly everyone is instantaneously plugged into a variety of national communications systems, widespread dissemination of the information is the crux of the matter. To make the claim that the right to print your own book means freedom of the press is to completely misunderstand the nature of a mass society. It is like making the claim that anyone with a pushcart can challenge Safeway supermarkets, or that any child can grow up to be president.
State legislators, librarians, PTA members, FBI agents, church-goers, and parents: a veritable legion of decency and order already is on the march. To get the book to you might be the biggest challenge we face. The next few months should prove really exciting.
Obviously such a project as Steal This Book could not have been carried out alone. Izak Haber shared the vision from the beginning. He did months of valuable research and contributed many of the survival techniques. Carole Ramer and Gus Reichbach of the New York Law Commune guided the book through its many stages. Anna Kaufman Moon did almost all the photographs. The cartoonists who have made contributions include Ski Williamson and Gilbert Sheldon. Tom Forcade, of the UPS, patiently did the editing. Bert Cohen of Concert Hall did the book’s graphic design. Amber and John Wilcox set the type. Anita Hoffman and Lynn Borman helped me rewrite a number of sections. There are others who participated in the testing of many of the techniques demonstrated in the following pages and for obvious reasons have to remain anonymous. There were perhaps over 50 brothers and sisters who played particularly vital roles in the grand conspiracy. Some of the many others are listed on the following page. We hope to keep the information up to date. If you have comments, law suits, suggestions or death threats, please send them to: Dear Abbie P.0. Box 213, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10003. Many of the tips might not work in your area, some might be obsolete by the time you get to try them out, and many addresses and phone numbers might be changed. If the reader becomes a participating researcher then we will have achieved our purpose.
Watch for a special edition called Steal This White House, complete with blueprints of underground passages, methods ofjamming the communications network and a detailed map of the celebrated room where according to Tricia Nixon, “Daddy loves to listen to Mantovanni records, turn up the air conditioner full blast, sit by the fireplace, gaze out the window to the Washington Monument and meditate on those difficult problems that face all the peoples of this world.”
December, 1970 Cook County Jail Chicago
“Free speech is the right to shout ‘THEATER!’ in a crowded fire.” -a Yippie Proverb
Aiding and Abetting
Thanks to:
Dozens of Anonymous Contributors, Ploney the Expat, Unidyne, J! of the Dumpstered, J.D. from South Carolina, Ryan Libberator, Zeerahks O’Connelley, Jacob the Mad, Jonathan M. Taylor, The Jacob Holtan, Sketchy, Jimmy McSqueeze, Jeffrey R Glenn, Jake Blohnson, Sean Hogan (firsty), Trevor Ruggles, El Almirante, Captain.telnet, Doctormatt, Moonmaiden103, Michael Davis (manintweed), E.R. the gun nut, Jedite (Jedite83 & the Hacker Labs), vov35, Mill Creek “HIGH”, vannieplustwo, recursive
Thanks To:
Neal Stephenson-for HEAP and the Future, The EFF and TOR, CBLDF, Scroogle, Linus Torvalds, Tim Berners-Lee, Tom Jennings and FidoNet, Internet nerds, free WiFi, full dumpsters,
donated laptops and PDA’s, bicycles, people who stop for hitch-hikers, folks that feed street people, whiskey-drinking radicals who founded the USA, AIM indigenous movement, old Black Panthers who won’t talk, veterans of the Back-To-The-Land movement, IWW then and now, Joe Hill, Eugene V. Debs, hardware hackers, Cory Doctorow’s bitchun society, whuffie economy, war dialers and drivers, rebba and talmedem, those who voided the warranty, old Elmers, expats, bloggers, pirates, Jessica Sideways, The Magna Carta, Berry Cooper, Frank Zappa, “Don’t tase me bro”, homebrews, months in the wilderness, getting fired, disappointed and proud parents, annoyed but loving partners, ADD kids, stupid mistakes, George Orwell’s 1984, duct tape, Bram Cohen and Bittorrent, Multimachine, no rent money, cool teachers, forever role models, pranksters (Cassady most of all), Ti Jean, J.R. “Bob” Dobbs, geeks and trolls, 300 Baud BBS’s, multi-tools, soldering irons, Swiss Army knives, TRS-80, Amiga & Commodore 64/128, BASIC & COBOL, prohibition moonshiners, Seth Tobocman, Peter Kuper, Eric Drooker, Pete Seeger & the Weavers, Holly Near, Free Tre Arrow, D.B. Cooper, web 2.0, feeders, barbers, Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. Thompson, usenet, performance-enhancing substances, Guy Fawkes, Open Source, the Tank Man of Tiananmen Square, Michael Hoy, Claire Wolfe, most of the Dharma, neighbors and more, Noam Chomsky, Axis of Justice, the Coup, Phreakers, Rage Against the Machine and other leftist bands, and especially Abbie for the first edition, RepubliCrats making back-room deals, Dick and Bush in the White House for making this necessary and CorpGov for being a motivator.
Original Aiding and Abetting
What follows is the original text
Tim Leary, Tom, Geronimo, Pearl Paperhanger, Sonny, Pat Solomon, Allan Katzman, Jacob Kohn, Nguyen Van Troi, Susan, Marty, Andy, Ami, Marshall Bloom, Viva, Ben, Oanh, Robin Palmer, Mom and Dad, Janie Fonda, Jerry, Denis, LNS, Bernadine Dohrn, a wall in Harvard Square, Nancy, an anonymous stewardess, Shirley Wonderful, Roz, Gumbo, Janis, Jimi, Dylan Liberation Front, Jeannie, God Slick, John, David, Rusty, Barney, Richard, Denny, Ron Cobb, the entire Viet Cong, Sam Shephard, Ma Bell, Eric, David, Joe, Kim Agnew, the Partridge Family, Carol, Alan Ginsburg, Woman’s Lib, Julius Lester, Lenny Bruce, Hack, Billy, Paul, Willy, Colleen, Sid, Johnny Appleseed, the Rat, Craig, Che, Willie Sutton, Wanda, EVO, Jeff, Crazy Horse, Huey, Casey, Bobby, Alice, Mao, Rip, Ed, Bob, Gay Liberation Front, WPAX, Frank Dudock, Manny, Mungo, Lottie, Rosemary, Marshall, Rennie, Judy, Jennifer, Mr. Martin, Keith, Madame Binh, Mike, Eleanor, Dr. Spock, Afeni, Candice, the Tupamaros, Berkeley Tribe, Gilbert Sheldon, Stanley Kubrick, Sam, Anna, Skip Williamson, UPS, Andy Stapp, the Yippies, Richard Brautigan, Jano, Carlos Marighella, the Weathermen, Julius Jennings Hoffman, Quentin, the inmates of TIER A-l Cook County Jail, Houdini, 37, Rosa Luxemberg, the Kent 25, the Chicago 15, the New York 21, the Motor City 3, the Indianapolis 500, Jack, Joan, Malcolm X, Mayakovsky, Dotson, R. Crumb, Daniel Clyne, Justin, The FBI Top 10 (now 16), Unis, Dana, Jim Morrison, Brian, John, Gus, Ruth, Nancy Unger, Pun, Jomo, Peter, Mark Rudd, Billy Kunstler, Genie, Ken, the Law Commune, Paula, Robby, Terry, Dianna, Angela, Ted, Phil, Jefferson Airplane, Len, Tricky Prickers, the Berrigans, Stu, Rayanne, J.B., Jonathan Jackson, the Armstrong Brothers, Homer, Sharon, Fred Hampton, Jean Jacques Lebel, A. H. Maslow, Hanoi Rose, Sylvia, Fellini, Amaru, Ann Fettamen, Artaud, Bert, Merrill, Lynne, and last but not least to Spiro what’s his name who provided the incentive.
Who are we?
We are libertarians, anarchists, socialists, pacifists, vegetarians, black, white, asian, hispanic.
To get to the basics of it, however:
We are the vocal minority of the silent majority.
As of this writing, there is an enormous part of our population greatly dissatisfied with not only the mistakes of our current administration, but also with the direction the country is heading — Amerika is being lead by lobbyists, corporations and otherwise immoral, greedy and deceptive parties. Many see the nation going down the path of a Big Brother state: where the government keeps tabs on you and determines what you can and cannot see/do.
We’re looking to change that.
No matter what, however, the important thing is this: whatever revolution or lifestyle you hope to be a part of has to be started by you. When you know in your heart what you’re doing is right and true, not even the most brutal opposition or secure jail cell can stop you.
What the Book is NOT
This is not The Anarchist Cookbook. The information in this site is not designed for senseless vandalism, theft, or “just watching shit blow up”. This project was started by a pacifist (Firstly) who does not advocate violent methods of change. Using the information here for purposeless nonsense is downright stupid.
Something else worth noting is that people these days seem to want to put a label on things. This site is not promoting a liberal, conservative or anarchist agenda...and it never will. It simply promotes what each and every one of us believes is our idea of a perfect world, and how to get to it. What may be one person’s Anarcho-capitalist dream is another’s Communist society. Each and every one of us feels an obligation to make our world more livable and create information for everyone to see on how to get to that moment. So, if you must put a label on this site, call it “idealist”. We’re not out to convince you to join our “cult”, nor are we here to push our beliefs on others. It may seem hokey and unrealistic to some, but some of the best inventions and social movements had those stigmas attached to them for decades.
Table of Contents
Table of contents for PDF one, download, more PDF’s or the project at
Aiding and Abetting
Who are we?
Security Culture
Free Food
Cheap Chow
Food Programs
Wholesale Markets
Food Conspiracies
Farm It
Free Clothing and Furniture
Free Clothing
Free Furniture
Free Shelter
The Street
Low Impact Crashing
Free Land
Free Housing
Backpacking and Camping
Urban Living
Rural Living
List of Communes
Free Transportation
Pack your bag
In City Travel
Sail Away
What do humans need to survive?
Oxygen, Body Warmth, Water, Food, Freedom, Love, Fun.
Security Culture
Security Culture is the most powerful tool to keep us in the fight. The pigs have their spies and they are ready to use them to defame, fracture,jail, and intimidate our movement. Keep all groups small and intimate, one is best, three is a the number to never exceed for actions, group up several threes for very big action, but don’t use these groupings for civil disobedience. Try to form affinity groups with those you have known for many years.
Main points:
NEVER BRAG about past actions!
NEVER USE NAMES when planning action!
Only discuss action with those who NEED TO KNOW!
After an action NEVER DISCUSS with OUTSIDERS!
NEVER ADMIT anything to the authorities even for a deal when they claim others have ratted out!
NEVER LIE about being in on an action or your part in an action!
Keep involved members to a VERY SMALL group!
ONLY work with a TRUSTED affinity GROUP!
ONLY ALLOW those who would NEVER rat out the group INTO a TRUSTED affinity GROUP!
ONLY DISCUSS action in OPEN AREAS with background noise!
If busted use your right to REMAIN SILENT!
If busted NEVER ARGUE or try to EXPLAIN yourself!
NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! RAT out another activist!
NEVER TRUST electronic ENCRYPTION or codes to keep your communication safe!
A big thanks to our fellow travelers at for using a copyright the same as ours. A large part of what follows is from material on their site with our contributions and edits.
Electronic Communication
A little story: I worked with a direct action group in****** known as ***. One member of *** who was new and did not know the protocols of security culture sent out an e-mail that indirectly implicated specific members of the group in an action that had happened in the area. His e-mail resulted in four arrests. Two people went tojail for six months.
E-mail is never safe. Ever. Listservs especially are monitored daily by local police departments and the FBI. If you’re planning a mass direct action event, you must use a spokescouncil meeting or other face-to-face organizing strategy. Never send specifics (date, time, or location) about a direct action over e-mail. Some e-mail is more secure. Hushmail provides encrypted e-mail service for its users that can be more secure than regular e-mail, and using an encryption program like PGP can greatly increase your security, but remember that Hushmail and any other email provider will give the private key and email contents to the cops with a just a phone call, no warrant needed, thanks (un)Patriot Act. Keep your private PGP encryption key block private and ready to securely delete and overwrite, not on any providers server! Even with what you think is good hard crypto it’s never a good idea to talk about specifics over e-mail. Keep any discussion of direct action extremely vague, and never give the location and time. So you get up every day looking for your chance to make your voice heard. Where do you look? Why, Indymedia, infoshop and, of course! Well guess what? Someone else is reading those websites too.
Never trust any kind of encryption, all codes are eventually broken, they are only meant to slow down the opposing side!!
Web Sites
The State reads protest websites all the time. Why War’s website has received hits from most branches of the military. If you post specific details about a direct action on the Internet, you can expect there to be cops there when you show up. I believe, The best way to organize is to call a spokescouncil meeting and post the information on Indymedia. Always remember that everything you say on the Internet is there forever. Don’t make jokes. Even visually representing an attack on the president has cost one person a visit from the Secret Service.
Assume everyone is a cop. lam a cop. You are a cop. The only people you can assume are not cops is your mother (unless she is a cop) and your affinity group. If someone e-mails you saying they are from one group or another, they are a cop. (Not necessarily, in fact, probably not, but you need to treat them like they are.) Especially on the Internet, you can never assume anyone is who they claim they are. Nothing is less secure than the Internet, where anyone can read anything you say at any time. Still, after the passing of the Patriot Act, phones are not secure. They tapped our phones in Boston. The ACLU has its phones tapped. It’s not that rare. Using cell phones to communicate at an action seems like a really good idea, and it can be. But cell phones are easily monitored, and the special operations cops have the ability to monitor cell phones in a certain area. So don’t say, “Swarm the corner of 33rd and 5th!” Plan everything out ahead of time, and be able to say, “Are you coming?” and have everyone know what that means.
For immediate actions, the phone can be fairly secure, if you can act before the police can react. However, unless you are using a payphone, this leaves your name implicated with whatever action you do. In general treat a payphone as if someone were listing. Never give specifics. There are ways to know if your phones are tapped, if you really want to know, but it’s best always just to assume that they are. Many pay-phones are tapped in accordance with the PATRIOT Act. The police also have the ability to listen to you through your phone even if you are not on the phone at that moment. They have to the technology to do this unless your phone is unplugged. This is why prepay cellphones are popular with the ignorant activist, unfortunately they are incredibly easy to track, much more dangerous than a pay phone.
Perhaps the easiest (and most detrimental) time for security culture to break down is in the heat of a protest when the police begin their repression tactics. You see your friends being taken away by police and its your first instinct to call out to them. Or perhaps the group you are marching with shatters and you feel the need to remind everyone of where your preplanned re-convergence space is.
As an aside remember to walk not run at any group march, even in a serious retreat, running can be the start of a stampede which can kill many activists.
Don’t use people’s names at a direct action protest. If you want, come up with aliases or something, but concealing your identity from the authorities is important. You might not think they are listening, but they are. Another story: at a peace rally in ****town, the local radical groups held a spokescouncil meeting at the beginning of the rally to decide when we were going to break away from the main march. In the middle of our meeting, we were surrounded by police who then walked with us the entire way.
Don’t look sketchy. If you’re having a spokescouncil meeting in a public place, take off your bandannas! Put away the red and black banners, steal a “Peace is Patriotic” sign from a nearby liberal, whatever. Increasingly, the cops are targeting radical groups for arrest and “special treatment” (i.e. police brutality.) Black flags and radical banners are all well and good, but keep them out of sight while you’re planning. Some of you might be saying, “Wait, take off our bandannas? That’s such a bad plan!” In some ways, you’re correct. As I said before, concealing your identity is important. The average American is photographed 300 times a day (every time you use an ATM, get gas, go into a convenience store, pay a toll, etc.) Protests are very well monitored by video and snapshots.
If you are engaging in autonomous civil disobedience (not a sit-in) and you don’t plan on being arrested (i.e. you want to get away with it) you should conceal your face using a bandanna, or other cloth. Wearing a bandanna can make you a target for police, since they associate it with radicals, so only wear one if you are actually doing something illegal and concealing your identity makes sense. Gas masks and ski masks certainly conceal your identity well, but they look extremely militant, and tend to both incite police violence and frighten other protesters. Unless you plan on directly and forcibly confronting the police, I would not recommend wearing a gas mask. (If you think that there will be teargas, you can always have a pair of swim goggles and a bandanna soaked in apple cider vinegar in your pocket.)
Remember to practice security culture with your friends. This is the hardest aspect of security culture for many of us to perfect. You’ve just finished a successful and awesome direct action! Yay! The first thing you want to do is tell all your friends about it. Chances are, your friends won’t turn you into the cops. However, bragging/gossiping about direct action can be a chronic breach of security culture.
There are some things that you can’t talk about with people that you don’t know very well and on a personal basis:
Your involvement or someone else’s in a specific illegal direct action. The only exception is if you have already been convicted of that action, or if you are outside the jurisdiction of where that action took place, or if significant time has passed that you cannot be prosecuted for that action.
Your involvement or someone Else’s in an underground group. (i.e. a group that has claimed actions for the Earth Liberation Front, etc.)
Someones knowledge of an illegal direct action.
Specific plans for future direct actions. With a good security culture, everyone is on a need-to-know don’t-ask-don’t-tell basis. The less you know about an action that you will not be involved in, the safer you and the people engaging in that action will be. Obviously you can discuss future actions with your affinity group, but do so in a safe place and manner.
Safe Sex
One of the most difficult areas of security culture exists between partners in a sexual relationship.
There is an implied special bond and dissolution ofbarriers between those who spend their naked time together. If potentially important information is not shared there is often a feeling ofbetrayal. It is best from the beginning of a sexual or romantic relationship to let your significant other know there are activities you are involved in that you are unable to share, if they are really cool with the cause and secure in themselves they should understand, if not you have to choose, drop them or drop out of direct action.
The problem with many relationships between activists (and ordinary people too) is that the relationship ends after a time, this sometimes gets ugly ifhearts are broken. It is not an unreasonable concern that a jilted lover might even turn to the pigs or talk too openly to get revenge.
Another consideration is the sellout for ransom, a person may choose to make a deal and nark out the whole organization when their lover is threatened with serious punishment where they might stand strong for themselves, the pigs are famous for this blackmail deal, done in a secret way where the significant other may never even find out.
Short term relationships or even one night stands can be very dangerous, there are those cops and civilian nark types who have a kink for playing the spy while having a little naked fun in the sack with their target. Never discuss any involvement of any kind beyond generic politics at all with a short term relationship especially if it looks like trading insider info will get you sex.
There is wisdom in the idea of our cells having a professional expectation of no romance between activists, this is often an unrealistic expectation, each group must decide what is acceptable.
Unnecessary Criminal Activity
Do not become involved in activities like shoplifting, reckless driving, or narcotics if you are an activist. Do not permit members of your affinity group to engage in these activities either. It is already easy enough for the police to blackmail us as it is. Most busts for “domestic terrorism” are the result of shoplifting or traffic stops. Once someone has been released and heavy charges dropped it might be wise to insulate them from serious direct action as they may have made a deal and are now working for the other side in exchange for their continuing freedom.
When discussing plans for a radical direct action with your affinity group, do not discuss them any place that’s likely to be monitored, (i.e the place you usually meet, an activist’s car, Unitarian churches, radical bookstores, etc.) Find someplace safe for your discussion. There are some things that we as humans tend to do that can be extremely risky for us as activists. Using activism as a social device can be detrimental to security culture. There are liars: people who claim to have engaged in illegal actions in order to impress others. This is not okay. Those people are putting themselves and the people they lie to in danger by breaking security culture in this way. Bragging to your friends, I can’t emphasize enough, is dangerous. One on one, in a safe location, it is okay to talk about less radical direct actions, but only talk about secure things with people who know about security culture and won’t go and gossip it to others. This brings us to gossiping. If you’ve heard anything about a direct action that you’re not involved in, don’t say anything about it to anyone. You will jeopardize your security and the security of those planning the action.
Security of Your Security Culture
Security culture is not a spy game or a joke. Pretending to have an overdeveloped sense of security culture in order to impress others is no different than bragging about an action. This is not “I could tell you but I’d have to kill you.” If someone asks you a question that you don’t want to answer, or if you think someone is talking about something that they shouldn’t be talking about,just change the subject.
Before I end we should also note that there are informants out there. They infiltrate activist groups, (and sometimes even activist affinity groups) andjeopardize (intentionally) everyones security. It can be hard to distinguish between new members of a group who want to learn about what’s going on and don’t know much about security culture and infiltrators who are trying to gather enough information to have you all arrested. If you think your group may have been infiltrated, check out the Security Survival Skills guide produced by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality. It’s the most extensive guide to security culture that I’ve found on the web and it has a section that explains how to identify counterinsurgents within the ranks.
This is by no means a complete and definitive guide to security culture. Again I urge you to read the Security Survival Skills guide produced by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality. For the purposes of Why War?, I think that this should be more than sufficient. Remember: just because we’re non-violent doesn’t meant that the police don’t see us as a threat. It also doesn’t mean that we will not be charged with violent crimes if arrested. You can be charged for assault if you even brush against a police officer, for carrying a weapon if you have a pencil, and for reckless endangerment if you hang a banner on a building. Maintaining a tight security culture is essential for creating a cohesive, safe, and effective movement based on the principals of trust and solidarity. This guide may seem harsh and paranoid, and you should always use reason, you’re probably not gonna get yourself in trouble by talking about some snake-march you participated in, but always be thinking, “Would I say this to a cop?”
Free Food
On this topic, we can take a pointer from one of the most incompetent examples of capitalism — the airline industry. In a 2006 pamphlet distributed to its laid-off employees, Northwest Airlines advised its newly impoverished former workers to strongly consider rifling through trash for suitable food. This was only a part ofNorthwest’s effort to get out ofbankruptcy by laying off workers, slashing wages and burning benefits. A great example ofhow corporate America doesn’t care a bit about the people of America in its quest for an immensely profitable survival.
It’s true. America is the most wasteful nation in the world, in addition to consuming the most per person in the world. We’re not only the fattest people around, but we also dispose of the most food. Since we’re physically unable to perform the more fair tactic of actually cutting the fat from the bones of the rich, we can at least benefit from their waste. Restaurants and grocery stores commonly throw out tons of food each day, most of it still edible, as long as you’re not opposed to the kind of germs you also get from opening doors to public buildings or pushing elevator buttons.
Use your head when choosing food, make a calculation with every piece of food you pick up it’s price nutrient and energy value ratios. Many american packaged foods loose in all but junk energy. The truly hungry must be careful to get enough calories and basic nutrients every day.
Other Tips
Free Drinks: Get your hands on a plastic cup from a gas station or fast-food restaurant. Swipe ‘em from tables, ask for a cup of water, or surreptiously peruse the trash bin. This guarantees you free drinks there for as long as you have the cup.
Free Meals: Often, organizations (especially religious clubs) at high schools, colleges, and community centers provide free breakfasts and snacks. In some major cities, there are a few Krishna religious groups that often give out a free vegetarian meal if you sit in for a seminar (Fair warning: The food they serve can be VERY spicy!). Another route to consider is finding out if there’s a FoodNotBombs group local to your area: they have huge meal servings geared towards the homeless at least once a month. Be advised the food is vegan to accommodate just about everybody, and so the quality can vary wildly: some groups have good resources for ingredients and skilled cooks that can make stuff that tastes great, while others aren’t quite as lucky and/or good.
Hotel Grazing: Do not forget the wondrous resource that is your local hotel. Many hotels offer complimentary breakfasts, a fact which you can use to your advantage. You should (of course) make sure that they don’t check that you have a reservation (not to worry... most don’t.) Once you’ve established that you may want to use a bit of social engineering to make sure that you can enjoy a hearty breakfast. First, like any good revolutionary, you should have your backpack/messenger bag — go ahead and stash an extra shirt in it. Walk into the hotel, looking like you’re coming in from a long night on the town (hint: it helps if you come in at around 6AM or so) and go towards your “room” (i.e. in the direction of the rooms. Now, find a laundry room, exercise room, or some other place that has both water and privacy. Change into the fresh shirt, and make use of the water to wet your hair/wash your face — basically, make it look like you went back to your room for a quick shower and change of clothes. Stash the bag somewhere you can retrieve it later (safest option) or take it to breakfast with you (slightly riskier, but you can use it to sneak some food out.) Now wander on down to breakfast and eat your fill. Once you’ve chowed down, you shouldn’t hang around more than a couple minutes... but don’t look overly rushed. Note: dressing nicely will make this much easier to pull off.
Free Pizza: Pizza places are heaven for any revolutionary looking for a Friday night treat. Many times, the only effort needed to get your free pizza is check their dumpster. Most of the time there are a few pizzas employees didn’t want, unfortunately most times I’ve checked it’s always a meat lover pizza, but that can be fixed by peeling it off. One way to obtain a fresh, baked pizza the way you like it is, call in about 30 minutes before the place closes (*67), say you would like to pick up a pizza (make it a large order to insure you do get a meal) and you swear you could make it there before they close, wait till they close, and go back and get your fresh baked pizza out of the dumpster. You may have to dig through a bag to get it (follow your nose), but it’s seemingly always in a box still warm. Be sure to check for employees before you go, or you may have to rely on quick legs.
Free Fast Food
Desparate times call for desparate measures, and sometimes you’re going to have to resort to fast food. Most chinese food places have free fortune cookies, grab a handful. If you bring your food back to the counter and say you got the wrong kind ofburger, most places let you keep the burger and give you a new one to boot.
Here’s a short quick idea that has worked before to get some free food and a good amount of it. Go around to the local food stores and bakeries and pose as a minister of a church asking for donations to your food bank. This might require talking to some managers but if you find one that has a cross on it just might work because they’re usually the holy roller types that will help. Also it doesn’t hurt to have a few business cards printed up to assist you with this stating that you’re the minister of such and such church. Also it helps if you’re rather clean cut since most ministers are and this lends more credibility to your claims. Also a shirt and tie helps in this undertaking. Also you might consider contacting the Mormons with their local RELIEF SOCIETY groups. These people function as the welfare for Mormons and give their members free food. You could contact them to see where and how in your area they are getting food for their food banks. Then tell them that you also are trying to start a food bank for your church. While they might try to convince you tojoin them a little bit, they are usually more than helpful because they will see you as someone who is trying to be like them in carrying out charitable work. Just an idea that you might be able to put to good use for some free grub.
Cheap Chow
This section lists tips on how to cook food for yourself, your family, your commune, your protest team, or your whole neighborhood. Also included are tips on getting ingredients or pre-cooked foods, as well as tips on living independently of the pre-packaged, super-processed existence that is the Amerikan food market.
Some of these recipes are designed to easily feed many members of the underground at a low price, while other ideas here are cheap, portable, and easy to make by a rebel on the move. By avoiding packaged foods, traceback oflabels and cartons is reduced, leaving less of an evidence trail, and also benefiting your health. Moreover, you reduce unnecessary use of cardboard, petroleum-based bags, and harmful inks.
A Few Helpful Hints on Cooking
Keep any loose clothing away from open flames, wash everything (especially your hands) that comes in contact with the food, always wash your hands after touching raw meats and eggs while cooking, use oven mitts, be careful how you handle anything sharp, keep a fire extinguisher handy, and remember that “Baking Powder” and “Baking Soda” are two completely different things.
Grease and oil fires cannot be put out with water (It will actually make them worse by spreading the grease or oil over the surface of the water). If you don’t have access to a fire extinguisher, be sure to keep a decent supply ofbaking soda on hand whenever you cook, to control these fires. If need be you can also put them out by cutting off their oxygen supply, such as placing a lid on the pan. Always be careful of your appliances. Regularly check for gas leaks, holes, stripped cords, or other hazardous malfunctions. You may also want to see Low Impact Crashing for tips on living on your own and Farm It for tips on growing your own produce.
For consistency purposes, when reading the following recipes:
tbs represents tablespoon(s)
tsp represents teaspoon(s)
qt represents quart(s)
gal represents gallon(s)
lbs. represents pounds
oz represents ounce(s)
c represents cup(s)
Spanish/Latin American
Spanish Beans and Rice
Beans and rice are complete protein food with plenty of carbohydrates and a little fat too, if this is all you can afford you will do fine, plus it packs well dry for traveling. A bit ofhot sauce makes the basic recipe interesting, or...
Making Spanish rice gives this complete but boring vegan food a little kick.
Soak your dry beans overnight, pre-boiling while you prep the rice speeds things up
Stir fry the rice until you see a little browning on the tips or edges
Add tomato sauce, beans, salt, and your favorite spices
Slow cook until beans are soft or pour hot into a Thermos and let the stored heat soften the beans
Stinger Cooking-- Boil water using your immersion boiler in the same pot as the beans (soak them overnight if possible) keep adding water, since the stinger will boil some away, until beans are soft. If possible let the tomato sauce float in the boiling bean water to heat up. Pre-boil water and then add the same volume of rice (softening is quicker if you use converted or minute-rice). Drain the beans and add rice, tomato sauce, and spices, if possible pour into a big can floated in your pot and stinger boil the water to slow cook it, otherwise pour the mixed finished product into a Thermos(or a container wrapped in a sleeping bag) and let sit for 1/2 hour. Practice on adding ingredients helps if the first batch is a dud.
Find out if there is a Latino supermarket or open air market in your area. These types of places will often sell large amounts of tortillas in various sizes for very little money. They are tough, flexible and a good source of starch that you can wrap almost anything in. A good idea is to combine leftover foodstuff into various chili-like recipes or stir-fries and wrap them in tortillas. This also can cut down on mess (no plates) if your eating on the run, or simply don’t have the resources (water) to clean dishes all the time.
Oppressed natives in Mexico have been making the corn tortilla for generations from dried ground corn masa:
4 cups masa or corn flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
2.5cups hot water
Flour Tortillas are enjoyed by the rich Spanish families:
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 tsp. Salt
1/3 cup vegetable oil, lard, or shortening
1 cup warm water
Roll or tortilla-press both types into thin discs and stack either floured or between plastic. Cook on a barely smoking hot, dry fry pan, and flip every 30 sec until it puffs a little and brown marks start to show.
for masa you will need:
1 1/2 pounds (1 quart) dried white field corn
2tbs. “cal” slaked lime (mineral not the citrus fruit)
Wash the dried corn and drain. Mix the lime into 2qt water and boil until dissolved. Boil corn 2 min. for tortilla flour or15 min for tamale masa. Place corn in colander and rub between hands under flowing water until hulled and white; if you don’t clean the corn kernels well they will have a disgusting lime flavor. Grind or crush the corn in a mortar or grinder. Make several of these batches and freeze them flat in tied plastic shopping bags.
Hard work and long preparation but a good cheap way for a poor sympathizer to feed a hungry squad of activists. Don’t waste your time on a small batch- the same effort goes into a huge batch. These are portable in their husk and save well if sealed in a freezer, as one batch can last a week or two.
Boil just expired meat(or however you got it) for two hours until very soft (if meat is your thing) and save the stock for a soup. When done, shred meat with your hands. Substitute shredded TVP, spicy stir fry, sliced mushroom, or tofu for the meat to vegify the recipe. Experiment, but don’t boil them. Knead in 1/2 cup oil, 6 Tbs chili powder, 3 Tbs cumin, 1 Tbs black pepper, and 2 Tbs salt that you have been warming (not frying) in a pan. You can experiment with the chili powder if you are fickle with spiciness.
Put corn husks into warm water to soften for two hours. Now put the 2 lbs. ofMasa in a large bowl and add the following: dry 3 Tbs paprika, 3 Tbs salt, 1 Tbs cumin seeds, 3 Tbs Chili Powder, 3 Tbs fine dried garlic. Mix well dry and add 2 cup oil. Take about 1/2 cup of this dough and spear it into a corn husk, add 1 Tbs meat and wrap up fold over the end. Steam the whole batch for two hours, when done the dough should be firm.
Refried Beans
Get a sack of dried pinto beans, rinse and remove pebbles, add to a kettle of cold water, and soak overnight. Add 1/4 onion chopped, 1 crushedjalapeno pepper, 4 Tbs salt and 1 tsp garlic (crushed and shelled). Bring to boil and simmer for 1/2 hour. Place 1/4 cup oil into your wok. When the oil is hot but not smoking, start frying the beans. They only need 3–4 min in the fry until they are easy to smash, then add hot water to this mash until it is your preferred refried bean thickness.
Pan-Asian, Wok-Cooking, and Rice
Wok Cooking
Our friends in China have long been enslaved by successive forms of government. Their poverty survival can be a lesson to us, especially how they cook in a fuel and food efficient style using the traditional wok. As the wok is probably the most versatile tool you can carry for cooking, unless you are a solo backpacker it is worth the weight in your gear.
Forget what you are used to eating in Asian restaurants, these menus full of fried sugary treats are typically reserved for the past and current privileged class. Instead we will focus on the cooking style which is centered around preparing whatever food is available.
Tools in Order ofNeed
carbon-steel wok
wok shovel
bamboo steamer
carbon steel chopper cleaver
fry skimmer
pot for rice, noodles, and soups
bamboo chopsticks
bamboo wok scrubber brush
cutting board
Stir Fry
Add a few tablespoons of peanut or other high temperature oil to the bottom of a seasoned wok, heat until a drop of water sizzles. Add hard vegetables which require the most cooking first like garlic or onion, as these cook you can add vegetables, spices, and meats in order of their required cooking time. Don’t overload the wok to where the heat source doesn’t support a sizzle sound. Get the hottest flame possible and cook quickly; constantly turning the mix. At the end about 30 seconds before you kill the flame you can add sugar and soy sauce. Serve over noodles or rice.
Peanuts and cayenne peppers are often stir-fried separately before a fancy meal. Be sure to have a powerful stove or stir frying won’t work quite right, air blown charcoal, a powerful gas or electric stove top, or a mountaineering stove work well but a hot plate is on the weak side. Flat bottom woks are for electrical stoves and round bottom with a wok ring are used with gas.
Water Fry
A quarter cup of water and a lid are usually enough to quickly thaw and cook medium size frozen meats in your wok. As the water boils offbreak up the meat and add oil, spices, and vegetables to finish the cooking.
Deep Fry
Oil intensive but tasty, it will help you get enough fats for the week if you have abandoned a western diet. Tempura batter is a mix of icy water, flour and egg. Filter and save used oil for later use.
A bamboo or metal steamer can be used to steam fish, meat, vegetables and even small breads and cakes quicker than a traditional oven. An alternative to bamboo is to use a perforated steamer disc and the wok lid to keep the steam in, tilt the lid or get one with a vent so there is room for steam to escape.
Steamed buns are made by making a sweet bread dough and adding a stir fry to a thick disk of risen and punched down bread, bunch to the bottom and pinch shut, put the ball on a piece of paper and let rise again in a warm place for 30 minutes, steam for 15 min. Hom-Bows can be wrapped in cling-wrap plastic after steaming and frozen, to reheat microwave in the plastic, steam heat, or put under yourjacket and eat warm.
Cleaning and Seasoning Your Wok
Clean with hot water and a wok brush, do not use soap as this will strip the nonstick seasoning coat of cured oil. To season stir fry a meal of non disintegrating vegetables with a tablespoon or two of peanut, canola, or other high temperature oil, some meat is ok after the veggies are beginning to soften, potatoes will break up and stick to your wok and are best steamed, boiled in soup or deep fried as chips/fries.
Thickening Sauce
Restaurants put in a little corn starch (1tsp.) in the last minute of stir-fry to thicken watery sauces.
Experimentation will lead to success for Chinese food. Use fresh garlic, ginger root, black pepper, anise, cinamon, cloves, soy sauce, white pepper and whole cayenne pepper or whatever sounds good to you. The Thai add lemon grass, coconut milk or meat, and curry.
You can buy frozen, prepackaged bags of shelled or unshelled soy beans, called edamame. For under three dollars you can have a pound of one of the best sources for near-complete protein (it contains most of the various proteins you can’t produce on your own). Youjust bring 6 cups of water with a pinch of salt to a boil, add the edamame, let it boil again for 5–7 minutes, and then drain. Rinse with cool water and then add salt (preferably rock salt). You may need to add more salt later. Buying the pre-shelled edamame saves you money, as you get a pound ofjust the beans, not a pound ofboth beans and shells.
Rinse rice in cold water several times while agitating until water comes clear, fill water about 1.5 cm over the level of the rice inside a pot, make a depression with your finger in the center, cover with the lid and run up to boiling. Once a boil is going, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 10 min. The rice should have holes with very small bubbles popping from them when you open the pot. Mix and serve in about 5 min with a protein food.
Fried rice is made by stir frying dry rice until it has a little bit ofbrown color. Mix in water and stir as it boils away; add some stir fried veggies, meat, and egg for Asian style or tomato sauce, spices, chopped onions, and crushed garlic for Spanish rice. You can also pre-cook rice as mentioned above while stir-frying veggies in a separate pan. Once the veggies are just a little before being perfect, add your cooked rice with some oil and soysauce. Stir and mix in the pan until golden brown.
A good recipe is cook the rice, brown ground beef (hamburger, about Ilbtolc of dry rice) and mix together with sauces and seasoning, such as jalapeno salsa which can be got in cans.
Pasta is cheap and is used in many easy recipes. Pasta in soup, cakes and traditional noodle and sauce dishes are all good for stretching your budget. Get vegetable or whole wheat pasta if you can. It’s not much more and a whole lot healthier.
Draining Pasta Without a Colander
Draining your noodles when you don’t have a colander: leave the lid on your pot but wrap a towel or cloth around the opening. The dry part of the towel will help you hold the pot, let the lid go loose in the towel and tilt to drain the water. Be careful, as your towel is now soaked with boiling hot water.
Egg Noodles
The following is taken from the Wikibooks Cookbook:
1 whole egg
1 cup flour
2to6 tablespoons of water
1–2 teaspoon of olive oil (optional)
On a smooth surface, heap flour. Push a hole in the center of the flour (it should look like a volcano). Break egg into flour (add oil now if you choose to do so — it will change the flavor and texture). Either knead with hands or mix with a fork. Slowly add water one teaspoon at a time while kneading the dough. You probably will not need all six tablespoons of water (though you may possibly need more). Knead dough until it has a consistent texture. Divide dough into manageable sections. Select one section at a time and keep the rest covered. Roll each section to desired thickness and cut into noodles with a knife. These noodles can be laid out to dry for later use or dropped immediately into a boiling pot of water. Cook to taste. They are good with a variety of sauces.
Those cheap little bricks of fried noodles, after having boiling water added (without the flavor packet) and drained once soft, can be used as a foundation forjust about anything.
Adding leftover chili can make it spaghetti in meat (or chili) sauce.
After the noodles are drained, add a bit of olive oil, garlic powder and Parmesan cheese for Ramen Agilo E Olio.
Let the noodles cool, cut them up, and mix into a salad.
Use it as a base for what ever main dish you’re having (eggplant, vegiburger, etc.).
Crack an egg into boiled water and stir(break the yoke) for egg flower ramen, then add noodles and flavor
Beware though, that one brick of ramen constitutes an incredible amount of sodium. If you eat ramen, don’t eat it more than a few times a week, and avoid other high-sodium foods the days you eat ramen. You can pre-boil a cup of water with your stinger and then add ramen, flavoring, and egg to the hot water.
Spicy Ramen Pasta and Soup
Boil two cups of water and add a packet ofRamen Noodles. Cook for three minutes stirring occasionally and add cajun seasoning. After cooking for three minutes turn offheat and add more seasoning if needed. Move the noodles directly to something that can be used for mixing, i.e. a large bowl or plate. Do not strain the noodles, instead leave the broth in the pan you boiled it in, it will come in handy later. Once the noodles are in the mixing dish add parmesan cheese, more cajun seasoning, and a little olive oil for texture. Mix up the noodles and transfer them to a new dish or eat it right out of the mixing dish for a nice spicy pasta.
With the leftover broth you can add diced carrots, leftover noodles, and more seasoning. Boil together and once the carrots have achieved a slightly soft state pour into a bowl and serve as soup.
You can make variations of this dish using different seasoning or vegetables. Also you can add a little lime or lemon juice to the broth while cooking the noodles and again when cooking the soup to give it a unique flavor.
Garlic Bread
Any white or wheat bread (including day old hot dog rolls) can be garlic bread. Mix softened butter, chopped garlic and (optionally) some chopped parsley or any other green herb, and spread the bread with this. Place on aluminum foil and warm in an oven until the butter melts.
Single-Serving Pizza
For the crust, use a pita or English muffin (but almost any bread wil do). Put on a thin layer of tomato sauce, then whatever toppings you wish (cheese, mushrooms, etc.). Put in a toaster oven and keep a watch on it, since cooking times vary. Your home made pita will also make a very tasty pizza crust, or you can use normal crust, like the bread dough below.
Jewish Noodle Cake
Boil up and drain spaghetti or whatever pasta is on sale, add a few eggs to bind and sugar or salt to match your tastes. For sweet kugel, add dried fruits and raisins, for spicy kugel add pepper, sugar, and some vegetables for flavor. Bake at 250F for 30–40 min.
Italian Red Sauce
For good general use pasta/pizza sauce mix, start with a tablespoon or two of olive oil and quickly fry some smashed and shelled garlic in it, add tomato paste, pepper, basil, oregano, salt and a some red wine or real grape juice; mix and simmer until thickened and tasty. Most of these herbs can be seeded and grown like wild weeds; maybe you can hide other weed in with them! This sauce can be diluted with water for soup: add pasta or dough balls, and veggies, then season to taste.
Tomato Paste
Tomato paste can be made from your greenhouse tomatoes, Cut an X in the bottoms and drop into boiling water for 2-3min, then dump drained tomatoes into cold water to help peel skins, cut out seeds, boil chunks with l/2tsp salt per Liter for an hour. Stir to avoid burning, crush then strain, cook for two to three hours on low stirring until a thick paste.
Oats and Grains
Energy Bars
When out on a bike trip or at a demonstration, nothing beats that wilted weak feeling like our energy bars.
l cup rolled oats
l/2 cup wheat germ
l/2 cup oat bran
l/2 soy protein powder
l/2 cup brown sugar
l cup crunchy peanut butter or tahini paste
l cup nuts or dried fruit of your choice/chopped
l cup dark or white chocolate chunks
l cup honey or brown rice syrup
Form into a cake and cut up or make cookies, freeze or dry in an oven for an hour at around 80C or 150F. Wrap in foil then plastic wrap so they will last a few weeks.
Spices like ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and cocoa add variety. Add tea or coffee beans raw or roasted to put power into your bars, orjust make them “special”!! seeGrowing Your Own
Whole Kernel Wheat
Popular with Mormons and survivalist types you might also find whole kernel wheat in railroad cars or on farms. Wheat especially the hard red winter variety, used in breads, is high in protein and keeps for many years if properly stored. The soft white variety is better for making noodles and pasta.
For vitamin C on an all wheat ration sprout some wheat kernels in a damp sponge or shallow container.
A quality grain grinder is an expensive but worthwhile investment. Minimum price is around $100 for a Corona beer makers stone grain mill, better grinders use steel burs and can cost around $300 but can be connected to an electric motor. We knew a vegan traveler with survivalist dreams who for years carried a handheld manual coffee grinder for whole wheat, he rarely used it since it was so much work. Inexpensive mills usually work until the first pebble is ground into them, then they are mostly useless.
Those little packets of “Instant Oatmeal” may be nice, but they add up the costs something fierce. They are also pumped full of empty-calorie sugar. Buy a big box ofloose oatmeal, and make your own by putting 1/3 to 1/2 cup (or if you’re really hungry, a full cup) of dry oatmeal into a bowl, then add an equal amount ofhot (but not boiling) water. Cover the bowl with a plate, wait a few minutes, and remove the plate. Hot oatmeal! If it’s too thick, add more water. Want spices, fruits or flavors? Add them yourself! Get creative!
Quick oats can be cheaply made by running whole oatmeal through a food processor or blade type electric coffee grinder until it looks like quick oats from the store.[1]
You can pre-boil water with your stinger and add it to your instant quik oats for a hot breakfast anywhere you can find an outlet
Inexpensive and easy to make even withjust a dollar store fry pan and one of the stoves in Low Impact Crashing.
2 cup self rising flour
1/4 cup butter (oil/butter/fat/margerine)
1 egg (or 1/4 cup wet mixed egg powder)
Sugar and/or Salt to desired flavor
2–3 cup water to desired thickness
(to make self rising flour take 1 cup of all-purpose flour, add 1 1/2 teaspoons ofbaking powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt orjust look for it in the store)
Make a huge batch and rewarm when you are hungry or eat cold. You can make syrup by heating water and adding with brown sugar or even regular sugar and some butter, but why? You can substitute as much oat or whole wheat flour as you like to change the flavor. You can use these like a tortilla or lauffa and wrap other foods in them vary the sugar and salt t match the wrapped food. With a thin batter you can make the thin pancakes used in blintzes.
Fry in a frying pan or wok with a little butter or oil, don’t let them sit too long or get the pan too hot, flip when you start to see bubbles coming through the top, a spatula helps for fliping.
You can collect wild acorns for free and then turn them into a meal similar to corn meal! Just gather a decent amount of acorns and shell them with a nutcracker or a stone. Grind the meat inside in a blender with water until it is a smooth paste, or hand grind it into a similar constancy. Now, you must place the ground meats into a colander lined with a paper towel and rinse thoroughly several times. You will notice that the water that runs out is milky. You are draining a bitter substance that rendered the meal inedible unless it is drained out. Repeat until the water that runs out is clear. Taste the meal to make sure. After letting it dry, you can use it in a manner similar to cornmeal or flour. Use it to make pancakes, muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc.
Gathering acorns is a fun activity for younger children, too. It will keep them entertained and active, outdoors in good weather. You can reward them by “spilling” a little bit of extra sugar into your meal before baking.
Homeless-Street Savvy
Mulligan Stew
During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, many of the hobos who gathered in the camps would pool together whatever they had for a meal. The food was cut up and put into a pot with some water and cooked, adding waste bones of any kind and scrap meat added fats and protein. What was finished was often called “Mulligan Stew” or “Whatchagot Stew”. In the early days of the personal computer revolution, techies would keep themselves fed during marathon sessions in a similar way, using a wok instead of a cooking pot. The resulting product was nicknamed “Stir-Fry Random” and was often served on a bed of rice or ramen noodles. During the days of America’s “Wild West”, the camp cook sometimes took leftovers, local vegetation, meat scraps and often the parts of the steer that wasn’t normally eaten, and make what was often called “Sonofabitch Stew” for obvious reasons.
Whatever stew you are making you can cook it in an aluminum foil pouch, carefuly double fold three edges fill and fold to seal, cook the stew in campfires, forest fires, engine blocks, Bill Clinton’s shorts, etc.
Sandwich of Irony
You can make a cooked cheese or other sandwich by setting an iron to it’s highest setting and ironing your sandwich. Of course this might goop up the iron and make it unusable for clothes, but it is a good way to hide a cooking device in a dorm room. You might also try using your iron as a hot plate if you can figure a safe way to prop it upside down.
A friend of one of our contributors was told how to heat sandwiches using a room radiator. Wrap the sandwich in aluminum foil and place it on the heat source. When you can smell the food, it’s done.
Creative Cooking
Be creative, your radiator, hair dryer, clothes dryer, iron, car engine, etc can be used to heat canned or foil covered food. If there is a chance ofboiling temperatures be sure the can has a hole poked in the lid to prevent explosion.
Car Cooking
Cooking on car engine blocksCars#Cooking and Heating
Field Corn
When riding the rails or hitchhiking you will often find fields of corn waiting to feed you hungry travelers. If you are lucky you will be near sweet corn, but field or dent corn(animal feed) while not sweet is edible, if it is dried out you can pound or grind into cornmeal. You can eat corn raw but cooking will make it taste much better. Pull the silk out of the top but don’t remove the husk(leaves covering the corn). Some people will pour a little salty water in to flavor before cooking but it is optional. Wrap the husk tightly and either wrap in foil and place in the edge of the coals or place on a grille and cover, turn every few minutes. Add salt spices and butter to your liking, cooking 10–20 minutes.
Below Edited From Dishes & Beverages Of The Old South Martha McCulloch-Williams (1913) ects/cookbooks/
Plain Corn Bread
Sift sound fresh white cornmeal, wet with cold water to a fairly soft dough, shape it by tossing from hand to hand into small pones, and lay them as made into a hot pan well sprinkled with dry meal. The pan should be hot enough to brown the meal without burning it. Make the pones about an inch thick, four inches long, and two and a half broad. Bake quickly, taking care not to scorch, until there is a brown crust top and bottom.
For hoe-cakes make the dough a trifle softer, lay it by handfuls upon a hot-meal-sprinkled griddle, taking care the handfuls do not touch. Flatten to half an inch, let brown underneath, then turn, press down and brown the upper side.
(sugar will sweeten them up, baking powder will help them puff, the recipe mentions that they should be eaten drenched in butter but salt destroys this soaking power)
Ash Cakes
Make dough as for plain corn bread, but add the least trifle of salt, sweep the hot hearth very clean, pile the dough on it in a flattish mound, cover with big leaves--cabbage leaves will do at a pinch, or even thick clean paper, then pile on embers with coals over them and leave for an hour or more, according to size.
Take up, brush off ashes, and break away any cindery bits.
Serve with new butter and fresh buttermilk.
(aluminum foil or corn husk wrapping should work if on the roadside without a fireplace hearth)
Of course check out fields you pass by for other usable crops to feed yourself as you travel through the countryside.
Automat Soup
For those who are too young to remember, an “automat” was a cross between fast food and a cafeteria, where prepared meals could be bought from behind glass doors for coins. During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, many of the nation’s poor kept themselves alive by making “automat soup” from the condiments station. A small bowl could hold some tomato ketchup, with hot water (normally used for tea) added, and a few dashes of pepper. Price: Free.
Stinger Soup
Using a stinger or pocket immersion boiler to make soup Low Impact Crashing#Kitchenchanges to some recipes here are in bold for stinger cooking. Be careful, if the water or liquid boils away a commercial stinger will burn out and a home made one might start a fire.
To make a stinger soup boil solid veggies (onions, carrots, potato, beets, etc) in lightly salted tap water until they are cooked and only then adding a powdered soup base, spices, or bullion cubes that way your immersion boiler doesn’t get too gooped up. Soft veggies like cabbage must be boiled with caution since small bits might stick to your stinger the same is true with pasta. If you want pasta in the soup boil the water first then pour it into a thermos if you have one and add the thinnest regular pasta you can find like angel hair spaghetti or substitute rice noodles since they soften faster.
Street Salad Update
Abbie wrote that ketchup and mayonnaise mixed together make Russian dressing. I’d suggest adding a bit of relish to it. I’ve also discovered that mayonnaise and mild yellow mustard mixed together make a quasi-Dijon dressing. If you’re at a place that has a burger fixings station (Fuddruckers, for example), see if you can get your burger “to go” in a Styrofoam clamshell. Use one half for your burger, and the other for lettuce and tomatoes for your unauthorized salad that you put together on the sly (don’t be greedy, since that attracts attention). Then leave before anyone asks questions. If they have those little paper cups for ketchup, mix your dressing in that. Take a fork, too, unless you consider a salad to be “finger food”.
Grab some green leafy vegatables from the dumpster behind the organic market or grocery store (wilted is ok), wash them off and add them raw to your salad, unlike useless iceberg lettuce they have gobs of the nutrients you need to be more revolutionary!
Coffee Bar
Most offices and waiting rooms feature free coffee with sugar and fake creamer. The fake creamer is barely food but will fill your stomach if you are hungry enough, half a cup creamer dry or mixed with sugar and hot water will give you strength to continue the search for food. It goes without saying that you should stuff your plastic shopping bag with any birthday cake, donuts, or popcorn that is found with the coffee.
Mise. Meal Staples and Snacks
The potato can either be microwaved after poked several times with a fork for around 8 min or more or boiled for 20–30 min. Easy to carry once cool eat like an apple with pepper, Tabasco, or soy sauce. One of the cheapest meals you can buy.
Don’t waste money or your health on instant mashed potatoes. You can skin and boil several potatoes together until they are soft and mash them yourself. Once mashed, you can add salt, pepper, and/or butter to taste. Mashed potatoes go well with gravy made by cooking scrap meat in water and then adding cornstarch or any other thickening agent and pepper. Try to eat the skins which contain most of the vitamins.
Small whole potatoes are boiled in a can or pot with your stinger for about 20 minutes, watch the water level
Tough Meat
Roadkill, meat scraps, or cheap meat is often very tough and stringy. If meat is your thing here is a way to make it edible even if you can only affordjunk. From 60-65C (150F) the collagen that makes tough fibers in meat converts to gelatin soft and tasty, at higher temperatures above 100C (210F) the cellular sugars and amino acids combine which toughens up forever and is difficult to chew and digest. Getting over 70C (160F) will kill bacteria. Overnight heating a stew just below boil or roasting in the oven at the indicated temperatures will both preserve moisture content and soften the meat. If you are feeling fancy you can torch off or grille the meat to give it a outer crust.
Another method is to use a “meat tenderizer mallet”, which is a small metal or wooden hammer with a flat face that has lots oflittle pyramids on it. It looks like a tiny version of a medieval weapon, but you can use it to break up the fibers of tough cuts of meat.
If you grow or buy in bulk, popcorn is a cheap and easy snack. Try mixing in spices, adding dry whey, and/or using a bit of oil to make the stuff stick.
Carmel corn is made by heating up butter (or oil) and melting in brown sugar. Add a tablespoon of each until you have the right consistency. It helps to have a friend mix with a spoon while you pour. Popcorn can also be eaten as a cereal,just like the pilgrims did! Add milk and sugar if you want to give it a try. Stale popcorn also works as a cereal.
An air popper can be run for a long time by dropping a little corn in every thirty seconds or so. This is good for large popping operations. Pop a huge trash bag full if you are on a support team and take out to your activists.
If you have access to a microwave oven, don’t bother with those pre-packaged bags. Pour a small amount into a large glass bowl and put a glass plate on top of it. If there is a “POPCORN” setting in the oven, use that. If not, put it on HIGH and shut it off three seconds after the last kernel pops.
Bread takes time but is delicious and inexpensive to make. You can make with as little as flour, sourdough culture or yeast, and water, but salt, sugar, eggs, and oil help add flavor and nutrition. As you add eggs remove an equivalent amount of water, an easy way to do this is fill the measuring cup with available eggs then finish with water. Using yeast means that you do not have to air culture a bowl of flour paste into sourdough, which takes several days. You can jump start a sourdough culture by begging a pinch of yeast from a bakery and adding it to the flour paste, then keep it alive warm, damp, and covered with a cloth, mix once or twice a day and keep using and feeding it flour and water.
Mix sugar, warm water, and yeast into one large bowl and let it proof (reproduce) while working the other ingredients. Let it proof a long time for a strong yeasty flavor. Once you have a thriving bubbling yeast bowl, you can mix it into the bread bowl with the eggs, flour, oil, eggs, salt, and more sugar if you want a sweet bread. Lots of olive oil and herbs makes a tasty foccacia. Of course if you want to make a granola, fruity, or nutty bread go nuts, it is good fun to bake a saw or a glock pistol into the loaf you are going to deliver to your friends in the joint.
Try this first and then experiment:
1 1/2 cups warm water (feels warm to hand, not burning hot)
1 Tbs sugar
1tps salt
4 cups flour
1 Tbs yeast
Once you have your bread and punched it down you are ready to make a loaf. Let it rise again and bake it at 350F(180C) until it starts to brown on top. If you make a funky loaf at first, try again, as you will develop a feel for the consistency of a dough after a few tries.
For dim-sum buns, make a sweeter dough, fill with 1Tbs of a favorite stir fry and let rise, steam for 20 min on wax paper or baking sheet squares. Steam is also a way to bake whole loafs but it will have a different consistency then regular bread softer with a delicate white crust. If you find dry stale bread you can revive it by steaming for ten minutes and then a quick run in a hot oven. Put your stinger in a can of water and start it boiling, balance the bun dough on several chopsticks and place another can with holes on top of the bun to retain the steam, now you have a neohobo bun steamer.
For pizza crust, let rise then roll or throw a flat disc onto a pan and let rise covered for 1/2 hour, then bake for 10 min at 200F. Remove crust add sauce cheese and toppings and bake again untill the toppings are done.
Store Loaf
A nice loaf of store-bought bread can also make a rather nutritious, albeit boring meal. If you pay attention to what you buy, you can get a loaf that, if you eat enough slices, will fufill the overwhelming majority of your nutritional needs. Most chain supermarkets will place loaves of day-old bread or pastries from the bakery section on sale. Be sure to check this area if your local store has one.
Flip your wok over or find a steel pita dome and place on a hot mound of coals or a gas burner, throw a flattened disc of floured dough (use a dough with a little extra oil in the mix) onto the super hot dome, you will need to practice timing and temperature to make this tasty flat bread a little burning on the outside is normal. You will need to re-season the inside of the wok after using this method. You can also try using a hot plate surface, fry pan, or griddle. This is a middle eastern type ofbread.
Pita is usualy dipped in olive oil and humus. Soaked overnight and boiled garbonzo beans are mashed into a paste with spices, herbs, and olive oil (really any bean and oil should work) This adds healthy lipids and protein to your diet when dipped or spread onto your pitah or bread.
See also Backpacking and Camping#Hardtack Hardtack crackers in Backpacking and Camping.
Cheese and Dairy
If you want to prevent your “just gone bad” milk from curdling, keep adding a little baking soda to it and mix until the “bad” smell is gone, this will save it far another day or two.
Take a bucket of warm salted milk or cream and add rennet to start curdling, keep the mix around 98-100F until curdling is done. Place curds in a nylon stocking and squeeze out extra water, compress into a wheel for a few hours. Dip in liquid wax and keep cool if you want it to age and become sharp.
Yogurt and sour cream become a spreadable cheese when they are put in a nylon stocking and hung in the fridge over a bowl for a day or two.
Sour Cream
Skim off the cream from separated milk (homogenized milk can be un-frozen to help it separate or make a centrifuge) and add a splash oflive cultured buttermilk to the cream. Let stand out in a warm place for 24 hours (75-80F) or until thick (an electric blanket might do the trick). Save a bit of sour cream in yourjar to use as a starter for your next batch. The leftover milk from this is called skim milk.
Yogurt is nutritious, cheap, healthy and delicious. It is easier than ever to make yogurt because much of today’s yogurt comes with the active cultures still alive, and you can use these cultures to make your own yogurt. Almost any with active cultures works great: just mix some in with whole milk, put it in a large pot, and heat it until it feels warm, an electric blanket or next to a radiator should work too. In a few hours you’ll be eating something much cheaper, tastier and healthier than buying it from a tub. Eating some every day can also prevent digestive problems.
As an aside acidophilus powder (the good active bacteria in yogurt) from a health food store or plain yogurt (no sugar) has been known to kill yeast infections in some people if used several times a day.
Parmesan Cheese
The real block stuff that you have to grind is much better than what is in the shakey can for topping your food but both also work for making cheese and creme sauces and they pack well for the road. You can try substituting brewers yeast to see if you like the switch, the yeast actually has more protein.
Fruit Juices
There is no better way to save money and stay hydrated than by watering down yourjuice! Although the taste takes a few days to grow accustomed to, the benefits are tremendous. Everyone likes to have some flavor in their drinks, as demonstrated by the terrible trends of powdered drink mixes and “flavoured water,” so why not try to be smarter about it?. Treat any standard $3.00 bottle ofjuice like a $15.00 bottle of concentrate- mixing 1 part juice to 4–5 parts water, experiment to figure out what’s best for you. You’ll soon learn that a bottle ofjuice can last you weeks, and will keep you less thirsty throughout the day.
Fruit from the dumpster of a market is often bruised and not appealing for consumption raw, but it is well suited forjuicing, don’t forget to wash it off first.
If you’re at a restaurant and have a limited budget, order water with lemon. It’s almost always free, and will add some flavor to your beverage. Furthermore, lemon is a natural source of various vitamins and is good for digestion.
Sun Tea is a cheap and easy way to have nice iced tea. Just take a couple of quarts of water in a sealed, clear jug, add any type ofloose or bagged tea (about a tablespoon or two per jug), set out in the sun for a few hours, and then refrigerate. You can steal as many packets of tea as you could want from coffee stations all over the country, in convenience stores, churches, etc. This is healthier than buying manufactured tea from Lipton or other sources that use acids and preservatives in their concoctions. If you can’t stand unsweetened tea, try adding lemon. If you still can’t stand it, add some sugar. The sooner you can prevent your children and/or yourself from becoming dependent on sugar, the healthier they will become.
When you or a friend are visiting England, be sure to stock up on tea; you won’t know the difference until you have had a quality tea, but you will be disgusted by European and American teas once you have tasted quality. If you are pulling an all-nighter, there is no better buzz than proper English tea.
An absolutely free and nutritious tea can be made from pine needles. Pick a small fistful of pine needles from a nearby tree (use the greener living ones on the branches, not the brown\gray dead ones on the ground), break them in two and boil in water. Pine needle tea actually tastes pretty good, and pine needles by weight contain more Vitamin C than lemons or limes. Great in the wintertime.
Don’t buy pre-made lemonade or lemonade powders! For a version that’s better and cheaper, get a clean 2 liter soda bottle or a 1/2 gallon pitcher. Pour in 3 cups of cold water, add 1 cup of sugar (or other appropriate sweetener like Stevia), then put the cap on and shake (or stir) until the sugar dissolves completely. Then add 1 cup oflemonjuice (The reconstituted stuff from the discount stores works perfectly if it is real), add three more cups of water, shake/stir again, and enjoy. Add washed and crushed throw away strawberries to upgrade to strawberry lemonade, and/or add homemade vodka (see Free High School) for a little zing. For a cool middle eastern flavor add crushed mint leaves for mint tea.
This can also be made for free at a convenience store beverage station using the lemon packets meant for tea, and the sugar meant for the coffee. Furthermore, while attending a restaurant, order a water with lemon (which is usually perfectly free at a sit-down place of any sort) and mix in a few packets of sugar from the table.
Mixing fruit, ice, and either milk or yogurt in a blender is a good way to get a solid serving ofboth fruit and dairy in a cool, refreshing beverage. You can also sneak in a carrot or bit of tomato to discreetly add some more minerals and vitamins without disrupting the flavor. The natural sugars of the fruit should be enough to give your smoothies the right amount of sweetness to encourage kids to partake, as well.
Apple Wine
You can make cheap wine by getting cider at an orchard (about a dollar a liter) and adding a packet of yeast. The yeast can be bought at any you brew store. One packet will make about 20 liters of wine. Let the mix stand ‘till the bubbles stop. Or for a stronger wine let stand 3 months.
Don’t drink high fructose beverages like soda, as fructose is more harmful to your body than cane sugar. Avoid drinking sports drinks, unless you have a terrible diet and are sweating constantly. Instead, add a pinch of salt to your watered fruit juice. Also, it turns out that Soy Milk may not be that healthy for you, as most of it is made from fermented soy beans. Fermentation not only destroys most of the vitamins and minerals in soy, but can also lead to ill health effects.
Using Old Cookbooks
When looking for something out of the ordinary to make for a meal, you may come across a few older cookbooks. A number were written during the Great Depression using simple ingredients (such as “Aunt Sammy’s Radio Recipes” produced by the US Department of Agriculture). Some written during World War 2 may feature a number of meatless recipes since civilian sales of many foods were rationed so the Armed Forces could be fed. You may have to cut back on some of the fatty ingredients since such things as “cholesterol” were not as widely known as they are today. Many of the older cookbooks were written back in the days before microwave ovens, and some terms may seem unfamiliar to folks today. Here are a few that you may come across.
Double Boiler
This is a two-tiered saucepan that is used to melt things like cheese and chocolate. It uses the heat from boiling water in the bottom to melt the item in the top pan, since direct heat from the flames can burn it. If a recipe says to mix something “over boiling water”, this is what they mean. These are still being made, but you may have to buy yours at a specialty cooking store.
You can also make your own by placing a pan over another pan, be careful that they fit right though and that they won’t slip or burn you from the steam.
Double Cream
An old term for Heavy Cream.
Hard-Wheat and Soft-Wheat Flours
Hard-Wheat flour was used for yeast breads and Soft-Wheat was used for pastries, cakes and quickbreads. Just use All-Purpose or Whole Wheat flour.
These are nuts (often walnuts or almonds) chopped into little pieces. (Note: Peanuts aren’t nuts; they’re legumes, a kind ofbean.)
Rich Milk
Back in the day when almost all milk delivered by the milkman was Certified (that is, nonhomogenized), the cream in the milk would rise and collect in the neck of the bottle. This was called “Rich Milk”, “Top Milk” or “Top ofMilk” and was used in a number of recipes. You can substitute Light Cream for this.
Scalded Milk
You’re to bring the milk almost to a boil (using a Double Boiler, natch). This often helps the cooking process in some recipes.
Single Cream
An old term for Light Cream.
Skim (or Skimmed) Milk
Another term for “Fat Free” Milk.
Not a soft drink, but Baking Soda, also known as Sodium Bicarbonate or Bicarbonate of Soda.
Top Milk (or Top of Milk)
See “Rich Milk”.
Yeast Cake
This is a small 0.6 ounce block of active yeast (about a tablespoon) that is used in baking. It is rarely seen in supermarkets anymore, since it is highly perishable and doesn’t transport very well. Substitute it with 2 1/4 teaspoons of Active Dry Yeast (what you’ll find in those yeast packets in the store). If the recipe calls for a 2 ounce yeast cake, use three packets or 6 3/4 teaspoons of Active Dry Yeast.
More Tips
Some cookbooks from back in the 1930’s mention cooking pasta for as much as 20 minutes. This was when pasta was made with much denser dough than today. Ignore the time suggestion andjust boil until tender. If the pasta is tobe used in a casserole, undercook it, since it will continue to cook when it’s in the oven.
External Links Home Made Bread without Breadmaker: An instructable on making your own bread. Open Cola: The only home made cola released under the GNU General Public License! level cheese making with some easy Italian recipes. The Cook’s Thesaurus: “(A) cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands ofingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.” Cookbooks (Recipes from Wikimedia) Solar Powered Parabolic Cooker: An Instructable on zero-impact cooking.
Original Text
What follows is the original text from Steal This Book.
There are hundreds of good paperback cook books with nutritional cheap recipes available in any bookstore. Cooking is a vastly overrated skill. The following are a few all-purpose dishes that are easy to make, nutritional and cheap as mud pies. You can add or subtract many of the ingredients for variety.
Hog Farm Granola Breakfast (Road Hog Crispies)
^ c millet 2 c raw oats
^ c cracked wheat 1 c rye flakes
^ c buckwheat groats 1 c wheat flakes
^ c wheat germ 1 c dried fruits and/or nuts
^ c sunflower seeds 3 tbs soy oil
% c sesame seeds 1 c honey
2tbs cornmeal
Boil the millet in a double boiler for 1/2 hour. Mix in a large bowl all the ingredients including the millet. The soy oil and honey should be heated in a saucepan over a low flame until bubbles form. Spread the cereal in a baking pan and cover with the honey syrup. Toast in oven until brown. Stir once or twice so that all the cereal will be toasted. Serve plain or with milk. Refrigerate portion not used in a covered container. Enough for ten to twenty people. Make lots and store for later meals. All these ingredients can be purchased at any health store in a variety of quantities. You can also get natural sugar if you need a sweetener. Ifbought and made in quantity, this fantastically healthy breakfast food will be cheaper than the brand name cellophane that passes for cereal.
Whole Earth Bread
1 c oats, corn meal, or wheat germ 2 tsp salt
P/2 c water (warm) 2 egg yolks
% c sugar (raw is best) 4 c flour
1 pkg active dry yeast _ c corn oil
1 c dry milk or butter
Stir lightly in a large bowl the oats, cornmeal or wheat germ (depending on the flavor bread you desire), the water and sugar. Sprinkle in the yeast and wait 10 minutes for the yeast to do its thing. Add salt, egg yolks, corn oil and dry milk. Mix with a fork. Blend in the flour. The dough should be dry and a little lumpy. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for a half hour. Now mash, punch, blend and kick the dough and return it covered to its warm place. The dough will double in size. When this happens, separate the dough into two even masses and mash each one into a greased bread (loaf) pan. Cover the pans and let sit until the dough rises to the top of the pans. Bake for 4045 minutes ina 350 degree oven that has not been pre-heated. A shallow tray of water in the bottom of the oven will keep the bread nice and moist. When you remove the pans from the oven, turn out the bread into a rack and let it cool off. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll never touch ready-made bread, and it’s a gas seeing yeast work.
Street Salad
Salad can be made by chopping up almost any variety of vegetables, nuts and fruits including the stuff you panhandled at the back of supermarkets; dandelions, shav, and other wild vegetables; and goods you ripped off inside stores or from large farms. A neat fresh dressing consists of one part of oil, two parts wine vinegar, finely chopped garlic cloves, salt and pepper. Mix up the ingredients in a bottle and add to the salad as you serve it. Russian dressing is simply mayonnaise and ketchup mixed.
Yippie Yogurt
Yogurt is one of the most nutritional foods in the world. The stuff you buy in stores has preservatives added to it reducing its health properties and increasing the cost. Yogurt is a bacteria that spreads throughout a suitable culture at the correct temperature. Begin by going to a Turkish or Syrian restaurant and buying some yogurt to go. Some restaurants boast of yogurt that goes back over a hundred years. Put it in the refrigerator.
Now prepare the culture in which the yogurt will multiply. The consistency you want will determine what you use. A milk culture will produce thin yogurt, while sweet cream will make a thicker batch. It’s the butter fat content that determines the consistency and also the number of calories. Half milk and half cream combines the best ofboth worlds. Heat a quart ofhalf and half on a low flame until just before the boiling point and remove from the stove. This knocks out other bacteria that will compete with the yogurt. Now take a tablespoon of the yogurt you got from the restaurant and place it in the bottom of a bowl (not metal). Now add the warm liquid. Cover the bowl with a lid and wrap tightly with a heavy towel. Place the bowl in a warm spot such as on top of a radiator or in a sunny window. A turned-off oven with a tray ofboiling water placed in it will do well. Just let the bowl sit for about 8 hours (overnight). The yogurt simply grows until the whole bowl is yogurt. Yippie! It will keep in the refrigerator for about two weeks before turning sour, but even then, the bacteria will produce a fresh batch of top quality. Remember when eating it to leave a little to start the next batch. Fora neat treat add some honey and cinnamon and mix into the yogurt before serving. Chopped fruit and nuts are also good.
Rice and Cong Sauce
1 c brown rice vegetables
2 c water 2^ tbs soy sauce tsp salt
Bring the water to a boil in a pot and add the salt and rice. Cover and reduce flame. Cooking time is about 40 minutes or until rice has absorbed all the water. Meanwhile, in a well-greased frying pan, saute a variety of chopped vegetables you enjoy. When they become soft and brownish, add salt and 2 cups of water. Cover with a lid and lower flame. Simmer for about 40 minutes, peeking to stir every once in a while. Then add 2 1/2 tbs of soy sauce, stir and cook another 10 minutes. The rice should be just cooling off now, so add the sauce to the top of it and serve. Great for those long guerrilla hikes. This literally makes up almost the entire diet of the National Liberation Front fighter.
1 lb red kidney beans 2 tbs parsley (chopped)
2 quarts water ^ lb pork, smoked sausage
1 onion (chopped) or ham hock
2 tbs celery (chopped) 1 lg bay leaf
3 tsp garlic (minced) salt to season
Rinse the beans, then place in covered pot and add water and salt. Cook over low flame. While cooking, chop up meat and brown in a frying pan. Add onion, celery, garlic and parsley and continue sauteing over low flame. Add the pieces of meat, vegetables and bay leaf to the beans and cook covered for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. It may be necessary to add more water if the beans get too dry. Fifteen minutes before beans are done, mash about a half cup of the stuff against the side of the pan to thicken the liquid. Pour the beans and liquid over some steaming rice that you’ve made by following the directions above. This should provide a cheap nutritional meal for about 6 people.
Hedonist’s Deluxe
4 lobsters 2 qts water seaweed 1/4lb butter
Steal two lobsters, watching out for the claw thingies. Beg some seaweed from any fish market. Cop the butter using the switcheroo method described in the Supermarket section above. When you get home, boil the water in a large covered pot and drop in the seaweed and then the lobsters. Put the cover back on and cook for about 20 minutes. Melt the butter in a sauce pan and dip the lobster pieces in it as you eat. With a booster box, described later you’ll be able to rip off a bottle of vintage Pouilly-Fuisse in a fancy liquor store. Really, rice is nice but...
Most eating establishments will give out free cups of water, unless you’re in an area with a drought.
Friends with the Staff
If you have either a decent personality or passable acting skills, you can sometimes get free food by befriending the staff at hip restaurants.
Hone your skills at identifying compassionate places. Generally, but not exclusively, such establishments tend to have mismatched decor (obtained from thrift stores if not for free). In addition, the employees are usually young and similarly mismatched, the music comes from an actual stereo, and the place probably doesn’t accept credit cards. If there is an older woman who calls everyone “honey” like she really means it, your odds of getting free stuff increases exponentially.
Avoid larger chain restaurants, although if you’re exceptionally charismatic you might be able to pull it off there as well. Sometimes you will have success in places where the staff looks bored or angry, although they are probably under the thumb of an oppressive and paranoid management who keeps tight track of supplies.
Start by hanging out over a cup of coffee or something similarly cheap. Act friendly and have a few interesting stories ready. Don’t overdo the poor bit. Most Amerikans are frightened by the unfortunate (when will they have been charitable enough?).
Chat with your wait-person, take the food to-go if this will reduce the work of the waiter, and maybe even jot a friendly note on a clean napkin when you leave. Become friends with the stafflet them in on a few travel stories (rememberSecurity Culture). If they think of you as a friend (and not simply another tip), they might want to draw you back for more tales of the road.
Don’t ask for stuff up-front unless you are just blowing through. If you build a little camaraderie with any particular staff members, you can offer little conversational tidbits about your exciting and interesting travels. However, asking outright for freebies is generally an alienating move until you have built a rapport. You may find that your coffee is left off the bill, or you are afforded a free buffet, or even that another customer’s unwanted entree finds its way to your table.
ALWAYS make sure to tip as extravagantly as possible for such favors to let the staffknow that you are sharing what wealth you do have.
Once you’ve cultivated a relationship with a restaurant, you might even be able to bargain leftovers if you hang around at closing time. People can be surprisingly compassionate and empathetic if they identify with you or want to live vicariously through you.
In our sexist society, you will find that a woman has a better chance to get free stuff with a male waiter, especially with a slightly cute, shy approach, while still letting him know you are running tight and relying on his compassion. Males usually also have more success with males if they can become interesting and respected; a male appealing to another male’s compassion is more likely to elicit a reaction of disgust than sympathy.
Female waitresses are wise to these games and see a scam better since playing off of their ego is less effective. 18to21 year old wait staff are the easiest to get free food from, since they aren’t jaded and don’t really care if they end up getting canned.
If you live in a college town, are of (or can pass as) the appropriate age, and have enough guile, a classic strategy is to claim membership with a campus environmental club and ask for leftovers. Knowing the organization’s appropriate name is essential, and learning a bit about current officers or projects can lend extra credibility. Wear something about Darfur or Fair Trade to seal the deal. You can make off with enough food to feed you and another person for a week. If you are extraordinarily bold,just say you collect for the homeless. That way you don’t have to fudge a story. Another angle you might try is that you are trying to feed pets. This avoids fear oflitigation over spoiled food.
The Walk-out
A classic is the walk-out. A friend and I got away with this a number of times by pretending to be a couple (a male-and-female duo works best for this kind of scam, but if you are two of the same gender, it might work to your advantage to pretend that you are siblings). We dressed slightly eccentrically but not outrageously, so the staff would remember the clothes and not our faces. We spent our dinner discussing literature, philosophy, and the sadness of our society. I had a notebook and pen, and he smoked cigarettes. The effect we were aiming for was to look like off-the-wall artist-activist types.
At the end of the meal, we each “got distracted” by something. He went to the bathroom while I wandered about as if in thought. Then, I went outside. He followed several minutes later, and we walked away totally free. Had someone stopped us, I would have remarked that I thought he was going to pay, and he would have said that he thought I’d already paid. Make sure to leave a tip, though. Don’t dine and ditch unless you have no other choice; it would be a bad thing to be hauled in and charged with extra crimes to get you off of the street. Only attempt this ruse out of town, because a waiter might remember “those bastards that ran off without paying.”
Call up the local Pizza Hut and order whatever sort of pizza you like and be sure to prepay via credit card. Then, when the pizza arrives, call the resturaunt back and say they gave you the wrong one. Pizza Hut is obligated to give you the pizza for free, even if they can prove that you’re wrong. This is an almost foolproof way to get a free pizza, however you shouldn’t do it too often with a single place or they’ll refuse to serve you.
Also, be sure to tip the delivery driver if you try to pull this one. They’ll be screwed out of the meager compensation they get for gas and wear and tear on their vehicles by the greedy corporate office, so they really need the tip for this one.
A note about STB
Be careful using Abby’s glass in the food trick. Today with big lawsuit awards it is worthwhile for a chain restaurant or food manufacturer to be hyper-aggressive and crush anyone who might be making a false report in order to protect themselves from bad publicity and further scam lawsuits.
Original Text
In a country such as Amerika, there is bound to be a hell-of-a-lot food lying aroundjust waiting to be ripped off. If you want to live high off the hog without having to do the dishes, restaurants are easy pickings. In general, many of these targets are easier marks if you are wearing the correct uniform. You should always have one suit or fashionable dress outfit hanging in the closet for the proper heists. Specialized uniforms, such as nun and priest garb, can be most helpful. Check out your local uniform store for a wide range of clothes that will get you in, and especially out, of all kinds of stores. Every movement organization should have a prop and costume department.
In every major city there are usually bars that cater to the New Generation type riffraff, trying to hustle their way up the escalator ofBig Business. Many of these bars have a buffet or hors- d’oeuvres served free as a come-on to drink more mindless booze. Take a half-empty glass from a table and use it as a prop to ward off the anxious waitress. Walk around sampling the free food until you’ve had enough. Often, there are five or six such bars in close proximity, so moving around can produce a delightful “street smorgasbord.” Dinner usually begins at 5:00 PM.
If you are really hungry, you can go into a self-service cafeteria and finish the meal of someone who left a lot on the plate. Self-service restaurants are usually good places to cop things like mustard, ketchup, salt, sugar, toilet paper, silverware and cups for home use. Bring an empty school bag and load up after you’ve cased the joint. Also, if you can stomach the food, you can use slugs at the automat. Finishing leftovers can be worked in even the fanciest of restaurants. When you are seated at a place where the dishes still remain, chow-down real quick. Then after the waitress hands you the menu, say you have to meet someone outside first, and leave.
There are still some places where you can get all you can eat for a fixed price. The best of these places are in Las Vegas. Sew a plastic bag onto your tee-shirt or belt and wear a loose-fittingjacket or coat to cover any noticeable bulge. Fried chicken is the best and the easiest to pocket, or should we say bag. Another trick is to pour your second free cup ofhot coffee into the plastic bag sewed inside your pocket and take it with you.
At large take-out stands you can say you or your brotherjust picked up an order of fifteen hamburgers or a bucket of chicken, and got shorted. We have never seen or heard of anybody getting turned down using this method. If you want to get into a grand food heist from take-out stands, you can work the following nervy bit: from a pay phone, place an order from a large delivery restaurant. Have the order sent to a nearby apartment house. Wait a few minutes in the booth after you’ve hung up, as they sometimes call back to confirm the order. When the delivery man goes into the apartment house to deliver the order, you can swipe the remaining orders that are still in his truck.
In fancy sit-down restaurants, you can order a large meal and halfway through the main course, take a little dead cockroach or a piece of glass out of your pocket and place it deftly on the plate. Jump up astonished and summon the headwaiter. “Never have I been so insulted. I could have been poisoned” you scream slapping down the napkin. You can refuse to pay and leave, or let the waiter talk you into having a brand new meal on the house for this terrible inconvenience.
In restaurants where you pay at the doorjust before leaving, there are a number of free-loading tricks that can be utilized. After you’ve eaten a full meal and gotten the check, go into the restroom. When you come out go to the counter or another section of the restaurant and order coffee and pie. Now you have two bills. Simply pay the cheaper one when you leave the place. This can be worked with a friend in the following way. Sit next to each other at the counter. He should order a big meal and you a cup of coffee. Pretend you don’t know each other. When he leaves, he takes your check and leaves the one for the large meal on the counter. After he has paid the cashier and left the restaurant, you pick up the large check, and then go into the astonishment routine, complaining that somebody took the wrong check. You end up only paying for your coffee. Later, meet your partner and reverse the roles in another place.
In all these methods, you should leave a good tip for the waiter or waitress, especially with the roach-in-the-plate gambit. You should try to avoid getting the employees in trouble or screwing them out of a tip.
One fantastic method of not only getting free food but getting the best available is the following technique that can be used in metropolitan areas. Look in a large magazine shop for gourmet digests and tourist manuals. Swipe one or two and copy down a good name from the masthead inside the cover. Making up a name can also work. Next invest $5.00 to print business cards with the name of the magazine and the new “associate editor.” Call or simply drop into a fancy restaurant, show a copy of the magazine and present the manager with your card. They will insist that the meal be on the house.
Great places to get fantastic meals are weddings, bar-mitzvahs, testimonials and the like. The newspaper society sections have lists of weddings and locations. If your city has a large Jewish population, subscribe to the newspaper that services the Jewish community. There are extensive lists in these papers of family occasions where tons of good food is served. Show up at the back of the synagogue a few hours after the affair has begun with a story ofhow you’d like to bring some leftovers of “good Jewish food” back to your fraternity or sorority. If you want to get the food served to you out front, you naturally have to disguise yourself to look straight. Remarks such as, “I’m Marvin’s cousin,” or learning the bride’s name, “Gee, Dorothy looks marvelous” are great. Lines like “Betty doesn’t look pregnant” are frowned upon. A man and woman team can work this free-load much better than a single person as they can chatter back and forth while stuffing themselves.
If you’re really into a classy free meal, and you are in a city with a large harbor, check out the passenger ship section in the back pages of the newspaper. There you find the schedule of departures for ocean cruises. Most trips (these kind, anyway) begin with a fantastic bon voyage party on board ship. Just walk on a few hours before departure time and start swinging. Champagne, caviar, lobster, shrimp and more, all as free as the open seas. If you get really bombed and miss getting off, you can also wiggle a ride across the ocean. You get sent back as soon as you hit the other side, but it’s a free ocean cruise. You should have a pretty good story ready to go, or you might end up rowing in the galley.
Another possibility for getting a free meal is to go down to the docks and get friendly with a sailor. He can often invite you for dinner on board ship. Foreign sailors are more than glad to meet friends and you can get great foreign dinners this way.
Food Programs
Food not Bombs
Ask around to see if your town has a Food Not Bombs chapter. FNB groups in cities across the US and several other countries serve healthy, free, vegan food to anyone who wants it. Most chapters serve at least once a week, some serve everyday. FNB groups usually serve in a public place, such as a park or town square. Food Not Bombs groups will also often agree to provide food at large gatherings, such as protest marches, picket lines, disaster areas, activist conferences, etc. provided they have the resources to do so. Go to for more info, including an (incomplete) list of active groups.
Food Stamps
Food stamps are still available, ask at your state or county health clinic or city hall where to apply. Many states ask many detailed questions about your eligibility based on income, property, and vehicles owned. An easier program for mothers and children is to get onto WIC a nutrition program that provides nutrition specific foods like milk, cereal, and yogurt.
Feed a Yippie
If you are not up to direct action at least support our kids in the streets, use the large group recipes inCheap Chow or whatever you can dumpster dive and support our troops! Please remember that we need to eat every day, put a chalk mark on the curb or sidewalk Wall Painting so we know you are willing to feed a traveling yippie.
What follows is the original text
Original Food Programs
In Amerika, there is a national food stamp program that unfortunately is controlled by the states. Many states, for racist reasons, do not want to make it too available or to publicize the fact that it even exists. It is a much better deal than the food program connected with welfare, because you can use the stamps to buy any kind of food. The only items excluded are tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. In general, you can qualify if you earn less than $165 per month; the less you earn, the more stamps you can receive. There is minimal hassle involved once you get by the first hurdle. Show up at your local food stamp office, which can be found by calling the Welfare Department in our city. Make an appointment to see a representative for your area. They will tell you to bring all sorts of receipts, but the only thing you need are a few rent stubs for the most recent months. An array of various receipt books is a nice supplement to one’s prop room. If the receipts are for a high rent, tell them you rent a room from a group of people and eat separately. They really only want to prove that you have cooking facilities. Once you get the stamps, you can pick them up regularly. Some states even mail them to your pad. You can get up to a hundred dollars worth of free purchases a month per person in the most liberal states.
Large amounts ofhighly nutritional food can be gotten for as little as three cents per meal from a non-profit organization called Multi-Purpose Food for Millions Foundation, Inc., 1800 Olympic Ave., Santa Monica, California. Write and they will send you details.
Beware the temptation to be a petty shoplifter. You are truly resisting oppression, not just being an angry wannabe revolutionary. Even an angry youth, once fingerprinted, will be in the database for life. How many promising brothers and sisters have successfully fought a political persecution only to be later sent behind bars for a maximum sentence on a shoplifting charge. To lower ourselves in the eyes of the public demeans our cause. We are not in the 60’s anymore — we need leaders that inspire popular resistance to the corpgov. Be aware of modern technique for only the worst of emergencies.
Consider the story of Tre Arrow a leader in the eco-green movement who was slapped with some arson charges in 2001 to get him out of circulation. After escaping safely to Canada he is at the time of this writing sitting in a Canadian prison, fighting for assylum against the Canadian courts who want to deport him to the United States. All for being caught shoplifting bolt cutters. If the movement needs something so badly let a low level noob do the shoplifting.
This book/wiki is no substitute for knowing both the laws and enforcement of those laws in the different states and localities. For example some states allow store employees to make a citizens arrest for shoplifting and in others they can talk tough and hope you stick around until a sworn law enforcement officer arrives to collect you. Understand that an officer will usually not take an employee in for assault or false imprisonment even ifhe did improperly apprehend you.
In spite of massive markups and increasing food costs, there are still a few ways to get out of a supermarket without getting totally robbed. Shoplifting is a good way to send a known activist off tojail for a long time when no other charges will stick, so think before you steal.
“Please do not steal from local owned stores for many have been closing down because ofloss. In urban areas there are not very many local owned stores anymore. Loss and the supermarkets undercutting price until the local store closes, are main reasons why my store could not survive.” — author unknown
Store Specific Information
When these tidbits were posted we assume they were based on accurate information, times change and so do policies. Talk to a sack boy or some other lowly type hiding in the dairy cooler getting high on whipits, if they have been around more than three months they know the security policy backwards and forwards. Then ask them to dump a dozen cases ofbeer down the trash chute for you so they will have some booze to drink at your “Tear Down The System” party later that night.
Watch out for cowboy types who are willing to trade their crappyjob for the thrill of tackling a shoplifter, it will still land you in the backseat of a cop car.
The easiest things to steal from Safeway are deli items; the hardest items are liquor. If you want some bread or other deli stuff, tell the deli clerk that you’ll pay for it up front. Then, when you get to the front cashiers, tell them you paid for your items at the deli. They will believe it pretty much every time. Other easy targets include small personal items and items that are stocked in the corners of aisles. This chain does have operational security cameras, but they are located on the ceiling and easy to spot.
A great way to get lots of free stuff is to simply walk into the back room and take items out of the overstock. This is the best way to get free beer as there are rarely working security cams in the back room. If caught, say that you were looking for the restroom. Otherwise, simply fill a bag and walk out the emergency exit, taking care not to be seen by any of the stockers.
Unfortunately, Safeway doesn’t have open dumpsters, so there’s no chance of a free meal that way.
This chain may or may not have sensors, depending on the location. Most don’t.
This chain has a “no chase” policy — if someone sees you stealing, they’re not supposed to chase you.
Albertsons has no sensors, so walking out with items is easy.
This chain has a “no chase” policy.
Ralph’s has anti-theft detectors, but they only go off on alcohol and things like that.
This chain has a “no chase” policy.
Tesco is the UK’s largest supermarket chain. Fortunately, there are many loopholes in their store design that will allow you ample opportunities for “discounts.”
The number of cameras the store deploys in the isles based on three variables: 1) the rate of theft in the area, 2) the size of the store, 3) the value of the isle’s items. An isle with bread in a low traffic store in a small town is very unlikely to have a camera. Alcohol isles are an exception — these almost always have cameras, and they are often watched.
The self-checkout lanes offer many opportunities for shoplifting:
In most small stores, there will be one (extremely bored) clerk per four terminals. Although this makes things harder, it’s still quite do-able.
The easiest method for shoplifting through the self-checkout line requires some sleight-of- hand, and some math. When shopping, for each expensive item, get a cheap item of identical (or as close as you can get to identical) weight. When checking out, pick up your items two at a time, one in each hand. Now here comes the tricky part — with one hand, scan the cheap item, and place the expensive item in the bag, simultaneously placing the cheap item back in your basket. If done right, you should be able to look completely natural while doing this (although it will take some practice to fine-tune this method.) Note: the weight sensors in the terminals have a very small tolerance — so if your cheap item isn’t close enough toyour expensive item,you may get caught out. If you do get caught, simply scan the other item, and you’re home free.
The terminals run a custom app on top of Windows 2000. This is as stable as it sounds -they’re always crashing, not registering items, etc. Use this to your advantage if you get caught (“Oh! I thought it rang that up... I guess not...”)
This chain will chase you if you get caught shoplifting (although usually the clerks are too lazy/apathetic to chase you more than a couple dozen meters.)
The items in the bakery section will be marked down to a penny right before closing time, so you can get dirt cheap bread in large quantities. By the next day it won’t be too stale either, they mark it down as a precaution.
Sam’s Club/Wal-Mart
If you can stomach it, get a jobat the local Wal-Mart affiliate. Preferably as a janitor (or whatever jive name they give to the job at your store). This won’t be hard as they can never retain people in this position,just tell them you are in transition and need some income for a couple of months. The janitors have to take care of the outside trash as well as the in-store stuff. During your rounds, put a ‘misplace’ DVD player, camera, or whatever in the bottom of the shopping cart used to collect the garbage; as if you plan on putting it back on the shelflater. Then go about your trash gathering. Lay the plastic bags on top of the item and make your way out the door to get the trash outside. The door greeters will cringe at the idea of digging through trash to make sure nothing is underneath, moreover, if caught you can simply argue that you planned on putting it back after the trash duties were done. Now just walk the item to your car or hand it off to a waiting friend. This method is also a useful and legitimate way ofbringing items into the bathroom for theft. I recommend taking something that will give back to the Progressive Front, such as media equipment (paper/electronic) to set up underground media sources. This is particularly beneficial as you will be taking from the largest corporate monster, and funding the liberation of all people.
Getting food extra cheap
Self Check-Out
Make the self checkout lane work for you! Ring up more expensive foods as cabbage or bananas; they tend to be sold pretty cheap by the pound. There is usually one employee (if that) not very closely watching over four or more self checkout lines.
Dumpster Diving
Many supermarkets still have open-top dumpsters where day-old food can be had for free! Happy hunting! Some oven seperate veggi and meat stuff.
Be careful with compactor type trash dumpsters, these are usually shielded so yippies cant jump in and root around when the stock boy hits the compress button. It is possible to bend the guards and reach in but never try to get in. Some compactors have exposed hydraulic hoses, these use quick connect connectors which are disconnected when the garbage truck comes, you could disconnect them when you dive the trash ares to “safe” the compactor, but be sure there is not an electrical assist or that you have not just removed the return line which would not disable the crushing direction. Most good stuff is ruined by compactors so the danger is almost never worth the risk unless you have an accomplice on the inside to load the compactor with good stuff for you and not hit the smash button.
Lifting a Meal
If you feel like eating, it is generally a better idea to load up a basket and then go into the bathroom and eat in one of the stalls. Leave a few items in your basket so you don’t look suspicious. Then, you can put everything back orjust take it. If you eat in the bathrooms, don’t be stupid and remember to wash your hands. Nobody wants a sick Yippie. Another more risky option if the bathroom is out is you could eat some food (including deli food,just ask for them to bag it and you will pay with your other items) in a quiet aisle and ditch the container behind some boxes. Be careful, in some places you can be busted for shoplifting as soon as a security agent or employee sees you take only one bite, chances are they will probably kick you out on the first offense. Better to check the dumpsters in back and avoid a chance for quality time with officer friendly.
Marketing Scams
Most packaged, branded food is marked up like crazy. Healthier and noname foods tend to be cheaper. Good for you, if it turns out you have to pay. Look for these foods on the very bottom and top shelves. The brand name items the supermarket is pushing will be at the average person’s eye level.
Discount Stores
In some poorer neighborhoods, you can often find discount grocery stores that sell odd-lot packages of food. Often these are over-runs of stuff meant for regional chains with unfamiliar brand names, or major label items that were meant for export with English-language labels slapped on them (so don’t be surprised if you see Arabic corn flakes or instant oatmeal with Chinese text). Many of the major odd-lot stores like Big Lots, Dollar General and 99 Cents Only sell this kind of food at a major discount. If something is in stock and you like it, buy it, since the supply of these bargains is spotty at best.
Bakery Outlet type stores sell breads, crackers, cakes, pies and cereals that are weeks (if not days) before their freshness dates expire. If you have access to a freezer, stock up!
Sample Surfing
Many large chain deli’s will give you a sample if you ask, enough corpgov fat and batter to tease but not enough to satisfy. Hit several stores and you might get enough to fill you up, many stores also have one day a week where vendors give lots of samples in the aisles.
Munchies and Hungries
Most of us end up shopping (and shoplifting) when we are hungry or worse stoned and munchy. You will end up wasting your money on cheap packaged foods with little nutritional value. Plan shopping trips and take a list, stick to your well planned shopping list, corporations have special employees who plan the store shelf layout very carefully to seduce idiots into buying expensive junk. Plan your nutrition, make a diet to plan shopping, like an overweight person on a diet does, but count nutrients and calories for energy and value not weight loss. Marketing 101: Corpgov marketing strategies are known to work much better on hungry supermarket customers.
Papers Please
Another method is to enter a supermarket armed with shopping bags and a receipt(from said supermarket). Put what you want into a shopping cart. When you’ve got what you want, find a low traffic, low security area(The bedding section, garden center, discount aisle) and put your goods into the shopping bag(s). Thenjust walk right out(with the receipt in hand). If your stopped, hand them the receipt, they usually won’t take the time to check for each item. This works best during medium to peak business hours.
Gift Cards
Go to the corporate store and find the gift card on the shelf, the first one in the stack preferably. Walk around the store with it and memorize or write down the security information on the back of the card. It should be a series of numbers. Then return the card as if you decided against purchasing it. Then wait a month or two and check online to see if the card is activated because it was purchased. If yes, then use the card to make purchases online. Don’t worry about ruining Johnny’s birthday. Most of the corporate stores set up refund programs to stop bad press and keep people buying the cards. Please use the card in support of progressive causes (such as donations to legit non-profits) because we should be using these skills to help everyone.
UPC Tricks
Many supermarkets have a section near the back with marked-down items that are old or damaged, with the UPC written over with a new price. Cashiers ring up these items using the new price no questions asked, so one can do this for any item.
If you can find an old CueCat or other cheap bar code scanner you can scan some inexpensive or generic item that you find in the trash and then print new UPC’s on sticker paper to stick onto goods at the market, be sure the description is close to what you are sticking or a sharp checker might bust you. Don’t try this scam too often with the same checker or at the same store in case the management starts looking for you.
Photocopying UPC’s and gluing/sticking them onto more expensive items should work especially if you are in a self service scanpoint. It is important to remember that most self service checkouts weigh the items as you add them to the bag so only fake the UPC on same weight items.
One of our writers sent a letter to a large US bakery company saying that French students were coming to the highschool and that there would be a presentation on American foods. They were asked to donate products for the exchange students to sample. One week later four coupons arrived worth five dollars each for that corporations bakery products. This is a great totaly legal way to get some basic food if you are low on cash, because even most junk food companies also make bread and other products that are better for you. This also works if you write a polite letter to complain or compliment their products orjust to ask questions, this sometimes also works if you call the 1–800 info number.
Club Card Warning
As tempting as a few pence off sounds, don’t use a Clubcard. Ever. These little bastards will keep track of all your purchases, how you paid, when you bought them, and even what store you shopped at. A Clubcard is the easiest way to destroy any alibis you might need later on — so don’t use them. Some stores however allow you too use your phone number in place of a Clubcard, and since people can be generally forgetful, keep your eye out for someone manually entering their phone number and quickly memorize it. As a method of caution you should probably only use this number when the savings granted by the card are rather dramatic as even one or two uses may begin to show that another is using the account, at this point any stealth value is lost.
The US Department ofHomeland Security openly claims to purchase an updated database from all major club card stores and credit card companies (credit and debit) so that they have instant access to who is buying what and when to fight “terror”. Even a stolen club card number can be quickly attached to your profile even if your name is unknown and can be used to follow shopping and travel patterns.
Original Supermarkets
Talking about food in Amerika means talking about supermarkets-mammoth neon lighted streets of food packaged to hoodwink the consumers. Many a Yippie can be found in the aisles, stuffing his pockets with assorted delicacies. We have been shoplifting from supermarkets on a regular basis without raising the slightest suspicion, ever since they began.
We are not alone, and the fact that so much stealing goes on and the supermarkets still bring in huge profits shows exactly how much overcharging has occurred in the first place. Supermarkets, like other businesses, refer to shoplifting as “inventory shrinkage.” It’s as if we thieves were helping Big Business reduce weight. So let’s view our efforts as methods designed to trim the economy and push forward with a positive attitude.
Women should never go shopping without a large handbag. In those crowded aisles, especially the ones with piles of cases, all sorts of goodies can be transferred from shopping cart to handbag. A drop bag can be sewn inside a trench coat, for more efficient thievery. Don’t worry about the mirrors; attendants never look at them. Become a discriminating shopper and don’t stuff any of the cheap shit in your pockets.
Small bottles andjars often have the same size cap as the larger expensive sizes. If they have the price stamped on the cap, switch caps, getting the larger size for the cheaper price. You can empty a pound box of margarine and fill it with sticks ofbutter. Small narrow items can be hidden in the middle of rolls of toilet paper. Larger supermarkets sell records. You can sneak two good LP’s into one of those large frozen pizza boxes. In the produce department, there are bags for fruit and vegetables. Slip a few steaks or some lamb chops into the bottom of a large brown bag and pile some potatoes on top. Have a little man in the white coat weigh the bag, staple it and mark the price. With a black crayon you can mark your own prices, or bring your own adhesive price tags.
It’s best to work shoplifting in the supermarket with a partner who can act as look-out and shield you from the eyes of nosy employees, shoppers and other crooks trying to pick up some pointers. Work out a prearranged set of signals with your partner. Diversions, like knocking over displays, getting into fist fights with the manager, breaking plate glass windows and such are effective and even if you don’t get anything they’re fun. Haven’t you always wanted to knock over those carefully constructed nine-foot pyramids of garbage?
You can walk into a supermarket, get a few items from the shelves, and walk around eating food in the aisles. Pick up some cherries and eat them. Have a spoon in your pocket and open some yogurt. Open a pickle or olive jar. Get some sliced meat or cheese from the delicatessen counter and eat it up, making sure to ditch the wrapper. The cart full of items, used as a decoy, canjust be left in an aisle before you leave the store.
Case the joint before pulling a big rip-off. Know the least crowded hours, learn the best aisles to be busy in, and check out the store’s security system. Once you get into shoplifting in supermarkets, you’ll really dig it. You’ll be surprised to learn that the food tastes better.
Large scale thievery can best be carried out with the help of an employee. Two ways we know of work best. A woman can get a jobas a cashier and ring up a small bill as her brothers and sisters bring home tons of stuff.
The method for men involves getting a job loading and unloading trucks in the receiving department. Some accomplices dressed right canjust pull in and, with your help, load up on a few cases. Infiltrating an employee into a store is probably the best way to steal. Cashiers, sales clerks, shippers, and the like are readily available jobs with such high turnover and low pay that little checking on your background goes on. Also, you can learn what you have to do in a few days. The rest of the week, you can work out ways to clean out the store. After a month or so of action you might want to move on to another store before things get heavy. We know one woman working as a cashier who swiped over $500 worth of food a week. She had to leave after a month because her boss thought she was such an efficient cashier that he insisted on promoting her to a job that didn’t have as many fringe benefits for her and her friends.
Large chain stores like Safeway throw away day-old vegetables, the outer leaves oflettuce, celery and the like. This stuff is usually found in crates outside the back of the building. Tell them you’re working with animals at the college labs, or that you raise guinea pigs. They might even get into saving them for you, but if they don’t just show up before the garbage is collected, (generally early in the morning), and they’ll let you cart away what you want.
Dented cans and fruit can often be gotten free, but certainly at a reduced rate. They are still as good as the undamaged ones. So be sure to dent all your cans before you go to the cashier.
Look up catering services and businesses that service factories and office buildings with readymade sandwiches. Showing up at these places at the right times (catering services on late Sunday night and sandwich dealers at 5:00 PM on weekdays) will produce loads of good food. Legally, they have to dispose of the food that’s left over. They would be more than happy to give it to you if you spin a good story.
Butchers can be hustled for meat scraps with a “for my dog” story, and bakeries can be asked for day-old rolls and bread.
Wholesale Markets
America is not the economic powerhouse it was in the 60’s, there are not the massive food surpluses that there once were. Litigation because of spoiled food and fear of a free lunch for hippies has gone a long way to ending many easy food handouts. Vegetable handouts are still a possibility behind some stores that have yet to seal and cover their garbage crusher dumpsters. Try the large outlets who supply restaurants, since the public is less likely to be hanging around they are less likely to seal or lock their trash compactors and dumpsters. Especially in winter it is possible to unload with darkness covering your expedition, an LED headlight will help you see what food is still good, tall rubber boots and leather gloves will prevent many injuries .
Original Wholesale Markets
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Large cities all have a wholesale fruit and vegetable area where often the workers will give you tons of free foodjust for the asking. Get a good story together. Get some church stationery and type a letter introducing yourself “to whom it may concern,” or better still, wear some clerical garb. Orchards also make good pickings just after the harvest has been completed.
Factories often will give you a case or two of free merchandise for a “charitable” reason. Make some calls around town and then go pick up the stuff at the end of the week. A great idea is to get a good list of a few hundred large corporations around the country by looking up their addresses at the library. Poor’s Register of Companies, Directors and Executives has the most complete list. Send them all letters complaining about how the last box of cereal was only half full, or you found a dead fly in the can of peaches. They often will send you an ample supply of items just to keep you from complaining to your friends or worse, taking them to court. Often you can get stuff sent to you by just telling them how good their product is compared to the trash you see nowadays. You know the type ofletter — “Rice Krispies have had a fantastic effect on my sexual prowess,” or “Your frozen asparagus has given a whole new meaning to my life.” In general though, the nasties get the best results.
Slaughterhouses usually have meat they will give away. They are anxious to give to church children’s programs and things like that. In most states, there is a law that if the slab of meat touches the ground, they have to throw it away. Drop around meat houses late in the day and trip a few trucks.
Fishermen always have hundreds of pounds of fish that have to be thrown out. You can have as much as you can cart away, generallyjust for the asking. Boats come in late in the afternoon and they’ll give you some of the catch, or you can go to the markets early in the morning when the fishing is best.
These methods of getting food in large quantities can only be appreciated by those who have tried it. You will be totally baffled by the unbelievable quantities of food that will be laid on you and with the ease of panhandling.
Investing in a freezer will allow you to bi-weekly or even monthly trips to the wholesale markets and you’ll get the freshest foods to boot. Nothing can beat getting it wholesale for free. Or is it free forwholesale? In any event, “bon appetit.”
Food Conspiracies
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Forming a food cooperative is one of the best ways to promote solidarity and get every kind of food you need to survive real cheap. It also provides a ready-made bridge for developing alliances with blacks, Puerto Ricans, chicanos and other groups fighting our common oppressor on a community level.
Call a meeting of about 20 communes, collectives or community organizations. Set up the ground rules. There should be a hard-core of really good hustlers that serve as the shopping or hunting party and another group of people who have their heads together enough to keep records and run the central distribution center. Two or three in each group should do it. They can get their food free for the effort. Another method is to rotate the activity among all members of the conspiracy. The method you choose depends upon your politics and whether you favor a division oflabor or using the food conspiracy as a training for collective living. Probably a blend of the two is best, but you’ll have to hassle that out for yourself. The next thing to agree upon is how the operation and all the shit you get will be paid for. This is dependent on a number of variables, so we’ll map out one scheme and you can modify it to suit your particular situation. Each member of every commune could be assessed a fee forjoining. You want to get together about $2,000, so at 200 members, this is ten bucks a piece. After the joining fee, each person or group has to pay only for the low budget food they order, but some loot is needed to get things rolling. The money goes to getting a store front or garage, a cheap truck, some scales, freezers, bags, shelving, chopping blocks, slicer and whatever else you need. You can get great deals by looking in the classified ads of the local overground newspaper and checking for restaurants or markets going out ofbusiness. Remember the idea of a conspiracy is to get tons of stuff at real low prices or free into a store front, and then break it down into smaller units for each group and eventually each member. The freezers allow you to store perishables for a longer time.
The hunting party should be well acquainted with how to rip off shit totally free and where all the best deals are to be found. They should know what food is seasonal and about nutritional diets. There is a lot to learn, such as where to get raw grains in 100 pounds lots and how to cut up a side ofbeef. A good idea is to get a diet freak to give weekly talks in the store front. There can also be cooking lessons taught, especially to men, so women can get out of the kitchen.
Organizing a community around a basic issue of survival, such as food, makes a lot of nitty gritty sense. After your conspiracy gets off the ground and looks permanent, you should seek to expand it to include more members and an emergency food fund should be set up in case something happens in the community. There should also be a fund whereby the conspiracy can sponsor free community dinners tied into celebrations. Get it together andjoin the fight for a world-wide food conspiracy. Seize the steak!
Urban Pigeon
If the soup kitchens are providing nothing but watered broth and the dumpsters are picked clean there is still an easy source of protein if you are careful and fits your philosophy. First of all realize that this is both contraversial in that some will call it cruelty and secondly it could be an excuse for the pigs to haul you in.
While in China rat is sold in markets and racoon, cat, rabbit, and squirrel all exist in the urban zones they are too often diseased or dangerous as they fight back. Other birds (except the occasional dove or duck) like seaguls are also too gross because of their diet of vermin infested dead things and rotten garbage.
The best meat we can get for free is the simple stupid urban pigeon. The easiest way to catch them is with a little bread trail for bait, a box with a stick holding it propped up, and about twenty feet of string. Bird follows trail ofbread under box, you pull string, stick lets box fall, bird is trapped. You can use other methods like nets or a loop of string and hope to catch a leg but this seems the easiest and most humane. Put your hand under the box and grab your bird, he won’t bite, be quick so he won’t hurt himself flapping, grip around his body pinning down his wings.
Look him over, are his feathers looking good or is he shedding and scabby, Is he infested with bugs or weak and sluggish, are his eyes looking filmy or gross, if so let him go and wash your hands he is probably diseased. Ifhe looks good snap or cut his neck quickly (with a new razor blade) so it will be over for him. Cut him open from neck to tail and look his insides over, are they glistening smooth and come out easily or are they all stuck together and spotty, if they look bad or wormy again chuck him out and let a cat or racoon have him, he was not long for this world anyway. Rinse out the gut area before proceeding. You might consider plucking before cutting open(it is too hard after) to save the skin and fats, but most of us just peel the skin off and cook like a mini chicken. A pigeon soup would be the safest way to go, let it boil for at least a half hour, but an hour is better, drink or save the broth.
Anyone who eats meat but is offendend by this idea must remember that at least this bird lived a completely free life and died quickly unlike the factory cage chickens you might be eating from the store.
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That’s right, you can eat dead animals that you find on busy roads. As long as you get to the dead animal fast enough (before it starts rotting), there aren’t any reasons that this practice should be dangerous. Just make sure to cook it properly.
In some US states you are supposed to notify the Department ofNatural Resources (DNR) if you find a larger animal (deer, bear, wolf etc.) dead on the side of the road. They will usually still let you keep it. Notifying them will get you out of trouble if some ‘helpful’ officer accuses you of poaching.
In small towns and rural areas, the death of any livestock must be verified by an authorized individual. This is to prevent someone from, say, ramming into their bovine encephalitic cow and saying that was the cause of death — also for insurance purposes. For this reason, always make sure you befriend your local veterinarian, and he’s the one who makes the death certification. He normally gets paid for his work in carcass.
Farm It
Grow Your Own Food
As food prices spiral upwards, the personal and group garden will come back into vogue. This Victory Garden puts us somewhat above the heavy handed and regularly used strategy of people control through the selective distribution of food to the “good” people. Try to acquire and seed non hybrid seeds before times of trouble, as these seeds can be used generation after generation. Don’t kill yourself with poisons; use natural insect repellents and fertilizers. Try to plant some staple foods, like spinach, cabbage, and squash, which offer more versatility for dishes.
Most seed packets cost about a dollar, and can contain hundreds of seeds. More hardy plants, like squash, can go for about 15 cents a seed. Almost all packets have growing facts printed right on them, including best climate, harvest periods, and even how to plant them in the ground. Most harvest periods for solid, edible crops range from only 50 days to about 100 days. Be sure to look to see what seasons are recommended to grow your crops in and where to plant them. After replanting the hardier plants from your seedlings into the ground, most just need about a foot or two between each plant. Even a backyard a few yards across and a few yards deep, if devoted to your new plants, can yield enough food at harvest time to feed yourself for a few weeks.
Remember to rotate which crops you plant seasonally. If you only plant one type of plant in the same row for a few seasons, you risk severely damaging the soil and depleting it of various minerals. Try to first add crops that can be brought into operation in a few months so you can start cutting your food budget rather than for example waiting years for an orchard.
What to grow
Root vegetables are easy to grow and have high food content per acre. The potato fed the Irish until the blight sent them packing to new shores.
Potatoes are one of the easiest plants to grow without access to a plot of land. The most important step is to acquire good quality seeds. Don’t bother getting a sack from the supermarket since they have been treated with chemicals to prevent eyes from forming. Most big box stores with a “garden” section will have one or two varieties in early spring. Technically these are not really seeds but actual potatoes that have been left to grow their eyes out. It’s just easier to call them seeds instead of propagation tubers.
Acquire a large garbage can or other large container and clean it out with a 1:5 ratio ofbleach and water to kill any molds, fungi, or not so fun guys. When you are finished punch a half dozen holes in the bottom for drainage. Put about four to six inches/ten to fifteen centimeters of soil in the bottom. If necessary, cut the seeds up so that there are two to three on each piece. Place the seeds on top on the surface of the soil, eyes up. Some suggest soaking the seeds beforehand others say dry them out to prevent rotting and others yet say don’t do anything at all. Look at the package in your hands and see what it says and then use the grey matter between your ears. If something doesn’t work do the other next year. Cover the seeds and keep the soil watered but not soaked, about an inch a week. Once the plants have grown about six to eight inches/fifteen to twenty centimeters cover the bottom third with soil. Continue adding soil whenever you get some new growth until the plants begin to flower. You can harvest these as new potatoes or wait. Your choice. Once the flowering is over and the plants start to yellow stop watering. Wait a few weeks for the potatoes to settle and dig them up.
Optional variants: Use sawdust (non-pressure treated wood) and feed with liquid kelp or compost tea whenever you add a layer.
Most types of squash are good for filler food in typical meat dishes, such as chili. Cut up gourds and pumpkins are good in soups or as a filler for pies.
Corn is starch and sugar rich and can be dried and ground up for cornbread in the winter.
Beans are high in protein and usually easy to grow, eat whole or shell out the inner seeds and dry in the sun for storage. Combined with rice you have a complete ifboring diet.
If you have a large field at least an acre you might try growing wheat, oats or barley. Once you harvest the wheat you need to be able to cut down, de-hull, and thresh away the chaff. See also Caching andCheap Chow
Bamboo is of the grass family but the wood can be used in place of trees. The stalks are quick growing, strong, and lightweight. Bamboo can be grown from a cutting placed in water and once roots sprout potted. Bamboo will take over a yard if allowed so caution must be used in planting especially near a water source. Bamboo rots quickly if allowed to remain damp.
Blackberry briar’s not only provide supplemental food for pies orjuices but it is also an excellent barrier plant. Blackberries grow quickly and care must be take to prevent overgrowth especially in wet climates or near water.
If you harvest hay during the fall and keep it dry you can feed your livestock during the winter, store feed is expensive. Be sure the hay is well protected and dry. Hay that is harvested green or gets damp will compost generating temperatures high enough to start a fire, this is a serious danger for hay kept in a barn or near an animal pen.
Farming Techniques
The trick to watering a garden is to water it around dawn or dusk, when the plants are still warm, or about to get warmer, and to water until it starts to flood. Too little water, and you’re only hurting the plant by teasing it. Too much will erode the soil, but this takes a lot of water. If you’re in an area where it gets below freezing at night, water your plants before it gets there, then cover them with a blanket or tarp. Ice makes a surprisingly good insulator, and the blankets do too.
One of the best sources of free water is your roof gutters, it is best to store this in a rain barrel or cistern since the rain is already watering your garden that day, use the stored water on a dry evening. Also look for ways to catch the runoff from parking lots and driveways, an artificial pond is one way to save this water.
Tire Farming
A stack of tires filled with soil is the start of a vertical farm. Plant between the tires and wedge small openings for your plants. The tires help conserve water and space and are especially good for growing root vegetables.
PVC pipe and UV Plastic sheet are all you really need to start a greenhouse. It is important that the clear plastic you use allows the ultraviolet light to pass for your plants to use but will resist degradation at the same time, ask at a garden shop. Set up your PVC pipe hoops and connect twine from the bows to attach plants connect the pipes down the center to prevent collapse in wind. Find some old garden hoses and punch more holes or irrigation tube and bury tubing under the ground sheet. Lay down ground sheet plastic and punch holes for your baby plants. Bury the edges of the greenhouse plastic with soil and weight with stones. As the plants grow help them twist around the twine for vertical growth. This works great for cucumbers and tomatoes. Flowers for sale can be grown year round in many areas.
Plastic Sheet
Bury old perforated hose under black UV plastic sheet, holes for your plants or seeds will reduce the need for herbicides and weeding.
The Organic Way
As various studies can show, you don’t need to dump fertilizers and pesticides on your plants to have a thriving farm/garden. The organic methods of gardening really took off in the 70’s when many of the hippies, yippies, and yuppies took to the country in order to have a cheaper and peaceful life. After the conservative era of the 80’s, and the party era of the 90’s, people really began finding the advantages of growing organically in the last few years.
Organic Pesticide Solutions
Rotenone the extract from roots and stems of several tropical and subtropical plant species belonging to the genus Lonchocarpus or Derris. It was first used as a fish poison, its powder is an effective pesticide and is only moderately toxic to humans, birds, and mammals. Rotenone is allowed my most organic certifying agencies.
Tobacco leaf extract can be made as a tea from tobacco and sprayed onto your plants, one cup of tobacco to one gallon of water. Do not use on pepper, eggplant, or tomato plants.
One clove garlic and 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper crushed and soaked in warm water work effectively, filter and spray onto plants.
Mild soap solution sprayed onto plants will ofter repel pests, a mild salt solution often works too.
Most plants with strong odors or sharp flavor have these attributes to repel insects, try alone or in combination to eliminate insect problems.
Organic Fertilizers
Organic farmers use animal manure, manufactured seed meal, home and garden compost, and mulching as well as several natural mineral powders like rock phosphate and greensand, a naturally occurring form of potash. Used tea leaves are very good for restoring nutrients to the soil. What else would you do with them anyway? Straw can also be used super effectively as an organic mulch.
Composting is the natural breakdown and return to soil of organic wastes such as garden and kitchen wastes. It is best to keep your home composting to the waste of vegetarian animals and vegetable matter, meat and dairy require higher composting temperatures, consider burying this waste instead. Once the composting is under way, start a new bin or pile and use the older heaps for garden fertilizer.
If you are involved in a food co-op or something similar, such as a commune, or even a group of like-minded individuals living on your street, you should designate someone as the official composter. Sending all of your organic waste to the compost cuts down on your waste output as well as that of the whole world. Once the compost batch is done, distribute it out to those growing food.
Farm Animals
If the bee hive colony collapse disorder turns around, a fun way to commune with nature and help out your own crops is to start and run a bee hive. Try to be organic in you bee farm by not using weird chemicals. Some claim the bee mite problem is caused by oversized artificial bee honeycombs, making over-sized bees. which can have their windpipe infected by mites. Others claim it is due to the constant movement ofbees. Bees like to stay in one place. Don’t bother them by constantly moving their hive or smoking them. Leave them part of their honey for food. Don’t completely substitute corn syrup.
See also Collapse Disorder
Even if you only have a small available run area, raising chickens will help eliminate some bugs and provide you with eggs. Use a bright light after laying to find the unfertilized eggs. These will rot if not harvested. Let your chickens run wild if possible, as they will usually stay near the feed. Ducks, quail, pheasants, and peacock are also fun to raise for eggs. These birds can live off of cracked grains and corn.
Goats will start giving milk after having their first litter ofkids. As with chickens they need place to be free and they like a high place to stand on sometimes. Some goats can be trimmed for wool.
Domestic sheep are friendly although a little dumb, they need a lot ofhelp which a smart sheep dog will provide The natural maternal instincts of a Shepard dog pushes them to herd and protect these sweet dumb animals. Pick a breed that won’t be too hot in your climate. Once a sheep has lambs you can start milking the sheep. Shear sheep right before hot weather sets in. Sheep are too dumb to move if they have eaten all of the grass and will mow an area bare, don’t let your sheep cause erosion problems, keep them moving.
American size cows take up too many resources to be practical. If used as a tractor to pull a plow or wagon having a cow might be justified. Cows are easily seen from the road by agriculture dpt. inspectors, a problem once compulsory animal registration is enforced.
A donkey is a great choice for a labor helper animal. They are usually gentle and sweet if treated well. Horses are mostly a wasteful extravagance in both food and care, you can walk while the donkey pulls a cart or carries a proper load.
Free Clothing and Furniture
Often you can find free chairs, couches, TVs, and all sorts of other stufflisted on the “Free” section of
See also: http://www.Freecycle.organd see if there’s one in your city. They generally like it if new members offer something before requesting other things, but I’ve heard its a good resource.
Free furniture carries the risk ofbedbugs: small, hard-to-kill, blood-sucking insects which can infest mattresses, couches, and other cushy furniture. While evidence shows that they don’t directly spread disease, there bites can be unpleasant and you do not want them. There are two ways to kill bedbugs: heat and starvation. Furniture that can withstand steam-heat can be sprayed down with steam before being brought into your home. Furniture that cannot be steamed can be airtight sealed in plastic for 3–6 months.
Some clothing stores have racks of clothes outside of the store which are on clearance or sale. You can easily steal a few items and leave without being noticed. Keep in mind that this is shoplifting, so standard penalties apply.
Free Clothing
If you can plead poverty, places like Salvation Army thrift stores will give you an expense account or deep discounts on items.
Warm Improvised Clothing
If the weather changes quickly or you get a slush or snow storm you will need to improvise some warm clothes until you can get some.
You can turn regular shoes into winter boots by putting a wool or warm sock onto your foot followed by a sealed plastic bag and then finished with a cheap sport sock to protect your plastic bag. Don’t expect the plastic bag to last for long hikes but it will let you travel outside without fear of immediate soaking in cold slush. We have found that one or two layers ofbread bags work well. It is important to change to dry inner socks at least twice a day or when they feel damp.
Insulated Coat
If you already have a thin insulated coat you can boost the insulating power by carefully cutting stuff holes in the liner where you can insert crumpled balls of newspaper as an insulating layer, be careful that your cuts are not destroying your coat. If you plan to use paper balls as removable insulation on a regular basis you might consider sewing long pockets into the inside you yourjacket for this purpose. Something like this
Most hardware stores sell plastic sheet by the meter or yard, we often use this for shelter and greenhouse building projects. Another use is to create a somewhat durable rain poncho for a few cents. Open a head hole and form a hood from extra plastic sheet. You can join everything using packing tape. This should get you by for around a week which we hope will be time to find something better. Rainwear worn as a top layer will also increase the insulating power of a jacket even if it is not raining but don’t seal yourself up so much that condensation and sweat destroys the insulating power.
Free shoes
Write the shoe company of your choice claiming you were in a motorcycle accident wearing their shoes and that you were hospitalized, but your feet came out totally unscathed thanks to their shoes.
They’ll usually send you at least one free pair. I pulled this scam with Adidas and got 2 pairs of $120 running shoes totally gratis. Just find some pictures of motorcycle wrecks online and send them along as “proof.”
Make Your Own
If you can beg or borrow a sewing machine, loose comfortable clothes are just a few stitches away. Try asking grandma for her old Singer machine, or ask your mother; she might think you are getting over your rebel phase. Start with simple trousers, skirts, and ponchos. For material, you can recycle cloth from damaged or otherwise unsaleable clothing discarded by thrift stores, or you can buy unmatched cloth remnants at an on-the-bolt fabric store. With a little practice you can even make your own tents, backpacks, and bivvy sacks. Look for camping gear sewing patterns in 1970’s vintage books. Knitting is a good way to spend your time if you are at a sit in demonstration (regardless of gender). Knitting needles also are a discreet defensive weapon even if they are plastic.
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If shoplifting food seems easy, it’s nothing compared to the snatching of clothing. Shop only the better stores. Try thing on in those neat secluded stalls. The less bulky items such as shirts, vests, belts and socks can be tied around your waist or leg with large rubber bands if needed. Just take a number of items in and come out with a few less.
In some cities there are still free stores left over from the flower power days. Churches often have give-away clothing programs. You can impersonate a clergyman and call one of the large clothing manufacturers in your area. They are usually willing to donate a case or two of shirts, trousers or underwear to your church raffle or drive to dress up skid row. Be sure to get your sizes. Tell them “your boy” will pick up the blessed donation and you’ll mention his company in the evening prayers.
If you notice people moving from an apartment or house, ask them if they’ll be leaving behind clothing. They usually abandon all sorts of items including food, furniture and books. Offer to help them carry out stuff if you can keep what they won’t be taking.
Make the rounds of a fancy neighborhood with a truck and some friends. Ring doorbells and tell the person who answers that you are collecting wearable clothing for the “poor homeless victims of the recent tidal wave in Quianto a small village in Saudi Arabia.” You get the pitch. Make it food and clothing, and say you’re with a group called Heartline for Decency. A phony letter from a church might help here.
The Salvation Army does this, and you can pick up clothes from them at very cheap prices. You can get a pair of snappy casual shoes for 25 cents in many bowling alleys by walking out with them on your feet. If you have to leave your shoes as a deposit, leave the most beat-up pair you can find.
Notice if your friends have lost or gained weight. A big change means a lot of clothes doing nothing but taking up closet space. Show up at dormitories when college is over for the summer or winter season. Go to the train or bus stations and tell them you left your raincoat, gloves or umbrella when you came into town. They’ll take you to a room with thousands of unclaimed items. Pick out what you like. While there, notice a neat suitcase or trunk and memorize the markings. Later a friend can claim the item. There will be loads of surprises in any suitcase. We have a close friend who inherited ten kilos of grass this way.
Large laundry and dry cleaning chains usually have thousands of items that have gone unclaimed. Manufacturers also have shirts, dresses and suits for rockbottom prices because of a crooked seam or other fuck-up. Stores have reduced rates on display models: Mannequins are mostly all size 40 for men and 10 for women. Size 7 1/2 is the standard display size for men’s shoes. If you are these sizes, you can get top styles for less than half price.
You can cut out pieces of semi-thick cardboard slightly large than outlines of your feet and cover them completely with clear packing tape. Drill or punch small holes...
Between your big and second toe, andjust past the ball of your foot (on both sides) for flipflops. String chord or straps from the middle hole to the side holes.
On both sides of your toes andjust before and after your heel on both sides. String cord or straps diagonally from behind your heel to in front of your heel in an X pattern, with clasps/buttons (of course!), and then alsojust across the tops of your toes. Now you have some handy, sturdy, water-proof sandals.
Experiment with cardboard layers/thickness and strap materials. You could even use discarded shoe soles and laces! The benefit of sandals not made from tires is that you won’t smell like asphalt on a hot day.
Tire Sandal Warning: Make sure the tire does not have steel cables running through it for reinforcement! Only nylon or rayon will work.
Links to Tire Sandal HowTos
Original Sandals
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The Vietnamese and people throughout the Third World make a fantastically durable and comfortable pair of sandals out of rubber tires. They cut out a section of the outer tire (trace around the outside of the foot with a piece of chalk) which when trimmed forms the sole. Next 6 slits are made in the sole so the rubber straps can be criss-crossed and slid through the slits. The straps are made out of inner tubing. No nails are needed. If you have wide feet, use the new wide tread low profiles. For hard going, try radials. For best satisfaction and quality, steal the tires off a pig car or a government limousine.
Let’s face it, if you really are into beating the clothing problem, move to a warm climate and run around naked. Skin is absolutely free, and will always be in style. Speaking of style, the midi and the maxi have obvious advantages when it comes to shoplifting and transporting weapons or bombs.
Free Furniture
Free Furniture
Free Box Furniture
Most shipping companies (especially UPS and FedEx, but also the US Postal Service) will ship you boxes and other shipping supplies for free. You can simply fit these boxes together to build chairs and tables. “FedEx Furniture” has examples ( If you have an eBay account, you can go to http://ebaysupplies.usps.comand use that to receive boxes from the USPS.
Two saw horses or police/construction barricades + one door = one large dinner table or desk. (Remember to remove the door knob.)
Foam and Bean Bags
If you have a knack for sewing you can make simple bean bag type furniture and fill it with whatever stuffing you can get your hands on, those styrofoam shipping pellets are surprisingly comfortable in a bean bag seat. If you manage to liberate some closed cell foam like is used in most furniture and some kids mattresses you can use this as a more solid filler for your furniture. A piece ofNiChrome wire and the proper power supply (measure the ohms of the cutting wire with a multimeter and add resistors if needed) you can make a large hot wire foam cutter.
Recycled Junk
If you know where your local newspaper is located, their dumpster will surely have some of the thick cardboard tubes from the huge rolls of newsprint. These are about six feet long, and can be cut into pieces for use as legs on desks, tables, etc., but not chairs, as they are too thick (6”-8”). Either way, four three-foot sections of that tubing, and a 3x5 piece of plywood liberated from your local construction site will make a bitchin’ table. Another free table is the big wooden cable spools used by the power and phone companies.
Auto-man Furniture
If you or a buddy has an old beater that will only sell for pennies, or is totaled, offer to take the seats offhis hands (if you’re really ballsy, lift one from someone else’s car). Backseats, especially the bench-style found in older sedans and mini-vans make great couches if you put them up on some blocks. Also, the bucket seats that usually make up passenger seats and middle rows in vans can be converted into nifty easy chairs. If the car is old enough to not have electric seat adjustments, it will probably be a recliner, too. This means that bench seat can often be converted into a short double bed. Score!
Lawn Furniture
Lawn furniture is surprisingly useful indoors especially if you are moving in and out quickly to
keep ahead of the man. It is light and folds up easily to fit into your car or bicycle trailer. Many people dump the one year old lawn furniture at the street in spring or fall. While a chaise lounge is all right to sleep on solo, making love is a good way to make it fall apart.
Kids Stuff
If you’re having a baby, a crib can be made from a laundry basket and an easily washed pillow or a folded blanket in a pillowcase. A plastic bucket is great for bathing baby. Your stroller or a baby bike seat strapped to a chair make a cheap high-chair. A hand towel with a head hole cut and hemmed is a good washable bib. When traveling or taking a temporary home with children along, your camping ground mat or exercise mat is a great bed, there is no worry about falling out if they roll off, children usually prefer firmer beds.
Diving for Furniture
Making furniture out of scraps of garbage that you find around when doing urban forging can be wonderful, and any DIY shop will have salesmen willing to explain how, or you can check online for a DIY site. Additionally, furniture can be found whole when foraging, especially in the back of furniture stores, and drop offs, like the back of thrift stores. (Warning: Taking items dropped off at thrift stores or donation boxes constitutes theft of varying degrees depending on what jurisdiction you’re in.)
DIY Japanese Screen
With a roll of paper, some small brass hinges, and lightweight wood framing you can make Japanese type screens. Use these to make light movable dividers that will not take the light out of a room. Excellent for separating a sleeping area which is cleaned up in the morning to make a larger living/work space. You will also have the option to paint and decorate your screens to your liking.
If you are careful in placing hinges at the exact same locations on every panel (use a measuring tape and mark location with a pencil, then add the hinge) after your screen is built you can tap out the pins from the small brass hinges and insert a nail or cotter pin into where you removed the standard pin. Now you can connect as many panels together as you like for a wall and still easily take them down or separate when moving or redecorating.
It is often possible to acquire a second hand futon pad without a frame, these are great for a convertible sleep and work area since they roll up or fold into a couch. As soon as possible a base must be made from something which will allow air to circulate under the pad otherwise you will likely ruin the pad with mold growth, this will also make the futon pad a health problem for future users. Check all new and used futon pads for mold. Several wood cargo pallets will provide sufficient ventilation to prevent mold growth.
Frame Bed
Get ahold of some two by four lumber, this is easier than it sounds, if you are squatting and can’t afford find or buy lumber(which is the best choice by far)just rip some out of a non load bearing wall in an unused part of the house or garage, only use clean unrotted wood. If possible get some one by six lumber about 80 inches long too. You will want to make a bed frame that the inside area is 39 inches wide and 75 inches long, the size of a twin bed, that way you can use standard size sheets and blankets and maybe even scam a real mattress at some point. Read these directions twice with a handy friend before cutting or screwing anything together What you need
2x 80 inch long 2x4 lumber
2x 40 inch long 2x4 lumber
2x 80 inch long 1x6 lumber (2x4 will work in a pinch)
12x 39 inch long 1x4 lumber (skimp too much and the bed will be weak)
1x box two inch wood screws
1x box one inch wood screws
4x12 inch long 4x4 lumber
An electrical drill to drive the screws helps, a professional grade cordless drill with extra batteries is best for disconnected squats
Leave the long (80 inch) boards a few inches long (you can trim the extra later)
Lay the boards on edge on the floor and mark the location of the 39 inch boards with a pencil so that you have a 39x75 inch inner area
Long 2x4 boards to the outside
Screw wood screws through the two long 2x4 boards (on their edges) and into the 40 inch 2x4 boards (also on their sides)
Measure the inside of the frame to be sure that a 39x75 inch mattress will fit (with a little extra space if possible) before continuing. You now have a rectangular frame.
Screw the 1x6 boards down securely onto both sides with long screws flat against the bottom of the frame, attaching to the long boards as well as the 39in inner boards so the bed frame won’t twist.
Saw off the excess long board so it is flush with your 39 inch inner frame rails
Place the 4x4 legs onto all four corners and use at least 8 screws to tighten them down through the 1x6 lumber(you should get helpers to hold the bed frame level for this so the legs mount flush)
Screw your 1x4 slats down leaving even spaces, these gaps allow the mattress to breathe.
If you have some plywood or left over lumber building a headboard and securely attaching it to the bed frame with 2x4 lumber makes it much easier to read in bed and keeps your pillow from falling off.
Push two of these frames together to make a queen bed for a couple, this is easier to move and stronger than one big frame.
Victorian Curtain and Canopy Bed
When we think of victorian four poster beds we forget that those long spindles were not for style but a place to hang the curtains and canopy turning a bed into a little tent of warmth. No more cold morning wakeups even in the coldest dampest squat, you can even hang your clothes up into your canopy and be warmly dressed before inhaling the cold damp air. A word to the wise even in a regular home curtaining your bed and dressing warm will reduce your home heating waste, think green!
The height of your canopy poles is optional higher means easier dressing in the morning, lower means it is easier to keep warm. You don’t need to use anything bigger than broom handles screwed tight to your bed frame with a few pieces of metal strapdown tape (fold in the edges so there is no sharp points). Use thin cotton bedsheets as curtains and canopy, they breathe the easiest and won’t get too damp from condensation. Cut and hem to size, twin sheets should be pretty close in size, at the canopy corners reinforce and punch a large gromett, this will slip over a screw or peg at the top of your canopy poles, the same is done for the top two corners on each of your side curtains. It is a good idea to sew tie strings every foot or so so that the curtains can be puled tightly closed, a split overlapping curtain on the side you like to wake up on will make getting in and out easier but keep the draft out.
If roof leaks are a problem in your squat think about using a tarp for a second upper canopy but make some sort of hoop frame to keep the condensation from your breath that sticks to the tarp from dripping onto you
Foam is by far the cheapest mattress, go to any furniture repair, sewing, or upholstery shop to have a piece cut for you. Don’t buy unless they let you lie down and try it out for the proper firmness. If you are handy with sewing or the shop sells them like that it is smart to cover the foam to keep gunk out. Failing that stack up those free homeless shelter blankets or dive some couch cushions from the dumpster of a furniture or thrift shop. Important advice to prevent mold growing inside your mattress in cool and damp conditions, flip the mattress every other day, every fourth day also turn it to face the opposite direction, this way different parts get a chance to dry out. Propping your mattress on an angle during the day with a stick or broom is also a good way to let it dry out, we also hear that occasionally dusting with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)might make mold growth less likely
You can often find free furniture on http://www.craigslist.com and other community sites, if you look in the free section for whatever area you are in. All you would need to do is contact the owner of the furniture and pick it up from the location listed there.
Try not to overload a small room or flat with too much furniture, we try to be simple and frugal. The acquisition of too muchjunk ties us down and makes boosting out and onto the road more difficult. Don’t screw over friends and supporters by leaving a room filled withjunk when you disappear. If possible live as much as possible out of your pack even during long term crashes.
Moving the Stuff
Hand Truck
A hand truck or dolly will help a team of movers move the largest furniture, even a refrigerator can be moved across town by a minimum of two strong people on foot, be careful on hills and plan for emergency stopping. The best hand trucks for appliances are extra wide and have a big strap which will wrap around the appliance but rope and the right knots will help in a pinch.
If you are likely to encounter stairs the only safe way (at least for the furniture or appliance) is to use heavy strapping to help you hand carry. We are talking about the heavy strap like is used for seat belts or making rappelling harnesses, we need something that will resist abrasion.
One type of strap carrier uses between twenty and twenty five feet of strap and a heavy steel slide buckle (tied or sewn properly works too) to make a loop with adjustable size, be sure to slide a cutoff wool sock or tape over the buckle to prevent scratching your furniture. Your big loop crosses under your load and the loop ends rest on the shoulders of the two carriers. Stand up properly with straight backs and the load lifts as well.
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Apartment lobbies are good for all kinds of neat furniture. If you want to get fancy about it, rent a truck (not one that says U-HAUL-IT or other rental markings) and make the pick-up with movingman-type uniforms. When schools are on strike and students hold seminars and debate into the night, Yippies can be found going through the dorm lobbies and storage closets hauling off couches, desks, printing supplies, typewriters, mimeos, etc. to store in secret underground nests. A nervy group of Yippies in the Midwest tried to swipe a giant IBM 360 computer while a school was in turmoil. All power to those that bring a wheelbarrow to sit-ins.
Check into a high-class hotel or motel remembering to dress like the wallpaper. Carry a large dummy suitcase with you and register under a phony name. Make sure you and not the bellboy carry this bag. Use others as a decoy. When you get inside the room, grab everything you can stuff in the suitcase: radio, T.V. sets (even if it has a special plug you can cut it with a knife and replace the cord), blankets, toilet paper, glasses, towels, sheets, lamps, (forget the imitation Winslow Homer on the wall) a Bible, soap and toss rugs. Before you leave (odd hours are best) hang the DO NOT DISTURB sign on your doorknob. This will give you an extra few hours to beat it across the border or check into a new hotel.
Landlords renovating buildings throw out stoves, tables, lamps, refrigerators and carpeting. In most cities, each area has a day designated for discarding bulk objects. Call the Sanitation Department and say you live in that part of town which would be putting out the most expensive shit and find out the pick-up day. Fantastic buys can be found cruising the streets late at night. Check out the backs oflarge department stores for floor models, window displays and slightly damaged furniture being discarded.
Construction sites are a good source for building materials to construct furniture. (Not to mention explosives.) The large wooden cable spools make great tables. Cinderblocks, bricks and boards can quickly be turned into a sharp looking bookcase. Doors make tables. Nail kegs convert into stools or chairs. You can also always find a number of other supplies hanging around like wiring, pipes, lighting fixtures and hard hats. And don’t forget those blinking signs and the red lanterns for your own light show. Those black oil-fed burners are O.K. for cooking, although smoky, and highway flares are swell for making fake dynamite bombs.
Free Shelter
All over the world, the promise of increasing wealth has left behind a huge population of people who are unable to continually afford the inflating price ofhousing along with other basic services.
Some people become homeless when that last paycheck is unable to cover rent for another month and they are evicted. Then, not having a home, and couch surfing to survive being hard on the schedule, they begin to experience trouble at work, they lose the ability to return to regular housing, and they become homeless.
Others see the problem of the inflating economy and the slavery of debt-based home finance or permanent payout to a slum lord and refuse to play by the crooked rules of their game, they opt out, they are now out camping, homeless by choice.
In the United States especially, homelessness is associated with the worst elements in society; the ones we are at war with; drug users, anarchists, the poor. This societal psychological distancing is required so the public will accept the regular abuses that they pay the police to perpetrate against those less than human. These protectors ofjustice strictly enforce that the laws forbidding the homeless to sleep in any but well hidden scarce shelters, thus protecting the public from seeing the reality and feeling the shame that they have not taken any real action to help the less fortunate.
Often programs to assist the poor and homeless are corpgov pork programs to steal from the taxpayer and grease the palms of a few cronies.
The homeless should be the ward of the radical since we are clearly the only ones who will take up their cause. There have been repeated stories of the homeless being paid by “corpgov activism” to picket for a cause; the homeless are our natural allies, not theirs.
One of the most frightening aspects of not having a permanent address is the loss of most of your civil rights. Since you likely do not own the property where you camp (even if you do) the police and courts will empower themselves to search and seize your property either for trespass or for possibly being stolen. If the police can leave the scene with your things and not give you a receipt they have become defacto owners of your things and you will have no way to retrieve them.
The most vile aspect of state abuse of the homeless is taken in the name of child welfare. If the state feels that it has a compelling reason, it will confiscate your child and place them in a home where they will be properly programmed as good corpgov citizens.
Many homeless people suffer from depression, as either a cause or effect felt by those who have been cast out against their will, without their corpgov insurance to pump them with prescription antidepressants. They often turn to taxed alcohol abuse or reliance on hard drugs. We must as brothers and sisters radicalize this population and give them something to strive for. If we let the welfare system do ourjob these people will be deactivated with a meager income just enough to keep them from trying to have a life. This tactic of depression and payoffhas been effectively used to destroy (North American) Native, African originating, and other minority peoples movements in the United States and Canada.
In our world we are seeing the full extent of the greed and manipulation that banking and finance can exert onto the basic human need of a safe place to lay their head for the night. This basic desire along with the need for an expensive education have been harnessed through the use ofloans at interest paid off over around half an average lifetime to enslave the Amerikan and much of the worlds population. Fearing for their house and confiscation of their worldly goods a person becomes a willing or unwilling robotic tool for the super rich who need a moving economy to harvest from. Because low cost alternatives to the traditional condo and house allow a way out of this contrived enslavement there is immense political pressure to destroy these alternatives in the name ofkeeping housing market prices up. When demonstrating against corporations let at least part of your wrath fall upon these banks.
The Street
: = y of the homeless in the North America are youth turned out by hateful, abusive, or perverse ’HHnts or step-parents. This chapter is to address the needs of a street person during the first few hours to weeks until they find a safe support group and hopefully some kind of proper shelter. The language of this chapter is mostly directed toward teenage women but the survival tips apply equally to both sexes and any age. The streets are not an option in terms of living, the fact that you are out there means you had to run before there was time to plan, you must move quickly to find safe shelter and support.
For those who have been abandoned on the streets too long and forced to make terrible choices
Just because you might have sold your body for sex to survive does not make you a prostitute Just because you begged for money to survive does not make you a beggar,
Just because you stole to survive does not make you a thief
Just because you sold drugs to survive does not make you a drug dealer
Just because you did drugs to survive the hurt does not make you a dope fiend
You ARE an important leader at the spearhead of our struggle, stand up to right the wrongs of society
Reasons to Leave Home
If you are seriously considering leaving the reasonably free supply of food, clothing, heat, bed, and roof over your head you must have a very good reason. But NEVER trade sex or abuse from your alleged guardians for these!! Leaving might be the right choice, but the street is what happens when you have no choice, think hard, don’t you have a relative, friend, teacher, co-worker, anyone you can go to for shelter to avoid the street?
Physical Abuse
If you are in a situation where you fear for your personal safety or have already been assaulted you should do two things first of all file a police complaint and open a file with family services documenting the problem. It will probably save the whole family from the physical abuse of the type you have been suffering. Unfortunately abused parties like drug addicts suffer from withdrawal, you may be in more hot water for removing the abuser from the home by those who remain. If these actions cause no change and you have tried every other place to hide it might be worth risking a flight away even to the dangerous cold streets to escape worse violence at home.
Sexual Abuse
At the first sign of sexual abuse leave your house and open a file at welfare services and the police as well as demanding a temporary restraining order be placed that day. You must do this to protect not only yourselfbut any other vulnerable family members. If the police, court, or social worker takes no action attempt to find a friend or relative to hide with. Sometimes this separation is all that is needed. Especially in second or third abusive relationships you might not be able to expect even your mother to believe your claims of abuse, unfortunately this may be the end of your relationship with your sick family. Only as a last ditch emergency action should a girl go onto the streets to avoid rape or sexual abuse since a teen girl is also a prime target for street predators.
Reasons not to Leave Home
Annoyance with your parents or siblings, discipline, or school related problems are probably best dealt with in your own home, you have no idea how bad the streets can be especially for a girl, a sexist world it is, most every perv wants to take a piece of a teenage girl. We are not worried that you will remain homeless for more than a few days, our concern is that your leaky roof and stained bed will be owned by a brutal pimp and your rent will be paid in depraved sex acts with diseased strangers.
Dangers on the Streets
Since you have no safe storage on the streets everything you own must be with you at all times, this leads to the bag lady or shopping cart homeless that you have seen.
If you are underage you are unable to sign a legal contract for a car or apartment and are considered something similar to property of your parents or guardians, get a fake ID as soon as possible.
Most cities make it illegal for the homeless to sleep hoping it will make them disappear or die, when you are asleep behind a bush or on a bench you can expect others to rifle through your bags and pockets stealing any useful or valuable things they might find, not to mention placing you in a very vulnerable position for physical or sexual abuse.
Worse yet a young woman without any hand to hand combat training is at the mercy of a huge abusive rapist type. Your best defense is being in good shape and sprinting away from the first sign of trouble.
Sometimes you happen to be in a dead end street or the exit door is blocked there is no option of running away. While some naive feminists and well armed police may disagree, the idea that an armed woman is just some weakling who is only going to turn over her weapon to her attacker is just foolish. On the way out of your abusers house(only if you have time in the middle of the night) grab his gun and some bullets, or spend some precious money and buy your own Handguns. You must learn how to safely use that gun, try to get a carry permit too. Don’t hesitate if you are attacked, use the deadliest force you can muster KILL THE ONE WHO IS TRYING TO RAPE OR KILL YOU before that demon-rapist is within grappling range and can get at your weapon, you can work out the details in court later if the cops manage to catch you. If you bringjustice to an abuser through an act of self defense you must realize that the police, courts, appointed lawyers, prisons and parole boards all discriminate heavily against the homeless and minorities we feel it is almost impossible to give you good advice whether to hide the evidence and run or to find a good lawyer. There is much danger from the (un)justice system when a woman protects her own life but how many other victims lives will you save with this selfless act?
If during your fight for survival you become somehow involved with someone who is in the drug trade and are arrested at the same time as them you can expect the system to attack you like a mother bear. Once you are convicted with a felony drug crime almost all social services including healthcare, food stamps, and student aid can be denied to you for the rest of your life.
It seems to us that the system needs to maintain a class of people who only have the option of larceny, selling drugs, or prostitution. It is catch-22 laws like this among other abuses that make us realize the legal governance of our nation has been overthrown and we must fight a revolution to return our legal constitutional republic.
Most decisions to hit the streets happen in a fearful rage after an attack. Hopefully you got out with at least a warm jacket shoes and clothes. Unless you managed to grab a wallet or purse you have no money, ID, or phone. In this case you must find the first police station or hospital and report the crime, but be wary of giving identifying information, you don’t want your abuser to convince the cops to send you home. Many people make the mistake of wandering the streets for hours or days as the evidence quickly looses its potency. Get help but be cautious if the help includes a lock down type facility.
As an aside if you managed to grab your phone think hard who pays the bill and who controls the account. Your abusers can easily file a missing person report or even a stolen phone report and track you down that way, you might just pull the battery out to be safe for a few days. Credit or debit cards also leave a trace where they were used, if you really need cash have a friend with a car withdraw cash from an ATM on the other side of town.
Evil Helpers
There are those men (and occasionally women) who prey sexually on the freshly homeless. Be wary of a single man of any age who offers you a place to stay with no strings attached in his own home. Never accept room and board for any kind of sexual favor. Never accept any drinks or drugs from strangers or those you have recently met. NO MATTER HOW DEPRESSED YOU ARE DON’T DO ANY DRUGS OR ALCOHOL.
Even churches cannot always be considered a safe place, the same is true with homeless youth shelters, unfortunately these low pay positions are an easy place for men who want to abuse young women to meet their prey.
Be on very high alert and avoid places where prostitution is common, pimps may recruit by coercion or they mayjust kidnap rape and begin to sell the body of a young woman. Many pimps use the introduction to hard drug addiction and controlled supply method to enslave women. Again do no drugs when you are on the streets!
Choosing Good Helpers
Only accept help from a Pastor, Rabbi, or volunteer once you see their home has what appears to be a normal husband, wife, and children, don’t stay alone by any singles, widowers or divorced, a normal dinner with the family should usually be enough to scan for weirdness, especially watch how the kids interact with their parents, look for fear. Some Christian types may try to push their faith on you, you already know what you believe you don’t owe them that, pretending that you are listening is a small price for a safe roof and food to eat until you can get on your feet, but you can also be looking for another place to stay. DO NOT ABUSE THIS TRUST, DO NOT STEAL FROM THESE HELPERS!! If you need something ask.
There are cults that might take you in even give you a place to sleep, be careful and bolt if it appears that they are into locking down doors, brainwashing, punishments, or trading food for conversion or good deeds.
Personal Needs
Until you can find what is a safe place to stay the temptation is there to shoplift for your needs, this might indirectly solve your shelter problem with a night in jail but it could also dump you back in you abusive and now wary former home.
Most shelters require a sign up some time in the early afternoon, stop by a few of them and see which ones are clean and which ones will try to turn the underage back over to their abusers. Homeless shelters are one of the first places the police check during a man hunt. Expect to have your stuff pawed through as you sleep unless you are literally on top of it, stash valuables someplace safe before hitting the shelter for the night.
If you knock on doors you would be surprised how most people will give you either part of a warm dinner or at least a can of creamed mushroom soup that was in back of the cupboard if you ask nicely. See Free Foodfor more ideas.
Getting Off Drugs
Before identifying yourselfbe sure that the service you are checking into will not inform your abusive family of your location.
Rape and Battery Support Groups
Some of the best services for women are rape and battery support groups, some will even match you with a safe formerly abused woman to stay with and counseling. Don’t get freaked if some of these women are a little fragile or weird, they had to glue their shattered life together from some serious shit, you are part oftheir healing. DO NOT STEAL OR TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM!
Be wary that some groups are based on the premise that all men are evil, overlook this and work on your healing.
State Welfare Services
This varies from one state to another be careful since some states if they believe your story will throw you into something similar tojuvie hall for abused kids. As we know abused people learn to abuse be careful not tojump from the pan into the fire.
Foster Home
Most often a state welfare agency will send you to a foster family who will assume full parental power over you for at least a limited time. These people are often unsung heroes but like teachers may have become burned out and now do the service for the stipend. Keep your eyes open for potential abuse which rarely occurs and keep in good contact with your social worker. It is a good idea to set up escape plans now while things are cool in case the freaks at state welfare decide you are a liar and send you back to your abusers. Stashing escape gear, making deals with friends, teachers, and spiritual leaders for emergency shelter is vitally important. Take counseling seriously and if you feel that the worker is getting nowhere with you ask if another social worker could be assigned.
In some times and places you may be forced to shoplift to survive although if you look around there is usually an alternative. But Never steal from those who take you in to help you! You are first of all hurting yourself as you seriously risk being turned back out back to the cold street, you also burn the people they might have helped survive in the future. If you have a need for some survival item or cash ask them, or get it in some other way.
One of the difficulties with getting social services when homeless is that you have no proper mailbox to use when applying for aid. In 1994, the Postal Service issued a ruling that the homeless are eligible for a PO Box if they can provide a piece of official identification, a way to be reached, or proof that the postmaster knows them. The rule also declared that homeless people are entitled to general delivery service indefinitely, not forjust 30 days. Unfortunately in some locations the US Postal Service has done everything it can to deny postal service to the homeless person.
You could try applying at the post office for a PO Box with your pre-eviction address before you get the kicked out, use the address of a homeless advocacy agency with their permission, or the address of a friend. Once you have the PO Box you don’t really need to worry about the street address unless the they ask for updated information. An added benefit to having a real PO BOX is that in some offices you receive an after hours code to the heated mailbox room, which is of course locked so the homeless won’t sleep there.
General Delivery is a great choice for you if carrier service or a PO Box is not an option. Your mail will be held at a Main Post Office for up to 30 days and can be picked up at any retail window. This is the easiest starter option if you don’t have a permanent address. The zip+4 code 9999 means general delivery. The only real pain is if you have a long schlep to a main (full size) post office. Here is an expamle ofhow to address general delivery in the US:
Abby Hoffman General Delivery Washington DC 20090–9999
Health Clubs
Would you ever expect us radical yippie types to suggest you go for one of the biggest CorpGov ripoffs of all, the gym? Yup. Athletic clubs basically subsidise the price of membership because ninety percent of the overweight slaves who sign up never show up for the first week, but they are stuck in some crazy year contract. If possible beg the ID from a person who resembles you or modify the ID and use his key card to get in. Once the employees get to know your face they will check your ID less, don’t get to friendly though since the homeless are really not welcome at these clubs. Women may want to find a women’s only club so they don’t have to put up with guys harassing or oggling them. Even if you have to pay it is often worth the money if you are without a proper home for the following services:
Clean Showers-you have no idea how nice a private clean shower stall is when you are in a filthy squat or shelter hopping.
Therapy Pool(warm pool)-the streets are cold in the winter, it is amazing what an hour in a therapy pool will do for your back and muscles cramped from nights on the ground shivering.
Sauna-If we manage to find an abandoned room the chances of it having proper heating are pretty low, often we can find a dank damp moldy building to squat somewhere. An hour or so sweating it out in this dry air and cleaning the fungus and mold out of your lungs can make such a difference in your health and energy level. This is also an oppertunity to dry our your feet and prevent immersion foot.
Exercise Equipment-not that we really need it so much, we are on our bicycles or walking all day but it is a good idea to work your abs and back groups to prevent back injury. Use the stretching stations to limber up and prevent injury.
Locker, try to rent a big one, this may be your only safe storage space.
If you want this plan to work you need to visit a public restroom and pre-clean yourself, at least your visible areas, before hitting the club, also put on some bagged clean cyclist or workout clothing. The employees must NEVER know that you are homeless or they will surely terminate your membership!
Guys, Gals, Roommates, and Safety Pacts
A word to the young women (but can also apply to young men and homosexuals ofboth sexes) who are forced out of their family home and in one of the many less desirable shelter scenarios presented in this book. Until you get a serious case of street smarts (don’t ever fool yourself that takes several hard years and lots of very painful mistakes) be very wary of taking residence where there are any males in the mix.
Unfortunately thanks to a chemical called testosterone, that courses in amazing quantities through the veins of males from their early teens onward, the normal rational judgment of even the sweetest smartest guy is clouded to a varying extent when it comes to interaction with young women. If possible make your life easier by rooming or crashing in a female only environment, if at all possible with a strong locking door and secure windows. All of the catty female politics that might annoy you are infinitely simpler and safer than dealing with some confused guy who might decide to stalk you or get his hands on you.
Your best plan is to make a long term pact with one or two trusted like minded women who swear to stay together and guard the safety of the others first above any other consideration. It is also every womans (and every revolutionary) responsibility to watch out for the safety and care of newly homeless girl and to guide her into her own safety pact group.
Crash Pad Romance
Nearly every guy in our movement is a decent honorable person but we want to leave no room for error with our most vulnerable, the abused run-away. Let your mixed social interaction take place only in public or group areas. Guys (and gays) realize that an abused woman(or man) may have varying feelings toward romantic advances varying from disinterest to active revulsion, pushing the issue can not only prolong and interfere with their healing but may also lead to a misunderstanding and serious allegations of misconduct against you.
Mental Illness
A reality is that a percentage of those seeking or living in alternative housing are not there as a form of protest against a broken CorpGov system but because they have untreated and sometimes dangerous mental illness, do what you can to see them get proper treatment, at arms length if you must, but don’t make them your problem as well, choose your friends and roommates wisely.
The idea is to somehow get inside and warm and safe. Homeless shelters, squats, and alternative shelter can all provide some of what you need if you can get inside, anyone who has been out knows that emergency bed space for both men and women is a precious and limited commodity often denied for dubious reasons, especially considering the crazy rules and waiting lists that can be involved.
Sympathy Psych
If you can dress and clean up nicely and act the non-destitute, normally successful part people will actually have more sympathy for you as they see a small reflection of themselves and their life in your situation. This might get you into shelters, peoples homes, and other options where a “gross” homeless guy would be turned away in disgust, play to your audience for success in sheltering. Women should not overplay abuse or fragility, no matter how hard it is acting as “normal” as possible will pay off in protecting and sheltering yourself and any children with you.
Destitute Sheltering
If all else fails and you are stuck overnight outside we would hope you have some wilderness camping gear and can get to a park. Most homeless forced to sleep outdoors are not so well equipped due to theft, dire poverty, or breakage. Even a cardboard box and a plastic trash sack is better than nothing at all, try to insulate with cardboard and crumpled newspaper, this could save your life. Keep your torso, groin, neck and head insulated at all costs. Hide under anything that will give some protection from the elements.
Alcohol and Cold
It may make you. feel warmer but alcohol will speed the progression ofhypothermia(getting too cold) by letting all of you heat out of your core areas to your arms, legs, head, and face, hypothermia is the leading cause of overnight death in the homeless population. Don’t drink alcohol to stay warm!
Hot Water
No matter how you do it, acquire a thermos and keep it filled with hot water, you should be drinking this hot water by the gallon every day and night. It is usually not to hard to walk right in to a restaurant, convenience-market, or gas station, you can be filled up before the staff can even begin to complain or kick you out. The other good source for hot water is to use a pocket stinger heater Pack your bag#Immersion Boiler and plug in wherever you can find power, many outdoor signs have a place to plug in just keep your eyes open, power plugs are everywhere even outside. Most hot water faucets you will encounterjust don’t put out water warm enough to keep usable heat even if stored in a thermos. Even if you are not getting enough calories in you diet drinking the hot water will save the caloric energy you would have used to keep you warm in cool or damp weather meaning you can get by on less.
Other Tips
See Free Clothingfor tips on increasing the warmth of your clothing.
Call 911if you think the cops can help you or get to a pay phone and dial these free numbers
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800 799 SAFE
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline: 800 656 HOPE
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 866 331 9474
See Free High Schoolfor information on how to get emancipated, becoming a legal adult before 18
See Low Impact CrashingandSquattingfor more homelessness tips
Low Impact Crashing
When, for whatever reasons, you’re Homeless or Living on the Streets (I called it “Being Houseless” when I was living rough, ‘cause Home, Baby, is where the Heart Is!), cleanliness can help in so many ways, and yet it is one of the first things to get blown offby some people due to the foul attitude that sometimes accompanies being Houseless against your will. Stay cool, and dedicate yourself to remaining clean and healthy, no matter how bad The Man wants you looking nasty to give fearful yuppies another reason to avoid confronting the nastier problems in our society. Tell yourself that staying clean and healthy is your way of saying “Fuck You” to stereotypes of homelessness and poverty. Maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene can turn around people who would normally be quite hostile to brothers and sisters who are either down on their luck, or simply unable or unwilling to tolerate normal (abusive) employment conditions.
You will often find yourself with access to an abandoned building, open unused room, and maybe even a bed in a house but for social, security, or other reasons no access to a normal kitchen, laundry, or bathroom. Many of your needs will be met using your regular camping gear like sleeping bag, ground mat, and stove but often you can take advantage of the utilities and environmental control offered, but beware security systems.
Check out Pack your bag for easy packable urban crash gear.
Portable Electrical Cooking
You will likely have access to electricity once indoors. If that’s the case it is better to use this for cooking than risk fire and waste expensive fuel using your fuel stove. SeeCheap Chow for some pocket immersion cooker (stinger) recipes. If you are in a location where you will be staying for a while a hot plate, or coffee cup warmer and Sierra cup for minimalists might even be smarter to cook with than a stinger since there is no fear of gooping up your heater.
Pots and Containers
Camp pots and pans work great. Acquire used plastic food buckets for washing and trash/compost/recycling, and plastic bags for storage. Large, empty and very clean cans can be used as cooking pots. Just remember that if the food inside is hot, so is the can. Use pot holders of some sort, or hold it carefully with a pair of pliers at the lip.
Keep your food in resealable containers like plastic bags or deli tubs. Food left out can either spoil or attract unwanted critters of all types. Remember to keep anything that touches your food (including your hands) as clean as you can. Also, zipper seal type bags can be washed out and reused. Turn them inside out to air dry.
If there is no refrigerator, get ice from the local convenience store or fast foodjoint and put it in a plastic bag with your food. If you buy a large bag of ice, keep it closed. When it melts, you will have clean drinking or washing water. If you can score a cheap Styrofoam cooler, do so and use it! Some of the pharmaceutical cartel cold transport boxes even come with an ice-gel pack that if you collect enough can be refrozen by sympathizers with freezers, water filled frozen soft drink bottles work good too and you can drink the thawed contents. Oftenjust asking nicely will get the drug dealers (pharmacist) to save these cold boxes for you. Since it was free you won’t be too sorry leaving it behind if the cops or security sweep and clear your squat.
Make friends with the staff of a nearby convenience store, most have microwaves for heating up the junk they sell. If you ask nicely, you may be able to use these to heat food you’ve acquired elsewhere as well as the expired one day foods the employees let you “rescue”.
If the electricity or gas is out, a Sterno-style camp stove that folds flat can be worth its weight in gold. While canned gel fuel burns for two hours on average, the metal “candle” types with liquid fuel used for buffet warming pans (often called “chafing fuel”) can burn for as long as six. Just remember to burn them in a well-ventilated area. You can also use a taper candle cut into small sections and placed inside a tuna or pet food can. A variation of this, the old boy scout “buddy burner” is created by soaking cardboard in paraffin wax, then coiling it up inside a tuna can and lighting. An upside down coffee can placed on top makes a good surface for cooking. Be sure to poke some holes in the top of the can to allow oxygen to the flame. For baking, an improvised oven made of aluminum foil over a pan or pot can serve well. One clever trick is to use a pair of aluminum pie pans and hold them together with binder clips.
Drink Can Stove
An inexpensive spirit(alcohol) stove can be made from 2 soft drink cans. Both cans are cut about 4cm above the bottom and the center flat/dome are of the bottom is removed from one, force the cut out center piece into the uncut half. Stretching one cut can with an unopened full soft drink can makes this easier, a few drops of water in the can to be stretched can be heated with a stove or lighter so it will pop off of the full can from steam. Make an inner wall up to the cut edge from left over can top and insert into the center hole of the stove. Punch small holes every 4mm. This stove can only safely burn methanol/95% ethanol alcohol/and rubbing alcohol although isopropyl or rubbing alcohol will produce some soot. stove
Video Link: little miniature stove/
CAUTION!! This basic model soft drink can stove has been field tested by us and it works well with care, but be careful as the fire that is caused by the Alcohol cannot be put out with water. One of our writers bumped his stove and almost had a room fire on his hands. Fortunately though he had an extinguisher close by to put it out with. But water didn’t work. So be extremely careful with all of these open top alcohol stoves both manufactured and home made.
A different possibly safer closed top spirit stove which will not spill is described here
Other Stoves
More detail on stoves in Backpacking and Camping#Food Preparation.
Petrol and kerosene stoves can only safely be used out of doors on stone or mineral earth, that said some are able to generate amazing heat, designed to quickly melt and boil snow for mountaineering teams.
Triangia of Sweden makes an ultra light cook set which includes an alcohol burner, It’s not as fast to boil as cartridge gas but it’s cheaper and MUCH safer than petrol/kerosene stoves indoors. It can be difficult to find spirit/alcohol fuels in some countries.
Esbit butterfly type fuel pill burning stoves are a good emergency stove and don’t take up much room. The Hexamine fuel pills look like large sugar cubes, are legal to mail in most countries, burn hot and give off no smoke. The bad side is that they often give a strong smell and noxious fumes (so never cook food directly over them outside of a pot or pan), can leave a heavy residue on your cookware, and are expensive compared to other fuel sources.
Small kettle type or “Pyromid” foldup charcoal grilles are good for secluded squats. REMEMBER! Never use any charcoal burning devices or barbecue (BBQ) grills indoors in a well sealed room, since the carbon monoxide can kill you! Always make sure that you are in a burn resistant area like on strictly sand or concrete or in a fireplace with a working chimney. The smell and heat of your stove, charcoal, campfire smoke, or cooking food may alert security or the police to your squat or activate fire suppression systems.
Keep a pail of water and a box ofbaking soda, mineral earth, or salt handy should a fire break out. Baking soda and salt snuff out grease fires, while water causes them to spread. Dry mineral soil, such as sand or clay but not dry organic duff or mulch, works as a good extinguishing agent for all types of fire.
Chimney Stoves
You can get a much better ventilated fire using the chimney concept to accelerate the intake and output gas of a wood fire increasing the heat and greatly reducing smoke and smell. Find a piece of steel (other metals may melt) or cement pipe at least three or four inches wide. If all you have is a straight piece at least a eighteen inches tall cut or break a feed hole and light the fire, a cinder block or two can be broken into shape to make a stand to keep the chimney from falling over, cut several one inch wide half circle holes on top so the hot gas can escape around your pot. Even better is 18 inches of pipe for a chimney a 90 degree elbow and about a foot ofhorizontal feed pipe, this all increases the draft and makes for a hotter flame, you can partly block the intake side on the bottom to slow the flame, feed the fire with wood or charcoal pushed in with a stick. An ash hole at the back of the elbow will let you clean the stove while it is burning.
You can also build a chimney stove with clay mud if you can find it where you are camped, dig out the fire area andjust form a chimney, the heat will help fuse it into a useable stove, most cultures use a tapering cone shaped like a beehive.
Cardboard and newspaper balls in the horizontal feed pipe help get the draft jet started and blow the coals or wood to blazing life quickly. Be careful as this stove can make lots of sparks with some kinds of wood and almost always with paper and grass, some screen over the top of the chimney will stop almost all sparks.
Hobo Stove
During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, many of the destitute cooked their meals with Hobo Stoves. These were made from large metal #10 cans (like one ones used for coffee), with holes cut along the sides near the top and bottom for ventilation, and a small covered opening at the bottom to put your fuel source (Cut a door, but leave enough for a hinge). Canned fuel works great for this, but put it on a heat-proofbase like a cinder block, stone floor tile, or some bricks. If you use it outdoors, you can burn small scraps of wood, paper, orjust about anything that will burn.
Buddy Burner
Often a buddy burner was used with the hobo stove, this was a tuna can with a strip of cardboard that is the same width as the height of the can, roll up tight like a snail shell to fit the can. Fueling with melted wax is best but food oil or kerosene can also be used although these are both a bit more dangerous and more difficult to carry, a powerful flame is produced. Be careful melting wax on anything but a double boiler, stove top melting can cause it to catch fire, liquid it is like a kerosene fire. To regulate flame use the can lid or aluminum foil, smother with a larger can or foil to kill the flames. To fuel the flame when it starts to die feed small chunks of wax onto the burning cardboard or spoonfulls of fuel. stove
Hobo Grille Oven
If you dont have a nice BBQ grille you can always improvise. One of the ways the classical American grille does its job is by holding the heated gasses under the hood to cook from all sides. Get ahold of a charcoal pre-heater can, the kind with holes in the bottom and a handle on the side, it is reasonably portable and pretty cheap. get ahold of a grill from wherever, disposable BBQ grilles are a good source. Get a fire going and down to good coals, now put the grille over the top and follow with a large coffee can, the can will retain the heated gasses just like a grille hood or lid.
Advanced Hobo Ovens
The old buddy burner works well using charcoal, but an inside oven is useful in your squat. If you have a simple hot plate with a variable heat setting you can make a small oven.
You will need:
a coffee can or larger sheet metal box
the metal coffee can lid for a floor plate
a tool to punch holes
Steel electric fence wire for grate and to suspend the floor plate
an oven thermometer
a ceramic plate or pot lid
Both top and bottom of the can are removed and the can is placed onto the burner (an exposed coil type burner is better than a closed flat one). Three holes are punched about one cm. above the level of the burner. Wire is laced through these holes to suspend the loose can lid as a oven floor. Punch a ring ofholes one cm. large about 2-3cm from the edge of this floor. 1/2 way up the can punch holes and lace wire to make a grate for food. A ceramic plate will sit on top to make the roof of your oven. Cut three or four small triangle vents in the top of the can to allow the heat to rise. A hole in the side near the grate can be punched so the thermometer probe can enter. Adjust the hotplate to set temperature, keep an eye on your thermometer for temperature drift.
If a hot plate is unavailable you can attempt to use a 100 watt incandescent light bulb. Leave the bottom of the can intact except for a hole that you can thread the light bulb bottom through, adjusting temperature by opening holes in the top under the plate. The “Easy Bake Ovens” sold in toy stores work this way.
Washing and Drying Clothing
A plastic bucket and liquid dish soap (not dishwasher machine soap) will remove even tough stains in clothing. Regular laundry detergent powder works good but can stink up your pack and clothes if it is perfumed. Some soaps claim to be concentrated, look for the one that needs the least soap per load.
There are metal agitators that can be bought through catalogs that specialize in non-electric households. Lacking that, you can use a rubber toilet plunger (preferably one that HASN’T been used in a toilet) and a large bucket.
A metal washboard can come in handy if you will be staying for awhile, but might be hard to find in some areas. Try a store that caters to migrant laborers. You can use a sink instead of a washtub. In some stores you might find bars of washing soap. This can be used to pre-treat stains (Wet the soap, wet the stain, rub). Remember that some washing soaps like Fels-Naptha are strictly for clothing and not for personal use (but some swear by it for treatment for rashes caused by poison ivy and other skin-irritant plans).
Make sure there is air circulation in the place you hang your clothes to dry or you might end up with a unhealthy mold problem in that room.
Improvised Clothing
see Free Clothing for ways to increase the insulating power of your clothing
Clean Water
Irrigation systems can be tapped for water, this may be your easiest source if you are camped under a bridge, although it may not be safe to drink. Double check on that water since some irrigation systems, especially those in desert areas, often use “greywater” or “sullage” that is treated waste water (Yuck!) and is not safe for washing or drinking. If the nearby fire hydrants orjunction boxes are painted purple, then that is the most likely case. Irrigation systems usually run on a timer and flow during the late evening so you will have to store the water you need for the day.
Garden Hose
If you have a friend in the forest or fire service they can likely get you the flat nylonjacketed garden hose that is thrown away after forest fires, you can also get this flat hose on a reel in garden stores, this packs small and light and is useful if you need to get water to your squat from a hose faucet or to wash up behind nearby bushes. Don’t forget to get a light hose nozzle and valve.
The knob on most public water faucets is removed so the homeless can’t get a drink or wash, but most are standard square and are available at hardware stores, most useful to us is the key shaped faucet knobs made to be carried in your pocket.
For all but assured clean drinking water use your backpackers water filter or boil. Allow the hose to run for a few minutes or be careful to drain after every use to eliminate the problems of stagnant water. The FDA has standards for drinking water hose, so look for certification on the package if buying a new hose (The ones certified for drinking water use are often made of white plastic).
If you need a water filter and can’t afford a proper backpacking model maybe you want to make the terracotta/organic water filter which removes most harmful bacteria. This design is by a team in Manatuto in East Timor including ANU materials scientist Mr Tony Flynn.
You will need:
straw and cow manure for fuel
terra cotta clay and
used tea leaves or coffee grounds or rice hulls
1- Take a handful of dry, crushed clay.
2- Mix the clay with a handful of your organic material.
3- Add enough water to make a stiff biscuit-like mixture.
4- Form a cylindrical pot that has one end closed.
5- Dry the pot in the sun.
6- Surround them with straw.
7- Place in a mound of cow manure.
8- Light the straw and then top up the burning manure as required.
In less than an hour the filters will be finished. Fill the filter and let the water slowly drip through the bottom into another container. As far as effectiveness against bacterial pathogens and larger Giardia this filter removes 96.4 to 99.8 ofE-coli bacteria, well within safe levels.
When all that is available is questionable water but you do have a good fuel supply most parasites and other microscopic troublemakers can be eliminated with this method.
Filter water with a coffee filter, paper towel, or several inches of cloth stuffed tightly into a cut offbottle.
Bring water to a boil and shut down, it is pasteurized.
Collect and store water in a clean container free of contamination.
Whyjust to a boil? And what is with the city always saying 20–30 min with additional instructions water temperatures? The reality is that above 160° F (70° C) all pathogens become inactive within 30 minutes and above 185° F (85° C) within a few minutes, so in the time to reach 212° F (100° C) all the bad microbes will become inactive. The first filtration is to remove larger microbes and cysts like Giardia which are a bit stronger.
Unscented bleach can be used to purify water it you can’t get it straight from a known safe faucet. This is the cheap Clorox type without any additives to improve colors or smell. Try to filter your water.
Filter water with a coffee filter, paper towel, or several inches of cloth stuffed tightly into a cut offbottle
2 drops ofbleach per quart of water
8 drops ofbleach per gallon of water
1/2 teaspoon bleach per five gallons of water
If water is still cloudy, double the dose ofbleach.
The treated water should be allowed to stand covered for 30 minutes, it should have a slight chlorine odor if it doesn’t give it another dose and let the water to stand for another 15 minutes. If the treated water has too strong a chlorine taste let it stand exposed to the air for a few hours. Be careful the bleach will leave holes in your clothes if it spills or splashes, rinse out quickly.
Fire Sprinklers
Don’t try to tap a fire sprinkler system for water! You will set off the alarm and your squat will be discovered. Once you drain even a few PSI from the system it will fill with water and alarm, if it is an air pressurized system. Water filed systems are often filled with an antifreeze mix, these systems also alarm and call the fire department if any water flow is detected.
Several layers of corrugated cardboard on a wood freight pallets make a passable mattress getting you off of a cold or damp cement floor.
see also Free Furniture, Pack your bag, and Backpacking and Campingfor more bedding options
Going to a hotel in around noon and asking maids with their cleaning carts for a few bars of soap is one way to stock up. Asking a doorman at a nice hotel,just walk up as direct and nice as you can, and say, “I am homeless, may I please have one bar of soap?” will work more times than not. Bring a plastic grocery bag into a fast food restaurant and squirt out a good five or ten pumps ofliquid hand soap. Store it wisely, or else the stuff in your pockets or backpack will be wet with sticky cleansing goop. A bottle ofliquid soap with a neck cord is great for quick commando showers, and won’t fall down to a disgusting bathroom floor.
Indoor Bathing
You can buy a special hose with a large rubber gasket-type stretch over connection that fits loosely over about half of the faucets you will find, turning the faucet into a long-hose shower head. It’s available for a few bucks in the plumbing section of most of the big-box “Mart” stores, some pet stores, and hardware stores, it can turn a secluded public restroom with a floor drain into a private spa. Slowly turn on the water and keep the pressure down so the adapter doesn’t pop off the faucet. These shower kits are reasonably lightweight and you can easily remove the rubber faucet adapter and get a proper threaded plumbing adapter for your regular faucet in most cases or for a garden hose, this will prevent wasted water and a wet mess, even with a good slip on fit the universal rubber adapter spurt lots of water at the faucet connection.
For more privacy while washing off you might use a doorjamb lock available at luggage stores, or a door stop to lock the bathroom, only use this option during offhours and at a location where there is another bathroom available for people to use. Leaving a hardware store lock hasp might work, but leaving that kind of obvious evidence of your activity might get that convenient bathroom closed.
Frugal Bathing
If you are overloading a squat or house and need to conserve hot water, are at a public restroom with a very small water heater, or you are dipper bathing from a bucket of warmed water here is a way to not waste your limited supply.
2-Turn off water
3-Soap up head, groin, armpits, and any places with tough dirt
If you are limited to a bucket you should use a large cup to wet and rinse yourself, dumping the bucket over your head is a good way to accidently run out of water while you still have soap on your body.
Wear sandals in any shower or communal bath area where foot fungus is possible; foot rot can ruin your best mode of transport.
Hot Water
Your electric stinger immersion water heater can be put into your wash bucket and used to warm around three or four gallons of water, enough for a dipper shower or a washcloth bath.
In sumer a dark colored garden hose laid out on the roof or pavement will collect solar heat and around noon you can take a nice hot shower by turning on the water.
Outdoor Bathing
One editor used to wash up in back of a church with a garden hose and a bar ofhotel soap, drying himself off with his own shirt or pants, whichever was cleaner at the time. The clothes dry off in minutes, even faster if you first wipe the water off you with your hands and flick it away, and it’s a great feeling knowing you can keep clean and healthy under your own power under nasty life conditions. A trick used by a number ofhobos and rail-riders is to carry a large squirt bottle with diluted baby shampoo. The idea is to wet yourself down, squirt yourself with the diluted shampoo, lather yourself from head to toe, rinse yourself and then dry off. You’d be able to clean yourself in about 3 minutes.
You can use your bucket and adaptor shower hose to make a siphon shower. Submerge the whole shower hose set into the bucket and let the bubbles go out. Hang the bucket from a tree branch, pipe, or other hanger, now quickly bring the shower head down to a level below the bucket allowing the siphon to begin sucking water from the bucket (it might help to tie the other end of the hose to the bucket handle). Be sure the adapter end is as close to the bottom of the bucket as possible, if you have two feet ofhose drop below the bucket it produces a nice spray. If you break the siphonjust suck on the shower head (use the side of your mouth to suck and your cheek to seal most of the spray holes) until it starts flowing again. If this is too complicated you can hang a flower sprinkler and tip it with a rope to shower.
If you are camped out or can’t find a bucket use your sleeping bag stuff sack and a plastic shopping or garbage bag liner to hold the shower water. Don’t use the draw string on the sack as this will likely rip out when you hang it up. Instead insert your hose and make several wraps of cord around the neck of the bag now hang up the bag, to start a siphon shower squeeze the sack.
If you can’t use your electrical immersion water boiler you can heat some water in a cook pot and add it to your bucket of cold water to warm it up.
It is a good idea to hang up a privacy sheet using your hostel sack and clothing line or at least wear a light swimsuit while you wash down since straight neighbors might call the police for public nudity, that and the pervs who might get the wrong idea.
Baby Wipes
Baby wipes give you a refreshing clean feeling when you are away from normal bathrooms, especially if you are on the road but are expensive, heavy, and wasteful.
It is also easy to make your own wipes. Flannel, terry cloth and plain cotton t-shirts can be cut into squares and make great cheap washcloths. Put a little diluted bathroom soap in a plastic baggie and you can get clean wherever you are. If they dry out for some reason,just add a little more water. Note: stay away from anti-bacterial soap for this as it can irritate your skin terribly if not completely rinsed off. Think rash.
A chamber pot or pee bottle is a good idea if you want your trips into and out of your toiletless urban squat minimal to avoid detection. Women need to find bottles with a large opening or a urine stream funnel which can be bought or made from a diagonally-cut 1 liter bottle. If there is no toilet, or it doesn’t work, use a 5 gallon bucket (check the dumpsters outside the local fast food joints) and improvise a toilet seat (Anything flat that can hold your weight and with a hole big enough will do). Get some chlorine bleach, dry earth, sawdust, or cat litter to pour into the bucket after each use to kill the smell. If you can get the lid to the bucket, keep it and use it. Also, line the bucket with disposable garbage bags. Double bag it because you do NOT want it to leak when you’re taking it out!
If the toilet in your squat is not clogged but doesn’t flush when you push the lever or you have no water pressure to refill the flush tank, a bucket of water dumped into the toilet will cause a flush cycle.
Toilet paper can be expensive or hard on the sewer or pipe system in some parts of the world. While it may seem disgusting to some readers here is the post toilet cleaning method we saw while in Jordan. The left hand is wet with the bathroom sink or a bottle of water if outside, now the wet hand is used to wipe your butt repeat until clean, then wash your hands really well.
Electricity is a big part of the magic of the modern world. With electrical power we can heat our squats and tents, charge batteries, and run full size computers. Without electricity we are back in the 19th century either freezing our asses off or burning expensive and often unsafe fuels.
Working with electricity is a very useful skill to our movement but if you are not taking proper precautions can also easily be deadly. If possible find a free vocational electricians course or even take a electrical apprentice position for a few months.
Power Jacks
Powerjacks are found in almost every room around the First World. If the jacks are turned off there are in-line light fixture adapters that screw in and still allow the light bulb. If there is only fluorescent fixtures a a few wire nuts and a chopped off extension cord or heavy speaker wire with a power receptacle on the end will let you tap into the power, be sure that the power or breaker is off when you are doing your work, tape over the switches so nobody surprises you with a ZOT of electricity when they enter the room. Sometimes there will be a blank panel of the right size where you might expect a switch or wall jack, open it up and test the wires to see if they are live. Many institutions use a weird screw head pattern to open up electrical panels, a few minutes of work with an old screwdriver and a file should make the right tool.
Alternative Voltages
Think about 110/220v flexible gadgets when buying travel items — you never know where you will be globe hopping.
If you can score a fully charged vehicle or better a deep cycle battery, consider investing in a DC to AC power converter/charger with battery clips. Some highway signs have a big 12 volt solar panel that will charge car batteries. Small 12v to 110 or 220 converters are now cheaply found especially in truck stops and gas stations. seeCars
Outdoor Power Taps
‘!!DANGER!! High skill required!! DANGER!!’ A person with appropriate skill can remove a bulb or splice into wiring from public light displays or streetlights, appropriate safety and training must be used as there is no way to shut off power for this work, serious life hazard is involved. Remember power in light poles is live even during daytime or offhours, and can carry as much as 40 Amps of power and be over 400 volts (l/8th Amp is enough to kill you).’!!DANGER!!’
A very small glow bulb AC power tester can be purchased in most hardware stores, these are safe, easy to use, and don’t burn out. Use this tester to determine if there is power in the wiring of a building and if the grounds are connected on a plug. You can also use this to test where the electrical company has cut off power (sometimes it is right at the meter). On 220 volt systems both “hot” wires will give you a glow when connected to ground, onllO only one “hot” wire will give a glow when connected to ground. The ground is the bottom round pin in Amerikan llO volt plugs, the ground diverts power away from you if an appliance short out inside, this is important in metal cased appliances and tools especially when using them on wet concrete.
Long Runs
If you need to transmit electricity for a very long run llO volts is often too low and resistance losses in the line will quickly reduce available electricity on long extension cord runs. The easiest way to get better distance out of narrow wire is to use a transformer and boost the voltage. High voltages require narrower wire and incur less losses for the same wattage but High Voltages are More Dangerous!
Use extreme caution using surplus military communication, network wire, or other other wires when stringing out to your destination, people will not expect a non-official power line to be running high voltage. Split the wires and run them parallel at least a foot or so apart, use electrical fence insulators where you hang wires in trees and buildings, inspect regularly for damage. A three or four amp rated four to one ratio transformer will convert llO volt to 440 volt which is much better at transiting long stretches ofline. You will need another four to one to step back down to ll0v, be careful to install the second transformer to step down or you will be boosting to about 2000 volts! Consider installing a sensitive circuit breaker at your electrical source transformer box, on of a lower value at your destination power box should help you avoid a long hike to flip the breaker. You might get one USA to EU power converter and one EU to USA converter to boost up to 220 and back toll0at the destination, this will require some additional adapter tips which often come with the travel converters.
Free Electricity
Contact your electrical company and relief agencies to see if there is a fund or discount for the indigent, some programs are for the elderly or homes with children. These programs are often part of the contract that the power company has with the community public utilities commission. Power to the People!!
A small, cheap desk lamp shining upwards can illuminate a whole room. A compact florescent lamp that screws into a regular light bulb socket will give lots oflight (and very little heat) and be a very minor electrical drain; this is good if you are tapping the light socket power for other uses.
Small oil lamps and the oil used to burn in them can be had at the big box stores and hardware stores. Just remember that those things get VERY HOT after a while. If you use candles, never leave them burning unattended. You can increase the light by putting a mirror or aluminum foil behind the candle and reflect the flame. You can make an improvised oil lamp using a glass jar and any vegetable oil (NEVER use motor oil!). Heat up the bottom of the candle until it’s soft, press it into the bottom of the inside of the jar, and when it cools, pour vegetable oil up to where the wick is exposed, then light the wick. The oil will burn with the candle. Some oils will be sooty and will smoke, so keep a window open. Keep it away from foot traffic, because if it spills, the spilled oil will spread flame VERY quickly! These type of open flames cause most of the deaths and property damage attributed to squatting.
Many grocery stores sell a seven day candle often with religous images on it, look in the Mexican foods section. These are great for night lights and the tall walls and splashing wax usualy put the fire out if there is a tip over.
If you are in an underground squat, something like an old abandoned subway or utility tunnel a Coleman type lantern using pressurised liquid fuel which gives the best large area coverage might be a good idea, the propane type lantern might also be considered if you can get a big propane tank like is used for a barbecue grill, look at camping shops or online for a long adaptor hose. Above all be careful with fire safety.
If you plan to spend hours or days exploring underground tunnels a carbide type lamp which is fueled with water and calcium carbide. The cheapest way to find a carbide lamp is in an antique shop but be sure that it is in good shape and the drip valves still work.
Stealth Light
If you are concerned with being noticed in your squat as you fumble about at night you should not use a full power flashlight or even a standard white LED light. Some flashlights like the one used by the army come with color filters, red to preserve night vision and sometimes blue which is harder to notice on a dark night. In any case if you really want stealth it might be smart to go a step further and poke a pinhole in some foil and blue filter the light too. Avoid swinging the light it is better that it not move as this attracts less attention. Blinking the light on and off as needed is what distress beacons do to get attention, bad idea for stealthy sqyatters. Do a light survey with a partner outside and assess the visibility, consider paper or cardboard over the lower windows to stealth your squat if they are too visible.
If you can get a fan, all the better. We like the small cheap clamp-on models. You can make an improvised “swamp cooler” by putting a bowl of ice in front of the fan, and let the air blow across the ice. If you can find a rack to hang a towel or damp clothes in front of the fan (but not over it), wet the towel with water. As the water evaporates, it will cool the air. If you can get a hold of a small sprayer or ultrasonic fogger that generates a constant mist, you can spray the air in front of the fan. Just remember to keep the water away from the fan itself. Water and electricity don’t mix.
During the real dog days of summer a cool bucket of water for your feet can really make a difference, add a well ventilated chaise lounge and you are ready for a nice siesta.
The heat of the day is the ideal time to bathe and wash your clothes and wear them wet, you will feel clean and your damp clothes should keep you cool for a while. This works best in dry areas, but even in a humid place sitting in front of a fan with damp clothes will cool you down.
If you have made a squat inside a building with HVAC there might be a thermostat for you to manipulate. Most won’t allow you to set desired temperature but a hot pack in summer or ice pack or snowball in winter should get you closer to that desired temperature.
A PDA or small laptop gives you access to the net, if you are willing to pay corpgov for their cellular service you can get on almost anywhere but it is traceable to location and expensive. Better to hunt out a a free wi-fi hotspot, cantenna an open home network, or go old school and scam some dialup. Either find a program or write a script to download all of the websites you frequent at an open WiFi zone, that way you can quickly grab all of your daily news and reading in a minute or two and sit and enjoy it in your squat. A laptop with a dish made from a coffee can can use starbucks’ wifi from well over a mile away if there is a line of sight
AKnoppix or Damn Small Linux disk lets you take over a Windows-owned machine and run your free unlimited system on it bypassing most blockages. A USB keychain drive lets you carry your files and photos as you document the fight and get your information out to the people. See also Internet Communications and Free Telephones
A Word on Batteries, Solar, and “Wind-Up” Gadgets
You might see ads for various electrical devices (radios, flashlights, etc.) that generate their own power by wind-up motors. Many of the expensive ones often use a small rubber belt in the pulley drive that gets stretched out and slips after a few years. They are a bother to replace, if they can be replaced at all.
Others require LOTS of winding, since the hand crank is connected directly to the dynamo. It’s best to wind these things up to charge the on-board batteries when you have nothing else to do, since you want the power when you need it. Gadgets with a small solar panel are best.
If you can score rechargeable batteries and a charger, great. Just remember that plug-in chargers need constant voltage (the town library usually has a few unattended outlets), and solar powered chargers need about two days of steady sunshine to charge the batteries. Also, rechargeable batteries lose their power in storage, so check the charge and try to keep them refreshed. If you can find a larger solar panel like is used by the road department on signs or the little ones from car lots for keeping car batteries charged, these will work more quickly than little solar clamshell chargers.
see alsoCyclingfor bike generator charging
Pest Control
Keep your squat very clean, you might even consider eating and storing food in a different location than you sleep. Leaving your food in your pack is an invitation to have a mouse or rat chew a hole.
Shake out and wash if possible all clothing and sleeping bags as bedbugs like to collect here.
Vinegar can sometimes get rid of ants and roaches, if this fails try boric acid from the pharmacist/chemist or the hardware store.
Bay leaves, mint, and other aromatic herbs will help keep insects out of your gear.
Citronella candles are expensive; try to find pure citronella oil sold for cleaning, this is the extract from citrus peels, it can be burned with a wick to drive off flying insects but also gives away your position from its strong citrus smell.
A buzz haircut helps avoid lice but if you have long hair a drop or two of olive oil on you comb every the morning is healthy for you hair and skin but also prevents the lice from finding a dry spot for gluing their eggs to your hair near the root.
Eating raw garlic will repel many insects including mosquitoes, it is no substitute for a net in areas infested with malaria or other flying insect carried illnesses.
In malaria country remember to tuck the mosquito net under your mattress at night after you have inspected for holes and mosquitoes, fold up and store during the day.
Don’t forget to take your malaria prevention meds every day in an afflicted area.
Medical Care
See Free Medical Carefor information on taking care of your health, illnesses, and injuries with concentration on low budget, migrant, and homeless populations.
Free Land
Free Land
In today’s world, it is nearly impossible for anyone to own property without becoming a bitch to financial institutions or the Government. Furthermore, because Amerikans are worrysome creatures, there are many restrictions on what can and cannot be done to a piece ofland. In quite a few areas a home must be of a certain square footage to “keep up property values” (read: more tax money for the slimeballs in StateGov)
So, in all actuality, it will take about $10,000 in cash or loans for a usable large parcel ofland out in the sticks, ranging from 1–10 acres, in amerika.
eBay can be a good place for the frugal Revolutionary to look for cheap land. Be forewarned: Many of the properties listed are out in the desert or have no real farmable land, and the nearest source of water may be miles away.
You can still try the free mining claim, it appears that this frontier option is only left open for megacorps today with good legal departments, we are doubtful on the option of camping out on the land, the laws as we read them seem to imply actual documented mining activity.
Original Free Land
Despite what you may have heard, there is still some rural land left in Amerika. The only really free land is available in Alaska and remote barren areas of the western states. The latest information in this area is found in a periodic publication called Our Public Lands, available from the Superintendent ofDocuments, Washington, D.C. 20402. It costs $1.00 for a subscription. Also contact the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau ofLand Management, Washington, D.C. 20240 and ask for information on “homesteading.” By the time this book is out though, the Secretary of the Interior’s friends in the oil companies might have stolen all the available free land. Being an oil company is about the easiest way to steal millions. Never call it stealing though, always refer to it as “research and development.”
Continental United States has no good free land that we know of, but there are some very low prices in areas suited for country communities. Write to School ofLiving, Freeland, Maryland, for their newspaper Green Revolution with the latest information in this area. Canada has free land available, and the Canadian government will send you a free list if you write to the Department ofLand and Forests, Parliament Building, Quebec City, Canada. Also write to the Geographical Branch, Department ofMines and Technical Surveys, Parliament Building, Quebec City, Canada. Correspondence can be carried out with the Communications Group, 2630 Point Grey Road, Vancouver 8, British Columbia, Canada, for advice on establishing a community in Canada. The islands off the coast ofBritish Columbia, its western region and the area along the Kootenai River are among the best locations.
If youjust want to rip off some land, there are two ways to do it; openly or secretly. If you are going to do it out front, look around for a piece ofland that’s in dispute, which has its sovereignty in question-islands and deltas between the U.S. and Canada, or between the U.S. and Mexico, or any number of other borderline lands. You might even consider one of the abandoned oil-drilling platforms, which are fair game under high seas salvage laws. The possibilities are endless.
If you intend to do it quietly, you will want a completely different type oflocation. Find a rugged area with lots of elbow room and plenty of places to hide, like the Rocky Mountains, Florida swamps, Death Valley, or New York City. Put together a tight band of guerrillas and do your thing. With luck you will last forever.
If youjust want to camp out or try some hermit living in the plushest surroundings available, you’ll do best to head for one of the national parks. Since the parks are federal property, there’s very little the local fuzz can do about you, and the forest rangers are generally the live-and-let-live types, although there have been increasing reports oflong-hairs being vamped on by Smokey the Pig, as in Yosemite. You can get a complete list from National Park Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240. The following is a list of some good ones:
ALABAMA-Russell Cave National Monument, Bridgeport 35740
ARIZONA-Grand Canyon National Park, Box 129, Grand Canyon 86023
ARKANSAS-Hot Springs National Park, Box 1219, Hot Springs 71901
CALIFORNIA-Yosemite National Park, Box 577, Yosemite 95389*
COLORADO-Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, 80517
FLORIDA-Everglades National Park, Box 279, Homestead 33030
IDAHO-Boise National Forest, 413 Idaho Street, Boise 83702
ILLINOIS-Shawnee National Forest,Harrisburg National Bank Building, Harrisburg 62946
KENTUCKY-Mammoth Cave National Park, Mammoth Cave 42259
LOUISIANA-Kisatchie National Forest, 2500 Shreveport Hwy., Pineville 71360
MAINE-Acadia National Park, Box 338, Bar Harbor 04609
MARYLAND-Assateague Island National Seashore, Rte. 2Box 111, Berlin 21811
MASSACHUSETTS-Cape Cod National Seashore, South Wellfleet 02663
MICHIGAN-Hiawatha National Forest, Post Office Building, Escanaba 49829
MISSOURI-Mark Twain National Forest, 304 Pershing St., Springfield 65806
NEVADA-Lake Mead National Recreation Area, 601 Nevada Hwy, Boulder City 89005
NEW MEXICO-Aztec Ruins National Monument, Route 1, Box 101, Aztec 87410
NEW YORK-Fire Island National Seashore c/o New York City National Park Service Group, 28 E. 20th St., New York, NY 10003
NORTH CAROLINA-Wright Brothers National Memorial Box 457, Manteo 27954
OKLAHOMA-Platt National Park, Box 201, Sulphur 73086
OREGON-Crater Lake National Park, Box 7, Crater Lake 97604
UTAH-Bryce Canyon National Park, Bryce Canyon 84717
WYOMING-Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park 83020
This summer Yosemite forest rangers tried to evict a group of Yippies from their encampment. The Yippies rioted in the valley, spooked the tourists, burned cars and fought for their right to stay.
If you’re in Canada, Stanley Park is a favorite for people living rough, although in the hot summer there is always a worry about fires starting, and there is often a crackdown to move people out of the area.
Earth People’s Park is an endeavor to purchase land and allow people to come and live for free. They function as a clearing house for people that want to donate land and those who wish to settle. They own 600 acres in northern Vermont and are trying to raise money to buy more. Write to Earth People’s Park, P.0. Box 313, 1230 Grant Ave., San Francisco, California 94133.
People’s Parks are sprouting up all over as people reclaim the land being ripped offby universities, factories, and corrupt city planning agencies. The model is the People’s Park struggle in Berkeley during the spring of 1969. The people fought to defend a barren parking lot they had turned into a community center with grass, swings, free-form sculpture and gardens. The University of California, with the aid ofRonald Reagan and the Berkeley storm troopers, fought with guns, clubs and tear gas to regain the land from the outlaw people. The pigs killed James Rector and won an empty victory. For now the park is fenced off, tarred over and converted into unused basketball courts and unused parking lots. Not one person has violated the oath never to set foot on the site. It stands, cold and empty, two blocks north of crowded Telegraph Avenue. If the revolution does not survive, all the land will perish under the steam roller of imperialism. People’s Death Valley will happen in our lifetime.
Free Housing
Free Sleep
In most parts of the US sleeping of any kind outside an approved shelter is illegal for the homeless so we do what the drug users do, we grab a fix when nobody is looking, never knowing when the next fix will be available, all the while fearing withdrawal. Could you live like that and act normal?
If you need a place to sleep for a night, try crashing at the Waiting Room of the local hospital. Tell the nurses that you’re waiting for your sister/friend/whoever to have a baby, then lay down on the floor and catch some Zzzs. Might not be too comfy, but definitely safer than sleeping under a bridge. Eventually, the hospital staff will get wise to you but hopefully by then you’ll have gotten some rest.
Dry Reading
If you need some sleep find a book or newspaper to hold, which is quite easy at the library or in the trash, and doze off, since it appears you were legit andjust reading they will likely not throw you out unless it is a security guard or cop and your skin is the wrong hue ofbrown. This dozed off reading trick works well at bus and train stations, on buses and light rail but often is just a fitful nap not the peaceful sleep you really needed, expect to be awoken by a librarian or transit inspector after a time.
Here are some mid to longer term options for a place to stay Low Impact Crashing How to crash in almost any building or room without needing traditional appliances
External links resource for sharing short term, free living space
Housing Co-opsNot free but different
Shelters, Homeless and Otherwise Doesn’t list every shelter, but it’s a good resource.
Find a HostelThis one isn’t free, but split the costs with some friends and it could be pretty cheap.
Homestay DirectoryThe homestay directory onyahoo. go stay with afamily, rent a room, share an apartment, stay on afarm....
Covenant House Listingsif you need aplace to stay or want to stop being a drifterfhomeless, this is the place to go.
Find A Place To Go in Your Area Find aplace to go inyour area. these places are especially for runaway and homeless youth and children.
If you’re in a college town, simply go figure out where the frat party is, make friends there and find a couch to stay (or pass out late at the frat house).
Original Free Housing
If you are in a city without a place to stay, ask the first group ofhip-looking folks where you can crash. You might try the office of the local underground newspaper. In any hip community, the underground newspaper is generally the source of the best up-to-the-moment information. But remember that they are very busy, and don’t impose on them. Many churches now have runaway houses. If you are under sixteen and can hack some bullshit jive about “adjusting,” “opening a dialogue,” and “things aren’t that bad,” then these are the best deals for free room and board. Check out the ground rules first, i.e., length of stay allowed, if they inform your parents or police, facilities and services available. Almost always they can be accepted at their word, which is something very sacred to missionaries. If they became known as double-crossers, the programs would be finished.
Some hip communities have crash pads set up, but these rarely last more than a few months. To give out the addresses we have would be quite impractical. We have never run across a crash pad that lasted more than a month or so. If in a city, try hustling a room at a college dorm. This is especially good in summer or on week-ends. If you have a sleeping bag, the parks are always good, as is “tar jungle” or sleeping on the roofs of tall buildings. Local folks will give you some good advice on what to watch out for and information on vagrancy laws which might help you avoid getting busted.
For more permanent needs, squatting is not only free, it’s a revolutionary act. If you stay quiet you can stay indefinitely. If you have community support you may last forever.
Backpacking and Camping
B packing and camping are both viable ways to live without a permanent address. Backpacking es much more mobility and deeper wilderness, the equipment is mostly suitable for touring both on foot and by bicycle. Camping is more stable and often involves more comfortable bedding and cooking equipment. A camper hitches a ride, drives, or even uses a trailer, while a backpacker can easily move on her own.
Contrary to what the magazines and gear shoppes would like you to think you don’t need to have the most expensive equipment money can buy to take to the hills. There is sometimes a trade off in comfort, weight, and function with the expensive gear, but never let price keep you from choosing this option, we hope some of our ideas can get you out without breaking your budget. Remember often the price difference in the ultra$$ brands is because of expensive advertising.
Don’t forget to visit mom and pop army-navy surplus stores for lots of weird junk mixed with some useful and sometimes very high quality camping gear, unless you swiped it from a base a bit of the money from surplus supports some generals slush fund, but the deep discounts are worth it,just watch out for obsolete, worn out, heavy, or low quality gear. Unfortunately unless you move fast most of the best deals are quickly grabbed and sold at online auctions.
A quality pack is very important, fit is very personal, you need to try on the loaded pack (take 30–50 lbs of well sacked sand bags or call ahead and see if the store has some) before you buy and walk around for at least an hour.
Quality frame packs while not in vogue are often cheaper and let you carry lots ofheavy gear, the internal frame packs hug tight to your body giving you more stability. Be sure the straps are comfortable on your shoulders and chest and that the sternum strap can be moved to a comfortable place Women especially need to find a pack with shoulder straps contoured to not rub their armpits or breasts when cinched tight.
The old US Army ALICE frame pack is an excellent buy if you can find one in good shape on the surplus market.
Care must be exercised since a high priced pack might have bad stitching or components and a really good pack might be sold for very cheap if it is a brand unknown in the US.
Things to look for: well ventilated back pad, anti-damp shoulder straps and belt pad, useful outside pockets, drinking system compatibility, gear attachment loops, modularity, quality zippers, and durability especially at the shoulder straps and seams.
A pack cover with a draw string protects your pack from rain and also makes it difficult for pickpockets to quickly find the zippers. A pack cover could be reversed to cover straps during air travel.
When traveling find a good daypack that is comfortable when either attached to the main pack straps or looped forward on your arms as well as when you wear it on your back. Keep your valuables in the front day pack where you have control of it an leave you bulky stuff in the main pack.
Small light-duty packs are available which fit into a key chain or wallet and weigh almost nothing.
A tent serves several jobs; insect protection, privacy, sun shade, and weather protection; the tent construction will affect the performance in all of these areas.
For insect protection be sure that there are full closing zippers, some inexpensive tents leave the bottoms of windows and doors open, durable screens and zipper seams are less likely to rip out quickly.
Privacy is the easiest to get, even the cheapest tent is usually opaque, a luggage padlock on your zipper will keep the honest drunk and stoner from crashing out in your tent while you are away.
Sun protection is best achieved by buying a polyester tent with UV resistant coating or aluminum impregnated into the tent giving the fabric a silver color. Even a good tent shoudl be keptin the shade if possible to reduce degradation.
Weather resistance is what makes the difference between a $20 tent and a $800 one. High quality tents are season rated, a one season tent is made for use in summer only resisting rain, two also includes late spring and early fall meaning it has better ventilation, three season is for early spring and late fall meaning it can take light snow, a four season is reinforced to withstand heavy snow and still not collapse.
Construction quality varies widely between tents look for the following. Bathtub bottom construction means that the waterproof ground cover extends up a few inches to resist light flooding. Proper multilayer urethane coating on the tent fly will resist the strongest rain and not rot quickly. Quality Easton aluminum is lighter and stronger for pole construction than fiberglass. Taffeta inner walls that reach to near the bottom of the walls will help prevent condensation, be sure the fly is well separated from the inner wall to give good ventilation. YKK zippers are the industry standard and much better than the ones on inexpensive tents, glow zipper pull add -ons are nice at night. A mesh gear loft is handy to place a light, watch, glasses, phone, or keys. A large tent fly that extends from the tent can be used in rain or snow for stashing water resistant gear and careful cooking.
Without all of these fancy features we have successfully tested $20 tents for whole summers in dry locations with occasional rain. If the weather is clear don’t use the fly at night on a cheap tent, the small “skylight” screen will release enough moisture that condensation will not be too bad. On every tent buy quality seam seal and reseal all of the seams with three light coats to prevent leakage through the stitches.
Tarp Tent
For ultra light weight camping a UV treated nylon tarp and your walking staff makes a tent,
1- shorten your walking staff and stick into the ground
2- Connect one corner to the top of your staff
3- stake the corner opposite the staff to the ground
4- spread the other two side corners with five foot cords
5- stake side cords to the ground.
This gives good protection from sun and if placed mindful of terrain or a angled gutter is dug to divert runoff it will also protect you from rain. Suspend a light bug screen for insect protection.
Army Poncho
The US army type poncho is multi-purpose item and works good as rain rear and makes a quick shelter. Two can be snapped together to form a pup tent or one as a tarp tent. Recent surplus ponchos are not only woodland camouflage but are designed to match the infrared background in a forest which is good if you are a fugitive but bad if you are lost in the woods. If you look in books
like the army ranger handbook you will find ideas for using ponchos as rafts emergency stretchers and other useful things.
Sleeping Gear
Sleeping Bags
The price difference in sleeping bags is mostly a factor of name brand style, weight, and packed size versus warmth. The difference is in the construction, fill material, the shell, and in the lining. The shell is usually nylon and is thin or thick depending on if durability or weight are desired, for any shell the weave should be tight to prevent snags. Fill material available is constantly changing, 600 goose down is the gold standard for insulation but is worthless if wet, we don’t recomend it. Synthetics claim many qualities, but good fluff is what you really need; claims of new 3D fibers and such pop up every few years, be skeptical of amazing powers contained in the new expensive fiber. Lining is usually nylon, coolmax, or a nylon-cotton mix, the cotton and coolmax synthetics make the liner more comfortable in hot weather, while nylon is lighter. Construction is very important, some features mentioned only apply to a mummy style or rectangle bag, look for the following: neck and face draw-strings, quality (YKK is good) zippers, full length zippers, compatibility to zip two bags together, hang loops, mesh gear pocket, foot contour, thicker insulation on bottom, and box baffling of insulation.
A low temperature and a medium temperature mummy bag give you a modular extreme cold system, nest the smaller bag inside the larger for very cold nights, and in warmer weather if the zippers match you have room for two.
Many inexpensive sleeping bags can now be found to include many of the features needed to keep warm even in cooler temperatures, while not performing badly in terms of weight and packing. An army poncho liner blanket is very light and can be stuffed into any place in your bag where you feel cold.
If you’re really down and out, one or more of the “lint” blankets given away by homeless shelters inside of a taped or melted-shut piece of visqueen plastic sheeting will keep you warm and block the wind, but the blankets and bag need to be seperated and dried out every day.
Sleeping Pads
The best choice for a sleeping pad is a well made self inflating pad, it is both light and durable. However, if you are on a budget, stick with the old indestructible closed-cell foam roll-up mat, it will keep you warm and dry, but packs big. Cardboard or newspaper can be used to insulate yourself from the ground. Be sure to avoid sleeping with little-to-no insulation, especially if in the woods, as temperature changes and dampness can make you uncomfortable and even sick.
Bivvy Sack
A quality Gore-tex bivvy sack will set you back about $300 unless you can find a military surplus one. These manufactured bags are ofhigh quality, tough, and waterproof. A bivvy sack is almost weightless when compared with a tent and greatly increases the cold rating of a sleeping bag. Quality bivvy sacks usually load from the top only because it is very difficult to have a leak proof zipper. They usually also have a zip-shut bug screen for the face and a draw string to close the opening.
Gore-tex type waterproofbut water vapor passable fabric can be found at some large fabric stores. You might mix a few unmatched remnants to save money, remembering that every seam is a potential leak point (so be sure to seal them well!), the bottom can be ordinary waterproof fabric if you need to save money.
Your hammock is a good way to stay cool and comfortable in hot weather, you also don’t need to worrry about how rocky the terrain is. If you are properly tied in with a harness (if you don’t tie into an anchor and your harness it is an easy way to die in your sleep) you can even hammock up on a rock face, building sit in, or tree sit using tree or rock anchor points or bolts.
If you hang a tarp tented above your hammock you will protect yourself from rain and gain a bit of privacy, it is a good to stake down the corners with cord if you want to have better weather protection. Use a bivvy sack if it looks like a real storm is coming. It is now possible to purchase one piece tented-over hammocks which are both bug and rain protection.
Like in stealth tenting look for a little bit ofbrush between you and the public areas sticking to dull colors for gear.
Food Preparation
Liquid Fuel
For international back country travel these tend to be the best as jet fuel, kerosene, or diesel is available nearly everywhere. These stoves also generally put out the most heat, some enough for melting snow. We like the MSR Whisperlite International and XGK although they are both expensive they burn anything and are hot, the Whisperlite simmers better, XGK is tough and burns like and afterburner.
Compressed Gas
Compressed gas stoves are lighter, easier to control, and can be cheaper. Compressed gas stoves, with due caution, can even be used inside your tent fly vestibule to cook during rain and snow. Some gas stoves include an electrical igniter.
Open Fuel
This category covers pellet, alcohol, and wood stoves as well as many other improvised stoves. Alcohol and Sterno stoves are discussed in Low Impact Crashing#Kitchen and work well in warm weather. Pellet stoves like the esbit fold small and light but are usually only used for emergencies. There are a few fan blown wood scrap burners which fill this commercial niche.
An interesting improvised stove is one made from an old oil filter and some welded steel break line, a feed hole is cut near the bottom and ash holes on the bottom a steel tube several inches long is attached a few inches up and it looks like a pipe with a giant bowl. Plastic or rubber tube is attached and a small bellows is connected made to blow the flame, good heat and easy lighting make this a real winner even in damp areas especially since it uses wood and bark bits as fuel.
Stainless steel seems to be the way to go for durability although aluminum does win in a weight comparison. Non-stick is easy to clean until the non-stick scrapes or burns. Sand will help scrape out most gunk in a steel pan. A kettle is good for easy boiling and pouring. A few plastic containers are good for leftovers and mixing bowls. If you are part of a good sized group a wok might be worth the weight. seeCheap Chow
A Thermos type insulated container saves fuel by holding a near boiling cooking level heat in for many minutes after you shut off your stove, for example bring your pasta or beans and rice to a nice boil in a minute or two and then shutdown and pour into your thermos it will finish cooking in there. On a long campout or trip a thermos might easily be worth its weight in fuel.
Mess Kit
Alexan bowl, some quality bamboo chopsticks, and a good set of stainless steel nesting utensils will work to serve most food you will be able to make in the wilderness.
Camping-store-bought freeze-dried food is too expensive to be of any use for sustenance. With a little thought and ingenuity, you can buy and make great light-weight camp food from a regular grocery store’s stock. Use the calorie information available in diet books or container labels to plan a meal; you need to be sure to have enough protein, fiber, and vitamins every day. Have a written meal plan that will meet your daily needs; marking and packing all of the ingredients for a meal in a heavy duty Ziploc or vacuum pack/seal bag makes it easier to prep a quick meal. Your goal when on the move or working is to consume 3000–4000 Calories per day in summer and up to 6000 in high mountain/winter. Our experience with most backpackpacker and cycle camping newbies is that they underestimate their hunger when planning sometimes as badly as a factor of three or four, it is OK to pack too much food especialy stuff for fatty recipes that contain oil, butter, or margerine which are full of calories and make you feel full.
Try these ideas instead of the expensive camp store foods:
Boxed noodles and sauce or macaroni and cheese
Parmesan cheese block or powder (for cheese sauces and topping)
Instant rice
Dry Pasta
Tomato sauce for soups or sauces
Oven dried veggies (for soup and stews)
Oatmeal flakes (running it for a few seconds dry in a bladed food processor makes it “instant”)
Dried fruits and raisins
Wheat germ
Heavy Filling Cereals (i.e. Grapenuts)
Powdered milk (reconstitute in a squirt bottle)
Powdered egg mix (be sure to carry hot sauce)
Dry cereal
Cookies, Brownies and Energy Bars
Oven dried and cured meat strips (hardjerky) for snack or soup
Biscuit mix for simple breads, pancakes, and biscuits
Oil for frying and margarine substitute (A gulp of oil before bed will raise your body temperature as you digest, if you can stand it. Flaxseed oil is rich in Omega-3’s.)
Spices, condiments, and sauces
Powdered soup base or bouillon cubes
Chicken, Tuna or other fish sold packed in Mylar pouches
Instant potato flakes
Dried mushrooms (like Portabello or Shitake, buy fresh and allow to dry in a paper bag for a few weeks for soups)
Hot cocoa powder
Liberated MRE Meal Pouches & Components
Instant Coffee & Tea
Beans and TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) Meat Substitutes
It is amazing what kinds of fun dishes you can whip up in the woods, when you are stopped for a few days, when you have the time and energy. Just but be sure that you have something bonehead easy and fast to prepare or better yet ready to eat, for when you set up camp after a hard day of hiking. Vegans need to pay special attention to their diet planning especially to their fat and protein intake when on the move, most of their meals are naturaly much less rich than the average Amerikans.
Keep all food and dirty pans and utensils away from the tent and out of your pack; a hang bag cache thrown over a tree limb will keep most animals out of the food. Bear-safes are required in some places but are heavy. Even ifbears are not a problem, smaller animals can wreck your gear trying to get the food. Wash dishes away from camp.
Hardtack is little more than a large cracker that, ifkept dry, could stay edible for months, perhaps years. It’s broken and mixed with some liquid (hot water, broth, etc.) to make a porridge, or to thicken soups or stews. If you make enough in advance, it can be eaten on the march or at camp. A recipe from the WikiMedia Cookbook follows:
2 cups of flour
1/2 to 1/4 cup water
6 pinches of salt
1 tablespoon of shortening (optional, feels more filling and adds calories)
1. Mix all the ingredients into a batter and press onto a cookie sheet to a thickness of 1/2 inch.
2. Bake in a preheated oven at 400°F (205°C) for one hour.
3. Remove from oven, cut dough into 3-inch squares, and punch four rows ofholes, four holes per row into the dough (a fork works nicely).
4. Flip the crackers and return to the oven for another half hour.
Hardtack has been known as “sheet metal” or “molar breakers” because it is very hard and dense, so don’t try to eat it like a regular saltine.
Forest Forage
If you somehow are stuck in the woods for a long time drink pine needle tea for the vitamin C to avoid scurvy. Some soft (unripe) pine cones have food value cooked or raw.
The inner bark of many trees ifboiled can be eaten for minimal food value often killing the tree. Young plant shoots, soft inner stalks, and soft or bulbous roots can often be safely cooked or eaten raw, learn what is poisonous and edible along your travel route and local area.
Steel wire snares or baited fish hooks are a cruel and illegal way to survive by trapping animals and birds but it might save your life if you are starving, check your traps regularly.
Cut and cook or smoke any meat as soon as possible to avoid waste.
A small net at the end of a large triangle of rocks laid in the river to guide the fish in will make a good trap as will a series ofbaited hooks in the water strung to trees above, check your fish traps regularly, spear fish in the shallows with a frog spear tip on a stick.
Bombing fish in a pond with chlorine bleach is classless destruction, it will bring them to the surface but will kill the whole ecosystem. Instead use rotenone or crush green husks from butternuts or black walnuts. Throw the husks into the water, it will do the trickjust stunning the fish without killing the other animals, collect and eat or salt and smoke all fish you stun.
A good rule is to never eat any plant foods that are bitter or burning unless it is a known food like peppers, although even rotted meat can be safely eaten in most cases if very well cooked or boiled for several hours. Always cook or smoke and then hang meat since bears, mice and racoons are still interested in your food.
Don’t expect to be able to survive on gathering, fishing, hunting, or trapping, indigenous peoples in what is now known as North America were very few in number and the wildlife was not as stressed, many first nations people also practiced agriculture.
Most foods can either be stewed in a pot which is boiled on coals of at least an hour preserving most nutrients, if this is impossible cook chopped meats and fish on a skewer over the coals of a fire.
Fishing as a food source is a useful skill in some parts of the world. If you know what you are doing you might be able to supplement your protein intake with some lightweight gear. Forget about fancy gear like fly fishing that is for the rich who rear up a fish’s mouth and throw him back, we want the food. A telescoping pole and spinning reel will do the trick without breaking your bank or back but a stick and floss will work in a pinch. Some six pound test monofilament line will bag most small river fish. Ask locals their favorites but in general worms, corn, insects, and dough balls all work good, it won’t hurt to carry some flashy, rattly, and spinny lures with your gear. Get a big assortment pack of fish hooks, they weigh and cost very little and are useful for a hobo on the move even if you just use a stick pole and dental floss. A bobber hangs your bait off of the bottom in still water, moving water requires casting out and recovering as it floats downstream, you can use a dry stick as bobbber if needed.
If you catch a fish it should have firm and elastic flesh, clear and full eyes, bright red gills, a clean pleasant order, and an absence of reddish discoloration on the ventral side of the backbone, that is, the side of the backbone that’s on the inside of the fish. Cloudy, sunken eyes, and gray colored gills are the first recognizable signs of old, decaying fish. When the head, gills, and backbone are gone, rely on your sense of smell and touch. Worn out or dying fish have much less nutritional value but cooking them will remove danger of illness.
In over fished areas forget about wasting your time. Sport fishers, hunters and gatherers are often out in huge numbers during hard times and will often cause many years of damage from taking too much from the ecosystem.
To clean a fish smash the brain area to kill it, then cut from the anus to the throat, remove guts(these are good fish bait), use a dull knife to scrape off the scales, some fish are best filleted from the ribs but small ones are easier to leave in and remove when you eat it. Pan fry most fish with a little oil and spices.
Watch out for fish and game cops they can take all of your gear, car, or boat as a punishment leaving you destitute if you are accused of poaching.
Water purification pills, boiling, and unscented bleach will kill bacteria. but take around half an hour to work. Most backpackers who don’t have access to plumbing want the convenience of a filter. We teach the construction of a drip filter in Low Impact Crashing, but hand pumped models work faster and can remove pathogens from large volumes in a shorter time (if you can devise a pump for the improvised filter element above with no bypass this will work too). Good filters have a scrub clean ceramic filter and are designed for easy field maintenance. Be careful that you pump out all water in and keep inside your coat in freezing temperatures as ice can crack the filter element. MSR, PUR, and Sweetwater make good filters.
If you are near an open, natural water source or even damp soil or green vegative matter during a sunny day with moderate heat, you can use what is called a solar still to generate fresh water. Solar stills are usually inflatable buoys that consist of a flattened black base connected to a parasol with a collection tube attached to the bottom of this. It works by collecting water, green vegatation, damp soil, or anything containing water onto the bottom part and then using the sun to evaporate it. This leaves behind dissolved substances (like salt). The vapor is then collected inside the top of the cone and condenses. There is usually a thin fishing-line type cord that spirals down the inside of the top and empties into the tube. You can lead this end into a bottle or pouch to fill with clean water. It usually takes a while to get a lot, but additional stills will make this better. These are good for use if you are camped for a somewhat extended period of time in a desert area, or if you are out at sea. It is still a good idea to bring this distilled water to a boil to sterilize any bacteria.
Drinking Systems
A backpack tube type drinking system makes sipping easier and increases water intake preventing dehydration in all weather conditions, adding a shutoff valve will prevent leakage if the bite valve is accidentally compressed, blowing air into the tube will keep that next gulp of water cool in the pouch especially if you have ice. You need to clean the tube and bladder well and store with a paper towel puffing out the bladder to prevent mold and slime. Many drinking systems have a large opening which is threaded and compatible with water filter pumps.
Flagyl aka Metronozole is used to treat intestinal parasites like giardia which causes beaver fever. Filtering or boiling will make the water safe from these parasites but remember to also use clean water to wash your face and dishes.
Be sure you are getting enough water to drink, plan minimum two liters a day if camped in cool weather, more if moving or the day is hot. Your urine should be a clear when in the field, dark or cloudy urine is a sign of dehydration, most Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even if the weather is cool insufficient hydration and urine output could lead to bladder and even kidney infection especially in women.
A dilute drink mix can make guzzling water easier and helps soft drink addicted Americans replenish electrolytes, this should taste like watered down soft drink. You can carry a concentrate to add to water while you are on the trail.
4–5 tablespoons sugar
1/8 and 1/16 teaspoon of salt
1/16 teaspoon salt substitute that contains potassium chloride
1/2 packet of unsweetened drink powder(no artificial sweeteners) or 1/2 cup lemon or lime juice
1 litre of water
You can substitute powdered citric acid for the drink flavor powder to add zing, experiment with concentrations.
Footwear for backpacking depends on your ankles. If you have steel ankles and arches you might be able to get by with trail runner shoes or light hiker boots. For the rest of us non-bionic humans the weight on our feet is paid offby the superior support of a mountaineering boot. The price of these giant boots is offset by the vibrant resale market where a slightly stinky used pair of $400 boots can be had for around $50.
If you will be establishing a longer term wilderness base camp, trail runner type shoes might be worth the pack weight for short trips from camp. River sandals are also an option for short trips especially if you will be walking through water. For the most part waterproof footwear is a problem either because about 30% of people perspire too much and the inside gets damp or because they step in water over their ankle and it takes forever to dry the shoe out since there is a waterproof barrier.
If tramping through swamps and rivers the old Vietnam jungle boot is a good workhorse although it gives less support than a big mountaineering boot.
Big woolly socks help prevent blisters, even in hot summer go for the big fluffy socks, we know some who wear an inner silk or synthetic stocking but watch for folds that can cause blisters.
It is vital important that you get a good fit and do not jam your toes into the end,jammed toes lead to ingrown nails and blisters which can become infected leading to a potential of major damage or immobility. When at the store do heel and toe kicks at the ground, walk around for a few minutes and if possible walk or in-place-step up and down on an incline to see if your foot stays tight wthout jamming your toes or making any rub spots.
Synthetic zip off trousers/shorts are easily available at the writing of this book, these are good for durability, ease of washing and drying quickly but some do hold body odors. Camping and ski stores often carry synthetic button shirts and t-shirts although for the money discount 100% silk Hawaii print or colored dress shirts workjust as well, look for a durable tight weave.
In most locations, if you already own one, a light mountaineering type parka shell combined with one or two liner layers is a lightweight way to protect from rain and cold. The army surplus camo gore-texjacket fits the bill, we have heard of some people successfully coloring them black without ruining the gore-tex.
If you are in a very rainy location think about roll up Gore-tex rainpants. Mountaineering gaitors are waterproof and keep your legs dry if you need to move along in wet brush or grass after a storm or heavy dew.
Under your shell layer lies the main insulation layer (fleece jacket and trousers although a fleece vest is fine in summer), sometimes your tighter vest and looserjacket are combined to add insulation in serious cold. Long underwear finishes up your three layer system. Remove layers to keep you from sweating.
Wide brimmed boonie type hats are great for hot, sunny, or wet weather but a good insulated military helmet under hat or wool cap will keep you warm in the cold.
Spandex sport bras and underwear works well for preventing chafing and providing support, bike shorts also work well and prevent most thigh chafing when walking. Another option for women is to wear a one piece competition bathing suit on the trail for support and at your destination you are ready for the water.
Long underwear of the real polypro and not a cotton mix is a super lightweight bit of gear that really helps keep you warm, don’t forget both tops and bottoms.
You are limited in the amount ofbatteries you can carry into the wilderness and by what to do with them after they are used up, see our thoughts in Low Impact Crashing on batteries, solar and wind up gadgetswith extra emphasis on solar since it provides electricity without requiring you to expend extra effort.
ForCommunicationa tiny HF QRP radio transceiver will keep you in touch on a regular enough basis to keep you on top of everything, some kits can even listen to shortwave broadcast too, look for a kit or radio set with low battery consumption. Have planned meet up times with a ham radio operator or member of the underground with a serious radio and antenna to check in several times a week who will also read you email and type up responses for you. Be sure not to compromise on a quality wire antenna and set up on a hilltop if possible when you transmit. If the pigs are looking for you and can get line of sight to your hilltop they might be able to DF(direction find) a HF radio set, keep your transmissions short and hope they are not looking or transmit from a valley and pray that the other station can hear you. Learn Morse code that works when almost nothing else will.
Walkie talkies are fun and sometimes very useful in the woods or urbanjungle but they are super easy for the cops to zero in on, if they have the right gear, even if there is very little chatter. We find either a 2 meter ham or quality FRS walkie-talkie work best.
A signal mirror works for many miles hilltop to hilltop, the difficulty is sending and receiving morse code effectively to another party. Flashights and lasers work at night for the same purpose, attach a low power pointer to a BB gun scope and allign them.
A headlamp is a must when camping, a dual beam headlamp will give you a powerful halogen beam for long range and an LED bulb for reading and camp chores while keeping your hands free. Pressurized fuel and candle lanterns, fluorescent lamps, and light sticks all have their place but a LED light usually wins because ofbattery life and weight.
If you have a propane or liquid fuel pressure lantern for light, seriously consider replacing the glass globe (that glass thing that surrounds the mantle) with one made of steel mesh. Glass breaks too easily when you’re roughing it. Steel mesh globes are available on-line and at better sporting goods stores or can be made from steel window screen.
Most people really believe in the GPS, we like it too but we really don’t trust Uncle Sam and his boys at the Air Force to leave it working right for us citizens if they really start cracking down. We like the army lensatic compass with the perma-lit tritium elements so the important parts will be glow for about 25 years. You sight this compass like a gun while viewing the degrees dial so you can easily choose a landmark to walk towards. This is around $120 new or$10if you can find a soldier a week before payday. For a big quality drop there is a functional copy of the army compass sold at camping stores for$15 but you must be very careful to check that the needle points true and doesn’t stick. Silva and Brunton also make excellent compasses for navigation but are not as tough as the army ones.
Carry a plastic spade for burying #2. Don’t defecate near the water; it is not just rude, it spreads disease. Hand roll TP or learn to use a squirt bottle and leaves.
Walking Sticks
A pair of lightweight telescoping ski type poles have become popular with the backpacking crowd. Essentially they make you into a four legged animal giving you more strength while climbing and better stability while descending or crossing water. In the tents section above there is a description on how to use a tarp and telescoping hiking pole to make a ultra-lightweight tent.
Tools and Repairs
Tent wands can be repaired by wrapping pop can around the break a few times and securing with duct tape.
Tents can be repaired by gluing a piece of the nylon packing bag over the hole and seam sealing it.
Inflatable pool toy repair glue will save an inflatable mattress.
Have o-rings, pump cups, and silicone lubricant for all stoves and filters.
Carry a bit of tent screen patch.
Some wire can save a broken zipper and act as a zipper pull.
Cable ties are just always useful.
A zipper that is stuck open can be lubricated by rubbing a candle or a bar of soap on the teeth.
Pack a well-stocked sewing kit with some patch material, carpet thread, Velcro, large needles and safety pins.
Military duct tape is amazing but the goop it leaves is tough to get off for real repairs. Wrap a meter or two around a golf pencil.
A stick of hot glue can be melted with a lighter.
Assorted small nuts, bolts, washers, pins, and screws have many uses.
Carry lots oflantern mantles (and make certain they’re the right model for your lantern).
Quality pliers multi-tools are always good to have in or out of the woods
A smaller scissors multi-tool is useful on your keychain.
Camping stores carry a pocket-chainsaw which is a roll up linked saw that you can either use with the included handles or make a bow-saw with a stick, it rolls into a four inch pocket size flat can.
Other Skills
Check out Low Impact Crashing and Pack your bag for more camping related skills and gear.
Camping whileCyclingis a popular way to overnight when touring, Just stick your backpack in a trailer (have plans for wet weather) or distribute your gear in pannier bags, since weight savings are still important to cyclists backpacking gear is traditionaly used.
seeSkiing and Boarding for backcountry winter movement.
Where to Camp
Established state and national parks are the easiest choice and there is sometimes a discount for walkers and bikers who need no parking spot. We prefer to find a nice spot off of the road andjust set up camp far enough away from town that the cops won’t bother us. If getting away from town is not practical at least camp near or inside a park treeline a hill between you and town helps. Be careful if you find a beautiful green field in the middle of summer you may be surprised by pop-up water sprinklers at two in the morning. As long as the place you camp is not marked “No Trespassing” you can not be busted until you are asked to leave and refuse, don’t assume that small town cops understand the law, keep most of your stuff packed and ready to go.
Always get dull colored gear if possible, a big part of the stealth camping we do is not being noticed, this is especially important as you near urban areas. Going into the brush and trees even a little bit breaks up the outline of your tent, dull colored (non-damaging)dye art on your rain fly will help break up the outline but will also make you easy to identify. You will develop an eye for using terrain and folliage to conceal your camp. Look behind buildings with parking large lots, train tracks, and near large factories for a field to camp in, industrial areas may not have services but they also often have a much lower competetion for viable camping spots.
Replacing Consumables
Out in the wilderness there are a few ways to make cash if you get creative, the upside is the overhead costs are low,just try to keep your nice gear from wearing out, that can be the biggest expense.
Silver or pewterjewelery sculpting can be a fun creative job.
Gold panning is a way to make a living good enough to support a camped out lifestyle, a pan is used to swirl out the lighter dirt and pebbles but keep the heavy gold dust which is best found deposited at turns in rivers and where the current suddenly slows. Practice in panning and knowing where to look improves yields.
Sometimes mushrooms or truffles become very valuable on the world market and harvesting and selling could buy you months of supplies.
Although very unconventional, if you have a solar panel a mobile phone with internet and an HPC you might be able to use the Internet to take part time with editing, translating, and writing jobs even from the forest a few miles from a small town.
Growing pot might not be a good idea, even though the payoff is good, as if you are caught you will loose even your backpacking gear.
Try whittling! Just be sure to have the means to sharpen your knife if you spend a lot of time on this. Make small crafts to sell at street fairs or music fests! A couple good examples include a fat, shapely cat statue from balsa wood (just paint in the eyes) with some small holes with cut fishing line glued in for whiskers; miniature Buddhas or other religious items.
Crochet old plastic shopping bags, with the “Green is In” fad people are happy to buy often for a decent price items crocheted from plastic bags.
Set up a sign and offer bicycle tune up and repair near a popular bike trail (have extra spokes, chain and tubes)
If you are looking for a more permanent home in one location, or prefer something closer to the comforts ofhome camping could be your solution. Camping is also easier if you have children and they are unable to carry their own gear. See also Alternative Shelter
Larger tents can be rented or purchased from a place specializing in their sales. Army surplus tents are very durable and can last several years in the elements, be careful for intentionally damaged tents and shoddy repairs. Insist that the dealer erect and allow inspection of any tent, don’t forget the poles, stakes, and ropes. Lighter family tents can be expensive and usually are intended for only a few setups, left erected they can last for months if in a shaded area. You should buy a tent with plenty of room to stand up, roll out several large sleeping bags with foam mattresses, and stow your gear.
A trailer or motorized camper can be very expensive if purchased new, like most yuppie retirement toys the value drops like a rock once it looks used inside. Be sure the appliances work since repairs can be expensive. Inspect the wheels and tires of a trailer, make sure lights and brakes work correctly and that the tow vehicle is able to connect. Pop up campers must be inspected carefully for mechanical function and rot especially in canvas panels, ask to leak test the camper with a garden hose. Never overload a vehicle with a large trailer, this can be very dangerous!
If you are using a trailer most have LP gas stove installed cooking is like at home. For tent campers the old Coleman pressure stove is a good option. For longer trips out you might want to invest in a gas powered stove and use a distribution pole and gas hose to run it from a five gallon or larger LP gas tank, these poles have a connection on top for a propane lantern and extra valves for other propane gadgets.
The army tents used to have an option for a diesel/wood fueled stove but supply of these are drying up. A person good with welding or rivets, a metal drum, and some stove pipe could build a stove for heat and cooking surface. Be careful to inspect the stove pipe hole on these tents for burning or damage.
Unless you really need lots of power like for some sort of pirate radio gig a generator is noisy and a real invasion of the solitude of the wilderness. Running your engine to charge the batteries feeding your inverter is also a huge waste of fuel. Try to minimize power and if possible stick to solar for charging your deep cycle batteries. see alsoCars
Many people plan on using chemical toilets since they are not constrained by weight and these seem cleaner, these are usually not warranted if you are able to dig a small toilet hole, the exception is in stressed wilderness environments where overuse is taxing the area. If you have a plumbed trailer or camper only dump your waste into a sewage system and not into a body of water.
If you are downhill or beside flowing water and plan to stay for awhile a piece ofblue tarp can be sewn into a cone shape and clamped to a garden hose fitting, this is tied in the flowing water, a length ofhose can be attached with a valve at the end to deliver water to your camp, let the hose flow to remove stagnant water before using.
A small electrical pump can be attached to a length ofhose, drop into a lake or creek and fill up, remember to add chlorine or install a filter in your water system that will remove Giardia.
Remember to filter or treat any water you get from the wild. River water may look pure and fresh, but it might be flowing over a dead animal upstream. Avoid drinking water dripping off of melting ice from rock formations. It may contain pulverized stone.
If you poke around country stores or ranger stations at night you will surely find a water spout, use your handy faucet knob and plug in.
If you camp near a river or stream, consider the US Army’s priority of where activity is to be done concerning the river’s flow. Furthest upstream is where you get your drinking water. Further down is where you wash your clothes and cookware. Last down is where you bathe.
Army folding cots or medic stretchers make great beds and keep you from the damp ground, in cool weather use a foam pad on top.
Be careful about swiping picnic tables from Smokey Da-Bear, he will send the Forest Freddies after you.
Proper plastic folding tables are the best, resisting the elements for several years. Plastic folding tables will work outdoors and take a while to rust the steel legs even in rain, try to bring them in. The older pressed wood folding tables will warp once wet.
Folding lawn furniture and stackable resin is superior to indoor folding chairs for long term camping.
Before you start a campfire, make certain that you’re not in a drought stricken area. If a ranger sees the smoke from your fire, you’re up for a fine or maybe even arrest, at the least the forest cops will will run your ID.
Stick to the old fashioned Boy Scout methods. Check to see that nothing flammable is within a six foot radius of the fire. Dig a small pit and circle it with rocks, then build a small compact fire that generates more heat than smoke.
When cooking food over a fire, don’t use fresh evergreen wood if possible. The wood releases resins and tars that can harm the flavor of the food. If there’s a lot of warm grease in your pots and pans, throw a handful of white ashes into it and stir. This will turn the grease into a weak soap that will help in cleaning.
To put out the fire completely, pour water over the embers, stir the ashes, douse it again, and then carefully feel the muck.
Always try to pack a full sized axe (a purloined forest service pulaski tool is even better) a shovel, and a bucket when driving into or base camping in the wilderness and know how to use them and mineral dirt to extinguish a fire.
Always scrape away the organic duff and only burn on mineral earth. If there is no moisture in the ground even down to a half meter, and if when you split logs they are dry as a bone be very careful, fuel moisture is very low and a fire will be hard to fight.
Large fires almost always throw off firebrands which can light the forest on fire, even if there is no forest fire since everything is green firebrands will burn holes in your cotton and nylon tents and gear, save wood and keep the fire small.
Other Options
Fire Lookout
Many US and Canadian Forest Service lookout towers are no longer occupied at all times in the summer. A maintained shelter often with a wood stove awaits. These are always unoccupied after fire season unless the area has a camper rental program. You may need to pick the lock.
Log Cabin
If you have the knowledge and time, like if you are on the run from the man and can’t get out of the country, a small log cabin can be made with an axe and your hands and trees. It is a good idea to spike your logs to prevent collapse if possible. Build a small short shelterjust large enough for your bed and pack. Use the largest stones you can find as corner stones. Dig out a entry tunnel instead of a difficult door unless you have lots of tools and construction supplies, continue digging a depression to make more headroom. Jam moss and leaves between the logs to make the cabin more wind proof. Make a single slope shed type roof and cover with bark or wood shingles or a thick cover of pine boughs, if you had plastic or a survival blanket consider using it as a roof liner.
If a USFS trail or fire crew sees any unauthorized construction expect to see it demolished so stay away from lakes, ponds, and hiking trails.
Urban Living
Many buildings have a flat roof and parapet to keep people from falling off. You will either have to attach a ladder to the roof from the fire escape or pick or break the inside lock to the roof access. Even then you need to assure regular access to the roof from outside while keeping everyone else from your squat. We have seen people bicycle lock a ladder nearby to get up on the fire escape, and rope it up once on the roof, but this is a real workout to raise and lower it every day. Once you have access to the roof you can build a shack to live in orjust camp out in your tent. Take advantage of electricity and water connections running to air conditioners and lights, but be careful these are live deadly electrical wires and there is no way to turn them off to tap in. In addition to a squat your rooftop might have enough space to start a rooftop garden like we discuss in Farm It
We all have seen campers under bridges. Bridges offer protection from sun and rain and, iflocated in a nonresidential area, there are often longer times between camp breakups by cops compared to more exposed camping spots. A careful electrician could tap the street or sign lighting to power their electrically powered gear, hotplates, etc. If trash starts to visibly build up the city will often kick everyone out and come in with a prison work crew to throw everything away.
Spaces between and behind buildings
A bold move is to try to wall off a narrow space between buildings, a professional looking fence gate and brick job must be done at night before a weekend or holiday or you will surely be busted. Install a high security lock on the fence gate. Try to find a location where the alleyway is the entrance and the street side is blocked off. Afterwards you need to plan for preventing the existence of your squat from being discovered and taken away by the police, building owners, or other homeless.
Many urban parks have overgrown areas large enough to allow real camping. Try to find a place hidden by thorns and briers that will discourage city workers. A regularly used trail will lead other homeless or even park services to your hideout.
Storage Space Rental
What freak has not dreamed of renting a storage unit for a home? Unfortunately the on site management is almost always against this, one inspection by the fire marshal and the manager is canned and the owner is in big trouble. It might be possible to bribe a manager but the trouble of modifying the unit, lack of water or bathrooms, and the locking of the buildings are all problems that make it almost not worth the trouble. In a free country storage unit type apartments would be an option for the very poor.
Bike Locker
It has been rumored that, with a few dollars spent at a hardware store, rented city and college bike lockers can be converted for personal use. The outer lock mechanism must be modified to not lock when you are inside but still allow you to keep the door closed while you are sleeping. Extreme caution must be used as one nosy narc can blow it by calling the cops to kick you out. Even if not used for a camp out this is one of the few places that a homeless person can safely stash some gear, check rules about city inspection of contents.
The Street
See alsoThe Street
Suburban Living
Suburban areas are likely the most difficult to improvise housing. Short of renting a basement or garage for a very small amount, it will be difficult. The suburban sprawl was designed with a petroleum powered vehicle in mind, so most services are a highway drive away. Radically-dressed and -minded outsiders will likely be harassed by the local police
Garden Shed
In older neighborhoods with large lots adjoining park or wetland areas there are sometimes disused sheds or old garages. Look for unkempt yards or long grass without foot trample around the out building this may indicate an elderly homeowner or uninterested renter who has no use for the building. Choose and use a path of approach that does not leave a trail visible from the house or easily noticed from other homes.
Garden Shed Kit
A mini-barn or garden shed can be purchased at most North American hardware stores. All that is really needed is a concrete platform to start. These quick shelters have two benefits in a suburban area they may not be noticed by neighbors ifbuilt quickly during the work week, they are also a quick way to get shelter on a piece ofland you plan to build a larger alternative home. These were proposed as a third world emergency prefab home after disasters. A good idea is to build on property of a friend who you will share utilities with. If you contact a manufacturer with your plans some will pre-cut the wood to include windows and doors as well as the overall height and size to your liking.
Useful upgrades to a quick build shed home include the following features:
Normal size house door with proper lock(as opposed to double barn doors)
Overhang and porch
Garden hose plumbing, drain into a gravel/sand pit next to your shed-house if soil drainage allows
Electricity, include a circuit breaker of a lower value than the circuit you are connecting to so your breaker will flip first
Dry wall, paint and insulation
Shower curtain rail around porch for showering in summer
Fold away bed and table
Propane gas for heating and cooking can be plumbed in using camping components
Fireplace or wood stove for heating and cooking makes sense in some areas
A directional WiFi antenna mounted on the roof can let you connect to a house even hundreds of feet away
Toilet plumbing can be a challenge to include on a low budget, an outhouse would be easier
How to camp in you carCars
An unlocked car is a good safe place to spend for the night when you are cold or need to lock up for safety. Bed down and don’t leave anything outside of your pack, be ready to run. If the car is abandoned it will likely be towed in a few weeks so don’t use it for storage. Be alert for the owner in the morning, get out quick on the opposite side and scoot before they can call the cops or kick your ass. Lie to the owner and say that you knocked on a door and the person said it was ok to sleep in their car, point at a random house, this should buy you vital seconds to escape while the owner thinks this over, don’t try to lie to the cops though.
Squat a House
At the edge of the suburban rural boundary and near parks there are often pockets of older neighborhoods where a house may sit for years unoccupied waiting for inheritors to sue each others asses off until the lawyers take the house and divide the spoils amongst themselves. Look near large construction projects for houses slated for destruction. An old weathered for sale sign might be a house open to squat, but could also mean regular visitors.
Deciding to squat a house takes some good detective work. Find a place where it is apparent that the yard work is not being taken care of, peek in the windows has anyone been home in a few months. Does it appear that the house has been squatted or burgalarized without cleanup? All of these are good cause to stake the place out. Put a padlock on the front door and see if it is removed, camp out in the back yard if you can do so discreetlyjust to be sure. Try before you pry, an open door or window might remove the charges ofbreaking and entering if you get busted.
Squat the place. While you are squatting light up your devices you use and go outside to see what is visible at night, pull the shades and check again, light and motion will give you away most easily. Keep your travel in and out infrequent, at night only if possible, no music or noise. Cooking fires and grilling might be noticed from the smoke and smell. If you kept clean you will be hard to spot. To the average WASP the homeless are dirty and distant, the suburban and rural townies and cops won’t tolerate filthy bums, but will they notice a clean one?
Always make your living space as near as possible to the back door on the ground floor, clean that room up first for occupation. Since this is not your house be ready to run if you hear someone trying to enter through the front, legit owners drive up and enter through the front door 99% of the time without doing a walk around, pile upjunk in front of the front door to make noise and slow them down. Always have your bags packed for a quick escape, if confronted be apologetic but be sure to get away before anyone gets violent. It might help if you tell a story of your dead grandfathers house in this town that you thought you were squatting in, this is just a distraction to get out the door and prevent violence, be cool, smile, grab your pack, don’t let anyone get their hands on you, know your escape routes have at least two. Expect the cops in the area soon so get away from the property and into a store or movie theater, stash your bike and pack safely nearby, the pack really gives you away.
See alsoSquatting
Original Urban Living
If you’re headed for city living, the first thing you’ll have to do is locate an apartment or loft, an increasingly difficult task. At certain times of the year, notably June and September, the competition is fierce because of students leaving or entering school. If you can avoid these two months, you’ll have a better selection. A knowledge of your plans in advance can aid a great deal in finding an apartment, for the area can be scouted before you move in. Often, if you know of people leaving a desirable apartment, you can make arrangements with the landlord, and a deposit will hold the place. If you let them know you’re willing to buy their furniture, people will be more willing to give you information about when they plan to move. Watch out for getting screwed on exorbitant furniture swindles by the previous tenants and excessive demands on the part of the landlords. In most cities, the landlord is not legally allowed to ask for more than one month’s rent as security. Often the monthly rent itself is regulated by a city agency. A little checking on the local laws and a visit to the housing agency might prove well worth it.
Don’t go to a rental agency unless you are willing to pay an extra month’s rent as a fee. Wanted ads in newspapers and bulletin boards located in community centers and supermarkets have some leads. Large universities have a service for finding good apartments for administrators, faculty and students, in that order. Call the university, say you have just been appointed to such-and-such position and you need housing in the area. They will want to know all your requirements and rent limitations, but often they have very good deals available, especially if you’ve appointed yourself to a high enough position.
Aside from these, the best way is to scout a desired area and inquire about future apartments. Often landlords or rental agencies have control over a number ofbuildings in a given area. You can generally find a nameplate inside the hall of the building. Calling them directly will let you know of any apartments available.
When you get an apartment, furnishing will be the next step. You can double your sleeping space by building bunk beds. Nail two by fours securely from ceiling to floor, about three feet from the walls, where the beds are desired. Then build a frame out of two by fours at a convenient height. Make sure you use nails or screws strong enough to support the weight of people sleeping or balling. Nail a sheet of 3/4 inch plywood on the frame. Mattresses and almost all furniture needed for your pal can be gotten free (see section on Free Furniture). Silverware can be copped at any self-service restaurant.
Rural Living
If you are able to obtain permission or not be noticed, almost any type of shelter could be used. Many rural communities are very insular and everyone knows everyone else. Strangers are viewed with suspicion and often due to boredom snooping and gossip are the only entertainment.
Recycled Sea Shipping Container
Super strong and designed to be waterproof, the standard 24 and 40 foot shipping container can be made into a house by cutting holes for and installing a door and windows. It is cheaper for a company to sell a well-used container than to scrap and recycle it.
Straw Bale
Straw bale is one of the easiest, simplest, cheapest ways to build a house. All you really do is create walls out ofhay bales, sometimes coating the outsides with concrete, mud, leaves, or wood to keep the walls dry. This is not necessary. With properly placed support beams, the house will stay safe through wet times and rain. Straw also acts as an insulator. In you will be living in a cold area with an abundance ofhay, I would suggest doubling up walls.
Fora few grand a decent sized yurt can be purchased. The mountain peoples of China, Mongolia, and even part of Afghanistan use yurts for mobile housing. A canvas roof, round wood walls, and a smoke hole or plastic skylight are normal features. A quality yurt will last up to ten years in a damp climate and longer in a dry one.
Ferro-cement is an extremely strong, easy-to-deal-with material. Not to mention cheap, and ferro houses can take just about any shape, making them easy to hide in places the pigs would never think. Below is a free e-book about ferro. Very informative.
PVC tubing arches and UV resistant plastic make for an acceptable shelter and an excellent source of food for under $100. These are most effective in low wind areas which have mild winters but become unbearable to live in in summer. Black plastic sheeting over the soil and a perforated garden hose under the sheeting allow irrigation and conservation of water slits in the plastic allow plants to grow. Twine hanging from the arches can be used to hang overloaded cucumber and tomato plants.
See Farm It
Peace Corps Building Manual
Visit the website docs.htmlwhich has a free download of the Peace Corps Construction Manual which teaches how to make block and brick construction with minimal concrete or local soils, it also covers digging wells. Like military manuals the Peace Corps publications are written under government contract with your taxes and are in the public domain, feel free to print, bind, and even sell these books.
School Bus
Even if it will never run again a school bus is still a possibility for shelter, tow it to your site put it on blocks and remove the seats. The upsides are a reasonably large living area and potential for relocation. A bus cabin is real cleanup problem when you vacate, it will also invite police attention so place this option towards the bottom of your list.
Immigrant Labor Camp
If you happen to appear somewhat browner skinned, most rural WASP’s will look right through you if you play to their expectations, taking on Latino laborer dress and keeping your mouth shut can work as great camouflage. Migrant labor camps are usually provided for workers as part of their pay. Conditions are often sparse to tragic as CorpGov and independent farmers just want to make a buck, these are usually not the place to look for shelter unless you look and speak like a native of the lands south of the Rio Grande and are in a very tight situation.
Original Rural Living
If you are considering moving to the country, especially as a group, you are talking about farms and farmland. There are some farms for rent, and occasionally a family that has to be away for a year or two will let you live on their farm if you keep the place in repair. These can be found advertised in the back of various farming magazines and in the classified sections of newspapers, especially the Sunday editions. Generally speaking, however, if you’re interested in a farm, you should be considering an outright purchase.
First, you have to determine in what part of the country you want to live in terms of the climate you prefer and how far away from the major cities you wish to locate. The least populated states, such as Utah, Idaho, the Dakotas, Montana and the like, have the cheapest prices and the lowest tax rates. The more populated a state, and in turn, the closer to a city, the higher the commercial value of the land.
There are hundreds of different types of farms, so the next set of questions you’ll have to raise concerns the type of farm activity you’ll want to engage in. Cattle farms are different than vegetable farms or orchards. Farms come in sizes: from half an acre to ranches larger than the state of Connecticut. They will run in price from $30 to $3000 an acre, with the most expensive being prime farmland in fertile river valleys located close to an urban area. The further away from the city and the further up a hill, the cheaper the land gets. It also gets woodier, rockier and steeper, which means less tillable land.
If you are talking ofliving in a farm house and maybe having a small garden and some livestock for your own use, with perhaps a pond on the property, you are looking for what is called a recreational farm. When you buy a recreational farm, naturally you are interested in the house, barn, well, fences, chicken-coop, corrals, woodsheds and other physical structures on the property. Unless these are in unusually good condition or unique, they do not enter into the sale price as major factors. It is the land itself that is bought and sold.
Farmland is measured in acreage; an acre being slightly more than 43,560 square feet. The total area is measured in 40-acre plots. Thus, if a farmer or a real estate agent says he has a plot ofland down the road, he means a 40-acre farm. Farms are generally measured this way, with an average recreational farm being 160 acres in size or an area covering about 1/2 square mile. A reasonable rate for recreational farmland 100 miles from a major city with good water and a livable house would be about $50 per acre. For a 160-acre farm, it would be $8,000, which is not an awful lot considering what you are getting. For an overall view, get the free catalogues and brochures provided by the United Farm Agency, 612 W. 47th St., Kansas City, Mo. 64112.
Now that you have a rough idea of where and what type of farm you want, you can begin to get more specific. Check out the classified section in the Sunday newspaper of the largest city near your desired location. Get the phone book and call or write to real estate agencies in the vicinity. Unlike the city, where there is a sellers’ market, rural estate agents collect their fee from the seller of the property, so you won’t have to worry about the agent’s fee.
When you have narrowed down the choices, the next thing you’ll want to look at is the plot book for the county. The plot book has all the farms in each township mapped out. It also shows terrain variations, type ofhousing on the land, location of rivers, roads and a host of other pertinent information. Road accessibility, especially in the winter, is an important factor. If the farms bordering the one you have selected are abandoned or not in full use, then for all intents and purposes, you have more land than you are buying.
After doing all this, you are prepared to go look at the farm itself. Notice the condition of the auxiliary roads leading to the house. You’ll want an idea of what sections of the land are tillable. Make note ofhow many boulders you’ll have to clear to do some planting. Also note how many trees there are and to what extent the brush has to be cut down. Be sure and have a good idea of the insect problems you can expect. Mosquitoes or flies can bug the shit out of you. Feel the soil where you plan to have a garden and see how rich it is. If there are fruit trees, check their condition. Taste the water. Find out ifhunters or tourists come through the land. Examine the house. The most important things are the basement and the roof. In the basement examine the beams for dry rot and termites. See how long it will be before the roof must be replaced. Next check the heating system, the electrical wiring and the plumbing. Then you’ll want to know about services such as schools, snow plowing, telephones, fire department and finally about your neighbors. If the house is beyond repair, you might still want the farm, especially if you are good at carpentry. Cabins, A-Frames, domes and tepees are all cheaply constructed with little experience. Get the materials from your nearest military installation.
Finally, check out the secondary structures on the land to see how usable they are. If there is a pond, you’ll want to see how deep it is for swimming. If there are streams, you’ll want to know about the fishing possibilities; and iflarge wooded areas, the hunting.
In negotiating the final sales agreement, you should employ a lawyer. You’ll also want to check out the possibility of negotiating a bank loan for the farm. Don’t forget that you have to pay taxes on the land, so inquire from the previous owner or agent as to the tax bill. Usually, you can count on paying about $50 annually per 40-acre plot.
Finally, check out the federal programs available in the area. If you can learn the ins and outs of the government programs, you can rip off plenty. The Feed-Grain Program of the Department of Agriculture pays you not to grow grain. The Cotton Subsidy Program pays you not to grow cotton. Also look into the Soil Bank Program of the United States Development Association and various Department ofForestry programs which pay you to plant trees. Between not planting cotton and planting trees, you should be able to manage.
S\:lhe contents of this page are based on the graphic novel “Survival Without Rent.” Survival out Rent was originally published in 1986. It was revised and expanded in 1989. Not being all text, it includedfantastic illustrations, some of which can be viewed at a site that contains images by squatter, activist and artist Seth Tobocman. Small stylistic changes were made as it was keyboardedfor uploading to the internet in February 1997. This book is intended to help people take back the homes that have been taken away from them by government and business. It is dedicated to Eleanor Bumpurs and to the East Fifth Street Squat.
As we all know, laws and police tactics change over time, but the principles remain the same, and we can always use this information. repurposing a run down structure as a shelter is a tricky, yet rewarding task This section is designs specifically for locating an abandoned building and making it your somewhat legal residence for as long as possible. As opposed to Low Impact Crashing, where any survival trick goes, the steps listed in this section are designed to be as legal as possible in order to prolong your squat and make it more CorpGov resistant. As this is now part of the wiki it may, over time, be edited to differ from the original squatting guidebook. We expect to see many more abandoned buildings and homeless squats as the USA visits the economic slums in the near future and present.
In the spirit of the Wiki, we will divide this page into two sections. The original Survival Without Rent will be included at the bottom of the page. Any new methods, ideas, or legal changes due to the passage of time will be included in the first section, following the protocol we use for Abbie Hoffman’s original “Steal This Book.”
Foreclosure Squatting
In late 2007 as the foreclosure machine gets into full swing and the banks are taking away the apartments and houses of even those who pay their rent every month a new oppertunity is available to squatters. Often landlords bought and built on speculation of ever rising land values and low interest rates. Now as additional credit is no longer available the risk taking of the landlords affects the renters as a surprise eviction with only days or weeks can be attempted by the banks or government. If this happens to you a ready made squatting solution may have been delivered with the eviction notice. After the eviction notice discontinue paying rent, the old owner no longer has a right to your money ifhe has lost the property because of deliquent taxes or bank foreclosure, but continue paying regular utilities so they are not shut off. Stash any valuables you want to keep with friends as an eventual evictor may be rough with your stuff. Now get legal help and unite your building and others like it in defiance of the CorpGov banking system, squat your own apartment!!
Leak Management
If your squat place has a leaky roof buckets and pans might be enough until you can do some repairs. For major damage that threatens to rot or mold your place you need to set up a system of tarp pools and chutes. Large tarps and sheet plastic can be used, we found good instructions in an old firefighters training manual.
For a pool the tarp is under-rolled from four sides with the under-rolling forming walls, then the corners are folded under to keep the rolls tight. If a spillway is needed one corner can be left without an underfold. The pool can be emptied with a garden hose siphon, don’t let the spoiled water touch your mouth, coil the hose up in the full pool forcing out the air and plug the end, when you are downstairs unplug the hose and the siphon will run.
A tarp water chute is made by under-rolling the sides of a tarp and running it downhill or stairway to the outside.
It might be possible to make a large cone from a tarp or plastic and clamp drain pipe or hose to run water out from a large building, it is best to drain this into a storm sewer.
In a condemned building squat where there is no possibility of rebuilding the bathroom plumbing you might consider cutting a hole in the floor and installing a drain using inexpensive drainage tubing and cement or roofing compound for a seal and running it out to the city storm sewer, this wil only work on upper floors where a gravity siphon will carry the water down and across the yard. If possible also seal and build up the floor to slope into the drain, have a cleanout or elbow in the pipe to catch valuables, crud, and hair.
If the pipes are ripped out of your squat start by replumbing with scrap pipe, garden hose, splices, and hose clamps an improvised reinstall will not look too nice but will workjust as well as real pipe in the short term when ythere is a question ofhow long your stay will be.
Shower Enclosure
If you are not fortunate to have a plumbed squat building or access to a lockable public restroom but can access an unused room with a floor drain you are still in luck. Plastic sheeting is an inexpensive way to make a temporary shower enclosure in a room and still be able to live in it without soaking your gear while also providing some privacy. Hang your siphon shower directly above the floor drain, then hang the plastic sheeting from a hula hoop or PVC pipe frame it might also work to tape it directly to the ceiling, wrap the curtain sheet around with an entry slit and attach a second piece that acts as a collection tub on the bottom, cut a hole for the drain and tape down around the floor drain, an extra flap of plastic over the opening slit will help prevent splash out. A kids inflatable pool is another good way to catch water, be careful especialy with the larger pools as they can end up being quite a heavy load on a rotton upper floor, siphon the waste water out the window with a piece ofhose if you have no nearby drain.
Attach wire or extention cords high up on the walls, be careful about taping and protecting splices and don’t overload the capacity of the wire, (rule of thumb warm wire is always dangerous, cool wire might be dangerous), keep everything too high for kids or water to get to it. Consider building a circut breaker box to protect against shorts and overloads. Get help from somebody who really knows electrical repair to plan the wire breakers and loads for your system, unplanned ad-hoc setup can cause fires.
A Warm Bed
One of the most miserable parts of alternative housing and homelessness is that it seems that you are damp and freezing your ass off 24/7 all winter long. Most squats have no electricity or gas so heating is really expensive and often dangerous. The worst time to feel cold is when you are trying to sleep, being chilled at night ruins your health and keeps you from getting proper rest making you ineffective to our cause.
Cargo Pallet Bed
For the most part we all carry a decent sleeping bag and this is your first priority in getting proper bedding. Once this is taken care of you need to get off of the ground and get some sleep. Even a dry floor in an unheated squat steals heat and collects condensation preventing a truly warm nights sleep.
Dry cardboard and newspaper have some insulating properties but they get gross and collect condensation sometimes as quickly as one night or two.
While you are collecting the stuff you need to make a proper bed, find two or three wooden freight pallets in good condition to get you off of the floor. They are behind almost every business, factory, and strip mall. Be sure to hammer down the nails so you don’t rip your bag or hurt yourself, now pad the pallets with a few of those cheap lint blankets they give away at homeless shelters or if you cant get any blankets right away use a protective layer of newspaper or cardboard, if you have on just cover the pallets with your closed cell(non-inflatable) camping pad.
Now that you are off of the ground and feeling a little better lets try to make you a decent bed that will really keep you warm and keep the cold out. See more beds in Free Furniture
It is a good idea to clearly mark the entrance of a womens only squat. Making a squat female exclusive is not to be a hate or anger based settlement decision but is based on the safety and emotional needs of the occupants. Women should make every attempt to have a working locked door by the first night as much physical and most sexual violence is directed at women.
It is also not a bad idea for men to try to find exclusivity in squatting to remove any chance of misunderstanding resulting in accusations, it will also put any temptation of misdeeds at arms length.
Door and Frame
It is a good idea to build your own secondary door frame and connect it to the wall with lag bolts. A 2x4 or larger wood door bar that can be dropped into place across the doorway and heavy steel braces will hold the bar on your new reinforced door frame.
Original Content
The housing situation in NYC rapidly becomes worse and worse. Abandoned buildings deteriorate with every winter. Low income housing and homesteading programs have disappeared along with our elected officials’ promises. Now is the time to take the situation into our own hands. What we’re saying is that housing policy is dishonest and an insult to anyone living in welfare hotels, crowded conditions or in the park. These laws are put together by people who can only be described as common criminals who wear nice clothes and live in two or three nice homes. They would never dream ofliving in the conditions that we are used to. These people profit from our misery. They don’t have a grain of sympathy for us, our children, or the sometimes unbearable conditions in which we are forced to live.
This little book has been put together to help people with little or no money find a solution to their housing problems. We hope that after reading it, people will look at an abandoned building in a totally new light. You might think that living in the conditions we describe in this book is pretty crude. We hope you won’t be forced to live like this. But if it sounds better than what you’ve got now, we hope you’ll be inspired to give it a try.
We will go through a step-by-step guide on how to find your building, what to look for, and the cheapest and easiest ways of making it comfortable. Once you are in the building, you will have to deal with the law eventually, so we have included a section covering some basics to keep the police from messing you up. We aim in this book to show methods that you can use to live more comfortably and safely than on the street. We believe that — even if you have no money at all and don’t want to have anything to do with other people — you will still find the ideas in this book useful. It may be less work and in some ways more comfortable to live in a shelter. However, we believe that if you can manage to take an empty building, you will have a home with more selfrespect and more independence thanjust about anyone. You can get off the street or out of the shelter and make a decent home for yourself very simply. If you do, we hope that you will use whatever political, legal, or other means you can to keep the powers-that-be from making you homeless again.
Mayor Koch once said that if you can’t afford to live here, you should get out. Let’s give him (and his successors) our answer: We’re taking our homes for ourselves here. Koch and his cronies can take it or leave it themselves. You can improve a vacant lot without being busted for trespassing -insist on your right to squat on unused PUBLIC property.
Here are some (now outdated) facts to consider if you are not sure whether it is right for you to make a home for yourself in a building that you don’t “legally” own.
Two-thirds ofNew Yorkers pay 40 percent or more of their income for housing, while most of the top quarter of the income scale pay less 40 percent.
One hundred thousand people are homeless in New York City.
The city government owns 65 percent of the vacant properties in Harlem and other areas of the city.
Thirty-six thousand apartments were converted to co-ops and condos between 1981 and 1984.
Twenty-seven percent of homeless people were forced out of their homes by eviction.
Three hundred and ten thousand units have been emptied by emptied by abandonment, disinvestment and arson.
How to Form a Group
This first part is often the trickiest, since a bad, untogether group will do more damage to the project than the city government will in many cases. The people you live and work with are more important than the building that you chose. One of the most important aspects of a group is diveristy. Every group has its own style: some are more political than others; some like to party; some like to be real business-like and legal; some are arty; others are just trying to get over and off the street. Whatever your group is like, you should keep in mind that not only do you have to relate to each other, you also have to relate to your community. If your neighborhood is all the same ethnic group as the members of your group, you don’t have to worry about diversity. But if your group has only token members of the main ethnic group in the neighborhood, then you could get yourselfin some trouble.
A group of people living and working together who all agree on everything cannot exist: someone in the group is always going to have to shelve, give up or compromise on an idea. As you will be living in the unfamiliar condition of having no landlord, no way of calling in the police to settle your differences, you should give some thought to the kind of people you want to live with.
Once you’ve decided to squat, its up to you to make the first contact. How you do this depends on your situation. If you live in a welfare hotel or a shelter, you will have a readily-available supply of people who are in the same situation as you. After studying this book, the next time someone says to you, “God! I’m sick of this shit,” spring the idea on them. Sit down, have a coffee and go over the pros and cons of squatting. We’re sure you’re going to disagree with some of the things we say,just as sure as you will come up with ideas of your own (with enough energy and luck). Communicating with people in this way you will soon find yourself in a group which is seriously considering the option of squatting.
We feel that six adults is a big enough group to go to a building (figure out yourselves what “adult” means). If for some reason your group is only two or three people, don’t be discouraged. Go ahead with the project, since once a building is opened, within weeks you’ll have people coming around, looking for a place to stay.
If for some reason you happen to be isolated, that is, living alone in a hotel, or even in the park, and you can’t get enough people interested or organized, then don’t give up! Remember that this city is full ofhomeless people and all you need is a few of them to start your group. You could advertize on lamp posts and bulletin boards. For example: “Wanted: people interested in homesteading. Contact —.” (Note: some squatters call themselves homesteaders when dealing with the public, but in many areas no one understands what this means.) The groups listed at the end of this book may help you make contracts. We have found that a set of rules is must for any new group. The rules should be discussed in detail and agreed upon by all concerned. They should be written down, since verbal agreements tend to get pretty vague after a few months.
Here is one set ofhouse rules you can think about if you need ideas for your own:
No hard drugs: they can be used as a pretext to throw everyone out of the building.
No violence.
No stealing.
Breaking any of these first three rules can get you thrown out of the squat, though everyone should remember that squatters have no legal right to throw anyone out or evict them.
Every member must work a minimum ofhours per month on the common areas of the building. Jobs may include childcare and other nonconstruction work. What work people do depends on their abilities.
Every member must pay a certain amount per month to a construction fund for the common areas of the building: roof, stairs, plumbing, electricity, etc.
The construction funds should be deposited in a joint account, which requires at least two signatures to get money from. The name on the account should be something like “The 537 E. 5th St. Homestead Association.”
All new members must go through a trial period in which they work on the building with old members for a month, and can then be accepted as a member by agreement of all the other
We want to emphasize again that these rules are our own, and you will probably need to adapt them to your own circumstances. We also hope people will keep in mind the cruel wave of evictions that has made so many people homeless when they consider whether or not some offense is serious enough to throw a member out.
Finding a Building and Investigating It
New York City is full of empty buildings that range from totally destroyed shells all the way to buildings that are in OK shape. The way to find a building is to simply walk around the streets with your eyes open. Try to concentrate on areas where people are already squatting or homesteading, as you will usually get less hassle from the neighbors if you squat there. Look at the buildings surrounding the one you’ve got your eye on.
If the surroundings look as if they’ve been renovated for well-off people, this may mean more hassles from neighbors and police. The neighbors can be dealt withjust by talking to them and explaining your case. Give them some figures on how many people are homeless. Tell them who is in your group and how you came to be in the situation you’re in. Be realistic and honest. See what you can find out from them. Ask about the history of the building and whether or not any one has been using it since it was abandoned.
Try to get an idea if any community groups, politicians, gangs or real estate operators have an eye on the building. If so, figure out if they are for real and, if not, whether you will be able to take the building and keep them off your back. If you think they are for real, you might approach them and see if you can work together. You may also meet squatters who still have room in their buildings and are looking for new members.
Be polite, but be careful of people who are in too big a hurry to be your friend. Be particularly careful to avoid antagonizing any of your neighbors during the first month, that is, until you’ve established your residence. As for dealing with the police, refer to the chapter on legal hassles.
You will notice that some buildings have been painted with squares. These squares are painted by the city government to indicate the status of the building. An empty square indicates that the building is abandoned. A square with a slash in it indicates that fire fighters should be cautious entering the building. A square with an X in it indicates that the building is condemned. Don’t presume the building is not good: perfectly good buildings get condemned all the time.
It’s worth knowing whether a building is still privately owned or has been taken over by the city government. If the owner of a building shows up and wants you out, it is easier for him to get you evicted than it is for the city to get you out of one of their buildings.
Also, if it ever gets to the point that you want to hold on to the building you have squatted and stay there over a long term, it is possible to do so with city-owned buildings, but practically impossible with privately-owned buildings. People on the block may know if the city owns a building or not, but to be sure you should check at city hall. In NYC, the place to go if the Office of the City Register, Room 20531, Chambers Street.
Take the exact address of the building with you. In the office, look first at the Lot and Block maps. Find the block number and the lot number of the address in which you’re interested. The records are kept according to these numbers and not according to addresses. When you have this information, check out the micro film for the building (you need ID to do this). When you’re reading the microfilm, go directly to the last few pages in the records to find the last transaction, because this will tell you who owns the building now. The city government ends up owning a building when the previous owner didn’t pay the taxes on it; the city takes the building (forecloses) in lieu ofback taxes. So look for a statement of foreclosure.
Have a look at the exterior walls of the building you’re researching. You may have to wait until you’ve gotten inside before you can get to the back of the building, but what you need to look at is the same. Are there major holes in the masonry? If they can’t be filled or covered, they might be significant structural defects. Are there signs ofbulging or sagging? Are there wide gaps where the mortarjoints should be? If the answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, find another building to squat.
Is the fire escape pulling loose from the wall? Is it falling apart? Is the cornice (the part that sticks out from the face of the building along the roof) broken apart and dangling? If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” you’ve got dangers to people walking on the sidewalk in front of the building, and so you will have to fix these problems. But remember: though a cornice is just a decorative frill (and so can be removed or tied back so it won’t fall), its deterioration can be a sign of overall deterioration. A dangerous cornice is a building code violation and can get your squat closed down.
OK, so at this point you’ve got your eye on a certain building and, from the outside, it doesn’t look too bad. Now for a look inside. To be on the safe side as far as getting hassled goes, it may be best to go in the evening when it is dark. But it may be that, after familiarizing youself with the neighborhood, you feel comfortable with entering the building during the daytime. Either way, bring a strong flashlight and be very careful where you step and what you hold on to. It’s very easy — if you are not watching what you are doing — to step through a rotted floor board or lose your balance when a piece ofbroken window frame comes loose in your hand. The riskiest part of an abandoned building is usually at the top, because there are usually some bad leaks in the roof that will cause rot. But dangers can be found aplenty on the lower floors, too: vandalism and fire damage can be found anywhere in a building, and years of leakage will result in lower-floor rot as well.
Normally the easiest way in is through the back. You can climb up the fire escape and go in a window. Even if the back is bricked up, you can get to the roof, and from there it is often easy to find a way in. Now, say there’s no way into the back — what do you do? You’re going to need about five people and a 12-foot ladder. Two people are needed as lookouts; one person holds the ladder while the remaining two enter the building. It’s always useful to have one person with you who has some knowledge of old buildings, so if no one in your group knows old buildings, you should get someone who does to help out.
If you are unfortunate enough to choose a building that is totally bricked up, your only way in will probably be on the roof. If you can’t get up to the roof, you will have to chisel out a couple of concrete blocks from a window and get in through the opening you’ve created. We recommend that as few people as possible do this so that too much attention isn’t attracted.
It is easy to get in if you can get friendly with someone who lives next door: you can get onto the roof of the building you’re interested in through this person’s building.
So! After days of planning, hassles, people not showing up, and trying to get organized, you’re finally inside and ready to inspect the building. It will almost certainly look and smell like shit: it will be full of old rotting furniture, rubble and ceilings that have fallen down all over the place. Some apartments in the building will be burnt-out. Don’t be discouraged by any of this, for it’s all quite normal.
Inspect the roof. Check it for holes. Look for missing, burnt or rottedjoists, which are the timbers that support roofs and floors. Rot can be tested by sticking a knife in the lumber as far as it will go. When checking for rot, find a spot where the leaking water soaks in and doesn’t dry up right away. Up to an inch may be rotted or burnt, and the timbers might still be OK. The ends of the joists can suffer a lot of deterioration without endangering the structure, but the joists in the middle cannot be weakened without risking collapse. Check the parapet walls around the roof to see if (or how badly) they are falling apart and what will need to be done to them to make them safe.
Inspect the stairs. If you’re lucky, there will be nothing wrong with the stairs except for some missing steps. If the building has no staircase at all, you will have a lot of work to do, perhaps too much. Until you are able to replace the stairs, you will have to use the fire escape or a ladder in place of stairs. There are enough buildings with stairs around that you may be wasting your time on one that doesn’t have any staircase at all. One squat in NYC was evacuated by the Fire Department for not having stairs. Eviction by HPD (Housing Preservation and Development, which is the landlord of city-owned buildings) can be delayed by legal means for a long time. But evacuation by the city’s Fire, Health or Buildings Departments is swift and hard to contest.
Inspect the floor joists. These are the timbers that support the floors. Make note where they are missing or damaged. If the floors are sloping more than an inch or so, this may mean that the structure has shifted so much that it has become dangerous. If timbers are dangerously damaged, they can be braced by scavenged lumber (four-by-fours are best).
Inspect the sewer pipes. The toilets will typically be smashed or missing, but the water pipes may be in salvageable condition. Follow the waste pipes through the building down to the basement, checking for holes along the way. Look for holes in the walls which HPD — upon taking over the building — may have made in order to damage the pipes and thereby discourage squatters. Copper water pipes will certainly have been stripped, but if there were steel pipes originally, they may still be in place and useable. If your plumbing is in OK condition, you can probably get your water running pretty soon. Otherwise you can get water from a fire hydrant, which can be opened with a pipe wrench.
Inspect the front door. If the front of the building has been sealed with concrete blocks, make sure that the door or any windows are ready to use before you knock the blocks out. If there is already a working door you can use or if you have to knock a hole in the block wall and install a door in the opening (see below), make sure you are ready to keep the building secured once you have opened it and made your use of the building public.
Getting In
Now, you’re ready to move in. If the area you’re in is run-down, it’s possible that no one will bother you while you smash out the concrete blocks. With a twelve-pound sledge hammer, a door sized opening can take as few as seven-and-a-half minutes to create. Quickly get all the broken blocks off the sidewalk and into the building; sweep up to remove signs of your work. You may want to keep a low profile and do this while look-outs watch for the cops, or bring along lots of friends and supporters, and dare the cops to intervene. It is also possible, and it may be preferable, to work from the inside out, to chisel the blocks out discreetly, one by one.
You should have a door and frame prepared to set into the new opening. Measure and mark the hole you’ve opened with your new door in mind. In any case, work quickly and as quietly as possible. Once inside, unless there is a useable door in place, either set up a barricade or install a door. Steel door frames and doors are easily scavenged from demolition or rehab sites. Unless you’re pretty strong, it will take two people to carry a steel door or a cart to roll it on.
To install the front door, set the frame in the opening and fill in around the edges with pieces of broken blocks and some mortar (a couple ofbags of mortar mix should be enough). Make certain that the bottom of the door frame is exactly as wide as the top when it is set in place. Otherwise the door won’t work. Use a board that has been cut to exactly the right width to keep the correct space at the bottom of the frame while it is being installed. Make sure the frame is straight up and down and not crooked, bent or twisted out ofline in the opening. If the frame you have is bent, you can straighten it with a hammer, laying it on the pavement and using a block of wood to protect it from getting dented up too much.
Install the frame so that the door will open into the building. There are steel tabs on the inside of the door frame that are meant to be bent out so that they will anchor the frame into the mortar joints in the block wall. As you fill in the opening around the door frame with mortar and block, be sure that the inside of the frame itself is filled with mortar and block pieces, because the frame is not solid by itself. If you’re not able to afford or install a heavy duty bolt lock on the door, a heavy chain and a padlock will do the trick. Pass the chain through a hole in the door and around the door frame.
Paint the name of your group and your address on the door. For the example: “The 537 East Fifth Street Homestead Association and Neighborhood Improvement Committee.” Do all the work that you can in advance so that on your opening day you can simply set your door, lock and door frame in place all in one go.
If this is more than you can manage right away, you’ll need to rig up some sort ofbarricade for the doorway and have someone inside at all times to let others in and out. You should not leave your building unattended in any case, especially right after you move in. It is good to have someone on hand to watch the place when most people are out during the day. The risk from police and other evildoers is high right after the building is occupied. Don’t let anyone in that you’re not sure about; don’t let any cops or city officials in under any circumstances unless they have a warrant. (See the legal section for what to do if the police do have a warrant.) Keep the door closed and locked at all times, don’t sit out on your stoop with the door unlocked or open. Needless to say, you’re in the building illegally, and so there is no need to make your front door an open invitation to cops and thieves.
Nothing is worse than coming home to find that your tools, sleeping bags and heaters have been ripped off — except maybe walking upstairs to your apartment and meeting a junk-sick thief running downstairs with your radio in one hand and a knife in the other.
Your security depends on making it so difficult to enter your building that most thieves will pass it up. If your building looks funky and people on the street can see that only poor people live there, you won’t need as much security. You should keep your ground floor windows barred or sealed with concrete block or even plywood. Eliminate hand and footholds by knocking them off or by setting nails or broken glass in masonry cement or roofing cement. More of the same or coiled barbed wire around the base of the fire escape and continuing across the face of the building at the second floor level will help to deter climbers. Grates on windows facing the fire escape are good, but it will take a lot of them to do your whole building. It might be good enough to bolt full sheets of plywood to the outside of the fire escape railing on the second floor. This will make a wall around the fire escapetoo high to climb over. You can top it off with a coil ofbarbed wire or nails. The roof is another point of entry, so be sure that the penthouse door is secured.
Note well that having a front door with a lock, beds and other basics such as a kitchen is good for your own well-being, but it is also important in establishing that you are a resident and not a trespasser. It may seem like a small point, but it is actually quite important. It can make the difference between getting run out of the building by the cops if they feel like doing it and getting them to back down so that they will have to wait until HPD manages to go through the lengthy proceedings necessary to legally evict you.
Emergency Repairs
In most cases, the most important repair that abandoned buildings need is work on the roof, which will almost certainly leak. The roof will typically have a large hole or two in it caused by a fire, fire fighters or vandals from the city government. For your own comfort, it may only be necessary to locate a room into which there is no leakage. However, a building in which the roof leaks will have lots of spaces in which no one will be able to live. You want to avoid squatting in a building such as this, because the more people you have living in your building, the better your chances of resisting eviction and protecting yourself against hassles from the city and from thieves and drug dealers.
The more people you have, the more comfortable and secure you can make your place.
The long-term maintenance of a building depends more on the roof than on any other single thing. If the roof is not maintained, it will eventually rot until it collapses. The floors will go and, sooner or later, the exterior walls will collapse. Then what you got is a pile of useless, rotten timber and broken masonry — which will cost the city a lot of money to clear out and turn into a vacant lot. Unfortunately, letting abandoned buildings rot until they collapse is just what HPD is doing with the buildings it owns. Don’t let the city get away with it!
Clear the roof of any debris and sweep it clean. Patch the holes. You can lay 5/8-inch-thick plywood boards over them. Try using mineralized felt paper and roofing tar as a way of patching holes. If your roof is so far gone that you have to cover it entirely, get someone who works as a roofer to help you out. To do this kind of work, you should be able to get the materials you donated by groups or organizations such as the Riverside Church, the Church of Saint John the Divine, or the Listener’s Auction ar radio station WBAI-FM.
[Note: if you have some work to get done, its helpful to write your plans down on paper, step by step, and keep track of any changes you make in the plans as you work. Make drawings or diagrams that describe and show how to do the jobs that are hard to explain in words; they will make it easier to organize and help get people involved in the project. Books such as the Reader’s Digest Complete Do-it-YourselfManual or Carpentry and Construction are handy for dealing with construction problems and can be found in the public libraries. We’ve found that books dealing specifically with roofing, electrical work, plumbing and other “specialized” trades are also easily obtained.]
If repairing the roof is too big a project to take on right away, you can use polyethelene plastic sheeting to protect the roof temporarily. Get a hundred-foot roll of 4 mil plastic that is twenty feet wide, and a couple ofbuckets of flashing cement. (Be sure to get flashing cement, because other kinds of roofing tar won’t do the trick.) Begin by clearing and sweeping the surface of the roof clean. Fill or cover up all the holes. Make sure that the roof drain is clear and unclogged at all times. Unroll the plastic so that the entire roof is covered. If you have to cut the plastic to cover the entire roof evenly, make sure the lapjoints where the edges of the plastic meet each other are perfectly sealed with flashing cement, leaving not even the smallest gap. Drape the ends of the plastic over the parapet walls on all four sides. Lay bricks or boards on top of the plastic so that the wind doesn’t blow it around. Fasten the ends to the walls with the flashing cement or with boards that have nails driven in to the mortar joints between the brick in the parapets.
This is a somewhat temporary protection, but if you do a goodjob, it should make it through the winter. But summer heat will certainly cook the plastic until it breaks apart. To make your plastic roof a bit more permanent, spread flashing cement over the entire surface of the roofbefore laying the plastic down. Make sure that there are no bubbles in the plastic and that all of the plastic is stuck to the cement below.
If you have leftover plastic, you can use it to seal the places where window are missing. Use lath, which is the thin slat with which plaster walls used to be made, to nail the plastic to the window frame or staple it up using strips of cardboard as reinforcement. You can also use leftover plastic to make tents for your living areas: these can be really handy in the cold winter months in NYC.
Shore the place up. Close off any areas of the building where the floor or the roof is unsafe. Then if you can’t replace, repair or reinforce the damaged timbers, you can brace them with four-by-fours or pairs of two-by-fours that have been nailed together. Be sure to brace the damaged timber against something solid or otherwise you’re just making the problem worse. The brace must ultimately be supported by a bearing wall or footing. You can brace down to a joist if its near a load-bearing wall.
You can generally assume that brick, block, or stone exterior walls are load-bearing walls and that interior walls (studs with lath and plaster) are probably not. However,just because a wall is not a loadbearing wall doesn’t mean you can take it out safely. Even if it is only a partition wall it can’t be safely removed if there are walls in the corresponding places on the floors above it. Even if there is no wall above the one you’re thinking of removing, you have to make certain that the floor joists above are not being supported by or, as a result of settling, come to rest upon it.
Missing stair steps can be temporarily replaced with wooden ones. If there’s no other way to secure them in place, drive nails through the top and then go underneath and bend the nails’ tips over so that they will hook on to the steel part of the stairway. Cover holes in the floor with plywood until you can get around to replacing the missing flooring.
Holes in sewage pipes can be patched by a variety of methods, including fibre glass, auto body filler with window screen, and even roofing cement. The waste pipes have already been discussed: they should be tested to see if they will drain but not leak. Until you’ve got the pipes working, you’ll have to dump your piss and other waste waters in the storm sewer in the street. Do not dump your waste waters out the window!
To remove debris, start at the top of your building and work down. Don’t throw stuff out of upper story windows, because you may draw justified complaints and hassles from your neighbors. Since you may not be able to get the kind of tube that contractors use to get stuff down from the upper floors to the street, you may have to take up the flooring in the same corner on each floor and throw the unwanted stuff down through the holes. Once at the ground floor, the debris can be chucked out the back of the building or bagged and taken out for bulk refuse collection by the Sanitation Department. (It might take quite a few tries to get a response from Sanitation; it depends on who you talk to. When you find someone who is helpful, get their name and only deal with them in the future.) If you use the through-the-floor method, hang a curtain of plastic that stretches from floor to ceiling on each of the affected floors, so that dust or asbestos particles won’t spread all over the place.
Asbestos causes cancer and other serious diseases. There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos fibers. Studies of exposure to asbestos suggest that as little as one day can result in significant damage to the respiratory system and disease. But the health risks of asbestos come into play only if the fibers are released from the material and enter the air. If the material is in excellent condition and not in a living area, left it alone. A greater hazard can be created than originally existed if the asbestos is removed by inexperienced people. Only trained asbestos abatement professionals should remove materials containing asbestos, which is typically found in boiler and pipe insulation. It may also be found in radiator covers, fire-proof doors and certain kinds of light-weight construction blocks.
If you see insulation that is not fibreglass, that is ripped, split, ragged or powdery looking (don’t touch it!), you should get the material tested for asbestos. Contact the White Lung Association (at 718 389 5546) and arrange to have a sample tested. The WLA also gives courses in asbestos removal.
If for some reason you must handle asbestos, be sure to wear displosable gloves and a respirator that has been approved for use with asbestos. A half-face respirator equipped with a High Efficiency Particulate Absolute filter will be sufficient. Keep the asbestos wet. The weight of the water will keep the asbestos particles from becoming air-borne.
Note: it’s a good idea to take photographs or shoot videotape of the work you have done on the building, even ifit seems as if you are documenting crimes you have committed. You’re not! Save your receipts for any materials you buy. Keep records of the jobs you did and the hours (or weeks or months) it took you and your group to do them. All of this is documentation that you are a homesteader and not a trespasser, a vagrant or a drifter (common stereotypes for squatters).
Light, Heat, and Fire Safety
Candles are the easiest way to provide light. The best kind are in tall glass containers, the kind that often have pictures of saints or magic charms on them. They last a long time and are not easily blown out. The cold does not easily shatter them. Somewhat better light can be provided by old-
fashioned keroseben lamps. If you use them, trim your wicks now and then to make the brightest flame and least smoke. Coleman lanterns generate light as bright as incandescent light. The kerosene type is safer than the gasoline ones, althought they take longer to light. Kerosene is generally cheaper and easier to get than white gas.
In New York City, heating is not merely a creature comfort in the winter. Tenants can sue their landlords for not providing enough heat and it is well known that are deaths from hypothermia among people living on the street and in unheated apartments.
We think kerosene heaters — though they can be messy and fire hazards — are a practical and economical means ofheating. Kerosene heaters aren’t legal but can be bought in the outer boroughs and New Jersey. It’s worth it to get your kerosene outside ofManhattan since the price will be mucher higher in this borough of the city. Please! do not store your kerosene in rooms in which heaters will be operated and never go to sleep with the heater on.
Get a wood stove if you can, because it can be a very cheap source ofheat. Wood stoves are also safer and healthier than kerosene heaters. If you can’t find one, you can make one from a discarded steel drum.
Start by making two holes in the drum: one to put the wood in (this one will need a door to keep smoke from backing out into the air), and another for the smoke to go out and into a flue pipe that you will have to make. The easiest way to cut these two holes is to drill a piolt hole to start each new cut, and then make your cuts using a jig saw with a sheet-metal blade. If there is no way for you to make use of power tools, you could even cut the holes using a cold chisel. The hole for the flue must be measured to fit the flue pipe: four or five inches in diameter seems good to us. The swinging door will have to be attached by hinges that are located along the bottom of the opening. The door will also have to be lockable.
A damper will allow you to control how fast the fire burns without opening and closing the door (which is also a method of controling the blaze). A damper can be made by cutting a round piece of sheet metal slightly less than the diameter of the flue. Punch two holes on opposite ends from each other in the lue pipe. Stick a piece ofheavy wire through the holes and attach the round piece to it. When the round piece is in the up-and-down position it allows the smoke through freely and thus stokes the fire; the more you turn it toward the side-to-side position it restricts the flow of smoke and thus the pace of the blaze.
You will need to set the stove on some kind of support that will keep it well above floor level. You can use anything you can find — bricks, old bed frames, etc. — as long as it won’t burn or char. Never burn painted, shellacked or treated wood in your stoves: they give off poisonous fumes and gases.
Since complaints can be made to the Fire Department about smoke coming from your squat, it is important that the smoke from your stove runs out of a proper flue or chimney. If your building has a chimney, make sure it is clear of obstructions. To see if the chimney is clear, you can put a flashlight in one of the flue holes, take yourself up to the roof and look down to see if you can see the light. You can locate the chimney stack in your apartment because it sticks out into the room from the wall on either side of it. The hole for the flue in the chimney may be open or bricked up or completely hidden by plaster or sheet rock. If so,just chop it open with a hammer.
If you don’t have a chimney or the chimney is blocked and you can’t clear it, then you’ll have to chop a flue hole in the wall or run the flue pipe out a window. In either case, the flue pipe should go all the way up and past the roofby five feet.
Fire extinguishers and smoke alarms are well worth having for your own safety as well as in case any city officials manage to get inside your building and have a chance to look around for code violations. Place the smoke alarms so that the stoves don’t set them off continually. Keep your place well ventilated no matter how you heat it in the winter, and never leave a fire or a heater unattended.
Keep passages, halls, stairs and fire escapes clear of obstructions. Place fire extinguishers or buckets of sand or water on every floor and in locations where they can be easily reached. Form an arson watch. A round-the-clock fire and safety watch may be advisable for your situation. If so, there may be already an arson watch group or community safety patrol of some sort in your neighborhood. These organizations are well worth joining or starting yourself with others squatters and/or with like-minded tenants in the area.
(Note added February 1997: On the afternoon of 9 February 1997, a small, accidental fire broke out on the second floor of the East Fifth Street Squat. The cause of the fire was a faulty electric space heater. The residents evacuated the building and left it in the hands of the Fire Department, which delayed in putting out the blaze, thus making the fire more damaging than it needed to have been. Once the Fire Department was through, the combined forces of the police and the Department of HPD conspired to illegally keep the residents from returning to their squatted building, which was deemed “dangerous” and demolished right in front of its former occupants within a day or two after the fire. The moral of the story seems clear: put your fires out yourself and trust the Fire Department as much as you do the police!)
Makeshift Toilets, Water, and Cooking
Use buckets or empty bottles for waste waters. Keep the buckets from getting foul by never putting toilet paper in them and by rinsing them with lime or a disinfectant. Construction sites are easy sources of empty five gallon buckets. As far as shitting goes, do it on a few sheets of the New York Times, wrap it up, put it in a plastic bag and throw the bag into a trash can on the street. To avoid unnecessary hassles, do not use the trash cans owned by your neighbors. If you let your place get unsanitary, you can have complaints lodged against you by the Health Department, which will not only get you thrown out in a big hurry, but will also make hassles for other squatters.
Keep your food hanging in a bag or on a shelf hanging by wire so that mice and bugs and cats can’t get to it. Do the same for your garbage and ispose of it every day. This way you won’t get any mice or bugs and your cats will only eat what they are supposed to.
To make an alcohol stove start with an empty can. Loosely pack it with cloth: gauze bandage is best. You will need something to set the can on so it doesn’t rest directly on the burner. You can place a grill (an old refrigerator shelf will do nicely) on top of some bricks. Or you can place the burner can inside a larger one. For example, you could put a beer can inside of a coffee can. (Your pot would then sit on top of the coffee can.) The larger can should have holes punched around the top with a can opener, so that when you put a pot on top the burner won’t be sealed off from the air. Punch holes around the bottom rim of the can to help the flow of air. You may find that holes around the top of the burner can are also needed. To fire it up, pour rubbing alcohol on the cloth until it is soaked and then light it. The stove should burn for about 15 minutes. (Never refuel while its still burning, and never use anything stronger than 70% isopropyl alcohol as fuel.) Enclose the whole thing in a metal reflector to keep the heat in and cut down on drafts. Otherwise, it’ll take forever to get anything hot. If water accumulates in the gauze,just take it out and squeeze it dry.
You might consider using propane camp stoves with large tanks and hoses attached as your foodcooking device. They are very practical and economical. You might consider using an ordinary gas stove: they are easy to find on the street, and you can put propane jets on them to make them work better. But you should be careful that the one your are using doesn’t leak. Abackback stove is handy for traveling light and is small enough to hide easily in a building in which there are security problems.
To make your squatted apartment space more comfortable, contact the Red Cross and the local churches. They might well give you blankets or sell them to you for cheap. When the weather gets very cold, a tent of some kind around your bed will really make a difference. Insulation can be made by putting rugs or thick cloth on the floors, walls and ceilings. If no one is living above you, you can fill that room with garbage bags filled with newspapers. Newspapers can also be used for wallpaper (especially The Daily News, “New York’s Picture Newspaper”). Such wallpaper — especially if it is painted over — will reduce the problem of old paint or plaster that has begun to flake off.
Windows and panes can be scavenged from construction sites at which buildings are being renovated, and from window suppliers that leave unwanted stuff out on the street. Doors can also be obtained in the same ways.
Electricity, water and other services can all be provided by a variety of methods that you will be able to discover by using your imagination and staying in contact with other squatters. Getting hooked up with the public utilities providers can be a way of strengthening your case that you are community members and not trespassers.
Legal Hassles
Every effort you can make to show that you have established as normal as possible a residence will be an advantage in dealing with the law. Operate on the assumption that you are a law-abiding citizen and a legal tenant of the building in which you are squatting until it has been decided otherwise in a court oflaw. Use your address freely, and get library cards, swimming cards and other forms ofID that have your address on it.
Have mail sent to you at your building. This will help you prove that you live there and that you aren’t breaking-and-entering or trespassing. Put your address on the front door and make a mail slot in it. Find out when mail is delivered to your street and be there when the mail carrier comes by. Explain that you are living here and that you will be receiving mail at this location. Sometimes the carriers will be uncooperative, but usually they will be friendly if you are friendly. If friendliness doesn’t work, it might be that the carrier you’ve talked to isn’t the regular one, or that several carriers take turns delivering mail to your street and thus don’t feel any inclination to helping you out. Try a different mail carrier.
If nothing else works, try the postmaster at the office for your route. He or she might tell you that there has to be a mailbox locked and unlocked by keys for the carriers to deliver mail, or that you are not a legal tenant, or that you don’t own the building, blah blah blah. Point out as politely as you can that the building isn’t a multiple dwelling unit, that it is undergoing renovation at the moment, and that the addresses on the letters that will be sent to the people who are living there will not have separate apartment numbers on them. Tell the postmaster that you are living there and (more to the point) have not been evicted yet, so your legal status as a tenant simply has not been decided in court as of yet. Tell that bureaucrat that your tenancy is a civil matter between you and the City of New York, and not a criminal matter involving the federal government and your right to receive your mail.
If nothing works, it may actually enable you to get an eviction case thrown out of court. If you cannot get any of your mail because of the Post Office’s refusals to deliver it, you literally can’t be served with an eviction notice, which typically arrives by mail and is not served in person!
If it is not delivered to your building, your mail will be held for you at the local post office. Once picked up, such mail can still serve as proof of residence.
Never sign for or accept any registered or certified mail until you are absolutely sure it is not from the city government. It could be a summons or an eviction notice!
There is something to be said for putting wild shapes, slogans and colors on the front of your squat: it underlines the changes that the building is going through and shows that you are proud of them and of your role in bringing about these changes. There is also something to be said for making the front of your building look as much like an ordinary building as possible. In either case, working diligently and productively on the front will give your neighbors a chance to size you up, to come out and talk to you. They will respect you when they see you working on your place.
Go to block association meetings and seek their support. Although the members of the block association may be merchants and professionals, they may want to help you if they see that you are making good use of the building and that you are not housing or attracting drug dealers, users, pimps or prostitutes. If there is no block association, you may want to start one. You can rally your neighbors by pointing out that both squatters (or homesteaders) and rent-paying tenants want to stop the twin-headed monster ofbenign neglect and gentrification. Once you’ve got your block association together you can go to your local Community Board to seek their support as well. Its also worthwhile to check out whatever housing and tenants’ organizations are active in your neighborhood.
If you are confronted by the police or officials from the Department ofHousing Preservationa d Development, you have a right to all the protections inherent in the eviction process. You can ask for a postponement of your case because you haven’t been able to get a lawyer, or because your lawyer has had insufficient time to prepare your case or cannot appear in court the day your case is to be heard. And so on. In the meantime, you’re still living in your building. Since HPD is often bogged down in lengthy eviction proceedings — some of which it loses — this bureaucracy may very well try to get other city departments to throw you out.
You cannot be denied welfare benefits because you are a squatter. It is illegal for the Bureau of Child Welfare to take your children from you on the grounds that you are a squatter. Besides, plenty of people pay rent to live in apartments that are in terrible condition; these people’s children are not taken from them because of these conditions! Persistence and good legal advice will be your best weapons as you try to make sure your rights are being respected and are not being arbitrarily violated.
Don’t let anyone from the city government or the police department into your building, even if they claim they have a warrant. If they do, they can slip it through the mail slot or under the door so you can read it first. Don’t identify yourself or answer any questions through the door.
If you do receive a legal notice with your name on it, don’t miss the court date unless you’ve cleared it with your lawyer or an informed housing activist in advance. If the notice doesn’t have your name on it or says “Resident” or “John Doe” or something, definitely do not answer it. It most likely shows that the HPD has not yet made a really serious attempt to find out who each and every one of your group is, and that they are trying to get an easy score with the “Anyone living at this address” bullshit. But you should take the notice to a tenants’ rights organizer or housing lawyer for advice, and then take it to the clerk of the court’s office so that you can put it on record that nobody with those names live at your building.
If the people in your building start getting eviction notices, be sure that there is always someone living with you (who has proof of residence) who hasn’t been named in a notice. In this way, if it comes down to an eviction, HPD won’t be able to seal the building since there will still be someone living there that they can’t evict yet. Once the “eviction-minus-one” is over and the cops are gone, you can move back in without problem.
If the authorities have served you with notice that the building is going to be evacuated for reasons of public safety, you’ll have to come up with a detailed plan that shows how you you are going to repair the problem. You will no doubt need the help of professionals to do this, and you’ll their help right away, for you’ve got only a few days to get a judge to issue a stay of execution order. Call the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) at 718 292–0070 to start.
At the first sign of trouble, someone should be using your “Eviction-Watch List” to contact all your friends and supporters, so that as many witnesses are on the scene as possible. This will keep the cops on their toes and “best behavior,” that is, slightly less likely to start beating people up. If the cops get through your front door, write down their badge numbers and names, demand to see their identification, etc. etc. Have witnesses to absolutely everything. Videotape, audiotape and photograph whenever possible. You have a legal right to make a record of all that takes place. If the cops ask to speak to your leaders, tell them you don’t have any. If they ask “Who is in charge?” or if they ask if you are in charge, tell them “Nobody is in charge.” Never admit to having leaders, even if you do, and you will (like it or not). At all times, be firm and reasonable with the cops unless you are ready for a fight. Be forewarned that the police in NYC are always ready for a fight.
These are some of the organizations that can be helpful:(V=phone number verified in 2008)
V-ACORN: Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now 1-877-55ACORN — 718-246-7900 fax 718-246-7939
V-Center for Constitutional Rights 212 614 6464
V-Church of Saint John the Divine 212 316 7400
V-Legal Aid 212 577 3300 — 212-577-3346
Metropolitan Council on Housing 212 693 0550
Stanley Cohen, Attorney 212 979 7572
Jackie Bukowski, Attorney beech@ix.netcom
Sanitation Department 212 534 5493
White Lung Association 718 389 5546
Riverside Church 212 870 6700
People’s Firehouse: Housing and Community Development 718 388 4696
All numbers verified in February 1997
If you have access to a piece ofland you too can start a neo-commune co-op... if The Man will let you.
A low-rise or multi level warehouse can be subdivided with cinder block walls much like a storage unit center with cyclone fence for secure ceilings allowing the central heat to work. In very rural areas military tents at first transitioning to inexpensive storage sheds. Most of the day will be spent in community areas and the small rooms/cabins/tents are for solitude, sleeping, and secure dry storage. Other ideal remodels for apartments are closing nursing homes, Hotels, motels, small hospitals, or old office buildings. Most people will want to move on to more normal dwellings once they get a jobor start a serious relationship.Squatting has more ideas about structures and organization.
Utilities and Services
Have plans for garbage disposal, network, electricity, water, sewage, and heat. Also have in mind that some people will fill a room withjunk then freak out and leave. Fire sprinklers and a good sprinkler water supply for every room is a must. If you can’t get the city to accept your settlement try to make an arrangement to get power and utilities from a nearby property. Have private meters installed at the utility split so your group will pay for it’s fair share.
Internet with a fat connection is a must for rebels, ruggedized computers could be placed in common areas. Consideration should be given to unofficial caches of pirate media on the network to keep the connection from bogging down from downloaders, an internal PTP setup can help share files. You could install a VOIP asterisk server and make a communal telephone exchange. A large file server for internal use is useful.
Regular activities and social gatherings are key to making a working large commune. Look into the history of the YMCA. Evaluate the services provided by a university dorm and try to come up with low cost options to many of these for your tenants. If you are able to pull this plan off and not be a filthy slum lord rents should be very low. Services for bicycles is important, the shop must be crewed to prevent tool theft and help to those new to bike repair.
Security physical and network should be a high consideration as you will surely have occasional pigs undercover in such a radical crash site. All questionable legal activity must be kept at the individual level as official endorsement could endanger the co-op or owner. Strict rules preventing interference in the lives of others and violence must be enforced, there is always the offer of the road to trouble makers. Rules requiring securing personal items will reduce distrust from theft.
Making it Work
This dream of ultra cheap housing is thwarted by local zoning regulations it is difficult to get variance for housing in an industrial area where you might find a warehouse. Try lobbying the city council if you have the backing to try such an idea. We have seen churches be allowed to ignore zoning on church owned property. Try organizing as the “Mosque-Church-Synagogue-Temple of no Homelessness” and really teach the religion of nobody left behind (Registering your group as a church through the Universal Life Churchcan save on paperwork, and having all your members Ordained Ministers can be a strong show of solidarity).
The super democratic communes mostly failed due to power struggle. It is better to run a slightly impersonalized apartment building with a radical landlord than a failed radical commune with an overly specific goal and too much group planning.
Housing Economy
Why is the man against this type ofhousing? It all has to do with shortages and substitution in an economy. If there is no substitute to an expensive house, condo, or apartment the next step down is the streets, not a palatable alternative for most people. The system is set up to force debt slaves to stay working with no drop out options. The other reason is that substitution will drive down prices reducing investment and resale property values as fair competition enters the market.
Original Communes
In the city or in the country, communes can be a cheap and enjoyable way ofliving. Although urban and rural communes face different physical environments, they share common group problems. The most important element in communal living is the people, for the commune will only make it if everyone is fairly compatible. A nucleus of4to7 people is best and it is necessary that no member feels extremely hostile to any other member when the commune gets started. The idea that things will work out later is pig swill. More communes have busted up over incompatibility than any other single factor. People of similar interests and political philosophies should live together. One speed freak can wreck almost any group. There are just too many day-to-day hassles involved living in a commune to not start off compatible in as many ways as possible. The ideal arrangement is for the people to have known each other before they move in together.
Once you have made the opening moves, evening meetings will occasionally be necessary to divide up the responsibilities and work out the unique problems of a communal family. Basically, there are two areas that have to be pretty well agreed upon if the commune is to survive. People’s attitudes toward Politics, Sex, Drugs and Decision-making have to be in fairly close agreement. Then the even most important decisions about raising the rent, cleaning, cooking and maintenance will have to be made. Ground rules for inviting non-members should be worked out before the first time it happens, as this is a common cause for friction. Another increasingly important issue involves defense. Communes have continually been targets of attack by the more Neanderthal elements of the surrounding community. In Minneapolis for example, “headhunts” as they are called are commonplace. You should have full knowledge of the local gun laws and a collective defense should be worked out.
Physical attacks are just one way of making war on communes and, hence, our Free Nation. Laws, cops, and courts are there to protect the power and the property of those that already got the shit. Police harassment, strict enforcement ofhealth codes and fire regulations and the specially designed anti-commune laws being passed by town elders, should all be known and understood by the members of a commune before they even buy or rent property. On all these matters, you should seek out experienced members of communes already established in the vicinity you wish to settle. Work out mutual defense arrangements with nearby families-both legal and extralegal. Remember, not only do you have the right to self-defense, but it is your duty to our new Nation to erase the “Easy-Rider-take-any-shit” image which invites attack. Let them know you are willing to defend your way ofliving and your chances of survival will increase.
List of Communes
The Fellowship ofIntentional Communities has a quick and easy searchable database seemingly of every freak farm in the country, and many outside.
Just click your little browser (I hope you’re usingFirefox..\oboi/r uses Microsoft products anymore except slaves and people at the Public Library.) over to the:
Fellowship for Intentional Community
and spend the day reading about groups of folks who will shortly be instigated into breaking up by Federal Fuck-bags. Try and sign up for one of them before they split up over whether Atlantis or Lemuria was the coolest civilization that never existed. Then steal a tractor.
I wouldn’t send you into that hotbed ofPeace, Love, and Rabies without at least a link to a clue, now. Trust me. You can search for “communes” by State, Country, Population Size, and you can try Dial-A-Nut and find people on the same Religious/Spiritual Path that you are. Also see if they are open to Lesbian, Gay, Transgendered, or Homophobic members. Tobacco, Alcohol, Dietary Practices. Decision Making Style. Is there an Identifiable Leader? Restrictions on Romantic Relationships between members?
Da mind boggles, baby!
Original List of Communes
The most complete list of city and country communes is available for $1.00 from Alternatives Foundation, Modern Utopian, 1526 Gravensteur Highway North, Sebastopol, California 95427. The phone is (707) 823–6168. The list is kept up to date. For all communes, you must write in advance if you plan to visit. Almost every commune will give you information about the local conditions and the problems they face if you write them a letter. Here is a list of some you might like to write to for more information. Avoid becoming a free-loader on your sisters and brothers.
ALTERNATIVES FOUNDATION-Box 1264, Berkeley, California 94709. (Dick Fairfield) Communal living, total sexuality, peak experience training centers. Dedicated to the cybernated-tribal society.
BHODAN CENTER OF INQUIRY-Sierra Route, Oakhurst, California 93644. Phone (209) 683–4976.. (Charles Davis) Seminars on Human Community, IC development on the land, founded 1934, 13 members. Trial period for new members. Visitors check in advance.
DROP CITY-Rt. 1, Box 125, Trinidad, Colorado 81082. Founded 1965. New members must meet specific criteria. Anarchist, artist, dome houses.
New Mexico
LAMA FOUNDATION-Box 444, San Cristobal, N.M.
New York
CITY ISLAND COMMUNE-284 City Island Avenue, Bronx, NY. Visitors check in advance. Revolutionary.
ATLANTIS I-RFD 5, Box 22A, Saugerties, NY 12477. Visitors and new members welcome.
FAMILY OF MYSTIC ARTS--Box 546, Sunny Valley, Oregon
TANGUY HOMESTEADS-West Chester, Pennsylvania. Suburban, non-sectarian, co-op housing and community fellowship.
MAGIC MOUNTAIN-52nd and 19th Streets, Seattle, Washington. (c/o Miriam Roder).
Free Transportation
Rainbow Family
If you’d like to travel with a group, considerjoining up with the Rainbow Family. You might find a caravan by attending your local Gathering and asking around. For more information, try
For travelers and the like an invaluable resource is You can search for couches (sometimes even your own room!) to crash on by city/region and you can work out the number of nights and whatnot individually with each host. It is always free and the host should never ask you for money. You end up meeting a lot of really chill, radical types and you get an in with some locals wherever you are. Just remember, if you ever have a place of your own, try to host other travelers and give back to the community.
Outside Links to Resources Join a Carpool - Maybe not totally free, but very resourceful. Find Public Transport. — Searchfor public transportation by city. Questionably free. Backpacking Resources — This site has TONS of tips on traveling and backpacking. teens/home free.htmlGet a Ride Home... — Get a ticket home if you need one. under 18,you have to returning to a legal guardian. over 18, other arrangements can be made. Travelers Aid International — “Mission: To advance and support a network of human service provider organizations committed to assisting individuals andfamilies who are in transition, or crisis, and are disconnectedfrom their support systems.” Not always free, but they can help you out (or direct you to someone who can) if you’re ever stranded.
Pack your bag
Racking for a life on the road
_ i make the commitment to forsake a regular roof and bed for the freedom of the world, you have to use your head when deciding what to pack. If you carry every mentioned item in this book, you will feel like a pack mule. Tailor your gear to what you plan to do and for how long you will be on the move. Stay light and be prepared to improvise with local resources. Keep your bag loaded with your basic gear and have it ready to go at all times; only take out what you need and return it when you are done. Even if you are staying or squatting with friends, keep your pack within easy reach, unless you have a safe legal locker to stash it in. This advice will prove useful if the pigs come to clear out where you are staying. If you carry expensive stuff, you will be afraid to lose it, and thusly have less fun while traveling.
General Delivery
So you won’t over pack, you can have seasonal clothes, food, or gear sent to a post office as general delivery for you addressed something like this:
Dippy Yippie General Delivery Eugene, Or 97123
Don’t pack too much clothing. One or two sets oflightweight, versatile walking clothes and possibly one set of upscale clothes in a big Ziploc to stay clean will get you by in almost all situations. Be aware of the culture of the area and try to fit in. Even sub-culture dress may vary; be sure of the local cop situation and what they look for before letting your freak flag fly too loudly.
Your upscale clothes will be like an access card to many locations that standard punk dress would disallow.
Look for clothes that pack small, dry quickly, and don’t take stains. Cotton, wool, and, sadly, hemp are often bulky, and cotton dries slowly. Petrochem synthetics, even more sadly, fit these requirements nicely if you can stand them on your body. On the other hand, natural fibers tend to retain odors less, and so will require washing less often.
Quality socks in quantity are just as important as good shoes. Only wear them for one day before putting them in the wash bag, and be sure to wash your feet every morning. You can usually borrow a tie if you need one for a more formal outing, but one is small and light. A sarong works as a scarf, towel, skirt and shawl. You never know when you might need one, so bring one or two light ones. Boonie style hats are available both in cotton and synthetic, they protect your eyes and neck better than a baseball cap and the chin string keeps it from blowing away. A packable jacket and fleece vest is also a very good idea even in summer. Hospital scrubs and a tee-shirt make good pajamas, and they can also be worn on the street or if you need to look at home in a hospital.
Your shoes, above all, must be comfortable to walk in over long distances. Never take brand new shoes on the road, as broken-in shoes will put less stress on your feet and toes. Sandals are great if you are not on the move, except at demonstrations where a jackboot or horse-hoof will make mush of your toes. Doc Martens used to be an affordable comfortable shoe/boot, but fashion trends have caused prices to rise and quality has dropped. Mail carrier shoes are made to look dressy but survive daily hours of outdoor walking. Cheap army boots will last for a few months but are heavy and might slow you down. Discount stores sometimes have surprising quality light hiking boots, work boots, trail runners, or walking shoes.
Check outSandalsfor some tips on DIY footwear.
Like your bicycle, your pack is one of the most personal things you will own. You really don’t have to go crazy on a hyper-expensive German pack, but if you skimp out too much on quality, you could end up uncomfortable or face it wearing out quickly. A frame pack will help distribute your load. An external frame is cheaper, but internal frame packs are now the more popular choice and move well with you. A roll of nylon fiber tape like is used to secure packages will make a break-in or breakopen of your pack less likely if you have to check, stow, or throw the bag. It also helps to identify your bag in a luggage collection area. You might also want to carry a second comfortable day pack for short excursions when you can lock up your main pack. See more about packs and wilderness specific gear in Backpacking and Camping
Stash a Pack
You will have many times that you want to stash you pack but have no idea where to safely hide it. Wearing a backpack pegs you as different and possibly a traveler or drifter, many places will assume you are using your pack to steal, many stores won’t even let you enter Try to get the store to hold it in the office or something while you shop, little luggage locks should keep prying employees out of your stuff. Of course the safest place for you pack is on you.
If you carry a piece of tubular webbing tied into a circle, a carabiener or pulley and some cord or rope you can use the tree stash. Carefully climb a tree and hang your loop and carabiener, don’t forget to stick a bit of cord into the carabiener. Hoist your pack and tie off to a branch. Discretion is of course the rule unless you want your pack stolen, do a walk-around and look for people watching first don’t do this in the commons, be in the brush a bit. Tree caching works best with a dull colored pack and cord. Don’t talk about using this technique except with your true affinity group lest your new “friends” follow you and clean out your pack. This setup could be made with cheaper hardware so you could abandon it in the tree if you had to move fast, a half inch eye bolt with wood screw tip would hold tight in most trees but leaving a potential damage to the tree. If you have another twelve foot piece of tubular webbing with you tied in a loop you can throw this around the lowest branch to give you that first step into the tree.
Pack Lockup
There is an expensive product called pack-safe which is reallyjust stainless steel cable crimper joined every 3–4 inches so it looks like tube of cyclone fence mesh and gathered at the bottom and lockable at the top. If you had the time and parts you could make your own, but this will still not stop a determined thief who can still slice and grab what she can, additionally the mesh is heavy to carry around.
You could try to cable lock your pack with a cheap bike lock slowing down the grab and run thief. Wrap your pack in ratty blue tarp and lock it next to your bike or near the entrance to the store you are in and it might frighten off the less bold or squeamish thief.
If you like to support the underground economy with stolen electronics, thenjoin the millions of dumb western “flash-packers” who can’t live without their Power Book, Ipod, and Iphone while on the road. A better plan is to limit what you can keep in your pockets. Sparkly gadgets are the bait that can get your whole pack stolen by street thieves or corrupt cops who want more toys for themselves. CD’s or DVD’s are fragile and heavy in large numbers, digitize the content and save on portable hard disk or even better avoid the CorpGov programming from their media entirely. If you look hard most items, even guitars, keyboards, and amps can be found, either in a lightweight form or can be borrowed.
Splashed Electronics
You are poor and on the move, expect your valuable electronics to go into the water at some point. All is not lost,
snatch your gadget from the water
get the batteries out now!!
open every door and opening
shake the water out
If you dropped in salt water you are probably out of luck, but still as quickly as possibly
rinse off with bottled water or fresh water to get the salt out
take the gadget apart as far as you safely can
get your gadget somewhere warm and breezy if possible. The top of a radiator with a fan blowing is great, behind a refrigerator where the warm air blows is good too.
If you can find electronic cleaning ‘air in a can’ blast the inside of the gadget to blow the water out your gadget, it will help a lot, be careful using a regular air hose these sometimes have water or oil in them. Let dry for 24 to 48 hours inspecting for dampness blowing or dabbing what you can get at, if there is none evident after that time period try powering up the gadget, good luck.
We hesitate to mention the oven dry method because too many people freaked out over ruining their gadget get excited and mess it up, they end up with plastic slag dripping in the oven, we have inserted an oven temperature verification to help you boneheads out.
Remove battery and open all other covers
shake out as much liquid as possible
Rinse gadget with bottled water if necessary to wash out liquids other than fresh water
Preheat the oven or toaster oven and a plate to 120 F or 55C for 15 minutes
Remove all knobs so nobody can adjust the heat
Put a big sign on the oven explaining what you are doing, and what you will do to anyone who melts your gadget
After 15 minutes carefully feel the plate, does it burn orjust feel hot
Let dry in the oven of an hour
If you melt the gadget don’t call us!
A nice electronic convergence device is an old used PDA that has a WiFi card for web browsing, and can act as a MP3 player. These two uses are the main uses of electronics for travelers. A large capacity SD/MMC or Compact Flash card will give you room for lots of tunes. We like the SD-to- CF card adapters for using a SD/USB combo card for large file storage and a small USB drive. Sticker and tape the PDA up so nobody will want to steal it. Many free programs are out like ebook readers or translators for travelers. Some PDA’s have a battery booster available which charge from four AA cells.
USB Key/Disc
A traveler often still wants his or her programs, or even his or her whole OS. We describe in Computers#USB Keyhow to load and use a USB key for booting a M$ Windows machine to Linux as well as bringing your favorite apps along.
The basic USB key is a low cost and low theft way to have your data available when you have a chance to get on line. There are several ways to maximize the potential of a USB stick. A SD/USB card that interfaces with both your SD card camera or PDA and turned around plugs into a USB port. Many hard disc music players work as a storage device, as do some PDA’s when the USB cable is attached. Smaller MP3 players are sometimes also a USB memory stick. Internet Communicationslists some nifty web-browsing programs that can run directly off of yourUSB Flash drive.
Mobile Phone
A mobile phone may be a “flashpacker’s” voice, text, and Internet connection, but it is also the leash that constantly updates CorpGov to your exact location within a few meters and takes money from you at the same time. Even a phone without GPS can be tracked by most wireless carriers. A prepaid SIM card gives minimal anonymity for a few days but this is really a false sense of security. Maybe you should dump the phone on the counter on the way out into the real world.
If you still need to carry a leash around your neck look for a phone that you can connect to your computer or PDA with a cable or something wireless like infrared or Bluetooth.
You still may have a desire to communicate after you ditch the phone, seeCommunication for some alternatives.
E-book reader
We love real books they are not just something real to read but in an emergency you can wipe or start a fire with one. If e-paper is the miracle it is promised we will soon have a cheap way to schlep many e-books on a single sheet of flexible plastic with a little controller/battery pack somewhere that lasts months on a charge. This might save a few trees and let us carry a whole bookshelf in our pack rolled up in a small protective tube.
Wake Up
A digital countdown timer from a kitchen store will let you grab both quick naps or a full night of sleep without worry of oversleeping; set it according to your watch. Your cell phone alarm clock can now be turned off for privacy, to save batteries, or allow you to leave it at home.
Flashpacker alert!! Nothing screams rich tourist so much as a fancy camera. If you are in love with photography or are a radical photojournalist taking away your camera would be like stripping your bike or slashing your pack. Give consideration to protection of the camera from both notice and physical damage. If you are less of a pro think about a more “toy” type camera or something a few years old from an auction. Be sure you have spare batteries, charger, and card reader, and extra storage media. It is useful to burn and mail CD’s with your pics every few weeks or when you capture a major story. Disposable cameras are still available in 2007 if you don’t need to take too many photos.
If you can’t live without music, follow these tips. However, the more you open yourself up to the local culture on your travels, the more enjoyable and rewarding your trip will become. Remember that MP3 players take batteries— an expensive and hard-to-recycle commodity, but we hear the maker of the wind-up radio is coming out with a wind up MP3/video player soon.
One way togois to carry a small instrument and make your own music to share (see Making Music) as opposed to being antisocial and listen to MP3’s or the radio all of the time.
If you like to stay informed, a small hand-crank or solar powered radio can be useful for not only weather reports and news breaks, but also for listening to NPR. NPR is a great radio resource that offers good, eclectic music, international news, and comedy shows. Even though some say it is white liberal biased, it at least treats you, the listener, as an intelligent person They also offer live broadcasts of the BBC World News on a near-nightly basis. Most foreign countries have state-run radio stations which offer something similar. You will also be able to use your radio to pick up pirate stations and college channels. See Radio.
A small, cheap MP3 player is a good choice if your choose the MP3 route. Use rechargeable batteries if possible and try the recharging ideas in Low Impact Crashing or carry a small recharger.
An external speaker can either share your tunes or pollute the room with constant noise, so be nice and think of your mates before playing your music out loud.
Wilderness Gear, and Urban Crash Gear
see also Low Impact Crashing and Backpacking and Camping.
Washing and Drying Clothes
No bucket? Throw soap, clothes, and water into a plastic sack and swish around. Remember to rinse completely or you’ll have soap residue on everything. Even better than a bucket is if you have access to a sink or bathtub, carry a universal flat drain plug, it is good for almost all drains. Find a good concentrated soap good for clothing and human use, plain bar soap fits the bill.
An excellent dry line is a long narrow bungee-type cord; the hooks work on door and window frames, curtain rods, and hooks you place into the wall, some purpose made dry lines even have wire clothespins made around the bungee cord.
Washing Up
In the cleaning section of grocery and hardware stores you will likely see synthetic or microfiber cleanup towels. The larger ones make great cheap towels which pack light and dry quickly, this is the same thing as expensive backpacker pack towels.
Nail Clipper
For we who move on our feet more often than drive or ride need our transportation in top shape. Clipping our toe nails regularly prevents infection from ingrown nails as well as lengthening the life of our socks and shoes. Always clip straight across with scissors or clippers and leave the corners of the toe nail sticking out, trimming off these corners lets the skin around the nails grow in and when the nail grows it will cut or rub this flesh leaving you open to infection.
Warm Water
Warm up your bath water with your stinger in a bucket or plastic sack inside a nylon stuff sack, for small volumes be careful not to overheat the water, or you can also use your camp stove to boil water to heat up a bucket of cold water.
Wash up with your damp washcloth or sponge to save water. If rinsing is not an option because of limited water or drainage rub on a few drops ofbaby shampoo in your armpits and groin then wash away as you wash the rest of your body with your washcloth.
If you are really cold soaking your feet in warm water is a delight, pull out and dry offbefore the water gets too cold or spills.
A twin sheet folded and sewn on the bottom makes a cheap hostel sheet, this is good if you must crash on a gross couch or mattress in summer or if you are staying at a hostel that charges for sheets, if you are cold use your sleeping bag as your blanket. Your hostel sheet is much easier to wash and dry than your sleeping bag so use it as a liner to keep your bag clean. Of course your wilderness sleeping bag is what you will spend the night in the most, often with your camping pad underneath if there is not an extra bed. Regularly check for bedbugs in your sleeping bag and sheet especially if you stay at hostels or cheap hotels. Stuff some clothes into a pants leg or stuff sack for a pillow.
A small LED headlight covers almost everything a person needs light for out to about 4 meters, a good idea is to wear the headband around your neck until needed, leave your light easy to get to in the top of you pack. Since LED gadgets are cheap and run forever on a battery why not pack a few of these gadgets.
If the room you are in has no electrical or natural light many camping and mart stores sell a cheap four cell AA powered fluorescent and incandescent combo pocket flashlight. The light bulb can be replaced with a LED making a long lasting night light with the fluorescent tube for when you general coverage.
When the power goes out you can never have too many light sources, glow tape or tritium markers will help you find your lights or gear in the dark.
Hair Dryer
A hair dryer can be your best friend in cold, rainy, and/or unheated locations. Go for a travel dryer designed to switch from 110V to 220V, and choose something high quality, portable, quiet, and maybe fordable. Just be sure it is small, or else you would be better carrying a small heater, which is usually much quieter, although both often put out the same amount ofheat. Use your dryer to:
Dry clothes, socks, and shoes (be careful not to melt the glue holding shoes together)
Warm up your sleeping bag, or dry it out
Heat up a small room (find a dryer that can stay on for around half hour)
Removing adhesive stickers and signs
Make cars slow down (pretend it’s a radar gun)
Thaw a car window or preheat the interior without wasting fuel
If no small room is available and you are in a warehouse or outside but with access to electricity, pop your tent, tarp tepee, or cardboard box up right there and you have a much smaller space to heat.
Clean the lint and dust out of the screen on the back so your dryer won’t overheat. Never run the hair dryer if you are very sleepy or going out; these things can lock up and overheat even though there is supposed to be a thermostat safety shutoff circuit, you must be on guard for fire. Like with all electrical stuff, water or wet concrete is big danger.
For packable food, see Backpacking and Camping#Food
Immersion Boiler
A stinger or immersion boiler is useful for boiling water for cooking, are cheap, and are super light to carry. seeCheap Chow for stinger specific recipes. You can also heat larger containers of water to warm for bathing, washing, or thawing frozen stuff. A commercial coil stinger is usually so cheap and light that getting and carrying a spare or two only makes sense, especially considering that they burn out after a while.
The coil stinger you buy in stores will burn out if the water boils away or it falls out so it won’t start a fire, if you make a prison stinger from a power cord with tips stripped of insulation and dipped in salted or hard water, don’t let the ends touch or you will blow the breakers, oh and if you knock the prison stinger and soup over it can electrocute you!!.
Cheese/Vegetable Grater
Avery small grater, about two by six inches, will add very little weight but can be very useful: shredding food (which greatly reduces cooking time in soups), shredding and grinding soft and hard cheeses, to turn bar soap into washing soap (shred a pile of soap and dump it in a bucket of warm water to wash your clothes instead of detergent), and can even be used to shred small amounts of paper or files if rolled tight, whether confidential files or wood shavings this tinder is a great fire starter(this will dull the grater).
Fun and Games
Fun things that pack well and spend downtime without wasting your brain or batteries include:
Playing cards or card based games (games like Magic that can collect huge decks might end up too heavy)
Magnetic wallet board games (chess, checkers, backgammon, etc.)
Question cards from Trivial Pursuit
Dice for D&D type role-playing games or other dice games (like Yahtzee)
CD’s or small discs (vinyl singles, etc.) to use for Frisbee (those free AOL CD’s work well)
Hacky Sack/Footbag
Small musical Instruments Making Music
Journal for composition or sketches
Paperback of short stories (better than novel for when you are waiting,just finish the short story you are on and go)
A knife for whittling
A big permanent marker or paint pen for hitchhiking or panhandling signs, hobo marks Wall Painting, tagging with intelligent quotes, or philosophical quandaries
Paper-back, digital scanned, or photo-copied text books or printed-off school resource pages and/or texts on a portable disk drive to keep up on your education
Foreign language dictionary to study up on learning a new language
Book of Sudoku or crosswords
Seeds to plant in public places
Those Chinese Juggling sticks are pretty fun. You can also get really good at them and perform for tips.
Some cash hidden in your stuff is not a bad idea for emergencies.
Credit cards provide a perfect trace of where you have been at every point of use. However, they do provide the best exchange rates during international travel.
One guy we know sews a gold coin hidden into his pants. Once, in Africa, he got dumped in the wrong town without his bags across a border. His pocket money was no good there, but he ordered a taxi out, some meals, and several nights stay by selling the emergency coin.
Don’t be afraid to offer your services in exchange for cash or trade,just like the old Hoe-Boy hobos. Just don’t get taken as a chump: demand a decent wage for your mental or physical labor. Abetter plan is to use the underground economy! Just barter, bum, and/or buddy your way along. Once people realize that you are living the dream on no budget, they will support youjust to imagine themselves as part of your story. You will build your resourcefulness and wit by freeing your mind from the CorpGov Spend! Spend! Dollars!! program.
A pliers multi-tool and folding bicycle multi-tool are standard stuff in our packs but if we want to take up recyclingjunk into tradeable objects you might need some of the following.
a few drill bits in useful sizes (extras in small diameters)
T-handle chuck for reamer, taps, and even drill bits
medium and small files
several standard size thread taps and dies to mach your drill bits
propane torch head
aluminum low temp solder
narrow gauge steel welding rods
adjustable wrench
universal socket and mini ratchet
assorted screws bolts and washers to fit your taps
electrical multi-tester
small milling burrs
rechargeable drill or hand drill
butane soldering iron and solder sucker
hack saw
These tools and more like it would be good for earning your keep on extended couch crashes. We bet you could get creative and using tips from Means ofProduction and these universal tools even do some small scale machine shop type work, all you needed is some junk pile recycling skills. Most of this kit will be a bit heavy for a strict backpacker but it should work well for those who use a bicycle trailer.
Depending on the nature of your walkabout, like if you are couch surfing, it might be a good idea to bring along cheap lightweight gifts, like pictures of (yourself near) an interesting place near your home with your e-mail address on back. Chachkies from a tourist stop near your home, local sport team cards, stamps, state quarters, and whatever else can work, too. Just don’t go overboard on price, as it is supposed to be a token gift for them to remember you, not an endowment. You can sell these to more official tourists if you are still in your home state, or to well off foreigners who dig whatever country you’re from.
Luxury Item
In a world that treats us like dirt it might be helpful to carry a small token luxury item to bring out every now and then to feel a little posh when they are down, especially if you feel you were forced out and did not choose this life from the start. We advise against taking priceless heirlooms or mementos which you might be able to stash someplace safe, we loose or break our gear all to often for that. For example a fine china tea cup or a small crystal figurine stuffed between clothing and gear might survive for a long time if you are careful. A small stuffed animal or piece fancyjewelery might also be good ways to make yourself feel good. Save your luxury item for special occasions and treat yourself.
Nothing makes a cop’s job easier than a possession rap against a protester or squatter with used resin coated drug paraphernalia like a pipe. These can easily be found in a legal pat-down weapon search. If you must use drugs while traveling or living on the road, make something disposable or borrow instead. If you have a legal prescription for any type of ADD, anti-depressant, or pain medications, keep a photocopy in your bag with the meds. It might help in some states if you have a medical pot card with you if in possession, even one from out of state. However, if you plan on being involved in protests or other risky adventures, it’s usually a good idea to keep your mind and body free from any possible chemical hindrances.
Never, EVER try to cross international boarders with drugs, especially if you go through a standard boarder gate. A loner travelling with no contact to family or friends is an easy candidate for retention and confinement for indefinite periods of time. Be sure to hot detergent wash your clothes and hang dry them for a day or two outside before a border crossing or airplane trip to reduce any drug smell which might alert drug dogs.
Phone Cards
A story of a guy that gives his daughters phone cards to make long distance and international calls from regular and pay phones: He may not hear from them for weeks but he is able to see everywhere they travel and who they are calling by checking his account on the Internet. Can Big Bro’ do the same? Of course. Disposable cards sold in many convenience stores are less traceable but cost more per minute. See Free Telephones where we describe a pocket size modified telephone and calling cards.
This is a real judgment call, the sexist truth is that cops may give women a bigger pass as far as carrying a weapon or firearm in Amerika but don’t count on it. Women realize that you are more likely to be victimized so you have more reason to carry. If The-Man wants you put away, a weapon charge can be an easy way to throw you into the clink for a few years. Use some common sense but remember that it is better to be tried by twelve (jury) than carried by six (in a coffin).
Be mindful that some states recognize other gun carry licenses. An unloaded, trigger locked, or partly disassembled weapon, while useless to you, might keep you out oflegal trouble in some places while on the move but don’t be surprised if officer friendly keeps the piece. Never pack a weapon if you have illegal substances on you or with your group.
Pets can make getting a ride an finding a place to stay more difficult. On the other hand they are a source of friendship, comfort, and healing, especially to those who have been traumatized. The street kids we know would never let Spike or Cerberus go. Tailor your travels to match your pet, or tailor your pet choices to meet your travel needs. Fido can always carry his own gear, so make him a saddle-bag-type pack for food and water. Again, pets are not the best choice if your goal is traveling light. Few straight motorists are going to pick up a hippie with a huge dog wearing a bandanna. For pets once you’ve found a place to crash, see Pets.
Some of us won’t leave home without a bicycle and can be seen all over the world with a big pack and little folding bike or even a recumbent touring cycle. It is possible to hitch while making a bike trip, but it is more difficult to find a ride, since your hitch needs either a pickup truck or have an empty bike rack. Most commercial transportation will either forbid a standard bicycle or charge up to a double fare.
Remember that carrying a bike is a trade off towards self mobility versus the delights of traveling light and hitching. If you are not too personal about your bike, try to call ahead and arrange a bike from friends, a listserve, or We mention lots of options inCycling.
Remember the spares and tools that you will need if you bring a bicycle, at a minimum a minipump, patch kit with levers, and a folding bicycle multitool, but an extra innertube or two is smart, these tools are useful for more thanjust bicycle repair.
Quick Packing List
We trust you to choose what you need or don’t need from this list everything would be quite a load and some is inappropriate at times. It is merely a quick reminder list:
Food prep- camp stove or pocket immersion boiler and large cup, bowl, or small pot, eating
utensils, chopsticks, coffee or tea stuff
Wash- flat drain stopper, bungee cord line, small scrub brush, stain treatment, and wash soap/detergent
Shower- pack towel, wash cloth or sponge, liquid soap with neck strap, flip-flop sandals with add-on heel straps, universal faucet shower kit, bucket and cup/dipper
Clothes- packable jacket, lightweight clothes, walking/outdoor shoes, swimsuit
Repair kit- quality multi-tool, heavy nylon carpet thread, needles, buttons, hot glue stick, lighter, sport or duct tape on a pencil, zip-ties, concrete drill bit on a handle, wall inserts and screw hooks, or eyebolts
Sleep- sleeping mask, earplugs, neck pillow, countdown timer or alarm clock, hostel sheet, shorts or scrub bottoms and t-shirt, ground pad, sleeping bag
Contact- phone cards, change for pay phones in rolls, a pad of paper for numbers to call collect, USB memory stick, list or map ofLibrary/Coffee shop Internet, WiFi PDA, small shortwave or ham radio set, walkie-talkie, prepaid mobile phone or SIM card, laptop, modem card, WiFi detector
Personal Hygiene- fingernail clippers, first aid kit, baking soda, vinegar, Hair removal/trimming tools, baby wipes, toothbrush, toilet paper, love lube, safe sex stuff, period stuff (tampons, pads, or re-washable pad)
Wilderness Gear- see Backpacking and Camping andSkiing and Boarding
First Aid- moleskin foot dressings, plasters(bandages), tooth kit, gauze pads, roller gauze, triple antibiotic ointment, tape, scissors, tweezers, (also pain, motion sickness, allergy, indigestion, and diarrhea treatments)
Other- Lightweight flashlight/torch or headlamp, emergency hidden cash, music(radio, MP3, harmonica, etc), batteries and charger,journal, pocket paperback or electronic foreign dictionaries or a printout of International Communications, small gifts, seat pad, folding stool, LED book light, hair dryer
Entertainment- Cards, paperback book, hacky-sack, games, notebook/journal
Special- bicycle spares (pump, combination allen-chain-spoke-screw tool, patches and levers, tubes), repair and craft tools, ski or board gear, etc.
Free maps
Most states offer free maps which you can either order from the official state website, the state tourism website, or from welcome/info/tourist buildings as you enter the state. Always have a highway map and good compass so you can keep yourself on the right road and headed in the right direction.
The most important things to remember about hitchhiking are
Travel light.
Be neat, clean and polite.
Always try to look like someone you’d want to pick up.
Make a large sign with your destination, don’t forget your markers
Your best bet is to ask around at a truck stop, many truckers like to have a rider to talk to. Women should watch out at truck stops since these places are also frequent workplaces for prostitutes or lot lizards in CB lingo, partnering up is a good idea in this sexist world. Even if a trucker is not intereste in giving a ride ask ifhe will CB for someone heading your way. Talk to your ride first and especially at a truck stop and make sure they are cool, there is no reason to ride with a creep. If you were not carrying enough already a CB handheld radio can be used better than your thumb, call out to truckers even on the highway, talk directly to trucks you see wave and ask them for a ride. Of course when roadside hitching a big sign always helps too, be sure you are on the side of the highway heading where you want to go. Never put you bag in the back, snuggle it to yourself so you will have it if you decide to bail out.
- arrange a ride share
- lots of (modern) hitchhiking info, discussions, etc.
- — Great site with a lot of information all about hitchhiking (English and German language)
- Worldmap showing hitching places.
- Database with hitchhing places
Abgefahren e.V- the first german Autostop Society; ideas, tips, projects,..
What follows is the original text
Certainly one of the neatest ways of getting where you want to go for nothing is to hitch. In the city it’s a real snap. Just position yourself at a busy intersection and ask the drivers for a lift when they stop for the red light. If you’re hitching on a road where the traffic zooms by pretty fast, be sure to stand where the car will have room to safely pull off the road. Traveling long distances, even crosscountry, can be easy if you have some sense of what you are doing.
A lone hitch-hiker will do much better than two or more. A man and woman will do very well together. Single women are certain to get propositioned and possibly worse. Amerikan males have endless sexual fantasies about picking up a poor lonesome damsel in distress. Unless your karate and head are in top form, women should avoid hitching alone. Telling men you have V.D. might help in difficult situations.
New England and the entire West Coast are the best sections for easy hitches. The South and Midwest can sometimes be a real hassle. Easy Rider and all that. The best season to hitch is in the summer. Daytime is much better than night. If you have to hitch at night, get under some type of illumination where you’ll be seen.
Hitch-hiking is legal in most states, but remember you always can get a “say-so” bust. A “say-so” arrest is to police what Catch-22 is to the Army. When you ask why you’re under arrest, the pig answers, “cause I say-so.” If you stand on the shoulder of the road, the pigs won’t give you too bad a time. If you’ve got long hair, cops will often stop to play games. You can wear a hat with your hair tucked under to avoid hassles. However this might hurt your ability to get rides, since many straights will pick up hippies out of curiosity who would not pick up a straight scruffy looking kid.
Freak drivers usually only pick up other freaks.
Once in a while you hear stories of fines levied or even a few arrests for hitching (Flagstaff, Arizona is notorious), but even in the states where it is illegal, the law is rarely enforced. If you’re stopped by the pigs, play dumb and they’ll just tell you to move along. You can wait until they leave and then let your thumb hang out again.
Hitchin on super highways is really far out. It’s illegal but you won’t get hassled if you hitch at the entrances. On a fucked-up exit, take your chances hitching right on the road, but keep a sharp eye out for porkers. When you get a ride be discriminating. Find out where the driver is headed. If you are at a good spot, don’t take a ride under a hundred miles that won’t end up in a locationjust as good. When the driver is headed to an out-of-the-way place, ask him to let you off where you can get the best rides. Ifhe’s going to a particularly small town, ask him to drive you to the other side of thy town line. It’s usually only a mile or two. Small towns often enforce all sorts of “say-so” ordinances. If you get stuck on the wrong side of town, it would be wise to even hoof it through the place. Getting to a point on the road where the cars are inter-city rather than local traffic is always preferable.
When you hit the road you should have a good idea ofhow to get where you are going. You can pick up a free map (not free anymore. bummer...) at any gas station. Long distance routes, road conditions, weather and all sorts of information can be gotten free by calling the American Automobile Association in any city. Say that you are a member driving to Phoenix, Arizona or wherever your destination is, and find out what you want to know. Always carry a sign indicating where you are going. If you get stranded on the road without one, ask in a diner or gas station for a piece of cardboard and a magic marker. Make the letters bold and fill them in so they can be seen by drivers from a distance. If your destination is a small town, the sign should indicate the state. For really long distances, EAST or WEST is best. Unless, of course, you’re going north or south. A phony foreign flag sewed on your pack also helps.
Carrying dope is not advisable, and although searching you is illegal, few pigs can read the Constitution. If you are carrying when the patrol car pulls up, tell them you are Kanadian and hitching through Amerika. Highway patrols are very uptight about promoting incidents with foreigners. The foreign bit goes over especially well with small-town types, and is also amazingly good for avoiding hassles with greasers. If you can’t hack this one, tell them you are a reporter for a newspaper writing a feature story on hitching around the country. This story has averted many a bust.
Don’t be shy when you hitch. Go into diners and gas stations and ask people if they’re heading East or to Texas. Sometimes gas station attendants will help. When in the car be friendly as hell. Offer to share the driving if you’ve got a license. If you’re broke, you can usually bum a meal or a few bucks, maybe even a free night’s lodging. Never be intimidated into giving money for a ride.
As for what to carry when hitching, the advice is to travel light. The rule is to make up a pack of the absolute minimum, then cut that in half. Hitching is anart form as is all survival. Master it and you’ll travel on a free trip forever.
. = this is all new material, and does not appear in the original book
Tnebicycle is most popular vehicle in the world, and for good reason: bicycles are beautiful things. They are cheap, reliable, faster and easier than walking (and driving in the city), and downright sexy. They can take you almost anywhere, they don’t rely on fuel, a license or insurance, a most liberating way to get around these days.
Getting a Bike
Always acquire your cycle through honest means, a less than affluent person can be greatly damaged by stealing or stripping their cycle. Don’t assume that a nice bike belongs to the CorpGov rich and is thus free to steal, many of us put every penny and a bit of our heart and soul into making one of our few material treasures into a work of fast functional art.
Find a bike of quality good enough to not require constant replacement of parts. If the quality is too low you will likely learn to hate cycling and stay a petrol hog.
Never buy junk from department stores that rely on crude slave labor: these are designed as gifts to kids who will likely ride them for a few weeks, these garage rusters tend to be good for only about 500km and maintenance is almost impossible.
When buying, stick to a friendly local bicycle shoppe or, even better, a local bike co-op who will sell you a tuned and sized bicycle designed for long service life.
In the USA, quality barely used bikes are discarded to “thrift” shoppes which may sell for as little as $10. Garage sales are also a good source of cheap bikes, beware the used department store type cycles unless you need a disposable with poor performance. A proper 1970’s vintage quality bicycle and a little tuning is a much better choice for your money than a brand new discount-mart special.
Watch out for dents in the frame of the bike, this is a sign that the bike has been crashed, and may be hazardous to ride especially if it is of aluminum or exotic construction. Also look out for hairline cracks in the paint, especially near the tubing joints. These can be an early warning of frame damage.
A good way to get a bike is to put up ads on bulletin boards. Something like “looking for reasonable bicycle for reasonable price” is good. This only works if you (or your buddy) has a phone or email. Get your local bike shoppe to check out a bike you are about to buy and estimate repairs and tune up.
Yellow-White Bicycle Programs
Find out if cities you are traveling to offer a Yellow Bicycle Program. Furthermore, if you find yourself a new local in a larger city, think about aiding those following your traveling example and start up a Yellow Bike Program in your new town. To do this, you can either approach city official yourself with the idea, or simply start it up without them. You’ll need some cheap yet solid bikes, and some yellow paint. You can draw up a small map of suggested pick-up and drop-off points in town for the bikes, like public/school/park/downtown bike racks, fences by vacant lots, etc. Tagging some of these places with a minimal yellow stencil design can help, too. Encourage friends to look out for the welfare of the bikes if they see them tossed or crashed-up, either reporting to you are fixing them themselves. You can also attach a little sticker or tag to every bike before you put it out explaining the ideals behind your program to prevent wanton theft or destruction, and also encourage visitors to follow your example.
A good idea is to paint every part of the bike even pedals and tires to reduce theft, resale, and stripping value, be sure to mask areas able to be damaged by paint. Single speed coaster brake bikes have the lowest moving part count and the highest resistance to abuse, unless you are in a very hilly city this is the best type for a yellow bikes program. If possible include some sort of front baskets, folding wire pannier baskets, and such to allow shopping trips.
If the program results in many lost bikes you may have to consider moving to a free membership program, order dozens oflocks with the same key and require a library card tojoin the club and receive a key, this will slow down random vandals and thieves but will also stop the short term traveler from a service they need most.
Kinds of Bikes
The least expensive and easiest to obtain new and used is the regular upright bicycle. Road bikes are equipped for speedy travel and have multi-position hand grips and razor thin tires for cruising along paved highways. Mountain Bikes come in several stages of impact and mud resistance but the shocks and knobby tires are adapted to off road travel and you will waste a good percentage of your pedaling effort if using a mountain bike as an urban commuter. Hybrids or urban commuter bikes take the ruggedness of a mountain bike to absorb potholes and curb drops and add the road capable tires and sometimes the multi-position handgrips for long trips. Touring bikes can also take some of the attributes ofboth mountain and road bikes usually with emphasis on long riding but with stronger components and mounting points for pannier bags.
Cargo Bikes
Cargo bikes can take many forms but they are usually based on some sort of a tricycle. Many of these are custom shop build jobs with either the front or back half of an inexpensive conventional bicycle removed and a large cargo area added. For front cargo the front wheel and forks are removed and a tubular frame is welded on, the front wheels are mounted on the sides of the cargo area and pivot on their mounts, a cross tube/handlebar attached to these pivots is pushed left or right to steer, these bikes have a very limited turn radius and are best for use in an area with few hills, but can be made with quite a large cargo capacity. A traditional tricycle design requires a bit more mechanical skill since a drive axle with a chain sprocket must be installed, the available cargo area is limited by the width of the axle, these are also available from specialty bike shops. There are frame attachments which make for a long tail bike allowing very large panniers or several buckets or coolers to be attached to this extension, the upside is that it is possible to quickly convert back to a normal bike with a trip to the bike shop but these extensions appear to put stress on the rear of the bicycle frame.
While still almost universally expensive even when purchased used; iflong haul travel is in your plans the recumbent is definitely worth looking into. Imagine reclining in a nice lawn chair and pushing out to the pedals instead of crouching over your handlebars, this is the position of a recumbent rider. You will be able to put much more of your leg power to work pedaling your clipped-in feet sitting recumbent than you ever did on an upright. The only major downer with recumbent is that they are low to the ground so the rider is at bumper level and you are unable to stand up on the pedals to gruff your way up impossible climbs. Another bonus to recumbent is the ease at which battery powered and regenerative drive systems can be added due to the multiple drive chains. We have even seen stirling steam and gas booster motors added although this takes from the whole green purist idea.
Hybrid Power
Blurring the borders ofbicycle, motorcycle, and car; vehicles like the Twike and other custom lightweight hybrid vehicles let two or more riders travel in style. Riders are inside an enclosed and stylishly interiored vehicle, a battery and motor system give a big power boost to uphill pedaling and recover energy from downhill braking back into the battery. On a sick day plug in and charge your battery for a free ride. We expect you enterprising types to get out your welding, electrical, and plastic forming gear and design more vehicles like this to take back our streets and clean air.
Most people feel that a helmet is a necessity for riding. Though cycling is a generally safe activity, the most likely cause of fatalities and debilitating brain injury in bicycling accidents is head impact, and helmets will reduce the possibility of this by 88% or stated another way making you brain nine times safer. Helmets can be purchased (in the US)just about anywhere bikes are sold. Make sure you get the helmet adjusted correctly; it needs to fit well on your head to be the most effective. Helmets are only good for one crash: if you hit your head with your helmet on, you will need to replace the helmet. For this reason, it’s probably not a good idea to buy a used helmet.
One of our editors was in a serious accident where she was struck by a car, the helmet cracked badly but protected her skull that would surely have been broken damaging her vision centers and blinding if not killing her, as it is she has a limited field of vision in one eye now. The helmet made the difference between collecting thousands of dollars and collecting a hole in the ground.
It’s a wise idea to wear gloves to protect your palms in case of a fall. Grazed palms may not be life threatening, but they will impact every facet of your daily life until they heal. Gloves also ease the stress from a long ride.
Toe Clips and Clip Shoes
Anything you can do to keep your foot centered on the pedal will give you more power, toe clips also extend the length of your potential power stroke to allow a little bit of upward stroke. Clip shoes just amplify the benefits of toe clips giving a very firm lock to your pedals, clip shoes also do not wear out the sole when you are using them to pedal. The downside is small once you get used to these types of pedals but you might fall down getting used to having your feet stuck down, getting out ofboth clips and shoe pedals requires a twist motion that will become very natural after a few days of use. Clip shoes have another downside in that the metal plate doesn’t grip cement like rubber when you are on foot.
If you are going to be riding at night, it is very important that you work to make yourself visible. Reflectors, reflective tape, and lights are all helpful. For starters, a good, flashing LED taillight will help car drivers see you when they approach from behind. You can get one for about two bucks that will run a long time on a set ofbatteries zip-tie on or spend more for a proper mount.
HID Lamp
HID Super Bright xenon gas discharge lighting is the envy of many serious cyclists but the $400 price tag puts most of us off. It is possible to make a HID light set on a moderate budget. Auto shops and auction sites will occasionally pull good singles of a blown out HID headlight pair, we have seen them for as little as $30. These are relatively small and light, only draw about 3 amps at 12 volts, and have everything you need except batteries a reflector and mountings. A reflector can be made form a glass halogen track light with a reflector large enough to fit the xenon bulb, be sure there is a glass front lens, saw off the bulb end with a dremel tool and epoxy in the new bulb. New matched lithium batteries like the kind in a laptop will be perfect to power this high power lamp, batteries and ballast pack should fit inside a cut open water bottle.
The HID light is also the type used by pro videographers, mounted to their camcorder, or for lighting large areas at night like for plays, but for a much lower price.
Sound Signals
Invest in a loud horn or whistle, there are several pumpable marine horns or the Zound pumpable bike horn, Survival or sport whistles are better if you need to signal constantly in an urban area.
In highly populated urban areas, barking at jaywalking pedestrians works a treat. Most people freeze when they hear a dog bark up close, giving you the time to take evasive action. Plus it’s free!
Carrying things
You can increase the usefulness of your bike by making it easier for you to carry loads with it. Racks, front and back, can be added. You can get bags (called ‘panniers’) which attach to the sides of the racks; these will allow you to carry a lot of stuff without encumbering your hands, allowing you to ride safer. For day to day use a small backpack or fanny pack will do.
Baskets are also effective for carrying stuff. You can get baskets that attach to the front or back of the bike. Milk carton crates make good tough baskets when cable tied to your handlebars or tail rack.
For carrying larger stuff (like children and furniture), you might want to consider a trailer. These can be expensive, but you can also make one yourself. A trailer can be pieced together with plastic piping or electrical conduit, a pair of spare wheels, and a basket or plastic tote. For a trailer hitch, go to your local hardware store and get a quick-release garden hose or air hose connection and a bit of hose. Rig up the connections to be used as a trailer hitch. For added safety, paint the trailer a bright color and put LOTS of reflective tape and a small red flashing light on the back. One company in Eugene Or makes a hard shell suitcase for folding bicycles that when unloaded and wheels are attached becomes a bicycle trailer.
A two wheel standup shopping cart of the type used by retirees to take their groceries home is perfect for the cycle commuter. An extra handle is clamped or welded to the frame, this handle will end in a pneumatic hose fitting, the counterpart will be mounted to the frame of your bicycle for trailering. It will extend the life of your wheels to add greased brass or copper tube bushings to the plastic wheels or ball bearings. When you get to the store lock up your bike, unsnap your cart and take it in for shopping. When you get home your trailer/cart comes inside with you, easier than car shopping!
Bucket Panniers
You can also make large panniers from square food buckets and attaching hooks to grab your tail rack, properly caulked these will survive even the worst rain storms dry.
Cargo Mule
The Viet Cong made using a bicycle for cargo transport famous by traversing the Ho Chi Minh trail transporting their war supplies south at times almost exclusively with heavy laden bicycles.
Your bicycle becomes a push wagon and you have to walk. Try to balance the load as best as possible since it will be difficult if a very heavily laden bicycle were to fall over. Watch for bags or containers that might rub against your tires or spokes destroying your wheel and cargo.. Several hundred pounds could potentially be carried, nearly every adult bicycle is designed at a minimum to support over three hundred pounds ofhuman rider. Attach a pole tightly across the handle bars to help steer, keep the brake handles reachable if you are in hilly terrain. Two pushers are better than one for balance. With loads over two hundred pounds be careful when using a bicycle with shock absorbers so they don’t overload, be sure to have the tires at full inflation to prevent damage, and that the spokes are tight and aligned.
A good lock is a wise investment if you can afford it. A 3 feet long hardened steel chain and high security lock gives you many options when securing your bike, and they’re a lot more affordable than a D lock, wear it across your chest or in a pannier or basket. A D lock should be run through the frame and high security cable through the wheels for good general security. Remember your D lock and to a lesser extent security chain is a self defense weapon if you are under attack.
Taking corporate logos from a new cycle and adding stickers and tape will quickly make it look used and reduce the perceived value and risk of theft.
One method people have used is to “uglify” the bicycle by painting it a hideous color combination (such as mismatched florescent colors) with added flecks or using a simulated rust finish available in craft stores. If the thief thinks your bike isn’t worth stealing, he probably won’t steal it and instead make his way to the Shimano further down the rack. Replacing the bolts on your seat with Torx head bolts will show down, or even deter, a would-be thief. Grinding off the logos from the gears; a worn, fugly looking seat; mismatched pedals, tires and handlebar grips; all of these can make your bike look like an ugly duckling while keeping it riding like a swan. Remember, don’t think “art bike” here, think “camouflage”.
Don’t leave all of your lights, pumps, seat bags, and other gadgets clipped to your bike when you are parked. They are quick release for a reason, and not to make theft easy, keep this stuff ready to go in your bike messenger bag. Just in case attach an extra red flasher to the back of your helmet where it won’t be easily stolen keeping you legal.
If your bike has multiple gears, use them! Pedaling shouldn’t be a huge chore. It’s better to lightly “spin” your cranks at a moderately fast cadence rather than push really hard one leg at a time, which is inefficient. It is possible to spin too fast: experiment with your gears to find what works best.
Most people find their favorite cadence between 1 and 2 revolutions per second.
A cycle is a highly effective means of transport to and escape from a demonstration it can also be used to make a roadblock much as bicycle cops are known to do. Use an old bike for demonstrations as riot-police like to damage and confiscate bikes used in demonstrations.
If you travel frequently a folding or take-apart model ofbicycle may be for you. Some can even be disassembled or folded to fit a suitcase or duffel-bag. This may save you a double fare or extra charge on airplane, bus, and train trips as well as hitchhiking a ride. If disassembling a bicycle for travel be sure to take off the derailleur as this is very easily broken when unprotected by the wheel. See Airlines for more travel packing info.
Keeping it Working
Once you have a bike, you’ll want to keep it working well. One of the most important aspects of bike maintenance is the lubrication of the chain. Almost any cheap oil will work in a pinch to keep the chain moving freely and free of rust: just get the chain nice and wet, then wipe it dry, to reduce dirt buildup. Try to keep the oil off the wheels where it can hurt your ability to brake. If you have the choice buy a proper bicycle chain oil and grease to lube the bearings and chain, only use WD40 to unstick rust jammed parts then clean it off and oil the chain, WD40 draws moisture and encourages rust. Replace a chain that becomes “stretched” this means that the link pins have become partly worn-through, this link to gear tooth size mismatch will eat up the sprockets of your drive train causing skipping and eventual failure.
If you have a problem repairing your bike, Sheldon Brown’s Website is probably a good place to look for guidance.
Owning your own tools makes maintenance less expensive. Plus, many tools you use on bikes, like pliers, wrenches and screwdrivers, are not bike-specific, so they will be useful for all kinds of other things, too. Some bike-specific tools, such as spoke, freewheel, and pedal wrenches and specialized brake tools, will make maintenance much easier, and you’ll be more likely to do a good job. Many cities have bike co-ops or shops where you can use their tools for free or for a small fee.
Portable Tools
It never hurts to always carry the kit for changing a flat tire. At a minimum carry a small quality puncture kit and mini pump, but also carry a spare inner tube. Repair the flat tube in the comfort of your own home later, but don’t forget to put it back in your pack for spare. Folding combo bike tools will provide spoke tighteners, chain breakers, hex and screw drivers, sometimes even sockets or wrenches. A small toolkit can make the difference between being mobile in a few minutes or a long walk home.
If you will be away from support for a long time you might even go so far as to carry extra tubes, a spare chain, brake pads, a few spokes, folding tire, and extra patch kits.
Road Crud
Beyond tools, it’s important to do simple things to keep your bike in working order. Grit from the road sticks to your bike and its parts, even if you’ve got full fenders. Once a week, or after every ride in the wet, clean off the gears and the chain. An old toothbrush (clean it off first if you’ve used it before) and a rag will do wonders. The main place to focus on is in the actual teeth of the gears, most especially in between. Getting rid of all this destructive crud will increase the life of your gears and chain, and subsequently save you money and hassle. This takes all of ten minutes to do and is completely worth it.
Stopping rust also helps: if there’s any exposed unpainted or unfinished metal on the frame of your bike, you can touch it up with a little hobby paint. This isn’t for cosmetic purposes so much as preventing rusting. Rust eats away at your bike and can compromise the structural integrity of the frame, so watch out: the last thing you want is for your frame to break while you’re in traffic.
Wheels and Tires
Bike tires lose pressure over time. Pump your tires up to the maximum PSI rating marked on your tires once a week and you’ll never have to worry about it. Keeping your tires inflated properly reduces rolling resistance, which means less work for you when you’re pedaling. It also means that your wheels and tires are going to stand less a chance ofbeing damaged due to extra stress on them. If you have the money invest in the best tires, Kevlar and good rubber will prevent blowouts and tread failures while lasting for several seasons. Check your spokes regularly for tightness and tighten with a spoke tool, this will keep you wheels from warping or riping out other spokes.
Generators and Dynamos
A bicycle generator or hub dynamo can be used to charge most gadgets needing less than 6 volts. Hubs are almost always ofbetter quality and have less drag while in use. Output is almost always AC power so you need to make a bridge rectifier with diodes to get the power flowing in one direction then a large capacitor if you need to smooth out the voltage, lastly a ziener diode or power regulator circuit for the appropriate voltage needs to be included because high speeds can generate 10–12 volts from a normally 6 volt generator which will fry most electronics without built in protection circuits, you can probably be able to find this whole circut in a wall wart power block. If you don’t want the added drag of generating when going uphill add a mercury switch on a dynamo hub set to activate only on flat and downhill.
Friction dynamos/generators will rub a groove onto the side of your tire and eventually cause it to fail if used regularly, a rubber dynamo pickup wheel and cleaning dirt from the rubber contact surfaces will prolong the life of your tire.
Stay hydrated and fed while cycling, don’t waste your time with lo-cal foods; you need fuel, around 7000 Calories is reasonable. Ifit does not cause you indigestion try to eat lots of fats. A banana can help prevent cramping from long rides. Backpack drinking systems are available now for low prices if you prefer using these to water bottles. Many sport drinks come in a decent squirt bottle that fits standard bottle cages. See Backpacking and Camping andCheap Chow for food and drink suggestions. If you will be going through towns be sure to do some dumpster diving at pizza bakery and donut palces, stock up on free fuel.
Have some baking soda for indigestion, witchhazel for hemorrhoids and rub spots, and oatmeal, coconut milk or another laxative if you get backed up.
Motor Assist
If you want the portability and freedom of a bike with some of the ease of a motorcycle, no worries. Almost any bicycle can be converted to an electric power-assisted type (basically a moped) for a few hundred dollars. Various people have added old or new purpose bought weed-eater type engines to power-assisted bikes with positive results, but keep in mind that two stroke engines which burn an oil gasoline mix do pollute the environment significantly although Honda and Subaru four-stroke motors are much cleaner and consume normal gasoline. US rules now ban the import of most new two cycle engines but they are still available in Canada.
The two main methods for power transfer are a friction roller which is directly against the tire necessitating a smooth tread, or chain drive to the wheel, some kits have a sprocket which connects to the spokes, the better way is a specially modified wheel with a free wheel sprocket for the drive chain. Another type is the “push trailer” which is a gas engine or electric motor on a trailer that is towed behind the bike and pushes it forward, using a handle mounted throttle for a control. These are often DIY jobs as the kits are usually quite expensive, but be sure to get good instruction and guidance before doing this on your own. If the purists turn up their nose point out the idea of NEVER needing to use a car even in steep mountainous terrain where most would not even consider a bicycle.
Installing a motor puts stress onto your frame and rear wheel, expect much shorter life from your spokes if you are attaching a sprocket to them. Designs which have a special rear wheel with normal and motor sprockets on opposites will last longer. Pedaling is more difficult against a chain drive system even when the clutch is out. Friction drive systems quickly take the tread off of your rear tyre and often stop working in wet weather.
Folding Moped
A small bolt-on motor attached to a folding bike would make something similar to the WW-II Welbike motorcycle used by OSS and paratrooper commandos, with the added bonus of you being able to pedal when you run out of fuel or on the flats. The short spokes on small folding bikes are stronger and will take more stress even if a cheap spoke mount sprocket is used. Remember that small folding bikes have a low center of gravity and short wheelbase and take a while to get used to.
Magneto Electricity
Look for a motor with a electrical output from the magnetos to run a light or charge batteries, this electrical output is AC power often only six volts and needs a rectifier circut to be used by most things other than a regular headlight.
Legal Motors
If you are desiring to be a legal eagle, some localities prohibit any motor under 50 cc to be used on the King’ Highways. Furthermore, any person operating two-wheeled vehicle with a motor greater than 50 cc must have a motor vehicle license. Some states require a motorcycle license regardless of the engine size, while others require only a passenger vehicle license. Most two-stroke engines are generally less than 50 cc, and most electric motors would be considered in the same category. Since laws differ with eachjurisdiction, contact your state or province’s Department ofMotor Vehicles about their regulations on mopeds and “motor-driven cycles”. If your motor comes unmarked a professional 49cc sticker or etching might throw off nosy cops.
Just like most “free” methods of travel talked about in STB, train-hopping is more difficult due to the Bush Empire’s restrictions on transportation. Train-hopping is still do-able, but since the government has gotten word of potential “terrorists” hitching a ride on a freight train, you hold a much better chance ofbeing fined or arrested by railroad cops or the local pigs for trespass. This security is also due to taggers who paint the sides of railroad cars and the liability from injured and killed hobos, a hobo leaves nothing but maybe some garbage and only endangers himself, a tagger causes lasting unwanted evidence which managers can’t ignore, they have to assume all trespassers are there to tag.
Try social engineering at both passenger and freight train stops, even air freight stations. Ask to speak to a crew for a school assignment, ask about riding, also interview the yard crew. Once you get to know some of the crews you will have a real pass onto the steel highway. Except for security it is a special person who seeks work with railroads, be cool to them and they will be cool with you.
Many empty freight cars are now completely closed up to prevent a good ride or are sealed shipping containers. Try getting onto a train when it stops at a factory instead of a yard, even though it will likely not be a hot shot. If you see an engineer walking out to the train approach and ask to ride, a bored engineer will sometimes let you ride up front for someone to schmooze with and the bulls will leave you alone. You would be surprised how much info they will give at the yard if you act cool.
If there are no open boxcars get onto a flatbed with well tied down freight or between cars, tie in so you don’t fall off, the rope should be short enough that you won’t drag on the ground or wheels if you fall. A sleeping bag,jacket, or blanket keeps the wind off even in summer, these open cars are breezy once they get moving fast, goggles or Sun glasses keep the bugs and wind out of your eyes. A stadium pad or sleeping mat to sit on is smart, the floors are usually hard, cold, and filthy, tie your pad and loose gear so it won’t blow away.
Passenger Coach
If you have the cash or a good scam get aboard a rail coach, it is the most civilized way to travel on land. Many trains are unable to take full size bikes as luggage, you might need a reservation, folder bikes are fine as regular luggage. You will find many passenger cars now have 110v(220v in Europe) power plugs for charging your gadgets. You might try modifying the scams in Busesand Airlinesto get a free trip, but remember most trains check the ticket onboard when the conductor comes around.
Scanner Frequency’s
A portable scanner preprogrammed to railroad frequencies can be useful to find out about approaching trains since the post 9/11 blackout of train schedules. Sometimes the railroad will transmit and receive on two channels using a radio repeater but you havingjust a scanner should be able to hear the whole conversation on one channel.
Here are the scanner frequencies and channel numbers if you want to program them in:
02 159.810 26 160.500 50 160.860 74 161.220
03 159.930 27 160.515 51 160.875 75 161.235
04 160.050 28 160.530 52 160.890 76 161.250
05 160.185 29 160.545 53 160.905 77 161.265
06 160.200 30 160.560 54 160.920 78 161.280
07 160.215 31 160.575 55 160.935 79 161.295
08 160.230 32 160.590 56 160.950 80 161.310
09 160.245 33 160.605 57 160.965 81 161.325
10 160.260 34 160.620 58 160.980 82 161.340
11 160.275 35 160.635 59 160.995 83 161.355
12 160.290 36 160.650 60 161.010 84 161.370
13 160.305 37 160.665 61 161.025 85 161.385
14 160.320 38 160.680 62 161.040 86 161.400
15 160.335 39 160.695 63 161.055 87 161.415
16 160.350 40 160.710 64 161.070 88 161.430
17 160.365 41 160.725 65 161.085 89 161.445
18 160.380 42 160.740 66 161.100 90 161.460
19 160.395 43 160.755 67 161.115 91 161.475
20 160.410 44 160.770 68 161.130 92 161.490
21 160.425 45 160.785 69 161.145 93 161.505
22 160.440 46 160.800 70 161.160 94 161.520
23 160.455 47 160.815 71 161.175 95 161.535
24 160.470 48 160.830 72 161.190 96 161.550
25 160.485 49 160.845 73 161.205 97 161.565
What follows is the original text
There is a way to hitch long distances that has certain advantages over letting your thumb hang out for hours on some two-laner. Learn about riding the trains and you’ll always have that alternative. Hitchhiking at night can be impossible, but hopping a train is easier at night than by day. By hitchhiking days and hopping freights and sleeping on them at night, you can cover incredible distances rapidly and stay well rested. Every city and most large towns have a freight yard. You can find it by following the tracks or asking where the freight yard is located.
When you get to the yard, ask the workmen when the next train leaving in your direction will be pulling out. Unlike the phony Hollywood image, railroad men are nice to folks who drop by to grab a ride. Most yards don’t have a guard or a “bull” as they are called. Even if they do, he is generally not around. If there is a bull around, the most he’s going to do is tell you it’s private property and ask you to leave. There are exceptions to this rule, such as the notorious Lincoln, Nebraska, and Las Vegas, Nevada, but by asking you can find out. Even ifhe asks you to leave or throws you out, sneak back when your train is pulling out andjump aboard.
After you’ve located the right train for your trip, hunt for an empty boxcar to ride. The men in the yards will generally point one out if you ask. Pig-sties, flat cars and coal cars are definitely third class due to exposure to the elements. Boxcars are by far the best. They are clean and the roof over your head helps in bad weather and cuts down the wind. Boxcars with a hydro-cushion suspension system used for carrying fragile cargo make for the smoothest ride. Unless you get one, you should be prepared for a pretty bumpy and noisy voyage.
You should avoid cars with only one door open, because the pin may break, locking you in. A car with both doors open gives you one free chance. Pig-backs (trailers on flatcars) are generally considered unsafe. Most trains make a number of short hops, so if time is an important factor try to get on a “hot shot” express. A hot shot travels faster and has priority over other trains in crowded yards. You should favor a hot shot even if you have to wait an extra hour or two or more to get one going your way.
If you’re traveling at night, be sure to dress warmly. You can freeze your ass off. Trains might not offer the most comfortable ride, but they go through beautiful countryside that you’d never see from the highway or airway. There are no billboards, road signs, cops, Jack-in-the-Boxes, gas stations or other artifacts ofhonky culture. You’ll get dirty on the trains so wear old clothes. Don’t pass up this great way to travel cause some bullshit western scared you out of it.
Cars and trucks burn gasoline or diesel... oil, corpgovs favorite drug. If you buy into their game and get a car you are part of the problem. That being said sometimes the freedom of personal transportation is worth the risks of easy identifiability and corporate buy-in a car represents.
Once you have some gas, save it by driving slower than the right-wing speedfreaks out on the slaveways. Some cars save about 30% on mileage simply by keeping your RPMs down. Clean out your trunk as well. The less stuff you’re hauling, the less gas you’re burning. Narrow tires cut wind resistance and if you keep them inflated this may reduce highway fuel consumption by 10–20%. If you have a nice IMPEACH BUSH bumper sticker, more cars will see it if you’re driving slow, and you can watch all the speed freaks mangle their faces as they pass you in anger, wasting all that gas. Drafting behind a van or truck can save some money but back off if they start to get pissed or you see a cop.
Something worth considering is buying a salvage/rebuilt vehicle. While most people have been brainwashed into thinking that rebuilt vehicles are junk, they can save you a good deal of money. Often times insurance companies will write off a vehicle involved in a low-speed crash with deployed airbags. While the first owner is left with a small check and no car, you could potentially buy a car for as little as half its blue book value.
Ask at several car repair shops before picking a used car. See what they suggest for specific years, since some may have upgrades that were left out of older models. If the owner won’t let you take the car to a mechanic for a checkup or even have an on-site mechanic/inspector check it out, be suspicious and look elsewhere. The money spent on a pre-buy inspection is well worth its price.
Car Co-op
A car co-op, which is available in many US cities, lets you pay a membership fee monthly for the option of reserving a company owned car at an hourly rate, most plans include several free hours and the rate is often cheaper than regular renting. Most of us don’t need a car that often unless we use it as our home. This idea could be done on a small scale by pooling several junkers and letting friends sign up to use them everyone would pre-pay monthly maintenance and fuel bills.
Fixing Up
But the reality is, many of us are forced to drive cars or trucks with less-than-perfect equipment. The state’s solution to this is regular inspections. They want to make sure that what you’re driving is safe for you. This means, for instance, that the blinker that 90% of drivers hardly use in the first place (and are rarely ticketed for) need to work. Thats a minor issue, but older cars also have problems with door locks, hinges, a broken mirror, etc., and these can be expensive to repair, especially on someone else’s schedule.
If you find yourself with a car that is unlikely to pass inspection but is still safe to drive, ask around about getting your car inspected. Usually, a case ofbeer or a bag of weed along with the inspection fee will get you a free sticker, good for one year of flashlight immunity, despite having old wiper blades and a door that doesn’t open. Plus, it’s always good to know an honest mechanic. And the best mechanics are not opposed to helping a brother out ofa jam in exchange for a buzz, while fucking with the system a bit. Those are the mechanics you can trust.
It goes without saying; Keep your tires properly inflated! Soft tires waste gas, and over-inflated tires wear out quicker. If you see uneven wear, you need wheel alignment. This can be done at a repair garage or tire shop (and they’ll try to sell you a new set). Remember to rotate your tires every 3,000 miles to ensure even tire wear.
If you need tires, ask at an independent tire shop if they can sell you used tires. Some places that specialize in custom wheels will keep the stock tires and wheels that new car buyers bring in. Savvy car enthusiasts will order a high-performance car with all the trimmings, but have stock tires, since the dealer mark-up is so high. Then they’ll drive from the dealer to the tire shop and swap the stock tires and wheels for a custom selection that’s much cheaper than at the car dealership. Those stock tires are often kept by the tire dealer, but can’t be sold as “new” even though they may have been driven as little as a few blocks. Many times, these tires are sold “as is” (no warranty, no returns), but the dealer may throw in free wheel balancing in the purchase.
A word of warning about those anti-flat solutions like “Slime”: They only work when the wheel is in motion. When stopped, the stuff settles in the bottom of the tire. Also, when it’s in the tire, it makes it impossible to have it balanced or plugged/patched.
Haynes and Chilton publish a wide line of owner-friendly repair manuals available at both book stores and auto parts stores. These books give much more detailed information than in the manufacturer-supplied owner’s manuals.
If your headlights start to dim as you are driving this is usually caused by a dead or dying alternator. On older model cars these are easy to replace yourself most of the time. Don’t stop the car as it will likely die. Your spark and fuel injection are running on that battery. Only think about killing the headlights.
If your car sputters after holding the gas down for a few seconds it might be a clogged or old fuel filter. These can be super easy to replace inline filters or almost impossible to replace inside the fuel tank units.
Letting your battery die over 4–5 times will seriously weaken or destroy a car battery.
If the car overheats try changing or topping off the radiator, as it might be clogged with calcium or rust. It could also be that the oil is low or the oil filter is clogged increasing the heat and wear. The radiator is easily damaged, note the location ofleaks when the engine is hot. When you are in a safe place and the engine is cool you can try first adding a radiator stop leak, if this fails find the damaged tubes and brush clean then solder. if this fails bend the tubes over and add stop leak again hopefully plugging them for good.
If you see a car similar to yours at a junkyard or rusting away see if they will sell/give you the plates. At a U-pull-it junkyard buy a car seat or something like that and stuff the plates under the vinyl. These can be very handy in radical action. You would be surprised how many cases are solved by seeing a license plate on security cameras. Many highways have license plate scanners for tolling trucks but they likely also record passing cars.
Starting and Trouble Gear
If the car sits for long periods of time starting fluid andjumper cables are key to getting moving. A wall socket powered car battery charger and extension cord are also a good idea, and many good battery chargers now even have a jump-start option. A shovel and some sand bags might get you unstuck in muck or snow. A come-along (hand powered ratchet winch) and tow chain, can help get you back onto the road. Snow chains also work in the mud for amazing traction.
If you need to rig up a jump start, keep the car with the fresh battery running. First, connect the red cable to the positive terminals, then hook the black cable from the running car’s negative terminal to an exposed piece ofbare metal on the “dead” car (for a ground). If you see a spark when you attach the second cable to the “dead” car, you’ve got a complete circuit. Stand back when startingjust in case the dead battery explodes (Very rare, but it happens). If you find yourself with only one jumper cable, connect the positive terminals, then slowly roll the cars together so the metal on the bumpers touch.
Cars with standard/manual transmissions (that is, cars with a stick shift) can generate a small amount of electricity by performing a “push start” or “rolling start”, as long as the battery is not completely dead. Only do this as a last resort, since some auto manufacturers don’t recommend this (Check the owner’s manual). You’ll need a lot ofhelp from friends to push the car or be lucky enough to have the car atop a steep hill. Put the key into the “On” position, push down the clutch and put the car in 2nd or 3rd gear, NOT 1st! Then get your friends together and push the car forward. When the car is rolling fast enough (around 25 MPH), release the clutch and tap the gas pedal. The car should start.
Overnight Parking Lot
Many retirees pull what is called the “Camp WalMart” trick. They “park” overnight in the parking lot and save the overnight fee spent at RV parks, some mart stores even encourage this. If you try this with a camper or van, make certain this is legal, since some cities have passed laws against “overnight parking” and you’ll be stuck with a parking ticket or midnight eviction. If you see signs reading “No Overnight Parking” either in the lot or at the entrance, they mean it.
Car Cover
You can usually park overnight in many whitebread communities at the curb if you cover your car with a nice clean car cover. You might even be able to stay in one place between the huge lot lines for several nights before any homeowner notices. With the car cover on the rent-a-thug/ethnic cleanser has no idea you are camping out in a rust bucket or which house you (don’t) belong to.
When you get your cover walk right out to your car open the package and try it on, you need to be able to open a door (front and back door if possible) and enter with the cover on, if this doesn’t work walk back and return it for a cover that will work. The car cover should be near the top of your yippie out shopping list if you plan to keep your car.
We have known car campers who install a removable curtain between front and back seats, tint the windows of the back seat and use a sun shield at night to block the rear window, nobody can see the sleeper in back even if you are not using a cover and it is difficult to see the curtain.
Legal for Cars
If you ever are stopped, be compliant with the officers demands for license and papers, but do the minimum and produce your papers through a slit in your closed window. It will look suspicious and arouse the officers attention, but if there is nothing illegal in plain sight/smell/sound the pig can’t really do anything. It is important to know, for example, that film containers are considered prima facia evidence of pot in most parts of the country unless there is a camera present. It is also evidence for a stop that a person of the wrong race is out of place i.e. black in a white neighborhood or old car in rich neighborhood. If the officer wants to search the vehicle politely refuse, continuing to say that you do not give permission in a normal voice. Doing this will likely result in the whole force showing up, including K-9, trying to find a legal reason to open up your car. Claim your car is your home, this will have more weight if you are driving a registered camping vehicle, this mostly affects alcohol and driving charges by removing intent to drive in a parked vehicle. The officer can ask anyone in the car (or on the street) out for a weapons search, comply and as you exit, if you are able, lock the car denying him an easy illegal search. The officer can also demand to pat the driver accessible area (if you are still in the car) for weapons.
Never admit to any infraction, the officer will ask how fast you were going, politely respond to his question by asking how fast he thought you were going or remain silent. Ifhe returns and tries to get you to talk or search your vehicle politely ask for your papers and whatever citation he has written, after you get your papers, ask politely if you can leave, this should be your answer to any further questions. Ifby force he tries to search politely continue to refuse even as he begins to break and enter do not physically restrain him or fight him, you will be charged with assault if you do interfere. Do your best to alert passers-by in a non-aggressive voice and get contact information for later court testimony. Carrying drugs is just asking for a search, a drug dog can usually sniff out pot easily (it is quite stinky), once the dog indicates the cop can legally open up the car without your permission. The best time to refuse a search on principle is when you really have nothing to hide.
If you need to, you can buy DC powered appliances (hot pots, toasters, skillets, etc.) that plug into your car cigarette lighter. Just be careful using them, since they can drain your battery if the motor is not running, and not using them properly can start a fire. DC appliances can be had at most camping supply stores and truck stops.
If you’re technically inclined install a battery isolator and a second deep-cycle type battery and cigarette lighter jack and run the appliances off of that. A dash board solar panel is a good idea if you spend weeks cycling and only drive for long group trips. Some are available which will back flow power into the cigarette lighter jack (Just make sure your car’s electrical system works this way). Another good idea is to remove the ground wire from the battery or install a knife switch so you can totally disconnect the battery avoiding normal power drainage to the radio, alarm, and car electronics. Don’t use the dome light while parked you might fall asleep and wake with a dead battery, think about wiring the dome light into that new second battery.
Cooking and Heating
If you’re on a road trip, double wrap your meal in aluminum foil and use hangar wire to wrap it on the engine block, radiator, or exhaust manifold, be careful to not overheat and burst cans. Practice will let you learn the warmest places under the hood, be careful not to interfere with belts or moving parts, using foil is the wisest insulator as it is heat and fire resistant. If you are not moving it is smarter to get out and use a camp stove and save fuel. Try warming up prepared foods with your passenger side windshield defroster while on the road, if you feel hot open a window while your food warms.
Don’t run your engine while parkedjust to use the heater in your car, this is a massive waste of fuel for the usable heat it produces in the car, conversely it is a free way to warm up if you are already driving somewhere. Look into getting a small portable catalytic heater to run while parked, but don’t start your car on fire with it. An extention cord would let you plug into a nearby electrical outlet for heaters or hotplates.
For more ideas flip toCheap Chow#Homeless-Street Savvy
A Word About Biodiesel
Free biodiesel is an amazing deal while it lasts. As the dollar falls apart and the world oil production slides further down the supply curve prices will surge and it will become more common that factory fields that once supplied food to billions will be burned out the tailpipes of SUV’s not as recycled oil but as primary fuel, waste oil will be much more carefully guarded as the value rises, and will be changed with much less frequency. Serfs in North America will work the ethanol and oil bearing crops much as the indigenous people are forced to heavy physical labor for pittance in the Brazilian sugar cane fields to support the driving habits of the elite Spanish rulers, their only other option is starvation.
Biodiesel fuel is not the same as straight veggie oil from behind a store. Salts, water, and solids must be remove and the thickness needs to be changed to be a full substitute for diesel fuel. Once a diesel engine is warmed up straight cleaned vegetable oil may be able to be used, a dual tank setup allowing on the fly blending would be required. Regular diesel or fully converted biodiesel must be used at startup and a few minutes before shutdown to flush the system of the thicker straight veggie oil.
The following paragraph from Wikipedia is released under the same license as Steal-This-Wiki
Chemically, transesterified biodiesel comprises a mix of mono-alkyl esters oflong chain fatty acids. The most common form uses methanol to produce methyl esters as it is the cheapest alcohol available, though ethanol can be used to produce an ethyl ester biodiesel and higher alcohols such as isopropanol and butanol have also been used. Using alcohols ofhigher molecular weights improves the cold flow properties of the resulting ester, at the cost of a less efficient transesterification reaction. A lipid transesterification production process is used to convert the base oil to the desired esters. Any Free fatty acids (FFAs) in the base oil are either converted to soap and removed from the process, or they are esterified (yielding more biodiesel) using an acidic catalyst. After this processing, unlike straight vegetable oil, biodiesel has combustion properties very similar to those of petroleum diesel, and can replace it in most current uses.
In other words either mix the straight (cleaned and dried) veggie oil with an alcohol thinning it or chemically convert it with a strong alkaline like lye leaving a soap byproduct. Most often methanol is a natural gas derivative.
Perhaps an easy way to get free veggie oil is literally from shit, Mickey D’s and other places have vats of fryer oil used to drench their dog food meat and potato products. After a few days, the oil gets chucked. If you have a diesel car, you can use the filtered oil in the vehicle in combination or independent of diesel with a few often inexpensive modifications.
If somebody hasn’t already beat you to it, you can check with restaurants/cafeterias and see about carting it away for them. If the manager gives you a hard time or says that he gives it to an oil recycling service, don’t despair. Most of these places keep the old oil outside as a fire safety issue. Find where it is and late one night grab as much fryer grease as your car can carry.
If you run your car on Biodiesel all the time, it’s best to keep it to yourself. Some states have actually been sending officers from the state tax boards and fining people for using Biodiesel! Why, you ask? For evading motor fuel taxes that pay for the public roads, or operating as an “unlicensed secondary fuel distiller”! I shit you not!
Blends with regular petrol and regular diesel fuel will also work but will expose you to gas tax.
Original Cars
If you know how to drive and want to travel long distances, the auto transportation agencies are a good deal. Look in the Yellow Pages under Automobile Transportation and Trucking or Driveway. Rules vary, but normally you must be over 21 and have a valid license. Call up and tell them when and where you want to go and they will let you know if they have a car available. They give you the car and a tank of gas free. You pay the rest. Go to pick up the car alone, then get some people to ride along and help with the driving and expenses. You can make New York to San Francisco for about eighty dollars in tolls and gas in four days without pushing. Usually you have the car for longer and can make a whole thing out of it. You must look straight when you go to the agency. This can be simply be done by wetting down your hair and shoving it under a cap.
Another good way to travel cheaply is to find somebody who has a car and is going your way. Usually underground newspapers list people who either want rides or riders. Another excellent place to find information is your local campus. Every campus has a bulletin board for rides. Head shops and other community-minded stores have notices up on the wall.Craigslist has rideshare section for this purpose. A side benefit of travelling this way is that you can often meet really interesting people by riding with them.
If you have a car and need some gas late at night you can get a quart and then some by emptying the hoses from the pumps into your tank. There is always a fair amount of surplus gas left when the pumps are shut off.
If your traveling in a car and don’t have enough money for gas and tolls, stop at the bus station and see if anybody wants a lift. If you find someone, explain your money situation and make a deal with him. Hitch-hikers also can be asked to chip in on the gas.
You can carry a piece of tubing in the trunk of your car and when the gas indicator gets low, pull up to a nice looking Cadillac on some dark street and syphon off some ofhis gas. Just park your car so the gas tank is next to the Caddy’s, or use a large can. Stick the hose into his tank, suck up enough to get things flowing, and stick the other end into your tank. Having a lower level of liquid, you tank will draw gas until you and the Caddy are equal. “To each according to his need, from each according to his ability,” wrote Marx. Bet you hadn’t realized until now that the law of gravity affects economics.
Another way is to park in a service station over their filler hole. Lift off one lid (like a small manhole cover), run down twenty feet of rubber tubing thru the hole you’ve cut in your floorboard, then turn on the electric pump which you have installed to feed into your gas tank. All they ever see is a parked car. This technique is especially rewarding when you have a bus.
I’ve traveled close to two million miles on buses, as a passenger and as a bus driver. A few suggestions: most bus drivers do not care if you pay your full fare. If you put some money in the farebox, and are considerate of the driver and your fellow passengers, you’ll be fine. It actually helps to tell the driver that you can’t pay the full fare. Put yourself in the driver’s position. Would you want to stress yourself out arguing over nickels with everyone who gets on the bus? Yes it’s true that some bus drivers thrive onjust that sort of miserabilism, but not all that many. Don’t waste the driver’s time with an elaborate hard luck story. Most bus drivers have witnessed more hard luck than you know. They appreciate being spared the details. Don’t threaten bus drivers. Don’t say things like, “I’ll sue the bus company and get you fired”. If you tried this on me I would tell you to get off my bus and call your lawyer. Absolutely don’t threaten bus drivers with physical harm. Many big city buses have silent alarms, camera systems, GPS locator’s etc. Besides, “I’ll kick your ass if you don’t do what I say”, isn’t good negotiating. How well does that sort of thing work on you? It is also unwise to assume that bus drivers don’t know about your brilliant scheme. Personally, I’ve been riding buses since I was an infant. I started riding the bus on my own when I was 5. I got my first driving job when I was 19. I’ve driven everything from unlicensed hippy buses to articulated luxury cruisers. Chances are, I, and many other bus drivers are entirely familiar with any scam you might want to try. Bus drivers are working stiffs who want to make it through the day with minimal effort. If you understand this, and don’t bother the regular passengers (many of whom know their driver) you can get where you’re going with minimal difficulties. If you run into a nosey, bossy or mean bus driver, don’t worry about it. Try again with the next bus. You might want to try hitchhiking while you wait.
Unfortunately, many modern city buses use a computerized farebox which automatically counts money and then beeps when the full fare is paid. This obviously makes short-changing the bus company difficult, but also provides a way for the bus company management to control otherwise sympathetic bus drivers. These fareboxes come with a button (often red) on the drivers’ side of the farebox. This allows the driver to manually authorize a fare and is usually pressed when a transfer slip or a bus-pass is used.
If you need to get to the city and you are in the suburbs, a free and easy way to travel via bus is to go to the closest Greyhound station after it closes and wait for a bus heading to the main station. Just tell the bus driver that you need to get your tickets to travel to “any far city” and that the station is closed but you have a conformation number. The driver should let you on.
When traveling long distance on a bus, train or airplane nothing helps you sleep more than a proper neck pillow. Our testers have found that the inflatable pillows are light and tiny but quickly spring a leak. Memory foam is heavy but very comfortable and makes a nice seat cushion or bed pillow. If on an especially noisy bus and you have a friend on the aisle awake you can also use earplugs or headphones and a sleeping mask to space out or sleep.
Original Buses
If you’d rather leave the driving and the paying to them, try swiping a ride on the bus. Here’s a method that has worked well. Get a rough idea of where the bus has stopped before it arrived at your station. If you are not at the beginning or final stop on the route, wait until the bus you want pulls in and then out of the station. Make like the bus just pulled off without you while you went to the bathroom. If there is a station master, complain like crazy to him. Tell him you’re going to sue the company if your luggage gets stolen. He’ll put you on the next bus for free. If there is no station master, lay your sad tale on the next driver that comes along. If you know when the last bus left,just tell the driver you’ve been stranded there for eight hours and you left your kid sleeping on the other bus. Tell him you called ahead to the company and they said to grab the next bus and they would take care of it.
The next method isn’t totally free but close enough. It’s called the hopper-bopper. Find a bus that makes a few stops before it gets to where you want to go. The more stops with people getting in our out the better. Buy a ticket for the short hop and stay on the bus until you end up at your destination. You must develop a whole style in order to pull this offbecause the driver has to forget you are connected with the ticket you gave him. Dress unobtrusively or make sure the driver hasn’t seen your face. Pretend to be asleep when the short hop station is reached. If you get questioned,just act upset about sleeping through the stop you “really” want and ask if it’s possible to get a ride back.
The skies are dark these days. After 9/11, the Amerikan Government has made it more difficult to get on a plane even the traditional way. The safest way to get free or cheap airfare is to see if somebody in the “general aviation”, or private pilots, have room for you. Many may get sketched out by this, so look for people who seem cool about it. It may sweeten the pot a bit if you act like a young college kid, a plane nut, or offer some cash for airplane fuel (like, $20–50) or a place to spend the night if it’s a cross-country trip in a Piper Cub. One of the best offers for trade is to wash the plane before or after the flight, have a bucket and clean sponge ready, hang out in the airstrip coffee shop and look for pilots. Always look for airports that offer lessons and grab a pilot burning air hours to upgrade their license. It could very well be a loud ride and you may not get there as fast as a jet (prop planes go about 1/2 the speed of a jet), but its an amazing experience, and it beats driving!
Only an idiot would try hijacking a flight after 9/11. Some pilots now are armed and sky marshals who are on a small percentage of domestic and international flights have orders to shoot to kill if anyone tries to take control of the aircraft. We aren’t really scared of these people and the few flights they are on, we are really scared of what a gang of flying rednecks would do to be like the pocketknife guys on 9/11 and save the day. Please ignore Abby’s advice from a simpler era. Take comfort in the fact that the airport-pigs are mostly simple power hungry types if your nonskyjacking scam is outside of what they are ordered to watch for and your documents appear to be in order you are likely home free much easier than in the old days.
Fre-E-Ticket Hopper
Once you have passed the frat hazing dances like the removed shoes shuffle, the trashed shampoo swing, and the rectal exam jam the TSA freaks feel they have pulled out all of the rebels, what sane unbroken person would not take a swing at their crudely grunted orders. Your guerrilla acting skills have gotten you past, and on to cashing in on Abbie’s dream of free flying for the bold.
Pick up a few e-ticket boarding passes from the trash outside an airport to copy, these are printed on a home computer.
Find a print cartridge that is won’t print right or set your paint program to (a)put streaks parallel into the bar-code and (b)wipe out a few numbers under the bar code, both are important.
Print out a new e-ticket with the correct date and where you want to fly. You have to use
extreme caution that the flight number and time and other details are exactly right.
Arrive at the airport dressed nicely, you want to look vanilla.
Wait until right before final boarding call and rush up, when the bar-code scan doesn’t work they will usually send you aboard.
Since you should be the last guy boarding grab an open seat in first class and start asking for the free booze.
If this plan doesn’t get you a wave through right away, before they even hassle you or offer to access the computer try to find you on the computer claim to have another ticket leaving right now (know the flight number and gate) that you have to run to on another airline because you thought you would miss this flight, stay cool, get gone, try again later. Since this trick requires speed a little stress and carelessness on the part of the agent don’t try any other scams like having them gate check an extra bag, being late is the best way to stay out of trouble with this gag.
Missionary Position
Many missionary organizations will fly you to a third-world country for free to preach the word of Jebus to the heathen locals, and fly you back in a year or so. Do your research before working with an organization many also pressure you to self fund your trip. Simply ditch out for the year, peruse the more touristy spots, make some money, etc., then return when the time is up with some cock- and-bull story of independent missionary work prepared you might even bogus up a diary as proof. These people are usualy not hard-asses, so even if they don’t buy it for a second, they won’t ditch you in deepest, darkest Peru, but research them and feel them out to see if they sue ditchers.
Jewish kids (religious and non religious) can often get free rides to Israel in summer through several Jewish programs.
Around The World Tickets
If you have a year off and want to hit many locations as you tour an around the world ticket is likely the fare you want. Before leaving find out how many stops you can make and how long the ticket will be valid. Most RTW tickets will end up cheaper than a long trip and return to Europe or Australia from North America.
Air Courier
Believe it or not, you can fly on the cheap if you deliver a package to the city of your destination... and no, there’s no drugs or other contraband involved. Flying as an air courier is a dirt cheap way of travel. There are a few catches: You have to sign up for the program (try or and pay an initiation fee and/or annual dues; You need to be at least 18 (or in some cases 21); You need a valid passport and a clean-cut appearance; You’re responsible for getting your own Visa(s); You’re limited to carry-on baggage and the flight schedules can be erratic (You may be flying the Red Eye to Singapore after only two day’s notice). On the plus side, you can fly for up to an 85% discount and your Air Courier ID card can get you hotel discounts. If you want to, you can schedule additional assignments from your destination and turn your trip into a Grand Tour. If you travel frequently and don’t mind last-minute booking, consider this option. If you do, keep a list of the phone numbers of your country’s embassies overseas.
Dress nice and ask politely for an upgrade for First or Business Class, on long flights the free booze and leg room is oftenjust a request away. You may have to wait for the next flight in the schedule, but it will be worth it. If you are “bumped” from an overbooked flight, you may get an upgraded seat if you raise enough of a fuss (If they do, it’s mostlyjust to keep you quiet).
Support Gear
Have your in flight support gear in your carry on bag, buy a inflight audio plug adapter (two pin) and get some old style tube earphones for older airplanes. For those who are more sensitive when trying to nap, your pillow or neck pillow and a nicer sleeping mask and earplugs or noise canceling earphones(music works too) might make a difference. If you have a HPC or PDA you can extend the usable life on long flights with a external AA battery pack, now your e-book, movies, or music will last. On newer aircraft especially in first and business class your seat may have a laptop power plug, the best use for this is to use a air to cigarette plug adaptor, now you can either plug in all of your 12 volt gadgets made forCars, or if you have a laptop or other mains power electrical toy use a 12v to 120v adapter and your normal laptop power brick instead of an expensive auto/air adaptor.
Sky Phones
We have tried to stealthily use our mobile phones and a data cable to get an Internet connection over the US and Europe without sucess. There are plans afoot for airlines to have their own hyper- expensive roaming plan with a special mini cell station on the airplane. Try to hack the Air-Fone for free calls, with a modem port for super slow data you might get one or two web pages to load during the flight for a price of around $8 a minute.
If you are flying with a bicycle visit a bike shop and ask for a free box, if they want money go to the next shop, these are thrown away otherwise. If you have a full size bike you will normaly be charged for oversize, so stuff the box with other gear too. Remove wheels and pedals, take off the deraeuler and zip tie to the frame, load the frame against one side of the box and the wheels on the other, remove the skewers and tape the pedals together then to the frame. Carry the tools to attach your pedals. Use fiber packing tape to secure the box and pack the tape and loading instructions in the box for security repacking.
If you have a folding bike use similar technique and even a 20” wheel bike should fit into a regular check suitcase if you remove the wheels, deraileur, and seat post from the frame. Bike Friday in Eugene, Oregon sells a clamshell suitcase drilled for a trailer tongue and wheels that attach to the suitcase with wingnuts, the suitcase that your folding bike rides in becomes the trailer, we expect that you could also make such a setup for much less with a trip to the thrift store and hardware shop.
Legal firearms and limited ammo can be checked on domestic flights and with proper permits also international flights. A record may be kept that you have traveled with firearms. Cover your locked gun case with a generic cardboard box. Pyrotechnics are not allowed including signal flares.
Heavy Baggage
After your check in and weigh and tag your bags go back and add a few pounds of stuffbefore giving to the freight guy. Overload your carry-on with heavy stuff if you can avoid an overweight charge but make sure the bag still fits into the size test box. Grab a few duty-free bags so you look legit taking extra stuff on as carryon. Sometimes you can gate check stuff like strollers and wheelchairs so you will have them right away at landing.
Camping gear
Camping gear that uses stinky fuel cant be taken along unless you clean out the fuel bottles with alcohol and let them dry, leave the bottles open, if there is a problem with your clean fuel bottles or stove ask for a manager. Compressed fuel is not allowed on flights, mail it to general delivery at your destination.
Stowing Away
We in no way recommend this foolhardy way of catching a ride in the skies, this is information for someone desperate enough to try this anyway. Most stow away attempts are made at airports outside the United States where security is lower. Most of these attempts result in the crush death of the stow away as the landing gear comes up or when the rider dies ofhypoxia (lack of oxygen) or hypothermia (cold exposure). It is much better to fake your way on board with fake ID as a bogus pilot or flight attendant then this 90% fatal stunt.
Anyone planning to stow away needs to plan for where to hide from the security teams but also avoid the retracting landing gear, do some research into the design of the aircraft and evaluate the space one more time as you crawl in and attach your climbing harness taking into account any attachments on the landing gear.
Avoiding the cold requires planning for many hours at forty degrees below zero F. Mountaineering grade clothing must be worn paying particular attention to keeping your hands and feet from frostbite and your head armpits and crotch well insulated to keep your core temperature. Some aircraft have hot pipes that pass through the wheel wells which might save your hands or feet. Be sure to eat a very protein and fat heavy meal before and carry water with you in durable bottles for the flight inside your coat. Don’t go if you are having any gas or ear problems at all the change in altitude cauld cause massive pain and damage.
Oxygen is required since a modern jet flies between 35000 and 40000 feet, hypoxia kills most airplane stow aways. A non-rebreather or even better a pressure type aviation oxygen mask mask fed with oxygen from a paramedic type oxygen bottle will keep you alive and often even conscious during the trip but don’t expect one small bottle to last the whole flight, plan for blacking out at altitude. Be sure to calculate oxygen use and carry enough or you will likely die from hypoxia. Representative oxygen bottle sizes and duration at 15,000 ft not using a CO2 scrubber rebreather.
Cubic Feet | 6 CU | . FT. | 9 CU | . FT. | 15 | CU. | . FT. | 2 4 CU. | . FT. |
Capacity L | 198 | liters | 297 | liters | 495 | liters | 792 liters | ||
Duration | 5:28 | hours | 8:07 | hours | 13: | 48 | hours | 22:42 | hours |
Bottle life will actually be better at higher altitude since each breath takes in less bottle volume. Breathe slowly conserving oxygen, set the oxygen flow tojust fill the reservoir bag below the mask so you get a good breath without wasting. This chart is a guide, only trust your own research.
The rebreather design in Underwater Trashing will give you many times longer oxygen supply from the same volume of oxygen because it doesn’t waste good oxygen but recycles it scrubbing out the CO2 waste. Be sure the rebreather system has a demand valve so you do not need to manually add oxygen to your loop if you black out.
Once you have go so far as to prepare an oxygen system you should invest the time and money in finding a quality parachute, that way as soon as the landing gear door opens you can jump and avoid the security patrol at the destination airport and probablyjail or deportation. This works better if you arrive at night when people will not see the parachutist drop from a commercial airliner near the airport.
Do you still want to try this stupid stunt?
Mail Yourself
Dead bodies in caskets and large parcels are frequently sent as air freight on passenger and cargo flights. The good news is unlike a deathwish inside a wheel well the cargo area is pressurized and kept at normal temperatures, the only thing missing is drink service, movies, and dogfood meals. If you are the really paranoid type have a friend do a gray or green latex face mask job to make you look like a sculpture in case the feds make a check on the box before it goes into the airplane, whatever you do make the packing list match your reasonable weight. Be sure you are overnighting or next day shipping yourself or you could get stuck in a warehouse for a few days, have a tool to break out in case of emergencies.
If you are going with the casket gig you will need a copy of the “death certificate” and a burial permit, the good news is you will not need long term reservations. If you go out like the title character in the film “Weekend at Bernie’s” you should be able to make a few trips to Hawaii and South America before you begin to smell bad. This trick should freak out the feds now they will have open every casket to taser the corpses just to be sure!! Always have your straighter friends ask for the bereavement discount as they accompany the dearly departing at gate 27, final boarding call.
Original Airlines
Up and away,junior outlaws! If you really want to get where you’re going in a hurry, don’t forget skyjacker’s paradise. Don’t forget the airlines. They make an unbelievable amount ofbread on their inflated prices, ruin the land with incredible amounts of polluting wastes and noise, and deliberately hold back aviation advances that would reduce prices and time of flight. We know two foolproof methods to fly free, but unfortunately we feel publishing them would cause the airlines to change their policy. The following methods have been talked about enough, so the time seems right to make them known to a larger circle of friends.
A word should be said right off about stolen tickets. Literally millions of dollars worth of airline tickets are stolen each year. If you have good underworld contacts, you can get a ticket to anywhere you want at one-fourth the regular price. If you are charged more, you are getting a slight rooking. In any case, you can get a ticket for any flight or date andjust trade it in. They are actually as good as cash, except that it takes 30 days to get a refund, and by then they might have traced the stolen tickets. If you can get a stolen ticket, exchange or use it as soon as possible, and always fly under a phony name. A stolen ticket for a trip around the world currently goes for one hundred and fifty dollars in New York.
One successful scheme requires access to the mailbox of a person listed in the local phone book. Let’s use the name Ron Davis as an example. A woman calls one of the airlines with a very efficient sounding rap such as: “Hello, this is Mr. Davis’ secretary at Allied Chemical. He and his wife would like to fly to Chicago on Friday. Could you mail two first-class tickets to his home and bill us here at Allied?” Every major corporation probably has a Ron Davis, and the airlines rarely bother checking anyway. Order your tickets two days before you wish to travel, and pick them up at the mailbox or address you had them sent to. If you are uptight in the airport about the tickets,just go up to another airline and have the tickets exchanged.
One gutsy way to hitch a free ride is to board the plane without a ticket. This is how it works. Locate the flight you want and rummage through a wastebasket until you find an envelope for that particular airline. Shuffle by the counter men (which is fairly easy if it’s busy). When the boarding call is made, stand in line and get on the plane. Flash the empty envelope at the stewardess as you board the plane. Carry a number of packages as a decoy, so the stewardess won t ask you to open the envelope. If she does, which is rare, and sees you have no ticket, act surprised. “Oh my gosh, it must have fallen out in the wash room,” will do fine. Run back down the ramp as if you’re going to retrieve the ticket. Disappear and try later on a different airline. Nine out of ten revolutionaries say it’s the only way to fly. This trick works only on airlines that don’t use the boarding pass system.
If you want to be covered completely, use the hopper-bopper method described in the section on Buses, with this added security precaution. Buy two tickets from different cashiers, or better still, one from an agent in town. Both will be on the same flight. Only one ticket will be under a phony name and for the short hop, white the ticket under your real name will be for your actual destination. At the boarding counter, present the short hop ticket. You will be given an envelope with a white receipt in it. Actually, the white receipt is the last leaf in your ticket. Once you are securely seated and aloft, take out the ticket with your name and final destination. Gently peel away everything but the white receipt. Place the still valid ticket back in your pocket. Now remove from the envelope and destroy the short hop receipt. In its place, put the receipt for the ticket you have in your pocket.
When you land at the short hop airport, stay on the plane. Usually the stewardesses just ask you if you are remaining on the flight. If you have to, you can actually show her your authentic receipt. When you get to your destination, you merely put the receipt back on the bonafide ticket that you still have in your pocket. It isn’t necessary that they be glued together. Present the ticket for a refund or exchange it for another ticket. This method works well even in foreign countries. You can actually fly around the world for $88.00 using the hopper-bopper method and switching receipts.
If you can’t hack these shucks you should at least get a Youth Card and travel for half fare. If you are over twenty-two but still in your twenties, you can easily pass. Get a card from a friend who has similar color hair and eyes. Your friend can easily get one from another airline. You can master your friend’s signature and get a supporting piece of identification from him to back up your youth card if you find it necessary. If you have a friend who works for an airline or travel agency,just get a card under your own name and an age below the limit. Your friend can validate the card. Flying youth fare is on stand-by, so it’s always a good idea to call ahead and book a number of reservations under fictitious names on the flight you’ll be taking. This will fuck up the booking of regular passengers and insure you a seat.
By the way, if you fly cross-country a number of times, swipe one of the plug-in head sets. Always remember to pack it in your traveling bag. This way you’ll save a two dollar fee charged for the inflight movie. The headsets are interchangeable on all airlines.
One way to fly free is to actually hitch a ride. Look for the private plane area located at every airport, usually in some remote part of the field. You can find it by noticing where the small planes without airline markings take off and land. Go over to the runways and ask around. Often the mechanics will let you know when someone is leaving for your destination and point out a pilot. Tell him you lost your ticket and have to get back to school. Single pilots often like to have a passenger along and it’s a real gas flying in a small plane.
Some foreign countries have special arrangements for free air travel to visiting writers, artists or reporters. Brazil and Argentina are two we know of for sure. Call or write the embassy of the country you wish to visit in Washington or their mission to the United Nations in New York. Writing works best, especially if you can cop some stationery from a newspaper or publishing house. Tell them you will be writing a feature story for some magazine on the tourist spots or handcrafts of the country. The embassy will arrange for you to travel gratis aboard one of their air force planes. The planes leave only from Washington and New York at unscheduled times. Once you have the O.K. letter from the embassy you’re all set. This is definitely worth checking out if you want to vacation in a foreign country with all sorts of free bonuses thrown in.
A one-way ride is easy if you want to get into skyjacking. Keep the piece or knife in your shoe to avoid possible detection with the “metal scanner,” a long black tube that acts like a geiger counter. Or use a plastic knife or bomb. It’s also advisable to wrap your dope in a non-metallic material. Avoid tinfoil.
The crews have instructions to take you wherever you want to go even if they have to refuel, but watch out for air marshals. To avoid air marshals and searches pick an airline which flies short domestic hops. You should plan to end up in a country hostile to the United States or you’ll end up right back where you came from in some sturdy handcuffs. One dude wanted to travel in style so he demanded $100,000 as a going-away gift. The airlines quickly paid off. The guy then got greedy and demanded a hundred million dollars. When he returned to pick up the extra pocket money, he got nabbed. None the less, skyjacking appears to be the cheapest, fastest way to get away from it all.
In City Travel
Abusing the Bus System
Depending on where you are there may or may not be a public bus system, if you are lucky there will be a big public bus system. This equates to free rides. Transfers are often color coded for the day of the week, meaning a day old transfer is pretty much out, but most drivers won’t check the times on a transfer if it the right color. Check garbage cans near transit points. If you are feeling more legit and younger looking many bus systems have a reduced fare for youth. Most drivers don’t bother checking ID.
If you are lucky enough to be in a city that allows people to enter at the back of the bus (ex. Ottawa, Canada)just walk aboard and take a seat. This works best on the busier routes and there are others getting on at the same time. The traffic pigs usually do a sweep at the beginning of each new college semester to ‘persuade’ new students that it isn’t an option. Best buy a ticket then and at the beginning of the month, especially if the first is on the weekend. Corpgov will even hassle the three-piece suiters about not having their monthly pass updated. Always keep enough money for the fare on hand so you can talk your way out of it. If you’re dressed in corporate camouflage you can use the “I haven’t had enough coffee today” line with a moderate degree of success.
Maps and Attractions
Most nicer hotels have free maps of the city that are often free for the asking at the front desk, also check at big bus terminals and airport information stations for free maps. While in the hotel look for the tourist pamphlets to see what attracitons are available.
NYC Subway Hack
In New York City you can get free rides on the subway by bending an empty metrocard the right way. The exploit is a result of the system being unable to read bent or damaged cards. To compensate for that error there is a built in fail safe that if a card is swiped 3 times and the computer reads a certain code that tells them it was damaged, on the 4th swipe it lets the swiper through.
Here’s how it works:
1) Bend the bottom right corner of your metro card up to the f (f part of the word facing). It is a 45 degree angle. Close the bend hard
2) Swipe it 3 times and it says “please swipe again”
3) On the 3rd time it says “please swipe again at this turnstile”
4) Swipe one more time with the bend open and it says balance= $0.00, previous balance $2.00. GO
This trick should theoretically work on the bus also but the bus driver might catch on if you dip the card 4 times so it will probably only work with a stupid bus driver. But considering most bus drivers don’t really care if you pay or not it should work often enough. Be careful though its a $60 fine if you get caught.
Community Cycling
Find out if a community cycle program like Cycling, Yellow-White Bicycle Programs exists.
In Las Vegas, senior citizens are very savvy when it comes to using the free inter-casino shuttle buses. Since many of the casinos are owned by the same company (Station Casinos, MGM-Mirage, etc.), they will have shuttle buses that go from casino to casino. Many have the timetables memorized where they can walk to one casino, take the shuttle bus to the other casino, and walk the rest of the way for free. Ask around.
What follows is the original text
Any of the public means of transportation can be ripped off easily. Get on the bus with a large bill and present it after the bus has left the stop. If the bus is crowded, slip in the back door when it opens to dispatch passengers.
Two people can easily get through the turnstile in a subway on one token by doubling up. In some subway systems cards are given out to high school kids or senior citizens or employees of the city. The next time you are in a subway station notice people flashing cards to the man in the booth and entering through the “exit” door. Notice the color of the card used by people in your age group. Get a piece of colored paper in a stationery store or find some card of the same color you need. Put this “card” in a plastic window of your wallet and flash it in the same way those with a bona fide pass do.
Before entering a turnstile, always test the swing bar. If someone during the day put in an extra token, it’s still in the machine waiting for you to enter free.
For every token and coin deposited in an automatic turnstile, there is a foreign coin the same size for much less that will work in the machine. (See the Yippie Currency Exchange, following, for more info.) Buy a cheap bag of assorted foreign coins from a dealer that you can locate in the Yellow Pages. Size up the coins with a token from your subway system. You can get any of these coins in bulk from a large dealer. Generally they are about l,000 for five dollars. Tell him you make jewelry out of them ifhe gets suspicious. Giving what almost amounts to free subway rides away is a communal act oflove. The best outlaws in the world rip-off shit for a lot more people thanjust themselves. Robin Hood lives!
Sail Away
‘ = e a bit unorthodox for a yippie, the suits have it right on this one, sailing is fun and a very :__Bmtionary way to live and travel. Being disgusting spendthrifts once a boat gets “old” the yuppies have to upgrade so they aren’t shown-up by the Jones’. Most yuppies run the sails for looks and are under power at all times, save a dinosaur use the motor only when you have to.
Buying and Preparation
A 27 foot ocean capable craft can be acquired for very cheap if you visit the docks regularly and ask if there are any abandoned boats that they are selling to recover the moorage fees. Look for auctions in the paper and inquire at boat repair shops. Always go browsing with an experienced skipper who can assess weak spots in the rigging and hull, sail quality, and engine wear before buying.
A little cleanup and you have a house, an intercontinental get away vehicle, and an almost free way to get up and down the coast. For free mooring look for a small sound or cove near a public park where the water is in anotherjurisdiction, drop an old engine block with a chain and float, this is your new anchorage. Leave no valuables in your boat, the only security is that thieves must cross a bit of water. Never leave the launch aboard if you use this storage method, even more important do not leave your launch at the beach or thieves have easy access to your sailboat and, hey free launch! If the sailboat doesn’t have a launch a canoe will work quite nicely and is easier to paddle than a Zodiac.
It is worthwhile to spend a few months getting familiar with your boating skills. A boat is not a car you are at the mercy of the wind, current, and inertia. A power motor is a good idea for docking. Accidents with boats can lead to a sinking or severe damage especially in a boatyard, some places will land you injail if you damage another boat and are uninsured. Look into a university sailing team or post an offer to crew for free to locals out for a joy ride.
All of the advice in this article is great for a cheap abode and for the fun of it. However one should never enter into the world of sailing lightly. The old saying that I’ve heard is that “The Sea is like a woman; Know how to handle her and she will love you. Because if you don’t know how to handle her she will wreck you.”
This is true and with this said it should be seriously recommended to anyone who is considering taking up the sailing/boating route that they enroll themselves in as many safe boating and seamanship courses as possible. Here you will gain much needed knowledge on how to handle the sea and it’s challenges. Some of the best instruction in seamanship is offered by the U.S. Power Squadron and U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. All of their classes are approved by the Coast Guard for training purposes. One I’m sure would agree that it’s better to never have to call the Coast Guard or any other law enforcement than to have to perhaps explain your stash on board. Therefore with this premise alone it’s important to learn good seamanship and how to handle your boat. Also the classes offered by the USPS and USCGAUX are usually low cost and rarely over $100 each. Also other agencies such as your state’s Bureau ofMarine Resources may offer some boating classes for free. In addition to this one may find some classes online for free such as the one offered in basic boating skills by Boat U.S. which is on their website at Boating is not like car driving and there are numerous more rules that one should be aware of in order to safely operate a boat. Also one should consider investing in the Boater’s Bible also known by it’s official name, The Chapman School of Seamanship Manual ofBasic Seamanship. This book contains all that one needs to know for safe boating skills from things as simple as how to tie an anchor on to what international signal flags mean. It is an indispensable tool to boaters.
Look for adds of people who want a crew for an ocean crossing to Europe, South America, or Hawaii trip. Get to know those that want you for crew a little before agreeing to accompany them on such a trip. There are stories of the free riders being treated like slaves in exchange for their food while the yuppie owners sat around smoking (and not sharing) their doob.
The skipper is one of the top reasons to choose or reject a boat. If she is a philosopher queen the voyage may be hard but her leadership will keep arguments form going too far and working arrangements fair. The captain is the heart and the head of the boat, defy her at your own and the crews peril.
If you like math or are paranoid that the aliens are going to steal the GPS satellites learn to use a sextant. A sextant while sounding sexyjust measures the angle between the sun, moon star, or planet and the horizon. When combined with a stellar movement book and an exact clock you can compute your location on earth to within a few nautical miles.
If you have a stash hide it well, the US Coast Guard feels the right to patrol the high seas and search any vessel it wishes. Flying our pot leaf flag is a sure way to get boarded, try running the Jolly Rodgers like American imperial aircraft carriers instead.
Cargo Cruises
Old books mentioned cheap passage on cargo vessels. Our research seems to indicate that said travel is still slow but can now cost as much as $3000 to get to Europe or Asia form the North American coast. Stowing away on modern vessels is not such a bright idea either. With most ships being either auto, container, or tanker there is a very small crew but this means almost nowhere to hide with any shelter and nowhere to get food or water during the several week voyage.
Pirate Radio
It used to be European radio waves were full of pirate stations with great music and radical politics immune from prosecution because they were in international waters. Since the signing of international sea treaties a pirate operator transmitting on unauthorized signals may be boarded even in international waters and the craft impounded by the offended nations navy or coastal police.
One may wish to consider is to build their own boat especially if cost is an issue or finding a seaworthy boat is an issue as it can sometimes be. There are numerous books out there on this. Some of the best are those by George Buehler such as Backyard Boat Building, Howard I. Chappelle such as BoatBuilding and the History of American Small Craft, and the Sharpie Book by Reul Parker. These books all illustrate step by step how one can build a boat. A sharpie is one of the easiest boats to build and will provide the added benefit of not only being a seaworthy craft but if made of wood will lend itself to easy repairability anywhere in the world but also due to the hull design allows one to go inland to many places many larger boats can’t go. Which can be most helpful if needing to find a good hiding location from which to plan your next move orjust to satisfy the need to get away from everyone and everything. Also based on my research a good cruising sized sharpie could be built for less than $1000. The only problem might be where to build but then seeing how a group of two or three could build them one in a matter of a couple of weeks I would say that any State or National Forest or State or National Park that lies on a gentle flowing river should provide a good location on which to build. Just remember to camouflage your boatyard so that Smokey (aka Forest or Park Ranger) doesn’t come looking for you and practice good woodsmanship so as to not start any forest fires or brush fires which could ruin your boat and boatyard not to mention call much undue attention to you.
Good luck to all future children ofNeptune and Poseidon but remember the saying that we mentioned first. Safety should always be the first rule in dealing with boats.
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Table of Contents
Table of contents for PDF one, download, more PDF’s or the project at
Free Education
List ofFree Universities
Internet educational resources
Free Medical Care
Birth Control Clinics
Diseases Treated Free
Free Communication
Press Conferences
Use of the Flag
Making Music
Free Software
Free Telephones
Pay Phones
Internet Communications
Free Play
Movies and Concerts
Records and Books
Skiing and Boarding
Steal This Factory
Means ofProduction
Piracy ofManufacture
Free Money
The International Yippie Currency Exchange
Free Dope
Cheap Thrills
Buying Selling and Giving it Away
Growing Your Own
Assorted Freebies
Veterans Benefits
Astrodome Pictures
Free Education
Teach Your Children Well
Even if your local school system is good, it doesn’t hurt to also teach your kids a bit at home, especially before they start school. Home kits like “Hooked On Phonics” teach kids to read in the form of a series of games (It also gets them away from the mind-numbing TV set for a few hours!).
There are many home schooling groups across the USA. Ask around, but remember that some are rather far right-wing in scope, since many christian fundamentalists see “liberal” public education as a “corrosive influence”.
Here are some places to start looking:
Easy Homeschooling —
- —
Home School Free Stuff —
Home School Learning Network —
Home School Legal Defense Association —
HomeSchooler Network (Part ofFamily Education Network)-
Wikibooks has a number of educational books for kids that can be downloaded free of charge as part of their “Wikijunior” project. Some books may be under construction:
A number of the completed books can be downloaded from links here: groups department
If the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are not to your liking (or if they’re not liking to you), consider SpiralScouts International, an alternative youth group for boys and girls of minority faiths. If there isn’t a SpiralScouts group near you, they can help you start one.
Electronics designer and software developer Adam Pierce designed and built a miniature electronics kit for his son for a few bucks worth of spare parts (which does just about the same as a $50 kit from Radio $hack). Consider this for a kid who likes to tinker with stuff. The plans are here:
Original Free Education
Usually when you ask somebody in college why they are there, they’ll tell you it’s to get an education. The truth of it is, they are there to get the degree so that they can get ahead in the rat race. Too many college radicals are two-timing punks. The only reason you should be in college is to destroy it. If there is stuff that you want to learn though, there is a way to get a college education absolutely free. Simply send away for the schedule of courses at the college of your choice. Make up the schedule you want and audit the classes. In smaller classes this might be a problem, but even then, if, the teacher is worth anything at all, he’ll let you stay. In large classes, no one will ever object.
If you need books for a course, write to the publisher claiming you are a lecturer at some school and considering using their book in your course. They will always send you free books.
There are Free Universities springing up all over our new Nation. Anybody can teach any course. People sign up for the courses and sometimes pay a token registration fee. This money is used to publish a catalogue and pay the rent. If you’re on welfare you don’t have to pay. You can take as many or as few courses as you want. Classes are held everywhere: in the instructor’s house, in the park, on the beach, at one of the student’s houses or in liberated buildings. Free Universities offer courses ranging from Astrology to the Use ofFirearms. The teaching is usually of excellent quality and you’ll learn in a community-type atmosphere. LIST OF FREE UNIVERSITIES
Alternative University-69 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10011 (catalogue on request)
Baltimore Free U-c/o Harry, 233 E. 25th St., Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Berkeley Free U-1703 Grove St., Berkeley, California 94709
Bowling Green Free U-c/o Student Council, University ofBowling Green, Bowling Green Ohio 43402
Colorado State Free U-Box 12-Fraisen, Colorado State College, Greeley, Colorado 80631 — Detroit Area Free U-Student Union, 4001 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, Michigan 48221
Detroit Area Free U-343 University Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.
Georgetown Free U-Loyola Bldg., 28, Georgetown University Washington D.C. 20007
Golden Gate Free U-2120 Market St., Rm. 206, San Francisco, California 94114
Heliotrope-2201 Filbert, San Francisco, California 94118
Illinois Free U-298A Illini Union, University ofIllinois, Champaign, Illinois 61820
Kansas Free U-107 W. 7th St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Knox College Free U-Galesbury, Illinois 60401
Madison Free U-c/o P Carroll, 1205 Shorewood Blvd., Madison, Wisconsin 53705
Metropolitan State Free U-Associated Students, 1345 Banrock St., Denver, Colorado 80204
Michigan State Free U-Associated Students, Student Service Bldg., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Mid-Peninsula Free U-1060 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, California 94015
Minnesota Free U-1817 S. 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Monterey Peninsula Free U-2120 Etna Place, Monterey, California New Free U-Box ALL 303, Santa Barbara, California 93107
Northwest Free U-Box 1255, Bellingham, Washington 98225
Ohio-Wesleyan Free U-Box 47-Welsh Hall, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delevan, Ohio 43015
Pittsburgh Free U-4401 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Rutgers Free U-Rutgers College, Student Center, 1 Lincoln Ave., Newark, NJ 07102
St. Louis Free U-c/o Student Congress, 3rd floor BMC, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63103
San Luis Obispo Free U-Box 1305, San Luis Obispo, California 94301
Santa Cruz Free U-604 River St., Santa Cruz, California 95060
Seattle Free U-4144^ University Way NE, Seattle, Washington 98105
Southern Illinois Free U-Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Valley Free U-2045 N. Wishon Ave., Fresno, California 93704
Washington Area Free U-5519 Prospect Place, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 and 1854 Park Rd. NW, Washington, D.C. 20010
Wayne-Locke Free U-Student Congress, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas 76010
And a complete list of experimental schools, free universities, free schools, can be obtained by sending one dollar to ALTERNATIVES! 1526 Gravenstein Highway N., Sebastopol, California 97452, and requesting the Directory ofFree Schools.
List of Free Universities
Macalester EXCO, St. Paul MN,
Though not free, the Institute for Social Ecology ( and the Z Media Institute ( .htm) are worth checking out and will help you free your mind.
MIT Open Courseware ( a completely free archive of previous MIT courses and course materials available on the web or for download although it does not provide you with a degree or faculty access. It is licensed under Creative Commons (
OpenCourseWareConsortium ( ) also provides lists of free courseware in addition to promoting open university courses around the world. participating US colleges.
In the USA, many colleges grant credit or advanced standing for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). This is a test that determines how much you already know on a topic and grants you college credit for it. It costs $65 (free if you’re in the Military), but it does shave a lot of money off your tuition costs!
Anarchist U ( “The Anarchist U is a volunteer-run collective which organizes a variety of courses on arts and sciences. Most courses run for ten weeks, and meet once a week; there are no admission fees. The Anarchist U follows the tradition of free schools in that it is open, non-hierarchic and questions the roles of teachers and students. Anarchist U is in Toronto ON, Canada. There is no single street address; rather different classes and meetings take place in different community centres and homes throughout the city. ”
Original List of Free Universities
Alternative University-69 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10011 (catalogue on request)
Baltimore Free U-c/o Harry, 233 E. 25th St., Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Berkeley Free U-1703 Grove St., Berkeley, California 94709
Bowling Green Free U-c/o Student Council, University ofBowling Green, Bowling Green Ohio 43402
Colorado State Free U-Box 12-Fraisen, Colorado State College, Greeley, Colorado 80631
Detroit Area Free U-Student Union, 4001 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, Michigan 48221
Detroit Area Free U-343 University Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.
Georgetown Free U-Loyola Bldg., 28, Georgetown University Washington D.C. 20007
Golden Gate Free U-2120 Market St., Rm. 206, San Francisco, California 94114
Heliotrope-2201 Filbert, San Francisco, California 94118
Illinois Free U-298A Illini Union, University oflllinois, Champaign, Illinois 61820
Kansas Free U-107 W. 7th St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Knox College Free U-Galesbury, Illinois 60401
Madison Free U-c/o P Carroll, 1205 Shorewood Blvd., Madison, Wisconsin 53705
Metropolitan State Free U-Associated Students, 1345 Banrock St., Denver, Colorado 80204
Michigan State Free U-Associated Students, Student Service Bldg., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Mid-Peninsula Free U-1060 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, California 94015
Minnesota Free U-1817 S. 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Monterey Peninsula Free U-2120 Etna Place, Monterey, California New Free U-Box ALL 303, Santa Barbara, California 93107
Northwest Free U-Box 1255, Bellingham, Washington 98225
Ohio-Wesleyan Free U-Box 47-Welsh Hall, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delevan, Ohio 43015
Pittsburgh Free U-4401 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Rutgers Free U-Rutgers College, Student Center, 1 Lincoln Ave., Newark, NJ 07102
St. Louis Free U-c/o Student Congress, 3rd floor BMC, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63103
San Luis Obispo Free U-Box 1305, San Luis Obispo, California 94301
Santa Cruz Free U-604 River St., Santa Cruz, California 95060
Seattle Free U-4144U University Way NE, Seattle, Washington 98105
Southern Illinois Free U-Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Valley Free U-2045 N. Wishon Ave., Fresno, California 93704
Washington Area Free U-5519 Prospect Place, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 and 1854 Park Rd. NW, Washington, D.C. 20010
Wayne-Locke Free U-Student Congress, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas 76010
And a complete list of experimental schools, free universities, free schools, can be obtained by sending one dollar to ALTERNATIVES! 1526 Gravenstein Highway N., Sebastopol, California 97452, and requesting the Directory ofFree Schools.
Internet educational resources
Universities with free educational content
MIT OpenCoursewear — The original and still one of the best, provides syllabi, problem sets, lecture videos, and sometimes extensive lecture notes for regular MIT classes.
John Hopkins School OpenCourseware — Great resource if you are interested in Public Health as a career move.
Utah State OpenCourseware — listing Solid site for many lower level undergraduate classes.
Tufts OpenCourseware — Another introduction to the life sciences, and public health.
Open UW — Free on-line courses from the University of Washingon
EcEdWeb — course on Economics from the
University ofNebraska
Whatcom Community College Math Courses —
Princeton University Archived Lectures —
Dartmouth College, Introduction to Probability: aids/books articles/probability book/book.html
Stanford CS Education Library —
University ofPennsylvania Online Books Page —
Carnegie Mellon University Open Learning Initiative —
NY University: Mathematics Material —
Educational podcasts
Stanford — http://itunes.stanford.eduA variety of podcasts containing academic information.
Webcast.Berkeley — podcasts mostly of scientific courses, but a couple ofhumanities courses too.
Other free resources
Please limit the resources to the free and useful — Free education on the Internet
Wikipedia — Obviously.
Creative Commons — Bunch of different resources...and it’s searchable.
Wikiversity — http://www.wikiversity.orgOpen-source textbooks and user-taught classes.
Internet Archive — Searchable resource ofliterally thousands of documents, papers and recordings, all for free!
Curriki —“Our mission is to improve education around the world by empowering teachers, students and parents with user-created, open source curricula, and it’s all free!”
Spanish Kit — Free on-line Spanish language course with free downloadable material for off-line studying.
Word2Word — Index to on-line language courses and services.
Library of Congress —
Annenberg Media — (Free registration required)
American Sign Language —
Core Documents onU.S. Democracy — what those wild-eyed, free-thinking, whiskey-drinking, hemp-growing radicals were thing of!)
Learn CPR —
Sophia Project —
ERI Distance Learning Center — (Take preview classes for free. College credit costs $29 exam fee.)
A First Course in Linear Algebra —
Article on Lifehacker about free on-line education: 2O1979.php
Free High School
Anyone who is or was in High School knows that it is an important introduction to the unfairness and struggle of the public versus the government. The only difference between the authorities in High School and the Government is that the ones in High School screw you over more obviously.
Just like in the real, post 9/11 world ofBush, freedoms are being taken away in the post-Columbine world ofHigh School. Too many times have I seen the unfortunate victims of cruel and clever bullies punished by the authorities after they try to stand up for themselves by verbal or physical means. I know from personal experience that this can create a personal hell for students afraid to stand up for themselves. I learned and taught myselfhow to fight back and survive just like Abbie Hoffman did during the Vietnam War era, only his opponent was the government. As security tightens it makes High School life even harder and more unfair; why should the most high school students have to suffer because of the bad decisions of a few deranged peers?
Understand that while you are a thinking human, under the US system oflaw you have legal rights similar to a slave. You are property of your parents until you are emancipated by a court or you reach eighteen years of age.
Nowadays, if you want to survive in High School, it is important that you take advantage of every resource you have and make sure you support your brothers and sisters out there. You never know when something you do that may seem insignificant saves the life or sanity of someone down on their luck. Also, enjoy the pointers in this section on getting beer and other illegal commodities, as they are in here for fun and your enjoyment.
High school is just a continuation of the school system that most westerners have experienced from kindergarten on for the last several generations. The main intent is to create a properly balanced output of workers, geniuses, artists, managers, and yes, even burnouts, to take onjobs in every level of the world. Since an orderly economy can’t survive on excessive art, genius, and radicalism, expect to be punished for encouraging too many people to dedicate themselves. This CorpGov economy needs dropouts, burnouts, and slaves to work in the fast-food industry. The student body is represented by the few elected class senators who have no real influence, and ruled by teachers and principals who have almost total unchecked power. The whole high school experience trains for apathy: an important lifetime trait for a controlled and orderly society. Remember that: student elections don’t mean jack, and don’t expect any teacher to be your friend. Theirjobs are more important than freedom.
One suggestion is to break out as soon as possible. Enroll in a few advanced classes at a junior/community college or university with the permission of your counselor and/or parents; 100 and 200 level classes are really only high school level. Keep building the off-campus class load you might be able to get enough credits for an early, real college admission, skipping out on a few wasted years. Nothing you are doing in high school is worth the stay. All of the spirit and pageantry dances and sports are just a preparation for a life of submission and a few locker pep poster memories. In the end, a high school dropout with a college degree and an early GED will have the pick of profession in CorpGov. High school is not worth the pain and waste of time.
Gulag Schools
Parents can send their unruly kids to prison. If you have ever heard of the term tough love or reform school you will already know part of what a for profit “gulag school” is. Parents at their wits end will search out almost any promise of a solution to “repair” their broken or “mentally unadjusted” child. Some parents turn to psychoactive drugs like Ritalin or antidepressants. The reform school or boot camp is arguably worse leading to a potential lifetime of damage and depression and almost never the return to “normal behavior” that is promised by the salespeople. Some of these programs take a minor outside of the borders of the United States to places where they have no recognized human rights. Many staff members were abused in similar schools and as we know the abused often go on to abuse. See: for more information
How to avoid imprisonment or escape if abducted by a “boot camp” or gulag capture/escort team:
If taken to any public place like an airport or parking area scream RAPE!! this will get attention and people might help, make all the noise you can and beg for the police, and straighten the facts out later. Buy yourself time and demand to see a lawyer once the police have you. It is correct to use full force and violence especially if you are being taken by surprise to escape, but expect the thugs to know basic hand to hand combat as well.
File for emancipation, contact a lawyer from the lawyer’s guild that can help you get out of your parents custody. If you are under threat to be disappeared to one of these POW schools it is your responsibility to take custody of yourself and out of the hands of dangerous or ignorant parents. If you must, go get a jobto pay for the lawyer.
Contact state, county, and local police, let them know you are under threat ofbeing kidnapped against your will and you will fight back to protect your freedom. Stay vigilant once this threat is placed onto the table and immediately put a plan into action to seek sanctuary with someone who is not involved with and who will not inform your parents. Most adults over 25–30 including parents of your friends will buckle and turn you in once a manhunt begins and police alerts go out. Ask your lawyer for advice, but even they might turn you in. Contact county and state child welfare offices they may not always be sympathetic but at least force them to take and file a statement, memorize the case number. If you make a big stink when you find out most schools advise parents to delay enrollment to catch you off guard.
Have an escape plan in place if your parents decide in the end to send you away, most snatch operations are done in between midnight and six AM when the victim student is expected to be asleep. People are most compliant to capture at this time because their brain is sleepy and moving slow. Know where every exit is (windows, doors, crawl spaces, attics, etc) and have plans to avoid your captors and their handcuffs.
Expect most of these prison camps to be in wilderness areas, with some stashed water and warm clothing survival and evasion are very possible, seeS.E.R.E.andGet the Hell Out of Dodgefor some ideas. Consult a free lawyer, you might even claim asylum outside of the United States under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. cat39.htm
Consider carrying some urban, wilderness, and road survival gear in your pack and keep it with you so you can run at any time (as long as this will not alert your parents to your plans), have a trusted friend keep a backup or stash one near your home, seeCaching. Sleep in durable dark colored pajamas, always put your next day’s clothes into your pack, and keep quick sturdy shoes next to your bed.
These prison schools are often for profit or religious operations and much like they use pressure on the prisoners/students they also lever against the parents to do the “right thing” and enroll or return their escaped child into the hands of the mercenary prison-school guards. Your parents must know that they have a right to see and remove you from the school at ANY time. Have trusted friends keep copies of a list of code words to give to your parents so you can get codes in letters past school censors if things get really bad. Your parents can go to local law enforcement (where the school is) and demand that they release you if the school will not let you go; your birth certificate is a parent’s proof of ownership (like a child could be owned) for purposes of release.
Some institutions employ cameras and microphones almost everywhere as well as restricting all privacy by keeping staff guards in every room. In the paranoid environments students are often required, at risk of punishment, to report dissidents or planned escapes or themselves be punished. Use of discreet hand signals or tap codeS.E.R.E.#Tap Codemight let you secretly communicate in an environment where you are not allowed normal interaction with other students.
Alternative Graduation
Get a group of revolutionaries, raise some money, and invest in home school materials. Have your young comrades to withdraw from high school and enroll in your accredited home school program, delete all the bad grades from their transcripts give them straight A’s and send them to college.
One of our editors dropped out of public school at 17 with not even enough credits for an 11th grader and probably below a 1.0 grade point average, they went to a church in their neighborhood which had an accredited home school program. Eight months later they had an accredited high school diploma and a 3.3 GPA. These grades were good enough to get a full ride scholarship from the state and about two thousand dollars a semester from federal Pell grants. That two thousand was refunded in cash since the state paid the tuition and fees.
Post-Secondary Enrollment Option
This is the best move you can make in High School, hands down. By enrolling in PSEO, you are breaking free in a way that satisfies both you and CorpGov, allowing you more educational freedom than you have ever had. What is PSEO? PSEO is taking university classes. Not wimpy AP or Honors classes at your CorpGov high school. This is the real deal. You can take as many classes as you like and because your high school pays for your classes, it’s completely free! One of our editors was a full-time PSEO student. Not only did he learn what he wanted to because he could pick what classes he wanted, he only set foot in his High School about once or twice a month!
Of course, in some states you will encounter significant barriers to this. Believe us, CorpGov doesn’t want to lose its hold on you! But if you stay strong and don’t back down, and most often you will win yourself a good education.
A good alternative to certain class homework is to find a website that has answers to questions from your text book or assignments. One good site for A.P US History students is this link:[1], this website features quizzes with questions that match the multiple choice questions found in the study guides for the American Pageant text book, if you use it you can easily take care of the multiple choice questions and then focus on the more important parts of the study guides. If you find anymore, make sure you post them in this section for other students
Also, many math text books have a section in the back with all the answers,just not the work most teachers ask for. Make sure you use it to check you answers or for help on a question you don’t understand. This can be an incredibly useful tool! There are also websites such as Hotmath[2]that have tons of answers and even the work to get those answers. Hell, you may even learn a thing or two by accident.
Note: Although we here at the wiki recommend doing whatever it takes tofight CorpGov, education
is still our best weapon. Why bother cheanngyour way throughfree education? Use this time of your life to get some basics down. Stupid revolutionaries are easier to catch and silence than smarter ones. That said, if you lose interest enough, or just need a slightly higher grade, use these tips toyour advantage.
There are many ways of cheating. Notable techniques are writing on the inside of fingers, and writing on the inside of a carefully positioned and partially drained drink container with a dark liquid such as coke or coffee or Gatorade in it. Positioning worksheets or paper with notes on them under an adjacent student’s chair works well, also. It’s incredibly easy tojust write the answers on the desk with a pencil and erase it later. Cover it with your arm when the teachers walk by.
If you are in a math class that requires a graphing calculator, use it to your advantage! Write fake programs that contain only formulas you didn’t bother to memorize if you need to show your work. You can put almost any amount of notes into a program line code like this. If you don’t need to show your work, write some programs (or befriend someone who can for you). offers some nifty program codes for both mathematical formulas and games.
Lots of “badasses” in school write shit on their arms. Use this to your advantage! Come up with a simple code that uses symbols seemingly completely unrelated to whatever test you have to take. This can work in almost any math class in which formulas (but with no graphing calculators are allowed) are key. Also, for foreign language classes, simple symbols that represent phonetic structures can be scrawled all over your arms or hands tojog your memory for harder vocab words. Get creative!
Morse code tapped with pencils or tiny hidden transmitters can be used to pool knowledge, but be careful if everyone gets the same answers wrong you are screwed. This is also probably the easiest way to get caught.
Most teachers know of all the tricks and get bored by the lameness of it all. Attempt to make friends with the teachers if they’re not total assholes. It’ll make them a whole lot more accepting of your alibi.
Almost everybody in high school has at least one or two good friends. By the time you get to high school, chances are you have made a good deal of friends...and it may be tough to make others.
If you’re friendless in your high school, don’t let your desire for friendship get the best of you. Make sure that the people you keep in touch with are not using you for their benefit.
The most exciting thing to flip-out people is to simply say as little as possible to those around you. People will have no idea what you are...a depressed teen, an angst-y goth-kid, a shy person, etc, etc. This will get the attention of the fringe groups (goths/punks/skaters/stoners) who are looking for another tojoin their rank-and-file. If you find a group you enjoy being a part of, cool...but don’t let them brainwash you.
Try to be personable and reliable. Find people you are interested in and be yourself around them. Chances are, if you are all decent people, you’ll get along. Try to enlist in as many classes that offer inclusion with other grades as possible. There is nothing that can make you feel better about yourself than befriending some cooler older kids with cars. You’ll ba able to do the same when you’re their age, and become a positive force in someone else’s life later on. Get involved in acting, speech, music, and writing classes to show others what your true opinions and abilities are. The more you show people what kind of person you are, the better someone similar will find you.
If you get in trouble and are punished by the pigs running the school it feels good and builds spirit to have a large group of students who will be willing to protest for you. Making t-shirts and banners and distributing them in large numbers to the student population can show that the administration doesn’t have full support and can lower their morale. The school can make life difficult for you for this even though they can’t prove you were somehow a threat to the safety and well being of the school. Make sure kids know they can make life difficult for the administration and they can defend themselves. It is important to realize that students only have limited first amendment rights in school. The administration, on the other hand, doesn’t have any at all.
Beware of fair-weather friends if you are causing mischief, as many will sing like a canary once the principal gets them alone and promises they are not in trouble. Remember security culture: don’t involve anyone who doesn’t need to be involved. See alsoSecurity Cultureand
Most importantly, remember that school is not the only place to have friends. If youjoin organizations like Food Not Bombs or the People’s army, you will make new friends, and chances are they’ll be more genuine than high-schoolers. Friends don’t have to be your age, and friends can be just as genuine on the internet and outside of school.
Acting Nice
Nobody likes the two faced asses in this world who kiss up for advantage. Being your real self is very important but it is also useful to learn acting skills in order to exploit unenlightened adults including, your parents. If you can keep the adults around you guessing as to whether you need to be placed into a situation of increased discipline or not, your acting might be the skill that will turn the tide. Don’t throw away actions like some unrequited yard work around the house or homework to battle the possible loss of other tiny freedoms. Be careful: your acting preparation might lead you to sympathize with the other side when it is not appropriate, and you must guard against this. Basically, if you don’t show off and do stupid, pointless stuff, you’ll usually get away with it. And if you have to get in trouble, make sure it’s something worth it and not just screwing around.
There are many different kinds of teachers, each with different attitudes and grading methods. Every type of teacher views their students differently: some see them as friends, others as a pay check, and some view us as delinquents no matter what.
If you are lucky enough to get an idealistic new teacher, work on becoming his or her friend. This will allow you special privileges like turning in work days late and getting high grades on poorly done projects. Keep up the abuse, however, and, unless she/he is a codependent type, they will start to feel burned and used. Wouldn’t you?
Teachers start out fresh and shiny but usually start to burn out after a few years, who wouldn’t from the constant abuse from some students, these burnouts keep a few stars and leave the rest to sink or swim. Try to identify and avoid the worst of these teachers when planning your classes. If you fail to turn in work or fail tests they really won’t care, don’t expect any special effort from these teachers especially if you are an alternative type.
Don’t expect teacher stereotypes to hold true for all of the time with every teacher. Like you, they are individuals. Remember your teacher is a worker and a CorpGov slave; don’t make your revolution on the backs of these often broken soldiers of education. Treat them as something more than a tool or obstacle and you might gain something useful out of your time with them.
In the era of constant school sex scandals attention is fortunately being paid to unwanted and abusive sexual advances. Unfortunately the systems put in place to protect the victims also becomes a weapon for an under aged abuser. Don’t think you can use a false and often effective charge of abuse to destroy an innocent teacher no matter how mean or cruel they are. In two or three years once you have gained more maturity (making a false charge like this would rule out any maturity) the absolute destruction of another human will start to haunt you for the rest of your life. Causing a teacher to become homeless because of unemployment and legal defense debt, go to prison, or commit suicide is an unspeakable crime. Teachers are just CorpGov slaves like most Americans and even when burned out and useless deserve better than this.
Protest Movement
Many traditional forms of protest are unavailable to the individual high school student at their place oflearning. Before a mass uprising strike or walk out can be engineered the student body must be woken up. Direct action in the name of your protest front can help build this solidarity. Be sure you have a cause that is worth taking direct action for, action for the sake of anarchy only denies the serious students quality learning without bringing anyone to our cause.
Attention must be paid to what or who the enemy is and not just committing mass acts of sabotage. For example blacking out the homecoming football game or dance would turn a large part of the student body against your group, on the other hand blacking out power or disabling the heaters before final exams might be viewed with great favor by many.
While we are mostly decentralized, there is often a need to define what the aims of your movement are and if there are concessions that you want from the administration. For organized resistance there must be both a visible leadership that can be used to rally the students, as well as a covert leadership that is hidden from the public eye just like in a POW camp. The public leadership is just a figurehead, a decoy. As we all know, the cops and administration all want to find a “ringleader” that can be eliminated to stop the distraction. This is why the public leadership must fulfill the following list:
They must be prepared for any and all administrative action against them. They are the decoy and all action will be directed against them.
They must be trusted completely and trust completely. If captured, and if the movement is strong enough, there will be an effort to oust other members. Remember: never talk! A common tactic of police is to tell you that a buddy of your talked. Don’t believe it! Even if it is true (unlikely), you can deal with the person later, after you get out. Above all: DO NOT TALK!
The public leadership must be able to function on its own. There will be times when the best laid plans go awry and the two leaderships are cut off. The public leadership cannot, absolutely cannot, freeze like a deer in the headlights. Only with coordinated, concentrated, well-thought-out, organized, knowledgeable, decisive leaders will you succeed. Yes, the main body of the movement is important, but without leaders, nothing will happen. Look at the Children’s Revolution of the 70’s, Abbie’s revolution. They didn’t have an organized leadership and thus: nothing changed. Things have even gotten worse.
If any of these are unfilled, the entire movement can, and most likely will, fall apart.
The public leadership also can take care of propaganda, and other such things, freeing up the covert leadership to focus on strategy for demonstrations, protests, and other direct action. To boil it all down into a couple simple sentences: the public leadership takes care of everything public, everything that is (generally) legal, if disruptive. The covert leadership focuses on everything that is possibly illegal: flash demonstrations, protests, Black Blocs, riot planning, logistics, finance, etc.
Another good practice is to carefully test/train the covert leadership/division to be as normal as possible. If there are any discrepancies in their behavior, the police will snap them up like flies. Also, it would be a good idea for the public division not to know who the members are in the covert division, and for the covert division to not know more than a couple other people in their division. At least, until necessary. This reduces the risk of mass arrests.
However, to offset the paranoia of the last paragraph, remember this as well: Communication is the key! Without communication, everything falls apart. Simple as that and no more to say.
There are several targets to make your presence felt by the teachers and students.
PA System- if you can wire into the punch down board and have a remote activation of the system your message can be heard any time you want, expect your modifications to the system to be disabled within a few days of your first use.
Cable TV- If your school has the hallway closed circuit cable you can often override the signal with your own or take over the computer creating the signal.
Utilities- Many states require operational water, sewer, electricity, and heating systems for classes to be held.
Keys- Many facilities have master keys which openjust about everything in the school, try to lift off ofjanitors or principals.
School Computer Network- Get involved with so-labeled ‘nerds’, and use their knowledge to hack the system. With this, you could do almost anything as far as spreading our cause. The hackers are by the hacker code of ethics anarchist. They can also get some nice technology for your cause...
Not really a take down target, more of a resource, although a well timed print order of radical content to every printer in school might be useful, although it will surely increase security making abuse more difficult.
But realy one of the easiest things to obtain for free at high schools is printing for our cause. Printers are not really watched over. So find an abandoned printer, and do with it what you will. Print hundreds of STW’s flyers, for instance.
In Internet Communications we discuss network hacking a printer from across the cube farm or across the world. Most good IT managers lock that printer network port or server like Fort Knox to unauthorized users, but did you notice any other ports on the back of the printer? You will likely see at least one of the following a USB port, a parallel port, and you might be in luck and see a little black plastic window somewhere on the front or side about half an inch, that is an IR port. Write down the printer make and model number, have the right drivers installed before you start!! Now waltz in with your laptop or PDA(that has USB) plug in and print, with IR it is even easier, from across the room beam a postscript, PDF, or text file to the printer and grab the results once it finishes.
Cameras seem to be everywhere today. It would be nice to take a few out and allow free action zones to our movement. Since walking up and smashing or even lasing a camera directly will leave your face or at least body type and gait on the tape you will need to be more sneaky. You will need a truly high power laser like the kind inside a HD or BlueRay DVD burner and a proper collimator to focus the beam without spread. Get some laser protective film that blocks the frequency of your laser and get ready to destroy. Have someone in gloves(fingerprints) stick a mirror opposite the hallway from the camera in an unmonitored area during a high traffic time. After the mirror is up someone comes by and wearing safety filmed sunglasses or lab goggles and using the old bounce shot fries the camera. Go after one that you know is monitored in a place you can access so you can do some post strike recon and see if it worked. Failing the laser a stickpin through the coax cable or just cutting the wires will take the camera out for a short time. Make it very expensive for the principal to play 1984 at your school, but keep that damn laser well disguised and don’t talk about your delightful work lest your dumbass classmates nark you out, there will be a police investigation if you get too effective.
Leaving Home
Before you decide to walk out or not realize that this is a very serious decision, review The Street to see the dangers ofjumping out unprepared.
You have decided to bail, what is your motivation for making it only a week away and then returning? If it is leverage against the folks be prepared for it to backfire. If you want to take control and are ready to have to face the courts to defend it do the following (may vary from state to state):
Go the GED office of your community college and sign up for the test right now(you may have to be 18)
Pass the GED test; you will be free ofHigh School
Take entrance exam if required at community college (even if you can’t take your GED)
Enroll for a term
Begin preparing your application essays and documents for several serious universities (Evergreen is one good choice)
Find an apartment/room and if you must get a part time j ob
Take the SAT as soon as possible
File for emancipation or make a sham marriage with a cool partner who also wants out (or who you really want to marry) take a vacation to a place that allows underage marriage. Emancipation is automatic for underage marriage in almost all states.
Once you are emancipated you can get student aid based on your own finances
Get admitted to a real college with a few credits taken care of already
Graduate and run away from America for 10 years or more after blowing off the student loans!!
If you fail to plan your departure well you can expect a rough entry into the real world, again please read outThe Street chapter. Difficulty in finding housing alone has lead many teen break-aways to unfortunate circumstances moving in with predators who open their doors only to trap new victims or returning to abusive guardians. Do as much pre-planning as time permits, but do not let yourself remain in a dangerous or abusive situation. There are many organizations that will help a teen escape abuse but as always be ready to bail. Never accept help that involves locking you into a “secure” school or overnight dorm, your freedom is as important as your safety, sometimes these “safe” dorms are places of rape and abuse.
Called Into the Principal
Our activities will likely land us in the principals interrogation chamber, the purpose of a school is order and indoctrination, no matter how liberal the staff they are also trained to maintain that order.
What to do when you get called out of class:
You will want to prepare a good argument in advance and carry a tape or digital recorder with you to record the conversationjust incase the principal says something fascist so you can use it against him later. You may also want to bring something down for moral support, when I got called down I brought my copy of Orwell’s 1984 to remind me why I stand up for what I believe in.
When talking to your principal or assistant principal during a call in be sure of a few things:
Match their mood, if they’re polite, be polite, if they act like an asshole act like an asshole right back, if they give you respect, give them respect. Normally they have some training to keep their cool in a situation like this, but if they don’t egg them on in a smart way, especially if you have a tape recorder running. If they do keep it cool it does you no good to make a scene in their office.
Keep your cool, before you go in have in mind what you want to say. This will give you some preparation; ask to use the bathroom to buy time if needed. Also be careful, most administrators will try to throw you offbalance during the conversation. Keep in mind what you’re down there for and remember that you believe in what you’re doing.
Don’t back down; stand up for what you believe in.
School Paper
Most high school papers are rags barely worthy of wiping with, since the censor oversight prevents discussion of any serious topic. The most serious topic is prom decorations and football scores. It is still often possible for an impassioned writer to be allowed an occasional editorial article so take a chance, make the most of your opportunity proof and have your piece reviewed before submitting it.
Another option is to form a activist club of some sort. With the current white liberal political correctness movement minority and environmentalist target clubs will be given much greater freedom of speech from the administration for fear ofbad press. What’s the benefit to accepting occasional administration oversight and a teacher advisory? You will normally receive a small media budget including printing access as well as possibly even time off from class and school assembly address time or PA system access for your message. There is no reason your underground can’t have a “legit” public front like this, as you divert some resources to your underground movement.
The Cafeteria
School cafeterias are some of the easiest places to rip off. While in line waiting to pay, many people eat some of their food. If you eat most of your food, you pay substantially less money. You can even wait until nobody is looking andjust walk to your seat. Simple things like these can save you thousands of dollars a year. Keep in mind when you steal from high school cafeterias that lunch ladies are not hired for their intelligence so sometimes grabbing some extra food when you buy a lunch and the cashier may not even notice it on your tray. If you want to be more careful simply stuff it in a pocket/purse or hold it at your side out of view and it might go unnoticed (this works a lot better than you would think.), or simply hide smaller items beneath a packet of crisps or something. This is zero-risk, as long as you can afford everything you’re stealing, because it is not obvious you are trying to steal at all.
In some cafeterias there is an ‘in’ and an ‘out’ line. You walk in one, past the counter and back the other way to pay. It’s super easy tojack from these. Just walk up, calmly take your pick, and walk out the way you came. This is best done when it is crowded and busy so that you can be easily lost in the crowd if you happen to be spotted.
If you have a sweet tooth and your school has a separate booth forjunk food and other random food items ask for an item that requires the cashier to turn his/her back and stuff you pockets with as much food as possible while their back is turned. Often the food line or bar will go unattended for brief periods during which you can simply go up and grab a few items. If you want a free drink wait until the cashier is busy and go up and grab a milk and tell her you forgot to grab yours with your lunch. Normally she will just let you go since she is preoccupied with paying customers. Keep in mind, however, that this cannot be done too often.
If you are ever caught by a lunch lady, it is important that you are apologetic so that you do not attract the attention of any nearby teachers and you may be able to get off with a warning. If you are unfortunate enough to have the lunch lady demand your name you can simply give her a fake name assuming there are no witnesses around that will bust you later; if you cannot risk giving her a fake name, don’t sweat it, the normal punishment for food thieves at high school lunches is a slap on the wrist and you may be required to write an apology to the lunch ladies. If this is the case, have fun writing a ridiculous and overly dramatic letter and go back to stealing when you feel comfortable with it again.
Another way to get free food that is fun is to save up enough pennies for a lunch and get at the head of a busy lunch line. When you get to the cashier, pull out the pennies in a bag and begin to slowly count them out. If you’re lucky, and slow enough, the kid immediately behind you will freak out and may insist on paying for your lunch. This is also a good way to cause chaos in the lunch room if you can get a group of people to do it at every line.
Beer and Liquor
Ah yes, the Amerikan way oflife! Old enough to pilot a 3 ton car, yet too young to drink! While the Vietnam War brought many drinking ages down from 21tol8orl9, the neo-fascists (who were in bed with Motherfuckers Against Drunk Driving) raised it back up in the mid 80’s, citing an increase in anti-social behavior and DUI’s. Today, it is illegal in all 50 states in Amerika to purchase or have in your possession any alcohol intended for oral consumption if you are under 21.
Keep in mind that in some states, such as Arizona, it is leagal to drink at home under adult consent, such as for religous reasons. If your “parent” is cool, use them to asist your aquisition of alchohol... leagally!
Parties and the Pigs
What the average person fails to realize is that most states have NO laws regarding being drunk in private! Yes, you and your 5 year old brother can be sloppy drunk in most states in a private house or establishment and the pigs can’t do a thing unless they see you hold a container of alcohol!
Now a quick word on the pigs: Usually, most don’t really care about underage drinking. They don’t go out looking for it like they do with grass or meth. Furthermore, unless you are drinking in a car or drinking outside (a punishable offense regardless of age in most states) or attending a loud party where pigs are dispatched to, your chances ofbeing busted are somewhere around zero. If a beer run goes bad with a fake ID, they will not call the pigs on you. If the clerk is an undercover pig (very rare), they would have to come across a desk to nab you.
If the Amerikanjackboot pigs ever bust down the door during a party and starts asking for your papers, don’t sweat it. If you can access a bathroom before they see you, go to it, lock the door and turn on the shower. They’re not likely to bust down the door to get an underage kid if there’s a chance a naked tax-paying citizen is taking a shower. If you can’t access a lavatory, this is OK, too. Make sure all cups are away from you, hide your wallet under the couch, and when the thug gets to you, empty your pockets and say “I didn’t bring my ID with me”. They might ask you a couple of questions, but remember, they can’t do anything to you in most states unless you were holding alcohol, and it’s not worth it to them to send a 17 year old drinker downtown if they have don’t have any proof of age. Also be aware that the pigs will often tell you that they saw you drinking. What most kids don’t realize is that cops are legally able to lie to you to make you confess. Keep denying that you were drinking (even if you were), and, if you actually weren’t, tell them you know they can lie to you, and that you’ve lost respect for them because of this. They can’t do anything about that, now can they?
Fake ID
Now, of course any young man or woman can steal Daddy’s bottle of peppermint schnapps, but it takes real thought to have an unlimited source ofbooze.
While the fake ID is becoming less and less common due to the Government’s cracking down on immigration and terrorism, all is not lost. A high-quality fake ID can still be found; just ask around on internet message boards. A good ID with a real state hologram will usually run from $100-$200. The number one thing to remember is to play the age. Memorize the fake ID’s birthday, address, and other important information. Wear somewhat decent clothing. Actually, many fake ID dealers will customize them, putting your own name, birthday (obviously not the year) and more on.
When looking for a store to use a fake ID/no ID in Amerika, avoid nice looking or chain stores. Chain stores tend to train their employees much more for spotting underage purchasers. It’s much better to hit up Jimbob’s Corner Store and pay an extra $1.50 for a six-pack than to lose a fake ID at Wal-Fart.
A good idea is to see if you have any older friends, or buddies with older brothers, who look like you. Stick to the memorization bit and, if it’s a close enough match, you’re fine.
Also, while it may suck, do not attempt to buy underage in liquor stores in Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Utah, Washington State, or Oregon. All hard alcohol in those places is sold in CorpGov-run liquor stores...the whole point of that being that when profits are taken out of the equation. There is little incentive in selling to young’uns. These places are also equipped with ID scanners, black lights, and knowledgeable staff. In all of these states, however, you can buy beer and low alcohol wine in corner stores.
Five finger discounting
If you’re out ofluck, you can try lifting some brews from fat-cats like Wal-Fart and grocery stores. Be forewarned: These places pay special attention to the beer/wine sections with cameras. Plus, it’s pretty damn difficult to swipe a six-pack.
Perhaps the best way to acquire beer/wine/spirits is to work at a convenience or grocery store. In many states, you’ll have a difficult time handling booze until you’re 18, so you may be stuck as a bagger or a stocker. No fear: occasionally access the beer cooler from the stocking side, grab a 12 pack and hide it until quitting time. If you have a jobas a cashier, you have it made. Tell your friends/relative/minister to go inside, purchase the preferred choice of alcohol, pretend to “card” them, and that’s that. 24 cans ofbliss waiting for you after work! The same works for cancerettes as well. Just be forewarned that if you are caught selling to a minor, you’re pretty fucked and out of a job. If you’re a courtesy clerk (read: bagger),just mishandle a six-pack a bit. If you break one bottle, the store managers will have you put the rest in the back for later. Then when your shift is over, you can head back and grab it. Or, if it’s too risky for you, send a friend back instead.
There is something truly Revolutionary about making your own beer. For about $100in equipment and about $20 of supplies for every 5 gallons ofbrew, along with some instructions from the internet, you can make [Insert Name Here]‘s Pigfuck Ale! There is nothing dangerous about making your own brew, most stories about people going blind or dying were over-embellished stories about moonshiners making hard liquor in their car radiators (made with lead).
If you like harder stuff you can start with buying a good culture of wine or beer yeast in packets. A fast yeast and fruit juice will make a batch of wine, which will leave a good hangover, in about a week. If this is not concentrated enough get a kettle with a narrow spout, food grade tubing, marbles or shiny aquarium pebbles, and a metal 3–4 liter olive oil can(or other food grade container). Connect the tube to the kettle spout and run the tube into the can filled with pebbles, a hole punched into the bottom will drip liquor into your container. Keep the kettle liquid temp between 78 and 100 Celsius degrees in the kettle. With practice and mixing other ingredients, very nice liquor can be produced in your own home.
This is just to show you how simple it is to start, now buy a book or do some research to make a good non-disgusting brew or shine don’t sweat the failures we all had them,just keep trying.
Just remember not to drink and drive/boat/bicycle, unless you want to be president.
See Free Dope for a look at drugs, more realistic than what they teach in the school assemblies and health classes. Remember that if you are depressed, in danger, or homeless drugs are not the answer but can make your situation much worse.
If you are experimenting for the first time:
Try with someone close to you who also has some drug experience
Be ina safe comfortable location
Be ina good mood without any worries hanging over you.
In high school you brain is still growing, don’t do the hard drugs they can really fuck you up and leave you in the gutter or prison, stick to grass and shrooms, even acid and especialy X (which is a kind of speed) should be taken in the smallest doses until you figure them out. It goes without saying that Rytalin and Adderal are counted in the hard drugs to avoid.
High school is full of the social climbing and crushing competition games that will follow many people for the rest of their lives if they choose to follow the CorpGov blue/white collar model. Most high-schoolers reading this book are likely grouped into the looser class for being a little too intellectual or withdrawn. Fuck those stuck up assholes. Get tight with your real friends and walk down the halls of your school with pride; you are on average a standard deviation in IQ higher than the average stuck up homecoming queen or party boy. The world will move under you while those who seem to be all powerful now will live a life of store clerking or tire salesman. Meditate, learn to breathe, exercise, and find something you do well, music is a major therapy. Never let some 12 step fool or counselor make you believe you are crazy, an addict or worthless, lie to them if you must. You control your own life; that is the way it must be and will be.
In the past few years, high-school suicide rates have gone up dramatically. The CorpGov media won’t touch the subject and little is being done to combat it.
Remember, the light at the end of the tunnel is not the flash of a gun. The light at the end of the tunnel is the light of freedom. The light of choice. The light oflife. Maybe it’s your own reflection! The hardest thing you can do is work out the situation you are in and keep trucking. But it’s worth it. It’s always worth it. Our lives are more precious and valuable than any of us ever realize. A life is worth more than some girl or boy, more than revenge, more than money or property. Your life is valuable to yourself, your friends, your society, your people, to us. Even the realization of CorpGov’s dream (Orwell’s 1984), should never make you think of taking your life.
If ever you are made to feel worthless, ugly, or somehow or other unworthy of something, remember: Belief changes from culture to culture, society to society. If you are made to feel bad about yourself, it isn’t your fault; it’s the fault of the society you live in! The system really wants you dead!! Fight it! Don’t let the machine kill you, KILL THE MACHINE!! Join the anti-CorpGov resistance and help other people realize how much they are worth!
Free College Life
College is your escape from your and high school, it is also your one big opportunity to turn your mind on and escape from the blinders erected by your education from preschool until now. The saddest use for your time in college is to study a trade, engineering and computer science even medical school are all just that, a technical education that might pay quite well while you feel like you are wasting your life just like the janitor does until you retire and die never making a real difference. University should be used as your one corpgov approved and financed chance to open and build your mind, not a rumspringa before a life of enslavement.
Freshman Shock
For most students going directly from high school and their parents home in the suburbs straight to an out of state university campus experience a bit of culture shock and they freak out. Freaking out is OK and can be fun as long as you don’t make any mistakes that you will regret. Be conservative when experimenting with drugs and partying in an environment where you no longer have parents to face in the morning. Experimenting with self control and motivation can also be a rewarding experience. It is important to remember to keep your grades at a minimum level in order that you do not loose scholarships, student aid, or even be placed on academic probation. We hate to see smart people forced back tojunior college for a few terms so they can get their grades back up because of too much partying.
Another victim of the freshman freak out is the many young women who may have had a reputation as being shy, geeky, or introverted that followed them through high school. It could be that while your reputation pinched your social interaction in high school your desire to make a new start with new people who have no idea about you combined with someone who may shower you with surprising attention. How many of us ended up giving it up for the first time way too easilyjust because some random older guy who showed us some sweet attention for a week or two and we wanted to be big girls with them. A few months later when you are less naive you will realize that most schools are crawling with guys with a life mission to play head games with young womenjust so they can get lots of easy sex for sport and social standing among their mates.
Important fields of study are philosophyjournalism, and global studies these and other soft liberal arts which are not designed to directly get you a job but rather to form your mind into a useful and dangerous tool. Economics and finance are key fields to master as the operation of the world is based upon their flow and power. History of regions and periods other than our own provide modeling to the behavior of those in power and how they appear to continually repeat themselves; knowing the conditions and outcomes of events can help you analyze the present. Psychology if not engaged too deeply is useful for helping determine the motivations of groups and individuals, strive to understand beyond the politicized theories and take the useful tools hidden within. Law classes or even better an intern with a lawyer who will help you understand modern (broken)legal theory is a must.
3 Hour Term Paper System
Having dealt with a number of college courses and finding that a large number of them require term papers and research papers, it became necessary to develop a system that allowed one to quickly get past the bullshit that most professors assign on this stuff. One system that has proven useful is the 3 Hour Term Paper System. This system teaches you how to use the web and things such as Google Scholar to increase rapidly your research time. It also shows how to hire someone reputable to do the research for you. In addition to this you could hire someone to do the entire paper for you and do it at a reasonable cost. To find out more check out this website on the 3 Hour Term Paper System.
Granted the E-book that this site lists is a small cost of $5.00 but I personally know the author who taught me the system in college and he’s a big fan of our site and is just trying to make this knowledge known for a reasonable price to try to make a little more dough to assist the revolution in his part of Amerika. Also this system proved useful for me when I was in college. Thanks, El Almirante
It is vitally important to experience large parts of your education not only out of state but outside of the United States. Europe is usually chosen by exchange students for fun tourism reasons although valuable lessons can be learned there, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, and Africa all offer much diversity that is vital to understanding freedom and oppression and how to live under both. China especially is an important learning laboratory to view aspects of the future planned for the United States.
Do not be discouraged to find that some aspects of college hearken back to high school. The majority of the student body rejects enlightenment and will stay true to their programming as working drones in the world economic hive. Find others who are fighting for their freedom and help them break free from their left and right wing blinders. A word of caution, those who may at first appear to be radical and free in university can often be members of an old fossilized leftist orthodoxy unable and unwilling to change, these faculty and their entranced student followers, much like the College Republicans, are often dogmatic and unable to see or allow any point of view other than their party line. Avoid too much close contact with these groups as they have been known to cruelly attack those who stray from their one true path, but use them when you need bodies for demonstrations or actions. These people have long lost most of their burning urge for truth and now enjoy the power they have acquired and the safety of a university tenure. Many wonderful stories, tactics, and lessons can still be learned by a true freedom fighter from the words of these washed up former rebels.
We have known very radical freshmen to become mellowed and conventional by the time their four years is over. We are talking about very direct action alternate lifestyle types. At some of the most liberal private leadership schools you will likely be taught the importance of working within the system. There can be merit in this for those who are seeking power inside the system, but we are here to break the broken system. Do not become a gelding to the system, subvert from inside if you like but be fearless and ruthless.
Student Loans
Student loans are of the perpetual debt slavery system in the United States. This obligation along with home, auto, and credit card debt make it impossible to step outside the system beyond short vacations for fear ofloosing ones job and therefore ones whole life and accumulated material wealth. Fear not, as the system stands even if you were to never pay another cent to these despicable rate changing and illegal penalty gouging student loan accumulation banks and funds who are guaranteed full repayment by the federal treasury for unpaid loans. An excellent way to disavow your debt is to move to another country for around five years. The inconvenience of tracking a defaulted loan over international borders is often too much work for these funds who canjust as easily write them off and get federal reimbursement. After several years you can approach the banks and offer a settlement at between ten and twenty to one ratios. Student loans are not cleared by bankruptcy and will damage your ability to take on new debt in the corpgov system, be sure you are leaving behind substantial consumer debt when you default on the student loans.
Although in many (read: most) High Schools, Alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs is easy to get, however college is a paradise, full of drugs and booze.
Also, use the student health center as frequently as possible to score free shrink trips, and a bounty of prescriptions. Usually you’re required to be covered by Mommy and Daddy’s insurance or by a college health plan. Many colleges often have doctors that are paid offby the Medical Empire, so acquiring scripts for great drugs such as Adderall (legal amphetamines prescribed for ADD), Xanax, Ambien, and Ritalin are pretty easy. Just visit the prescription drug’s website, find out what they prescribe them for, then come up with a good story. Hell, that’s what Rush Limbaugh did! Once you have done this, you have a steady flow of pills to consume yourself or sell to others.
Many colleges have work-study programs sponsored by the Federal Empire. You’ll get paid federal minimum wage, but you’re exempt from some taxes.
Also, look at selling blood/plasma. Plasma is a lucrative business for short-term cash, ranging from $30-$200 per time depending on circumstances or the blood bank’s need. Also, smoking grass after giving blood/plasma increases the high. Donating sperm is a way to quick cash as well. Unlike blood donation, sperm can be donated every 4 days.
The pickings are good as a college student in terms of furniture. No longer will you have to rely on milk crates and boxes for your home decor,just wait until the end of the semester when yuppies move out of their apartments. You’d be surprised how fast a station wagon fills up with shelves, TV’s, and fans just by passing by a dorm or student apartments.
Get Involved
If you are in college and you spend a lot of time in your housing...GET OUT! There are dozens, if not hundreds of student organizations on every campus, for every faith, political affiliation, and hobby out there. One of the most militant national student organizations is the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). There are hundreds of SDS chapters out there and the kids are ready for revolution. They hold a national convention every year where major decisions for the organization are made, though many chapters are forming local councils to coordinate actions in their city or region. You can find more about SDS at:
Also, note that it is very easy to provide an “alternative viewpoint” on campus radio stations. Probably 1/2 of Amerikan Universities have them. If yours doesn’t, go to a campus nearby. Chances are, they have one and an empty shift at 2 am.
An advantage to doing the 2 am slots: You can speak freely about drug use and talk to the stoners and nerds that are awake at that hour. Also, these time slots are rarely monitored by any college higher-ups.
Free Medical Care
Kitchen Cabinet Pharmacy
Here are ways to take care of your body even if you are very short on funds. Some information is from our experience and some is from our favorite wellness and treatment guide “Where There Is No Doctor” by the Hesperian Society see the PDF link below.
Vinegar is a Miracle Drug, and it is one of the cheapest things in the grocery store. Rubbed into your underarms and pubes it slows the growth ofbacteria that make you smell all funky — you can use it to have at least a cleanish day if you’re not carrying any deodorant. Rubbed on your face it is very effective against acne. It can also be used to treat all sorts of skin infections, from crotch rot to athletes’ foot. Warm vinegar water is a good soak for skin infections, but if your skin is tender from an advanced infection, it will sting like fire, so fold a bandanna or washcloth, wet it good with water, and put a small sprinkle of vinegar on it, and gently pat yourself down if your skin is red and tender. Sluice down your feet with it and rub the vinegar in hard between your toes if you have, or even might get, Athletes’ Foot. It works in about three good applications over a couple of days, on even advanced infections, much faster than drugstore creams. If your skin is cracked and bleeding, though, you’re screwed and you need the drugstore creams or even medical assistance. Vinegar is a powerful food acid, and will sting the living shit out of raw, tender skin, so test out a goodly dab on you first to see how bad off you are before your screams echo in the bathroom, or behind the church, orwherever....
Baking Soda
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a good wet or dry deodorant for the crotch and armpits it is also easy on the skin. Baking soda is also a toothpaste powder, a quick effective antacid, add to your wash bucket with the soap to deodorize your clothes and bedding. Just don’t try to combine baking soda with vinegar. They produce a great deal of foamy bubbles when mixed.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol can be used for cleaning out wounds and cuts if you don’t have iodine solution but it burns like hell and is not as effective. It can bring relief from a cold or fever when rubbed down after a bath. Just remember that it is a combustible liquid, and has been denatured to keep people from drinking it (You WILL get violently sick if you do!) and you can use it as fuel if you make a soft drink can stove.
Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel is an excellent (and cheap!) astringent, and is good for stopping up shaving cuts and reducing hemorrhoids.
Zinc Oxide
Zinc Oxide can be used to make a sunblock cream like old school lifeguards would wear on their nose. Oil of cloves is good to numb a sore tooth. Mix oil of clove and zinc oxide into a clay, stuff it into a dry lost filling cavity, then bite down on a cotton ball for a half hour to make a well fitted temporary filling good for up to six months.
We are not talking about the commercial nuggets you buy in stores, most charcoal in stores has chemicals added to it to help it burn. We are talking about burning a slice ofbread to cinders on a stove top (wait until there are no more orange flames coming from it). Both can either be chewed(when cool) and swallowed or crushed and mixed into a glass of water and drunk(gritty but quick). The charcoal absorbs the toxins from an intestinal infection giving your bowel a rest.
Taking charcoal when you have diarrhea is the answer in addition, to drinking clean or purified water and light soup, for returning to health. Be careful not to take anti-diarrhea medications unless you have a very mild case. The idea is to let your body eliminate the bad stuff inside you instead of hardening it up and leaving it in you to keep you sick.
If you have a fungal infection on any part of your body give acidophilus a shot before seeing a doctor. It works wonders by displacing the fungal organisms and then staying to defend their new territory. Acidophilus is either available from health stores as a powder in a capsule which is either eaten or broken open and applied wet or in active culture yogurt which can be rubbed onto to unbroken skin.
Salt Water Soak
While epson salts are best even regular table salt and very warm (not burn yourselfhot) water is a great way to soak out an infection or stiffjoint or muscle. For a hand or foot just use a bucket and add salt until a drop tastes very salty
If you need to soak your body and have no bathtub get the smallest kids inflatable pool you can find or a wash tub, place it on an insulating layer of cardboard or sleeping mats, inside a tent if it is winter. Add a gallon or two of cold water to protect the pool and boil up a gallon or two in a metal bucket over a camp stove or hotplate (you might need to wrap the outside of the bucket with many wraps of foil and cardboard and make some kind oflid so it will hold it’s heat) add cold water to the pool until water is cooled to the hottest you can safely stand then add salt. Have a friend heating more water to keep your soak warm.
Natures Pharmacy
If you are out in the country or even near a park or woodlot you can access the bounty of nature to heal your body.
Diarrhea. Drink tea made from the roots ofblackberries and their relatives to stop diarrhea. White oak bark and other barks containing tannin are also effective. However, use them with caution when nothing else is available because of possible negative effects on the kidneys. You can also stop diarrhea by eating white clay or campfire ashes. Tea made from cowberry or cranberry or hazel leaves works too.
Antihemorrhagics. Make medications to stop bleeding from a poultice of the puffball mushroom, from plantain leaves, or most effectively from the leaves of the common yarrow or woundwort (Achillea millefolium).
Antiseptics. Use to cleanse wounds, sores, or rashes. You can make them from the expressed juice from wild onion or garlic, or expressedjuice from chickweed leaves or the crushed leaves of dock. You can also make antiseptics from a decoction ofburdock root, mallow leaves or roots, or white oak bark. All these medications are for external use only.
Fevers. Treat a fever with a tea made from willow bark, an infusion of elder flowers or fruit, linden flower tea, or elm bark decoction.
Colds and sore throats. Treat these illnesses with a decoction made from either plantain leaves or willow bark. You can also use a tea made from burdock roots, mallow or mullein flowers or roots, or mint leaves.
Aches, pains, and sprains. Treat with externally applied poultices of dock, plantain, chickweed, willow bark, garlic, or sorrel. You can also use salves made by mixing the expressedjuices of these plants in animal fat or vegetable oils.
Itching. Relieve the itch from insect bites, sunburn, or plant poisoning rashes by applying a poultice ofjewelweed (Impatiens biflora) or witch hazel leaves (Hamamelis virginiana). The jewelweedjuice will help when applied to poison ivy rashes or insect stings. It works on sunburn as well as aloe vera.
Sedatives. Get help in falling asleep by brewing a tea made from mint leaves or
passionflower leaves.
Hemorrhoids. Treat them with external washes from elm bark or oak bark tea, from the expressedjuice of plantain leaves, or from a Solomon’s seal root decoction.
Constipation. Relieve constipation by drinking decoctions from dandelion leaves, rose hips, or walnut bark. Eating raw daylily flowers will also help.
Worms or intestinal parasites. Using moderation, treat with tea made from tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) or from wild carrot leaves.
Gas and cramps. Use a tea made from carrot seeds as an antiflatulent; use tea made from mint leaves to settle the stomach.
Antifungal washes. Make a decoction of walnut leaves or oak bark or acorns to treat ringworm and athlete’s foot. Apply frequently to the site, alternating with exposure to direct sunlight.
If the infection is making you feel sick go to a clinic or emergency room! If there is a red streak going up your arm or leg or the lymph nodes swell up when you have an infected wound this is a sign of an advanced infection again get help! Some infections require intravenous antibiotics pils are not enough and to not get them may kill you once the infection gets systemic in your blood.
Treat all infections immediatly with antiseptics, vinegar, hot salt soaks, or antibiotic ointments while they are small; pimples, ingrown hairs, scrapes and cuts, ingrown toenails, etc. these can all get serious nasty and take you out of action.
If you need antibiotics for an infection or illness and you really know what you are doing there is currently(2007) an exemption for veterinary fish antibiotics. These are available both at pet stores and online, do research and find about the brand before buying, some just divert regular meds from the human antibiotic supply chain, you can run the numbers found on the pills to find out more. If the antibiotics are expired it is usually not a problem it will just be less effective two or more years after the printed expiration date, the exception is tetracyclene which becomes somewhat toxic. Obtain a few bottles or packs of these meds before you or a friend needs them, this is better than being unable to find a free clinic or depending on unresearched stuff from the neighborhood pet shop.
Urinary Tract and Bladder Infections
If you have cloudy urine, pain in urination and frequent need to urinate you likely have a urinary tract infection. The most likely cause is you have become dehydrated, even in cool weather, you need to drink more clean water. If these are the only symptoms try chugging water and pure (unsweetened) cranberry juice or crushed cranberries, if you can’t get unsweetened cranberry juice you can add lemon juice or vineger to your water to make it very tart, this will acidify your urine and help fight the infection, sugar in you food or drinks will just feed the infection.
If you begin to feel abdominal or lower back pain, blood in the urine, feever or chills, or worse yet swelling of the feet or face you are in trouble, the infection has gotten to the bladder and possibly the kidneys, you need antibiotics NOW!
Skin Afflictions
For afflictions and infections which are hot and painful treat with hot moist towel (Hot Compresses) elevate and treat if infected.
If the area itches, stings, or oozes treat it with ice water soaked(cold compresses), if scabs form add 2tablesoons of vinegar per litre of water, once it begins to heal salv with a talcum powder/water paste, as it begins to thicken or flake you can soften the skin with vegetable oil. For bad itching an oatmeal paste or dyphenhydramine (Beandryl) might help.
If a rash or redness appears where it is regularly exposed to sunlight cover it until it heals
If a rash appears in an area which is nromaly covered from sun, let it sun for 20 minutes two to three times a day
Sores and Abscesses
Infected Sores
Use warm (salted if possible) water to soak, soften, and remove infected yellow scabs
Leave the sores open to the air or cover with light dry bandages
You can apply topical antibiotic (like Neosporin and the like) or vinegar
Watch for swollen lymph nodes or lines running up your infection this is a danger sign, you need a doctor and antibiotics.
Don’t scratch on infected sores or around them, it can spread the infection to other parts of your body.
If you get an abscess which is a deeper skin infection with pus you are already in trouble. Abscesses are common in IV drug users but stepping on a nail or getting a deep thorn or wood sliver wound can cause them too.
Put a hot compress on the wound as often as possible or give it a hot soak several times a day.
Let the Abcess break itself open and drain the pus
NEVER try to pop or squeeze an abscess! it can cause a local infection to go into the blood!
Watch for swollen lymph nodes or lines running up your infection this is a danger sign, you need a doctor to lance it and antibiotics.
Tooth Abcesses
If you get a cavity that becomes a tooth abcess and no dentist will see you try to at least get on antibiotics, the tooth will probably have to come out before it destroys yourjaw, spreads to your other teeth, infects your skull bones, or gives you blood poisoning. If the old string pull method doesn’t work look for a strong friend and filed down dull horizontal side cutter wire snips that will grip around the base of a molar. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, brush your teeth and floss.
Cold Injury
People forced out into the streets are at high risk to cold injury, many hospitals will illegally turn away the homeless and there are few other places that will allow them to even remove their shoes to rewarm and dry their feet. Alcohol and many drugs contribute to cold injury as does malnutrition, diabetes, dehydration, and low calorie diets.
Trench Foot
Affected feet become numb and then turn red or blue. As the condition worsens, they may swell. Advanced immersion foot often involves blisters and open sores, which lead to fungal infections; this is sometimes calledjungle rot. Ifleft untreated, immersion foot usually results in gangrene, which can require amputation. Ifimmersion foot is treated properly, complete recovery is normal, though it is marked by severe short-term pain when feeling is returning. Like other cold injuries, immersion foot leaves sufferers more susceptible to it and frostbite in the future due to damaged capilaries in the extremity. Immersion foot is easily prevented by keeping the feet warm and dry, and changing socks three to four times a day when the feet cannot be kept dry. As quickly as possible get to a warm dry place where you can keep the feet elevated.
Frost Bite
Frost bite is the result of feeezing fluids in the body. Most at risk are the fingers toes and ears followed by other parts ofthe extremities. DO NOT RUB OR SLAP FROZEN EXTREMITIES this will greatly reduce the chance of sucessful recovery. Get to a hospital for treatment. If there is no possibility of proper hospital care thaw the frozen areas in luke warm water only if there is no chance of refreezing, this will be very painful. There is a danger of gangrene and some damage might need to be amputated. There has been some recent clnical sucess in using leaches to draw blood through damaged capilaries to the finger and toe tips.
Stretching and Massage
Many lower back problems and knee pains can be greatly reduced or eliminated with proper stretching and calesthenics in the morning. Most important in calisthenics is situp crunches whick build the abdomenal muscles supporting the lower back. Hamstring muscle stretches where you slowly touch your toes when standing and calf muscle stretches where assume the lunge postiion will reduce many back and knee problems. Stretching the trapezius muscles of your upper back and neck by arm cross overs will help with upper back strain.
Learning the science and art of massage is a good way to keep your friends in good health, especially considering the places we sometimes have to sleep. Olive oil is good massage oil, you can heat it with scented herbs for aromatherapudic properties then filter and place in a squirt bottle. You will quickly be able to feel the tensed muscle fibres that need to be worked, some people need a hard massage others require a more gentle touch. Practice makes perfect. It is nice to teach the art so you can trade off with your friends.
Winter Blues
Unless you are in a tropical location winter is the hardest time to survive any of our alternative or low income housing strategies. Besides freezing our asses off and dealing with moisture, mold, and illness there is another problem that often leads to many depression, drug use, and even suicide.
SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder strikes in the months of the year when clouds, short days, and staying indoors reduces our sunlight exposure. Even worse is when we are often forced to cover over our windows to prevent detection of our squats or to replace broken windows. Alternatively the cheapest apartment rooms often have little natural lighting denying needed sunlight.
SAD may set in so slowly you don’t notice your sluggishness until you find yourself almost confined to bed or badly depressed. Here are some non corpgov drug treatments, if these don’t work see a competent doctor or natural healer.
Spicy food is thought to increase endorphans giving a temporary break from the depression symptoms.
Full spectrum lighting, find light bulbs that produce full spectrum lighting known to help reduce SAD.
Light box, for the worst sufferers a prescription to spend half an hour or more every morning in front of a light box to stimulate the somatic centers of the brain.
Exercise, we have found this to be the best answer, force yourself out every day for a run or long bike drive up several steep hills(whatever drives up your pulse), exposure to the sun and aerobic activity are both good treatments for SAD.
The English and Cascadians are famous for their rainy winters and their tea and coffee, caffeine runs up the metabolism and helps you wake up.
Watch out if you are working on quitting a drug habit, this will be the hardest time of the year for most drugs even if you have been successful so far, plan ahead coping strategies.
In modern Amerika childbirth is treated as a major medical and surgical emergency. A c-section is often recommended to give both the doctor and healthy mothers a way to avoid a painful and messy birth that might happen at an inconvenient time. Women are forced to push a baby up into the air so the doctor can easily catch the baby and the glory. Few mention the lasting pain and damage that even the most modern c-section does to a woman.
Home birth is the natural alternative, good medical care through the whole pregnancy is essential, but giving birth to a baby in comfortable and familiar setting is much better for many women in most cases than having a baby in a super-germ infested hospital. Unless you are certain that there is a problem and need to have surgery, giving birth in town near a hospital will have you as close to emergency surgery as someone actually in the hospital.
Find a competent midwife and begin working with her as soon as possible in the pregnancy. Make sure you are getting enough protein and green leafy vegetables. Keep track of your urine output and baby motion. It is a big problem if you start getting high bloodpressure, puffy face, or seizures you might have eclampsia. It is nice to have your own quality stethescope to monitor babies heartbeat.
When the big day comes be sure you have at least one competent helper preferably with pediatric advanced life support training. Have plastic sheet or tarp and be ready for a mess. Most women like to give birth on their bed but many first time mothers need a gravity assist like pushing while sitting on a stool or toilet. Don’t worry about breathing or timing, your body almost always knows what to do especially if you are in good shape. Again it is a good idea to have an experienced midwife and probably a good friend and a apprentice midwife.
It is a good idea to have oxygen and intubation equipment if there is someone skilled in their use (if you are unskilled don’t attempt to use a laryngoscope or airway equipment) , airway problems are the most common problem at birth. Ifbaby comes out purple before you panic try rubbing the baby with a towel or blowing at their face forcing them to take a deep breath. In a rare worst case you can start CPR and consider epinepherine IV or in the endotrachial tube.
Get baby nursing as soon as possible, this will help the uterus contract and slow bleeding. There are herbs and medications that the midwife may give to assist in this contraction as does massaging abdomen over the uterus. Piece together the placenta and look for any missing pieces, if these remain inside they can cause very serious problems.
This information is in no way a substitute to a good midwife or doctor who will walk you through your pregnancy and birth. After you experience your bright eyed natural home birth you become an excellent candidate to begin learning the important skills of midwifing and birth coaching.
If the baby doesn’t want to nurse for upto36 to 48 hours don’t get too stressed, especially in larger babies they have lots of stored food and water, being born is tiring for them. First time mothers might need to manually pop out inverted nipples or use nursing shields at first ifbaby has trouble latching on. If all fails and formula is needed try to avoid bovine or soy based mixes, we have used a mix ofbrown rice syrup, goat milk, vitamin drops, flax seed oil, ask your midwife what she recommends. Don’t fall for WASP slave propaganda it is OK to nurse for two or three years if you and baby like, many women are without their period during this time and enjoy natural birth control for around a year and a half, it is good for bonding and great nutrition for baby.
You can really take control of your own health care, it is your responsibility to study and research when you have a personal medical disorder, the doctor has only so much time to spend with a patient.
Some tools to help you are the book Where There is No Doctor by the Hesperian Society, it uses simple language to explain treatment of most common injuries and disease. The Merck Manual of Medical Information is the corpgov standard reference book for medical treatment and is available in most large book stores and on-line; ask in a doctors office for their last years copy, you will have symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment at your fingertips for most common medical problems. Merck also offers a number of other medical books on-line for free.
The Merck Manual of Medical Information — Home Edition:
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy:
The Merck Manual of Health & Aging: ha/contents.html The Merck Manual of Geriatrics: The Merck Veterinary Manual: sp
Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of medicine. Download and print these books from the Hesperian Society:
Where There Is No Doctor: download.phptfwtnd Where There Is No Dentist: download dentist.php Where WomenHave No Doctor: download.phptfwwhnd A Book For Midwives: download.phptfmidwives
You can buy paperback copies of these books as well.
Most of the equipment and medications can be obtained over the internet. If you want to stock antibiotics and medications the best way to buy them is to find a veterinary supply who will sell you standard human antibiotics and explain them as for use on fish, there is no difference in the meds except you do not need permission from a doctor to treat your illness. Oral antibiotic use is safer compared to intravenous antibiotics with rash and allergy being the most common side affect of the oral antibiotics, contact a doctor and have Benadryl ready if this happens. Yogurt and probiotics are a must if on antibiotics to keep your body from being totally stripped of its microscopic defenders and helpers.
An EMT course which takes about one term is a valuable course to take, time in the field as a volunteer will teach you even more, you will be better prepared to treat protesters as a medic and you will be much more educated about your own body.
If you prefer more natural care there are plenty of remedies that you can make for yourself with common plants, many practitioners give free classes on natural health care to gain patients.
Government Run Health Clinics For Free :
Find a government run health clinic that will see you for free or reduced cost.
Unite For Sight Free Clinics:
Find a free eye care clinic in your area.
Planned Parenthood Locator:
Find a Planned Parenthood Health Center near you.
List ofHotline Numbers:
A list of 1–800 numbers that you can call for many situations you may face.
Find a Covenant House:
A free physical if you decide to check in.
Low-cost and free dental clinics:
Check the phone book or at the local library for Dental Schools. Ask if they will allow you to volunteer as a subject in exchange discounted (maybe even free?) dental care. You will have to fill out a legal disclaimer.
Free Condoms
If you live near a university, go to the health services office and ask for some condoms. Also worth noting: many universities have 1–800 numbers (nurse lines) for their students to use to get medical advice. Find the number for the university near you and call it if need be.
Original Free Medical Care
Due to the efforts of the Medical Committee for Human Rights, the Student Health Organization and other progressive elements among younger doctors and nurses. Free People’s Clinics have been happening in every major city. They usually operate out of store fronts and are staffed with volunteer help. An average clinic can handle fifty patients a day.
If you’ve had an accident or have an acute illness, even a bad cold, check into the emergency room of any hospital. Given them a sob story complete with phony name and address. After treatment they present you with a slip and direct you to the cashier. Just walk on by, as the song suggests. A good decoy is to ask for the washroom. After waiting there a few moments, split. If you’re caught sneaking out, tell them you ran out of the house without your wallet. Ask them to bill you at your phony address. This billing procedure works in both hospital emergency rooms and clinics. You can keep going back for repeated visits up to three months before the cashier’s office tells the doctor about your fractured payments.
You can get speedy medical advice and avoid emergency room delays by calling the hospital, asking for the emergency unit and speaking directly to the doctor over the phone. Older doctors frown on this procedure since they cannot extort their usual exorbitant fee over the phone. Younger ones generally do not share this hang-up.
Cities usually have free clinics for a variety of special ailments. Tuberculosis Clinics, Venereal Disease Clinics, and Free Shot Clinics (yellow fever, polio, tetanus, etc.) are some of the more common. A directory of these clinics and other free health services the local community provides can be obtained by writing your Chamber of Commerce or local Health Department.
Most universities have clinics connected with their dental, optometry or other specialized medical schools. If not for free, then certainly for very low rates, you can get dental work repaired, eyeglasses fitted and treatment of other specific health needs.
Free psychiatric treatment can often be gotten at the out-patient department of any mental hospital. Admission into these hospitals is free, but a real bummer. Use them as a last resort only. Some cities have a suicide prevention center and if you are desperate and need help, call them. Your best choice in a psychiatric emergency is to go to a large general hospital, find the emergency unit and ask to see the psychiatrist on duty.
Birth Control Clinics
If you do not have a birth control prescription, a Planned Parenthood doctor can dispense one onsite.
Original Birth Control Clinics
Planned Parenthood and the Family Planning Association staff numerous free birth control clinics throughout the country. They provide such services as sex education, examinations, Pap smear and birth control information and devices. The devices include pills, a diaphragm, or IUD (intra-uterine device) which they will insert. If you are unmarried and under 18, you might have to talk to a social worker, but it’s no sweat because anybody gets contraceptive devices that wants them. Call up and ask them to send you their booklets on the different methods ofbirth control available.
If you would rather go to a private doctor, try to find out from a friend the name of a hip gynecologist, who is sympathetic to the fact that you’re low on bread. Otherwise one visit could cost $25.00 or more.
Before deciding on a contraceptive, you should be hip to some general information. There has been much research on the pill, and during the past 10 years it has proven its effectiveness, if not is safety. The two most famous name brands are Ortho-Novum and Envoid. They all require a doctor’s prescription. Different type pills are accompanied by slightly different instructions, so read the directions carefully. In many women, the pills produce side effects such as weight increase, dizziness or nausea. Sometimes the pill affects your vision and more often your mood. Some women with specialized blood diseases are advised not to use them, but in general, women have little or no trouble. Different brand names have different hormonal balances (progesteroneestrogen). If you get uncomfortable side effects, insist that your doctor switch your brand. If you stop the pill method for any reason and don’t want to get pregnant, be very careful to use another means right away.
Another contraceptive device becoming more popular is the IUD, or the loop. It is a small plastic or stainless steel irregularly-shaped spring that the doctor inserts inside the opening of the uterus. The insertion is not without pain, but it’s safe if done by a physician, and it’s second only to the pill in prevention of pregnancy. Once it’s in place, you can forget about it for a few years or until you wish to get pregnant. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe them for women who have not borne children or had an abortion, because of the intense pain that accompanies insertion. But if you can stand the pain associated with three to four uterine contractions, you should push the doctor for this method. Inserting it during the last day of your period will make it easier.
The diaphragm is a round piece of flexible rubber about 2 inches in diameter with a hard rubber rim on the outside. It used to be insertedjust before the sex act, but hip doctors now recommend that it be worn continuously and taken out every few days for washing and also during the menstrual period. It is most effective when used with a sperm-killingjelly or cream. A doctor will fit you for a proper size diaphragm.
The next best method is the foams that you insert twenty minutes before fucking. The best foams available are Delfen and Emko. They have the advantage ofbeing nonprescription items so you can rush into any drug store and pick up a dispenser when the spirit moves you. Follow the directions carefully. Unfortunately, these foams taste terrible and are not available in flavors. It just shows you how far science has to go.
Another device is the prophylactic, or rubber as it is called. This is the only device available to men. It is a thin rubber sheath that fits over the penis. Because they are subject to breaking and sliding off, their effectiveness is not super great. If you are forced to use them, the best available are lubricated sheepskins with a reservoir tip.
The rhythm method or Vatican roulette as it is called by hip Catholics, is a waste unless you are ready to surround yourself with thermometers, graphs and charts. You also have to limit your fucking to prescribed days. Even with all these precautions, women have often gotten pregnant using the rhythm method.
The oldest and least effective method is simply for the male to pull out just before he comes. There are billions of sperm cells in each ejaculation and only one is needed to fertilize the woman’s egg and cause a pregnancy. Most of the sperm is in the first squirt, so you had better be quick if you employ this technique.
If the woman misses her period she shouldn’t panic. It might be delayed because of emotional reasons. Just wait two weeks before going to a doctor or clinic for a pregnancy test. When you go, be sure to bring your first morning urine specimen.
Careful consideration must be given to what is posted here as this could easily be the most deadly page in the wiki if used incorrectly. Women should use their own head in this most difficult decision since the easiest way to get new rebels for the war against the system is to make our own!! It is often too easily a decision made by parents, teachers, or friends and peer pressure to end a pregnancy, use your own head and uterus in this decision this is YOUR body. Don’t let Economic decisions keep you from populating our cause, corpgov wants the best slaves and that means 1.8 kids raised from infancy only by suburban double income WASP’s in corpgov schools and daycare while the parents work their asses off. It is documented that Blacks, Hispanics, minorities and the poor are overwhelmingly offered abortion while the “middle class misguided youth” whites are encouraged to keep their pregnancy to delivery and give their baby away to a “good” family. Gotta keep Amerika white
These are websites dealing with Herbal Abortions. This is not something to be taken lightly, as taking herbs in the wrong quantity or strength can make a bad situation worse. Read all information completely, and if possible, consult a sympathetic herbalist for more advice and information!
Women’s Health Specialists of California have an informative website on both abortion and adoption. They have extensive information on Mifeprex (RU 486) an on the “fake clinics” that are set up by right-wingers and anti-abortion groups solely to deceive women and talk them out of having abortions.
Emergency Contraception: (A good way to remember this is “not-2-”, which routes to that site. Remember the hyphens!)
For those worried about religious or personal moral issues morning after pills or a proper multiple dose of certain types ofbirth control pills is an effective attempt at preventing ovulation (release of egg cell) thus preventing possibility of a pregnancy from ever starting, it is NOT an abortion of any kind.
Original Abortions
The best way to find out about abortions is to contact your local woman’s liberation organization through your underground newspaper or radio station. Some Family Planning Clinics and even some liberal churches set up abortions, but these might run as high as $700. Underground newspapers often have ads that read “Any girl in trouble call — -,” or something similar. The usual rate for an abortion is about $500 and it’s awful hard to bargain when you need one badly. Only go to a physician who is practicing or might have just lost his license. Forget the stereotype image of these doctors as they are performing a vital service. Friends who have had an abortion can usually recommend a good doctor and fill you in on what’s going to happen.
Abortions are very minor operations if done correctly. They can be done almost any time, but after three months, it’s no longer so casual and more surgical skill is required. Start making plans as soon as you find out. The sooner the better, in terms of the operation.
Get a pregnancy test at a clinic. If it is positive and you want an abortion, start that day to make plans. If you get negative results from the test and still miss your period, have a gynecologist perform an examination if you are still worried.
If you cannot arrange an abortion through woman’s liberation, Family Planning, a sympathetic clergyman or a friend who has had one, search out a liberal hospital and talk to one of their social workers. Almost all hospitals perform “therapeutic” abortions. Tell a sob story about the desertion of your boy friend or that you take LSD every day or that defects run in your family. Act mentally disturbed. If you qualify, you can get an abortion that will be free under Medicaid or other welfare medical plans. The safest form of abortion is the vacuum-curettage method, but not all doctors are hip to it. It is safer and quicker with less chance of complications than the old-fashioned scrape method.
Many states have recently passed liberalized abortion laws, such as New York* (by far the most extensive), Hawaii and Maryland, due to the continuing pressure of radical women. The battle for abortion and certainly for free abortion is far from over even in the states with liberal laws. They are far too expensive for the ten to twenty minute minor operation involved and the red tape is horrendous. Free abortions must be look-on as a fundamental right, not a sneaky, messy trauma.
There is a residence requirement for New York but using a friend’s New York address at the hospital will be good enough. The procedure takes only a few days and costs between $200 and $500, depending on the place. The best advice is to call one of the New York Abortion Referral Services or Birth Control Groups listed in the New York Directory section.
Diseases Treated Free
Women under the age of 25 or so can be vaccinated for Human Pappillomo Virus (HPV). HPV is very easy to get, because about 80% of people have it and don’t even know. While HPV usually doesn’t do anything, it can sometimes develop into cervical cancer, which has a pretty high mortality rate. You can get the vaccine which is called Gardasil at free clinics and from private doctors. If you’re under 18, it might be a little tough with parental approval and all of that, but don’t let it stop you from getting the vaccine. It is extremely important that you reduce your risk of getting cervical cancer, because how are you going to make a differrnce if you’re dead?
Original Diseases Treated Free
Syph and Clap (syphilis and gonorrhea) are two diseases that they are easy to pick up. They come from sexual activity, so anyone who claims they got it from sitting on a toilet seat must have a fondness for weird positions.
Both men and women are subject to the diseases. Using a prophylactic usually will prevent the spreading of venereal disease, but you should really seek to have it cured. Syphilis usually begins with an infection which may look like a cold sore or pimple around the sex organ. There is no pain associated with the lesions. Soon the sore disappears even without treatment. This is often followed by a period of rashes on the body (especially the palms of the hands) and inflammation of the mouth and throat. These symptoms also disappear without treatment. It must be understood, however, that even if these symptoms disappear, the disease still remains ifleft untreated. It can cause serious trouble such as heart disease, blindness, insanity and paralysis. Also, it can fuck up any kids you might produce and is easily passed on to anyone you ball.
Gonorrhea (clap) is more common than syphilis. Its first signs are a discharge from your sex organ that is painful. Like syphilis, it affects both men and women, but is often unnoticed in women.
There is usually itching and burning associated with the affected area. It can leave you sterile ifleft untreated.
Both these venereal diseases can be treated in a short time with attention. Avail yourself of the free V.D. clinics in every town. Follow the doctor’s instructions to the letter and try to let the other people you’ve had sexual contact with know you had VD.
There are other fungus diseases that resemble syphilis or gonorrhea, but are relatively harmless. Check out every infection in your crotch area, especially those with open sores or an unusual discharge and you’ll be safe.
Crabs are not harmful, but they can make you scratch your crotch for hours on end. They are also highly transmittable by balling. Actually they are a form ofbody lice and easy to cure. Go to your local druggist and ask him for the best remedy available. He’ll give you one of several lotions and instructions for proper use. We recommend Kwell.
A common disease in the hip community is hepatitis. There are two kinds. One you get from sticking dirty needles in your arm (serum hepatitis) and the other more common strain from eating infected food or having intimate contact with an infected carrier (infectious hepatitis). The symptoms for both are identical; yellowish skin and eyes, dark piss and light crap, loss of appetite and total listlessness. Hep is a very dangerous disease that can cause a number of permanent conditions, including death, which is extremely permanent. It should be treated by a doctor, often in a hospital.
Free Communication
8. Original Free Communication
If you don’t like the news, why not go out and make your own? Creating free media depends to a large extent on your imagination and ability to follow through on ideas. The average Amerikan is exposed to over 1,600 commercials each day. Billboards, glossy ads and television spots make up much of the word environment they live in. To crack through the word mush means creating new forms of free communication. Advertisements for revolution are important in helping to educate and mold the milieu of people you wish to win over.
Guerrilla theater events are always good news items and if done right, people will remember them forever. Throwing out money at the Stock Exchange or dumping soot on executives at Con Edison or blowing up the policeman statue in Chicago immediately conveys an easily understood message by using the technique of creative disruption. Recently to dramatize the illegal invasion of Cambodia, 400 Yippies stormed across the Canadian border in an invasion of the United States. They threw paint on store windows and physically attacked residents ofBlair, Washington. A group of Vietnam veterans marched in battle gear from Trenton to Valley Forge. Along the way they performed mock attacks on civilians the way they were trained to do in Southeast Asia.
Dying all the outdoor fountains red and then sending a message to the newspaper explaining why you did it, dramatizes the idea that blood is being shed needlessly in imperialist wars. A special metallic bonding glue available from Eastman-Kodak will form a permanent bond in only 45 seconds. Gluing up locks of all the office buildings in your town is a great way to dramatize the fact that our brothers and sisters are beingjailed all the time. Then, of course, there are always explosives which dramatically make your point and then some.
Press Conferences
If you have decided to reach out to the average sheeple Amerikan you have to dress to what they expect of their leaders, a nice suit and tie (make sure it is not shiny in bright light). Pack your suit and shoes in a garment bag to keep them clean and unwrinkled. Get dressed right before the interview and have a friend check you out. Clean paper towel can be used to emergency re-shine black shoes. If there will be lots oflights and TV crews filming it could be useful to have a stage or TV expert apply a layer to reduce the shine of your face.
Keep your comments short, plan statements so they can’t be easily edited out of context. Plan for baiting questions from unfriendly CorpGov press and rehearse smooth answers. Don’t get angry at the reporters. Try to get friendly reporters who can rescue you, but always remember that not all reports are your friend even if they play the part. Anything you say, even an aside that was not meant as part of the interview, can end up in the report. Take some hints from Public Speaking. If possible get a brother or sister to tape the interview with a quality digital camcorder, HID light, and decent microphone for archival and to counter out of context chop clips by the CorpGov media.
Original Press Conferences
Another way of using the news to advertise the revolution and make propaganda is to call a press, conference. Get an appropriate place that has some relationship to the content of your message. Send out announcements to as many members of the press as you can. If you do not have a press list, you can make one up by looking through the Yellow Pages under Newspapers, Radio Stations, Television Stations, Magazines and Wire Services. Check out your list with other groups and pick up names of reporters who attend movement press conferences. Address a special invitation to them as well as one to their newspaper. Address the announcements to “City Desk” or “‘News Department.” Schedule the press conference for about 11:00 A.M. as this allows the reporters to file the story in time for the evening newscast or papers. On the day of the scheduled conference, call the important city desks or reporters about 9:00 A.M. and remind them to come.
Everything about a successful press conference must be dramatic, from the announcements and phone calls to the statements themselves. Nothing creates a worse image than four or five men in business suits sitting behind a table and talking in a calm manner at a fashionable hotel. Constantly seek to have every detail of the press conference differ in style as well as content from the conferences of people in power. Make use of music and visual effects. Don’t stiffen up before the press. Make the statement as short and to the point as possible. Don’t read from notes, look directly into the camera. The usual television spot is one minute and twenty seconds. The cameras start buzzing on your opening statement and often run out of film before you finish. So make it brief and action packed. The question period should be even more dramatic. Use the questioner’s first name when answering a question. This adds an air of informality and networks are more apt to use an answer directed personally to one of their newsmen. Express your emotional feelings. Be funny, get angry, be sad or ecstatic. If you cannot convey that you are deeply excited or troubled or outraged about what you are saying, how do you expect it of others who are watching a little image box in their living room? Remember, you are advertising a new way oflife to people. Watch TV commercials. See how they are able to convey everything they need to be effective in such a short time and limited space. At the same tune you’re mocking the shit they are pushing, steal their techniques.
At rock concerts, during intermission or at the end of the performance, fight your way to the stage.
Announce that if the electricity is cut off the walls will be torn down. This galvanizes the audience and makes the owners of the hall the villains if they fuck around. Lay out a short exciting rap on what’s coming down. Focus on a call around one action. Sometimes it might be good to engage rock groups in dialogues about their commitment to the revolution. Interrupting the concert is frowned upon since it is only spitting in the faces of the people you are trying to reach. Use the Culture as ocean to swim in. Treat it with care.
Sandwich boards and hand-carried signs are effective advertisements. You can stand on a busy corner and hold up a sign saying “Apartment Needed,” “Free Angela,” “Smash the State” or other slogans. They can be written on dollar bills, envelopes that are being mailed and other items that are passed from person to person.
Take a flashlight with a large face to movie theaters and other dark public gathering places. Cut the word “STRIKE” or “REVOLT” or “YIPPIE” out of dark cellophane. Paste the stencil over the flashlight, thus allowing you to project the word on a distant wall.
There are a number of all night call-in shows that have a huge audience. If you call with what the moderator considers “exciting controversy,” he may give you a special number so you won’t have to compete in the switchboard roller-derby. It often can take hours before you get through to these shows. Here’s a trick that will help you out if the switchboard is jammed. The call-in shows have a series ofhones so that when one is busy the next will take the call. Usually the numbers run in sequence. Say a station gives out PL 5–8640, as the number to call. That means it also uses PL 58641, PL 5–8642 and so on. If you get a busy signal, hang up and try calling PL S-8647 say. This trick works in a variety of situations where you want to get a call through a busy switchboard. Remember it for airline and bus information.
Use of the Flag
The flag represents our nation — it represents our various ideals and shows camaraderie. We will wear, hoist, carry, and show our flag to mark the true Land of the Free. Dance around the flag. Burn the flag. Get high on the flag. Steal this flag!
Flags of the World — Youth International Party flag listing
Original Use of the Flag
The generally agreed upon flag of our nation is black with a red, five pointed star behind a green marijuana leaf in the center. It is used by groups that understand the correct use of culture and symbolism in a revolutionary struggle. When displayed, it immediately increases the feelings of solidarity between our brothers and sisters. High school kids have had great fights over which flag to salute in school. A sign of any liberated zone is the flag being flown. Rock concerts and festivals have their generally apolitical character instantly changed when the flag is displayed. The political theoreticians who do not recognize the flag and the importance of the culture it represents are ostriches who are ignorant ofbasic human nature. Throughout history people have fought for religion, life-style, land, a flag (nation), because they were ordered to, for fortune, because they were attacked or for the hell of it. If you don’t think the flag is important, ask the hardhats.
Small Broadcasters
Check out the 88to91 MHz range of the dial. These stations are licensed by the FCC for non-profit broadcast. This includes not just NPR affiliates and national syndicated religious programming, but local and college broadcasters. If you live near a college or university, be sure to check out their radio facilities. Many are quite large, sporting FM and AM transmitters in the kilowatt range. These stations usually have their own FCC licenses, and are fiercely independent. There are a variety of opportunities, both as music DJ and other programming, and usually are willing to let community members get involved.
Shortwave Radio
In an age of snooping and censorship, Shortwave Radio can be a godsend. International broadcasts can provide different perspectives on a major news event, as well as providing information that may not be available from corporate sources. Some stations, like Radio Habana Cuba and Radio Pyongyang (ofNorth Korea) have a heavy political slant to their reporting, while the far-right conspiracy mongers who buy air time onUS commercial stations often drift into the political Twilight Zone.
The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) World Service is a great source of news and info, but in a cost-cutting move, stopped almost all their entertainment programs on the World Service as well as discontinuing beaming signals to North America. They now focus on satellite radio (Sirius and XM) and licensing programs to NPR stations. However, you can pick up the BBC’s Asian, African and Caribbean services in many parts of the USA. You can also listen in on the internet for free (
When buying a shortwave receiver, get the best you can afford. Cheap radios simply aren’t worth it. While the many “wind-up” radios, like the Baygen Freeplay models, are good in an emergency, you’ll need a serious radio for serious listening.
If you can, get a radio with continuous tuning (150 to 29999 kc) and a Sideband filter so you can listen to the Hams and Pirates. If there’s an Amateur radio swap meet where you are, go there and ask a lot of questions. See if you can get a good deal on a used receiver. If someone mentions a “boat anchor”, that’s slang for an older style desk top radio. The name comes from the fact that since they use vacuum tubes, they’re quite heavy.
A radio is only as good as the antenna, so if you don’t have the space or budget for an outdoor antenna, you can use an indoor longwire antenna. Get 40 feet (a little more than 12 meters) of insulated, triple-braid copper wire and an alligator clip. Trim offjust enough insulation to attach the clip to the wire, and then attach the clip to the telescoping rod antenna on the radio. Either lay the wire flat on the floor or tack it onto the wall (Don’t worry if you have to bend it along another wall). Just remember not to attach the wire to any electrical outlet or any electrical appliance other than the radio, and don’t drive any staples or thumbtacks through the wire. You don’t need to ground the antenna, since you’re using the existing ground in the radio.
The closest there is to a “TV Guide” to shortwave is the Passport to World Band Radio, published annually by International Broadcasting Services. There is also the World Radio-Television Handbook, which covers the whole broadcasting industry (AM, FM, TV, Longwave, Shortwave) and is very tech-heavy. Popular Communications (known by techies as “PopCom”) is a monthly magazine that covers almost all facets of radio and TV broadcasting from many technical angles. The centerfold always has a listing of shortwave broadcasts and times.
Broadcast times are set by Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is also called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and is the local time at 0 degrees longitude. UTC is posted in a 24 hour standard (That is, 2 AM is 0200 and 2 PM is 1400). You can find what UTC is where you are by tuning in time signal stations WWV or WWVH at 2500, 5000, 10000, 15000 and (wWv only) 20000 kc. If you hear a “tick” once a second, wait for a voice announcement saying “At the tone, -hours, — minutes, Co-ordinated Universal Time.” In Canada, there is CHU, broadcasting at 3330, 7335 and 14670 kc. They broadcast their timechecks in English and French, beginning with “CHU Canada”.
Very important: If you are listening at home and using an AC plug for the radio, get a surge protector and use it!
See alsoGuerrilla Radio
Crystal Radio
If you get bored or cut off from news outside make a simple crystal radio set, all you need is some wire aluminum foil, a telephone handset, antenna and coil wire and a diode (or pencil and razor blade), no battery needed! If you find a wall wart transformer or almost any electronic gadget you are almost set except for the telephone handset speaker (a piezo speaker disk might work but sound will be crap). Take a diode and put it in paralell to your earphone, run one wire to a ground like a water pipe or ground and the other should be strung out as long as you can make the antenna, if a ground is impossible string both ends as long as possible, making a dipole antenna. At the center between the antennas or antenna/ground wire you will place your stacked foil capacitor and a coil of wire around a straw or bottle(anything non-conductive even air). Play with number wraps and allignment layers of foil(with plastic or paper between) this is your tuner/variable capacitor. If you need tojoin copper wire strands for a longer more effective antenna knot and crush together with a piece of metal if you are unable to solder them. (schematic Wikipedia) see radio receiver and http://sci-
Original Radio
Want to construct your own neighborhood radio station? You can get a carrier-current transmitter designed by a group ofbrothers and sisters called Radio Free People. No FCC license is required for the range is less than 1/2 mile. The small transistorized units plug into any wall outlet. Write Radio Free People, 133 Mercer St., New York, New York 10012 for more details. For further information see the chapter on Guerrilla Broadcasting later in the book.
Making Music
|O=|of the most overreaching arms of Corpgov is the entertainment industry. It once was that a I Prive enough musician could tap into the unlimited power and greed of the king to outlaw
performance ofhis work by any other artist, this copy-right included a bribe to the king or a royalty to make the deal interesting to the king. The framers of the US constitution saw a role for limited copyright and patent that would encourage people to create new works for the purpose of earning a living by giving them a monopoly for a few years on the works produced, a right that could be sold for cash up front to someone else.
Today with the power of massive CorpGov our fascist system ofbusiness to government entanglement, large mega corporations like Disney were able to find favor with the US congressmen with promises of cash for the election arms race if they would kindly extend the length of copyright to 70 years after the death of the artist. They had to keep the mouse in prison for fear that derivative works might be made from him similar to what Disney does with stories like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast or The Jungle Book, all of which are based on Public Domain works.
In a world where we boycott the industrial evil or when copyright is no more we must make our own music. Our limited budgets need a way to still make our art and distribute it. Music is a medium to convey a message that might not be received from print or public speeches.
These portable musical instruments will help you tell a story, make some money, and entertain your friends, sometimes all at the same time. For the “classy” instruments more money can be made if you wear a nice suit or dress while performing. In times of great stress a skilled musician is in high demand even if availability of cash is scarce. Barter is good payment, food and bed topping the list. Conversely an out of tune instrument or lack of skill can grate on nerves even if the player is enjoying himself, so start out practicing in a secluded area.
The harmonica is the hobo’s friend. Easily stashed in your pocket a harmonica played on a street corner with a cup out will often pay your expenses for the day. Look for a quality instrument and carry a spare in case you break a reed.
Lightweight wind instrument, the clarinet is an excellent accompaniment to a piano for plays and background mood music by itself. Most clarinets break down to several short pieces that will easily fit in your pack. Always carry several extra reeds.
Make PVC Clarinet in A3
You need:
Alto sax reed
1/2 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe
Hex cap screw (or whatever fine thread short machine screw you have)
Cut a piece of pipe to15 inches.
Make the reed mouthpiece, saw or sand to fit the reed, do the final fitting by hand with sandpaper, alto sax reed seems to fit this pipe best. The slope of the pipe must be steep enough that the thickest part of the reed is right above the location for the screw, not the sloped part.
Drill an angled hole for the reed screw into the pipe above the angle cut area of the pipe making sure that the screw hole is at an exact right angle to the reed.
Enlarge the hole in the reed so the screw is not threading tight into it.
Carefully thread the hex cap screw in.
Try blowing the reed, if the reedjust sticks down you need to reshape the pipe with sanding paper until you get the proper reed sound, about 1/32 inch gap is needed.
Finger hole tuning is by carefully reaming the opening diameters, you either need to have a very good sense of tone or a tuning fork to make the right hole diameters. We will now need to remember our octave ofDo, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Te, Do.
With no holes try blowing, you want to hear a match to A3 Do, shorten the far end of the pipe until you get a correct tone.
Now drill 1/8 in. holes at the following distances from the reed end of the clarinet in inches: Thumb(bottom) Do 7.54, Finger Holes Te 7.79, La 8.89, So 9.89, Fa 10.89, Me 11.89, Re 12.89
Starting from the farthest holes tune each hole by carefully opening up the holes.
Run a dowel through the pipe to clean out attached shavings as you work and carefuly carve and sand the edges as you tune the holes so they are smooth
Patience is required or you will open the holes too wide and ruin the clarinet. If you like you can lightly sand and paint your clarinet flat black, or your favorite color but be careful over the holes as this might put it off tune.
Flute music gives a high pich that carries for a long distance, useful for rallying the troops at a demonstration along with drums. Drum and flute hearkens back to revolutionary war days which is part of our vision.
Make a PVC FLute
(Thanks Mark Shepard for un-copyrighting his design so we could edit it for this book) See Marks website for lots of smart advice on working with PVC safely, avoiding glue fumes, inhalation of PVC dust, and Gandhi.
The plastic we’re talking about is PVC (polyvinyl chloride), used for cold water supply, and its close cousin CPVC (chloro-polyvinyl chloride), for hot water. DO NOT use ABS pipe for flutes or gray PVC electrical conduit. Since there are no restrictions on the toxicity of the chemicals added to it avoid the conduit also because of its greater wall thickness, which will hurt octave tuning..
Following is the plan for a flute I designed in the summer of 1988.1 call it the “Plumber’s Pipe.” It’s in the key of G and plays two full octaves. Of course, you might have to modify the design, depending on materials available to you. (For basic principles of designing and tuning flutes, see my book Simple Flutes.)
The flute is made from 3/4 inch CPVC pipe, plus a standard end cap. The actual exact dimensions of the pipe are 7/8 inch outside diameter, 11/16 inch inside diameter, 3/32 inch wall thickness. The tube length, with the end cap off, is 15-9/16 inches. The wall thickness of the end cap too is 3/32 inch, for a total mouthhole depth of3/16 inch.
The chart shows the size of each hole and the distance from its center to the top of the flute tube— again, measured with the flute cap off. You can mark these distances on a piece of paper, a ruler, a dowel, or a length of pipe, then use this pattern to help place the holes on your pipe. Two holes are slightly offset as shown, for easier fingering.
A good trick is to use a plumbing pipe end cap—a standard part—as a combination stopper and lip plate. Glue it on with plastic pipe cement, then drill the mouthhole through it. Apply the cement to the pipe surface only—not inside the cap—to avoid pushing the excess into the flute, where fumes can persist much longer. (also get the pipe flute players guide a free PDF
There is no copyright or patent on this design. Feel free to make as many as you like, and to sell them too!
Violins and fiddles are lightweight and their mellow sound is great for short gig’s at pubs, coffee shops, and restaurants. Portability is the reason why nomads and those constantly forced to relocate like Roma, Jews, and Pavee are known for playing the violin. Learn to make a violin.
http://www.centrum .i s/hansi/construction.html
A guitar with its powerful natural acoustic amplification works well for intimate performances or large groups.
Portable drums are readily available for traveling musicians, they are great for accompanying or solo work. A simple snare drum or wood blocks are excelent for working a few gigs while mobile.
Nothing says march on like a drum, if you are part of a demonstration and don’t want your nice instrument damaged by the pigs just use your drum sticks and a plastic bucket, find buckets that have the tone you want by tapping everything.
If you are on the move a real piano is not an option unless it is already on site, a portable electronic keyboard can be plugged into a mixer and pumped out the amp during a performance. Roll up keyboards are considered by most to be inferior due to the bad tactile feedback although this is the most packable way to have a keyboard. If a keyboard has a MIDI or USB port that means it is ready to be used with a computer with the correct cable and software.
A very simple instrument that can be used for comic effect. If you can hum, you can play a kazoo.
Homemade Instruments
If times are truly tough, or you want to go Hardcore DIY, you can build your own instruments. This style is often called “Washboard” or “Skiffle” and often consists of one person playing a “regular” instrument like a guitar, accompanied by a junkyard full ofhomebrew instruments (See the Little Rascals/Our Gang short film “Mike Fright” for a great example[11). Here are links to information or inspiration on building your own instruments:
- Bruner’s Website — Featuring plans for drums, flutes, panpipes and didjerido, all made from PVC or ABS.
- Webpage ofDennis Havlena — Featuring plans for various instruments made from scrap or easily obtainable materials.
- Cookie Tin Banjo Yahoo Group
- Homemade Percussion at Rhythmweb
- index.htm/Junkabilly — Photos of the artist’s homemade instruments.
- Bash the Trash
- Survival/flutesndrums.htn/PVC Flutes
- Recycled Instruments
- Scotty’s Cigar Box Guitars — Information and plans.
You can also go to Instructables.comand search for “music” or “instruments”.
If you want to really pump music to a crowd or you wish to record and distribute the tools are now affordable to even garage bands, all that is needed is some skill in the trade.
Digital Music DIY Now
Download the ebook Digital Music DIY Now A guide to making a living making music out of your backpack, from anywhere, and everywhere. It is free under theCCL SA license, print it, edit it, give it away.
There are many free open source options to mixing and recording software in addition to the nonfree options.
Audacity — Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to record live audio, convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs, edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV sound files, Cut, copy, splice, and mix sounds together, change the speed or pitch of a recording, and more!
Ardour — Ardour capabilities include: multichannel recording, non-linear, non-destructive region based editing with unlimited undo/redo, full automation support, a mixer whose capabilities rival high end hardware consoles, lots of plugins to warp, shift and shape your music, and controllable from hardware control surfaces at the same time as it syncs to timecode.
- Sound and MIDI software for Linux
In a mobile setting 12 volt amps might be used in place of expensive generators and standard hardware.
A song that sounds great on a set of really nice, expensive studio moniters might sound like shit on a standard boombox. Conversely, a song taht sounds superb might sound weak and boring on some nice speakers. When recording and mix, be sure to listen to your mix through as many different and commonplace speakers and you can. A good idea, after mixing some tracks, is to burn a cd-r and listen to it through a portable cd player, a car stereo, and some standard computer speakers. Know that if you plan on posting exclusively on the web, some people only listen to tunes through their hp brand 2 volt computer speakers. Especially be weary of the volume and tone ofbass, cymbals, and high-end stuff like guitar solos or violins.
Your best bet, especially if you are working with few people ina home studio, is to invest in some nice headphones.
Recording Studio
The accoustics and sound insulation of the recording studio is very important. While studios cover all walls with foam, an acceptable home studio might be made by choosing a quiet room and covering the walls and ceiling with blankets or carpet to dampen reverb. Empty egg cartons taped or glued to the wall will break up and dissapate sound waves more effectively than standard flat walls. Old carpet, packing foam, couch cushions, old clothes, or even newspaper can act as effective sound insulation.
Dirty electricity can be a killer for most amplifiers, causing unwanted buzz during moments of silence. If you get this type of constant buzzing, look in radioshack or other audiophile-type stores for power strips that offer the capability of “cleaning up” electricity.
Always be sure to safely store and lock up all of your equipment. Do not be too casual about letting people know about your space and equipment, as these spaces are prime for theft.
On Air
If you are feeling dangerous pipe a high quality feed over the internet with software like VLC to yourGuerrilla Radio station elsewhere in town as well as to internet users across the world. Keep the studio and transmitter operations seperate as possible so the pigs won’t confiscate your studio if they make a bust.
The plastic and vinyl days are quickly ending, many bands release exclusively on MP3 or our free Ogg Vorbis format. Introduction onto the internet and sharing networks will get your music available but it helps to have prominent bloggers and reviewers mention your work so that people will know to look for your work. Wheatpasting and free public performance will increase interest in your work.
Free Software
. =je are fighting to break free from corpgov we should be freeing our computer systems as well. L ux and BSD are free as in take one you can have it for no price but much more importantly it is
free as in liberty do with it as you see fit. The fact that the code is open to review makes it more secure as anyone catching a security bug can update or notify the project. This makes for our favorite operating systems and accompanying software to be capable ofbeing very secure against to hacking, viruses, and exploitation remotely or locally.
Live CD Distros
A good way to start off is to play with a live CD distro like Knoppix and then after you feel comfortable and are interfacing with other Linux users dual boot with your old OS and linux. It feels very liberating to wipe Microsoft off of your disk but it might be useful to have for some programs. Anything you do in MS windows can endanger the data on your whole disk even the Linux sections to damage from virus, remote exploits, and general shoddy software execution.
Ubuntu is considered by many to be the easiest for beginning users but it is based upon the stable and powerful Debian a real workhorse of an OS. Visiting the Ubuntu website you should find a link for a free Ubuntu install disk which they will mail to you for free usually within a month.
Staying on Windows
If you are chained to Windows install open source free software and use it as much as possible instead of purchasing locked down corporate junk (orjust use a live cd).
Open Office is as good or better than Microsoft Office and more importantly, it doesn't cost $100+. In fact, it's free! All the functionality is there for no price!
Also, visit Sourceforge for tons of free windows apps. Sourceforge is all open source and there's over a hundred thousand active projects there and more than a million users.
An alternative to open source is BitTorrent. Using sites such as The Pirate Bay and TorrenSpy, you can find copies of almost every single piece of software available. From Vista to Office, Age of Empires to BioShock, everything's at your fingertips.
Document and Publishing
TheStarting a Printing Workshopsection discusses several free software packages for setting up documents, editing photos, and formatting documents or newspapers.
In Making Musicwe discuss free audio authoring software.
Wikipedia is an enormous resource, a real Hitchikers Guide, when you have Internet access. There is now an open source free project which brings Wikipedia to your hard disk so you have access even when offline, visit how to get this running in Linux and potentialy Windows and Mac.
Free Telephones
Need to make a call, but lack a phone? Short on cash? These tips will help you make your phone calls for free.
Payphones in a Pinch
This method is quite simple, and quite easy. It is quite reliable, since it relies on the greed of corporate Amerika.
Countless companies, groups, and organizations promote their brand/name by plastering it on phonecards, which they proceed to give away for free. They're not terribly generous, typically only 10 minutes, although sometimes as many as lOOat a time, but it's usually enough for a quick call or two. Furthermore, due to the way they're given away (handed out by greeters in stores, free postal shipping, checkout line item, etc.) they can be used to get some anonymous call time (when used with a payphone.) Obviously, you can only use the cards that offer a 1-800 number to call through -but almost all of them do. Unfortunately, the greedy bastards at AT&T a certain major telecom carrier imposes a multi-unit surcharge for calls from payphones -- but thankfully their cards aren't commonly found as giveaways. Carry a variety of cards from a variety of different carriers -- this way, if one carrier's access number is blocked on it's competitor's phones (or some other similar corporate backstabbing), you'll still be able to make a call.
Whenever you get the chance to stock up on these, do so -- grab handfuls. A pocketful oflO and 20 minute calling cards will give you a good number of phone calls, and should allow you a chance to communicate no matter where in Amerika you are.
Calling cards must be used carefully, the charges that go back to the company report the phone number and city that they were used from. A basic rule is one card for one phone, seeing as all pay phone are tapped due to the unPATRIOT Act, from then on, track you by following the calling card account wherever you use it. One way to avoid tracking is to buy or get calling cards only in the city you will make the calls, then your movement can't be usefully tracked as you travel place to place. One free calling card to destroy right away is the one sent to you as a gift from ANY company that you owe money to. This is a simple trick to collect the numbers of your friends so they can harass them as well as hopefully finding the phone number of the place you are staying.
Mobility Via Mobiles
Many stores that sell brand new service plans and phones let one make a telephone call for free. Corporate stores set up phones so people can test out the service features, plans, and reliability. Try any number of Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T (formerly Cingular) or Sprint stores to make free phone calls. If one wants to talk for more than a few minutes without attracting unwanted attention, go at busier times of the day. Also, since the advent of the Apple iPhone, the Apple stores are a great place to use their phones to make free calls. The store in Midtown Manhattan is open 24/7 so one can always call 1-900 numbers if they are feeling frisky at 3 AM. The Apple stores are also a great place to browse the Internet uninterrupted for free.
In Store VOIP Demo
One way to get free anonymous telephone calls is to head into a store selling VoIP services. For instance, CompUSA sells Packets, Vonage, etc. Usually each of these providers has a demonstration kiosk set up with one of their phones to try. These are working phones and will dial out to anywhere in the continental United States. You may even find some that will make international calls.
Your own Phone Company
A cool way to share phone service is to set up an Asterisk server on a Linux box and connect it to a local phone and/or VOIP line use a dynamic DNS service to direct to your DSL line. Many accounts to share the lines can be made and sharing can be with anyone connected to the internet. If the system gets overloadedjust add another local line or VOIP line. Asterisk if free, open, and Linux based
Your Own Mobile Phone Company
A device known as a radio-telephone patch or autopatch connects a two way radio base station to the phone system. Another radio with DTMF tone keypad (most ham radio handhelds have this) is used to attach and dial phone calls. If you have a base antenna on a high hill or tower you might get service for many miles. You and a few friends can set up several patches on different frequencies and locations and then connect them to your internet connected community asterisk phone system saving you big money on mobile calls and totally bypassing the phone company for inter-network calls. Unless you set up some kind of encryption (illegal on ham bands) the calls can be listened to by anyone with a scanner.
Phone Taps
A small cheap one piece telephone and some alligator clips can help get you a phone call. We have even seen tiny phones as small as a pager with a belt clip and a hands free ear-piece, now chop off one of snap in tips and add alligator clips to the center two wires, perfect! This cheapo lineman's handset will clip into most phone boxes worldwide, youjust need to try the wires until you get a dial tone. It might be that the location you are trying to use has a digital phone box this will likely fry your test-set, that is why you make this gadget from a real cheapie. Look for a phone plug in the room you are using or outside houses and businesses. You can get in legal trouble for this of course but if you keep your calls to 800 numbers and use a calling card you will not increase a home phone bill for your host, we at war with corpgov not Amerikan Sheeple. (Remember to pay for your calling card in cash to help prevent tracing and never use the same card from two locations.) The center white/blue or red green on older cables will be the pair you want to attach clips to on your handset as these are the live pair on single line phones. Now that you have a dial tone you can connect your laptop or PDA modem. In addition to your clip on cable a regular RJ-11 plug cable is useful for punch down boards and phone boxes which have a test jack, many of these boxes are not locked. It might be smart to have a spool of narrow gauge speaker wire in your pack, connect your phone set and lay out wire to behind a shed or into a ditch, you will be free to operate out of sight for a longer time hiding from nosy neighbors. If you are doing some investigations and want to tap the phone line instead of making calls install a switch to disable the microphone on your handset. If you are really paranoid tape a fingernail clipper to your long wire, if a pig shows up clip the line and pretend you are on a cell phone call.... Walk away!!
Most of the old 2600Mhz type hacks to the bell phone system have stopped working, the last North American in band tone controlled exchange closed in Minnesota in 2006. No more classic phreaking.
GSM/CDMA hacks
Currently, there are no known widespread modifications for modern GSM/CDMA phones. The few systems that used to have free calling workarounds have been discontinued/patched.
Onboard Vehicle Help Services
Services like GM's OnStar are provided on some upper class vehicles so at the touch of a button help can be summoned. The cos are famous for turning this service on fulltime and listening in. Don't be a fool, the built in microphone means you have tapped your own car, rememeber this in the vehicle belonging to family and friends of activists. In any case cars can be easily tapped, activists, make sensitive conversation outside even if you don't have an onboard service call system.
Original Free Telephones
Ripping off the phone company is so common that Bell Telephone has a special security division that tries to stayjust a little ahead of the average free-loader. Many great devices like the coat hanger release switch have been scrapped because of changes in the phone box. Even the credit card fake-out is doomed to oblivion as the company switches to more computerized techniques. ln our opinion, as long as there is a phone company, and as long as there are outlaws, nobody need ever pay for a call. In 1969 alone the phone company estimated that over 10 million dollars worth of free calls were placed from New York City. Nothing, however, compares with the rip-off of the people by the phone company. In that same year, American Telephone and Telegraph made a profit of8.6 billion dollars! AT&T, like all public utilities, passes itself off as a service owned by the people, while in actuality nothing could be further from the truth. Only a small percentage of the public owns stock in these companies and a tiny elite clique makes all the policy decisions. Ripping-off the phone company is an act of revolutionary love, so help spread the word.
Pay Phones
Oh for the old days of fun Phreaker hacks to the phone system. Ma Bell is no more and the greed is split between many regional bell's and their buyout sucessors. see Free Telephonesfor the modern world.
Original Pay Phones
You can make a local 10 cent call for 2 cents by spitting on the pennies and dropping them in the nickel slot. As soon as they are about to hit the trigger mechanism, bang the coin-return button. Another way is to spin the pennies counter-clockwise into the nickel slot. Hold the penny in the slot with your finger and snap it spinning with a key or other flat object. Both systems take a certain knack, but once you've perfected the technique, you'll always have it in your survival kit.
If two cents is too much, how about a call for 1 penny? Cut a 1/4 strip off the telephone book cover. Insert the cardboard strip into the dime slot as far as it will go. Drop a penny in the nickel slot until it catches in the mechanism (spinning will help). Then slowly pull the strip out until you hear the dial tone.
A number 14 brass washer with a small piece of scotch tape over one side of the hole will not only get a free call, but works in about any vending machine that takes dimes. You can get a box of thousands for about a dollar at any hardware store. You should always have a box around for phones, laundromats, parking meters and drink machines.
Bend a bobby pin after removing the plastic from the tips andjab it down into the transmitter (mouthpiece). When it presses against the metal diaphragm, rub it on a metal wall or pipe to ground it. When you've made contact you'll hear the dial tone. If the phone uses old-fashioned rubber black tubing to enclose the wires running from the headset to the box, you can insert a metal tack through the tubing, wiggle it around a little until it makes contact with the bare wires and touch the tack to a nearby metal object for grounding.
Put a dime in the phone, dial the operator and tell her you have ten cents credit. She'll return your dime and get your call for free. If she asks why, say you made a call on another pay phone, lost the money, and the operator told you to switch phones and call the credit operator.
This same method works for long distance calls. Call the operator and find out the rate for your call. Hang up and call another operator telling her youjust dialed San Francisco direct, got a wrong number and lost $.95 or whatever it is. She will get your call free of charge.
If there are two pay phones next to each other, you can call long distance on one and put the coins in the other. When the operator cuts in and asks you to deposit money, drop the coins into the one you are not using, but hold the receiver up to the slots so the operator can hear the bells ring. When you've finished, you can simply press the return button on the phone with the coins in it and out they come. If you have a good tape recorder you can record the sounds of a quarter, dime and nickel going into a pay phone and play them for the operator in various combinations when she asks for the money. Turn the volume up as loud as you can get it.
You can make a long distance call and charge it to a phone number. Simply tell the operator you want to bill the call to your home phone because you don't have the correct change. Tell her there is no one there now to verify the call, but you will be home in an hour and she can call you then if there is any question. Make sure the exchange goes with the area you say it does.
Always have a number of made-up credit card numbers. The code letter for 1970 is S, then seven digits of the phone number and a three digit district number (not the same as area code). The district number should be under 599. Example: S-573-2100-421 or S-537-3402-035. Look up the phone numbers for your area by simply requesting a credit card for your home phone which is very easy to get and then using the last three numbers with another phone number. Usually making up exotic numbers from far away places will work quite well as it would be impossible for an operator to spot a phony number in the short time she has to check her list.
We advise against making phony credit card calls on a home phone. We have seen a gadget that you install between the wall socket and the cord which not only allows you to receive all the calls you want for free, but eliminates the most common form of electronic bugging. They are being manufactured and sold for fifty dollars by a disgruntled telephone engineer in Massachusetts. Unfortunately you are going to have to find him on your own or duplicate his efforts, for he has sworn us to secrecy. If someone does, however, offer you such a device, it probably does work. Test it by installing it and having someone call you from a pay phone. If it's working, the person should get their dime back at the end of the call.
Actually if you know the slightest information about wiring, you can have your present phone disconnected on the excuse that you'll be leaving town for a few months and then connect the wires into the main trunk lines on your own. Extensions can easily be attached to your main line without the phone company knowing about it.
You can make all the free long distance calls you want by calling your party collect at a pay phone. Just have your friend go to a prearranged phone booth at a prearranged time. This can be done on the spot by having the friend call you person to person. Say you're not in, but ask for the number calling you since you'll be "back" in five minutes. Once you get the number simply hang up, wait a moment and call back your friend collect. The call has to be out of the state to work, since operators are familiar with the special extension numbers assigned to pay phones for her area and possibly for nearby areas as well. If she asks you if it is a pay phone say no. If she finds out during the call (which rarely happens) and informs you of this, simply say you didn't expect the party to have a pay phone in his house and accept the charges. We have never heard of this happening though. The trick of calling person-to-person collect should always be used when calling long distance on home-to- home phones also. You can hear the voice of your friend saying that he'll be back in a few minutes. Simply hang up, wait a moment and call station to station, thereby getting a person-to-person call without the extra charges which can be considerable on a long call during business hours.
If you plan to stay at your present address for only a few more months, stop paying the bill and call like crazy. After a month you get the regular bill which you avoid paying. Another month goes by and the next bill comes with last month's balance added to it. Shortly thereafter you get a note advising you that your service will be terminated in ten days if you don't pay the bill. Wait a few days and send them a five or ten dollar money order with a note saying you've had an accident and are pressed for funds because of large medical bills, but you'll send them the balance as soon as you are up and around again. That will hold them for another month. In all, you can stretch it out for four or five months with a variety of excuses and small payments. This also works with the gas and electric companies and with any department stores you conned into letting you charge.
You can get the service deposit reduced to half of the normal rate if you are a student or have other special qualifications. Surprisingly, these rates and discounts vary from area to area, so check around before you go into the business office for your phone. There is an incredible 50 cents charge per month for not having your phone listed. If you want an unlisted phone, you can avoid this fee by having the phone listed in a fictitious name, even if the bill is sent to you. Just say you want your roommate's name listed instead of your own.
Free Play
Before we start we remind you that stealing corpgov trash is like stealing and shooting heroin, The dealer is evil but so is stuff, it only prolongs your addiction as well as placing you in an easy position for close police investigation and incarceration
Free swim
It's ridiculously easy to waltz into a chain hotel and take use of their indoor swimming pool and hot tub. Most places won't check for room verification, or if they have swipe-card access, you can simply tag along after a group. This can be really effective by wearing a swimming costume under your clothes, getting in the ground elevator and hitting the top floor button. Quickly strip to your swimming shorts on the way up, then on the way down,just walk out carrying your clothes to pass off as a guest just coming down from your room.
Bon fire parties/drum circles
More of a social gathering then recreation, simply gather a few friends, and then put together a bon fire. Sprinkle with food and instruments (could easily be turned into a social conscious or spiritual gathering). If you're in a rural environment, you're in luck. Just build an appropriate bon fire in the middle of a field, near a lake, or your backyard. If you're in a suburban or urban setting, know the status of state or local parks and either build a bon fire, or use a pre made fire pit.
If the weather gets too cold to hold a bon fire, a great alternative is an indoor poker game. Don't play for money- play for fake currency (ritz crackers, etc) or strip poker.
The Mall
The mall was (before the internet and cell phone networking) probably the biggest place for middle/high school children to hang out. It is the pinnacle of Amerikan neo-fascist suburban culture: safe, alcohol free, and goods/services are available at ungodly inflated prices. Despite all you hear about malls being death traps for five-finger discounters, it's very easy to walk out with a lot ofbargains that will make you the envy of all middle-class trash in your high school.
First tip is to avoid department stores and music stores like the plague. These are a dying breed, and quite often prosecute shoplifters to protect their sagging profits. Try hitting up drug stores, electronic stores, sweets shops, and other small shops.
Some malls have undercover rent-a-pigs along with uniformed ones. 90% of them in Amerika are unarmed, most don't have handcuffs, and quite a few just don't give a damn about theirjobs, as they're probably getting paid slightly above minimum wage. If you're confronted by a rent-a-pig, try to force the confrontation in a public place. This looks bad for the mall, and gives you a chance to escape easier. Do NOT go to a mall office or any other private area.
Rent-a-cop Psyche 101
Most of these mall security types are willing to take the minimum wage pay in exchange for feeling big when making a bust, others just want an easy no brainerjob,just like real cops. Bragging rights may outweigh other considerations and common sense doesn't apply to many of these personality types. The excitement of victory over their human prey is sometimes enough. The younger of pseudo-cops usualy love to watch their quarry be lead away to the squad car,they almost feel like a real lethal enforcer and crave the approval from the real cops.
Mall Protest
The mall is, however, made for more public protests. More than likely, you will have about 1-2 minutes to blurt out any revolutionary messages to the masses (like a food court) before the rent-a- pigs show up.
Super Foam Distraction
A good distraction for drawing off the security is to bring one or more a mega-gulp type cups full of concentrated dish soap or detergent, sit next to the fountain or waterfall display and break out the bottom of the cup and let the soap flow into the water. Depending on the fountain you will have just three to more than ten minutes until most of the mall security is investigating the terrorist bubbles which might take over part of the mall. This is a good chance to place a banner or other direct action while the rent-a-cops are watching the monster foam show. You can also try food dye or life raft marker dye, or a combination of dye and soap. This also works in outdoor fountains.
Intercom Fun
Watch a store employee use the intercom, it is usualy a one or two digit code or get cool with a younger employee and see if they will give up the code. A really sneaky trick involves unmounting one of the intercom phones and stuffing it behind boxes on the top shelf, grab a tape player from the electronics or toy section, a few batteries, and activate your hidden intercom, play the tape, this should be good for at least a few good minutes of anti-big box store taped information, music, and comedy for the customers to enjoy.
Movies and Concerts
MPAA Avoidance
Most of us avoid movie theaters even if we can sneak in for free to protest the heavy handed MPAA attacks against internet users pirates and inocents. Why make a dying breed appear to be popular by our attendance even if we by no ticket or snacks. Be careful most larger theaters are now equipped with military night vision goggles to catch pirates taping first run movies and send them to maximum security prison for ten years. Get a job for a few weeks at a big theater and swipe the goggles for our cause.
Walk In
Many theatres have arcades in them. Simply asking if you can play some games is often a ticket to a free movie. If you know the timing of movies, and have nothing better to do that afternoon/night, go to a movie and as it's ending (before the credits), go to the bathroom. Once finished (or after sitting in a stall for a minute), head to a recently started movie. If you time it right you can watch two entire movies for free!
Alternatively (if your chosen theatre lacks an arcade), you can use the following method to gain a reduced price admission. Two people purchase tickets and enter a movie. One person leaves, with both ticket stubs in his pocket. He then hands one stub to a friend in a parking lot. The parking lot friend and the person who left then re-enter the movie. Rinse and repeat. (Note: if you're lucky, the ticket taker will recognize the person who first left the movie, and not ask for his stub, thus allowing him to give it to a fourth person.)
Press Tickets
Free concert tickets can be obtained by contacting a given artist's record label a few weeks in advance and saying you're from a music publication (online publications are the easiest to lie about in case the local print magazines have already called. Search the internet for music zines) and that you want to review the show. They'll send you tickets or tell you who to talk to in order to get them, and if you're a good enough liar, you can get backstage passes. If you do get a favorable response, you can sometimes get one for a "photographer" too. This can either be given to a friend or sold to the really excited looking guy in the middle of the crowd for a pretty penny.
The Pit
A really good mosh pit can be the best part of a concert. Their presence in the pit is NEVER an excuse or permission to abuse women, they have every right to enjoy the rough fun of the pit without being groped or having their clothing ripped from them. It is the duty of every revolutionary to stand up and see that this and all violence toward women be stopped even if it means confronting a mob. Abuse is rare as most moshers hold to a code ofhonor will not accept abusers among them. If someone falls down push people back and help them up. The pit is all about rough love baby!!
Original Movies and Concerts
There are many ways to sneak into theaters, concerts, stadiums and other entertainment houses. All these places have numerous fire exits with push-bar doors that open easily from the inside. Arrive early with a group of friends, after casing the joint and selecting the most convenient exit. Pay for one person to get in. When he does he simply opens the designated exit door when the ushers are out of the area and everyone rushes inside.
For theatrical chains in large cities, call their home office and ask to speak to the vice-president in charge of publicity, sales, or personnel. Ask what his name is so you'll know who you're talking to. When you get the information you want, hang up. Now you have the name of a high official in the company. Compile a short list of officials in the various film, theater and sporting event companies. Next all the various theaters and do the same thing for the theater managers. Once you have the two lists you are ready to proceed. Call the theater you want to attend. When someone answers say you're Mr.from the home office calling Mr.(manager's name) and you'd like to have two passes O.K'd for two important people from out of town. Invariably she'll just ask their names or tell them to mention your name at the box office. Not only will you get in free, but you can avoid waiting in line with this fake-out.
In Los Angeles and New York, the studios hold pre-release screenings for all movies. If you know roughly when a movie is about to come out, call the publicity department of the studio producing the film and say you're the critic for a newspaper or magazine (give the name) and ask them when you can screen the film. They'll give you the time and place of various screenings. When you go, ask them to put you on their list and you'll get notices of all future screenings.
One of our favorite ways to sneak into a theater with continuously running shows is the following. Arrive just as the show is emptying out andjoin the line leaving the theater. Exclaiming, "Oh, my gosh!" you slap your forehead, turn around and return, tell the usher you left your hat, pocketbook, etc. inside. Once you're inside the theater,just swipe some popcorn and wait for the next show.
Skiing and Boarding
Free Skiing and Boarding Through Hitching
Often there is a long access road to ski resorts, down to the pass highway. An excellent way to avoid lines and get the longest runs is to ride the thumblift. Catch a ride from the highway up to the resort parking lot then board down to the highway. As it gets late, you will wait longer for rides up the mountain. Once you get tired or can't get a ride, hitch back to wherever you are crashing or ski over to your mountain snow cave.
Used ski and board gear is available cheap at thrift shoppes, auction sites, and even sometimes at military surplus shops.
Board gear can sometimes obtained by swapping or shmoozing up a distributor.
Never try to steal from a ski or board bum: their expensive boarding gear and some tunes is often all they have.
Auction sites, pawn shops, used sports shops, and ski swap shows are all good places to look for gear.
Some older strap down type snowboard bindings can use normal winter pak boots so you can save on that expense.
Dumpster dive at ski and board shops and resorts looking for repairable gear.
Check for sales on used rental gear at the end of the season.
If you don't need to look like the stylish belle of the ball there are deals on ski gear for you. It is often possible to find military GoreTexjackets and pants at surplus shops. Get gear a few seasons out of date. Be sure to mix gear that will keep you warm and snow out when you wreck, be sure there are pit zips and vents so you don't start to sweat. If you are working hard GoreTex type breathable fabric is worth the expense, but new prices are obscene. Most of the swap meet knockoff gear is not really breathable GoreTex even if it says so, you are paying for copied style not function and you will sweat. If you go with a lightweight design yourjacket shell works all year as a rain jacket. Be careful to de-new and de-logo your gear to prevent theft, this is a major problem with nice ski and board clothing. Only dress in wool or synthetics, cotton gets wet and stays cold.
A good set of pak boots or soft boarding boots is important for when you are not on the board or skis. Mountaineering boots work for cross country and randone, leather boots are only good for summer skiing and climbing, Plastic mountaineering boots are comfortable and warm, get extra boot liners for when the othere get damp.
Ifbushwacking a helmet is not a bad idea to protect from tree trunks and rocks, if you can't afford a ski/boarding helmet an oversized bicycle helmet is ok but has too many vents. See if your army surplus store has the bomber style wrap around hat, these really keep you warm and also close under your chin.
Riding for Free At the Resorts
Like in most other industries, people at a ski resort are paidjack shit. Most ski resorts only check passes at base lifts. This means if you can get past these, you can ride all you want without worrying about having a ticket or a pass. The simplest way to get past these first lifts is simply to ski past the people checking passes. Try and come up behind a big family or group, and slip by unnoticed. Hiking up to the second tier oflifts is an option as well. Often depending on the layout of the ski resort, one can drive or get a ride up on back roads that get one closer to the intended lift.
Getting Free Lift Tickets
In order to acquire cheap ski tickets, it is fairly simple. All you have to do is wait outside the resort entrance, maybe in the parking lot, until you see someone leaving the mountain. Walk up to them and ask very politely for their ticket. Offer them about $10for it, and usually they'll say yes. Make sure the ticket isn't a half-day, and enjoy a cheap day on the slopes.
If you can't find a girl/boy friend near the slopes you need to find a way to stay near the fun without spending money.
Resort Dorm
Some resorts give free rides and dorming to employees, if you can put up with a corpgov type slave job, often for a government subcontract resort operator, at minimum wage and homelessness on being fired this might work for you. A lockable foot locker is a good idea to prevent theft, a cable to a pipe stops the walk away thief, drill the bottom for wheels and a trailer tongue and in summer you also have a bike trailer.
Snow Camping
If you can save up for a decent gore-tex bivvy sack and sleeping bag you could try snow-caving which is digging into a snow bank or making an igloo and living inside, these snow shelters can be surprisingly warm. Another idea is to put your bivvy under the eaves or inside of an equipment shed or lift house at the the resort. These shelters can be pretty warm if you stay dry but if you get your bag wet you had better find a way to get to a warm place quickly before everything freezes solid. The gore tex sack will serve you well in almost all solo camping but this is offset by their high price. A four season tent will take a snow load and keep you dry, but the bright safety colors contrast against the snow, you would have to camp far enough away that ski patrol won't bust you.
A car is not a bad idea for a shelter, a sun shade can help keep the ice from getting too thick on the inside of the windshield. Don't be stupid and run the engine for heat, also don't use the car battery for light or music the cold will make starting hard already without draining the battery. Hot water poured on windows to de-ice can cause big cracks. Move the car every other day and hop resorts so that security and staff don't suspect the car is abandoned, staying in the town nearby may be an
option seeCarsfor tips on living in a car.
Most of what you need to know is in Pack your bag#Music, keep your elecronics for the slopes dry, a small river bag for cell phones works, poke a hole for the earphones and remote if you have one, seal the phones to the bag. put the player near your stomach or armpit so it will be protected in case of a wipe out. Again prevent theft carry your music gear or lock it up.
Cross Country
Wether you are sneaking across the northern border in winter or seeking solitude in the unpopulated mountains, with the proper gear a snowy landscape can be easier than tramping a wilderness trail for travel. Cross country, randone, telemark skis, and split boards will get you across the land and even up hills on your trek. Snow shoes are mostly for those who can't ski or for walking around a camp after fresh snow, skis on the other hand are like a one speed bike that makes travel over the landscape so much quicker and with downhill slopes as free rides. Always look for used gear on auction sites, thrift stores, or military surplus sales. If you go to a resort shop you could easily spend thousands of dollars on back country or if you are thrifty and willing to give up some performance or durability around $100. Look at a few current books on the subject to stay up to date.
Types of Skis
The cheapest solution we have found is either using regular used sross gountry skis from a thrift store, or buying long resort skis, pulling off the binding and adding a military cable binding and skins of uphill travel. We have heard of people making the wide back country skis from wood, and bending making a double chamber shape for use with kick wax, bindings are made from cable and old school leather ski boots, mountaineering boots, orNorwegen welt boots are used, older cross country skis must be stored with tips and tails bound and a wooden block holding the shape in the middle.
All of these types of ski and board can use a one way climbing skin to keep from sliding down hill, almost all climbing skins are synthetic now. keep the skin waxed to prevent ice-up.
Kick Wax
Most cross country and a few kinds of randone skis can use kick wax that sticks to the snow this is also for getting up hills. You need a snow thermometer and several temperatures of wax to use during different parts of the day and from shade to sunlight areas. Be sure your speed wax is in good shape and this way of sticking to the snow lets you take downhills much faster than with skins attached.
Haul Sled
If you will be regularly moving large amounts of gear a ski sled might be wise to buy but we usually suggest getting a large toy plastic sled adding two PVC leads about two meters long and attaching this to a belt so you can control the sled downhill, speed wax the bottom of the sled for better sliding, two full length aluminum strips for runners can be pop-riveted on and fine sanded to give you better control. Towing your camping gear sure beats shouldering the load.
If traveling in avalanche country you should review your training in use of your avalanche beacon, avalanche probe (a tent wand with the string pulled tight is a lame to mediocre substitute) and shovel.
If you want some ava-charges for much cheaper then retail and without a hassle, order fine Potassium Perchlorate to use as 70% and the finest aluminum powder for 30% from a chemistry or pyrotechics shoppe. Put both chemicals in plastic sacks and pack them into a pringles can with a few feet of fuse, be sure there is a few cm of extra space for shaking the mix. When you want to blow the avalanche, mix the powder right there stick a long fuse and chuck it into the open, get to the trees or a safe place before it blows, know how fast the fuse burns. If you blow an avalanche charge without checking if their are people below you are likely killing them, don't set off an avalanche charge unless you are trained in their use. (Police flash-bang stun grenades are basically the same thing as above just smaller)
Winter Nutrition
Stay hydrated, you will not feel very thirsty in the cold, dehydration is a real danger. Don't let yourself get sweaty or exhausted when working or traveling outside in the cold; many have died from hypothermia this way. Have a powerful stove designed for melting snow and a stainless steel kettle (aluminum might melt in the hot spots), add a little liquid water to kick start the melting, a small propane blow torch or alcohol burning gel may be needed to start your liquid fuel stove in extreme cold weather.
Eat around 6000 calories if you will be working or moving hard or 4000 if sedintary, fats and protein should be prominent in the diet, don't forget fiber. Protect your head, armpits and groin to keep your whole body warm. Keep you hydration system or water bottles under your coat so they don't freeze and break.
Field Repairs
Be sure to carry a spare emergency ski tip for your group and binding repair parts and screws.
Snowmobile Towing
If you are traveling with a group and a snowmobile is available many riders can be moved quickly riding behind using water ski tow ropes. Snowmobiles are very loud with two stroke motors which require special mix gas, most waste fuel if used alone.
Snow Caving
If the snow will handle it dig out a snow cave with your mountaineering shovel. Be sure to stake ut the top of your shelter and don't make the interior too large. A snow cave is built by excavating snow such that the entrance tunnel enters below the main space to retain warm air. Construction is simplified by building it on a steep slope and digging slightly upwards and horizontally into the slope. The roof is domed to prevent dripping on the occupants. Adequate snow depth, free of rocks and ice, is needed. Generally at 4or5 feet is sufficient. The snow must be consolidated, so it retains its structure. The walls and roof should be at least 12 inches/30,48 cm thick. A small pit may be dug deeper into one part of the cave floor to provide a place for the coldest air to gather, away from the occupant(s), and the entrance may be partially blocked with chunks of snow to block wind and retain heat, although it is vital to prevent drifting snow from completely plugging the rest of the entrance in order to maintain a constant air supply. A narrow entrance tunnel, a little wider than a human leads into the main chamber which consists of a flat area, perhaps with elevated sleeping platform(s), also excavated from snow. Most sources agree that using tools such as a shovel and ice axe are vital; digging by hand is for emergencies only.
If the terrain or snow will not permit a snow cave you might need to make an igloo. An igloo is blocks of snow laid in a spiral upwards fashion with the final block cut to fit the top hole.
Steal This Factory
This section is designed to inspire us to not only avoid globalized trade items who are ofbenifit to our corpgov overlords but to have a ready substitute to replace many of these goods. Cory Doctrow and Neil Stevenson are perhaps the most recognised writers to confront the coming reality ofhome or local production and the devistation it will wreck on the current top heavy corporate control. How better to introduce this topic than by a perfectly applicable short story.
In short we can take away the power of CorpGov if we are able to ignore them and take our work, time, and business elsewhere. Expect to see a war on home manufacturing to match or exceed the war on drugs as the manufacturers and tax men realize their centuries old scam is finaly coming to an end.
Print Crime
This story is part of Cory Doctorow's 2007 short story collection "Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present,"
Overclocked is dedicated to Pat York, who made my stories better.
This story and the other stories in the volume are available at:
Intro to Print Crime
Introduction to Printcrime by Corey Doctorow:
Printcrime came out of a discussion I had with a friend who'd been to hear a spokesman for the British recording industry talk about the future of "intellectual property." The record exec opined the recording industry's great and hysterical spasm would form the template for a never-ending series of spasms as 3D printers, fabricators and rapid prototypers laid waste to every industry that relied on trademarks or patents.
My friend thought that, as kinky as this was, it did show a fair amount of foresight, coming as it did from the notoriously technosqueamish record industry.
I was less impressed.
It's almost certainly true that control over the production of trademarked and patented objects will diminish over the coming years of object-on-demand printing, but to focus on 3D printers' impact on trademarks* is a stupendously weird idea.
It's as if the railroad were looming on the horizon, and the most visionary thing the futurists of the day can think of to say about it is that these iron horses will have a disastrous effect on the hardworking manufacturers of oat-bags for horses. It's true, as far as it goes, but it's so tunnel- visioned as to be practically blind.
When Nature magazine asked me ifI'd write a short-short story for their back-page, I told them I'd do it, then went home, sat down on the bed and banged this one out. They bought it the next morning, and we were in business.
(Originally published in Nature Magazine, January 2006)
The coppers smashed my father's printer when I was eight. I remember the hot, cling-film-in-a- microwave smell of it, and Da's look of ferocious concentration as he filled it with fresh goop, and the warm, fresh-baked feel of the objects that came out of it.
The coppers came through the door with truncheons swinging, one of them reciting the terms of the warrant through a bullhorn. One ofDa's customers had shopped him. The ipolice paid in high-grade pharmaceuticals -- performance enhancers, memory supplements, metabolic boosters. The kind of thing that cost a fortune over the counter; the kind of thing you could print at home, if you didn't mind the risk ofhaving your kitchen filled with a sudden crush ofbig, beefy bodies, hard truncheons whistling through the air, smashing anyone and anything that got in the way.
They destroyed grandma's trunk, the one she'd brought from the old country. They smashed our little refrigerator and the purifier unit over the window. My tweetybird escaped death by hiding in a corner ofhis cage as a big, booted foot crushed most of it into a sad tangle of printer-wire.
Da. What they did to him. When he was done, he looked like he'd been brawling with an entire rugby side. They brought him out the door and let the newsies get a good look at him as they tossed him in the car, while a spokesman told the world that my Da's organized-crime bootlegging operation had been responsible for at least twenty million in contraband, and that my Da, the desperate villain, had resisted arrest.
I saw it all from my phone, in the remains of the sitting room, watching it on the screen and wondering how,just how anyone could look at our little flat and our terrible, manky estate and mistake it for the home of an organized crime kingpin. They took the printer away, of course, and displayed it like a trophy for the newsies. Its little shrine in the kitchenette seemed horribly empty. When I roused myself and picked up the flat and rescued my peeping poor tweetybird, I put a blender there. It was made out of printed parts, so it would only last a month before I'd need to print new bearings and other moving parts. Back then, I could take apart and reassemble anything that could be printed.
By the time I turned eighteen, they were ready to let Da out of prison. I'd visited him three times -on my tenth birthday, on his fiftieth, and when Ma died. It had been two years since I'd last seen him and he was in bad shape. A prison fight had left him with a limp, and he looked over his shoulder so often it was like he had a tic. I was embarrassed when the minicab dropped us off in front of the estate, and tried to keep my distance from this ruined, limping skeleton as we went inside and up the stairs.
"Lanie," he said, as he sat me down. "You're a smart girl, I know that. Trig. You wouldn't know where your old Da could get a printer and some goop?"
I squeezed my hands into fists so tight my fingernails cut into my palms. I closed my eyes. "You've been in prison for ten years, Da. Ten. Years. You're going to risk another ten years to print out more blenders and pharma, more laptops and designer hats?"
He grinned. "I'm not stupid, Lanie. I've learned my lesson. There's no hat or laptop that's worth going tojail for. I'm not going to print none of that rubbish, never again." He had a cup of tea, and he drank it now like it was whisky, a sip and then a long, satisfied exhalation. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair.
"Come here, Lanie, let me whisper in your ear. Let me tell you the thing that I decided while I spent ten years in lockup. Come here and listen to your stupid Da."
I felt a guilty pang about ticking him off. He was offhis rocker, that much was clear. God knew what he went through in prison. "What, Da?" I said, leaning in close.
"Lanie, I'm going to print more printers. Lots more printers. One for everyone. That's worth going tojail for. That's worth anything."
Corey is one of the most outspoken proponents of free licensing intelectual property and limited copyright. Steal his books and if you like them buy them!
In the words of Woody Guthrie:
"This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright #154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught singin it without our permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we don’t give a dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, that’s all we wanted to do."
Creative Commons License Deed
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5
You are free:
to Share -- to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
to Remix -- to make derivative works
Under the following conditions:
Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Disclaimer: Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license):
Means of Production
Since corpgov relies on the slave wage third world labor, finding locally made fair trade goods is difficult. Most tools and machine equipment is made in the main financier of Amerika, the Rulers Republic of China. We know how to bring back production of everything from bicycles to bedframes to weapons into our garages and shops. These are the tools to free your purchasing power from the medium and light industrial trusts.
All of these machines require serious safety precautions to prevent loss of fingers and eyes as is true with all machine tools, always goggle up and only work when sober and awake!!
Most of us are too poor, or too infrequent, of welders to go out and buy an arc welding machine so here is how to make one.
three 12 volt automobile batteries
a set ofjumper cables
arc welding glass or goggles
a length of #8 fence wire and vice grips (for variable resistor)
Twojumper cable pigtails (tojoin batteries)
welding rods
Most auto stores sell the heavy wire and big clips for making jumper cable pigtails. The #8 fence wire resistor is shortened or lengthened to allow use of smaller diameter welding rod. This wire gets very hot, check that it is not dropping, it might droop so far that it touches and melts the side of your battery.
Wire the three batteries in series to get 36 volts like this:
ground+battery - pigtail+battery - pigtail or resistor+battery - welding rod
Before welding remove all screws and bolts from your project and use a wire brush to remove paint at ground and where you are welding. As is standard, we suggest a positive ground (your bike frame) and negative rod. If you go below 36 volts (you have less than three batteries) it will be difficult to keep an arc going. ALWAYS use goggles, if you can't find welding goggles make a mask from your welding glass taped into a homemade cardboard welding mask If you don’t protect your eyes you will be in a lot of pain and may loose vision, you can’t even see the UV light that damages your eyes, so use proper eye protection.
Practice with junk metal before welding on your precious bicycle frame.
Between welds check your battery voltages, if any of them drop below ten volts it is time to stop and recharge.
Precision cutting
If you are out on the road and need to replace a custom part like a gear sprocket or derailleur cage on a bicycle or youjust have no money for a custom part the easy way to precision cut some sheet metal or tubing to make a replacement is electrolytically. All you need is:
a DC power supply(a car battery charger is perfect but even a little wall wart transformer will work)
a non-conductive basin
a tracing of your part
a sharp tool or knife
a piece of scrap metal
Here is what to do:
1-make a to scale outline of your part on paper
2-find a piece of sheet or tube metal the right thickness for your part
3-paint the whole surface of the part that will be submerged (leave a little bit bare for your positive (+) electrode)
4-Tape drawing to the painted metal
5-using a sharp point carefully scratch the outline where the metal must be cut
6-Attach the positive (+) wire to the bare spot on your metal
7-Attach the negative (-) end to a piece of clean metal scrap
8-fill your non-conductive basin with water and add salt until the water is very salty tasting
9-Place both your part into the water so all etches are submerged but the wire and bare spot are above water
10-Put the Negative scrap into the water, try to keep the wire above water
11-bubbles should form, you might smell chlorine, the process is working
12-watch the water turn weird colors, you can turn off the power and pull the metal out to look at if you like to see if everything is cut
13-once everything is cut you should be able to easily pop the finished parts out of the paint note: if the etch on a larger circle finishes before a square inside the circle the inner shape etch will stop as there is no circuit there anymore. If you are using a small wall wart type transformer keep the scrap electrode just close enough to your sheet metal to cause only small bubbles, don't ever let the two electrodes touch. BTW you can also use this mask and etch method using strips of tape or paint for a mask to etch the excess copper from a printed circuit board.
The multimachine project is a community effort that bypasses the expensive tool companies and desiged and improves on an inexpensive, quality, full feature machine shop tool which would normaly cost several hundred thousand dollars that anyone can build with recycled parts like old engine blocks and pipe. Several PDF files with complete instructions and a discussion and assistance community are available at
What follows is copyrighted materiel released on a license compatable to our own:
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License
How can an easily built machine tool that is made from junk be "all purpose" and also accurate? Pretty simple! In almost every kind of machining operation, either the work piece or the cutting tool turns. If enough flexibility is built into the parts of a machine tool involved in these functions, the resulting machine can do almost every kind of machining operation that will physically fit on it. You may have heard of3-in-1 machine tools -- basically a combination of metal lathe, mill and drill press. The MultiMachine starts there but adds many other functions. It can be a 10- in-1 (or even more!) machine tool that is built by using vehicle engine blocks in a LEGO-like fashion. The MultiMachine uses 6 unusual construction techniques to build 5 very simple "modules" that bolt to a worn out or broken vehicle or industrial engine block.The Multimachine
Using engine blocks as building blocks is the first MultiMachine feature. Since cylinder bores are bored exactly parallel to each other and at exact right angles to the cylinder head surface, MultiMachine accuracy begins at the factory where the engine block was built.
The second MultiMachine feature is that in the most common version of the MultiMachine, one that has a roller bearing spindle, this precision is maintained during construction with simple cylinder re-boring of the #3 cylinder to the size of the roller bearing outside diameter (OD) and re-boring the #1 cylinder to fit the overarm OD. The best part is that these cylinder-boring operations can be done in almost any engine shop and at low cost. An engine machine shop provides the most inexpensive and accurate machine work commonly done anywhere and guarantees that the spindle and overarm will be perfectly aligned and at an exact right angle to the face (head surface) of the main engine block that serves as the base of the machine.
The third MultiMachine feature is that the spindle can be as simple as a piece of pipe made to fit the inner diameter of the bearings.
The fourth feature is the addition of a third bearing to the spindle. The three-bearing spindle is necessary because the "main" spindle bearings just "float" in the cylinder bore so that the third bearing is needed to "locate" the spindle, act as a thrust bearing, and support the heavy pulley.
The fifth MultiMachine feature is our unique way of clamping the engine blocks together. It's easily built, easily adjusted, and very accurate.
The sixth feature is a concrete and steel construction technique that we resurrected. It was heavily used in industry during the first world war.
An almost no cost version of the machine can be built by using engine blocks originally made with cylinder "sleeves" and then replacing bearings, adjusters and pulleys with parts cast from a very strong zinc/aluminum alloy that can be made from vehicle salvage. The details of the MultiMachine are available at the link included below. Additionally, at thr group website there are plans for electric welders built from vehicle alternators, a design for an easily built hand-powered drill that is capable of cutting through the hardest steel and an easily cast metal alloy that is almost as strong as cast iron. Feel free to contact me directly for more information or visit our group site here:
Multimachine Developer Pat Delany Palestine, Texas
Get the PDF "how to Build a Multimachine" to build a multimachine.pdf
If you can't make your part with sheet metal or tubing maybe casting aluminum is your answer. This is a great way to make parts for equipment you need or evenjewelery to give as gifts or sell while on the move.
Scrap metal
For the best quality aluminum try to harvest an averhead cam aluminum cylinder head that doesn't use seperate cam bushings, ask a mechanic to find such an engine model, then scrounge the junkyards. It is fine if the engine is ruined, we just want the metal. Get this large part near melting point and break it up with a hammer, now put the chunks back on the charcoal fire inside a steel pot you might need to use a blower to get enough heat, a shop-vac in blower mode might be too much a hair dryer on low should do the trick, attaching a steel pipe or tube gives the standoff to prevent a melted blower. Zinc can also be melted on a kitchen stove in a pot, silver needs more heat like aluminum.
Lost Wax Method
Lost wax casting is an ancient technology and can be used with most metals, be sure that the mold compound will take the temperature of the molten metal.
Make a full scale model out of wax. (paraffin isn't wax, Beeswax is)
you can copy an existing broken part by making a two part mold from clay, with talcum powder separating the halves, around your glued or stuck together part and pouring wax into your clay chamber after you carefully remove the original part.
Attach a conical stem also made of wax for the future pour hole
pour a mold-making compound around the whole wax model, the end of the wax cone should stick out.
You can use many mold compounds. (plaster of paris works and can be found in hardware stores for drywall repair)
make a cardboard box about 2-3 inches larger on all sides than tyour wax model but on top.
drip hot wax onto the a flat surface and stick the top of the wax cone onto it, it will look like a disc of wax supported by the cone.
stick long pins box and into the wax object at several locations These are important to let air bubbles escape during casting.
mix the molding compound and pour into the box around the pin suspended wax model
shake or vibrate to get all of the air bubbles out, use your fingers in the mush to get bubbles away from your wax model
Once the mold has hardened bake upside down in an oven over an aluminum pan to remove the wax
Caution! Let your mold bake all day to remove all wax but more importantly to remove all water, or the mold might explode from steam spraying molten metal
Pour your metal
Let everything cool overnight
Crack the mold material off with gentle hammering
How to use a microwave oven as your metal furnace:
You can use this lost wax method to also produce plastic and nylon parts Be careful to not burn your plastic, cooking plastic scrap covered in an oven along with the mold is smarter then a pot on a stove top. Adding carbon or glass fiber strengthens plastic and nylon. If your widget needs a partly sheet metal frame one can be inserted into your mold before you heat it up and pour the plastic. Often plastic molding requires a vaccum assist, connect a pipe to your normal floor vac and on the other side to your mold, when the plastic is melted in the oven and you are ready to pour have a friend connect and run the suction. Polystyrene (aka styrofoam) can be melted with acetone. the act of pouring acetone on styrofoam turns it to a thick maliable mixture which is highly flammable. As the acetone dries out, the plastic becomes solid. Or it can be used as a white napalm mixture before it dries.
Scrap Plastic
Thanks to the recycling movement most plastics are numbered to make recycling easy, this makes our life easier too, now you can collect scrap based on the properties that you require in strength. Look on or near the bottom of containers you plan to melt. Number one and two are the most useful types of plastic, number three is almost useless except for burning, be careful of mixing numbers as they are sometimes quite different and a mixing could ruin your whole batch.
Recycling by the numbers
1-Poly(ethylene terephthalate): Soft drink and water bottles, vinegar bottles, medicine containers, backing for photography film.
2-High-density Polyethylene: Containers for: laundry/dish detergent, fabric softeners, bleach, milk, shampoo, conditioner, motor oil. Newer bullet proof vests, various toys.
3-Poly(vinyl cloride): Pipes, shower curtains, meat wraps, cooking oil bottles, baby bottle nipples, shrink wrap, clear medical tubing, vinyl dashboards and seat covers, coffee containers.
4-Low-density Polyethylene: Wrapping films, grocery bags, sandwich bags.
5-Polypropylene: syrup bottles, yogurt tubs, outdoor carpet.
6-Polystyrene: Coffee cups, disposable cutlery and cups (clear and colored), bakery shells, meat trays, "cheap" hubcaps, packing peanuts, styrofoam insulation.
Other-A mix of numbers one through six or something else
Other good sources are rope which is usualy either polypropylene or Nylon-6 (nylon being much more useful).
Piracy of Manufacture
' Wh e the production using normal machine tools and forging metals in Means ofProductionis ■ ful and able to be produced even in abscence ofhigh tech a new age of easy production is
arriving. The intro story mentions a printer capable of printing almost anything that could manufactured or compounded. This is still near future at the writing of this book but we already have community projects working to disrupt the world of production. projects like http://www.fabathome.orgFab@Home are community based open and will allow us to truly seize the means of production by abandoning the old CorpGov supply chain. What would a world be like with free object designs that could be downloaded and turned into real objects as easily as we print pages now.
This from Fab@Home released under the BSD license.
Fab@Home is a website dedicated to making and using fabbers - machines that can make almost anything, right on your desktop. This website provides an open source kit that lets you make your own simple fabber, and use it to print three dimensional objects. You can download and print various items, try out new materials, or upload and share your own projects. Advanced users can modify and improve the fabber itself.
Fabbers (a.k.a 3D Printers or rapid prototyping machines) are a relatively new form of manufacturing that builds 3D objects by carefuly depositing materials drop by drop, layer by layer. Slowly but surely, with the right set of materials and a geometric blueprint, you can fabricate complex objects that would normally take special resources, tools and skills if produced using conventional manufacturing techniques. A fabber can allow you explore new designs, email physical objects to other fabber owners, and most importantly - set your ideas free. Just as digital audio and the Internet have freed musical talent, we hope that blueprints and fabbers will democratize innovation.
While several commercial systems are available, their price range - tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of dollars - is typically well beyond what an average home user can afford. Furthermore, commercial systems do not usually allow or encourage experimentation with new materials and processes. But more importantly, most - if not all - commercial system are geared towards making passive parts out of a single material. Our goal is to explore the potential of universal fabrication: Machines that can use multiple materials to fabricate complete, active systems.
How Can I Use this to Make Useful Stuff?
If you seee the Fab@home machine you might wonder how useful a machine that prints 3D silicone rubber could be to mankind. Instead of rubber heat the syringe and print with real wax, you can make wax models to use in your Means ofProduction#Lost Wax Method Lost Waxmetal forging.
For Example
If an affinity group were to make CAD drawings to feed to a fabber they could begin to turn out almost every part in their own co-op to begin bicycle and cart production and needing only sheet metal, metal tubing, paint, and aluminum and plastic melting scrap.
You could make real your 3d computer art like at using simple parts and sugar as an inexpensive media.
If civilian victims, simple inocent people facing genocide, could build a more advanced fabber with better tech, they could mass print their way to defensive weapons something like the Rifles#STEN Submachinegun
By printing the shape of the mold in wax and using that to cast a metallic production mold; scuptures, toys, and gadgets could be made for sale or use by the group, all from recycled plastic and scrap metal.
All of these could be accomplished with a home made fabber with near term developments and a little ingenuity:
3-D printing of wax or sugar CAD models for cast metal or plastic parts and lost wax (or disolved sugar) mold them Means ofProduction#Lost Wax Method
Use a normal printer template and paint to Means ofProduction#Precision cutting precion cut flat and tubular metal
Using a simple improvised welder Means ofProduction#Welding they could assemble the finished parts
If finer finish machining of the parts is needed a Multimachine could be built Means of Production#Multimachine
A design or print could be applied to your design using a modified silk screen print setup Starting a Printing Workshop#Silk Screen Printing
Beyond the Current Fab@Home
The fab@home machine design currently uses silicone caulk screw ejected from a syringe to print items, more expensive industrial fabber machines either print binder into a plastic powder or for metallic items shoot a powerful laser onto a continulay added surface of steel powder. We expect creative radicals and nerds to swipe industrial lasers, mix binders, and build even cooler printers than are on the business market now.
If at first you are dissapointed on seeing the quality of the home made fabber machines remember that these users are at the cutting edge and building something that otherwise would cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Like the PC revolution of the late 1970's and early 80's those who accept the challenge will be ushering in a whole new generation of piracy where even physical objects will be freed for us to create our own bounty.
Free Money
10. Original Free Money
No book on survival should fail to give you some good tips on how to rip-off bread. Really horning in on this chapter will put you on Free-loader Street for life, 'cause with all the money in Amerika, the only thing you'll have trouble getting is poor.
Workfare has made it nearly impossible to get benifits past one year for anyone, the corpgov needs your slave labor for the economy.
Original Welfare
It's easy to get on welfare that anyone who is broke and doesn't have a regular relief check coming in is nothing but a goddamn lazy bum! Each state has a different set up. The racist penny-pinchers ofMississippi dole out only $8.00 a month. New York dishes ont the most with monthly payments up to $120.00. The Amerikan Public Welfare Association publishes a book called The Public
Welfare Directory with information on exactly what each welfare agency provides and how you go about qualifying. You can read the directory at any public library to find out all you can about how your local office operates.
When you've discovered everything you need to know, head on down to the Welfare Department in your grubbiest clothes. Not sleeping the night before helps. The receptionist will assign an "intaker" to interview you. After a long wait, you'll be directed to a desk. The intaker raps to you for a while, generally showing sympathy for your plight and turns you over to the caseworker who will make the final and ultimate assessment.
Have your heaviest story ready to ooze out. If you have no physical disabilities, lay down a "mentally deranged" rap. Getting medical papers saying you have any long-term illness or defect helps a lot. Tell the caseworker you get dizzy spells on the job and faint in the street. Keep bobbing your head, yawning, or scratching. Tell him that you have tried to commit suicide recently because youjust can't make it in a world that has forgotten how to love. Don't lay it on too obviously. Wait till he "pries" some of the details from you. This makes the story even more convincing. Many welfare workers are young and hip. The image you are working on is that of a warm, sensitive kid victimized by brutal parents and a cold ruthless society. Tell them you held off coming for months because you wanted to maintain some self-respect even though have been walking the streets broke and hungry. If you are a woman tell him you were recently raped. In sexist Amerika, this will probably be true.
After about an hour or so of this soap-opera stuff, you'll be ready to get your first check. From then on it's a monthly check, complete medical care for free and all sorts of other outasight benefits. Occasionally the caseworker will drop by your pad or ask you down to the office to see how you're coming along, but with your condition, things don't look so good. Don't abandon hope though. Hope always helps fill in a caseworker's report.
The real trick is to parlay welfare payments in a few different states. Work out an exchange system with a buddy and mail each other the checks when they come in. If the caseworker comes by, your roommate can say you went to find a jobor enrolled in a class. We know cats who have parlayed welfare payments up to six hundred dollars a month.
Lots ofbong heads and boarders do the US Forest Service fire fighter, ski lift operator cycle year after year. They build upjust enough hours at these slacker jobs to ride out spring and fall living off of the man while faking theirjob search records. Remember always apply forjobs making very high salaries during unemployment "job search" the worst case is you are not hired best case you are a brain surgeon or rocket scientist for two weeks until they discover you are and idiot and give you a $50k severance package.
Original Unemployment
Every outlaw should learn everything there is to know about the rules governing unemployment insurance. As in the case of welfare rules, eligibility, and the size of payments differ from state to state. In New York, you are eligible for payments equivalent to half your weekly salary before taxes up to $65 per week, on the condition that you have worked for a minimum of twenty weeks during the year. Payments are somewhat lower in most other states. In order to collect, you must show you are actively searching for a job and keep a record of employers you contact. This can easily be fudged. Every time you're questioned about it, mention one or two companies. If your hair is long, you'll have no problem. Just say they won't hire you until you get a haircut. When this is the case, the unemployment office cannot cut off your payments or your hair. They also cannot make you accept a job you do not want. Tell them anyjob offer you get is not challenging enough for your talents. Unemployment can be collected for six months before payments are terminated. Twenty more weeks of slavery and you can go back to maintaining your dignity in the unemployment line. These job insurance payments cannot be taxed and since you are working so few weeks out of each year, your taxable income is at a minimum. Read all the fine print for tax form 1040 and discover all the deductible loopholes available to you. You should wind up paying no taxes at all or having all the taxes that were deducted from your pay reimbursed. Never turn over to the pig government any funds you can rip off. Remember, it isn't your government, so why submit to its taxation if you feel you do not have representation.
Original Panhandling
The practice of going up to folks and bumming money is a basic hustling art. If you are successful at panhandling, you'll be able to master all the skills in the book and then some. To be good at it requires a complete knowledge of what motivates people. Even if we don't need the bread, we panhandle on the streets in the same way doctors go back to medical school. It helps us stay in shape. Panhandling is illegal throughout Pig Empire, but it's one of those laws that is rarely enforced unless they want to "clean the area" ofhippies. If you're in a strange locale, ask a fellow panhandler what the best places to work are without risking a bust. Do it in front of supermarkets, theaters, sporting events, hip dress shops and restaurants. College cafeterias are very good hunting grounds.
When you're hustling, be assertive. Don't lean against the wall with your palm out mumbling "Spare some change?" Go up to people and stand directly in front of them so they have to look you in the eye and say no. Bum from guys with dates. Bum from motherly looking types. After a while you'll get a sense of the type of people you get results with.
Theater can be real handy. The best actors get the most bread. Devising a street theater skit can help. A good prop is a charity canister. You can get them by going to the offices of a mainstream charity and signing up as a collector. Don't feel bad about ripping them off. Charities are the biggest swindle around. 80% or more of the funds raised by honky charities go to the organization itself. New fancy cars for the Red Cross, inflated salaries for the executives of the Cancer Fund, tax writeoffs for Jerry Lewis. You get the picture. A good way to work this and keep your karma in shape is to turn over half to a revolutionary groups such as your local underground. Remember, fugitives from injustice depend on you to survive. Be a responsible member of our nation. Support the only war we have going!
If you're all about scams, an easy way to make some small bread is to get a bunch of tupperware containers, cut coin slots in the lids, and print some labels saying "Change for the homeless" or something sad like that. Walk around and ask stores if you can put one on their counter for a week or so. Almost all of them will say yes, and if not,just give them a sob story about great people like Ghandi or some other bullcrap. Odds are that if you come back in a week, all of your buckets will either have $3-5 in them, or be stolen. Either way, for virtually no cost, it's a pretty good changemaker. If you have no soul, you can work this the other way, and rip off other organization's boxes. Just walk in with a clipboard and tell them you're here to collect them. Don't feel too bad though - most of those organizations pocket 85% or so.
Original Rip-offs
If you are closing out your checking account, overdraw your account by $10.00. The bank won't bother chasing you down for a lousy 10 bucks. (Note: This doesn't always work! I had a friend who wasn't even trying to overdraw, but Wells Fargo sent him a bank statement for an overdue 04.)
Call the telephone operator from time to time and tell her you lost some change in a pay phone. They will mail you the cash.
You can get $150 to $600 in advance by willing your body to a University medical school. They have you sign a lot of papers and put a tattoo on your foot. You can get the tattoo removed and sell your body to the folks across the street. The universities can be ripped offby enrolling, applying for a loan and bugging out after the loan comes through. This is a lot easier than you might imagine and you can hit them for up to $2,500 with a good enough story.
Put a number 14 brass washer in a newspaper vending machine and take out all the papers. Stand around the corner or go into the local bar and sell them. You often get tipped. Don't do this with underground papers. Remember they're your brothers and sisters.
The airlines will give you $250 for each piece ofluggage you lose when flying. The following is a good way to lose your luggage. When you get off a plane, have a friend meet you at the gate. Give him your luggage claim stubs and arrange to meet at a washroom or restaurant. Your friend picks up the bags and takes them out of the baggage room. Before he leaves the airport, he turns over the stubs to you at your prearranged rendezvous. You casually wander over to the baggage department and search for your elusive luggage. When all the baggage has been claimed, file a complaint with the lost and found department. They'll have you fill out a form, explain that it probably got misplaced on another carrier and promise to send it to you as soon as it is located. In a month you'll receive a check for $250 per bag. Enjoy your flight.
The International Yippie Currency Exchange
The International Yippie Currency Exchange
Just wanted to help to shed some light on one of the great things from Abbie Hoffman's book. The Yippie International Currency Exchange is still alive and well. Here's a little bit of info that I tried just today 6 October 06. I went to my local coin dealer and took a U.S. quarter with me to use as a sizing guide. Well I spent about $2.00 to buy 24 coins that looked about the same size as the U.S. quarter. I then took these back to my office and tried them in the vending machines at work to see if they would work or not. Well I always say, "If it looks like a quarter, it will spend like a quarter!" Well I'll be God-Damned, it workedjust like the original stuff said it would. So here's one way to triple your money in a hurry. Go to your local coin dealer and check and see if they have assorted foreign coins. If so buy them and remember, "If it looks like a quarter, it will spend like a quarter." Not all work well but those from Panama, Jamaica, New Zealand and Canada worked wonderfully in the place ofU.S. quarters. But the others will work well in hand to hand transactions with the agents of corpgov at places like Walmart, Target and other overstocked corpgov greed monsters. So for those of us of the New Resistance, "Power to the People, and Down with the Greedy Corporate Monsters!" Long live The Yippie International Currency Exchange!
It is a little harder now because of the Euro and the terrible exchange rate of the dollar. However, South American coins should still be a good exchange, and a lot of Asian currencies have low exchange rates, so you could try that too.
Grifter Tricks
Further information on this Yippie International Currency Exchange. Here's a wonderful little trick that I worked out that will turn $4.00 U.S. into $10 U.S. What you do is this. Go to a local coin shop and buy about 40 quarter sized coins. (Here near where I am you can buy foreign coins for about $0.08 U.S. a piece.) The next thing to do is to get a rolling paper for a roll of quarters. Then the first coin in should be a U.S. quarter and then you fill the tube with the foreign quarter sized coins until you have put 38of these in. You then put a final U.S. quarter on the end of the roll and close the end tightly. This now creates a situation where you have a $10 quarter roll made of foreign quarters and you've used $0.50 of genuine money to create this. Then take this to one of the Corpgov agents like Wal-mart or any other large store. When the line is busy go up with about a $1.00 item and purchase it. Then you'll receive the $9.00 change from giving the cashier the quarter roll. Usually they won't even crack the roll open to give you change back. Plus to insure they don't it's always a good idea to carry a few small coins to cover the taxes on your purchase. And if you should by some unfortunate chance get your roll cracked open and the cashier questions you the simple answer is to play shocked and swear that you hadjust given somebody else a $10 bill in exchange for the quarter roll and you got scammed. Usually this will work. I've tried passing the foreign coins as quarters in smaller amounts and it has worked 100% of the time when I've claimed that I got them back as change from someone. If you're really ballsy and want to fuck the bastards good you might try giving this quarter roll over to a bank or a casino in order to get the full money back. But not sure if the chances of them busting the roll open is higher or not since I've not tried that one. At least with most Corpgov agent retailers you're dealing with teenagers who usually don't give a damn or you're dealing with those people who aren't the sharpest tool in the shed if you know what I mean. Just another way to stick it to the man plus it's quite fun. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have.
Just a little further info for you all who might be wondering where to get the coins that I've mentioned above. The best source that I've found is your local coin dealer shop. However if you don't have a coin dealer in your area then E-Bay has a section where you can find bags of several pounds of these coins being sold forjust a few dollars a piece. I have tried this gig personally and know that the quarter roll gambit above works wonderfully and that it has returned for me a 200% or more profit in just a few days.
Many vending machines will give you a different coin than the one you put in when you press the coin return button. I've only used this property to search for coins of interest, not for any scam, but I'd estimate you can feed a couple hundred coins through before you start to get back the ones you put in. Older machines seem not to recycle coins and will sometimes eat your money or reject all coins once their change supply is depleted. Using this technique to exchange foreign coins would require a very close match to the target coin, but it's also much less risky than walking into a store and hoping they don't catch on and call the cops.
DIY Inflation
Just an addition on money when one is in a tight spot. If one has access to a color copier or a scanner that will copy in color then one has access to a quick way of counterfeiting a dollar bill that might be passed in a vending machine. Don't try this with other money as the security features will allow the vending machine to tell a counterfeit from a real thing. But I've done some checking and desktop counterfeiting will work in almost all cases of money but all U.S. bills except for G.W. have security measures to prevent copying as the original work has suggested. But $1 bills lack any security features aside from the paper they are printed on. Look at the type of paper your dollar bills are on and then try to match that paper up with something similar at the office supply store. Then use that paper to copy the front and back of dollar bills to and you should end up with a crisp new dollar bill that will pass in most vending and change machines. Just remember that counterfeiting is a Federal Offense and will bring you lots of trouble if you’re caught. And you will get caught -- all color printers/copiers sold since the very early 90’s have a "watermarking" feature -- they print a grid of faint yellow dots, nearly invisible to the naked eye, over all their printouts. This grid contains information such as the printer’s serial number, batch number, etc -- allowing the FBI to track a counterfeit bill down to the very machine it was made from. At the very least, make sure you purchase your printer (and the paper) in a retail store a good distance from your home, and pay cash! More importantly with watermarking the feds will know every bill and document printed comes from one printer and not waste their time trying to run down multiple counterfeiting rings.
Trying automated in store coin counters with foreign coins
We bet it would work and would give you a credit slip, but how much you wanna bet the machine has a camera that takes a few frames of still pictures or video every time it is used like at the ATM machine? Look at the machine for pinholes or windows (maybe black plastic to us, but IR transparent so it will take an infrared black and white shot) or cameras nearby watching the machine.
Original The International Yippie Currency Exchange
Every time you drop a coin into a slot, you are losing money needlessly. There is at least one foreign coin that is the same size or close enough that will do the trick for less than a penny. The following are some of the foreign currencies that will get you that Coke, call or subway ride.
Quarter Size Coins
works in many soda and candy machines, older telephones (3 slot types), toll machines, laundromats, parking meters, stamp machines, and restroom novelty machines. Works also in some electric cancerette machines but not most mechanical machines.
works in 3 slot telephones, toll machines, laundromats, automats, some stamp machines, most novelty machines, and the Boston Subway. Does not work in soda or cancerette machines.
works in new (one slot) telephone and some electric cancerette machines, but does not work as many places in the Uruguay, Danish and Peruvian coins.
most effective quarter in the world, even works in change machines. Unfortunately, this coin is practically impossible to get outside ofIceland and even there, it is becoming difficult since the government is attempting to remove it from circulation.
Dime Size Coins
generally works in all dime slots, including old and new telephones, candy machines, soda machines, electric machines, stamp machines, parking meters, photocopy machines, and pay toilets. Does not work in some newer stamp dispensers, and some mechanical cancerette machines.
generally works the same as Malaysian Penny.
New York Subway Tokens
works in 95% of all subway turnstiles. Avery safe coin to use since it will not jam the turnstile. It is 5/l000th of an inch bigger than a token.
the average Portuguese Centavo Piece is 2/1000th of an inch smaller than a token.
these coins are 12/l000th to 15/1000th of an inch smaller than token. They work in about 80% of all turnstiles. We have also had good success with FRENCH l FRANC PIECE (WWII issue), SPANISH l0 CENTAVO PIECE NICARAGUAN 25 CENTAVO PIECE.
All of the coins listed have a currency value of a few cents, with most less than one penny. Foreign coins work more regularly than slugs and are non-magnetic, hence cannot be detected by "slug detector machines." Also unlike slugs, although they are illegal to use in machines, they are perfectly legal to possess and exchange.
Large coin dealers and currency exchanges are generally uptight about handling cheap foreign coins in quantity since they don't make much profit and are subject to certain pressures in selling coins that are the same size as Amerikan coins or tokens.
People planning trips to European or South American countries should bring back rolls of coins as souvenirs or for use in "coin jewelry."
If you do not plan to travel, a small coin store which is cool about selling to the public is located on the Lower East Side at 191 East Third Street, New York City. When their phone works, the number is 475-9897.
Washers are the most popular types of slugs. You can go to any hardware store and match them up with various coins. Sometimes you might have to put a small piece of scotch tape over one side of the hole to make it more effective. Each washer is identified by its material and number, i.e. No. 14 brass washer with scotch tape on one side is a perfect dime. When you get the ones you want, you can buy thousands for next to nothing (especially at industrial supply stores) and pass them out to our friends.
Xerox copies ofboth sides of a dollar bill, carefully glued together, work in most machines that give you change for a dollar. Excuse us, there is a knock at the door. . .Fancy that! It's the Treasury Department. Wonder what they want?
Free Dope
Free Dope
A warning to those on the streets:
Don’t use anything intoxicating. If you're trying to live free and stay alive to fight, then it’s not the time to mess with your mind. Wait until you're safe before using a recreational substance.
Although the revolution is supposed to go hand in hand with drugs, when things get really hard they'll act only as a wasteful distraction. Alcohol and tobacco are used by CorpGov to sedate the populace and drain them of their hard-earned money. No revolutionary should be tied down to a substance that could hinder their capacity to fight. If the government comes down on us, food gardens, not pot gardens, will allow us to continue the fight.
If you do choose to take controlled substances, be weary of their effects and health risks. There's nothing easier for a cop to take down than a strung-out hippie who can't even use his own weaponry. Never go into a large-scale protest under the influence, especially if there may be a chance of things getting messy. Pigs have been known to seek out substance charges at rallies, etc. in an attempt to "thin out the numbers", so it's important that you don't roll to a demonstration carrying anything. There's one exception: if you choose to use civil disobedience as part of a drug war protest. In that case, if you're prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions, toke/sniff/drop your way to reform.
If you use anything other than pot, keep in mind that many drugs come from countries such as Colombia, where much of the cocaine production is under the control of gangs and drug-lords. Many of these drug lords are oppressive to the poor, and to the non-corrupt citizens of their respective countries. In recent years (2007), international drug trade has been directly linked to the CIA and other CorpGov organizations.
The revolution against the CorpGov of the world must be fought on all fronts. Someone smoking Columbian dope at a fair-trade rally is nothing more than a hypocrite.
(Check outCheap Thrills and,Growing Your Own, for more information and ideas)
Despite what D.A.R.E. and other bullshit anti-drug problems tell you, drugs aren't "life-ruining" if you use them the right way. Ultimately, you're the one who should get to choose what risks you're going to take, and you should be able to decide what substances you want in your body and what substances you don't. Some drugs are very dangerous, and others are next to harmless, and it is your responsibility to educate yourself on which ones are which.
A Cautionary Note
Drugs can be a tool and they can be a waste of revolutionary effort. Just remember that the law of economics states that everything you do has a marginal cost and benefit. Every time you think of downing some shrooms or dropping a couple tabs of acid, you should weigh the productivity of doing the drugs against starting an underground newspaper, organizing a protest, attending classes, growing food, helping out at communes, passing out literature, planting trees, writing the next best expatriate novel, or traveling on a freight car. The price of that ounce of weed or hit of acid could have fed the homeless guy down the street for two days, or paid for a second-hand college text book. The same cost/benefit principle applies just as easily to any fun activity that costs money and takes time without actively helping the revolution or its brothers/sisters. If you consider violation of the law to be a strike back against the Pig Empire in and of itself (as Abbie did), doing drugs may come with the fringe benefit ofbeing illegal and helping recruit new rebel soldiers.
Drug use can also result in the following undesirable outcomes: chemical addiction, psychological addiction, a hefty fine orjail term, support of multinational conglomerates (by buying pills which were originally purchased by the dealer and not stolen), support of violent foreign drug markets, the endangerment of children (most methamphetamine labs are located in homes with children residing), and inner-city violence (inner city crack and heroin markets tend to be founded upon intimidation and profit at any cost, often resulting in murder to keep the industry secure).
Breaking Free of Propaganda
When deciding what drugs you would like to try, it is crucial to do as much research as possible, and to distinguish the true information from the propaganda. A good attitude towards drug information is skepticism: doubt everything you hear about drugs (whether it's good or bad) until you see some hard evidence indicating that the information you're getting is good.
Bad Sources ofDrug Info:
Authority figures and establishment types with a history oflying or manipulation (this means most parents and teachers)
Drug-worshippers who think a little doobie is the solution to world peace
Pigs and CorpGov officials (especially the FDA, DEA, FBI, CIA, and customs agents)
Free-to-edit online wikis (yeah, you heard us)
Good Sources ofDrug Info:
Legit scientists (check their qualifications and methodologies for their studies)
Long-term, responsible, honest users
Try to collect info from a diverse range of sources. Talk to people who have done the drug, and/or read the stories of people who have done it (a google search or a check in the Erowid vaults should turn some up). Read scientific literature detailing the possible harms/dangers of the drug. Look for articles by people pushing against the drug, and figure out why they are so against it. Investigate all possible symptoms and beneficial effects.
Watch for things that sound too good or too bad to be true. Unfortunately, there is no drug that will instantly cause world peace. Likewise, there is no drug (yet) that automatically ruins your life with no help from you (although there's plenty that can kill you or hook you on the first try, so be careful).
What drugs are the most and least dangerous?
As a general reference, this is a decent list of the relative health dangers of various drugs. It's listed in approximate order from least likely to kill you to most likely to kill you. (Some people may disagree on the specifics, but this should give you somewhat of an idea.)
Fairly Harmless Drugs
Shrooms - low probability of a bad trip
Salvia - notorious for causing informative but uncomfortable bad trip
Weed - nearly impossible to OD (you'd pass out first); possible memory loss with many years ofheavy use (this effect is reduced by quitting for a period of time); also contains more tar than cigarettes if smoked, but is thought to carry no additional risk oflung cancer
BZP - dehydration possible (drink plenty of water), serious risk when mixed with alcohol, low chance of serious adverse reactions (palpitations, seizures), some report nausea/vomiting
Ecstasy (pure) - pure Ecstasy contains only MDMA, so it's reasonably safe; don't take too much, don't use it too frequently, and don't drink with it. Causes tooth chatter and grinding, have a baby chewy to prevent tooth damage.
Moderate Risk Drugs (Use sparingly)
LSD - only use if you're comfortable with yourself, your co-trippers, and your surroundings, no physical danger or overdose possibility ever reported, rarely causes early precipitation of incipient and developling psychiactric problems. (Have a mellow trip-experienced but nontripping ground control person with comforting items and chill music to help new or bad trippers.) may cause tooth chatter and grinding, have a baby chewy to prevent tooth damage.
Caffeine (high dose)- small risk ofheart problems (including heart attacks) if you OD and/or have congenital defects
Tobacco - exteremly addictive, increases risk of cancer, lung disease, reduces athletic ability, psychological problems may include justification of antisocial behavior to obtain more drug
Ecstasy (impure) - often cut with various things, such as amphetamines and hallucinogens (triptamines); placed here, although any unknown impurity carries an unknown risk; be paranoid unless you know that "Ecstasy" is pure MDMA. Causes tooth chatter and grinding, have a baby chewy to prevent tooth damage.
Cocaine (not crack) - risk ofheart problems (including heart attacks), especially if you have congenital defects; perforates your nasal cavities; psychological problems include justification of antisocial behavior to obtain more
Amphetamines - habit forming, some risk ofheart problems (including heart attacks) especially if you overdose/use frequently; effects can vary greatly; psychological problems may include justification of antisocial behavior to obtain more. Causes tooth chatter and grinding, have a baby chewy to prevent tooth damage.
Ether - inhalation danger from impure mixtures which can damage the airways and lungs, reduces lung capacity and efficiency
GHB - AKA gamma-hydroxybutyrate, Sodium Oxybate; Xyrem: Gives a buzz just like alcohol but without hangover, good for personal use, but... due to its low dosage effects is also a common date rape drug. After a few hours it is undetectable by drug testing. It has become difficult to determine safe dosage since it was made illegal in 1999. Addiction is similarto alcohol.
Dextromethorphan - AKA Robotussin, Anticholinergic, often makes user feel they are having heart problems (although this is almost never the case, it's caused quite a few 911 calls.) Anecdotal reports ofheavy repeated use causing significant damage.
Harmful Drugs (Body-Fuck Drugs)
Alcohol - very addictive, poisonous, can damage your liver, may affect growth if consumed when young, can cause birth defects if used while pregnant, relatively easy to consume a
lethal amount, known to cause several psychological problems
Crack cocaine - fast acting short lasting, habit forming, significant risk of serious heart problems, regular use use often leads to total disreguard ofhealth, added danger due to poor street quality and questionable cutting, causes major psychological problems, esp. with repeated use. Causes tooth chatter and grinding, have a baby chewy to prevent tooth damage.
Heroin - very addictive, easy to fatally overdose, carries risk ofblood-born diseases such as Hepatitis B or HIV (due to unclean needles)
Methamphetamine - habit forming, substantial risk of heart problems (including heart attacks), nasty side effects (teeth rotting from enamel damage, etc.), causes disreguard of personal health, habitual use is very weakening, causes paranoia, changes personality, street quality often quite poor. Causes tooth chatter and grinding, have a baby chewy to prevent tooth damage.
PCP - easy to OD; long term use leads to severe psychotic episodes; can cause violent personality changes
Making Plans & Not Getting Caught
Once you're sure you want to do a drug (or multiple drugs), you need to go back to the drawing board and research the safest way to trip. This research can take the form of consulting experienced users and reading up on tips. When you feel comfortable with what you know, start making plans. These should include scheduling enough time that you can get home sober, spend the night elsewhere, or at least appear sober when you get home. Getting caught with drugs is not fun.
Tips for not getting caught:
If you're smoking a drug, wear a jacket and bring body spray or cologne. That way you can make sure the smell's off you.
If you're smoking pot, bring eyedrops. Red eyes are a dead giveaway.
If you're doing a psychedelic, have a tripsitter on hand to make sure you don't draw too much attention to yourself.
Arrange your excuses ahead of time and make sure everyone with you knows what the story is.
Don't do it around anyone likely to bust you or turn you in.
Don't bring drugs anywhere you're likely to be searched.
Don't drive. Ever. Cars are designed for sober people, not people under the influence of a drug.
If you're in public, don't look like a drug user.
Look WASPy or like a part of the average CorpGov world, and you'll avoid suspicion.
Free Dope
One of the easiest ways to score is by attending the right kind of parties. Many people will give out substances to those willing to experiment, and others believe that drugs enhance the atmosphere, and thus will hand them out. The more people on something at a party, the more solidarity there is, and the more synchronized the various party experiences are. Plus, it's no fun to smoke alone.
Some people give out drugs because they want something, so be careful. If they're handing out X, coke, or anything else that's expensive, easily tampered with, or addictive, they probably want to hook you. You should recognize this as a ploy and stick to your personal drug plan. They may also want to fuck you literally as well as metaphorically, so don't drink anything from a communal bowl, and don't leave any drinks unattended.
The single easiest way to score free dope is tojoin the drug culture. This is especially true when you're trying new things, and is most applicable weed. It's an accepted practice that your first toke should be free. Don't mooch though: once you become a regular member of a group, people will start to grumble about you not paying.
The Stoner Culture
In almost every circle of drug users, there is an underground ring of fellow drug users. In many cases with psychedelics like LSD, shrooms, or weed, it's a pretty friendly lot. As long as you act nice to them, chances are they'll be nice to you. Obviously, you will not make many friends in a drug circle if you're vocal about your use to others (nix this if you live in San Fransisco or Amsterdam), act like a jerk or a complete spazz when your high, or mention their name to any law enforcement officer.
It's best never to approach a person (even if you know they're a dealer) asking for drugs if you have never met them. It's recommended that you meet them through a friend or meet them in person (like a casual run-in). The next time you see them, then ask.
Each group of smokers vary differently, but some general substance terms are:
LSD: Acid,sid
Ecstasy:: X,E
Xanax: Zannies, bars, Z-bars
** High quality: dank, chronic (North America) ** Low quality: skunk, schwag ** General: grass, green, bud, chronic (UK), herb, weed, pot
"to smoke out" - to get someone high with your weed
"ashed" or "cashed" - only ash left in a bowl
"bowl" or "piece" - a bowl for smoking marijuana
"tabs" - tabs ofblotter paper soaked with LSD
Search out a reputable dealer, or ask your friends who's got what. Many educational institutions are thriving drug markets. Ideally you should buy from someone you know well -- but it's your call as to whom to trust for your drugs.
IF your worried about your safety, bring a friend. It might freak out some dealers, but there are some times when it's worth it. Remember to check the quality of the product before you hand over the money. If you're buying from a new source be paranoid and check for impurities and added substances.
Safe Use / Harm Reduction
So now you're using drugs. Maybe only a little, maybe kind of a lot. Either way, it's time to talk about addiction.
Addiction fucking sucks. Life is too sweet to miss out on relationships and activities and radical politics just for drugs, and an addict doesn't do any social movement any good. Besides, drugs are supposed to be a choice, and an addict isn't choosing any more. It's a painful, unhappy lifestyle that you don't want to get yourself into, and once you're in that trap, it's very difficult to get out. Opiates are especially dangerous in this respect. Remember, the only dope worth shooting is George W. Bush.
The first and most important rule of drug use is to stay recreational, and keep in control of your use at all times. Use small quantities, keep an eye on how important your drug use is becoming to you, and strictly monitor yourself for signs of obsession or addiction. It is important to maintain very strict discipline and self control. Try to refrain from drug usage if you feel your control slipping at any time. Remember that you should be the one using the drugs; they shouldn't be using you. Some things to keep an eye out for when is how much you're using, how big of risks you're taking, and whether or not you can have fun without using. Also watch out for upgrading in the strength of the drug.
If someone approaches you with concerns about your drug habits, don't dismiss them as worrying too much. Evaluate yourself to see if there is any grain of truth in what they're saying. If you think they might be right, try taking a break. See how much you miss the drug. See how long you can go without it.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that once the revolution comes, our opposition can use your experience with drugs to discredit you to the public or before a jury. Because of this, unless you don't give a shit about jail terms or your reputation, you'd be well advised to keep your drug habits quiet and only share them with people you absolutely trust. CorpGov propaganda has demonized anyone who uses anything they don't sell (alcohol, tobacco, pharms, etc.), so most citizens won't give two shits what's done to someone who's described as "a drug user". Consequently, drug users are usually the first social group to be oppressed.
Getting Clean
Getting off some drugs like heroin is a real pain in the ass, yet others (like acid) you couldn't do day after day even if you wanted to. There are programs out there to help you get clean, check at the hospital, shelter, city clinic, etc. Sometimes you have to go along with someone else's philosophy to stay in the program — play along if you have to in order to get and stay clean. Remember that every time you try to quit and fail, you make your next attempt that much harder. Once you are clean, stay away from those that do or sell drugs; the drug culture itself can be a hard habit to kick. Be careful what drugs you take for medicinal purposes; ask if they're addictive before the doctor hands them out.
Cheap Thrills
Bou have $12 in your pocket and your stash is depleted. What to do? Here's a list of easily sible stuff that may make life more interesting:
A message to those youth on the streets, don’t do any of these drugs, or even alcohol, you need all of your survival skills. At best you can wake up with your stuff missing, at worst you wake up with some stranger raping you
Freeing yourself and others from the system is very hard when you are brain damaged or dead. Keep in mind that the lower dosages presented are for general usage, in both business and personal use. Higher dosages are recommended only for experienced users, don't blindly trust us do some research. The Physicians Desk Reference can be found at libraries, it is a huge reference on Corpgov prescription drugs. Like testing a strange plant that might be poison start with small amounts and titrate up if you wish to try the drug again with stronger effects. Beware mixing meds, some drugs will potentate others sometimes making them many times more powerful, the same is true for street drugs. Not all drugs are as safe as cannabis, shrooms, and acid.
There are those that say that what broke the back of the 60's revolution was hippies distracted by screwing and getting high. Most of the hippies we know only remember the drugs and only a little protest or fight. They are mostly retired businessmen now. Discipline is what we need in this movement, we hope this fun time stuff will help those who like to get highjoin us as they already realize how totalitarian the government is in the war on drugs.
All right. You’re sitting down, ready to learn. You’re a responsible adult. You’re not at work, you’re not driving, and you’re not responsible for any small children or firearms. You’re ready to have a good time. Let’s get started.
With most drugs, you will build up a tolerance to it if you use it frequently. What might be a light dose for a heroin addict could very well kill a non-user. The only way to stop this from happening is to abstain for a period of time.
With any drug, if you are unaware of the dosage to take, start small. Check Erowid (a wonderful web resource) and see what a "light" or "moderate" dosage is, then aim for somewhere in between. In most cases, you can always get more goods, but replacment bodies are hard to come by.
WARNING! Dangerous Additives in OTC and Perscription Meds
If you find an over the counter syrup, capsule, or pill which in addition to the desired drug includes Acetaminophen, Paracetamol, Tylenol, Panadol, Acamol, fever reducers, ache reducers, or any other similar or unknown ingredient DO NOT USE IT TO GET HIGH!!! The amount required to get high will sometimes have enough of these acetyl-para-aminophenol chemicals to poison your liver potentially even in one large dose. Liver poisoning of this type can not usually be treated and the death takes several painful days or weeks. Paracetamol toxicity is, by far, the most common cause of acute liver failure in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Fortunately many of these meds can with some investigation be found without the additives.
However, moderation and careful readings oflabels can help prevent issues like this. You don't need to be scared offjust because something is prescription (although you also certainly shouldn't assume something is safe because it's prescribed). If the docs are prescribing it for someone, there has to be a safe way to take it. Just be careful, read everything you can get your hands on, and treat scripts like any other drug.
Dextromethorphan (DM or DXM)
For those of you who are unaware, this is cough medicine. A lot ofhigh schoolers used it to get high. Despite the negative rap given to it by the Amerikan Gestapo, this is a pretty safe drug to use if you find cough medicine withjust pure DXM. Avoid anything else, no compromises. DXM gel caps work well and beat downing cough syrup...about 200mg of either capsules or syrup-prepared DXM will give you a light trip and 400mg is a heavy dose. Anything over 800mg is too dangerous for the average user. It's like taking acid and smoking opium laced with PCP. Be forewarned, most states you'll need tobe 18 to purchase any DXM products. Also, look for dollar stores that carry it.
Although it will give you a "high" of sorts, there is no guarantee that the trip will be a pleasant one. Judging by user's past experiences, a bad trip is just as likely as a good one. One thing's for certain though: you will have a disorienting, strange, and probably memorable (for one reason or another) experience.
Benadryl (aka Diphenhydramine)
The active chemical in Benadryl, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, is also available in allergy medications and sleep-aids. Some pills have acetominophen (Tylenol) that will kill your liver if you take too many.
150mg is a light dose while 700mg is a very heavy dose.
It kicks in around 30-60 minutes after you take it. On a light dose ofDiph, you may get auditory hallucinations. It does change the perception of music, slightly.
You also get really tired after a while. This stuff is sold as a sleep-aid, so no wonder. I've never been able to resist the temptation to fall asleep.
Using Benadryl is like playing roullette. You never know what it will do to you.
For those interested, a first-hand account of a negative experience using Benadryl can be read
Morning Glory Seeds
These seeds contain LSA, LSD's little brother. Although the LSA can be extracted, it's a bit easier just to eat them straight. Make sure that you buy "Heavenly Blues", and also make sure you're not eating ones treated with poison!
About 200-300 seeds will give you a LSD-like high. Be sure to wash them and grind them up, you'll be sick as hell if you don't (and you may well be sick even if you do.) Extracting the LSA will prevent the nausea, but will also take a fair bit of time and some knowledge of chemistry. Keep in mind that in Amerika, it's illegal to extract LSA (or ergine as it's sometimes called) under the Federal Analogues Act — so watch out for pigs if you do.
One morning glory seed contains about 0.01 mg ofLSA.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds
These seeds, like Morning glories, contain LSA (aslo known as ergine). I haven't personally tested these out, but know that they are about 25 times more powerful than morning glories (per seed.)
Remember: one HBW seed contains about 0.25 mg ofLSA.
No, don't laugh. Did you know you can buy pure caffeine? Yes, some health stores and eBay sellers will sell caffeine powder. About 100g can be found for $10-$20. While the high isn't extraordinary, it's an energy boost. Be forewarned, more than 5 grams in your system and you could be looking at a hospital trip or heart attack. Don't try this if you have heart murmur or other heart problems. The median lethal dose (LD50) of caffeine is 192 milligrams per kilogram ofbody weight in rats.
In both Kanada and Amerika, caffeine can be bought in pill form (NoDoz, Stacker 2, etc.)over the counter at many pharmacies. In some cases, stores will require you tobe 18 to purchase.
If you want to stay away from harder (chemically, and harder to obtain) substances, don't forget about the solution that has been around since the dawn of civilization. Done correctly, moonshine is safe, cheap, and will taste good.
The knowledge necessary for distillation (necessary to reach alcohol levels above -18%) is beyond the scope of this entry, and you should look for information like at http://www.homedi or flip to Free High School#Beer and Liquor
However, simple concoctions like cider can be done with almost no equipment or prior experience. Keep in mind that just about any sugary or starchy fruit, vegetable, or liquid without preservatives can be fermented. Your best bet is to find overripe fruit or pick whatever is available locally. For equipment, you will need a cleaned milk gallon with pinholes poked into the lid. Simply blend/mash about 1/3rd of a gallon of fruit, add 1/3rd of a gallon of water and a packet ofbakers yeast, and stir/shake it. Close the gallon and let it sit in a cool area for a few weeks. Then, filter the liquid with a coffee filter.
Fly Agaric Mushrooms (Amanita Muscaria)
These bad boys contain the mind-altering chemical muscinol. These provide a high similar (but not the same) as shrooms (Psilocybin mushrooms.) You can buy them from eBay for about $20/oz (usually 3-6 good doses in an oz)
In some people, these mushrooms cause extreme nausea, so be prepared. Milk thistle can help to counter some of the side effects, especially if you're worried about liver damage (Amanita Muscaria has been known to cause some liver damage, especially in high doses.)
Although they have not been responsible for any deaths yet, they are poisonous when taken in sufficient quantities. Atypical starter dose is only a couple grams, so don't overdo it! Also, the only psychoactive strain is Amanita Muscaria -- the rest of the mushrooms in the Amanita family are highly toxic and WILL kill you.
As always with mushrooms, if you’re not sure if it's safe, don’t take it.
Real opium poppies if you can get the seed or find them growing are like happy beautiful red weeds which grow in spring. Score the bulb that is below the flower body before they bloom and collect the resin, this is opium and can be rolled with tobacco. Poppy seeds are usually cooked killing them but try seeding a few packets in your backyard and see what turns up.
Some cacti (Peruvian Torch and San Pedro) contain fairly high amounts of mescaline. It takes about a foot of fresh cactus or an oz. of dried cactus to start flying on air mescaline. Dried cactus runs about $20/oz or about $15 for a 12" fresh piece. Or of course, you can run into the desert and grab a piece.
Nitrous Oxide
Available as whippet cartridges which resemble short BB gun CO2 cartridges these can be popped inside a balloon or plastic sack with a sharpened tool or cartridge popper sold in some head shoppes, many places have caught on and will card whippet buyers. Some car racing stores can sell you a a tank of nitrous. NEVER use a mask orjet the gas directly into your nose or mouth as it will likely freeze part of your face or tongue. Fill a trash sack if using a big tank, tape a straw or hose to the end and share like a hookah, this will give the gas a chance to warm up. If you work in a grocery store grab a whipping creme can discharged without shaking and held with the jet upright will give a lungful of nitrous and a nice buzz, exhale as far as you can before breathing the gas.
Ether now sold in spray cans as starting fluid for cars used to be the surgical anesthetic of choice. Spray some into a large #10 coffee can stick your face in and breathe, you will start to trip in about thirty seconds and have some freaky/cool weird dreams and visions. This stuffis super flammable it is best to try it in a outdoor area far from any fire or electricity. Like all inhaling keep use to a minimum, more than once a month is way too much, having a sober friend close enough to help if things go bad but far enough away to not interfere with the visions and dreams is a good idea. The idea of a #10 coffee can is you can't easily deprive yourself of oxygen and if you fall asleep the can will drop out of your hands and you will wake up in about a minute. Don't try this with other volatiles like gasoline as these can cause chemical burns to the face and airway, and never use a sack over your head for any reason. If raw ether cannot be obtained and starter fluid must be used, spray the entire contents into a plastic bag orjar, wait for the chemicals to separate, and remove the bottom liquid (a turkey baster works well for this)
Non-Chemical Thrills
Yogic Breathing
Lay down on a comfortable spot in a quiet place and close your eyes. Take a very deep breath through your mouth, drawing it into your guts. Hold it for the count of ten, and slowly let it out through your nose. Repeat. After a few minutes, you will get a buzz!
Don’t undervalue the practice of meditative breathing as a regular practice. Once you become good at it — which means you’re at a point where you can quickly begin meditating without listening to a relaxation or meditation soundtrack — you can enter a stage of consciousness that is extremely pleasing and very healthy.
Stroboscopic Lights
First of all, make certain you don't have photosensitive epilepsy or other nervous disorders. This can trigger a serious seizure!
Get a strobe flasher with adjustable speed (one that can flash at least three times a second) and set in on a shelf, facing you. Sit in front of it and close your eyes. Be certain that the light is flashing directly into your face. The light flashing through your eyelids will hit your optic nerves and the repeated flashes will alter your brain's oscillations, causing you to "see" rapidly changing colors, shapes and geometric patterns. Some have claimed to have gone into hypnotic states and even hallucinations, but all you need to "snap out of it" is to open your eyes. Long pieces of instrumental music (like the spacey "New Age" stuff that was so hot in the 1980's) will help the effect, but music with vocals can often hinder the effect, since your brain is trying to understand the lyrics.
Artist Brion Gysin and scientist Ian Sommerville created a flicker device called a "Dreamachine". It consists of a light bulb hanging inside a large cardboard tube with patterned holes cut through it, which is spun on a phonograph turntable. Sit in front of it in a dark room, switch the turntable on, close your eyes and enjoy the show. You can make one yourself for a few bucks using a thrift-store record player and large sheets of posterboard. If you can't score a turntable that runs at 78 RPM, there are plans for a 45 RPM version. Check the following for more info:
If you want a free sample, you can try an on-line version here. Remember to turn off all the lights in the room and face the monitor's screen.
Many people dig salvia leaves. Not being extracted, it takes about 2-3 bowlfuls for a high, or a massive amount kept in your mouth like dipping tobacco. Extracts are very good, but expensive, and the high is short lasting.
Using compressed air (keyboard cleaner) gives a stimulant-like high and for about five minutes afterwards, everything is warped and twisted. It's a fun high, but you'll really pay for it one day. Just stick to Mexican swag, and you'll be fine.
Some prescriptions give really good highs. Some do nothing, and some can kill you. Just check what you're doing before experimenting. The Pill Book is an annually-printed paperback book that you can find at the pharmacy. Look for medication that has a side effect of“euphoria,” and you’re on the way. It’s common for most of these kinds of pills to be given at doses that will make you high, so don’t overdose, or think that you need even twice as much to feel anything.
You’ll remember from high school health class that you should never take anyone else’s prescription medication. In general, this is not really true. Unless you have allergies to a medication, it’s probably safe to take whatever you might run into with your friends. If you are taking other medication, prescribed by a doctor, then, you do need to be more careful about what you’re doing, because when prescription meds really get iffy is when they are mixed with another prescription. Otherwise, most pain pills and psychotropics are commonly prescribed to pretty much everyone.
Some pills can be ingested by chewing them, but this should be done cautiously if at all. Chewing (or crushing them up with the back of a spoon inside another spoon) the pills often brings the high more quickly. The downside, and the danger, is that you take in all of the medicine at once, which can either waste your high or risk your life. So, be careful. Never, ever crush anything that you havent already used, and try to get as much information about the medicine before taking it beyond the normal dose.
Most pills are made with a time-release coating which dissolves in your stomach and releases the medicine inside slowly. If you chew these, you’re going to waste it, because the coating gets all sticky and prevents the real medicine from being properly absorbed. Chewing your pills can be handy if you’re not in a place where you can get away with grinding up pills in front of people, but always try crushing it before you chew it, or you might be in for a yucky surprise.
Of course, if you are too tough to pretend you're eating Flinestones' vitamins, you can grind up a pill and snort it,just as you would with coke or heroin. This generates an even quicker and more intense high than chewing the pills. Be careful, and never, ever incorrectly digest any medication until you are well versed with its normal dose and effects.
In general, the big problem with using pills as a regular high is the rate of addiction. In addition to becoming psychologically addicted, which can happen with everything from PlayStation to chocolate, many (most) types of medication that give you a high are also extremely physically addictive. Even taking an opiate like Oxycotin for a couple of days can result in an episode of withdrawal and can take a long time to endure and can range from very uncomfortable to really, really sick. All things being perfect, if you’re going to use pills for a kick, only use them for a night or so. If you use them for any length of time, try very hard to watch your dosage, and keep enough to last about two days to come off the pills, by reducing the dose by about half every other time you take it.
Fora night out, if you don’t go nuts with the booze (which you should try to stay away from if you’re taking pills), some medication can provide a very pleasant and non-intrusive buzz, and it can last a while.
There are a lot of stories about household substances and other common stuff that can get you high. Most of these are, unfortunately, untrue. For instance:
Aspirin and Tylenol - They can kill you with an overdose but they won't get you high.
Baked Banana Peels - This started as a joke that got entirely out ofhand. Supposedly the peels contained a psychoactive compound called "bananadine" and if you scraped the insides and let them dry, you could smoke them and get high. It doesn't work, and there's no such thing as "bananadine".
Catnip -1 have never known anyone (besides a cat) to actually get high off of this stuff.
Cola-Cola and Aspirin - This is an urban legend dating back to the 1950's. It will not get you high, nor cause instant death, nor is it an aphrodisiac.
Huffing - Might get you high but many of these chemicals will burn your face or bronchial tubes.
Benzine, which is found in most glues and paints, is a known carcinogen.
Nutmeg - If you're looking for the crash and sickness of a coke or heroin ride, but without a high of any significance, go with nutmeg tea.
Rope - Real manila hemp has a negligibly low THC concentration.
Rosemary - Yup, youjust bought fake weed and it won't get you high.
Selenium - A handful of these will produce a minor buzz, but will damage your kidneys even more. The trade-off isn't worth it.
Growing Your Own
This article has already been updated. For reference to the original, please check out the site.
Grow Your Own
Pot is a weed and as such grows in all climates under every kind of soil condition. We have seen acres and acres of grass growing in Kansas, Iowa and New Jersey. If you're not located next door to a large pot field growing in the wild, maybe you would have some success in growing your own. It's well worth it to try your potluck!
The first thing is to start with a bunch of good-quality seeds from grass that you really dig. Select the largest seeds and place them between two heavy-duty napkins or ink blotters in a pan. Soak the napkins with water until completely saturated. Cover the top of the pan or place it in a dark closet for three days or until a sprout about a half inch long appears from most of the seeds.
During this incubation period, you can prepare the seedling bed. Use a low wooden box such as a tomato flat and fill it with an inch of gravel. Fill the rest of the box with some soil mixed with a small amount of fertilizer. Moisten the soil until water seeps out the bottom of the box, then level the soil making a flat surface. With a pencil, punch holes two inches apart in straight rows. You can get about 2 dozen in a tomato flat.
When the incubation period is over, take those seeds that have an adequate sprout and plant one in each hole. The sprout goes down and the seed part should be a little above ground. Tamp the soil firmly (do not pack) around each plant as you insert the sprouts.
The seedlings should remain in their boxes in a sunny window until about mid-May. They should receive enough water during this period to keep the soil moist. By the time they are ready to go into the ground, the green plants should be about six to eight inches tall.
If it is late winter or early spring and you have a plot ofland that gets enough sun and is sheltered from nosy neighbors, you should definitely grow grass in the great outdoors.
One idea is to plant sunflowers in your garden as these grow taller than the pot plants and camouflage them from view. The best idea is to find some little-used field and plant a section of it.
Prepare the land the way you would for any garden vegetable. Dig up the ground with a pitchfork or heavy duty rake, removing rocks. Rake the plot level and punch holes in the soil about three inches deep and about two feet apart in the same way you did in the seedling boxes. Remove the young plants from the box, being careful not to disturb the roots and keeping as much soil intact as possible. Transplant each plant into one of the punched-out holes and firmly press the soil to hold it in place. When all the plants are in the ground, water the entire area. Tend them the way you would any other garden. They should reach a height of about six feet by the end of the summer and be ready to harvest.
If you don't have access to a field, you can grow good stuff right in your own closet or garage using artificial lighting. Transplant the plants into larger wooden boxes or flower boxes. Be sure and cover the bottom of each box with a few inches of pebbles or broken pottery before you add the soil. This will ensure proper drainage. Fertilize the soil according to the instructions on the box and punch out holes in much the same way you would do if you were growing outside. After the young plants have been transplanted and watered thoroughly, you will have to rig up a lighting system.
There are several types oflighting systems one can use. The cheapest and easiest is to use fluorescent bulbs. They run cooler and more efficiently than most types oflights. You need alot of light to grow good grass. Try to use about 8000 lumens per square foot of growing space. (You can find the lumen output of a light bulb by looking on the box.)
The only other truly acceptable lighting system is a HID (high intensity discharge) system. These use much less energy per lumen and output incredible amounts oflight. The most efficient type of HID is a High Pressure Sodium setup. You can buy an HPS setup from Lowes for about $70. You'll need to modify it to suit your purposes. Be careful when playing with electronics. If you can afford it, HID systems are well worth the money, and will drastically increase the size and potency of your final product. If you choose to use fluorescent bulbs, keep the bulb about 2 inches away from the top of the plant. If you go the HID route, you'll need to keep the bulbs about 2 feet away from the plants. As the plant grows you will need to move the lights higher. Be sure to consider this when you're setting up your system.
There are 2 stages of plant growth, and each stage needs a different lighting schedule. The first stage is called the Vegetative stage. This is when the plant is focusing on growing its roots, stem, and leaves. During the vegetative stage, your plants will need 18 hours oflight and 6 hours of darkness per day. Buy yourself a cheap vacation timer to turn the lights on and off automatically. The vegetative stage lasts for about a month, depending on your plant. To tell when the plant is moving into the second stage, check the nodes where the leaves grow out of the stem. If your leaves are coming out of the stem directly opposite each other (in a Y shape), your plant is still maturing. Once the nodes start to alternate, change your light schedule to 12 hours oflight and 12 hours of dark. This will force the plant to move into the second stage, Flowering.
Flowering is when the magic starts to happen. Your female plants will start to produce the beautiful sticky buds we know and love. The female plants have a larger and heavier flower structure and the males are somewhat skimpy. The female plant produces the stronger grass and the choicest parts are the top leaves (including the flowers).
Inside or outside, the plants will be best if allowed to reach maturity, although they are smokable at any point along the way. When you want to harvest the crop, wet the soil and pull out the entire plant. If you want to separate the top leaves from the rest, you can do so and make two qualities of grass. In any event, let the plants dry in the sun for two weeks until they are thoroughly dried out. If you want to hurry the drying process, you can do it in an oven using a very low heat for about twenty minutes. After you've completed the drying, you can "cure" the grass by putting the plants in plastic bags and sprinkling drops of wine, rum or plain booze on them. This greatly increases the potency.
There are two other ways that we know work to increase the potency of grass you grow or buy. One consists of digging a hole and burying a stash of grass wrapped in a plastic bag. A few months in the ground will produce a moldy grass that is far fuckin' out. [Warning: Smoking moldy bud is dangerous and can make you very sick. This is -not- a good way to make your grass better. It’ll only ruin good bud.] A quick method is to get a hunk of dry ice, put it in a metal container or box with a tight lid (taping the lid air-tight helps), and sprinkling the grass on top. Allow it to sit tightly covered for about three days until all of the dry ice sublimates.
One suggestion for indoor plants is to build a grow-room. There are many resources and suggestions on building a chamber to grow plants in (not just the herb!), but one way on the cheap requires a brand-new metal garbage can, two or three cinder blocks (or bricks), and a small lighting fixture (see above for lighting tips). For ventilation, punch small holes in the bottom of the can with a hammer and nail, and raise it off the ground by putting it atop the cinder blocks, then rig the light inside the lid. The shiny interior surface will distribute the light on all sides. Yes, it will look like something out of a Cheech and Chong movie, but it will get the job done.
If you have bugs chewing on your plants, go to your local health food store and buy a small bottle ofDr. Bronner's Liquid Baby-Mild Soap (the unscented kind). Dilute it about 1 part soap to 2 parts water, pour it into a spray bottle, then spray the plants with it. Dr. Bronner's is a very mild, vegetable-oil based soap and won't harm the plants. However, it will taste very bad to the bugs and they'll go elsewhere.
Assorted Freebies
Servicable computers are available at flea markets and yard sales for under a hundred bucks. I got one for twenty bucks at a flea market, and now I'm running Ubuntu Linux, and baby I am never going back to windows as a mainstay! Check out the want ads in your local paper. Good advice in general, that one. Schools and government offices upgrade huge batches at once and hold semiregular auctions. Ask around or go to the reference desk at your local public library andjust ask.
Another tactic is to hang around on a place like freecycle or the free section of craigslist, where people are giving away computers all the time. If all you need is a machine capable of email/web/word processing, check curbside the night before trash pickup, preferably in clueless yuppie neighborhoods. It is absolutely appalling how many perfectly serviceable machines end up chucked out simply because they aren't top of the line anymore, or stopped working because the previous owner picked up some kind of malware while looking for kiddie porn. Nothing a formatting and a linux distro won't fix....
Even better is to find a computer shop that going under and go trashing and see what u can find, or even ask them if they have stuff they want to get rid of for cheap.
No matter how badly virussed out a machine gets, you can almost always bring one back to life by burning a Linux LiveCD, booting "the deceased" off the CD-ROM drive, andjust hitting INSTALL. Download the .iso file and select an option on the CD burning program like "burn iso/burn as a bootable disk". Linux sources are at the end of this article.
Rebels and progressives of all sorts should learn how to use some version ofLinux or other at least for the big three: surfing, email, and word processing. Try and be aware of the Free Software and Open Source movement that is causing such a stir in the intellectual underground scene these days.
N.B.: Federal Instigators and other ex-COINTELPRO types have deeply infiltrated the American radical community, often in semi-leadership positions, so if you try and turn people on to Linux or anything technical and useful they'll often try to kick you to the curb. No kidding, the CIA will call you the CIA, and say "we don't want to learn all that technocratic fascist computer stuff, man. Linux or whatever you call it." The Man wants radicals to "yin out" and all be hippies, and learn massage therapy and messed-up hallucinatory mystical nutritional theories, not how to run a web-server, firearm safety, plumbing (you might make money!), electronics, chemistry, international business, or how to file a lawsuit. Get Yang in your head and Stay Yang, y'all. You know I'll always love ya!
Linux Love
Understand that there is no realistic way of fully tamper or snoop proofing a MS Windows system, the whole thing is secret and we have no idea how many of these security holes were ordered by Uncle Sam. MacOS has a reasonable claim to being a secure platform due to its deep OS code being open source. Linux and BSD have real claims at being as close to bomb proof as possible. Known exploits are quickly published and fixes are available often in a few hours.
Jumping on to a Linux system and expecting to be instantly as good at it as you are on windows is not gonna happen, but you can get on one and start knocking around, it's not that hard. It is a very empowering tool, though, and you generally meet a better class of people in the Linux/Unix communities. You will be a lot happier if you read a book on Linux, even a "For Dummies" book, after you get the stuff installed. Yes: after! It's that easy to get done, and get going. Ubuntu is probably the best compromise between being easy to use for a former windows user, and being able to do all kinds of stuff. Ubuntu is an African word that basically means "treating people right". Knopper Linux is quite nice, the one that kicked off the whole "boot and install from CD-ROM" family ofLinuxes. Not for a beginner unless your either noticeably smart, or you are very dedicated to cutting loose from software that takes your rights away and gives them to Hollywood, music, and software companies while pretending to support the artists that it is also shafting horribly. This distro allows you to boot into memory and have a safe diskless system which wipes after power off. Debian is the only software I have ever heard of that comes with its own constitution. These days it is called a "Social Contract with the Free Software Community" and it involves treating people right it is the base for Knoppix, Ubuntu, Damn Small Linux and many other distros. If you want a bomb proof server run Debian stable.
http://rastasoft.orgRastaSoft makes a Linux version called Dynebolix. It is especially designed to put the tools for media production into the hands of people that have no money and plenty to say. In other words it's made for activists. Includes graphics tools that are free and nearly as good as PhotoSlop, video editors, Open Office (yeah!), and No Games at all, how radical is that?
Note, a lot of old machines that won't run Windoze or the general Ubuntu or kubuntu Windows managers fast would better be made to run fluxbox, the best lightweight window manager out there. Damn Small Linux was designed for exactly this purpose and has fluxbox window manager it uses many older kernel modules so it will detect and run on old hardware
Volunteer at freegeek or similar computer recycling places (links should be on the website) and they'll give you a free functional computer, for as little as 24 hours of service.
Live CD’s
Damn Small Linux
Damn Small Linux is a quickly growing CD booting Linux distro that is designed to be burned to a business card sized CD. It is a super light build and is excellent to install onto the hard disk of an old 486 or Pentium computer to bring it up to date. Slip your DSL disk into a school, netcafe, or office machine and you get your favorite operating system, possibly network access, and usually the ability to browse most of the contents of the hard disk. Also, you can usually stick it on a flashdrive and boot from that.
Knoppix is currently the primary CD bootable Linux distro, it has most every option and program from office to hacking all on one bootable CD, a must have in any hackers toolkit. It leaves no evidence over on the host system if you reboot.
Ubuntu is a Linux operating system good for those who are not computer techies and still need to use theirs or others computers , comes in an installable live cd (Pentium 2 recommended by me) otherwise very similar to knoppix , leaves no evidence on host system if not installed.
One of the first places the cops go for evidence against us is our computers. If you are using Linux/Unix install and use "wipe" to overwrite the files you use, there will still be evidence that you had that "bad" file if you are using a journaling file system but it will destroy almost all of the data, M$windows has several of these secure overwrite delete programs as well. If you have one of the media or multifunction buttons above your keyboard remap it to run a delete script to "wipe" a secure directory or series of files, of course this is only useful if you are at the computer when the cops move in. Another option is to set the computer to wipe certain directories if the password is not entered properly but remember that smart investigators know tricks leaving no possibility of sneaky delete programs. A good idea is to keep your disks clean of questionable material, keep that stuff in your head.
Recovering Files Off of Hard Disk
On an unencrypted drive just booting into Linux from a CD will allow you to mount and browse the files on a system. If your CD will not boot try checking the boot options in the BIOS. If you have access to the inside there is usually a pin you can jumper to clear the BIOS or you can take a drive home over the weekend and hack it at home.
Recovering Windows Passwords
It is often nice to have management passwords to your work or school machine here are the hacks you need. administrator password.htm
Also try this, Start the machine and hit Ctrl-Alt-Del twice at login time, you will see a "Log On to Windows" menu where you can type a User Name and Password. for User type “Administrator” (don't type the "quotes"), in Password leave it blank. Hit Enter key. If nobody changed the admin login from it's default, you will have full administrative privileges as Administrator.
A linux live cd ,just burn it and then start it up like a normal live CD , select the passwords you want to crack in the program that opens as soon as it finishes starting and press go (will take about 15 mins a password sojust crack the admin if that is all you need)
Computer Information recovery tools simple cookie viewer for IE. all passwords and AutoComplete strings stored in your Protected Storage.] the passwords of instant messenger programs history viewer cd key viewer.htmlRecover Office/Windows CD-Key automatically scans for cookies by IE, Netscape and FireFox Great for password recovery
1.1.4.iso?modtime=1171919289&big mirror=0link to the iso file for the live cd "Ophcrack for "Ophcrack" software for hacking windows passwords
Note: most live cds save nothing(a few let you burn changes to free space), to carry documents with you; get a flash drive, one gig should suit all your needs.
This linux program available in your package manager which will help you rescue deleted files or snoop a hard disk.
Notebook Computers
Almost every laptop ever made has a 100/220 power supply, which will work anywhere in the world . Many creative power sources can be imagined to use with an auto/air 12v laptop adapter if the power loss is low enough, a cheap 12v to 110v converter may be more practical and thrifty if used only in a car. A solar charger is sold for around $300 and is commonly seen at Mt. Everest base camp, we are looking for a cheaper source of quality solar cells to to build a packable charger which can provide reliable 20-24 volt power and 2-4 amps.
Old Laptop Converted to Fast Linux
An old freebie laptop can be loaded with a scaled down OS like Damn Small Linux which will give you modern applications like the Fluxbox window manager and runs fast on even 486 and Pentium machines. A word to those who would try to buy these at a thrift/junk store, we have seen ancient 386 laptops priced at $200, it is better to squeeze out the cash for a new or barely used laptop than pay money for one that is very old.
Laptop Protection
The LCD screen is most vulnerable, a hard object in your pack can easily break the glass inside it. Pad the corners from impact obviously you must avoid dirt, dust, and moisture. (hovever, make the outside of any laptop look like complete shit, scratch the outside to hell, duct tape it a little, and cover with fun stickers, be creative)
Laptop Security, Locks
Use your head when getting online, laptop openly used in many places says "I am rich and have more cool stuff, follow me and rob me!" Hostels are also a really bad place to let anyone see anything valuable. A cable lock will stop the less brazen person from walking with your laptop when your back is turned, be sure to secure the cable loop around something secured to the wall or floor, a non folding chair is another idea.
There are several designs meant for third world students, we see promise in a market full of foot powered low power drain mini laptops. If the project is not messed up we are very excited. The eeePc and several other offerings have similar capabilities and also run Linux but are intended for an American and Asian market.
DIY Laptop
For around $200 (2006 USA dollars) a person can buy a mini-ITX everything integrated system board, LCD screen, power supply, and keyboard and with a little imagination some plastic or sheet metal skill they can build a budget laptop. A rechargeable battery pack makes it really mobile and peripherals can be connected by USB. If you can rig the unit to run off of a flash drive, that will save on battery drain but be sure your OS is set up to not use disk swap on the flash drive or this will wear out the flash media quickly, DSL linux for example.
Check out the Damn Small Linux Team for a good deal on the board.
Modern PDA's or pocket PC's have many of the powers of a computer although they lag behind in raw number crunching required for games, code cracking, and processor intensive tasks. PDA's are suited to potrability and stealth. HPC's (handheld personal computer) have similar processing ability but have half VGA wide screens and small but usable QWERTY keyboards, these are beautiful for writers who need a keyboard and full width screen but want to have long battery life.
Palm, WinCE, etc.
Corpgov controlled OS's but useful if you find the right applications. Palm is currently close to releasing a linux based Palm OS but its hackability is still in question, we have high hopes. Windows CE or mobile machines can often to varying degrees of difficulty be converted to Linux.
Free, Open, Smart, if you can get you handheld to boot linux and run X windowing systems you have put off obsolescence for many years.
Available cheap on the used market this PDA is made to run our free Linux operating system, sadly Sharp appears about to discontinue the line.
Angstrom Linux for ARM Mobile Devices
Angstrom is the follow on and sucessor to many of the distros for ARM based handheld devices like the Zaurus series, Ipaq's, Nokia 770's, SimPads, Mobilepro 900 HPC's, and OpenMoko phones to name a few, it has both stable and unstable releases and is currently very active.
Wired ethernet and Wi-Fi
If you are really into hacking then be sure to have both 10baseT and Wi-Fi cards for your PDA, while it might be impossible to get into a secure office with a laptop rarely will anyone question a PDA the same hacking programs on yor Linux laptop should be installed on your Linux PDA. With Wi-Fi, after sampling WEP/WMA packets use a GPRS phone or card to send them to a more powerful server and crack them with real processor power. Power draw is a concern currently Socket brand WiFi and ethernet cards are the most efficient.
PDA Power
Some PDA's have after market solar, crank, cigarette lighter jack, or AAbattery powered boosters which are good for where you have been denied access to power mains. See Cycling#Other Things for a design to use a bike generator to charge phones and PDA's
Portable Device Security
A sparkily little gem like a new PDA or Smartphone draws attention, sadly many radical hangers on have no morals and are just angry punks,just like a fancy MP3 player they also attract street thugs. Best to keep a shiny new gadget hidden, stickered up, or gunged up to reduce apparent value.
OS boot
In addition to fitting on a business card size CD, Damn Small Linux can now be installed to your USB memory key! Have all of your favorite files and a familiar desktop on almost any modern computer. MacOS 7 is also available for boot off of a USB key.
File Security
If the cops catch you, you can bet they will sniff around yourUSB key. Don't entrust vital info to a keychain drive; memorize it. Lower value info can be encrypted or stenographed into a picture or song, and most piggies can't figure something like that out, but again, don't ever underestimate them.
Wiping Flash Memory
Unless you have access to a low level debug program for your USB key, assume that even if you have deleted and overwritten a file, it still resides on the cells of your flash memory device (flash MP3 player, memory card, USB drive, etc). The only 100% way to destroy all data on a Flash device is to grind all of the chips inside into powder with a hammer. Even microwaving the device until it burns isn't good enough for the truly paranoid. For most usages, though, deleting all data and then filling the drive with random data files until there is no room once or twice will usualy overwrite all previous data. Be careful, though, as doing an empty-fill-empty cycle shortens the life of the flash chip if done on a regular basis
Portable Versions of your Most Used Software
Several sites like will provide you with trusted open source applications that you can safely run from your USB drive: word processors, instant messengers, e-mail, SSH, FTP, and web browsers like Firefox and its more secure upgrade TORpark. For more secure usage, or if you fear a keyboard logger has been installed, you can use virtual keyboard and notepad portable. Ereser portable to help clean up the machine you have been using. These programs will run from the key drive, usually never leaving any trace on most host machines.
Single board Computer and LCD
In auto install
If you like riding in a rusty coffin why not build a on-board computer, there are plenty of single board computers, LCD screens, and wifi cards that will take 12v power, it will also increase the theft value of your car so you can start riding your bike more.
Hacked Linux Routers
A fun hack is to get a cheap linux router add kismet wifi access point auditing tool and connect a GPS to the internal serial port. With battery power you can scan large areas of town for open acess points and record their location.
With the appropriate mass-storage hardware or a drive ona USB port available as a hack on many models, a wireless router that has been reflashed to be a normal command-line Linux system can be secreted inside a wall, panel, ceiling, or even off-site, and accessed wirelessly. Off-site secure stores can be very difficult to locate, if they are known of at all, and require additional search warrants.
Most Linux based routers can have other linux programs added for at least the time it is powered up by adding compiled programs to the /bin folder, don't forget to add the required libraries. Openwrt goes so far as letting you add packages and treating the flash area as a disk instead of a firmware storage area.
DD-wrt has a easy interface to allow internet users to access your network by auto updating your IP address with a dynamic DNS service. DD-wrt basicly takes a $25-$100 router and turns it into a $500-$1000 class router. For example with the DDwrt firmware upgrade you can have your router establish a VPN to a server far away obsuring all internet traffic on this encrypted tunnel, you can keep a dynamic DNS service updated of your current IP adress for serving a website from a DSL line, and you can adjust your WiFi transmit power. Using the Input/Output lines for several LED's and buttons a SD card can be added to most broadcom based routers, DDWRT will then allow installation of applications form the OpenWRT repositories.
Ham radio operators have invented several amazing ways to get information to another place without easily being detected unlike cellular or direct internet. Of course a guerrilla will have no qualms failing to identify herself with a call sign. Don't expect super straight hams to help you once they know what you are planning, you will have to set up your own network and hope that the bunny hunter (armature radio ops who track illegal operators and turn them in to the FCC) can't follow your changes in location.
Packet Radio
Higher possible bits per second using higher frequencies VHF/UHF/Microwave but easy to pinpoint if used from a fixed location mostly line of sight only.
Slower data transmission usually used with HF bands, difficult to pinpoint these low frequencies but easily will allow digital intercontinental communication by bouncing off of the ionasphere.
Other sound card modes of digital communication
There are many other digital modes and a visit to http://arrl.orgwill get you started.
OSCARS Satellite communication
Free open amature radio satellite uplink with no hacking required, you needjust a few hundred dollars in gear (or the ability to build your own). Some OSCARS satellites can even be commanded to retransmit from memory over a different continent your voice or email message.
Another good place to find electronics is the local thrift store. Many people just donate perfectly good equipment, accessories and cables if they don't need it. You can get expensive older stereos, speakers, computer equipment, monitors, televisions, cables, even old cellphones and appliances, all for cheap. Most good items will be sold quickly, so be sure to check back often. To get a leg up, and a discount, offer to volunteer in the electronics receiving area, testing equipment. Now you can get first pick of all the items donated, and access to some items that won't normally be put out on the floor. Come in once or twice a week and spend an hour testing anything that looks interesting to you. Chances are, you'll also be allowed to set the price of the items you test. Even without a little price gouging, you'll be able to get items that would sell for hundreds of dollars new for five or ten.
If you live near a college campus, they often have free (or cheap) laundry machines for the students to use. Go to the nearest campus, wait by the door with your laundry, get let in by some sorority type, and make your way down to the laundry room. They tend to be placed in the basements of residence halls. Students often leave detergent around, so cop some of that, and you're golden. See also Low Impact Crashingfor more ideas.
Original Laundry
Wait in a laundromat. Tell someone with a light load that you'll watch the machine for them if you can stick your clothes in with theirs.
Since STB was written nearly 40 years ago, much has changed in the world of free pets. The Pig Empire doesn't give out free buffalo anymore due to animal-rights people going ballistic and environmentalists going nuts about stripping them from their native wilderness. Still though, there is no excuse to pay for a perfectly adequate pet.
Pound Puppies
Check animal shelters, SPCAs, and Humane Societies. It would be in your (and the pet's) best intrerest to try the animal shelter first, as they still often put animals to sleep while the latter two avoid doing so. With vaccinations, sterilization, microchips, and ID tags, you can get a pet anywhere for free or reduced cost (almost always under $50). Be forewarned, many of these places do a brief inspection of the animal's future home and owner, so clean the place out, shove your brothers and sisters in the basement, and take the bong off the coffee table.
Craigslist and local newspapers always have pets for free/reduced cost. Free pets won't be damaged by genital removal or dribble problems from a botched spaying that the In-Humane society requires to avoid the pet death sentence. Un-mutilated pets are often more hyper and spirited, much like undrugged ADD teens....
Food and Board
In terms of paying for shelter or food for your pet, check to see what your animal can/cannot eat and in what proportions. You can often make a nutritious meal for your animal using household food stuffs for a fraction of the price ofPetsMart's. Most animals can have a comfortable place to sleep using old towels, bedding, and other supplies in the pad or at the thrift store.
Service Animals
If you don't want to bother paying for someone to take care ofFido during your next outing, there is no need to. Service animals are NOT considered pets by federal law and can go almost anywhere no pets are allowed regisster this with the state and even if you monkey flings poo there is nothing they can doo-doo.... including apartments, hotels, and restaurants. In most cases, the person with the service animal does not have to show documentation for his/her animal nor for a disability. If anybody asks, you have limited visibility and need a service animal to guide, and a dark pair of sunglasses along with a proper harness on the animal is often all that is needed to keep people understanding. Official service animals include dogs, cats, and monkeys. Just make sure your pet is very well behaved and looks like a legit service animal and your pet can go wherever you go. If you know a doctor have her write a letter or note on an official pad or letterhead prescribing a service pet for therapy reasons.
Dirt Nap
If the time ever comes to euthanize your animal due to incurable (and check with a vet to make sure) illnesses, check with vets and other pet areas for the costs. Many offer very reasonable services. You can often do this yourself in a humane manner, but it's probably worth paying a few extra bucks for a pro to put down old yeller in a safe and foolproof way.
Original Pets
Your local ASPCA will give you a free dog, cat, bird or other pet. Have them inspect and inoculate the animal which they will do free of charge. You can get free or very cheap medical care for your pet at a school for veterinary medicine.
Underground newspapers often carry a free-pets column in the back pages. Snakes can be caught in any wooded area and they make great pets. You can collect insects pretty easy. Ants are unbelievable to watch. You can make a simple 3/4 inch wide glass case about a foot high, fill it with sand and start an ant colony. A library book will tell you how to care for them.
Every year the National Park Service gives away surplus elks in order to keep the herds under its jurisdiction from outgrowing the amount of available land for grazing. Write to: Superintendent, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone, Wyoming 83020. You must be prepared to pay the freight charges for shipping the animal and guarantee that you can provide enough grazing land to keep the big fellow happy.
Under the same arrangement the government will send you a Free Buffalo. Write to: Office of Information, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20420. So many people have written them recently demanding their Free Buffalo, that they called a press conference to publicly attack the Yippies for creating chaos in the government. Don't take any buffalo shit from these petty bureaucrats, demand the real thing. Demand your Free Buffalo.
You can get a free l6mm movie about parakeets called "More Fun with Parakeets," by writing to: R.T. French Co., 9068 Mustard St., Rochester, New York 14609. This great film won an Academy Award for best picture of 1793.
If you want to look like a high-roller, you can obtain stickers from the company Dragon Optical (the really expensive sunglass maker) by calling their toll-free number at 1-888-DRAGON8 or 1-888372-4668.
Most movie theatres and concert venues will give away posters or cardboard displays for movies they aren't showing anymore. Just show up on the last day it's playing and ask. Or rifle through their dumpster.
Original Posters
Beautiful wall posters are available by writing to the National Tourist Agencies of various countries. Most are located between 42nd and 59th Streets on Fifth Ave. in New York City. You can find their addresses in the New York Yellow Pages under both National Tourist Agencies and Travel Agencies. There are over fifty of them. Prepare a form letter saying you are a high school geography teacher and would like some posters of the country to decorate your classroom. In a month you will be flooded with them. Airline companies also have colorful wall posters they send out free.
Today the travelers checks scam might still work in a few remote places.
Original Security
For this trick you need some money to begin with. Deposit it in a bank and return in a few weeks telling them you lost your bank book. They give you a card to fill out and sign and in a week you will receive another book. Now withdraw your money, leaving you with original money and a bank book showing a balance. You can use this as identification to prevent vagrancy busts when traveling, as collateral for bail, or for opening a charge account at a store.
Another trick is to buy some American Travelers Checks. Wait a week and report your checks lost. They'll give you new ones to replace the missing ones. You spend your new checks and keep the ones you reported lost as security. This security is great for international travel especially at border crossings. If you want, you can spend the Travelers Checks by giving them to a friend to forge your name. Before you call the office to report the loss, call the police station and say you were mugged and your wallet was stolen. The agency always asks if you have reported the lost checks to the police, so you can safely answer yes. Never do this for more than five hundred dollars and never more than once with any one company.
If you need to send a package, and it fits the general weight/size specs of a book or CDs or video tapes, etc., you can use the United States Postal Service's Media Mail rate, which is considerably less expensive than standard shipping rates. Just remember that the USPS is getting wise to people abusing Media Mail (such as sending items that aren't books or recordings, or adding personal correspondence with an item), so they're "inspecting" packages that are sent that way. If the package is in violation, it will either be sent back to you, or will be bumped up to another higher rate, usually First Class, and the addressee (whoever is supposed to get the package) will have to pay the outstanding postage before they can receive it. If you don't know what qualifies as "Media Mail", go to the Post Office and ask, or check their website at If you need to send a letter with the package, use a clear Packing List/Invoice Envelope. You can get a box of these at an office supply store. Write your letter, fold it up, and write the address where the package is to be delivered on a small piece of paper (or a blank part of the letter) facing out, and slap it on the package. Remember that nearly all Media Mail packages go by ground, which means that anything sent to Hawaii or any outlying islands (Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.) will go by boat, which can take up to TWO MONTHS to get there! So you might want to consider sending things Parcel Post or First Class if it has to go that far.
The USPS offers Flat Rate envelopes and boxes for their Priority Mail service (Anywhere in the world up to 3 days). If you can fit the item(s) in the envelope or box (provided for free at your local Post Office) and seal the flap shut, you can send it via Priority Mail. There are weight limits (4 pounds for envelopes and 20 pounds for boxes), but if you're sending lots oflittle items to one address, this is a real money saver. Just remember that overseas shipping will be more expensive than US, but still, it's a good buy. Don't confuse this with Express Mail, an overnight service, which is more expensive.
Original Postage
When mailing to the same city, address the envelope or package to yourself and put the name of the person you are sending it to where the return address generally goes. Mail it without postage and it will be "returned" to the sender. Because almost all letters are machine processed, any stamp that is the correct size will pass. Easter Seals and a variety of other type stamps usually get by the electronic scanner. If you put the stamp on a spot other than the far upper right corner, it will not be cancelled and can be used again by the person who gets your letter. If you have a friend working in a large corporation, you can run your organization's mail through their postage meter.
Those ridiculous free introductory or subscription type letters that you get in the mail often have a postage-guaranteed return postcard for your convenience. The next one you get, paste it on a brick and drop it in the mailbox. The company is required by law to pay the postage. You can also get rid of all your garbage this way.
Get a friend who has a AAA membership to get to their local office and get free local maps for you, or where ever you are going.
Google Maps and Google Earth are also good, free resources.
Original Maps
You can get a free full-color World Atlas by writing to Hammond Inc. Maplewood, New Jersey 07040.
R = eved from " __7
Unquestionably one of the best deals going is becoming a minister in the Universal Life Church. They will send you absolutely free, bona fide ordination papers. These entitle you to all sorts of discounts and tax exemptions (Just make certain you file all the proper paperwork first!). Go to to sign up at their on-line church (or to http://www.ulc.orgto go to their on-line monastery), and your ordination papers will come right out of your printer! They also sell lots of other stuff for your ministry, such as ID cards, clip-on badges, and a number of credentials and certificates.
If you go to the official website of their International Headquarters,, they will actually mail you your ordination certificatefor free' You know it's genuine; they have actual thick paper!
Other groups that offer free on-line ordination are the Church of Spiritual Humanism ( ) and Universal Ministries ( Other ministry items are available from them.
The Discordian Church (a close friend to the Yippies) grants free Sainthood, Pope and Messiah status. Just print out cards found at -- of course, most people don't respect the holy religion ofEris.
Many yeshivas and seminaries have been known to give free rides to Israel for both college age and above Jewish men and women. Once there almost all provide free dorm stay and food in exchange for attending a few classes a week. If you are not a Jew ask your respective mosque, church, temple or comet suicide cult if they have a similar program.
Original Ministry
Unquestionably one of the best deals going is becoming a minister in the Universal Life Church. They will send you absolutely free, bona fide ordination papers. These entitle you to all sorts of discounts and tax exemptions. Right now, sit down and write to Universal Life Church Inc., 601 3rd St., Modesto, California 95351. Try cutting out the card on the following page and laminate it. Let us know how it works out.
1. Become a cop.
2. Earn MCSE (Microsoft Certified Software Engineer) certification. Actually, considering how much damage Micro$oft is causing to corporate and government computer security around the world, this could be considered a revolutionary act....
3. The School of the Americas has changed its name to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Tell them you have thought it over carefully, and have decided that protecting your nation and spreading freedom and democracy by torturing, anally raping, and murdering civilians sounds like a completely rational idea to you and you want to sign up and do your duty. For Jesus!
4. Live in Amerika!
5. Get a jobina slaughterhouse.
6. Vote, because, as Americans, we have effectively enabled a new generation of enemies by putting into office these thieving gangs of murderous creeps. Every American participating in the established form of government has their hands covered in the blood ofIraqi, Palestinian, Israeli, Pakastani, Afgani, Yugoslav, Kurdish, Iranian, Syrian, Lebanese, and even down home American children. Republican, Democrat, blue facist, red facist you have no choice but to fight.
Original Atrocities
Join the Navy!
Veterans’ Benefits
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: Call toll free: 1-800-827-1000
Original Veterans’ Benefits
Write to the Veteran's Administration Information Service, Washington, D.C. 20420 asking them for the free services they provide for veterans. Send fifteen cents to the Government Printing Office for their booklet Federal Benefits Available to Veterans and Their Dependents.
Original Watch
A $330 Bulova sport timer accurate to 1/10 of a second will be lent free tojudges and referees to time any amateur sporting event. Call your local authorized Bulova dealer and get one lent to you under a phony name. Tell them you want to time an orgy.
CorGov loves when you take your week or two of approved vacation then return to drudgery while receiving ever more worthless US dollars and worse benifits. Screw them all, we are on vacation for life!! Most of what is mentioned below is scams to get what straight Americans love, a vanilla vacation. Get off the beaten path, hitchike on an airplane, bike through Asia, hop protests, and live on gifts and bartered craft work!! Maybe you could do some accounting or flip burgers for a vacation.
Here are some scams thet you can use during your down time from your down time. Getting a free vacation is tough these days. However, if you want to persist and push, you can get freebies out the wazoojust by looking like a middle-class suburbanite who is not happy.
WARNING: Much of what you're heard about Las Vegas isn't valid any more. Nearly all the midpriced hotels on the Strip have been, or will be, torn down and replaced with luxury set-ups. The cheap buffets are a distant memory (the buffets are there, but they're no longer cheap), the drinks are over-priced and the lounges have been replaced with over-hyped nightclubs. However, there are cheaper places to stay Off-Strip, such as on Boulder Highway, or in the neighboring city of Henderson, but you'll need a bus schedule to get around if you don't have a car. Get one from Citizens Area Transit. Or better still, do what many people who live in Las Vegas do... take their vacations in Laughlin!
A word should be put in on hotels: It is still possible to get a hotel for "free" in many cases. Using a canceled (NOT expired) credit card can often work. Be forewarned, the computer system will often lock you out of your room after midnight, so get in and stay until you run out.
You can more frequently get a room at middle-class hotels (Holiday Inns, Comfort Inns etc) by finding out a company that has a direct bill service set up with the hotel. Make a reservation (using your name or a phony ID) the day before, then come in looking like youjust got off a plane/out from a meeting and that's it! Usually ID is not taken for these direct-bill type reservations, so you're in the clear.
You can often get a comped room just by complaining! Many chains (Marriott, Hilton, etc) offer 100% guarantees if you find your room is not up to snuff. Perhaps start offby swiping the nice alarm clock by your bed, stuffing it in your duffel bag, then calmly telling the front desk "There isn't an alarm clock in my room". They'll set up a new one. Then, perhaps drop a few roaches or something that looks nasty in the bathroom, call the front desk and demand your free room...claiming there is (insert nasty thing here) in your bathroom. They can't dicker on the price, they are required by corporate to give you a free room. Keep in mind, however, that many hotel staff members are ripe for conversion into the revolutionary don't give them a hard time unless they are total assholes.
Theme Parks
The same comp idea can be used at theme parks (Anheuser-Busch, Universal, and Disney are the best to do it at). While you may not get a free ticket, items like snacks, dinners, clothing, and more can be had by complaining or simply telling a staff member some BS excuse (my ice cream fell on the ground...waaaaaah!)
If you ever go to Disney/Central Florida, look at the "FREE Tickets to Disney/Universal/Sea World/Armageddon" places. They are a dime a dozen around the tourist traps. Find out what the rules are, but usually its a half-day chat about trying to con you into a shitty timeshare in the boonies. They do pressure you into getting a timeshare (obviously) but just insist you have to talk it over with your S.O. Furthermore, BE SURE you give them phony info so they don't call you constantly.
Original Vacations
There are many ways to take a free vacation, but here's one you might not have considered. It's an all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for absolutely nothing. Call a travel agent and request information about Las Vegas gambling junkets (you'll probably have to hunt around because this practice is being curtailed). Different hotels have different deals, but the average one runs something like this: If you agree to buy $500 worth of chips that can only be spent on gambling tables of the host hotel, they will fly you round trip, pay all hotel and food bills and provide you with a rented car. Go with a close friend and check into the hotel. Once at the roulette or craps table, you and your friend bet the same amount of chips against each other on even-paying chances. For example, he would bet on red and you on black. When either of you wins, you keep the house chips; when you lose, turn in the specially marked chips that cannot be cashed in. What you are doing is simply exchanging the chips you came with for house chips that you can cash in for real dough. Theoretically your two vacations should cost $23.00 if you do the betting at the crap table and $52.00 if you bet even chances at roulette. That is because the house wins if 0 or 00 comes up in roulette and if 12 comes up on the first roll of the dice, but it sure is a hell of a vacation for two for $23.00, and you get free champagne on some flights.
You can get half a vacation free by going to the Amerikan Embassy or Consulate in the country you find yourself in and claim that you're destitute. There is a law on the books that says they have to send you away, but be persistent. Make up a story about how your parents are away from home traveling. Say you got mugged or something and you are about to go to the newspapers with your story. Eventually they'll get you a free plane ticket. They stamp your passport invalid though, and you have to pay the government back before you can use it again.
Most fast food restaurants don't notice (or don't care) if you're refilling their plastic coated cardboard cup or your own.
If you respectfully ask for water at a fast-food/food court place, they'll usually give it to you. "Excuse me, sir, could I please have some water?" is generally the key to a refreshing drink.
When out and about, always keep a bottle with you to refill with water at water fountains or wash room sinks. It replenishes you better than soda, and it's free. Keep in mind that most plastic bottles are not meant to be reused forever due to degradation of the plastic. Even if you do use the same plastic bottle forjust a couple of days, remember to wash it frequently. Also, leaving an empty bottled-water bottle in the sun will release harmful molecules into the contents of the bottle; be careful. It also helps to have several different restaurant's cups in the back seat of your car; just grab which ever is appropriate and fill her up (this also works for free popcorn at movie theatres, although most theatres only allow refills on the largest rip-off bag you can purchase).
Also, many banks and car dealership repair shops offer free coffee, nuts, popcorn or other snack foods to their customers. As long as you're dressed respectably you should be able to waltz right in, use the bathroom, get a sip at the water fountain and then hit up the refreshments on your trip out.
Original Drinks
When hitching, it's a good idea to carry a bottle opener and a straw. You take the caps off soda bottles while they're still in the machine and drink them dry without ever touching the bottle.
The Neptune Society offers low-cost, dignified cremation services in11 states. Go to for more information.
Original Burials
For ways to avoid the high cost of dying in Amerika, write to: Continental Association, 39 East Van Buren St., Chicago, Ill. 60605. Send them $1.00 for the Manual of Simple Burial and 250 for a list ofMemorial Associates.
Astrodome Pictures
Step 1: goto Google Images and search for a good pic of the Astrodome (Thisis a good one)
Step 2: find a cheap color printer near you (kinkos is the best can usually get color for under 50 cents
Step3: ???
Step 4: Profit!
Original Astrodome Pictures
Don't youjust have to have a huge, glossy color photo ofHouston's famed Astrodome to show all your friends? Use the teacher bit and write to: Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Council, 1600 Main St., Houston, Texas 77002.
Real Diploma
If you are running an educational co-op find out the state laws on making yourself into an unaccredited college and start issuing real diplomas to your graduates. Almost all private colleges and universities start out unaccredited. If your co-op is a long term thing you can also have a contact number and address to accept calls from other colleges and employers seeking official sealed transcripts. Make everything look official and you should be accepted like most starting unaccredited schools. You should feel free to use your earned diploma to build your resume and even try to transfer credits. Acceptability by other instutions is directly related to how professional you course description and documentation are. Get help from someone who has worked in the administration office of a college. If you are really into this game find other co-ops and form your own accreditation body this is essentialy waht happend with the current university system. Most employers check the internet if they are suspicious so you had better set up a good website for your school.
Fake Diploma
Do a web search for outfits that sell blatantly fake (but very official looking) "novelty documents" that will look good on your wall, and might bluff out a few people, but don't expect to pad your resume with them.
Original Diploma
Above the paper towel dispenser in a service station restroom was written: "San Francisco State Diplomas." If you really need a college or a high school diploma, send $2.00 to Glenco, Box 834, Warren, Michigan 48090. They send you one that looks real authentic. It ain't Harvard, but it looks good enough to frame and put on your wall.
A lot of major cities have the public bathrooms where you put in a few quarters and the door unlocks. If you're with a group of people just pay once and either all go in together or one at a time holding the door for each other so it doesn't lock. Another option is to wait around the bathroom until someone uses it and pays, then catch the door as they're walking out and sneak in before it locks itself. If you're feeling charitable, take a clean Band-Aid or some strong tape and put it over the latch so it doesn't lock, letting the next person use it for free!
Construction sites often have rented portable toilets on-site, some are even within a short sprint from the sidewalk. If someone notices you leaving the Port-O-Potty (or whatever the brand name is), simply say, "Just checking." and keep walking.
On a sanitary note, always keep something to wipe yourself with (such as paper tissues) and something to clean your hands with (like disposable towelettes),just in case the offerings are thin where you happen to be.
For an actual toilet, shower stalls, and other recycled goods look for a builders recycling center near you.
Also, if you are near a park or something, take a chance and pick a bush already!
Original Toilets
Sneak Under!
Table of Contents
1. Leadership
2. Tell it all, Brothers and Sisters
3. Starting a Printing Workshop
4. Underground Newspapers
5. High School Papers
6. GI Papers
7. Wall Painting
8. Public Speaking
9. News Services
10. Spanish for the Revolution
11 .The Underground Press
14 .Community Centers
15 .Guerrilla Broadcasting
16 .Guerrilla Radio
17 .Guerilla Television
1.1 Information Warfare
19 .Revolutionizing the Masses
20 .Demonstrations
21 .Dress
22 .Helmets
23 .Gas Masks
24 .Walkie Talkies
25 .Other Equipment
26. Caching
27. Infiltrating
28 .LockSmithing
29 . Trashing
30 .Weapons for Street Fighting
32 .Unarmed Defense
33 .General Strategy Rap
34 .Underwater Trashing
35 .Peoples Chemistry
36 .Stink Bomb
37 .Smoke Bomb
39.Molotov Cocktail
40.Sterno Bomb
41 . Aerosol Bomb
42 .Pipe Bombs
43 .General Bomb Strategy
44 .First Aid for Street Fighters
45 .What to do
46 .Medical Committees
47 .Hip Pocket Law
48 .Legal Advice
49 .Lawyers Group
50 . Join the Army of Your Choice
51 .Canada Sweden and Political Asylum
52 .Organise a Labor Union
53.Prisoner Support
54.Steal Now Pay Never
5 5. Shoplifting
5 6. Techniques
57.On the Job
58 .Credit Cards
59 .Monkey Warfare
60 .Piece Now
61 .Handguns
63 . Shotguns
64 .Other Weapons
66.Gun Laws
68.DIY Defense
69.Get the Hell Out of Dodge
70.International Communications
71 .Disguise
72 .The Underground
73.1dentification Papers
74 .Communication
75 .Asylum Seekers
Put new fighting stuff here. Don't be a wuss revolutionary. Put up yer dukes.
There are four levels of resistance; however, just because resistance exists, does not always mean the cause is right or just.
Remember, brothers and sisters: One less cop for one less revolutionary is NOT a fair trade. If your tribe is in danger with no beneficial outcomes: get the hell outta there. There's no time to be a hero when you're dead!
Legal Demonstration
The system is still intact and normal democratic processes can get useful results. Political manuvering, marches, press interviews, boycotts; all can produce amazing results.
Be ready with your copiers and printers, door to door handouts, and silk screened signs to let people know what is up. You will be expected to speak in public places and convince the sheeple tojoin the fight.
Civil Disobedience
Civil disobedience is a wake up call to the general population that their rights are being ignored, hopefully leading to a quick return to legal demonstrations. Examples include sit-down protests, road blocking, telephone and Internet abuse.
Know how to get away and deal with riot police, plan to escape cuffs and zip-ties, and don't get too violent: you want the moral high ground.
Destructive Resistance
The ruling faction has so ignored the plight of the people that this is the only to get their attention or destroy their power base. Techniques include arson, explosives, trashing of offices, counterfeiting of currency and securities, and robbery.
You are now trying to break the machine without hurting too many people, trashing and sabotage are now important. The general population needs to be sympathetic for this to work well.
War is a last resort when the ruling faction has decided to turn to deadly force to enforce their will and when the civil rights of the populace or minority have been completely removed. The ultimate goal is overthrow of the illegal cabal and a return to a legal constitutional republic.
An army needs to shoot, move, and communicate for its offensives to be effective. Cover and concealment provide a place to escape bullets and bombs and a way to blend in and not be seen. Your army needs its basic survival needs of air (via the use of gas masks), water, food, rest, and warmth (using clothing and sleeping bags) met every day. If any of these factors are ignored, your army will fail to be effective.
If you are a minority and the majority is hunting you, like in World War II, it is probably smartest to do a rear guard guerrilla war and get as many of your own people out before escaping yourself. Some of the saddest stories we have heard were of Jews who were told by corrupt community puppet leaders that everything was fine, they were going to work camps, and anyone who claimed the trains lead to death camps were crazy conspiracy nuts.
What guerrilla handbook would be complete without discussing leadership? We include theCheap ThrillsandShoplifting as introduction for those who are just far enough outside the system that we can reach them. As you grow and realize the depth of the problem in the world and begin to solve problems you will realize that you have to take part in the repair or replacement of our system. We need to get beyond selfish consumption which has lead us to this dire situation. Our progressive predecessors in the 1960's became the 70's "me" generation intent on having lots of meaningless sex and getting as stoned as possible. We are not thieves , playboys/girls, or stoners, we are leaders.
Leaders are not born they are trained, some people come to the understanding of these basics through trial and error but everyone should be able to learn how to lead people.
For people to want to follow you have to believe in yourself. Build your confidence by leading in sports and problem solving exercises. Volunteering gives many opportunities to become comfortable leading.
A leader at any level must be beyond reproach. If every member of the protest movement were to act as if there was a news camera crew following them there would be less of a chance for blackmail by outsiders or disappointment of your subordinates.
If you are loose with the time of others it indicates thay you do not consider their time valuable. Keep appointments and show up on time.
see Public Speaking
Join In
Join in and help with the work, those following you will see your real commitment and be motivated. This doesn't mean that you can't delegate, but it does mean you are not lounging in an air conditioned office while the troops are getting thrashed by pigs.
You must have at least a basic grasp on the task you are managing, find trained assistants who you trust to help with specifics. Your ability to read people will help you assess input from trained assistants.
Delegate Authority
Do not personally manage the tiny details, designate competent leaders and allow them to build a team and take care of the task. Oversee the efforts just enough to be sure that a competent job is being done.
Conflict management is a major problem in most organizations, learn how to take the aggrieved parties and create solutions. Know when to separate activists and when you can work out a compromise.
Know your Troops
Do your best to learn the names and a few personal tidbits about every one of your activists especially in a large organization. If your troops feel that you think they are important they will be willing to go 110% when they are needed.
When a subordinate is discovered to be in an embarrassing situation from a mistake or personal history do all you can to keep this problem out of the organization and out of the media. Use common sense to decide if the activist's history or actions could be a blackmail threat from the pigs or a black eye to your organization. seeSecurity Culture
Take Responsibility
Even if a subordinate makes an error, it is your responsibility to let the buck stop with you. When you delegate a job you have the responsibility to choose a competent manager to take care of the problem.
Think about the effects of your decisions on those working for you. Always have the safety of your troops at the top of your mind.
Have an open door and encourage your delegate's to do the same. If there is a problem or an improvement you must be open to ideas, it is easy for the management circle to become a closed thought loop, outside comments from the troops will inject fresh ideas.
A leader should be constantly reviewing past performance as well as imagining what could happen. If you have considered what you would do in a situation you will be that much more ready to act when the time comes and instant action is needed
.Tell it all, Brothers and Sisters
"Structure is more important than content in the transmission of information." - Abbie Hoffman
The most important brick in the foundation of change is information. Sharing information in traditional means is still one of the best ways to get the word out or to recruit other citizens who might otherwise never stumble upon a movement that is largely internet-based.
Information overload on the internet is a real concern. It's one thing to have access to any kind of information that one desires, it's another thing entirely to be able to sift through the immense pile of articles and discussions and opinions that crop up among the millions of internet sources.
Transitioning this information to print/traditional formats is key to the success of any movement that wants to include everyone, not just the web savvy.
Starting a Printing Workshop
The wide availability of computer technology, inexpensive layout software, cheap printers and easy access to low cost photocopying have made the generation of printed materials easier than ever.
Computers and software
Any computer you are likely to get your hands on can be used to design printed materials. Google Office and other web-based applications such as Zoho http://www.zoho.comprovide you with the opportunity to create quick, professional-looking documents without any software investment at all. Your material can even be saved online to enable other people, who might have better access to printing machines, to get the files themselves. These web tools also enable easy collaboration.
If you're looking for something more robust, Open Office is a good open source application that is available for free for many different computer systems.
The Gimp an open free photo editing and manipulation application with many of the options and abilities of the commercial offerings, it is available for most OS's. GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.
Scribus is a free open source publishing program for creating newsletter and book layouts, it is available for M$ Windows, OS-X, Linux, and OS2. Underneath the modern and user friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, separations, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation.
File sharing sites such as Limewire can sometimes help you find decent versions of pirated or shared software. The more popular desktop publishing applications like Quark and Illustrator can be relatively easy to find. Often, you'll have to download the application separate from its supporting documents (such as Help) and activation keys, but, unlike traditional pirating, you're not very likely to lose an arm in a sword fight.
Computer Printers
A printer will need to be used to generate the paper version of your materials. A printer can either be purchased, or you can bring your documents (via disk, thumb drive, etc.) to one of the many businesses that provide the service. Big office stores like Office Max and Staples will produce color or B&W copies for you. Kinkos is still around and is often found near college campuses. There are also hundreds oflocal copy and fax stores in retail plazas who will print in high volume.
Printers for computers come primarily in two types: inkjet and laser. Inkjet printers are generally cheaper and can be more versatile, particulary if you want color printing. Laser printers may provide sharper, more "professional" looking printing, but you should look at samples on different kinds of paper and decide for yourself if a printer gives sufficient quality. Quite decent printers can be found these days in the sub-$500 range, including some for less than $100.
In addition to the inital cost of purchasing a printer, paper and ink/toner costs can be substantial, especially at high volumes.
If you want or need to use a typewriter, remember that most (if not all) electric typewriters use a black film instead of an ink ribbon to type, which leaves a record of everything typed. Also, all typewriters leave a distinctive impression in the type, almost like a fingerprint.
Use small strips of typewriter correction film instead of corrrection fluid (like Liquid Paper) when the paper is still on the roller. The fluid can drip into the gears and mess up the typewriter. Use correction fluid to touch things up after you take the paper out of the typewriter.
Nearly all manual typewriters don't have a number one or an exclamation point. It seems strange but this was a design choice to save money in manufacturing. To type a "1", use a lower case "L". To type an exclamation point (!), type {Apostrophe} {Backspace} {Period}. To type the "Euro" currency symbol, type {Capital C} {Backspace} {Equals sign}.
The decision of whether or not to do your own photocopying can be a complicated one. While cheap photocopiers are now available, photocopiers are notoriously unreliable, so owning one may not be the best option.
On the other hand, if you are seriously going into the leaflet generating business, and your volume is going to be sufficiently large, it will ultimately be economical to buy one.
Of course, if you've got a friend who works at an office, you can usually run late night copies from the office machine. Copier history can be produced, but unless youjam up the machine and are unable to fix it, or if you leave a mess, you're not likely to get caught. Make sure you're not being videotaped, however. If you work in an office yourself, or you need your friend to do it,just try to make it look like you're doing normal work. This would be a bad time to spray paint the camera lens. It's more risky to use the office printer, which usually has a tighter and more consistent budget in terms of paper use and copies produced.
Jellygraph copiers
The jellygraph (also known as a "hectograph" or "gelatin duplicator") is a type of mimeograph that is simple to make and can print around 50 prints from one master application to the gel bed. If you are feeling enterprising a drum type print bed could be devised to speed the production of the prints. This makes a low quality copy but is cheaper than a computer and printer or copier and can be made with common materials. These printers have been used by partisans for the last century when regular printing was impossible.
You will need:
1 aluminum pan (larger than the size of your paper)
quality paper for masters
cheap paper for posters
Mimeograph carbon papers (Ordinary carbon paper will not work)
Impact typewriter, dot matrix or impact printer, or Mimeograph Pen
Gelatin, clear unflavored (Check the supermarket Dessert section)
Glycerol, AKA Glycerin (Drug stores will have this)
Making The Printer
Dissolve 100g gelatin in 375ml water with 385g of sugar.
When the sugar and gelatin have dissolved, add 715g glycerin
bring to a boil and simmer for one minute. CAUTION! This is HOT!
Carefully pour the mixture into your tray (avoiding bubbles) which must be lying perfectly flat on a level surface. As the gel cools you can dab away bubbles and foreign matter with a damp towel or tissue.
(You can also use Carrageenan Gel or Agar Agar {seaweed extracts} in place of gelatin, but you will have to experiment with mixtures to get a firm gel.)
Making the Master
Using an impact typewriter or a dot matrix printer (the ribbon doesn't need to work, impact is all we need) type or print the flyer using your mimeograph carbon paper. Alternitavely you can buy or make a mimeograph pen to write out the flyer or draw pictures to add to a typed page, use good quality paper which can survive contact with dampness, the non-shiny side ofbutcher paper should also work.
Old dot matrix and impact printers may be difficult to support but at least you don't need to find a working ribbon or ink. Buy a printer with current drivers for your operating system. Friction feed is the type of printer you want as long as it doesn't mark up the carbon paper, tractor (holes on the side) feed will be difficult to get to work properly unless you can find mimeograph paper with tractor holes that is not too old to use. Be sure that the print head works before buying.
Using the Printer
Dampen the surface with water and then gently wipe clean so no liquid remains.
Lay the master face down and smooth onto the gel bed, the longer the master remains the more ink transfers to the gel, if the surface was too wet or the master moves the print will get blurry, if the surface was too dry the master will stick on
Gently peel the master off,if you are careful you can reuse it
Press your blank paper to the surface and peel, this is your first copy, repeat 30-50 times
To make more copies wipe clean the gel and reapply the master lined up in the exact same place on the gel
(the print can be sharpened by wetting the back of the master with alcohol and dabbing clean)
Cleaning the Printer
Fill the pan with warm water and let the ink and a small layer of gel dissolve forjust a few seconds
wipe with a sponge
run cold water into the pan to reset the gel
wipe up all liquid
test the surface with clean paper (it should come back clean)
If you ruin the surface peel up and add the jelly bits into a pan with a little simmering water, repour your copy bed.
Jellygraph Master Pens
You can make the ink for writing a master if the mimeograph paper is unavailable
2 tsp dye
2 tsp alcohol
1 tsp sugar
4 tsp glycerin
1/3 oz water
Mixing the Ink
Dissolve the dye in the alcohol,
Add the glycerin with the dye mix
Dissolve the sugar in the water
mix both solutions.
inject ink into a fountain pen cartridge and write your master copy
Silk Screen Printing
A fast and inexpensive way to make large print posters, protest signs, and printed clothing with simple graphics is to use the silk screen method. This printing method is nearly as fast and accurate as the mechanical systems used by online and local swag shops but for much cheaper, plus you don't have to wait weeks for delivery. See Wall Painting for for applying your posters.
What you need
Latex or acrylic paint
Letter Stickers or cutouts and graphic cutouts
Lightweight mesh screen (tent screen mesh)
Wood frame
Water base ink or paint (other type paints require a rinse every several minutes)
Wax paper
Fabric paint is available at most clothing shops but is quite expensive. We have heard that latex house paint and fabric softener mixed make a inexpensive fabric paint substitute, be careful not to clog your stencil with drying paint.
Making your Screen
1-Staple the screen to a lightweight wooden frame
2-Use a straight edge and black marker to draw lines onto the screen so your text will be straight
3-Stick down letters on you marks to make your text, also carefuly lay down cutouts for graphics with tape sticking them down
3.1-If you want several colors in your poster make seperate screens for each color pass
4-Lay down wax paper and gently roll or spray latex paint over your cutouts and letters(make sure the paint is not too thick and that letters are not rolled out of allignment)
5-Wait about ten minutes after painting remove your letters and graphics using tweezers
6-Allow screen to dry overnight
7-remove wax paper in the morning
1-Place T-Shirt, newsprint, butcher paper, or poster paper under your screen
2-using a roller roll your ink or paint onto the screen, it will only transfer through the open areas where the stickers were removed.(Don't use too much ink onto the roller)
3-allow posters/signs todry
4-rinse off screen before the ink dries when you are finished with your printing run
Cheap water based paints and newsprint will fall apart with the first rain, they also can't be applied using flour paste or powder milk paste without running them, butcher paper, poster paper and water resistant inks will last much longer but will cost more. Be very careful to keep multiple color screens perfectly alligned in a multi color poster. The screen can be mounted onto a piece of plywood frame making allignment and printing much easier and quicker. Large block text and simple graphics are best. Practice makes perfect when making the stencil screens and when rolling ink. Test the ink with the stencil paint to be sure that it will not disolve the stencil paint.
If you need a graphic cutout larger than your printer can produce you can either print in sections and tape together or you can suspend a smaller graphic on glass or screen in front of a light, then trace the shadow. The shadow method can also be used to hand paint a screen, this can be used to make higher quality graphics from slides or overhead projections.
Buttons and Badges
A good empty gesture of support is to wear a button supporting our cause. Just taking this tiny step gives support to those taking greater risks, and a button can last months or years on a pack or coat.
It is possible to cast all of the parts for a button press using what we learned in Means of Production. Commercial presses are usualy available at hobby, craft, and art stores, components are usualy cheaper when bought in bulk. One way to go DIY is to punch out sheet metal discs and either use a mini silkscreen for paint a printed message taped or glued and clearcoated for water resistance. Before you start painting them a safety pin could be spot welded using a small metal tab and a single car battery, a thick metal plate for a bottom electrode and a nail for the second electrode, a few seconds of connection will fuse the tab to the badge.
With a printer and bulk piles ofbutton components a support crew can crank out dozens of slogan buttons an hour. This type of swag is good to give away as a reward after a hard day of work in support of the cause or to give to street kids as stuff to sell on corners for food and stuff while they spread our messsage. Don't be too eager to hand out the swag for free to strangers lest it end up in the trash. Remember to add a URL for your website at the bottom of your buttons.
Bumper Stickers
This section has been placed into the public domain by our friends at
Using contact paper
Buy some clear, removable "Con-Tact" paper at a hardware store. It is used to line shelves.
Print sticker on paper and cut to size. With typical inkjet printers, yellow and red fade badly in a couple months, while green and blue fade somewhat. Black on white is more durable.
Take the clear "Con-Tact" paper and cut it out 1 inch larger than the bumper sticker so that there is 1/2 inch overlap on all sides. Flatten the Con-Tact paper and place it on a table with the paper side down. Peel the front (clear) side of the Con-Tact paper, but leave a thin strip on the bottom attached. Place the paper sticker in the center of the backing and reattach the Con-Tact paper.
Apply only to a clean surface. Take care to press down the edges well in order to make a watertight seal.
Whenever working with Con-Tact paper, take care not to stretch it.
When properly applied, they have lasted for years in dry climates. Wet climates or frequent car washings may shorten their life.
To remove the bumper sticker, peel it off. Remove any residue with rubbing alcohol, acetone, "Goof-Off", or any edible vegetable oil.
Using bumper-sticker paper and an inkjet printer
McGonigal Paper and Graphics has bumper sticker paper. You use an inkjet printer and waterproof it with Jet Coat. I haven't tried it, so if anyone has experience with this, please post your comments.
Get them Printed
The best bumper stickers are vinyl and printed in a shop. Stick to all text as this gets the most message for the space, print a test sticker on your home printer and see how it looks from fifty feet away before sending out to print. Yes this is a cop out so try to find a good radical or union printer to give your money to.
Leaflets, posters, newsletters, pamphlets and other printed matter are important to any revolution. A printing workshop is a definite need in all communities, regardless of size. It can vary from a garage with a mimeograph machine to a mammoth operation complete with printing presses and fancy photo equipment. With less than a hundred dollars and some space, you can begin this vital service. It'll take a while before you get into printing greenbacks, phony identification papers and credit cards like the big boys, but to walk a mile you must start with one step as Gutenberg once said. Paper
The standard size for paper is 8^" x 11". It comes 500 sheets to a "ream" and 10 reams to a case. You want a 16-20 bond weight sheet. The higher weights are better if you are printing on both sides. You can purchase what are termed "odd lots" from most paper companies. This means that the colors will be assorted and some sheets will be frayed at the edges or wrinkled. Odd lots can be purchased at great discounts. Some places sell paper this way for 10% of the original price and for leaflets, different colors help. Check this out with paper suppliers in your area. Ink
Inks come in pastes and liquids and are available in stationary stores and office supply houses. Each machine requires its own type ink, so learn what works best with the one you have. Colored ink is slightly more expensive but available for most machines. Stencils
Each machine uses a particular size and style stencil. If you get stuck with the wrong kind and can't get out to correct the mistake, you can punch extra holes in the top, trim them with a scissors if they are too big or add strips of tape to the sides if too narrow.
Be sure and use only the area that will fit on the paper you are using. Most stencils can be used for paper larger than standard size. Stencils will "cut" a lot neater if an electric typewriter is used. If you only have access to e manual machine, remove the ribbon so the keys will strike the stencil directly. A plastic sheet, provided by the supplier, can be inserted between the stencil and its backing to provide sharper cuts by the keys. If you hold the stencil up to a light, you should be able to clearly see the typing. If you can't, you'll have to apply more pressure.
Sketches can be done with a ball point pen or special stylus directly on the stencil. If you're really rushed, or there isn't that much info to get on the leaflet, you can hand-print the text using these instruments. Take care not to tear the stencil. Mimeograph Machines
The price of a new mimeograph runs from $200 to $1200, depending on how sophisticated a machine you need and can afford. A.B. Dick and Gestetner are the most popular brands. Many supply houses have used machines for sale. Check the classified section for bargains. See if any large corporations are moving, going out ofbusiness or have just had a fire. Chances are they'll be unloading printing equipment at cheap prices. Campaign offices oflosing candidates often have mimeos to unload in November. Many supply houses have renting and leasing terms that you might be interested in considering. Have an idea of the work load and type of printing you'll be handling before you go hunting. Talk to someone who knows what they're doing before you lay down a lot of cash on a machine. Duplicators
We prefer duplicators to mimeos even though the price is a little higher. They work faster, are easier to operate and print clearer leaflets. The Gestener Silk Screen Duplicator is the best bet. It turns out stuff almost as good as offset printing. You can do10 thousand sheets an hour in an assortment of colors. Electronic Stencils
If you use electronic stencils you can do solid lettering, line drawings, cartoons and black and white pictures with good contrast. To make an electronic stencil, you map out on a sheet of paper everything you want printed. This is a photo process, so make sure only what you want printed shows up on the sheet. You can use a light blue pencil for guide lines as it won't photograph, but be neat anyway. Printing shops will cut a stencil on a special machine for about $3.00.
The Gestefax Electronic Stencil Cutter can be leased or rented in the same way as the duplicator. If you are doing a lot of printing for a number of different groups, this machine will eliminate plenty ofhassle. The stencils cost about 200 each and take about fifteen minutes to make.
If you have an electronic stencil cutter, duplicator, electric typewriter and a cheap source of paper, you can do almost any printing job imaginable. Have a dual rate system: one for community groups and another for regular business orders. You can use the profits to go towards the purchasing of more equipment and to build toward the day when you can get your own offset press. Silk Screening
Posters banners and shirts that are unbelievable can be printed by this exciting method. The process is easy to learn and teach. You'll need a fairly large area to work in since the posters have to be hung up to dry. Pick up any inexpensive paperback book on silk screening. The equipment costs less than $50.00 to begin. Once you get good at it, you can print complicated designs in a number of different colors, including portraits.
Underground Newspapers
It doesn't take a lot of money to create an underground newspaper orjournal. To make a chapbook- sizedjournal or newsmag, you only need about 10 sheets of paper each (or less). You can liberate copy paper from wherever you work, and if you only take a few dozen sheets at a time, you can liberate an entire ream (500 sheets) in under a month.
Office Depot stores will give you a free ream of recycled paper (!) if you give them a used toner cartridge. You can only get one ream a day from each store, and you have to make a $3.00 purchase to get the paper. Check out their discount racks where damaged (but usable) goods are sold at deep discounts.
You can print your publication on most newish copiers using double-sided settings. Then fold it once, and get it stapled. The problem with normal staplers, here, is that they don't stretch across the width of your folded document (5 1/2 inches). So you need a long-reach stapler or a "saddle stapler" which is a stapler designed to bind folded documents (A "saddle sticher" is a very large and very expensive piece of machinery you would normally find in a professional printing shop).
Your local Staples or Office Max will usually let you use their long-reach stapler for free, or in exchange for one of the copies of your new underground publication. Check out scrapbooking or other stationery stores for help with binding as well.
If you're putting together a book or manual, remember that GBC "comb" binders can be reused. Check the dumpsters in office complexes for the old business forecasts and training manuals. Carefully remove the pages, and you have a supply of comb binders! These same dumpsters can also be sources of odd colored paper (perhaps left over from another project) that can make an attractive front cover. Many office supply stores & copy shops have hand-operated GBC binder machines, often called a "Docubind", you can use for free. If you don't know how to use one, ask.
if you already have one going or want to get one going check out for articles, artwork, and to submit your own material for other papers to use.
If you need to reach a non-English speaking audience translate your text for free using The babelfish translator program will not work to translate slang or figures of speach so only use simple direct language. Even if you have a fluent editor it will make their work easier most of the time. seeSpanish for the Revolution and International Communications
What follows is the original text
Food conspiracies, bust trusts, people's clinics and demonstrations are all part of the new Nation, but if asked to name the most important institution in our lives, one would have to say the underground newspaper. It keeps tuned in on what's going on in the community and around the world. Values, myths, symbols, and all the trappings of our culture are determined to a large extent by the underground press. Each office serves as a welcome mat for strangers, a meeting place for community organizers and a rallying force to fight pig repression. There are probably over 500 regularly publishing with readerships running from a few hundred to over 500,000. Most were started in the last three years. If your scene doesn't have a paper, you probably don't have a scene together. A firmly established paper can be started on about $2,500. Plan to begin with eight pages in black and white with a 5,000 copy run. Each such issue will cost about $300 to print. You should have six issues covered when you start. Another $700 will do for equipment. Offset printing is what you'll want to get from a commercial printing establishment.
You need some space to start, but don't rush into setting up a storefront office until you feel the paper's going to be successful. Agarage, barn or spare apartment room will dojust fine. Good overhead fluorescent lighting, a few long tables, a bookcase, desk, chairs, possibly a phone and you are ready to start.
Any typewriter will work, but you can rent an IBM Selectric typewriter with a deposit of$120.00 and payments of $20.00 per month. Leasing costs twice as much, but you'll own the machine when the payments are finished. The Selectric has interchangeable type that works on a ball system rather than the old-fashion keys. Each ball costs $18.00, so by getting a few you can vary the type the way a printer does.
A light-table can make things a lot easier when it comes to layout. Simply build a box (3' x4' is a good size, but the larger the better) out of 'A" plywood. The back should be higher than the front to provide a sloping effect. The top should consist of a shelf of frosted glass. Get one strong enough to lean on. Inside the box, attach two fluorescent light fixtures to the walls or base. The whole light table should cost less than $25.00. That really is about all you need, except someone with a camera, a few good writers who will serve as reporters, an artistic person to take care oflayout, and someone to hassle printing deals, advertising and distribution. Most people start by having everyone do everything. Layout
A tabloid size paper is 9 7/8" x 14 5/8" with an inch left over on each side for margins. Columns typically are 3 1/4" allowing for three per page. Experience has found that this size is easy to lay out and more importantly, easy to read. There is an indirect ratio between readability and academic snobbishness. Avoid the textbook look. Remember, the New York Times in its low form represents the Death Kulture.
Start off with a huge collection of old magazines and newspapers. You can cut up all sorts ofletters, borders, designs and sketches and paste them together to make eye-catching headlines. Sheets of headline type are available in different styles from art stores for $1.25 a sheet. Buy one of each type and then photograph several copies of each, bringing the price way down. The basic content in the prescribed column size should be banged out on the IBM. The columns can be clipped together with a clothespin to avoid confusion. Use a good heavy bond white opaque paper.
All black and white photographs from newspapers and magazines can be used directly. Color pictures can also be used but it's tricky and you'll have to experiment a little to get an understanding of what colors photograph poorly. Glossy black and white photographs must be shot in half tones to keep the grey areas. You can have them processed at any photo lab. You might also need the photo lab for enlargements or reductions, so make contact and establish a good working relationship.
An Exacto knife is available for 290 and you can get a package of 100 blades for $10.00. A few metal rulers, a good pair of scissors, some spray adhesive or rubber cement and you're ready to paste the pages that will make up the "dummy" that goes to the printer. Each page is laid out on special layout sheets with faint blue guide lines that don't photograph. Any large art supply store sells these sheets and all the other supplies.
By working over a light-table, the paste-up can be done more professionally. Experiment with many different layouts for each page before finally pasting up the paper. Don't have a picture in the corner and the rest solid columns. Print can be run over pictures and sketches by preparing two sheets for that page and shooting background in half-tones. The columns don't have to be run straight up and down, but can run at different angles. The most newsworthy articles should be towards the front of the paper. The centerfold can be treated in an exciting manner. A good idea is to do the centerfold so that it can be used as a poster to put on a wall after the paper is read. If you have ads, they should be kept near the back. The masthead, which gives the staff, mailing address, and similar info, goes near the front. Your focus should be the local activities. A section should be reserved for a directly of local services and events. People giving things away should have a section. The rest really depends on the life style and politics of the staff.
National stories can be supplied by one or more of the news services. Nothing in the underground press is copyrighted, so you can reprint an interesting article from another paper. It's customary to indicate what paper printed it first, or news service it was sent out by. Any underground paper has permission to reprint hunks of this book. Ads
Most papers find it necessary to get some advertising to help defray the production costs. Some rely totally on subscription; some are outgrowths of organizations and still others are printed up andjust handed out free. The ones with ads seem to have the longest life. Make up an ad rate before you put out the first issue. Ads are measured in inches oflength. The width is understood by everyone to be the width of the column. If you use the 3%" column, however, you'll want to let potential advertisers know you have wide columns.
The way to arrive at a reasonable rate is to estimate the total budget for each issue (adding some for overhead and labor), then each page and finally each column inch. After a little arithmetic you can get a good estimate of your printing cost per inch. Using our figures throughout this section, it should come to about $2.00 per inch. Double this figure and you'll arrive at the correct rate per advertising inch-$4.00. There should be special lower rates for large ads, such as half or full pages. There should also be a special arrangement for a continuous subscriber. If you have a classified section, another rate based on number of words or lines is constructed. A service charge is fixed if you make up the ad layout rather than the advertiser. The whole formula should be worked out and printed up before you lay out the first issue.
The best place to get advertising is locally. Theaters, hip clothing stores, ice cream parlors, and record stores are among the type of advertisers you should approach. After you build up a circulation, you might want to seek out national advertisers. The Underground Press Syndicate, Box 26, Village Station, New York, NY 10014, can be joined for $25.00, no dues thereafter. They try to get national ads for you in addition to sending out a newsletter, a news service, and making sure you get free subscriptions to the other underground papers. The U.P.S. can also do many other things for you, like list you in their directory, obtain legal advice, and bring you together with other underground papers for mutual benefit and defense. Another way to get national advertising is to see who tends to advertise in other underground papers. Send the publicity department of these companies letters and samples of your paper. Never let ads make up more than half the paper. Distribution
At the beginning you should aim for a bi-weekly paper with a gradual increase in the number of pages. The price should be about 250. Check out the local laws about selling papers on the street. It's probably allowed and is a neat way to get the paper around. Give half to the street hawkers. Representatives at high schools and colleges should be sought out. Bookstores and newsstands are good places to distribute. After your paper gets going well, you might try for national distribution. The Cosmep Newsletter is put out by the Committee of Small Magazines, Editors and Publishers, PO Box 1425, Buffalo, NY 14214. In addition to good tips if you want to start a small literary magazine or publish your own book, they provide an up-to-date list of small stores around the country that would be likely to carry your paper. Subscriptions should be sought in the paper itself. If you get a lot, check out second class mailing privileges. UPS can help with out-of-city distribution.
If you're in a smaller town, you might have to shop around or go to another city to get printing done. Many printers print only pig swill, which brings up the point of getting busted for obscenity which can be pretty common. You probably should incorporate, but contact a sympathetic lawyer before you put out your first issue. During the summer there are usually a few alternative media conferences organized by one group or another. You can pick up valuable information and exchange ideas at these gatherings. UPS and the news services will keep you posted. Good luck and write on!
High School Papers
One of the best ways to get the word out to fellow high school students is through the student body itself, starting with your closest friends and branching outwards. If you have started your own underground high school paper, start with giving a handful of copies to a select few of your most trusted friends, and ask them to hand more piles out to the people that they trust. In this way the brown-nosing bastards that would go to the principal about anything against the school's administration can be weeded out. Also, by passing papers out through a chain network of others, it is easier for the source of the papers to remain an anonymous secret, save for the first few people in the initial trust circle.
Teachers will undoubtedly discover the underground paper eventually and when they do many will be determined to find the culprits behind it. Once the word has gone out to enough people, the last students on the chain getting the papers are the likeliest to turn others in. But as long as the revolutionary blood in the students remains aflame through the words of the underground paper, very few are likely to want to give in; the students reading your paper will be the ones most aching for rebellion and revolution. Security measures, like dead drops in certain locations or lockers, should be taken in order to keep from the trust being broken. Another, less risky way to distribute, is to use the bathrooms. alot of schools are acquiring cameras, presumably to help combat school violence. bathrooms are in some cases, the ONLY place cameras arent present.just leave a few copies in every bathroom in the morning and the curious will take them. this method helps keep those involved from being caught, but may not reach as big an audience. see alsoSecurity Culture
If the original source of the paper is eventually caught, the results could vary. Some would be let off withjust a slap on the hand, and others might be severely punished based on the level of insult fired off at the administration. When it comes down to it, nobody really wants to be in high school anyways. So keep the paper serious among the students, but if all fails you in the end, then don't worry - your words were spoken, and the majority heard and listened.
Cut your printing costs with tips fromStarting a Printing Workshopor hack the school print server and deliver your hot copy for free to all classrooms and computer labs.Internet Communications#Network Printing
The usual high school paper is run by puppet lackeys of the administration. It avoids controversy, naughty language, and a host of other things foreign to the 4-H Club members the school is determined to mass produce. The only thing the staff is good at is kissing the principals ass. Let's face it, the aim of a good high school newspaper should be to destroy the high school. Publishing and distributing a heavy paper isn't going to earn you the Junior Chamber of Commerce good citizenship award. You might have to be a little mysterious about who the staff is until you understand the ground rules and who controls the ballpark - the people or the principal.
Many schools do not allow papers to be handed out on the school premises. These cases are generally won by the newspapers that take the school to court. You can challenge the rule and make the administration look like the dinosaurs they are by distributing sheets of paper with only your logo and the school rule printed. By gaining outside publicity for the first distribution of the paper, you might put the administration up tight about clamping down on you. It might be difficult to explain in civics class when they get to the freedom of the press stuff. Your paper should have one purpose in mind - to piss off the principal and radicalize the students. If you run into problems, seek out a sympathetic lawyer. You can get a helpful pamphlet from the ACLU, 156 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, called Academic Freedom in the Secondary Schools" for 250.
Tell your lawyer about the most recent (July 10, 1970) decision of the United States District Court in Connecticut which ruled that the high school students ofRippowan High School in Stanford can publish independent newspapers without having the contents screened in advance by school officials.
The same info for underground papers applies to high school rags, only the price should be much less if not free. To begin with, you might just mimeograph the first few issues before trying photooffset printing. It is very important to get the readers behind you in case you have to go to war with the administration in order to survive. Maintain friendships with above ground reporters, the local underground paper and radical community groups for alliances.
Original G.I. PAPERS
A heavier scene than even the high schools exists in No-No Land of the military. None-the-less, against incredible odds, courageous G.I.'s both here and overseas have managed to put out a number of underground newspapers. If you are a G.I. interested in starting a paper, the first thing to do is seek out a few buddies who share your views on the military and arrange a meeting, preferably off the base. Once you have your group together, getting the paper published will be no problem. Keeping your staff secret, you can have one member contact with someone from a G.I. coffee house, anti-war organization or nearby underground newspaper. This civilian contact person will be in a position to raise the bread and arrange the printing and distribution of the paper. You can write one of the national G.I. newspaper organizations listed at the end of this section if you are unable to find help locally. The paper should be printed off the base. Government equipment should be avoided.
Correspondence and subscriptions can be solicited through the use of a post office box. Such a box is inexpensive and secret (at least that's what the G.I. papers now publishing report) from military snoopers up tight about bad publicity if they get caught spying. If you are mailing the paper to other G.I.'s use first class mail and a plain envelope. This is advice to anybody sending stuff to a G.I. The mail is handled by "lifers" who will report troublemakers to their C.O. (Commanding Officer) if they notice anti-war slogans on envelopes or dirty commie rags coming their way.
You'll want to publish stuff relevant to the lives of the G:I.'s on your base. News of demonstrations, articles on the war, racism, counter-culture and vital info on how to bug the higher-ups and get out of the military service are all good. Get samples of other newspapers already in operation to get the flavor of writing that has become popular.
Distributing the paper is really more of a problem than the publishing. Here you run smack into Catch 22, which says, "no printed matter may be distributed on a military base without prior written permission of the commanding officer." No such permit has been granted in military history. A few court battles have had limited success and you should go through the formality of obtaining a permit. Send the first issue of the paper to your C.O. with a cover letter stating where and when you intend to distribute the paper on the base. In no part of the application should you list your names. Have a civilian, preferably a civil liberties lawyer, sign the declaration of intent. If more info is requested, go over it with the lawyer before responding, Natch, they're going to want to know who you are and where you get your bread, but fuck 'em. Whether or not you get a permit or have a successful court battle is pretty academic. If the military pigs catch you handing out an underground paper on the base, you're headed for trouble. Use civilian volunteers from your local peace group in as many public roles as possible. They'll be glad to help out.
Print and distribute as many copies as you can rather than concentrating on an expensively printed paper with numerous pages. The very existence of the paper around the base is the most important info the paper can offer. Leave some in mess halls, theaters, benches, washrooms, and other suitable spots. Offbase get the paper to sympathetic reporters, coffee houses, colleges and the like. Outside U.S.O. centers and bus terminals are a good place to get the paper out. Rely on donations, so you can make the paper free. Get it together. Demand the right tojoin the army of your choice. The People's Army! As Joe Hill said in one ofhis songs, "Yes, I'll pick up a gun but I won't guarantee which way I'll point it."
Wall Painting
In many locales, you must show ID proving you are over 18to purchase spraypaint. Laws requiring this were passed as an attempt to control both graffiti and the practice ofhuffing. Most bucket paints and rollers are easy to get by anyone.
Traditional spray tagging while considered by some to be an art form is often difficult to read and is mostly ignored by the public at large so it may not the best choice for political messages.
Make a stencil so you can leave a clear readable message, cardboard or vinyl runner both work well for a stencil and roll up easily for transportation, but be aware that it is evidence if you get caught. A team of three: painter, stencil holder, and lookout are best. Wear gloves and a long smock or disposable long sleeve apron so you can ditch them and your gear and be clean if you have to run.
Wheatpasting is an effective way to stick up posters in a way that is difficult to remove by hand, quick, and inexpensive. Again collect your poster holder, lookout, and glue painter although you could get away doing this as a one person job. Of course vampire hours are best since there will be few pedestrians to witness and call in your activities. Print your poster or flyer like we show in Starting a Printing Workshop, attempting to find the most water resistant print style possible since this will be outdoors, butcher paper is usually the strongest and cheapest media. On a nice dry week with little rain in the forecast move out to do your deed, summer nights are best. Cement and metal walls and poles are best for adhesion, plastic and wood walls don't stick too well. Bridge supports on highways are great, think about combining four or more posters for a big well seen billboard here.
You will first need to make you paste:
add one cup white flour (half cup of sugar might help too)
to two cups of water (add rock salt if deep in winter to slow freezing)
bring to a boil (boiling can be skipped in a pinch but makes weaker glue)
reduce to a simmer for half hour (converts the starch to better glue)
stir and break up lumps while you simmer
let cool and place in your bucket
Refrigerate for up to a week orjust use the paste right away otherwise it really starts to stink!!
(in a pinch you can use potato flake, corn starch, watered wood glue, sour milk, and many other ingredients instead of wheat to make your paste)
Now lets paste!
Liberaly paint your paste on to the surface with a soft broom, big sponge, wide paintbrush, roller, or mop
Apply your poster
Smooth past over either the edges or if possible the whole poster to both secure the edges, seal the ink, and remove bubbles
Once stuck down well a few razor slashes will make removal more difficult when dry
Move along in a random direction down streets and alleys while posting to prevent leaving a trail for the cops to follow
Experience will teach you if making a paste seal over the whole front of the poster will cause excessive ink running. Sealing the whole poster preserves it for much longer so you might adjust your ink to match the paste.
Cycle Pasting
For cyclists the best paster setup we have seen is a hand made oversized pannier on the back filled with posters and the bucket and brush in a handlebar basket. The paste has a chance of spilling when the lid is offbut a plastic shopping bag conceals and protects it from the eyes of the cops and catches the spillage. You will have to learn how to balance the handlebars, grab a poster, paste up the wall, and stick it up without making a huge mess, but once you get it down you will be unstoppable!
Hobo Code
This is an 19th and early 20th century form of wall painting updated for our modern needs and can be done in any sort of paint or medium of drawing ranging from chalk to charcoal to paint to spraypaint to scratches in the dirt or tree bark. It is a system of simple characters and pictures that each mean something pertaining to the immediate surroundings/building(s), like a Caduceus symbol means a doctor or someone of medical knowledge lives within, or an upside down triangle means that people are burned out on bums. These symbols may be used one at a time or in sequence to form a sort of sentence. The best time to leave these symbols is when you move on so others can benefit from your discoveries. Use chalk or charcoal for temporary discoveries so the rain and wind will wash it away, paint or scratch marking is good for long term discoveries. The side of the curb, the bottom corner of a building, or lower side oflarge rocks or sign posts are good places to leave the marks.
There is nothing secret about these marks,just like the cops know better than any stoner where to stash a joint, they will figure out the what and where of these marks again. Use your head when marking something hidden and remember we will still have more time to notice these marks on foot than a piggie in a squad car.
Good stuff for your pack if you plan to take up hobo marking: thick kids sidewalk chalk, a large paint marking pen, and a quality black indelible marker.
Here is a simple code of many of the Hobo Code symbols. Look for them when you're in a bind and you can get by without too much trouble. These are in little use a the time of the printing of this book but we expect you to help fix this. Many of these signs are new for our generation, a good idea is to print and distribute this graphic and key on the back page of your publications for underground users so the new symbols get disseminated. Realize that this is not the 1930's and people are not as generous, but as times get tougher more "normal" people will be displaced or unemployed and sympathy may improve. Interestingly enough while it was not that widely used even in the 1930's the paranoia of that time gave it a solid place in our historical memory.
Using New Hobo Code
It is a good idea to print and distribute or paste up this sign list in low rent area bathrooms, homeless shelters, and radical hangouts. You should be able to get four to six copies to a sheet of paper. Here are come clarifications beyond what is on the card (you might include these on the back of your handout)
3-A top-hat in place of a cat was sometimes used for kind old man
8-pirate radio reception here (tower with radiating skull and bones) give broadcast frequency
9-fangs (also sometimes shown as stick with four legs)
14-eyes and X both mean safe, waves for water
17-Rich(tophat andpile ofgold)
20-Open wireless Internet (give ESSID)
21-Closed wireless (give ESSID and key code if cracked)
22-International Squatters symbol (ask if there is room for you) and squatter solidarity
24-Talk religion then beg (specify Protestant,Catholic,Mormon, etc,substitute star ofDavid ifJewish, crescent ifMuslim, etc)
26-Panhandling success in exchange for music, magic show,juggle, acting (hat for panhandle, horn for entertainment)
33-Undercover cop or informer (roof over cop symbol)
34-Barter accepted (music, repairs, food, problem solving, whatever is needed between two parties, make a deal)
36-Overloaded with tramps (locals are getting burned out) dot differentiates this from gay symbol
37-Dishonest person (may not pay you for work)
41-Homeowner is frightened and gives to us so we will leave, be alert for police activity afterward
42-Locals are minorities and/or are cool with the cause (won't call cops, likely to help us in need)
Culture Hacking
The other way to use spray paint is to hack signs, billboards, advertisements, etc. If done correctly, it's possible to make a sign that looks no different from the original, except that the message has changed. A good example: nearby there is a sign that says, "Abortion Kills Babies." Black lettering on a white background. A culture hacker takes two cans of paint, one white, one black. Paint over the "Abortion" part in white, using as many coats needed to cover up the black. Second, use the black paint to write your own word, like "Chaney" or "Sex," for the finished product of "Sex Kills Babies." This technique can be used anywhere, on any sign, to confuse people and make them think a bit harder than they normally do. Alternatively, one could paint over "Abortion" and the "s" in "kills" in white, to change the sign to "Kill Babies". Be creative.
Original Wall Painting
One of the best forms of free communication is painting messages on a blank wall. The message must be short and bold. You want to be able to paint it on before the pigs come and yet have it large enough so that people can see it at a distance. Cans of spray paint that you can pick up at any hardware store work best. Pick spots that have lot of traffic. Exclamation points are good for emphasis. If you are writing the same message, make a stencil. You can make a stencil that says WAR and spray it on with white paint under the word "STOP" on stop signs. You can stencil a five- pointed star and using yellow paint, spray it on the dividing line between the red and blue on all post office boxes. This simulates the flag of the National Liberation Front of Vietnam. You can stencil a marijuana leaf and using green paint, spray it over cigarette and whiskey billboards on buses and subways. The women's liberation sign with red paint is good for sexist ads. Sometimes you will wish to exhibit great daring in your choice oflocations. When the Vietnamese hero Nguyen Van Troi was executed, the Viet Cong put up a poster the next day on the exact spot inside the highest security prison in the country.
Wall postering allows you to get more information before the public than a quickly scribbled slogan. Make sure the surface is smooth or finely porous. Smear the back of the poster with condensed milk, spread on with a brush, sponge, rag or your hands. Condensed milk dries very fast and hard. Also smear some on the front once the poster is up to give protection against the weather and busy fingers that like to pull at corners. Wallpaper pastes also work quickly and efficiently. It's best to work both painting and postering at night with a look-out. This way you can work the best spots without being harassed by the pig patrol, which is usually unappreciative of Great Art.
Public Speaking
The emphasis of our fight is to let people know that they are being enslaved and how to escape their chains. Speaking in public is how we want to fight our battles, as this is an easy and professional way to appeal to larger audiences. These tips can also be used in conjunction with interviews, if you are ever selected to represent your organization for a mainstream audience.
Here are tips to remember:
Regardless how informal the situation, write out and rehearse your speech beforehand. Improvisation is harder than you think.
Prepare answers for questions you will likely get and rehearse them until you are comfortable. Nothing is worse than appearing to fumble a soft-ball question.
Use grammatically simple sentences. People can't see your semi-colons.
Arrive early and check out the room and AV equipment.
Meet a few members of the audience if possible and schmooze a little.
Understand your topic enough to be able to answer questions.
If you don't know, admit it. Say you will think about it, write it down (even if you don't plan on researching it), and thank the questioner. If you promise to get back to the person or group with an answer then make sure you do so.
Do exercises, like running on a flight of stairs right before the presentation, to burn off any adrenaline overdose. Be careful not to get sweaty.
Chill out, and tell yourself that you are ready.
If you are giving a informational speech, these people want you to speak to them. Make eye contact often, and try to smile
Never mention to the audience that you are nervous or are facing other problems. You may think that you can connect to them better this way, but people will respect you and listen more attentively if you sound like you've done this before and are in control
Concentrate on the topic. Don't worry that there is an audience
Nerves are OK. Adrenaline makes you look excited about the topic at hand and you will be more persuasive if you have passion. Be sure not to let the adrenaline take over, though, but instead use it to your advantage.
Take the opportunity to speak in public when offered, as practice makes perfect.
If you are speaking you must know what you are talking about, and be ready to answer any and all questions presented. For your audience to remember your speech, you need to be professional, informed, and ready to give as much as you can in order to get the word across.
If you are being interviewed be sure to have planned a short list of your important talking points, make your answers to any question fit into your talking points and take back the interview. Your answers must be planned so studio editing or a cut offlive interview will not loose the message you want conveyed.
Look at the way most newspaper articles are written with vital information on top and each sentence of descending importance so it is possible to cut off the article to fit, use this method to fill your alloted time slot while having the contingency of overruns or cutoffs covered.
Persuasive Speaking
Persuasive speaking is different from an informative speech. Here, the attitude may be anything from ignorant to hostile, so remember your public speaking points and add these as well:
Have a specific objective to your speech. Don't wander from your topic.
Know what your audience needs and what they want to hear.
Don't bring up minor differences in opinion that divide you from the audience.
Emphasize the causes or experiences you share that tie you or your cause to the audience.
Present in this order: introduction of the problem, then solution, followed by the specifics on
how to achieve the solution.
Tape practice sessions of yourself and listen a few hours later while taking notes.
Practice the presentation first with a single audience member, then with three or four, and let them ask hard questions.
If possible, arrive early and form a rapport with some of the audience or have a few plants arrive seperately. Friends like these may support you if things get exciting, or even afterwards, as they talk to other audience members.
Use key words and phrases, and repeat those words or phrases, like "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." If you can find something simple and clever to reiterate your thesis, without making yourself sound proud of your pretty little phrase, you will be able to better tie your arguments together.
Take notes on your speech as soon as possible after every time you present it. Ask close friends who may have attended to find out what you can change
Dress in a manner considered respectful and intelligent by your audience.
Never act desperate, as the audience will respect a speaker with a backbone.
Never engage hecklers or acknowledge counter-protesters.
Arrange a friend or two to watch all stage entrances, the pie-in-face is a popular counter protest tactic.
Group Education
Education is the prime goal of any radical project. There is no nobler profession than being a teacher, and you may find yourself needing to reach out and educate. Be it for your social group, a free university class, or community outreach, take every oppurtunity you can to educate and liberate. Teaching radical urban farming, radical linux use, or even bicycle repair are all great uses of your time, and will aid your brothers and sisters in times ofhostility.
Above all, gain the respect of your class. If you are too easy on them, they will use you. If you are too strict, they will want to rebel against you. Respect also comes from knowing your facts, using proper grammar and spelling, and letting them see the practicality of what you are teaching them.
Never talk down or act superior to your students
Always prepare your material before class
Preperation should include having an outline of your curriculum, so you do not get lost in your lesson
Presentation software or flipcharts should be an aid in note taking and keeping you on topic, not something to read to the class
Always invite participation from the whole class and encourage questions, find ways to encourage quiet students to participate
Be careful of students who frequently lead the class off topic or monopolize class time. As the teacher, you should set a time limit for off topic discussion, or offer to discuss after class.
Try to include visual aids, models, short plays, and chalkboard drawings help a student build a conceptual model in their mind
Try to know students by name. If this is a problem, name signs or tags can help
Make students repeat concepts to show understanding
Trade feedback. This way, both you and your students will know where they stand and where you need to adjust your teaching to meet the needs of your students
Learn how to properly use a chalk/white board, Audio/Visual equipment, and printed handouts. Used properly, these can be very useful, but used poorly, will bore students or become more waste paper
Assignments are not punishments. Find ways to assign students homework that will give them useful practice without inducing stress and fear
Avoid distracting locations. If possible, find a room or outside area reserved exclusively for your group
Try to keep class location and schedule constant
A flexible guideline for student-teacher ratios and different teaching styles
Less than 7-1: Intimate Conversational Teaching
Small group learning is important for technical or difficult topics which require strong teacher leadership and feedback. After a lecture, or a classroom-sized meeting, the class may be broken up into this type of group with trained leaders assigned for hands-on application of the subject.
Less than 30-1: Interactive Classroom Teaching
When there are not enough teachers available, or only one expert is available, classroom size groups are a good middle ground between intimate discussions and lectures. Care must be taken so that every student has an oppertunity to interact; having students present homework for the class is a good way to encourage interaction, as are rewards for interaction and correct answers(if done without patronizing the student). As the group grows larger, you will need to use more of a lecture format.
More than 50-1: Lecture
The lecture setting is used when there is an expert available with a large group seeking the information he wants to present. Since participation is difficult with this style, this is largely a one way transfer of information; the speaking tips above come fully into play here. Quality visual aids become very important as well. Remember that many students may be taking notes, so plan your visual aides carefully. A good idea, if it is practical pertaining to your situation, is to give a allotment of time for questions after the lecture concludes. Acoustics are very important at a lecture as well. If you are outdoors, look for a location that may feature a small valley for the audience, and situate yourself on the lip of the depression. Otherwise, look for a small hill to situate yourself upon. Quality PA systems are beneficial for any enviroment, either indoors or outdoors. Quality miniature, battery powered amplifiers, like the Crate Taxi Amp, offer mobility, lightness, and versatility for voice amplification. If you cannot amplify your voice in this manner, be sure to speak loudly and deliberately.
News Services
Not exactly a news service, but an archive ofbackground information on news that may have fallen through the cracks.
Guerrilla News Network (GNN)
Independent news organization with a global issue theme.
Independent Media Center (Indymedia)
Diverse sources oflocally reported news, mostly by grass-roots activists, describing itself as "a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity."
Quality News Network (QNN)
QNN is a USA audio service providing hourly five-minute news briefs (Monday to Friday, 6AM to 6PM Pacific) for radio stations to use for free, both live feed and MP3 format. Also includes a week-daily news, interview & commentary show America - Back On Track. A very professionally produced service.
Wikinews is a web-based news service with amateur and professional reporters from all over the world, all presented with an impartial view. Articles in a wide number of themes, formats, regions and languages can be had for free! Scroll down the page to "Wikinews Media" and download the Wikinews Print Edition to reproduce freely.
Aside from UPS, which is the association of papers, there are five news services that we know of that you might be interested in subscribing to for national stories, photos, production ideas, news of other papers and general movement dope. LNS is the best known. It sends out packets once a week that include about thirty pages with original articles, eye-witness reports, reprints from foreign papers and photographs. They tend to be heavily political rather than cultural and view themselves as molders of ideology rather than strictly a service organization of the underground papers. A subscription costs $15.00 per month, but if you're just starting out they are good about slow payments and such.
You should get in the habit of sending special articles, in particular eye-witness accounts of events that other papers might use, to one or more of the news services for distribution. If you hear of an important event that you would like to cover in your newspaper, call the paper in that area for a quick report. They might send you photos if you agree to reciprocate.
LIBERATION NEWS SERVICE-160 Claremont Ave., New York, N.Y. 10027 (212) 7492200
COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE-1779 Church St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 3877575
CHICANO PRESS ASSOCIATION-La Raza, Box 31004, Los Angeles, California 90031
G.I. PRESS SERVICE-Rm 907, 1029 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20005
FREE RANGER INTERTRIBAL NEWS SERVICE-Box 26, Village Station, N.Y., N.Y. 10014(212) 691-6973
A complete and up-to-date list of G.I. underground papers can be obtained by writing to G.I. Press Service, 1029 Vermont Ave., NW, Rm 907, Washington, D.C. 20005. G.I. Alliance provides excellent national newsletters with all sorts of ways to fuck up the Army. Write G.I. Alliance, PO Box 9087, Washington, D.C. 20003. The phone is (202) 544-1654. American Serviceman's Union, 156 5th Avenue, New York, N.Y., 10010 will also help, as well as provide legal and medical aid to G.I.'s.
A complete and up to date list of Chicano underground papers can be obtained by writing to Chicano Press Association, La Raza, Box 31004, Los Angeles, California 90031.
The Young Lords Organization paper Palante can be obtained by writing to Young Lords Party, Ministry ofFinance, 1678 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10029. It's $5.75 for 24 issues.
The Black Panther Party paper can be obtained by writing to Black Panther Party, Ministry of Information, Box 2967, Custom House, San Francisco, Calif. 94126. It's $7.50 for 52 issues.
Spanish for the Revolution
The following are phrases you can use when making fliers, posters, announcements, etc. that appeal to Spanish speakers.
see also International Communicationsfor more Spanish and French
j Vota!--Vote!
j Vamonos!--Let's Go!
jDespierta!--Wake Up!
jVence! - Conquer!
j Venceremos! - We Will Win!
jSI, Podemos! - Yes, We Can!
jSi, Se Puede! - Yes, It Is Possible!
jAyuda! - Help!
Formenta... - Promote...
Llamandopor... - Callingfor...
Venpor... - Come for...
Lucha, vota, despierta, trabaja... - Fight, vote, wake-up, work...
Luchar, votar, trabajar, vivir - Tofight, to vote, to work,, to live Necesitamos... - We Need...
Viva... -LongLive...
Y -And
A - To/at/into
En - In/into
Mas -More
Muy - Very
Si - Yes
Por Favor - Please
Gracias - Thanks
De Nada - You’re Welcome (lit. "Of Nothing")
Ahora - Now
Podemos... - We Can...
La Revolution - (the) Revolution
La Victoria - (the) Victory
La Batalla -(the) Battle
Contra - Against
Los Antiobortos - Rights
El pueblo - The people
Corrompido - Corrupt (adjective)
El gobierno esta descompuesto. - The government is not working.
Por amor - Out of love/for love
Por odio - Out of hate/for hate
Por medio - Out of fear/for fear
No hay que decir (que)... - It goes without saying (that)...
Examples of full phrases using the above list
No Hay Que Decir que el Gobierno esta Decompuesto. Podemos Luchar la Batalla por un Gobierno Nuevo.
It goes without saying that the government is not working. We can fight the battle for a new government.
jVota por Senor Tamale Caliente por el presidente!
Vote for Mr. Hot Tamale for the presidency’
jNecisitamos trabajar por nuestros antiabortos! jSomos gente, tambien!
We need tofightfor our rights! We are people, too!
jEl pueblo unidojamas sera vencido!
The people united will never be defeated!
jEl pueblo armadojamas sera aplastado!
The people armed will never be crushed!
Por Favor, ven al Calle California por una protesta contra el gobierno corrompido el lunes, al 2:00 por la tarde.
Please, come to California Streetfor aprotest against the corrupt government Monday, at 2:00 pm.
jNo mas corrupcion!
No more corruption!
Grammar Notes
It is not necessary to include the subject of the verb. Instead of Nosotros somos... (We are...)just say Somos..., instead of El es... (He is...)just say Es.... The general rule is that using the subject, unless it is a name, is for emphasis only.
All nouns are either masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns use "el" to represent "the". Feminine nouns use "la". If a noun preceded by "el" is placed after the word "de," "el and "de" combine to form "del". "A" and "el" combine to form "al". Ex.: (Nosotros) lucharemos en la revolution del norteamericano. "We will fight the North American revolution."
Adjectives come after nouns, and must agree with gender and plurality. Adjectives describing amounts (such as specific numbers, "several", "many", etc) come before the noun and must agree in gender and plurality.
There is no "'s" in Spanish; "David's head" becomes "La Cabeza de David" ("The head ofDavid").
Pronunciation notes
"B" and "V" are pronounced the same.
"LL" is pronounced as the "Y" in "yes."
"E" is always pronounced "eh", "A" is always pronounced "ah", "I" is always pronounced "ee", "U" is always pronounced "oo", and "O" is aways pronounced "oh."
"Que," and "Gue" are pronounced "kay" and "gay," respectively.
"N" is pronounced similar to adding the letter "n" to the beginning of "yes" or the "ny" in "canyon" (That little line is called a "tilde").
"J" is pronounced by pronouncing an English "H" and scraping your throat, like German "CH" or Russian "X". There is no sound similar to the "j" found in "jump."
Do not pronounce the letter "H" in Spanish. "Huevo (egg)" is pronounced "webbo," or "ooehbo".
Special Characters
This is a list ofhow to type characters with accent marks common in Spanish on a computer. For each character, hold down the "ALT" key while typing the number code next to each character.
A-0193 E - 0201
I - 0205 0-0211 U-0218 N - 0209 a - 0225 e - 0233 i - 0237 o - 0243 u- 0250 n- 0241 6-0191 i - 0161
2O-Veinte (All numbers between l6 and 99 are made by adding the words for l-9toa unit of ten with the word "y (and)," except the twenties and tens, which use the letter "i" and become one word.)
31 - Treinta y uno
32 Treinta y dos...
lOO-Ciento (if you need to describe lOO of soemthing masculine, "ciento" is shortened to "cien." Ex.: "Cien Dolares (one-hundreddollars)".
Months, Seasons and Days of the Week
Unlike English, these are not capitalized unless they start a sentence.
January - enero February - febrero March - marzo April - abril May - mayo
June -junio July -julio
August - agosto September - septiembre October - octubre November - noviembre December - diciembre
Spring - la primavera Summer - el verano Auntume- el otono Winter - el invierno
Days of the Week
Sunday - domingo Monday - lunes Tuesday - martes Wednesday - miercoles Thursday -jueves Friday - viernes Saturday - sabado
The Underground Press
Libertarian Communist Information Database:
Infoshop Anarchist Information Database:
Independent Media Center:
Most of the addresses and organizations from 1970 are probably closed or the contactinformation has changes
New Switchboards
The Internet is the easiest way for us to distribute information at this time, your website should always include a FAQ or frequently asked questions section so people will not need to call in. Running a phone switchboard might be an option for a large operation and lots of activists who are unable to do direct actions. You might look into getting an 800 number so you can do national service, most VOIP services can also get this for you. An asterisk server is an inexpensive open source way to route phone calls if you need to make a call center, even for a short time.
see Free Telephones#Your own Phone Company
To save money you can run an IRC (Internet relay chat) server or use instant messenger. All of these centralized communication options are great for marches and community events but should Never be used for anything even slightly illegal. Remember that you can expect a cop tracing, listening or watching, and recording every bit of telephone and network traffic at a radical switchboard. Be sure to includeSecurity Culturewhen training your switchboard staff.
A good way to quickly communicate what's coming down in the community is to build a telephone tree. It works on a pyramid system. A small core of people are responsible for placing five calls each. Each person on the line in turn calls five people and so on. If the system is prearranged correctly with adjustments made if some people don't answer the phone, you can have info transmitted to about a thousand people in less than an hour. A slower but more permanent method is to start a Switchboard. Basically, a Switchboard is a central telephone number or numbers that anybody can call night or day to get information. It can be as sophisticated as the community can support. The people that agree to answer the phone should have a complete knowledge of places, services and events happening in the community. Keep a complete updated file. The San Francisco Switchboard (see below) puts out an operator's manual explaining the organization and operation of a successful switchboard. They will send it out for 120 postage. San Francisco has the longest and most extensive Switchboard operation. From time to time there are national conferences with local switchboards sending a rep. San Francisco.
(the big switchboard list from 1970 is likely out of date and unusable)
Banners and Signs
In locations where revelation of the truth will affect public perception bannering is a great way to inform the public. Good examples are signs decrying labor busting, child labor, or unfair trade practices in relation to the products, services, or partners of the business you are protesting. Since this will cost you both money and resources do a little research and decide on an effective message, ineffective or unclear messages might even have a negative effect toward your cause or be considered creative graffiti.
Banner Drops
Banner hangs are a great way to advertise for your cause and gain media publicity when combined with a sit in or civil disobedience, it gives the media something easy to photograph.
On a building you either need to get roof access or window access and a parapet to work from. other good places to banner:
String a line across a major street from streetlights or power poles
Highway overpass
Anywhere you can get access and hang where people will see
Weight the bottom of the banner with pouches of sand or plastic water bottles roll up the sign and firmly attach line to the top corners or every meter or so on larger signs. If you expect a quick take- downjust use sandbag weights or tie to a railing, if you want some longevity send a trained climber out to drill and place anchored bolts in the stone or concrete and anchor off where they will need to get special contractors to remove the sign.
Banner Hoists
Use a slingshot or toss a rubber fishing weight over a railing, hanging light or decoration, or even cables across roads meant for city parade banners or holiday lighting. Now just pull the fishing string or dental floss to hoist your banner, wrap the string around the pole and finish up with spinning the weight tight around the top of the pole railing or cable so the banner will be hard to remove. It might be advisable to use a segmented tent pole(pull the shock cord tight so it will not pull apart during the hoist) or wooden dowel to stiffen the top of the banner so it looks nicer. Since there is a danger of electrocution never hoist from a power line, unless you are an Expert on wire identification don't even try to hang even from cable TV or telephone lines.
Modified Crimethlnc Hoist
The modified Crimethlnc method is a bit more advanced and requires a bit more invested money but is quick and long lasting.
1-Make a banner and staple it to a lightweight board.
2-Cut a five foot section of cable reinforced clothes line
4-Attach hardware store carabieners to both ends of the wood near the cable anchor points (really big eye bolts might work even better if you can find ones big enough to pass your molly bolts easily) it is important that the carabieners don't get twisted and stay perpendicular to the wood so use fiber tape to attach them.
5-Make a loop in the end of the both pieces of clothes line and attach tightly to the wood with cable crimpers.
6-Make a second larger loop on the remaining end of the clothes line and pinch it so the tip is bent.
7-Slide a molly bolt into the cable then fiber tape down the loop(a molly bolt is the kind that has spring back wings that you can force through a hole in a wall)
8-make a stop that forces the molly bolt to near the end of the taped down loop
9-Test pulling the loop and molly bolt through the carabieners, it should pop through easily
10- Cut string a bit more than double the height of the object you plan to hoist over
11- Loop the string though the clothes line loops (you want it to pull freely through the clothesline loops)
12- Attach safe weights (sand filled socks, rubber fishing weights, or plastic bottles) to the ends of the long doubled pieces of string.
During a lull in traffic or when friends are safely blocking the road approach the target.
1-Throw or slingshot both of your weighted double strings over the target wire, pipe, or pole
2- Snap the doubled string into the carabieners
3- Hoist, be gentle when it comes time to pull the clothesline loop and molly bolts through the carabieners and snapped tight, it might take some jiggling
4- Cut the string with a scissors and pull through, your banner is safely up
5- Get away
It will take a cherry picker truck or fire engine ladder to remove this sign.
Hoist and Drop
For the best effect you want to do a dramatic banner drop from an already hoisted banner setup. This is a great way to hijack a pep rally especially if you have hacked access to the PA system and have a message to deliver. Combine with activists tossing your leaflets with candy attached so people will want to get their hands on some.
Use the modified Crimethlnc hoist to get your banner up but leave the bottom ofbanner rolled on a dowel or with weights like in banner drops. Use a piece of fishing line taped to the wall with clear dull finish tape to activate your release and deploy the banner. You should test your slip knot or release system under conditions similar to your live deploy several times to be sure there will not be premature deployment or a misdeploy.
Make sure your sign and message is of sufficient quality and size tojustify the effort ofbuilding and hoisting. Once you try this the staff will be much more vigilant to look for ready to drop banners before assemblies.
Balloon Suspended Signs
Inside stadiums stores or political events nothing advertises for your cause like a balloon lofted sign where the organizers can't take it down. Hang your lightweight easy to read banner from a rod or pole and attach the balloons to the ends of the pole. If you get there early before the event you might think about having kite string loosely looped over the ends of the stick so you can guide the sign up so it is straight and centered in the hall and then pull the guide strings loose. With Balloon bannering always test your design before you deploy it, nothing is more embarrassing than a dangling sign to make your team look bad.
A good way to infiltrate with a bunch ofballoons is if you dress like you are with a flower delivery service (dumpster dive a few big bouquets for one arm) and meet your conspirators who have the banner.
Balloon Choices
When choosing balloons you need to decide how long you want your sign stuck to the ceiling. Figure out how many balloons are needed to lift your sign and double the amount to give several days of lifting, since balloons leak helium and loose lifting power.
Latex is the most standard and least expensive, you can often rent a helium tank and get a large package or two oflatex balloons as a package deal. Latex has pores small enough for the tiny helium atoms to pass through (helium it the smallest substance around since it does not even pair up into a molecule like hydrogen).
Mylar balloons are also available commercially and last much longer, several weeks life can be expected.
Plastic trash bags look ghetto but if you carefully inspect for holes have a lifetime around a week.
Helium it the choice for lofting gas, even though hydrogen is easy to generate chemically with acid and metal or electrolysis is is explosive and the cops might try charge you with planting a flammable or explosive device,just so you know hydrogen is about double the lofting power as helium.
Sticky Balloons
Placing glues or even syrup or honey on your balloon can make your banner hang stick to the ceiling even after much of the the helium goes out.
Audio Signs
An easy long long life repeating PA system can be made from the electronic recorder now found in some greeting cards which allow a personalized voice message, even better is one modified with a small amplifier transistor and better speaker if more loudness is needed. Be sure to test the life of the battery you plan to use before employing. Best lifetime is obtained by using the voice of a woman with a high pitched voice(or computer generated higher female voice to prevent voiceprinting by the police), this will also carry best from a small speaker. Lithium AA batteries are the lightest and have the longest lifetime for their weight, they are often found at photography shops.
You can epoxy the whole package inside of an aluminum can with the top cut off, a big gob of warm bubble gum makes a good stickum if the ceiling is clean, shoot the package onto the ceiling with a slingshot, it should continue to broadcast for as long as the batteries last. If you find a low enough power recorder circuit which will save the recording in non-volatile memory(doesn't need batteries) you might be able to power the whole thing with a solar cell. The cool thing about this is it will only talk while the lights are on and will last until they spend the money to rent a cherry picker.
Banner Construction
The easiest way to get a long lifetime outdoor sign is to have it printed at a sign shop preferably by someone cool with the cause. Go with a large easy to read font and use a short clear message, an easy to remember website address is good too so people can get more information. Remember the north side of the building (in the northern hemisphere) gets the least sun and will not cause as much UV degradation of the sign.
For guerrilla hangs where you expect the sign to be removed in a few hours it is best to go DIY. Bedsheets and table cloths work as does plastic sheet if it can be painted, Use stencils or a projector and make outlines with marker that you can fill in with house paint. Again make it easy to read and understand, include a web address.
Include slits or upside down tombstone shaped flaps that will allow the sign to unroll and not flap too much in the wind.
Almost all banners are better with a stiffener in both the top and bottom. If wood is too heavy or impossible to infiltrate use a cheap tent wand with the shock cord pulled tight and tied when you assemble it. Weight at the bottom prevents breezes from flipping or tearing your sign down, better yet is four point or more anchoring.
Indoor signs might gain from the addition of a LED flasher or two to help gain attention, many of these flashers will last weeks or months.
Community Centers
Having a focal point for radical activity in your area is a very useful tool for the movements we represent. Most often the better funded groups are able to afford a long term office and center. Good focuses that will make fund raising easier include environmental organizations, services to homeless youth, religious services, and alternative education.
Finding Space
Look into what is allowed both by zoning law and by your rental contract. There are occupancy limits in most buildings, most commercial zoning prohibits dewlling in the office. Find out what your rights are as far as having demonstrations with many people inside and outside, placing signs and tables on the sidewalk, and parking for automobiles and bicycles.
You will need to find a space near your identified focus population in order to be effective. Look for something easy to find, near major streets, public transportation, and easialy bicycle acessable. It is also important to consider crime and police presence in the area.
In order to attract a larger folowing provide community education and free university classes. It is important to have regular times and interesting topics to draw groups that will utilize the space. Education is one of the best ways tojustify donations for your rental and upkeep.
Radical Printing
Having both a copier and laser printing available for zines and posters is a useful servise espaecial if you can offer them for less than the big printing shops, look for donations of toner and paper to subsidise the production of youth literature. See alsoStarting a Printing Workshop, Underground Newspapers, High School Papers,GI Papers, Wall Painting,Spanish for the Revolution, andThe Underground Press for more tips.
Hang Out
A good community center is a place where people feel comfortable to come and hang out to meet other progressive types and coordinate the more overt parts of our struggle for freedom. Try to have food available to visitors, many businesses are willing to donate day old foods to a worthy cause, letterhaed and business cards make youjust that more legit, some might even deliver.
You can surely set up a public wireles Internet node, additionaly a few old machines plugged into the network will let street kids without laptops get online and publish and blog.
Media Center
Try to get a computer projector, overhead projector, and possibly a large television screen and playback device for multimedia presentations. Recording equipment, lights, a modular TV set, and several backgrounds make for professional panel discussions, radio shows, and documentaries. Most of the media studio stuffis quite expensive and easily damaged, for security insure and take home the gear at night.
If your movement is looking to produce a guerrilla radio program a nice studio with good accoustics will really help in production and sound quality. Don't try to transmit from the community center in an illegal way, it will be a very easy investigation and you might loose all of you studio equipment. Produce a legal web radio show and let others grab your stream and broadcast it. See also Making Music andGuerrilla Broadcasting.
Identifying Plants
If you are properly teaching security culture there should be no problem if the police are sending plants into your community center. As part of enforcing security culture it is important to speak to anyone openly advocating violence that that is not allowed in the center, open discussion of lawbreaking is permissible discussion ifit is in a detached academic sense and not planning actions. Be watchful of those that constantly are attempting to violate security culture, also be cautious of those who seem to hang out waiting to talk to new arrivals but not to regulars.
Always assume that your phones, internet, and building are all bugged or tapped. Modern spy gadgets are cheap and easy for the police to get. If you need to have a secure discussion take a walk along a busy street.
Security Culture
Make security culture a maj or focus of the culture in your community center. Making and posting motivational posters similar to the posters from World War Two will be a constant reminder. The legality and ability to stay open depends on following security culture rules if any of your regulars are involved in direct action.
SeeSecurity Culturefor more tips.
Many of those that we wish to serve are of a subculture that views stealing from "Da-Man" as being a revolutionary act. Since the stealing instinct sometimes becomes ingrained you need to take special care that valuables are not acessable to visitors, unfortunately this often means we can not carry a sotck of merchandise since much of it will go out stuffed in pockets and backpacks. DO NOT STEAL FROM YOUR RADICAL COMMUNITY CENTERS AND BOOK STORES!
Bars on windows, backed up files and computers, and a good sprinkler system as well as paid up insurance are important should the police or industry decide to eliminate your radical meeting space.
Guerrilla Broadcasting
Guerrilla Radio
Money or time properly invested in building or buying quality transmitting hardware and antenna is not wasted, there is less chance of complaints against a station that stays on frequency and does not bleed over. Most propaganda against low power radio brings examples of small stations using low quality transmitters which interfere with other nearby stations. Once you get some listeners you will want dump the junk to upgrade a quality stable VFO that will not drift frequencies or have distorted sound. With our instructions you should be able to make a really good pirate station in under a week for between $50 and $100 for everything except the hospital bill from falling off of your tower.
Transmitter Kts
Don't be afraid of making the simple radios and amps now available, all the electronic parts you need are either in your kit, at radio slack or online at places like digikey. An electronics course or a radio frequency physics college course will help immensely, but with the easy kits out now all you really need is a soldering iron and the ability to read. Radio Free Berkeley has somewhat expensive but well designed and tested quality gear that if you make an initial investment will serve well for years producing quality sound. RFB also has radio camps aimed at teaching the techniques ofbuilding your own transmitter with help building your kit along side experts. Beyond RFB there is also lots of information at the ARRL website and posted by many amature radio operators on their personal websites.
There are many sources on the net to order good quality transmitter kits that require some basic soldering ability and some basic test gear. Consider building a few spare low power kits for situations where the cops will be expected to confiscate the gear. Learning to build kits will likely be much cheaper than ordering from an international mail supplier and also since you will learn how to repair and tweak performance it will likely outperform something ready made purchased from a questionable grey market source.
If you really feel like stepping out after trying your hand with kits, design your own or follow a schematic even more fun is to try to keep with recycled components from junked electronics.
Homebrew Transmitters
Making your own starter transmitting gear has gotten much easier since the advent of mp3 FM transmitters to designed to send your tunes to car or home audio systems. If you find an MP3 player FM transmitter that uses a crystal and you know the exact open frequency you want go with this type, order and install a quality stable crystal. Most of these tiny FM transmitters can have their 3v power input doubled and a proper antenna installed to feed a lineral amplifier like below. Run a wire from your computer's sound card to the input lines, and hit it! A decent small city pirate radio station is easily within the budget of almost anyone in the world now.
Power Supply
A noise free power supply for your transmitter and amp are very important. It is possible to build this yourselfbut you will have to check it with an oscilloscope to verify a really clean output.
Keep a both a quality butane (ever fix electronics in the field) and electric soldering iron, side cutters, desoldering tool, and multimeter in your kit to make repairs. It might be good to search the internet for a cheap frequency counter kit (even a quality radio receiver with a digital frequency display will work but costs more) and pack this too so you can keep watch on frequency drift.
Playback Equipment
Be sure to use quality playback equipment, the best transmitter and amp won't fix crappy sound from a junk sound card or CD changer. Properly ground your mixer board, computer, and anything else electrical that is connected to your radio station
Use quality shielded cables especially since you are near an active radio transmitter try to keep the cable runs as short as possible.
Buy a low RF noise power supply for any computer you are using for playback.
Amp it Up!
If your are a soldering iron amature you can build a small linear amp based on the schematic above. There are many ways to either home print a circuit board, cut circuit pathways in scrap copper clad board, perforated hobbyist board, or use a reusable test "bread board". Follow the schematics above.
Once you get advanced enough to figure out band pass filtering and how to keep the impedance right why not rip apart a high power car stereo amp and use the big transistors and heat sinks to build a reallyjuiced up pirate station.
88 - 108 MHz 10 watt power amplifier
HERE IS A 10 WATT TUNED AMPLIFIER AMPLIFIER SCHEMATIC WHICH WILL AMPLIFY 100mW (0.1 w) to 10 watts. The circuit is shown for reference only, it is not used by NRG in production, but should give good performance on the 88 - 108 MHz FM band if constructed correctly.
please note that coil diameters are given in cm. So ,6id = .6cm or 6mm id.
47uF 100n 13.8 V. DC
If you visit the radio shack of most every ham operator you will see a tuner somewhere in line between the radio and antenna. Tuning is required to match imbalances in impedance between the radio, feed line, and antenna. What most radio operators with transmitter power only limited to their amplifier budget don't worry about is the radio energy that is converted into waste heat when an unmatched antenna is used. You will need to get a SWR(standing wave ratio-or reflected lost energy that surges back into your finals) meter that is designed to work on your transmitter frequency band. Abad mismatch in impedance and resulting SWR can fry your radio finals.
When you need to set up your station quickly and have no time to make a perfect antenna
1-just find a nice high spot with a good view of your audience area
2-shoot a wire antenna into a tree with a slingshot and fishing weight on the end
3-Repeat #2 in the opposite direction making a nice Vee
4-tune until you get a SWR reading around 1.5
5-get back on the air.
OK so you waste some precious power but you can be on air in around three minutes which is great if you are operating in some park from a bicycle trailer during a protest. Gotta run? Cut your antenna wires and pedal hard!!
The antenna can be both the least expensive and also one of the most effective ways to maximize the potential of your transmitter. Unless you have an unlimited budget there is no reason to buy an antenna just make one.
For a good wire antenna divide 234 by the frequency in megahertz with the sum being length of antenna in feet, this gives you your half wave length. Don't forget to use a good ground(unless you use some variation of dipole antenna), a copper cold water pipe works well. Hide antenna wires inside plastic gutter pipes or other creative long places (metallic paint can adversely affect antenna operation), the FCC radio pigs will be looking for unusual wires or towers in the area that a pirate station transmits.
One wire cut to the calculated length is called a monopole the other end is fed to a ground.
A dipole is two wires of the same calculated length strung out in opposing directions from a center feed line. (both of these have 50 Ohm impedance) and matches most transmitters and 50 ohm feed line.
A bent dipole or monopole is just a di/mono pole antenna where the antenna wire doubles back on itself at half its length, this antenna matches 300 ohm feed line but is a mismatch to most transmitters (it will require the use of a balun to fix this mismatch) You can use twin lead to make the folded dipole.
If you need to have a shorter antenna you can cut multiples of half from the size of the antenna but each halfing will reduce performance while still keeping antenna SWR tune. You can use the metal frame of you vehicle as a ground plane for monopole antennas.
While most commercial and amature operators just tweak and tune the impedance to a match with a tuner not caring about wasted watts, careful use of an antenna analyzer (which can be built from an inexpensive kit) and careful trimming of the antenna gives the best results by far.
Antenna Feed Line
It is reasonably easy to find 50 Ohm coaxial (coax) cable with a center conductor and braided copper inner sheath at electronics supply stores. Be sure to read the Ohm rating printed on the side of your cable since coax for TV and old computer networking is 75 ohm, a mismatch!! Coax is wasteful in that it converts radio signal to heat more quickly than most other feed lines due to the sheath/core design but the up side to the sheath/core construction is there is very little signal leakage and it is possible to be pretty indifferent about running your coax past other radio frequency interference, wires, and metallic objects. Use some sort of sealer putty or caulk to keep water out of your coax ends as moisture can cause problems at higher frequencies. Keep coax runs as short as possible. Most transmitters you will be using have an output impedence of 50 Ohms the same impedance as a normal dipole and monopole antenna which makes your life easy if this is all you have in your system.
Twin Lead
Twin lead feed line is still easily available as it is used to feed the TV antennas on the roofs of millions of Amerikans. It can be recognized usually as the brown plastic ribbon insulated wires on the edges, some are perforated in the center, some are flat oval shaped. Twin lead line almost always has a 300 ohm impedance and will need the use of a balun to match 50 ohm antennas and transmitters. Twin lead is low loss and will waste little radio energy even with a longer cable run, the tradeoff is that it leaks energy like crazy if there is any kind of parallel wire or metal object like pipe, appliances, or even rebar in the cement. You need to use non-conductive offsets (wood, plastic, glass, rubber) to keep it at least a foot away from metallic items, walls, or wires.
Here is an easy transformer type balun (BALance-UNbalance) designed to give you a five to one conversion which will let you get close to the 50 to 300 ratio with enough play to allow minimal use of your tuner. If you really plan to stick to one frequency you can go for a closer balun match for your feed line. For our five to one balun wrap 25 turns of one color (red) magnet wire (take this out of an old electric motor) around a ferrite torid (donut magnets work good if you cant afford to buy radio torroids) and five turns of the other color (green or more red colored with a sharpie pen). A full turn is considered when the magnet wire crosses its starting position.
The five turn side is connected to your 50 ohm antenna or transmitter and the 25 turn side connects to your 300 ohm twin lead feed line.
Putting it All Together
0- Audio signal comes from your computer, live microphone, hard disc MP3 player, or CD changer and feeds to
1- Your transmitter (can be as simple as the MP3 hack to a deluxe kit) likely 50 ohm output
2- Use your 50 ohm coax to connect it to your amplifier (if you are using one)(this is likely 50 ohm too) with as short a cable run as possible
3- Next comes your tuner (if you will be using one) again keep the cable runs short.
4- After this is the feed line, which could be just a short run of 50 ohm coax to your antenna if you have everything in a mobile van or on a rooftop.
5- If you are going with 50 ohm everything else just make a grounded monopole (use a good ground) or dipole antenna
Alternately if you need to run a long line to an apartment roof from a lower floor
4a- If you will be using twin lead for a longer feed line you need to use coax to the outside to prevent leakage to the metal objects in your house
4b- then place a four or five to one balun between the coax and the twin lead to the antenna location
Choose your antenna type, realize that there is some loss every time you use a balun
4c- either add another balun to go from 300 to 50 ohm,
5a- and use a dipole or grounded monopole
5b- or use a folded dipole or grounded folded monopole which is already 300 ohms and takes up less space, since it is folded in half and has nearly the performance of a dipole.
Don't forget to test the SWR with your meter at low power setting between every stage of your radio station, bad SWR mismatch can burn out your transmitter and amplifier!!!
Ground the case of every electrical component from your mixer board, to your transmitter, to your antenna mast for safety and to prevent noise
Radio Station Rebrodcast Override
Quick communication can often be sent through small FM rebroadcasters licensed by the Federal Candy Commission. In many cases, these licensed stations simply use a high-grade radio and antenna to rebroadcast a weak signal. Their range is generally about 1-10 miles, meaning a good portion of a city or an entire small town can be covered. The first thing to do is check and see if the station rebroadcasts using an FM receiver. If so, all you do is find the broadcast location, transmit a powerful enough signal to override the station intended to be rebroadcast, and that's it!
Shortwave Broadcast
Even better than listening to shortwave is having your own regular show, even considering the low price to potential audience ratio of commercial shortwave stations an even cheaper alternative is possible. Most proper HAM radio sets are able to be modified for out ofband transmission. Look for a radio set that is recommended for digital mode as this has a long duty cycle, in other words, you can transmit for a long time without overheating the set. A linear amp set and a well tuned antenna and you are ready to get the word out across the globe, at least to those that have a quality receiver. Otherwise use the information we give above and build a dedicated shortwave broadcast set from a kit.
"Legal" Unlicensed Broadcasting
One unlicensed station, Pirate Cat Radioin San Francisco, CA, has kept the Federal Communications Commission at bay with a unique strategy. When the FCC sends them a letter threatening legal action for broadcasting without a license, they send back a passage from the United States Code ofFederal Regulations; Title 47, Section 73.3542, Paragraph (a):
"Authority is granted, on a temporary basis, in extraordinary circumstances requiring emergency operation to serve the public interest. Such situations include: emergencies involving danger to life andproperty; a national emergency proclaimed by the President or the Congress of the USA; and any continuance of any war in which the United States is engaged and where such action is necessary for the national defense or security or otherwise infurtherance of the war effort."
Another station, PowerHits 103.3in Bettendorf, Iowa, used the same strategy, except it was shut down by the landlord over a rent disagreement. A low-power television station, W10BM in Moorehead, Kentucky, is using the same claim while it argues with the FCC over its apparently canceled license.
So far, the FCC has not challenged the assertion that Dubya's War On Terror makes it legal to broadcast without a license.
If you're going to start a permanent radio station and want to keep in the good side of the law in the USA, consider "Part 15" broadcasting on AM. Under the FCC regulations, an unlicensed AM transmitter can put out as much as 100 milliwatts (that's 1/10th of a watt), as long as you're not interfering with a licensed broadcaster. If you've got the money (about $1,000), seriously consider a Hamilton Rangemaster AM1000. Since these are covered under Part 15.219, which is not a radiation limitation but is a power and antenna length limitation, these can kick out a signal for about 2 miles at best (You'll need help from a radio broadcast tech to tweak the antenna). You can also increase your range by running more than one transmitter. The Rangemaster AM1000 is FCC approved, so if you do get "the knock on the door", smile and show them your receipt and watch as the smirks fade from their faces. For lots of on-line info on legal unlicensed broadcasting, go to Part15.US.
Under FCC Low Power Transmission Regulations, it is legal to broadcast on the AM band without even obtaining a license, if you transmit with 100 milliwatts of power or less on a free band space that doesn't interfere with a licensed station. You are further allowed up to a 12-foot antenna or the use of carrier-current transmission (regular electric wall outlets). Using this legal set-up, you can broadcast from a 2to20 block radius depending on how high up you can locate your antenna and the density of tall buildings in the area.
Carrier-current broadcasting consists of plugging the transmitter into a regular wall socket. It draws power in the same way as any other electrical appliance, and feeds its signal into the power line allowing the broadcast to be heard on any AM radio tuned into the operating frequency. The transmitter can be adjusted to different frequencies until a clear band is located. The signal will travel over the electrical wiring until it hits a transformer where it will be erased. The trouble with this method is that in large cities, almost every large office or apartment building has a transformer. You should experiment with this method first, but if you are in a city, chances are you'll need an antenna rigged up on the roof. Anything over twelve feet is illegal, but practice has shown that the FCC won't hassle you if you don't have commercials and refrain from interfering with licensed broadcasts. There are some cats in Connecticut broadcasting illegally with a 100-foot antenna over a thirty mile radius for hours on end and nobody gives them any trouble. Naturally if you insist upon using dirty language, issuing calls to revolution, broadcasting bombing information, interfering with above ground stations and becoming too well known, the FCC is going to try and knock you out. There are penalties that have never been handed out of up to a year in jail. It's possible you could get hit with a conspiracy rap, which could make it a felony, but the opinion of movement lawyers now is a warning if you're caught once, and a possible fine with stiffer penalties possible for repeaters that are caught.
If it gets really heavy, you could still broadcast for upto 15 minutes without being pin-pointed by the FCC sleuths. By locating your equipment in a panel truck and broadcasting from a fixed roof antenna, you can make it almost impossible for them to catch you by changing positions.
There has been a variety of transmitting equipment used, and the most effective has been found to be an AM transmitter manufactured by Low Power Broadcasting Co., 520 Lincoln Highway, Frazer, Penn. 19355. Call Dick Crompton at (215 NI 4-4096. The right transmitter will run about $200. If you plan to use carrier-current transmission you'll also need a capacitor that sells for $30. An antenna can be made out of aluminum tubing and antenna wiring available at any TV radio supply store (see diagram). You'll also need a good microphone that you can get for about $10. Naturally, equipment for heavier broadcasting is available if a member of your group has a license or good connections with someone who works in a large electronics supply house. Also with a good knowledge in the area you can build a transmitter for a fraction of the purchase price. You can always employ tape recorders, turntables and other broadcasting hardware depending on how much bread you have, how much stuff you have to hide (i.e., how legal your operation is) and the type of broadcasting you want to do.
It is possible to extend your range by sending a signal over the telephone lines to other transmitters which will immediately rebroadcast. Several areas in a city could be linked together and even from one city to another. Theoretically, if enough people rig up transmitters and antennas at proper locations and everyone operates on the same band, it is possible to build a nation-wide people's network that is equally theoretically legal.
Broadcasting, it should be remembered, is a one-way transmission ofinformation. Communications which allow you to transmit and receive are illegal without a license (ham radio).
Guerrilla Television
Guerrilla Television
"A modern revolutionary group heads for the television station." - Abbie Hoffman (from "Soon To Be A Major Motion Picture ")
While most people who have reached the revolutionary mindset have killed their TV's the majority of the impressionable majority consider it a vital service like water or heat, a television transmission is practicaly a direct cable into the viewers mind. Think about your audience, consider what they want to hear and bend that in the direction of your message. Talk to members of your demographic and see how different messages play out with them, exploit existing predjudices against big business, coruption, and government but do not stoop to exploiting predjudices that are against our cause. This is the approach that most low brow media outlets take and it can also be used by our media. It is very important that no matter how hard you spin a story NEVER LIE, people can forgive you for reporting with from your radical point of view but outright dishonesty is a broad weapon to attack the alternative media. Most importantly make your media aimed at the sheeple interesting, entertaining, and maybe even a little sexy so the viewers will not just switch to another channel.
Microwave Override
Many large television and radio stations can be hacked by sending a high enough microwave transmission (using that station's microwave frequency) directed towards the station's broadcast antenna. While most microwave broadcasting equipment is expensive (at least $1,000 used) and many stations have switched to hack-resistant encoded signals, the potential to broadcast messages to thousands of people makes the cost worthwhile.
Every VCR is a (very) low-power VHF transmitter. Signal output tuned to the local unused channel (3 or 4) fed into a linear amplifier and then into a properly constructed antenna equals Free Low- Power TV! However, when Digital TV becomes standard in 2009, you'll have to come up with a digital transmitter!
Experience Behind the Iron Curtan
Before the downfall of the Soviet Union, there were a number of pirate TV operations scattered around Eastern Europe. Many were guerrilla style hit-and-run operations that would rig up a low- tech transmitter with a junked VCR, set to go on the air during the official government newscast, overriding the signal for several blocks. When the authorities found the transmitter, often on the roof of an apartment house or in an vacant building, they would find home-built equipment that had been abandoned, rigged to a timer switch. Much of the programming was very short (since the authorities would be searching for the source within minutes) and usually consisted of recordings from foreign broadcasters like Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, with still photos for visuals. One brave pirate in Moscow would show a tape of the official government news broadcast, with someone else's voice dubbed onto the soundtrack, reading uncensored news peppered with dirtyjokes.
In 1985, some very brave astronomers from Poland's University of Torun used home-made equipment to superimpose pro-Solidarity slogans over the images of the state-run TV network.[1] You can imagine how the viewing public (as well as the authorities) must have felt when, during the official government news broadcast, the words "SOLIDARITY TORUN: ENOUGH OF PRICE HIKES, LIES AND REPRESSION" flashed on the screen.
In 1977, back when the UK used analogue television, someone identified as "Vrillion" of the "Ashtar Galactic Command" over-rode the audio channel ofEngland's Southern Television for 6 minutes.
Free-To-Air Satellite TV
In many rural parts of the USA, a big thing is "Free-To-Air" (FTA) TV dishes. These are common in the UK and parts ofEurope, but are only starting to pick up in the USA. You'll need an unobstructed view of the Southern sky, room for a dish (with a directional motor so you can watch more than one satellite) and a receiver box. A decent set-up will set you back about $200-300 plus installation, but there's no monthly fees. You won't get Dish Network or DishTV (and if you do without subscribing, they'll sue you for Theft of Services), but there's lots of TV and radio channels to be had, as well as network TV station feeds. Depending on where you are, you can also watch foreign broadcasts. The forum at DSSRookieis a good place to start, as well as the FTA forum at hacking questions permitted!). You can also check out the website for White Springs TV, an FTA service.
WARNING: There have been reports of crooked dealers selling counterfeit versions of the popular Pansat brand receiver boxes.Make sure you by from a recommended dealer.
A "peoples network" consisting of a Free-To-Air satellite channel feeding low-power stations and FTA dishes may be pricy, but can be done. There are a number of religious and ethnic services, as well as a few "family entertainment" services, already on satellite. To contradict Gil Scott-Heron; The revolution might very well be televised, but it probably won't be on cable.
There are a number of outlaw radio projects going on around the country. Less frequent, but just as feasible, is a people's television network. Presently there are three basic types of TV systems: Broadcast, which is the sending of signals directly from a station's transmitter to home receiver sets; Cable, where the cable company employees extremely sensitive antenna to pick up broadcast transmissions and relay them and/or they originate and send them; and thirdly, Closed Circuit TV, such as the surveillance cameras in supermarkets, banks and apartment house lobbies.
The third system as used by the pigs is oflittle concern, unless we are interested in not being photographed. The cameras can be temporarily knocked out of commission by flashing a bright light (flashbulb, cigarette lighter, etc.) directly in front of its lens. For our own purposes, closed- circuit TV can be employed for broadcasting rallies, rock concerts or teach-ins to other locations. The equipment is not that expensive to rent and easy to operate. Just contact the largest television or electronics store in your area and ask about it. There are also closed-circuit and cable systems that work in harmony to broadcast special shows to campuses and other institutions. Many new systems are being developed and will be in operation soon.
Cable systems as such are in use only in a relatively few areas. They can be tapped either at the source or at any point along the cable by an engineer freak who knows what to do. The source is the best spot, since all the amplification and distribution equipment of the system is available at that point. Tapping along the cable itself can be a lot hairier, but more frustrating for the company when they try to trace you down.
Standard broadcasting that is received on almost all living room sets works on an RF (radio frequency) signal sent out on various frequencies which correspond to the channels on the tuner. In no area of the country are all these channels used. This raises important political questions as to why people do not have the right to broadcast on unused channels. By getting hold of a TV camera (Sony and Panasonic are the best for the price) that has an RF output, you can send pictures to a TV set simply by placing the camera cable on or near the antenna of the receiver set. When the set is operating on the same channel as the camera, it will show what the camera sees. Used video tape recorders such as the Sony CV series that record and play back audio and video information are becoming more available. These too can be easily adapted to send RF signals the same as a live camera.
Whether or not the program to be broadcasted is live or on tape, there are three steps to be taken in order to establish a people's TV network. First, you must convert the video and audio signals to an RF frequency modulated (FM) signal corresponding to the desired broadcast channel. We suggest for political and technical reasons that you pick one of the unused channels in your area to begin experimenting. The commercial stations have an extremely powerful signal and can usually override your small output. Given time and experience you might want to go into direct competition with the big boys on their own channel. It is entirely possible, say ina 10to20 block radius, to interrupt a presidential press-conference with more important news. Electronic companies, such as Jerrold Electronics Corp., 4th and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., make equipment that can RF both video and audio information onto specific channels. The device you'd be interested in is called a cable driver or RF modulator.
When the signal is in the RF state, it is already possible to broadcast very short distances. The second step is to amplify the signal so it will reach as far as possible. A linear amplifier of the proper frequency is required for this job. The stronger the amplifier the farther and more powerful the signal. A 10-watt job will cover approximately 5 miles (line of sight) in area. Linear amplifiers are not that easily available, but they can be constructed with some electrical engineering knowledge.
The third step is the antenna, which if the whole system is to be mobile to avoid detection, is going to involve some experimentation and possible camouflage. Two things to keep in mind about an antenna are that it should be what is technically referred to as a "di-pole" antenna (see diagram) and since TV signals travel on line of sight, it is important to place the antenna as high as possible. Although it hasn't been done in practice, it certainly is possible to reflect pirate signals off an make equipment that can RF both video and audio existing antenna of a commercial network. This requires a full knowledge ofbroadcasting; however, any amateur can rig up an antenna, attach it to a helium balloon and get it plenty high. For most, the roof of a tall building will suffice. If you're really uptight about your operation, the antenna can be hidden with a fake cardboard chimney.
We realize becoming TV guerrillas is not everyone's trip, but a small band with a few grand can indeed pull it off. There are a lot of technical freaks hanging around recording studios, guitar shops, hi-fi stores and engineering schools that can be turned on to the project. By showing them the guidelines laid out here, they can help you assemble and build various components that are difficult to purchase (i.e., the linear amplifier). Naturally, by building some of the components, the cost of the operation is kept way down. Equipment can be purchased in selective electronics stores. You'll need a camera, VTR, RF modulator, linear amplifier and antenna. Also a generator, voltage regulator and an alternator if you want the station to be mobile. One of the best sources of information on both television and radio broadcasting is the Radio Amateur's Handbook published by the American Radio Relay League, Newington, Conn. 06611 and available for $4.50. The handbook gives a complete course in electronics and the latest information on all techniques and equipment related to broadcasting. Back issues have easy to read do-it-yourself TV transmitter diagrams and instructions. Also available is a publication called Radical Software, put out by Raindance Corp., 24 E. 22nd St., New York, N.Y., with the latest info on all types of alternative communications.
Guerrilla TV is the vanguard of the communications revolution, rather than the avant-garde cellophane light shows and the weekend conferences. One pirate picture on the sets in Amerika's living rooms is worth a thousand wasted words.
With the fundamentals in this field mastered, you can rig up all sorts of shit. Cheap twenty-dollar tape recorders can be purchased and outfitted with a series of small loud-speakers. Concealed in a school auditorium or other large hall, such a system can blast out any message or music you wish to play. The administration will go insane trying to locate the operation if it is well hidden. We know two cats who rigged a church with this type of setup and a timing device. Right in the middle of the sermon, on came Radio Heaven and said stuff like "Come on preacher, this is God, you don't believe all that crap now, do you?" It made for an exciting Sunday service, all right. You can build a miniature transmitter and with a small magnet attach it to the underbelly of a police car to keep track of where it's going. This would only be practical in a small town or on a campus where there are only a few security guards or patrol vehicles. If you rigged a small tape recorder to the transmitter and tuned it to a popular AM band, the patrol car as it rode around could actually broadcast the guerrilla message you prerecorded. Wouldn't they be surprised when they found out how you did it? You can get a "Bumper Beeper" and receiver that are constructed by professionals for use by private detectives. The dual unit costs close to $400. If you've got that kind ofbread, you can write John Bomar, 6838 No. 3rd Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85013 for a catalogue and literature.
Even though there are laws governing the area of sneaky surveillance, telephone taps, tracking devices and the like, a number of enterprising firms produce an unbelievable array of electronic hardware that allows you to match Big Brother's ears and eyes. Sugar cube transmitters, tie clasp microphones, phone taps, tape recorders that work in a hollowed-out book and other Brave New World equipment is available from the following places. Send for their catalogues just to marvel at the level of technology. R. B. Clifton, 1150 NW 7th Ave., Miami, Fla. 33168; Electrolab Corp., Bank of Stateboro Building, Stateboro, Ga. 30458; or Tracer Investigative Products, Inc., 256 Worth. Ave., Palm, Beach, Fla. 33482.
By the way, you can pick up Radio Hanoi on a short wave radio every day from 3:00 to3:30 PM at 15013 kilocycles on the 19 meter band.
Information Warfare
Communications rely heavily on electronic methods. There are numerous techniques and tool for preventing unauthorized intercepting of electronic communications. There are also ways to electronically prevent others from communicating, whether by telephone, cell phone, or the internet. This article will discuss some of these methods.
Jamming is the use of electronic methods to interfere with or prevent the electronic communications of others. This can be useful in a variety of situations, including confrontations with police. However, legal risks can be quite severe.
General Radio JammingThe idea ofjamming is to create a signal that overpowers the target transmission. Somewhat similar to trying to talk at a death metal concert. Tojam, a high powered transmitter is used on the appropriate frequency, it usuallyjust sends out noise.
Cell phone jamming
A cell phone jammer can be used to prevent cell phones from receiving or transmitting calls. These devices transmit radio frequency signals, and are illegal in the UK and US, among other places. In the US, it is illegal to operate, manufacture, import, or offer them for sale. There is widespread evidence of their use by police, so in actions don't plan on being able to communicate with cell phones.
Physical Jamming
This means actually going to the location to sever a connection. Most US cell-phone towers are in the middle of nowhere with merely a fence to guard them. Electrical power sub-stations can also be attacked because of their similar unguarded nature, preventing access to plugged-in TVs and Radios. Obviously, this is not an electronic form ofjamming, but serves the same purpose.
Revolutionizing the Masses
As we fight the system we often feel a ghetto mentality where we try to stay with only our radical kind and avoid the public. Preaching to the choir is easy but getting out and changing society is hard.
Talking to the Mainstream
Look what an important member of society wears, it is almost always a suit, tie, and a clean appearance and haircut. It may feel like selling out (and it really is for you personally) but the average Amerikan has no respect for a pierced and dreaded freak in a patched black sweatshirt or jacket. You want to appear to be highly intelligent and have all the answers but not appear too snobby, the public likes modest but demands a winner. See also Public Speaking.
Avoiding Unnecessary Controversial and Offensive Comments
One of the keys to maintaining a good standing with the public is to keep your less important controversial opinions to yourself. If you are backing a particular cause it is of no use to go off topic and possibly loose moderates. It may even be useful to publicly disagree with a setup "radical" in order to prove your moderate status. Move slowly when dealing with the public, another spokesperson can advocate more radical positions in a few years, or maybe even you.
Assessing Community Needs
Look for what the general public is complaining about and try to find a way to explain your goals through that lens. For example people concerned about the closing of a local factory are prime targets for anti-globalisation efforts and provide the white middle class families that will hit Amerikans in the heart. Helping localsOrganise a Labor Union will get you good exposure to ordinary Americans who are in trouble and have an open mind to alternatives to our current corrupted system.
Radicalizing Oppressed Communities
Oppressed minorities and subcultures are often more easily radicalized than the mainstream worker class. Having a much clearer picture of the inherent injustice of our modern CorpGov system, they also provide us with an undeniable reality that middle and upper class college age radicals lack.
Assessing Incipient Revolutionary Groups
Look for groups that are being adversely affected by the same or similar circumstances that you group is opposing. It is important to investigate for possible conflicts of interest before perusing a relationship.
All social groups have those that stand out as leaders, it is important to know in nearly all cases these leaders do not speak for the whole population, but is important to seek as much support as possible. Places of worship, prominent families, and union leadership are good places to start.
Working Together
It is important that you provide support to your partner organization or group if you expect to get help when you need it. It is worth keeping track of the support you receive when deciding how much you should be sharing in financial and time resources, make sure you are both sharing resources fairly. Publicising social and activist ties strengthens both of your organizations
Avoiding Conflict
There will almost always be points of conflict or at least disagreement between your groups. It is important to make an agreement possibly even in writing to avoid divisive questions and topics especialy at press confrences and public addresses. Instead of emphasizing the points of disagreement stress where you are in harmony.
Cost to Benefit Ratio
It is important to consider the costs of partnering with a very controversial, violent, unpopular group, or even an aimless group, even if they do have similar aims and grievances. Bad coalitions may actually hurt your message with the general WASP public. For example, even Martin Luther King's Civil Rights movement was derided as full of dangerous Communists, a clear and present danger in the minds of many Cold War Amerikans, giving them an easy excuse to ignore or fight that movement. You can't please everyone, nor do we want to, it is ourjob to change them, but remember to look toward your future when forming a coalition.
Flash Mob
With proper warning the police have ample time to assemble thug teams and manage demonstrations reducing the effectiveness. With modern technology a flash mob can be quickly formed using SMS texting, email, instant messaging, or even a cleverly disguised signal by an insider on broadcast radio or television monitored by protesters. Those flash protesters need to have their demonstration gear ready to respond like an ambulance crew to the scene of the event. Organizers may do well to have hidden caches, bike trailers, or even vans ready to roll and full with plastic buckets for drums, screen printed signs, and radios or megaphones. Flash protesters can carry drumsticks, soft banners, and small radios with loud volume.
Your sign is also a shield from the cops if made correctly, choose a good piece of wood for the post and consider backing your posterboard with corrugated plastic like is used on election signs.
Have an intelligent but simple message on your sign, a confusing sign is worse than no sign. If you are an organizer use the plans inStarting a Printing Workshopto make a silkscreen and mass produce signs so you can easily convey a unified message in the print and TV media.
Keep a sense ofhumor when writing your protest signs. At an anti-war rally one of our contributors attended, one person held a sign reading "BETTER BENEFITS FOR OUR POLICE".
A small power-hacked FM transmitter is a way to communicate during a protest, revolutionary slogans or instructions can be sent from a transmitter hidden in a protest sign, bicycle, or other hiding place. Protesters can either blast your stuff with cheap boom-boxes or take orders with throw away transistor radios and headphones.
3. Original Demonstrations
Demonstrations always will be an important form of protest. The structure can vary from a rally or teach-in to a massive civil disobedience such as the confronting of the warmakers at the Pentagon or a smoke-in. A demonstration is different from other forms of warfare because it invites people other than those planning the action via publicity to participate. It also is basically non-violent in nature. A complete understanding of the use of media is necessary to create the publicity needed to get the word out. Numbers of people are only one of the many factors in an effective demonstration. The timing, choice of target and tactics to be employed are equally important. There have been demonstrations of 400,000 that are hardly remembered and demonstrations of a few dozen that were remarkably effective. Often the critical element involved is the theater. Those who say a demonstration should be concerned with education rather than theater don't understand either and will never organize a successful demonstration, or for that matter, a successful revolution. Publicity includes everything from buttons and leaflets to press conferences. You should be in touch with the best artists you can locate to design the visual props. Posters can be silk screened very cheaply and people can be taught to do it in a very short time. Buttons have to be purchased. The cheapest are those printed directly on the metal. The paint rubs off after a while, but they are ideal for mass demonstrations. You can print 10,000 for about $250.00. Leaflets, like posters, should be well designed.
One way of getting publicity is to negotiate with the city for permits. Again, this raises political questions, but there is not doubt one reason for engaging in permit discussions is for added publicity.
The date, time and place of the demonstration all have to be chosen with skill. Know the projected weather reports. Pick a time and day of the week that are convenient to most people. Make sure the place itself adds some meaning to the message. Don't have a demonstrationjust because that's the way it's always been done. It is only one type of weapon and should be used as such. On the other hand, don't dismiss demonstrations because they have always turned out boring. You and your group can plan a demonstration within the demonstration more accurately. Also don't tend to dismiss demonstrations outright because the repression is too great. During World War II the Danes held street demonstrations against the Nazis who occupied their country. Even today there are public demonstrations against the Vietnam War in downtown Saigon. Repression is there, but overestimating it is more a tactical blunder than the reverse. None the less, it's wise to go to all demonstrations prepared for a vamping by the pigs.
Put the new stuff here, you fashionable revolutionaries!
Police have access to new advanced technology - fortunately we have access to countermeasures.
Sonic Stunner
The sonic stunner comes in two forms: the high-pitch 'mosquito', which only children and teenagers can hear, and a lower-pitch form which affects everyone. To counter this, carry a decent set of earplugs. Earplugs are inexpensive and can be bought from drugstores and hardware shops.
Microwave Gun
This modern weapon heats just at the surface of the skin and causes intense pain. Its effects can be blocked by metallic-woven fibers. If a material pops and burns in a microwave, it should give some protection from this weapon. Lining a garment or cape with such a material or carrying a mylar space blanket (which may also provide very limited protection from infared cameras) should offer some protection against microwave guns.
Leather Gloves
Be aware that modern CS gas canisters burn at several hundred degrees, far hotter than is safe for normal cotton or light work gloves. When handling a hot canister, you will need the full grain leather gloves or you risk burns.
Latex gloves
Often viewed as an easy way to avoid leaving fingerprints on stuff, but be aware: the latex glove itselfleaves a unique pattern which can be traced to a specific glove... and you leave your fingerprints inside the glove. Be sure to thoroughly dispose of any latex glove used when fingerprinting issues may come up.
Back before the Quebec City summit in 2001, "armoring" was used as a response to police violence. This varied from taping rigid plastic or cardboard over kidneys to elaborate suits of plastic-barrel armor taken from SCA plans. For the most part, armoring is now unpopular. The Quebec City protests proved that mobility was more important than armor, and heavy armor is now rare. Most activists should content themselves with a jock-strap and maybe a chest-protector (both available from sporting goods stores). Knee-pads are useful, though especially if you're going to do a lot of kneeling at a protest -- for example, being a street medic.
Original DRESS
Most vamping is accompanied by clubbing, rough shoving and dragging, gassing and occasional buckshot or rifle fire. The clothing you wear should offer you the best protection possible, yet be light weight enough to allow you to be highly mobile. CS and CN are by far the most commonly employed tear gas dispersibles. Occasionally they are combined with pepper gas to give better results. Pepper gas is a nerve irritant that affects exposed areas of the skin. Clothing that is tight fitting and covers as much of the body surface as possible is advisable. This also offers some protection if you are dragged along the ground. Gloves come in handy as protection and if you want to pick up gas canisters and throw them back at the pigs or chuck them through a store window.
Your shoes should be high sneakers for running or boots for kicking. Hiking boots sold in army surplus stores serve both purposes and are your best selection for street action. Men should wear a jock strap or protective cup. Rib guards can be purchased for about $6.00 at any sporting goods store. Shoulder pads and leg pads are also available, but unless you expect heavy fighting and are used to wearing this clumsy street armor, you'll be better off without it.
A good quality working helmet is the standard BMX helmet.(Pictured Here)The BMX helmet is good because it is extremely lightweight, deseigned to stand up to repeated blows, comfortable, allows you to wear a gas mask, protects the ears, and can be painted with whichever rude slogans or symbols you choose.
Original HELMETS
Everyone should have a helmet. Your head sticks out above the swarming crowd and dents like a tin can. Protect it! The type ofhelmet you get depends on what you can afford and how often you'll be using it. The cheapest helmet available is a heavy steel tank model. This one is good because it offers ear protection and has a built-in suspension system to absorb the blow. It is also bullet proof. It's disadvantages are that it only comes in large sizes and is the heaviest thing you'll ever have on your head. It costs about $3.00. For $5.00 you can get a Civil Defense helmet made for officers. It's much lighter, but doesn't offer protection for the ears. It has a good suspension system. If you get this model, paint it a dark color before using it and you'll be less conspicuous. Our fashion consultants suggest anarchy black.
Construction helmets or "hard hats" run between $8.00 and $10.00, depending on the type of suspension system and material used. They are good for women because they are extremely lightweight. The aluminum ones dent if struck repeatedly and the fiberglass type can crack. Also they offer no ear protection. If you prefer one of these you should find a way to attach a chin or neck strap so you won't lose it while you run. If you get a hard hat, make sure you remove the hard head before you take it home.
Probably the all-around good deal for the money is the standard M-1 Army issue helmet. These vary in quality and price, depending on age and condition. They run from $2.00 to $10.00. Make sure the one you get has a liner with webbing that fits well or is adjustable and has a chin strap. Their main disadvantage is that they are bulky and heavy.
The snappiest demonstrators use the familiar motorcycle crash helmet. They are the highest in price, running from $10.00 to as high as $40.00. Being made of fiberglass, they are extremely lightweight. They have a heavy-duty strap built in and they can be gotten to fit quite snugly around the head. They offer excellent ear protection. The foam rubber insulation is better than a webbing system, and will certainly cushion most blows. Being made of fiberglass, a few have been known to crack under repeated blows, but that is extremely rare. Most come with plastic face guards that offer a little added protection. Get only those with removable ones since you might want to make use of a gas mask.
Gas Masks
A modern (2006) gas mask will run anywhere from $40-$100, if one can be found -- they're pretty hard to come by post-9/11. Which is okay, since a military style gas-mask is a great big "arrest me" sign. If you insist on having one, then buy an American or Israeli mask with Plexiglass or Lexan eye-protection. A lot of old-fashioned Soviet gas masks are available, but the eyepieces are glass, and therefore breakable -- Remember: the Revolution is all fun and games until someone loses an eye -- so try to avoid them.
A good substitute to a military gas mask is an industrial respirator. These don't protect the eyes, but are useful when equipped with chemical/paint rated filters -- be sure of the filter rating, since normal filters only protect from dust and asbestos, etc. Respirators can be bought for $40-50 at most large hardware and farm-supply stores, and the filters are commonly available. Buy a good set of goggles to go with them.
Remember that, during an arrest, any gas mask or respirator is going bye-bye forever. If gas masks are unavailable or too expensive, or if you're involved in an action where arrest is inevitable, you might want to fall back on the old standby: a bandanna soaked in a mix of cider vinegar and water. Get a large, good-quality bandanna (cheap dollar-store bandannas usually don't fit the bill) and soak it in a mix of 1/3 cider vinegar to 2/3 water. You can keep it damp in a ziplock bag, and tie it around your face when the gas starts flying -- it's not perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing.
Original GAS MASKS
Ski goggles or the face visor on a crash helmet will protect against Mace but will offer no protection against the chemical warfare gasses being increasingly used by pigs to dispose crowds. For this protection you'll need a gasmask. All the masks discussed give ideal protection against the gasses mentioned in the chart if used properly. If you do not have a gas mask, you should at least get a supply of surgical masks from a hospital supply store and a plastic bag filled with water and a cloth.
The familiar World War II Army gas mask with the filter in a long nose unit sells new (which is the only way gas masks can be sold) for about $5.00. Its disadvantages are that it doesn't cover the whole face, is easy to grab and pull off and the awkwardly placed filter makes running difficult. The Officer Civil Defense unit sells for the same price and overcomes the disadvantages of the World War II Army model. Most National Guard units use this type of mask. It offers full face protection, is lightweight and the filter canister is conveniently located. Also the adjustable straps make for a nice tight fit. The U.S.A. Protective Field Combat Mask M9A1 offers the same type protection as the OCD, but costs twice as much. Its advantage is that you can get new filter canisters when the chemicals in the one you are using becomes ineffective. New filters cost about $1.50. When you buy a mask, be sure and inquire if the filter has replacements. To get maximum efficiency out of a mask it needs an active chemical filter.
The U.S. Navy ND Mark IV Mask is the most effective gas mask available. It has replaceable filter canisters and fits snugly to the head. It costs about $12.00. Its disadvantage is its dual tube filter system, which is somewhat bulky. Fix it so the canister rests on the back of your needs. It's more difficult to grab and easier to run.
When you get your gas mask home, try it out to get the feeling of using it. Make sure the fit is good and snug. Purchase an anti-fog cloth for 25 cents where you got the mask. Wipe the inside of the eye pieces before wearing to prevent the glasses from clouding. Another good reason for wearing a mask is that it offers anonymity. Helmets, gas masks and a host of other valuable equipment are available at any large Army-Navy surplus store. Kaufman's Surplus and Arms, Inc., 623 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10012 is very well stocked. For 75 cents you can get their catalogue and order through the mail. It's in New York though and probably more expensive than a store in your locale. The surplus stores buy from wholesale distributors themselves, who in turn buy directly from the military. If you know a soldier or someone who is married to a soldier, they have access to the Post Dispensary or PX and can get all sorts of stuff at nothing prices. For 20 cents you can get an invaluable pamphlet from the Government Printing Office called How to Buy Surplus Personal Property. It has a complete list of regional surplus wholesalers. The closest one in the Northeast is the Naval Supply Center, Building 652, U.S. Naval Base, Philadelphia, Pa. and in Northern California, the Naval Supply Center, Building 502, Oakland, California. You can order by mail or in person and the prices are very low, even though it isn't as good as the stuff our brothers and sisters in the Viet Cong rip-off.
FRS Radio
FRS radios are now available in the USA, 14 available channels means you can usually find an open channel. Do not be fooled by the privacy codes, these are not encryption,just a blocking circuit that does not activate the receiving radio sound unless the sender radio first sends the electronic activation tone. Assume all transmissions are being intercepted by the pigs. For their current low price the utility, even in hi-rise urban areas, is amazing and they are free to use unlike cellphones.
Radio Tricks
If you can set up a repeater network you can communicate long distances in your area just like the cops do. Handheld radios designed for business or ham radio often have a DTMF tone keypad and digital tone squelch, a radio like this combined with a revolutionary radio exchange in Free Telephones you can totaly bypass the cellular phone system with your own network.
Pig Radio
Most cops in urban and rural areas now use 800mhz trunked radio systems, this is similar to mobile phones with radio mode. If you get your hands on a pig radio like this and they figure it out they can switch to listen mode, set it to tracking mode, and surely not allow you into any radio nets. It is best to either leave these radios alone, smash them, or if you are sneaky hit the orange distress button locking the pig out of using the radio. There are trunk following scanners but they cant be purchased in the United States as these scanners were banned by congress in the 1990's to prevent privacy invasion on the old AMPS cellular network.
You should always go to a demonstration in a small group that stays in contact with each other until the demonstration is over. One way to keep in touch is to use walkie-talkies. No matter how heavy the vamping gets or how spread out are the crowds, you'll be able to communicate with these lightweight effective portable devices. The only disadvantage is cost. A half decent unit costs at least $18.00. It should have a minimum of 9 transistors and 100 milliwatts, although walkie-talkies can go as high as 5 watts and broadcast over 2 miles. Anything under 1 watt will not broadcast over U mile and considerably less in an area with tall buildings. The best unit you can buy runs about $300.00. If you ever deck a pig, steal his walkie-talkie even before you take his gun. A good rule is to avoid the bargain gyp-joints and go to a place that deals in electronic equipment.
The important thing to realize about all walkie-talkie networks is that if anyone can talk, anyone else can listen and vice versa. This applies to pigs as well as us. All walkie-talkies work on the Civilian Band which has 23 channels. The cheaper units are preset to channel 9or11. The pigs broadcast on higher channels, usually channel 22. More expensive sets can operate on alternative channels. By removing the front of the set, you can adjust the transmitter and receiver to pick up and receive police communications. Don't screw around with the inside though, unless you know what you are doing. Allied Radio, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60680, will send you a good free catalogue, as will most large electronic stores. Consider buying a number of sets and ask about group discounts. Practice a number of times before you actually use walkie-talkies in real action. Develop code names and words just like the pigs do. Once you get acquainted with this method of communications in the streets, you'll never get cut off from the action. Watch out in close combat though. The pigs always try to smash any electronic gear.
Other Equipment
For those considering investing in Kevlar body armor, note that while it is legal for civilians to own in the USA (for now), using it "in the process of a criminal act" is a Felony. Also remember that while Kevlar will stop MOST handgun bullets, it won't stop them all, nor will it block the massive force that the rounds will hit you with. Armor UP sells Kevlar body armor, as well as listing lots of legal info on their website:
If you can't afford Kevlar a few inches of dry newspaper will stop or at least slow bullets, knives, and shrapnel.
The best vest won't stop a determined murderer; be ready to manuver, get some cover and concealment, and return fire eliminating the threat.
A soft body battery powered RC airplane with a wireless camera that has an extended antenna or boosted transmit is a great way to get some recon on the pigs at a demonstration. Paint the plane grey and look for a model with a quiet propeller and the pigies might never even notice it. All you need is the toy airplane, a camera, and a pocket TV receiver. It might be useful to stick the 'pilot' in a tree along someone watching the video and helping guide the pilot, the video can be received by demonstration leaders to plot direction if they need a breakthrough.
First Aid
Carry the following gear in a compartmented bag with the following list at all demonstrations and posted with activists in safe houses. (this may need to be moved)
Do not use a turniquette even if there is a severed limb, the vascular damage will often make limb reattachment surgery unsucessful. Learn arterial pressure points (where you feel pulses inside the arm near armpit in in the inner leg) instead and save a limb.
roller gauze - for holding down bandages !never roll on tight!
4x4 Gauze - for absorbing blood and bandaging wounds
Triangle bandage/sling - for slings to protect broken arms and wrists and to sling and swath an arm against broken ribs
Cardboard - for making arm splints, use with sling
adhesive bandages - Hello....
Military Dressing - Gunshot/Stabbing
Foil/Plastic from Military Dressing - Seal sucking chest wound from stabbing/gunshot, open regularly to allow air to escape then replace
Adhesive Medical Tape - place gauze for smaller injuries or eye injuries never wrap all the way around a limb
Gel Burn Dressing - For Burns
Paramedic Scissors
Butterfly dressings - Temporary stitches on minor lacerations untill you get to the hospital or
underground doc
Saline Eye Wash - Teargas and other eye contamination
Triple Antibiotic Ointment - Prevent infection for minor shallow abrasions and lacerations If you know a doctor, dentist, vetrinarian, paramedic, nurse, PA, or other person that can use it suturing equipment, IV sets and bags, and other serious medical gear for real emergencies could save a life if prepositioned in a safe house.
A sign can be used to ward offblows. Staple it to a good strong pole that you can use as a weapon if need be. Chains make good belts, as do garrisons with the buckles sharpened. A tightly rolled-up magazine or newspaper also can be used as a defensive weapon.
Someone in your group should carry a first aid kit. A Medical Emergency Aeronautic Kit, which costs about $5.00 has a perfect carrying bag for street action.
Ideally you should visit the proposed site of the demonstration before it actually takes place. This way you'll have an idea of the terrain and the type of containment the police will be using. Someone in your group should mimeograph a map of the immediate vicinity which each person should carry. Alternative actions and a rendezvous point should be worked out. Everyone should have two numbers written on their arm, a coordination center number and the number of a local lawyer or legal defense committee. You should not take your personal phone books to demonstrations. If you get busted, pigs can get mighty Nosy when it comes to phone books. Any sharp objects can be construed as weapons. Women should not wear earrings or otherjewelry and should tie their hair up to tuck it under a helmet. Wear a belt that you can use as a tourniquet. False teeth and contact lenses should be left at home if possible. You can choke on false teeth if you receive a sharp blow while running. Contact lenses can complicate eye damage if gas or Mace is used.
If it really looks heavy, you might want to pick up on a lightweight adjustable bullet-proof vest, available for $14.95 from Surplus Distributors, Inc., 6279 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys, California 91401. Remember what the Boy Scouts say when they go camping: "Be Prepared". When you go to demonstrations you should be prepared for a lot more than speeches. The pigs will be.
One of the side affects to the impending demise of the Amerikan empire will be shortages, many empires have been known to use food shortages to force their will on the commoners in exchange for daily bread (Do a web search on "Biafra" to see what kind ofhorror this entails). Caching our vital supplies is an important part ofbringing down the pig empire. It is also a good idea to disperse a few sets of travel or wilderness gear and a way to get around like a bicycle or cross country skiis.
Food Caching
The Mormons, besides being a little square, have one radical idea; storing food for a rainy day. A storm is brewing and we want to eat too, so here are some things that pack and store well, some of them even come from our own victory gardens.
MRE Meals (medium-long life)
Canned Foods (short-medium life)
Coffee (short-medium life)
Dried Beans and Corn (medium-long life)
Dry Fruit and Raisins (short-medium life)
Dry Milk (medium life)
Flour - Preferably Whole Wheat (short life)
Honey (long life, will keep indefinitely ifkept sealed and cool)
Hot Chocolate Mix (short-medium life)
Instant Mash Potatoes (short-medium life)
Oatmeal (medium life)
Olive Oil in bottles orjugs (medium-long life)
Oven Dried Meat Jerky (short life)
Pasta (medium-long life)
Rice (medium-long life)
Salt & Spices (medium-long life)
Sugar (long life)
Tea (medium-long life)
Vegetable Shortening in cans (long life)
Vinegar (long life)
Whole Kernel Wheat (long life)
Whole Nuts (medium-long life)
Wine (stored with corks down), Hard Liquor/Spirits (long life)
All shelflife estimates assume a cool dry and sealed environment short life=l-2 years, medium life=2-5 years, long life=lO or more years
Most of these foods can either be grown or bought in large containers, the bulk foods section can often order 5Olb sacks or 5gal buckets of these foods. Get some clean buckets made from foodgrade plastic with good undamaged seals. Drop a block of dry ice into the bucket and then fill with your food, loosely place the lid, after 30 minutes seal the bucket. This eliminates almost all of the nutrient damaging oxygen and safely kills any bugs without poisoning the food.
If a can is bulging at the top and/or bottom, there is a very good chance the food inside is not safe to eat.
Only use long life foods for buried storage. Rotate through storage foods using oldest first in your normal diet, try not to store foods you would not normally eat. (Helpful mnemonic: "Eat what you store, and store what you eat.") Try to store some treats like chocolate or hard candy in your stash; If times are rough, unpalatable foods might not be eaten by picky eaters and people have been known to starve this way.
If you know of a military surplus store, a good Army quartermaster, or if you're simply eBay savvy, try to grab some MRE's (Military abbreviation for "Meals, Ready to Eat"). An MRE is sealed in a thick plastic pouch and contains an entree (they come in both meat and non-meat versions), a side dish and dessert (often a cookie or dried fruit), crackers or bread and a spread (usually peanut butter, jelly or cheese flavored spread), a beverage powder to mix with water, and an "accessory pack" containing chewing gum, a moistened towelette, a matchbook, packets of salt and sugar, either a fork or a spoon, a tea bag or a packet of instant coffee (which will come with a packet of creamer), and a small pack of toilet paper. Some even come with a "Heater Pouch" that is a plastic sleeve you put your sealed meal in and add water to activate the magnesium in it to heat the water, giving you a hot meal (Yum!). (The MRE heaters are a source ofhydrogen if you want to make a floating weather balloon UFO from a big trash bag.)
One MRE contains around 2-3,000 calories, which is about what you need for a light walking stroll all day. If you're doing hill/mountain climbing, 1 1/2 to 2 should suffice, MRE's are known to cause constipation and and stomach upset in some so drink lots of water, eat enough fiber, and carry baking soda to stop the gut burn. A few MRE's make a great caches to pre-stash along a possible evacuation route.
A number of companies that make MRE's for the Military or other Government operations (Ameriqual, International Meals Supply, Sopakco, Wornick) also make knock-off versions for civilian sales. They're the ones with the brand names on them (aPack, Eversafe, MREStar, Sure- Pak) or sealed in clear plastic, and the ones you'll probably find in camping or Army Surplus stores. You can read more info about civilian MRE's at
A trick in the field is to cut the pouch of the food open lengthwise so you can eat out of it like a bowl. The food is often more filling than flavorful, so if you feel like it, bring a long a few small packages of spices to perk up your meals.
You can tell how old a Government issue MRE or MRE component is by looking for a four digit code on the package. The first digit is the last digit of the year, and the next three is the day of the year it was packaged. So, an MRE with the code "5314" was packaged in the year 2005 (or 1995?) on November 10th (the 314th day). The shelflife of an MRE depends on what temperature it was stored at. If it was kept at 90 degrees Fahrenheit, it will stay safe for about 5 years. At 60 degrees, it can stay safe for 10 years.
Don't feel like you're supporting the Amerikan Department ofDestruction by purchasing these; most were probably stolen anyway, particularly the ones you might find at the gun shows. If they say "U.S. GOVERNMENT, COMMERCIAL RESALE IS UNLAWFUL" on the package, they're the real thing. But if the four digit code is missing, it's probably been wiped off and the meal may be too old to eat.
The US also produces a humanitarian relief meal which is vegetarian.
A bit a warning about the toilet paper you'll find in US Government MRE's: The paper is known for having a very coarse texture and isn't very "user friendly". Military folk have often called MRE toilet paper "John Wayne paper" because it's "rough, tough, and doesn't take any shit from anyone".
Gun Cache
A firearm must be prepared before caching it in the ground, a grease gun can be used to fill the cleaned dry barrel and goop up the internal mechanical parts, the outside is also coated in grease and then the whole gun is wrapped in paper then plastic sacked so the grease is sealed in. The protected firearm is placed into a PVC Heavy duty pipe with one pipe cap already cemented on and sealed, a large silica gel moisture absorber which has been baked at 200Degrees for two hours is a good idea to add. Place a plastic bag wad into the tube to keep the gun from sliding up the the end that the second pipe cap is at. cement on with plenty ofPVC cement, after everything is sealed paint the end cap that is safe to saw off.
Ammunition must be cached separately from your greased up weapon, grease and oil are well known to kill primers leading to dud rounds. It is a good idea to bury ammo, a gear vest, some good boots, and a little food next to your rifle so you will be ready for action if it gets so bad.
Our favorite mode of transportation is the bicycle, when times get tougher these will be in great demand. Plan to have several reserve bikes bought at thrift store prices for when everyone wants one.
For caching purposes the hardware can be removed and stored in grease or oil or spares can be purchased. The following are especially sensitive to the elements:
cables and cable tubes
inner tubes
If possible store the bicycles in a heated dry room, garages in anywhere but the driest areas will rust a bicycle in a few years. Bicycles kept outdoors should have all hardware, tires, and inner tubes removed and placed into a waterproof bucket with silica gel packets, plan several hours to reassemble such a prepared bicycle. Clean well and spray all exposed steel parts remaining like the sprockets with a heavy marine spray grease.
Marking a cache
If you are caching your things outside you will need a way to find the treasure, be careful to bury in a place that they are unlikely to excavate, plough, or build on or you will loose your cache. A piece of aluminum can with hints impressed onto it and nailed to the upper side of a branch on a prominent tree or landmark is hard to see from the ground and will last for years, painting the badge black or green makes it harder for a hiker to find it by chance but also for you to find. To help you find your cache lay a medium sized rock over the final burial site in case the area gets overgrown. Don't place all of your trust that GPS will help you find a cache, in the future it may be switched to another system. Be cautious that you are not observed while placing your cache or you may find it missing when you need it.
With the proper disguise a person can openly walk into most low to medium security buildings. The most important trick to daylight infiltration is to look like you know where you're going. People are less likely to stop someone if they look busy or in a hurry. A second trick is to look as if you belong. It sounds easy but it can be harder than it looks. For example, everyone is comfortable with the UPS man, so coming in with a dolly full ofboxes is to be expected if you have the uniform. A soft drink stocker is expected to have a dolly full of pop cans. Nobody needs to know that they are empty and are only at the surface.
Perhaps the easiest disguise for a larger building is a pizza delivery man. After a little persistant search on eBay, a hat and polo shirt/t-shirt with a big pizza company's logo on it can be picked up second-hand for about $15. Whatever car you have should have a pizza "light" mounted on the top...which is basically a magnetically-attached light that plugs into your cancerette lighter socket. You can simply get one of these by ordering a pizza, and when the delivery guy comes with the pizza, have a fellow brother/sister swipe the light while the transaction takes place.
Quite often you can get through a building without second-glance by simply dressing up a bit. Very few people will ask questions to a man with a decent-looking business suit on. After all, would you want to be the piss ant worker who asks the VP of Ass-kissing for your company what he's doing there?
If a building requires an ID inspection to get into a building, this is not very difficult to replicate usually. Try to get a good look at the badges by the people entering the building. Notice the actual ID and its features, then notice what most wear their ID's on (attached to a cord, on a clip, etc.). The most important thing, however, is to see how carefully the security guard inspects them. Ifhe barely looks up from his episode of Jerry Springer to wave you in, simply flashing a baseball card at him may suffice. Ifhe carefully inspects it for a brief moment, he's checking something specific (usually picture or expiration date).
Business Dress
An important tool for a revolutionary fighter is a nice set or two ofbusiness clothing. By wearing the ceremonial costume of CorpGov you will become almost invisible to many police, security, and other enforcement bodies who are expecting to see pierced, dreadlocked punks. Wearing clothing of this type will allow you entry into most offices and banks unhindered. With some planning you can claim to have business with a manager, sometimes the security desk will even have access to the building directory and help you find the office you want. Once you arrive if protest is what you like do a Clark Kent and rip off those ties and coats to reveal t-shirts with your slogan. If you tell a nobrand thrift store you need to make a job interview they might give you a discount on this type of clothing, but often a department store with an old guy as a salesman is a better choice for your monkey suit as sloppiness in dress and hair is a giveaway that you really don't fit in the starched CorpGov environment.
Although the best method is to observe actual employees of the targeted company, here's a good rule to go by: in21st century United States most higher-ups will be seen wearing a quality matched wool suit coat and trousers, white shirt, conservative tie, dress black shoes and well trimmed hair. Female Manager types will also be seen in a wool tailored skirt and matching jacket, makeup, medium heels or flats, and styled hair. Even in high tech where lax dress is the rule, tech managers might get away with more casual, but the creepy biz-school types still go for the suit. Creepy means nobody bothers you.
For impersonating your average wage slave, wear a quality set of trousers, belt, dress shoes, and nice, button-down, tucked-in (VERY IMPORTANT) dress shirt, and tie. Many men these days have their hair cut short (reduces "anti-hippie" profiling).
1) Cell Phone
Most people have a cell phone close at hand. One way to fake the cell phone is to get a holder/case and a plastic dummy. With the right holder, no one will be able to tell the difference. For men, attach this on your belt. For women, the cell phone is less important as many women carry it in their purse or pocket (our of sight). Thus, the charade is unneeded.
What is special about the cell phone is it creates an impenetrable "don't bother me" bubble and social norms cause most people to respect this. Use this magic "don't bother me" effect to your advantage.
2) Briefcase
Briefcases are an expected accessory for medium lever executive types. Often there is now a cursory search ofbriefcases and purses when entering office buildings. If you can slip your secret stuff into the walls, false bottom, or folders inside you are likely to get in with no problems unless there is an x-ray scanner which is very rare. The more important the exec the smaller the briefcase is, but assistants may have a huge support load to carry for their boss.
To look like you you belong, you must feel like you belong. Copy the busy slave brisk walk, watch how the monkeys walk and move, a few days of study will be valuable. If you give off a sense of authority, suspicious people will often stay away to prevent being questioned by the bigwig from corporate. It can be useful to have a well dressed accomplice who you give orders to, like a mobile secretary or assistant-type taking notes and such.
It is just fine to ask questions of employees how a system or program works. Ask them to demonstrate; most users will even turn over their login password so they can show you a login. Remember: you are a corporate bigwig; why shouldn't they let the VP of auditing see all of this inside information? Let a kissup who wants a promotion lead you around or show you the vital areas. He can be your cover.
Confidence, coolness, and a bit of arrogance will get you a long way. Keep moving and everyone will think you are passing through and you know where you are going. If you pause as iflost or make a worried eye contact, the questions and suspicions will begin. Look on the directory outside and know a few manager names to drop as a last ditch dodge if people start asking questions. You will likely get one shot at infiltration, so make it count. People might talk around the water cooler and might figure out there is no VP of Auditing after your visit. There is little chance of an employee admitting that he was the dolt who gave you a login or password, so even if there is a security audit later on, all may not be lost.
Due to continuing enforcement of 1970's-era "30 day" password rules and rules requiring random letters and numbers in a password at many companies, you can usualy get most of the login information you need from a note in the desk drawer, cubicle wall, or a post-it note stuck to every monitor.
If you are setting up a snoop, secret server, or other device, waltz right in and set it up -- unless it is very suspicious you should have no problem. A regular empty tower computer case is a great toolbox, you can sneak all kinds of things in hidden inside.
Insider Help
Unhappy Workers
Remember, the low payedjanitors, handymen, cafeteria workers, and what not are looked down on and paid little (usually minimum wage), while the bosses earn thousands. They will probably help you out for a small price or as a way to "get back" at their employers.
Keep your eyes open for higher-ups that are overly nasty to their employees. Many employees with unnecessarily mean supervisors would gladly look the other way if you wanted to sneak into an office to look at files, get keys, etc.
If you troll the pubs near the business you can often lift a pass key/card from an employee. Sadly many office workers are very lonely, some attention from an interested party can often get amazing results that years ofhacking would fail at. "Accidently" meet up with your mark if they like to frequent a bar and lift what you need once they are full ofliquor.
Security Systems
You will need good information on the security in the place you wish to infiltrate. Know where cameras and sensors are located, and how sensitive they are, play with the sensors and see what lights the indicators during a daytime visit if possible. An insider might know if the security system is tied into door locks and if there are any alternate escapes. If you do screw up and set off the alarm then go toS.E.R.E.mode.
The crude way to disable a camera is to zap it with a few paintballs or spraypaint, this makes it clear that tampering has happened when the donut boys make their rounds. With the availability of cheap lasers a more sophisticated attack can be made. Tape the switch down on the laser and aim into the camera lense as you are coming around the corner, use a dental mirror to help you see around, this will almost always wash out any image on the camera, since you have work to do laser-dazzle the hands free way, stick the laser high up on the wall with modeling clay(remember clay takes fingerprint impressions). All that this will do is wash out the image on the camera, if you aim is good and the guard is stupid he might not notice the laser is shining into the camera when he checks things out. If you tie string through the clay you can yank your laser around a corner after you get past.
Making a laser dazzler from a green laser pointer or scavenged blue-ray DVD burner laser module or even a regular DVD burner has a better chance ofblotting out the whole camera image and possibly even burning out a camera without any obvious outside damage. It might do to wear laser goggles or at least use wrap around sunglasses with laser resistant film taped inside (get at a science supply store or university physics lab, know the frequency of the laser you are using) since these are powerful lasers.
Motion and Infrared Sensors
Motion sensors emit a sound or microwave emission and if there is a doppler change in the returned microwaves or sound the sensor will alert, many sensors will blink a light if this happens and not trip the alarm right away. If you move very slowly you should be able to get past the motion sensor. Some motion sensors ifblocked with a piece of wood(sound) or aluminum foil(microwave) they will alarm. Most sensors have an advertised sensitivity cone of 90 degrees.
Infared sensors detect a sudden change in the ambient infared signature of the room, if you can slowly reveal yourself or cover your infared with a piece of furniture so that the little detect light is not indicating you have probably made it in. Covering the alarm may set off an alarm since this will cause a sudden change in detected infared energy. Better to put a desk or couch in between your movement path and the sensor.
Alarm Line
If you can simply disable the alarm connection line (some dial on a normal phone line some have a dedicated alarm line) this might be the best option, be sure to put a resistave load back onto the line (have a multimeter and selection of resistors handy), a cut alarm line will always indicate a fault and security or police will usualy be called. Once the line has been disabled you will likely still have to contend with loud sirens on site if you trip the system. Be wary a few alarms use a wireless transmission to the security booth or alarm company. Do not assume a power outage will knock out the alarm, most have batteries.
Hostile Situations
Your best escape is knowing where to run, once trapped you might be forced to fight making your legal situation much worse should you be arrested. For more good escape info seeS.E.R.E.
Remember, no matter how perfect and planned your operation is, there will always be several factors to give you away, which you must be prepared for in advance. If possible, find as many plans of the building you are to infiltrate in advance, and study them - make sure these plans are as up-to-date as possible. Mark all entances and exits, rooms you will be targetting, and possible areas of importance to both yourself and staff. You will need to memorise the entire building layout - failing this, at least make sure you can remember the way to at least three escape routes at all times.
If the situation warrants it take a concealable weapon along with you. Seriously consider the cost/benifit ratio of when choosing to bring a weapon it could move a misdemeanor breaking and entering charge to a serious assault or weapons felony even with less than lethal devices.
A great device for emergency exits is the small fire extinguisher turned pepper spray blaster in Weapons for Street Fighting, it should clear out a floor or two even in a large building. Of course, you will need a gas mask or respirator and goggles in your bag to use it effectivly.
Briefcases should really be used on every infiltration, because the uses of the items stored inside outway the risks. Wait outside the building you are targetting when staff are leaving - check out the size and shape of the briefcases they are using, so you will be able to blend in even more. Now, here comes the most interesting part - packing your briefcase. Keep it light, but don't leave out any of the essentials. Take a plan of the building, a balaclava (don't try any other method of covering your face, as masks, helmets etc. are impossible to conceal in a briefcase), and a paintball marker and around fifty paintballs - these can be used to temporarily "blind" CCTV cameras, but you will need to practise well to hit your target. After these items, the contents of your briefcase will vary depending on the style of your mission. (In some juristictions a paintball gun/marker may be considered carrying a weapon in comission of a crime.)
If you have been discovered, you will need to get out - fast. The quickest way to clear an entire building is to activate the fire alarms, either by holding a lighter to a smoke detector, or smashing an alarm, thenjust slip into the nearest crowd and walk out. This method will attract a lot of attention when a fire is not discovered anywhere - however, by then you can be far away, with ease.
For a less dramatic exit, simply head to any of the three possible exits you memorised earlier, and slip out when nobody is watching you. Claiming you are going for a cigarette is a great excuse, and nobody will notice your failure to return before at least five minutes have passed.
If you cannot have a getaway car and driver of your own running outside, notify a brother or sister in advance, so that upon receiving a phone call from you they can arrive outside of the building and collect you. If timed well, this particular method of escape can be pretty effective - you can usually escape a long time before your actions are discovered, and even longer before the pigs arrive.
If you are are discovered and trapped, your only other options apart from surrendering can become life-threatening. While dangerous, heading for the roof will help you get extra time, and can also get you a better view to consider your options.
If there are any nearby buildings, and you have packed rope and a grappling hook, you could attempt to use the rope as a zipwire to get across; however, this is hard enough in a group, and by yourself this would be extremely hard to pull off. This technique requires between thirty and fifty pounds of specialized rope gear and lots of training. Rope rescue and technical climbing training is very useful in many unexpected spiderman type intrusion techniques.
Another much less risky method of escaping using rope is to tie one end of the rope to something extremely secure at the top of the building, say a few prayers if you're religious, and abseil down the building. Remember the rope is your life at this moment, and you are taking a calculated risk if you don't use the correct safety equipment, but there isn't always time. For this method to work, you are probably going to need to create a distraction of some sort (e.g. letting off a very large smoke device or having friends chuck a few pepper gas grenades near the cops to tear their eyes up) and immediately begin to run when you hit the ground. If you need to abseil, leave the rest of your equipment behind.
When planning for a roof abseil/rappel escape at a minimum wear a self rescue belt(look in a rope rescue catalog), a descent device of your choice, and some 5mm spctra cord at least ten meters longer than the building. Look for an anchor that will take at least a ton of pull use a loop at least a meter in length and tie a figure-eight follow through knot. Use yourjacket or other thick clothing as edge protection enywhere the rope hits concrete, army surplus firehose is the best edge guard but heavy. Don't ever use hardware store rope, it might just break when you are on it, it is completely unsafe for life safety usage, we will only buy and use UIAA certified climbing ropes that we have carefuly inspected for cuts and dents.
Depending on the height of the building you are in, and how close the surrounding buildings are, you can attempt a running leap; however, the chances of the distance and height allowing you to pull this off are very slim, so always be sure you can successfully pull off the jump. Mistakes will get you killed, so this is not an escape method to be used lightly.
See more escape inS.E.R.E.
Outside Links
Urban Exploration Resource has many good forums and data on inflitration of various closed areas
Beware even if you can get past the lock there may be an alarm.
Car Door Locks
Older cars can be unlocked with a metal yard stick that has a 1/2 inch notch cut into it, start hooking near where the door key box appears to be.
Cylinder Key Locks
A soft plastic pen barrel or cardboard shaped to a tube can be inserted and wiggled while a gentle twisting is applied eventually the lock will turn. Many machines using unscrew-the-lock type cylinder locks need to be unlocked for every turn.
Warded Locks
These are the old fashioned looking locks that have the keyhole shape which can usually be opened with a piece of stiff wire.
Lock Bumping
A very effective and easy way to open almost any lock. Have a key fitting the lock cut to maximum depth on all cylinders leaving shallow elevations between, the tip and shoulder are filed back 1mm, your bump key is ready. If tapped with a screwdriver handle, while applying a gentle turning pressure in the direction of opening, will bounce the pins separating them and allowing the lock to turn after a few tries. see also bumping
Traditional Tension and Pick
The traditional method oflock picking is slow and requires quite a bit of skill. There is no magic Magnum PI ten second unlocks except for a few competitive sport unlockers. The technique involves applying tension in the opening direction of the lock with a flat torque wrench which can be made from a hairpin or bought in a picking kit, a pick or rake is introduced and an attempt is made to align all of the pins in their sticking spots in the mechanism where they are held by the tension from your wrench.
Door Jack
If you can use a jack of some sort to bow out the door frame even deadbolts might be defeated in seconds, put plywood squares at the contact points to prevent scarring the door frame.
Combination Locks
Used on safes and padlocks they can be opened by listening to the clicks of the mechanism, beating the combo out of its owner, or dynamiting the safe. The safecracker listening to the clicks is often offended by the sound of detonating dynamite next to his head.
Cheap padlocks can sometimes be shimmed with some beverage can material down the hole that it closes into. It is also often easy to break cheap locks by holding on tightly andjerking it hard a few times until it opens, assuming you have no bolt cutters.
Copy a Key
Plaster Mold
OSS officers in WW-II sometimes carried a key kit containing plaster of paris and talcum powder that they would take an impression of a key on both sides, the talcum powder would keep the two plaster sides from sticking as the impression was taken. A special low melting point alloy would be melted with a candle and poured into the mold making hopefully a perfect if flimsy copy key. One possible alloy is Cerrotru or other Cerro alloy, Bismuth-Lead, Tin, Cadmium & Indium Alloys which melt at between 160° F and 281°F, low enough that a candle or even boiling water would work. Tin and bismuth can also be melted to make a similar melting alloy.
Allign and File
Matching a proper blank to a functional key in a vice and carefully filing by hand will if done right produce a working copy.
Hand Cuffs
These are simple warded locks with a secret, there is a locking pin on the other side of the cuff that is what the little nub on the back of a cuff key is for. It is a good idea to sew a cuff key into the back of the belt or pants of every radical, it is almost impossible with the double sided nature of cuffs to unlock yourselfbut two friends could save each other. A loop on the key makes it harder to drop when your hands are behind your back. Shimming the ratchet with a piece of steel or aluminum can might be an option if you are running from the prison work crew if they have been double locked a shim might not work. Buy a real hand cuff set for fooling around with your partner and try to escape while distracted by...............................
Prox cards
Most prox cards have an encrypted chip that is fed a signal and then responds with an answer via radio frequency. A reader/writer for your card would be needed to hack it. It is easier to pickpocket a prox card from an employee. see Infiltrating
Magnetic Stripe Cards
These are easy to copy and have mostly gone out of use except with ATM and credit cards in the US and Canada. a simple reader/writer could be made using the heads from a "dub" capable dual tape recorder. Move both cards along at the same time and a blanked card should take the magnetic image of the good card.
Practice and Advice
All of these techniques even bumping require practice, go out and buy several different kinds of locks and start playing with them, figure out what a combination lock sounds like when you enter the right combination and what clicks happen at wrong numbers. Learn the feel of a lock pin that is caught at the sweet halfway point so you can go to the next pin.
A good motto for entry is try before you pry. Look for unlocked windows and back doors, maybe kicking the drywall will get you through, is the wall of that bank vault made from easily sledgehammered cinder block? Why spend twenty minutes working on the front door when the fire escape leads to an open window in back?
Stick a Lock
As mentioned elsewhere in this book remember that superglue will seize a lock, first blast the lock with a shot of carbureator cleaner to remove any oils then shoot a whole tube into the keyhole. The lock should be operation and difficult to remove since the pins will be seized, don't do this as a gag, it is an expensive fix as the door may also need to be replaced from the violent removal of the lock mechanism.
Outside Links picking Lock pinking Instructable cufftfEscaping
2008 is different from 1968 in many ways, not least of which is that the culture oflaw enforcement is simultaneously more organized, less volatile and more by-the-book. On the other hand, the culture of our government has put groups like the FBI, the CIA and law enforcement in general on a very dangerous path. It's not unreasonable to see this path as one leading towards something like full-on martial law. So, while we're not there yet, thats definitely one of the cities on the route, so we should be prepared.
We can learn a lot from our ancestors in revolutionary brotherhood, who had to deal with riotous cops much more suddenly than we're likely to have to deal with them.
The first rule of pacifists is to turn the other cheek.
The second rule is to protect yourselves and your brothers and sisters from unnecessary violence, whether it be from cops, private law enforcement douchebags, campus security, or undercover government thugs.
STOP Signs
Piss off the man by putting a message of rebellion on a symbol of conformity. Get yourself a can of white spray paint and a piece of cardboard. Use a knife or a razor to cut a stencil out the cardboard to say what it is you want to "stop". Try to make it the same font as that used on the sign. Some suggestions are: BUSH, WAR, THE ARMS RACE, RACISM, BIG BROTHER, or EATING ANIMALS (if you're into animal rights). If you feel like making people laugh, put HAMMERTIME, EATING VEGETABLES, THE INSANITY, DROP AND ROLL, or COLLABORATE AND LISTEN.
Pig Formations
It's important to know that cops, in most states, of the new millenium do not confront anybody without other pigs to back them up. This is especially important when pulling a covert mission, such as graffiti. Like any good revolutionary, you should have one lookout while performing anything anyway so once a pig is spotted, get out of there, for a little bit atleast. Many times, once a cop spots you, they'll call other pigs to do formations around you, most of which are quite obvious what they are doing. Just pull something they don't suspect and your pretty much out of reach for them. Most suspects of nething get minimum 3 cops on them, all of which they need to get a view of you doing your "crime." One really fast one to pull on them, is jump in a dumpster. Don't worry, the same germs in a dumpster are pretty much the same you could find in an elevator or a sink, and most pigs will be dumbfounded when you pull this.
Original Trashing
Ever since the Chicago pigs brutalized the demonstrators in August of 1968, young people have been read to vent their rage over Amerika's inhumanity by using more daring tactics than basic demonstrations. There is a growing willingness to do battle with the pigs in the streets and at the same time to inflict property damage. It's not exactly rioting and it's not exactly guerrilla warfare; it has come to be called "Trashing." Most trashing is of a primitive nature with the pigs having the weapon and strategy advantage. Most trashers rely on quick young legs and a nearby rock. By developing simple gang strategy and becoming acquainted with some rudimentary weapons and combat techniques, the odds can be shifted considerably.
Remember, pigs have small brains and move slowly. All formations, signals, codes and other procedures they use have to be uniform and simplistic. The Army Plan for Containment and Control of Civil Disorders, published by the Government Printing Office, contains the basic thinking for all city, county and state storm troopers. Atrip to the library and a look at any basic text in criminology will help considerably in gaining an understanding of how pigs act in the street. If you study up, you'll find you can, with the aid of a bullhorn or properly adjusted walkie-talkie, fuck up many intricate pig formations. "Left flank-right turn!" said authoritatively into a bullhorn pointed in the right direction will yield all sorts of wild results.
You should trash with a group using a buddy system to keep track of each other. If someone is caught by a pig, other should immediately rush to the rescue if it's possible to do so without sustaining too many losses. If an arrest is made, someone from your gang should take responsibility for seeing to it that a lawyer and bail bread are taken care of. Never abandon a member of your gang.
Avoid fighting in close quarters. You run less risk by throwing an object than by personally delivering the blow with a weapon you hold in your hand. We suppose this is what pigs refer to as "dirty fighting." All revolutionaries fight dirty in the eyes of the oppressors. The British accused the Minutemen ofLexington and Concord of fighting dirty by hiding behind trees. The U.S. Army accuses the Viet Cong of fighting dirty when they rub a pointed bamboo shoot in infected shit and use it as a land mine. Mayor Daley says the Yippies squirted hair spray and used golfballs with spikes in them against his innocent blue boys. No one ever accused the U.S. ofbeing sneaky for using an airforce in Southeast Asia or the Illinois State Attorney's office of fighting dirty when it murdered Fred Hampton and Mark Clark while they lay in bed. We say: all power to the dirty fighters!
Weapons for Street Fighting
Note: while all of these methods can be used as weapons for street fighting, keep in mind that their use will drastically increase your chance of the police using lethal force against you. Consider the use of such weapons very carefully.
Paint applied on a pig's facemask will mean he has to take it off, but if it gets in his eyes he is going to the hospital. But once he has his facemask off, it's a fair fight, so try not to make him blind in the process. It is easy to find non-toxic paints mix 50% with water and use a squirt bottle to project it, brown will really have a psychological effect.
Pink dye which doesn't wash out of skin will have a major psychological effect on homophobic cops especially if used exclusively to mark the most abusive skull cracker pigs, wear gloves to keep the evidence off of you.
Paintball Guns
These weapons function very well for covering a pig's helmet, riot vehicle windshield, or camera lense at a distance. With upwards of 250-320 pounds of pressure behind each paintball, these guns can do serious damage at close range. At a longer range, the best targets are groin, head (if you don't have any other choice), and occasionally torso; the legs and arms are too small of targets.
For less than lethal response a good marker gun with a hopper full offrozen paintballs (stick them in the freezer overnight) becomes a .68 caliber pain weapon. Avoid aim at the temples and neck this has a small chance ofkilling a person, hits to the eyes could blind a cop, frozen ammo or not. At close range, a few frozen paintballs to the lower extremities will disable a person (although, as mentioned before, it's not very practical to aim for such a small target at medium to long range.) Keep in mind, a paintball marker with a hopper of frozen paintballs is a potentially lethal weapon, so you should expect the pigs to treat it as such if you get busted (that is, if they don't just open fire with their real guns.) You should treat it with the same respect you'd treat any firearm.
If you see riot cops loading paintball guns it might be for marking protesters (beware they may use long lasting indelible dye or UV invisible dye) but it is likely police special hard plastic or rubber anti-citizen rounds which are classed as less than lethal. These rounds heavier and harder than the previous frozen rounds are sprayed into the crowd to cause a retreat. Expect large numbers to be fired to disperse an unruly demonstration. They do serious damage up close, so avoid letting the pigs shoot you. Consider loading your marker up with fitting bouncy balls and shooting back. Even when they use their "less than lethal" paint balls they probably won't accept your paintball gun as being nonlethal, that would be playing fair, as always expect the pigs to overeact.
Potato Guns
The pigs use a grenade launcher to brutalize activists up from a distance. If these heavy rubber baton shells hit you in the head or abdomen it's going to do some serious damage (potentially death.)
We have our own launcher that can be introduced into the fight and only costs a little money. We warn you that the appearance of a bazooka-like weapon will likely turn any demonstration into a police massacre and they will liberally use deadly force if they see or hear the spud gun introduced into a riot situation.
Popping a few of these at a squad car or a group of armored riot troops may be useful to slow down a police charge and cover a retreat.
A spud gun is usually made from what (in Amerika) is called Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 PVC drain pipe. DO NOT use pipe marked "DWV" or Drain/Waste/Vent. This material has much thinner walls than the other types, and can explode in your hands when fired!
1-2 feet of 4 inch PVC (40 or 80 schedule) pipe
2-4 feet of 2 inch PVC (40 or 80 schedule) pipe
4 inch threaded cleanout
threaded plug for 4 inch cleanout
3to2 inch adapter
4to3 inch adapter
PVC cement
electrical or flint igniter
combustible spray (Aqua-Net aerosol hairspray works good)
Assemble and cement in this order 2 inch pipe -> 2to3 inch adapter -> 3to4 inch adapter -> 4 inch pipe -> 4 inch threaded cleanout. Do not cement the threaded plug into the cleanout! Your spudgun now looks like a bazooka but needs a ignition system to light the spray fumes. There are two easy options a Coleman lantern flint lighter which could be bought in camping stores or the gas grill piezo-electric igniter. Placing the igniter as close to the front of the 4 inch pipe combustion chamber makes it less likely to foul from repeated spraying ofhairspray. At the place where the barrel meets the adapters a long screw or two will prevent a spud from going too far and falling into the combustion chamber. Sharpening the front of the pipe will let you easily cut your spuds right from the sack as you are loading.
Coleman Flint Install
Drill a hole a little smaller than the threads on the igniter, you will not need the nut includedjust thread into the drilled hole. You might put a little plastic or aluminum can sheild to prevent gunk from hitting the striker and getting it wet.
Piezo-Electric Install
Drill 2 small pilot holes 2-3cm apart and put long wood screws into the holes angled that the tips are about .75cm apart. Attach wires to these screws and connect to the piezo igniter, don't forget to insulate with tape to prevent shorts and misfires. Secure the wires and cover with tape to prevent snags, The igniter can be put into a bazooka handle like a trigger.
Camera flash ignition
This is probably the most complex, but reliable and high-powered ignition device that you will find used on potato cannons.
you will need:
single use camera (should have a switch to charge the flash)
solder/soldering iron
light switch
insulated wire
Install screws the same way as with a piezo-electric sparker, but make the gap about 1/16 of an inch(really small). Cut three lengths of wire and strip the ends. take apart the camera, you should be able to pop it open, since they are reused. The ends of two wires to the two contacts of the capacitor (the thing that looks like a battery inside your camera). Run these wires out of your camera's casing and reassemble it. You should have a camera with two wires sticking out of it, attach one wire to one ed of the light switch, run the other to one of your spark-gap screws. take the remaining length of wire and attach one end to the switch, and the other to the spark gap.
To operate, first you turn off the light switch. Next you activate the switch to charge the camera flash. Give the camera a few (5-10)seconds to charge(more is only better). When ready to fire you flip the light switch. You should hear a LOUD pop as a very bright, although short spark passes in between your spark-gap screws. Although the spark covers a short distance, it has a considerably greater current than a piezo, and therefore can be much hotter, in fact, it usually can melt your screws, and will throw sparks in all directions, these sparks are tiny pieces of molten iron. If this does not light your fuel, you probably have a bad fuel to air mixture and the fuel will not burn anyway.
Ram a potato down the barrel, prepping the barrel with nonstick cooking spray or oil makes this easier especialy the first time. Spray your fuel for 1-4 sec into a open end, and screw shut. Fire the igniter and BOOM!! Practice firing and spraying but always expect misfires about 1in3 shots.
Canned hairspray is good fuel as it is high in alcohol and uses propane as a propellant you can try others but gasoline or ether/starting fluid don't increase your powerjust the fire danger and damage to your launcher. Hot wax or other lubricant is good on the cap threads before firing for the first time as the spray residue can stick it shut, don't tighten past easy hand tightness.
Alternate Ammunition
A plastic shopping sack is a good wad for puttingjust about anything into your spud gun. A golf ball or small stone works good for a projectile,just be sure not to put something too heavy as it won't get much speed and land near you. Your spud gun can make a useful mortar to lob your own tear gas shells into a pig assembly area or to disburse WTO deligates from a distance.
Alternate Propellant
If you can get your hands on any of the following and an effective way to control their firing you can make the spud gun much more reliable to fire.
Rifle blanks have enough powder to launch a potato with great force and excellent reliability if installed right. A length of steel pipe nipple that is drilled out to fit the blank cartridge can be PVC glued and threaded into the end cap of the spud gun. The firing will cause a high pressure in the cartridge blowing it open, the large spud gun chamber will reduce the pressure to safe levels blowing the spud out like a police baton round. Beware the recoil and try to remote test the first 10 shots if possible. the most likely failure is blowing off the barrel at the glue point which is weaker than the pipe walls. Use of a cleanout cap is still suggested in case a potato gets stuck in the gas expansion chamber. A spring loaded striker hammer attached creatively to the launcher or center punch tool will fire the blank cartridge.
Air Powered
For people who want a slightly more advanced version that is air-powered, you will need:
1x1.5 inch ball valve
1x1.5 inch sch40 3-5 ft. long
1x 2 inch sch40 2-4 ft. long
2x 2 inch sch40 4 inches
2x 2 inch sch40 90(degree) elbows
bike tire
pump or small compressor
1x2 inch end cap
The idea is to use the two inch pipe as an air chamber. One elbow is attached to the end, a 4 inch piece of pipe is inserted, this goes to the next elbow making a 180 degree turn. The remaining 4 inch piece is inserted in the elbow. then the ball valve is fitted within it. A 1/4 inch hole is drilled in the large piece of 2 inch pipe. the valve removed from a bike tire is inserted through the hole from the inside and ducttaped in, be sure to allow the air to flow in. Now attach the end cap over the open end of the two inch pipe. The 1.5 inch pipe is your barrel and is attached to the ball valve.
Use proper solvent cement connection on the pipes.
The ball valve is closed. Next, the ammo is rammed down the barrel( use any appropriate tool as a ramrod). Next the pump is sued to fill the air chamber to a decent pressure(say 70-100 psi). The weapon is now loaded. This process takes a while but the results are much more impressive when fired. to fire: -point at target -quickly rotate ball valve
The air pressure is released from your chamber down your barrel and accelerates your projectile... fast. the caliber is smaller, but a level shot with a 2 foot barrel can go well over 300 feet (in a fraction of a second by the way). The longer barrels and larger chambers will yield even better results. I can say from experience that a 42" barrel and 42" chamber at 80 psi will fire a potato at 450-600 fps, depending on the barrel seal.
Baby Spud/Ball Gun
Fora smaller, less-than-lethal riot weapon use nail gun .22 blanks and smaller diameter aluminum pipe. Thread a steel or brass pipe plug into the back and drill to tightly fit the blank and tape in with a thin tape. a PVC sleeve with a striker located correctly will fire the weapon when slapped. A safety pull pin through the sleeve will make this safer to carry as will a seal of masking tape. A rubber super ball can be loaded instead of potato iflong term stockpiling is required.
Anti-tire Burrs
These are easy to make, and quite an effective way of stopping cars. To make them, simply bend together two pieces of steel rod and arc weld in a way that no matter which way the device falls one point is sticking straight up. Make sure that these nails are both long(4 inches 10cm or longer) and thick(at least 1/4 inch or 5mm) as car tires have a really thick outer layer (these have the tread on them) as well as woven wire mesh that you need to puncture. Sprinkle these liberally across a road to prevent four-wheeled intruders. They're quite effective, but they take some time to make -- so gather together a few friends the night before a protest. Heavy metal like the thickness of a door hinge at a minimum ground to the shape of a bowtie and twisted in a vice ninety degrees so a point is always sticking up are called caltrops and will flatten normal squad car tires in under a second.
If slitting tires on a parked car go for the inside wall near the bead where rubber meets the steel wheel where it can't be repaired, this is hard to diagnose quickly especially if you also rip out or break off the valve stem, causing the vehicle to remain out of service longer.
Track Team
If you are faced with tracked apposition from bulldozers to battle tanks you can pop the track pins with a short piece of steel railroad track rail. Somehow get the rail under the trackjust as it is going from fully flexed around the caster wheels to flat as it rides horizontally on top or bottom. these track pins are tough so if the driver is moving slow and is smart enough to recognize a track jam he mayjust stop the vehicle and a quick reverse may dislodge the jam. Pieces of rail can be found laying around near railroad yards or sometimes around recently repaired tracks, they are very heavy but can be cut using a carbide cutoff wheel, it may take several disks to cut through. The only way to really decommission these vehicles is highly illegal and dangerous- a high explosive shaped charge or a thermite device. Instructions on how to make shaped charges can be found in the Army 31-210 book we provide in DIY Defense. One in the wrong spot might kill the crew rather than the vehicle though so watch out. The thermite will almost surely cause a fire seeOther Weaponsfor instructions.
Abrasive Personality
Long term damage of equipment with bearings can be accomplished by using an coarse metal polishing abrasive powder mixed into a grease cartrige and injecting this into the grease fittings on the bearings. This is by no means an instant way to eliminate a vehicle or machine, but does expensive damage and may have an effect within minutes or it may take days or even weeks depending on the speed of the bearing. Look for these fittings on dozer track bearings, wheel bearings, suspension components, universal and CV joints, Drive line parts, etc. Some places don't even need the grease gun, you canjust slit a rubber cover and slather your spiked grease onto the sensitive part. This method of equipment destruction was a favorite of resistance fighters in WW-II Europe. Ifbusted the courts and current laws will view abrasive destroyed equiment in a much better light than say arson.
Pigs on Horses
Marbles in large numbers on hard pavement will trip a horse and panic them, rubber snakes are also known to scare some horses. If you can somehow detach the saddle the cop falls off. Horses are over a thousand pounds and deadly, while we want to protect an innocent animal they might become an innocent victim in our struggle for freedom, remember it was the corpgov police that brought them into harms way by using them as a tool of oppression.
Bike Locks for Pig Bikes
if you can stop a cycle cop long enough for this dangerous stunt try running a chain lock or U lock into a wheel. If the cop figures out what you are trying he may try to gun the engine potentially injuring you or running into the crowd.
We all hate the 1984-esque police choppers above us at demonstrations, raids, and other police actions. First off once a helicopter is in the air we don't touch it, that means no lasers aimed at pilots, no chains or cables into rotors, home brew stinger missiles, whetever, these are all out, a crashing helicopter usualy kills the crew, that is murder, and the destruction and fire on the ground can easily kill many more innocents!
If you hate that helicopter so much get it when it is parked. Aircraft are made oflightweight material you would be amazed how quickly a sledgehammer, hatchet, bolt cutters, saw, and abrasives will destroy these delicate machines. Especialy vulnerable are the jet turbine and transmission, open these up and smashy smashy!! Never try sneaky attacks on aircraft, if you are out to destroy make it blatant, hell leave an itemized destruction list, so that there is not any mid air failure and crash attributed to your actions.
Rolling Road Block
An old bomb car is perfect for making a roadblock and causing a traffic disruption to get your cause into the news via a press release claiming responsibility, but consider the public backlash. The roadblock is also useful for denying quick police response to your action or funneling their traffic to where you want it. A good choice for a vehicle is one that can be made to run and drive in urban traffic but doesn't cost too much. The road hogs of the 60's and 70's have the size and weight to make removal difficult once you implement you roadblock. Since you will not be getting your car back and don't want it traced pick a vehicle and remove all of the serial numbers especially any VIN tags and parking stickers which are archived, older cars have few tracked serial numbers.
When it comes time to lay down the roadblock you can very quickly stuff blocks or wood under the axles and rip off all of the valve stems from the tires to flatten the tires or even remove the wheels making it hard to tow unless they have a platform tow truck. For more staying power you could have holes cut into the floor and have friends in the seats mixing big buckets of cement to cement the car down to the pavement, hammering a few big spikes into the asphalt or cracks in the road will help secure the connection. Another tactic is to make the car appear to be evidence requiring a long lock-down of the "crime scene" a gallon of cow or pig blood on the seats a butcher knife and bloody footprints from the vehicle plus other creative and confusing "evidence" will surely lead to hours of investigation and a blocked road or highway.
Don't EVER leave a block in the middle of an open highway as a distracted driver may miss the non-moving block and plow into it at upwards of 80 miles per hour, only leave roadblocks in traffic jams where the traffic is already stopped but have a very good plan to escape the traffic lynch mob!
Fuel Adulteration
Linseed oil in a fuel tank will destroy an engine most quickly according to tests at the US army Frankfort Arsenal. Sugar took many hours and several sugared tanks to produce minimal to no results because it only blocks the fuel filter if there is agitation to bring it around in the in the fuel tank (about as effective as dirt in gasoline). Many adulterants will be stopped by fuel or oil filters, try to find one that dissolves in the fuel. A good way to introduce an adulterant in modern locked fuel systems is to make a sharpened needle type tip for a garden sprayer filed with adulterant, one member of the team crawls under the car and identifies the filler line or fuel line and the other pumps the chemical into the tank. Many of these mixes will cause smoking which will at least take the unit out of service until the tank is drained but will not require an engine replacement. If the fuel line is reachable injecting a few hundred cc of paint will likely destroy the sensors and maybe the fuel injectors taking the unit out of service for a few days. Styrofoam thickens gasoline considerably, and reduces the burn rate, this can easily stop an engine.
Improvised Street Weapons
Folding chairs and confrence tables can be used as improvised shields against rubber bullets. Any kind ofhefty rope or chain can be used as tanglefoot for massed riot troops or horses when well anchored off to utility poles or fire hydrants. And of course, a rock or piece of concrete when thrown will cause damage.
Club type weapons besides being mostly non lethal when used against the leg muscles and buttocks usually have a longer range than concealable knives and are normally able to incapacitate in one or two strikes. Baseball bats are the baseline with short "tire checker" bats used by truckers and CorD cell Maglight flashlight/torches for tight areas, a police collapsible baton is an excellent choice for concealablity length when extended and effectiveness in bruising an attacker to the point that they retreat or go to the ground. A Kubaton type weapon is small to fit in the hand and intended to cause pain when used as a striking or pressure point weapon; thick wooden dowel, MiniMag flashlight/torches and tactical flashlights all have the hard edges needed for striking but the tactical light has the advantage of momentarily blinding your opponent with a burst ofbright light. A roadwork stake (the 2 foot long giant steel nail thing) can be destructive enough to take down a small tree when swung forcibly. They are easy to acquire, but can cause serious permanent bodily damage.
Addition of spikes and wire to a club may make it a little more scary but mostlyjust increase the danger to yourself in an over swing or miss, they are difficulty of carry, and greatly increase the chance of snagging and loss in the body of your target, it is useless in a non lethal confrontation and cannot be explained as anything other than a very cruel killing device if found by the police.
The bull whip requires a good open distance forward and backward to be effective and about 1.5 seconds lead time between strikes it is not very practical against humans. Abetter whipping weapon is the African shambok, it is a stiffbut flexible nylon stick about 15mm diameter and nearly a meter long tapering toward the tip to 9mm with a rubber one hand grip. The shambok was very painful but non-lethal although it had a reputation for leaving huge welts and sometimes even breaking the skin. Aim for unpadded backs, legs ,and buttocks for best results.
Pepper Spray Blaster
Soak a few pounds of dried ground cayenne peppers in warm 90% grain alcohol, then evaporate off about half of the alcohol over an electric hot plate outside in an open area away from flame. Filter with a coffee filter and funnel or a coffee press then load the liquid into a cleaned out fire extinguisher with a schraeder (bike type) air fill valve, be sure to clean the O-ring at the neck, don't get your pepper liquid into the neck threads. Only discharge if you are wearing a gas mask, caution spray is flammable. A modified metal tube on the end of the hose is good for getting under doors or drilled holes in walls. Good for clearing out big corpgov conferences when fogged into the HVAC system of a conference hall.
Paint the ex-fire extinguisher black and paint "TEAR GAS" or something else so it is not ever used in a fire.
Be sure to consider the danger to yourself and penalty for carrying and use of a weapon versus its effectiveness and usefulness in expected situations.
Homemade Tasers
A homemade variant of the Taser is made from disposable cameras. The camera is opened (they are meant to be opened for the film to be removed), and the capacitor is found (it looks like a battery and usually says a number of volts and a number of microfarad's on it). The idea of the weapon is to deliver the wires sticking out to your enemy. usually the casing of the camera is reassembled after wire are attached to the capacitor. One could bring the two wires coming from it together in your enemy's sight. The sparks usually cause reactions ranging from "holy shit!!!"to crapping their pants. There are many possibilities of what can be made. For a first attempt I recommend having the live wire that had been connected to the xenon bulb sticking out of the end of the camera casing to be used for prodding, the other goes to the battery, the flash is scarier than the painful shock.
To use you activate the camera flash charge button/switch and "deliver" the wires.
The many variants of this include shock batons (pigs use shock batons...), little stun guns for prodding andjokes like a shock to a interview show guest(figure out a remote control), and with some rubber band work or a nail gun blank, airtasers. The objective is to somehow connect the wires to your enemy. Other improvements would be to add capacitors in parallel with a soldering iron, it can now hold a larger charge but take longer to charge. Be careful if you build this too powerful it can either cause serious burns or even cause cardiac arrest. It is basically a defibrillator, but I would not recommend medical use.
electronics do not like this device when it goes through them. also, attaching a coil to it could cause induction ofhuge voltages in electronic "devices" (haha: piggy's radio is on fire).
See also Monkey Warfare
Spray Cans
These are a very effective and educating method of property destruction. If a liberated zone has been established or you find yourself on a quiet street away from the thick of things, pretty up the neighborhood. Slogans and symbols can be sprayed on rough surfaces such as brick or concrete walls that are a real bitch to remove unless expensive sandblasting is used.
The Slingshot
This is probably the ideal street weapon for the swarms oflittle Davids that are out to down the Goliaths ofPigdom. It is cheap, legal to carry, silent, fast-loading and any right size rock will do for a missile. You can find them at hobby shops and large sporting goods stores, especially those that deal in hunting supplies. Wrist-Rocket makes a powerful and accurate slingshot for $2.50. The Whamo Sportsman is not as good but half the price. By selecting the right "Y" shaped branch, you can fashion a home-made one by using a strip of rubber cut from the inner tube of a tue as the sling. A few hours of shooting stones at cans in the back yard or up on the roof will make you marksman enough for those fat bank windows and even fatter pigs.
A sling is a home-made weapon consisting of two lengths ofheavy-duty cord each attached securely at one end to a leather patch that serves as a pocket to cradle the rock. Place the rock in the pouch and grab the two pieces of cord firmly in your hand. Whirl the rock round and round until gravity holds it firmly in the pouch. When you feel you have things under control, let one end of the cord go and the rock will fly out at an incredible speed. You should avoid using the sling in a thick crowd (rooftop shooting is best). Practice is definitely needed to gain any degree of accuracy.
The boomerang is a neat weapon for street fighting and is as easy to master as the Frisbee. There is a great psychological effect in using exotic weapons such as this. You can buy one at large hobby stores. On the East Coast you can get one from Sportscraft, Bergenfield, New Jersey, for $2.69, and on the West Coast from Whamo, 835 El Monte St., San Gabriel, Calif., for $1.10.
Flash Guns
Electric battery-operated flash guns are available that will blind a power-crazy pig, thus distracting him long enough to rescue a captured comrade. Check out camping and boating supply stores.
Tear Gas and Mace
Personalized tear gas and mace dispensers are available for self-defense against muggers. Well, isn't a pigjust an extra vicious mugger? Write J.P. Darby, 8813 New Hyde Park, New York, N.Y. 11040 for a variety of types and prices.
Tear gas shells are available for 12 gauge shotguns and .38 Special handguns, but it is highly inadvisable to bring guns to street actions. A far better weapon is a specially built projection device that shoots tear gas shells. Hercules Gas-Munitions Corp., 5501 No. Broadway, Chicago, Ill., sells compact units complete with cartridges for $6.95 that will fire up to 20 feet. Penguin Associates, Inc., Pennsylvania Avenue, Malvern, Penn., also has a variety of tear-gas propellant devices including a combination tear gas-billyclub item. All these companies will supply a catalogue and price list on request. Some states have laws against civilian use of tear gas devices. New York is one of them, and unfortunately these companies will not ship to states that forbid usage. If you want any of these items, and your state has restrictions, have a sister or brother in a neighboring state order for you. Just latching onto these catalogues can be a trip and a half in terms of getting your imagination hopping. For example Raid, Black Flag and other insecticides shoot a 7to10 foot stream that burns the eyes. You can also dissolve Drano in water and squirt it from an ordinary plastic water pistol. That makes a highly effective defensive weapon. A phony letterhead of a Civil Defense unit will help in getting heavier anti-personal weapons of a defensive nature.
Anti-Tire Weapons
Don't believe all those bullshit tire ads that make tires seem like the Superman of the streets. Roofing nails spread out on the street are effective in stopping a patrol car. A nail sticking out from a strong piece of wood wedged under a rear tire will work as effectively as a bazooka. An ice pick will do the trick repeatedly but you've got to have a strong arm to strike home. Sugar in the gas tank of a pig vehicle will do nothing. Use water instead.
Authentic Pig Game
If you really get into it, you'll probably want to be as heavily prepared for trashing as are the pigs. Wouldn't youjust know that the largest supplier of equipment to police in the world is in Chicago. Kale's, 550 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, Ill. 60607, will send you, on request, the most complete catalogue you can get for trashing. Actual police uniforms, super-riot helmets, persuaders chemical mace, a knuckle sap, which is a glove with powdered lead, billy clubs, secret holsters, a three-in- one mob stick that spits Mace, emits an electric shock and allows you to club to death a charging rhinoceros. You can also get the latest in handcuffs and other security devices. This catalogue is a must for the love-child of the 70's. If we want to get high we're going to have to fight our way up.
Unarmed Defense
Being able to defend yourself is always a good idea -- if you want to be safe in Amerika, it might be a good idea to learn some basic self-defense.
With the amount of armor worn by the pigs today, strikes can be under-effective. Also, the pigs will try to take you to the ground to arrest you, so you had better have grappling skills. Here's some basic judo:
Break Falls
When falling backwards, you want to land on your shoulder blades (upper back). You can favour either side or fall on both. The most important thing to remember when falling is to tuck your head into your chest (as they say in judo: "look at your belt"). This will help prevent dangerous head and neck injuries.
Center of Balance
Balance occurs on both the y- and x-axis (vertical and horizontal, respectively). To find your center ofbalance, start by standing normally (back straight,arms at your side, feet shoulder width apart). Draw a line through your feet, so that the line passes through the middle of each foot. The center point of this line represents your vertical balance. (the point directly below your crotch). On the x- axis, it is one thumbs-width below your belly button, where your waste is.
As you move your weight from one foot to the other, you will become less balanced. Exploiting this weakness is important for grounding your opponent.
Throws and Takedowns
There are hundreds of throws and take downs, everything from a simple tackle to a bold flying omoplata. They are divided into four basic kinds of throws: leg throws (foot sweeps), hip throws, hand throws, and sacrifice throws.
Leg Throws
The basic idea here is to use your leg or foot to unbalance your opponent. First, you need to pin your opponent's weight over one ofhis legs. This can be done by pulling your opponent's arms and shoulders in the direction you want them to fall. Then take your leg and, swinging it at the hip, aiming for the ankle, sweep (not kick) their foot out from under them. Keep pulling their arms as you sweep. The whole motion must be done at once.
A basic throw of this style is called Major Outer Reaping:
Here, you square off with your opponent. you have their inside right arm (near the bend in the elbow) in your left hand, and their left shoulder (or neck/face if you're evil) in your right hand. Take a side-step to your left, swing your right leg up through the hole between you, twist their upper body by pulling on their arm and pushing on their shoulder/neck, and bring your right leg back down, connecting with your opponent at the ankle, and brushing his leg away. The result is that his center ofbalance will be over a point where there is no support, and thus he will fall.
Another common throw in this category is the Minor Inner Reaping: Start the same as with the Major Outer Reaping, keeping the hands in the same position. Do not side-step, instead, step in with your left foot, so that your left shoulder is close to his right shoulder (still facing each other, though)(Almost as if you were going to head-butt him). Then, when he can't see it, slip your right leg between his legs, hook his right leg at the ankle with your heel, and sweep his leg with turning his upper body as before. This is a sneaky move that is hard to see coming. Even if the move fails, you can still head-but, or use a knee strike to the groin. As with all throws, but ESPECIALLY with this one, it is very likely that your opponent will pull you down with them (you should land on top of them though); watch out for this.
Yet another common leg throw is the Minor Outer Reaping: This is the classic foot sweep. Start with the same grip as before, with your right hand on their left shoulder and your left hand on their inside right arm, facing them. Take your right leg back in a quarter circle, so you are now standing at a right angle to him (keep the holds). Pull down with your left hand and pull towards you with your right, thus pinning his weight under his right leg. take your left foot and sweep his leg at the ankle, using the bottom of your foot.
Hip Throws
Here, you use your hip to unbalance your opponent. The trick is to get your center ofbalance below his, by bending your knees. You then lift him by straightening your knee. You then throw him by turning.
Let's try a basic hip throw, one similar to the Floating Loin: Start by facing your opponent, holding his inside right arm in your left hand, and put your right arm around his waste, leaving his left arm free (don't worry, if done properly, he'll be on the ground before he can even think to strike with his free left). Turn into your opponent (your ass should be just about in front of their crotch), bending your knees as you come in, so as your belt or waste is below their belt or waste. Pull them close to you with your right. Straighten your legs, and turn to your left. This completes the throw.
Hand Throws
Hand throws are a far more diverse category. They can also be the most destructive, visually impressive, and most difficult to use. Here are a few.
Fireman's carry/ Shoulder Wheel
To start out, face your opponent, and take his inside right arm in your left hand (again). Step in and put your head under his armpit/lat, keep your knees bent, your right foot between his two legs, and grab the back ofhis knee with your right hand. Then lift by pulling with your left hand, straightening your knees, and pulling up on his leg. You can then drop him somewhere (off a highway overpass, down a flight of stairs, onto a large rock, onto another opponent, and so on). To drop him, step forward and bend over, keeping your head down and letting go with your hands. (careful when practicing, this eliminates almost all control over how he will land)
Shoulder Throw
A Judo classic.
The ability to fight on the ground is very important and yet often overlooked. While groundwork does include strikes (ground 'n pound), it also includes devastating chokes andjoint locks.
The arm is weakest at its joints. Submission/ victory is achieved by exploiting weaknesses in anatomy to cause pain, breakage, and dislocation. In an armbar, the joint being targeted is the elbow. The elbow can be broken if it is hyper-extended past it's normal range of motion. While on the ground, an armbar can be accomplished any number of ways, the most common case is: your opponent is lying on their back. You are lying at a 90 degree angle to them. You have their right arm in your hand, and your left leg across their throat (your right leg can hold the left leg down), so that their arm is extended between your legs. You then hold their hand to your chest and lift your hips off of the ground. This will cause the elbow to break.
Another lock that targets the elbow -- instead ofhyper-extending it, it hyper-flexs it. To do this lock:
1. Take their right arm again. Hold their wrist in your left hand.
2. Put your arm in the bend of their elbow, and hold your own left wrist in your right hand.
3. Push down with your left hand. The resulting force will cause the elbow to pull apart, separating the forearm from the upper arm.
Let's face it, when it comes to trashing in the streets, our success is going to depend on our cunning and speed rather than our strength and power. Our side is all quarterbacks, and the pigs have nothing but linemen. They are clumsy, slobbish brutes that would be lost without their guns, clubs and toy whistles. When one grabs you for an arrest, you can with a little effort, make him let go. In the confusion of all the street action, you will then be able to manage your getaway.
There are a variety of defensive twists and pulls that are easy to master by reading a good, easily understandable book on the subject, such as George Hunter's How To Defend Yourself (see appendix). If a pig grabs you by the wrist you can break the grip by twisting against his thumb. Try this on yourselfby grabbing one wrist with your hand. See how difficult it is to hold someone who works against the thumb. Ifhe grabs you around the waist or neck, you can grab his thumbs or another finger and sharply bend it backwards. By concentrating all your energy on one little finger, you can inflict pain and cause the grip to be broken.
There are a variety of points on the body where a firm amount of pressure skillfully directed will induce severe pain. A grip, for example, can be broken by jabbing your finger firmly between the pig's knuckles. (Nothing like chopped pigknuckles.) Feel directly under your chin in back of the jawbone until your finger rests in the V area, press firmly upward and backward towards the center of the head. There is also a very vulnerable spot right behind the ear lobe. Stick your fingers there and see. Get the point!
In addition to pressure points, there are places in the body where a sharp, well-directed whack with the side of a rigidly held palm can easily disable a person. Performed by an expert, such a blow can even be lethal. Try making such a rigid palm and practice these judo chops. The fist is a ridiculous weapon to use. It's fleshy, the blow is distributed over too wide an area to have any real effect and the knuckles break easily. You will have to train yourself to use judo chops instinctively, but it will prove quite worthwhile if you are ever in trouble. A good place to aim for is directly in the center of the chest cavity at its lowest point. Draw a straight line up about six inches starting from your belly button, and you can feel the point. The Adam's Apple in the center of the neck and the back of the neck at the top of the spinal column are also extremely vulnerable spots. With the side of your palm, press firmly the spot directly below your nose and above your upper lip. You can easily get an idea of what a short, forceful chop in this area would do. The side of the head in front of the ear is also a good place to aim your blow.
In addition tojabs, chops, twists, squeezes and bites, you ought to gain some mastery ofkneeing and kicking. If you are being held in close and facing the porker, the old familiar knee-in-the-nuts will produce remarkable results. A feinting motion with the head before the knee is delivered will produce a reflexive reaction from your opponent that will leave his groin totally unprotected. Ouch!
Whether he has you from the front or the back, he is little prepared to defend against a skillfully aimed kick. The best way is to forcefully scrape the side of your shoe downward along the shinbone, beginningjust below the knee and ending with a hard stomp on the instep of the foot. Just try this with the side of your hand and you will get an idea of the damage you can inflict with this scrape and stomp method. Another good place to kick and often the only spot accessible is the side of the knee. Even a half successful blow here will topple the biggest ofhonkers. Any of these easy to learn techniques of unarmed self defense will fulfill the old nursery rhyme that goes:
Catch a piggy by the toe
When he hollers
Let him go
Out pops Y-O-U
General Strategy Rap
Believe it or not, the US Department ofDefense has produced a number of manuals for their servicemen (and women), loaded with tactical information as well as tips on what the opposing forces may do in retaliation. These books are in public domain, and can be had at Army surplus stores, gun shows, and sometimes on a few survivalist websites on the Internet. Just be careful how you use the information (Anything that goes "boom" or "bang" or has a sharp point/edge can either kill you or someone else, or get you arrested), and remember that Big Brother already knows what's in these books.
Back in the 1950's and into the 1970's many of these titles were bought by extreme right-wingers since they feared either a Communist invasion or Federal gun confiscation. If you have an older relative who was (or still is) a member of the John Birch Society or some other Far-Right/Ultra- Patriotic group, he might have a few of these stored away in his basement, attic or garage. Get on his good side and make him an offer.
Besides a number of specific manuals for various firearms, there are the following:
• FM 5-25: Explosives and Demolitions
• FM 5-31: Boobytraps
• FM 5-35: Engineers’ Reference Data (Very useful information on building things up or knocking them down)
• FM 8-51: Combat Stress Control In A Theater Of Operations
• FM 19-15: Civil Disturbances and Disasters
• FM 19-40: Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons
• FM 21-11: First Aid for Soldiers
• FM 21-26: Map Reading and Land Navigation
• FM 21-76: Survival (The earlier versions were entitled "Survival, Evasion andEscape", but much of the Prisoner of War info is outdated.)
• FM 21-77: Evasion and Escape (Written during the Korean War and may be very dated)
• FM 21-78: Pri soner of War Resi stance
Keep a sense of humor. Humor is a highly effective weapon. Use it. It makes living easier if you canfind some humor inyour situation, ironic and dark humor as it may be. (p. 49)
FM 21-150: Combatives - Hand-to-Hand Combat
FM 23-3: Tactics, Techniques and Concepts of Anti-Armor Warfare
[FM 31-210: Improvised Munitions Handbook]
FM 32-12: Guerrilla Warfare and Special Forces Operations
FM 33-1: Psychological Operations
FM 34-52: Intelligence Interrogation
FM 90-10: Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)
MCRP 3-02B: Marine Corps Martial Arts
SH 21-76: Ranger Handbook
ST 31-91B: U. S. Special Forces Medical Handbook
TC21-3: Soldier's Handbook for Individual Operations and Survival in Cold-Weather Areas
TC 90-6-1: Military Mountaineering: Training for Combat
TM 5-725: Rigging (Everylhingyou need to know about ropes and tying them)
TM 31-200-1: Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques: References
TM 31-210-1: Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques: Incendiaries
U.S. Marine Guidebook ofEssential Subjects
Some may be available from third parties as collections on CD-ROM.
The guideline in trashing is to try and do as much property destruction as possible without getting caught or hurt. The best buildings to trash in terms of not alienating too many of those not yet clued into revolutionary violence, are the most piggy symbols of violence you can find. Banks, large corporations, especially those that participate heavily in supporting the U.S. armed forces, federal buildings, courthouses, police stations, and Selective Service centers are all good targets. On campuses, buildings that are noted for warfare research and ROTC training are best. When it comes to automobiles, choose only police vehicles and very expensive cars such as Lamborghinis and Iso Grifos. Every rock or molotov cocktail thrown should make a very obvious political point. Random violence produces random propaganda results. Why waste even a rock?
When you know there is going to be a rough street scene developing, don't play into the pig's strategy. Spread the action out. Help waste the enemy's numbers. You and the other members of your group should already have a target or two in mind that will make for easy trashing. If you don't have one, setting fires in trash cans and ringing fire alarms will help provide a cover for other teams that do have objectives picked out. Putting out street lights with rocks also helps the general infusion.
After a few tries at trashing, you'll begin to overcome your fears, learn what to expect from both the pigs and your comrades, and develop your own street strategy. Nothing works like practice in actual street conditions. Get your head together and you'll become a pro. Don't make the basic mistake of just naively floating into the area. Don't think "rally" or "demonstration," think "WAR" and "Battle Zone." Keep your eyes and ears open. Watch for mistakes made by members of your gang and those made by other comrades. Watch for blunders by the police. In street fighting, every soldier should think like a general. Workshops should be organized right after an action to discuss the strength and weaknesses of techniques and strategies used. Avoid political bullshit at such raps. Regard them as military sessions. Persons not versed in the tactics of revolution usually have nothing worthwhile to say about the politics of revolution.
Underwater Trashing
This article is not meant to be a diving manual in any way, the only safe way to learn diving is from a certified dive master who will teach you how to safely use compressed air SCUBA gear and rebreathing gear when you have mastered basic skills. She will also teach how to deal with the issues relating to decompression, safe breathing, underwater navigation, and first aid.
The worlds navies have for many years used a unusual kind of underwater breathing apparatus, the rebreather made famous by the bubble free LAR-V aided SEAL demolition raids. Very long dives with no tell-tale bubbles are possible using a rebreather. The operation is quite simple, a breathing loop consisting of a mouthpiece and hoses, air bladder, CO2 scrubber chemical canister, and pure oxygen supply. Operation is safe to nine meters, going beyond this depth will cause oxygen toxicity, seizure's, and inhalation of seawater which will lead to drowning.
This simple dive device can be made by someone with a knowledge of chemistry, pneumatic design, and a strong sense of safety quality control.
What is needed
SodaLime - CO2 scrubber, ask at a hospital supply dealer it is used in surgery for aesthetic
gas loops or at a dive shop
Oxygen - Only use medical oxygen if possible, welding oxygen is not been guaranteed pure
Oxygen regulator or valve with low pressure hose
Counter Lung - One or two hot water bottles which are a little larger than your lung capacity
Hoses - flexible non-compressible hoses to go to and from the mouthpiece
PVC T and Dive Mouthpiece - connect to breathing hoses
Oxygen regulator or valve - brass or chrome construction to prevent rust
Canister - for sodalime, plumbed into bladders and breathing hoses with screen to hold sodalime tight
several rubber one way breathing air valves
This is the way the loop works, its layout is up to you but build the counterlungs to be near your chest to prevent weird buoyancy shifts as you breathe.
1-Pre-breathe ten deep breaths of pure oxygen by flooding the system with your oxygen valve full open exhaling outside the rebreather, if you don't do this nitrogen will be in the system and you could become hypoxic.
2-After pre-breathing you will start to breath fully in the system your breath will contain unabsorbed oxygen and CO2, this breath will flow down the the hose with a valve running into the system.
3-Before entering the scrub canister the air will enter a water trap consisting of a stocking filled with diaper stuffing which will prevent water droplets from entering the scrubber.
4-The air enters the scrubber, the moisture and CO2 being acidic react with the alkaline sodalime binding and removing the CO2, only oxygen is left,there is a one way valve leading to the counterlungs, an overpressure relief pop-open valve is a good idea here too. There are screens held in with large springs to keep the sodalime from rolling around and breaking apart the granules.
5-The air leaves the scrubber and enters the counterlung which allows the user to breathe in and out circulating the air, another one way valve leads upward to the air hose.
6-On exiting the counterlung the loop returns up another breathing hose to a final valve and the mouthpiece.
7-The oxygen add line can be plumbed in anywhere but after the exiting counterlung valve or in the mouthpiece are best.
It is important that the oxygen add line be after the post-scrubber canister one way valve, because if your system gets filled with water you will have a caustic cocktail in yur system, the oxygen add valve turned on to full will purge the inhalation side of the loop and allow you to emergency surface. Always try to find a way to have a normal SCUBA or spare-air set in case there is a failure. NEVER remove the mouthpiece on a dive unless you have installed a shutoff valve or you will wet your loop and the rebreather will be unusable until you get to land and can open and clean out the caustic goop.
Always surface test your new systems with a friend watching, a workout on an exercise bike is a good way to prove to your partner you are getting oxygen. Run out both scrubber and oxygen several times to determine lifespan ofboth and reasonable safety margins. Next test run the rebreather a few times in a pool with a helper.
Depth Gauge
Your safety depth meter is a simple design, take a 5-6cm piece of 1-2mm clear plastic tube, in a pinch a cleaned out pen ink tube will work, melt one end shut and glue down to a white piece of Plexiglas plastic. Measure half the length and mark the plastic with a white or glow paint, this is one atmosphere orlO meter mark, WARNING! never get deep enough that your bubble shrinks to this line underwater when breathing the pure oxygen of your rebreather it is the DEATH LINE you are crossing with that bubble.
Fun Facts
The most vulnerable parts of a ship are the prop shafts at the bearing and the moving parts of the rudder.
Many large ships are lead out of port with tugboats.
The easiest way to sink a ship is collision with another ship or with land.
Sinking ships in the middle of a channel have caused millions of dollars in losses as the waterway had become unnavigable.
Demolition charges of appropriate explosives have be placed across from each other on prop shafts and rudder parts increasing the overall shattering power.
Large sealed and well placed thermite (23% aluminium powder and 76% iron oxide powder with a magnesium or sugar/potassium chlorate ignition stage) devices have welded parts of ships tight this has destroyed the rudder actuation or prop shafts and bearings forcing the ship to stay in port for repairs.
Glock 17's are common handguns which with the optional maritime kit they have been tested to work underwater, although at the risk of the users eardrums and internal organs.
many slam fire submachineguns like the old Sten's and Stearling's can also fire wet, with these weapons it is intended that the user exit the water if possible before engaging in gunfights. See also[l]about making a slam fire submachinegun.
If you like do dive with guns be sure you are using a ammo that has sealed primers and case mouths, this can be done with fingernail polish, it is applied let set for a minute and then wiped with a clean rag.
The pig navy is known to train dolphins to perform guard duty at naval installations they claim they are not armed and only tag swimmers for apprehension by human divers, some claim a national inventory of7O such dolphin soldiers.
Peoples Chemistry
Incense Delayed Milk Jug
A device sometimes used by the ELF and ALF cells, and the one to cause the most damage, is the incense delayed milk jug. The device only requires some incense sticks, matches, a gallon plastic jug with a screw on lid, kerosene, sponges, and a string or rubber band. Used for a 15-45 minute delay, the delay is the only thing that needs any pre assembly. the bottonm of the incense should be wrapped around with several "strike anywhere" matches, and then tied with a string. the sponge should be soaked in kerosene. Two small holes through which the incense sticks will be placed, should be cut into the side of the sponge. Transport parts in separate containers.
Bring your filled funjug to the location you want to burn. stuff a sponge through the handle. douse the whole area underneath in kerosene. If you are rushed and choose to skip the timed ignition , you can light the sponge directly, but get away as quickly as possible. Test the incense first as some take longer or don't stay lit.
Drano Bomb
A great way to scare the fuck out of the bourgeoisie, and the capitalists who exploit our necessities as commodities, is the Drano Bomb. It will make the hairs stand up on some backs and possibly make some people leave major retail stores who exploit labor by paying less to make prices cheap (walmart, k-mart, etc.) It's my personal favorite to place in the meat aisles of such stores. All you need is a container, aluminum foil, and Drano (sodium hydroxide). Fill the container with Drano, drop aluminum foil into the Drano, close the cap fast, and run like a mother fucker because that shit will explode and cause some really fucked up caustic damage. It's best to prepare the aluminum foil before dropping it into the Drano before hand so it doesn't explode in your hands. Also, since this bomb has no current way ofbeing delayed, you best have quick legs and an escape route. This is a great way to produce a fast bomb for when you need to make a big loud boom without flames or major frags.
Stink Bomb
Materials needed
Liquid ammonia (found in almost any store)
Regular Matches
Jar with lid, preferably glass
This is a liquid when finished smells like rotten eggs.
1. Carefully using some scissors or other cutting device, cut off the match heads. Cut as many as depending on the amount of stink solution you are using.
2. Pour ammonia into the jar.
3. With the lid in hand, dump the match heads into the jar of ammonia. QUICKLY put on the lid.
4. Put in a safe spot for a minimum of one week. The longer you keep it in the jar, the smellier it gets, but make sure the lid is on tight. But don't keep it in over three weeks(I'm not sure what will happen!)
5. After waiting, dump or spill on any surface, and it will stink.
Suggestions for usage
You could put the open jar behind a door so when it opens, the jar tips over, causing a stench like no other.
You can purchase butyric acid at any chemical supply store for "laboratory experiments." It can be thrown or poured directly in an area you think already stinks. A small bottle can be left uncapped behind a door that opens into the target room. When a person enters they will knock over the bottle, spilling the liquid. Called a "Froines," by those in the know, an ounce ofbutyric acid can go a long way. Be careful not to get it on your clothing. A home-made stink bomb can be made by mixing a batch of egg whites, Drano, (sodium hydroxide) and water. Let the mixture sit for a few days in a capped bottle before using.
Smoke Bomb
Believe it or not there is an easier way to make a simple smoke bomb without all of the chemicals, you will need 6 ping-pong balls, scissors, tin foil, a straw, and a fuse (this article tells how to make fuse somewhere below). Using the scissors, cut 5 of the ping-pong balls into small pieces and drill a hole the size of a straw in the top of the sixth one. Then take the cut up pieces and put ALL OF THEM in the ball with the hole in it. Then cut the straw down so about an inch and a half can be seen sticking out of the top. NOTE: If you're using a bendy-straw make sure you don't use any part of the bent section. Next, you cover all of it with tin foil including the straw. DO NOT cover the open part of the straw or it won't work. Make sure all of it is covered or it also might not work. Then you put your fuse in and make sure it's in there good. Finally, you set the bomb down with the open straw facing upward and light the fuse.
Real competition ping-pong balls are nitrocellulose like gunpowder, burns great and non-toxic.
You can make a good homemade fuse by dipping string or shoe lace in clean water and then rolling it lightly in gunpowder and braiding it. When the powder drys, wrap the braided string tightly and neatly with scotch tape. This fuse can be used in a variety of ways. Try pouring the solution in a hollowed out potato. Find the dumbest group of pigs in a riot, throw it in that direction, and sneak attack them while they're standing around amazed by the smoking potato.
Sometimes it becomes strategically correct to confuse the opposition and provide a smoke screen to aid an escape. A real home-made stroke bomb can be made by combining four parts sugar to six parts saltpeter (available at all chemical supply stores). This mixture must then be heated over a very low flame. It will blend into a plastic substance. When this starts to gel, remove from the heat and allow the plastic to cool. Embed a few wooden match heads into the mass while it's still pliable and attach a fuse.*
The smoke bomb itselfis a non-explosive and non-flame-producing, so no extreme safety requirements are needed. About a pound of the plastic will produce thick enough smoke to fill a city block. Just make sure you know which way the wind is blowing. Weathermen-women! If you're not the domestic type, you can order smoke flares (yellow or black) for $2.00 a flare [12 inch] from Time Square Stage Lighting Co., 318 West 47th Street, New York, NY 10036.
Abby's design won't work as per Dr. David Nichols,a chemist, pharmacologist, and Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Purdue University, but I bet it scared the hell out of the cops.
Original CBW
LACE (Lysergic Acid Crypto-Ethelene) can be made by mixing LSD with DMSO, a high penetrating agent, and water. Sprayed from an atomizer or squirted from a water pistol, the purple liquid will send any pig twirling into the Never-Never Land of chromosome damage. It produces an involuntary pelvic action in cops that resembles fucking. Remember when Mace runs out, turn to Lace.
Molotov cocktails are a classic street fighting weapon served up around the world. If you've never made one, you should try it the next time you are in some out-of-the-way barren place just to wipe the fear out of your mind and know that it works. Fill a thin-walled bottle half full with gasoline. Break up a section of styrofoam (cups made of this substance work fine) and let it sit in the gasoline for a few days. The mixture should be slushy and almost fill the bottle. The styrofoam spreads the flames around and regulates the burning. The mixture has nearly the same properties as napalm. Soap flakes (not detergents) can be substituted for styrofoam. Rubber cement and sterno also work. In a pinch, plain gasoline will do nicely, but it burns very fast. A gasoline-kerosene mixture is preferred by some folks.
Throwing, although by far not the safest method, is sometimes necessary. The classic technique of stuffing a rag in the neck of a bottle, lighting and tossing is foolish. Often gas fumes escape from the bottle and the mixture ignites too soon, endangering the thrower. If you're into throwing, the following is a much safer method: Once the mixture is prepared and inside the bottle, cap it tightly using the original cap or a suitable cork. Then wash the bottle off with rubbing alcohol and wipe it clean. Just before you leave to strike a target, take a strip of rag or a tampax and dip it in gasoline. Wrap this fuse in a small plastic baggie and attach the whole thing to the neck of the capped bottle with the aid of several rubber bands. When you are ready to toss, use a lighter to ignite the baggie. Pall back your arm and fling it as soon as the tampax catches fire. This is a very safe method if followed to the letter. The bottle must break to ignite. Be sure to throw it with some force against a hard surface.
Naturally, an even safer method is to place the firebomb in a stationary position and rig up a timing fuse. Cap tightly and wipe with alcohol as before. The alcohol wipe not only is a safety factor, but it eliminates tell-tale fingerprints in case the Molotov doesn't ignite. Next, attach an ashcan fire cracker (M-80) or a cherry bomb to the side of the bottle using epoxy glue. A fancier way is to punch a hole in the cap and pull the fuse of the cherry bomb up through the hole before you seal the bottle. A dab of epoxy will hold the fuse in place and insure the seal. A firecracker fuse ignites quickly so something will have to be rigged that will deal the action enough to make a clean getaway.
When the firebomb is placed where you want it, light up a non-filter cancerette. Take a few puffs (being sure not to inhale the vile fumes) to get it going and work the unlighted end over the fuse of the firecracker. This will provide a delay of from 5tol5 minutes. To use this type of fuse successfully, there must be enough air in the vicinity so the flame won't go out. A strong wind would not be good either. When the cancerette burns down, it sets off the firecracker which in turn explodes and ignites the mixture. The flames shoot out in the direction opposite to where you attach the firecracker, thus allowing you to aim the firebomb at the most flammable material. With the firecracker in the cap, the flames spread downward in a halo. The cancerette fuse can also be used with a book of matches to ignite a pool of gasoline or a trash can. Stick the unlighted end behind the row of match heads and close the cover. A firecracker attached to a gallon jug of red paint and set off can turn an office into total abstract art.
Commercial fuses are available in many hobby stores. Dynamite fuses are excellent and sold in most rural hardware stores. A good way to make a homemade fuse is described above under the Smoke Bomb section. By adding an extra few feet of fuse to the device and then attaching the lit cancerette fuse, you add an extra measure of caution. It is most important to test every type of fuse device you plan to use a number of times before the actual hit. Some experimentation will allow you to standardize the results. If you really want to get the job done right and have the time, place several molotov cocktails in a group and rig two with fuses (in case one goes out). When one goes, they all go . . .BAROOOOOOOOOOM!
Sterno Bomb
The below design is highly questionable as firebombs (unlikely to ignite from firecrackers) and certianly not useful as an explosive since sterno is simply methyl alcohol mixed with a gelling agent, the reason for sterno is that it is much less flamable and spillable than liquid alcohol and the flames are not very visible when used at weddings to heat chafing dishes. Alcohol is much safer than gasoline when it comes to flamability.
One of the simplest bombs to make is the converted sterno can. It will provide some bang and a widely dispersed spray ofjellied fire. Remove the lid from a standard, commercially purchased can and punch a hole in the center big enough for the firecracker fuse. Take a large spoonful ofjelly out of the center to make room for the firecracker. Insert the firecracker and pull the fuse up through the hole in the lid. When in place, cement around the hole with epoxy glue. Put some more glue around the rim of the can and reseal the lid. Wipe the can and wash off excess with rubbing alcohol. A cancerette fuse should be used. The can could also be taped around a bottle with Molotov mixture and ignited.
Aerosol Bomb
Dear Abbie
Your crazy aerosol can bomb design won't work using any kind of gunpowder, it will just blow the end off of the can and make a big whoosh maybe starting a small fire on the carpet, it will make everyone in the room load their pants and have heart attacks. I wish I could sit down and help you with a better design but since you are in the doob-smoking part ofheaven now I can only grant you your wish for a C-4 recipe.
The groovy plastique explosive Abby mentioned is not mentioned in the army book: RDX which is made from nitric acid and crushed hexamine (Esbit fuel pellets) in an exothermic reaction, one gallon of fuming nitric acid should be good for one pound ofhexamine Esbit tablets. Add hexamine slowly keep acid temperature warm not hot, stir occasionaly, take your time. Wash and ph stabalize the powder after it sits overnight. Crush the crystals in a non metalic mortar (RDX is high power and speed around 8750 Meters/sec but low sensitivity so safe to carry, burn, and even shoot at etc and it will cut steel) add %10 by weight (excluding the solvent content weight) acrylic emulsion adhesive, (look for one with a wide usable temperature) which is used for backing stickers. C-4 explosive is plastic (putty like) over a very wide range of normal temperatures traces of mineral oil may needed to make the mixture more malleable at low temperatures. C-4 must be detonated with a commercial/military blasting cap or detonator made with the instructions in the 31-210 manual in DIY Defense.
You can purchase smokeless gunpowder at most stores where guns and ammunition are sold. It is used for reloading bullets. The back of shotgun shells can be opened and the powder removed. Black powder is more highly explosive but more difficult to come by. A graduate chemist can make or get all you'll need. If you know one that can be trusted, go over a lot of shit with him. Try turning him on to learning how to make "plastics" which are absolutely the grooviest explosive available. The ideal urban guerrilla weapons are these explosive plastic compounds.
The neat homemade bomb that really packs a wallop can be made from a regular aerosol can that is empty. Remove the nozzle and punch in the nipple area on the top of the can. Wash the can out with rubbing alcohol and let dry. Fill it gently and lovingly with an explosive powder. Add a layer of cotton to the top and insert a cherry bomb fuse. Use epoxy glue to hold the fuse in place and seal the can. The can should be wiped clean with rubbing alcohol. Another safety hint to remember is never store the powder and your fuses or other ignition material together. Powder should always be treated with a healthy amount of respect. No smoking should go on in the assembling area and no striking ofhard metals that might produce a spark. Use your head and you'll get to keep it.
Pipe Bombs
The information in this section is providedfor educational purposes only. If you use this information and cause harm/damage, it is YOUR, fault — not the fault of those who have contributed to this section.
Pipe Bombs
One thing that any bomber should have learned from The Unabomber's (Ted Kaczynski) bombs is, add some shrapnel. Place nails or other sharp objects to the outer wall of the bomb or put it in the pipe along the walls. This severly increase the damage you do while using this bomb.
Pipe bombs are true wartime devices and their blast and shrapnel can cause very cruel and debilitating injuries to humans. Pipes can be used to contain fast self combusting chemicals until they reach a useful pressure for material destruction that unconfined in a pipe would have just burned quickly.
Always prepare the pipe in advance and fill the explosive/powder into a sealed plastic bag along with the blasting cap/detonator, if you are just using a fuse or electrical igniter this should be sealed into the bag with the blasting powder. The threads of a pipe create enough friction to ignite some powders causing premature detonation. Load the bag into a pipe with the drilled cap already screwed on feed the fuse/wire through and follow with a wad of tissue paper or more plastic. wipe the inner and outer threads of the pipe with a damp washcloth and screw on.
Electronic timers
A properly low voltage switch gate silicon controller rectifier or thyristor will take the low voltage from a kitchen timer speaker line or cell phone vibrator or ringer and switch on a larger usable power supply from a battery or AC power, if the audio circut is so low that it won't flip the SCR gate add an amplifier transistor. This is perfect for setting off timed tear gas during an event, or a phone or pager controlled smoke bombs to cover a retreat.
Altitude Switch
An altitude switch can easily be made with a can, tape, a plastic bag, wire, and two strips of metal. Securely tape and seal the plastic bag into the can with half of the air pushed out. Place one strip as a bridge ofer the top of the can, the other strip like a lever that the expanding bag can push across to touch the bridge strip. When the altitude gets high enough (a few thousand feet) the circut will close and current can flow. A fun thing to do is put this onto a logging truck heading into the mountains that will ignite a string of firecrackers.
Bean Timer
The expansion of dry beans in water can also be used as a timer, you need a clean unpainted metal disk like a can lid, two shiny nails and a straight walled plastic container. As the seeds or beans expand the metal disk will be pushed up against the nails which completes the circut. Seal the container with tape unless air transport is expected.
All timers must be tested with the operational battery and a buzzer, or lightbulb in place of its igniter/blasting cap several times. Always test the circut to be sure that it is offbefore connecting the electricly activating the timer. A double activation circut if there is room doubles the chance of success.
see [[1]] for more military tested improvised devices.
Ifbuilding subversive devices eliminate the evidence, have friends buy generic new sealed pup tent, a large sealed tarp, a nylon stocking, sealed plastic or rubber gloves, hooded tyvek painting suit, and new sealed rubber boots. First take a good shower and scrub good with a washcloth everywhere eliminiting dead skin, get out and let yourself air dry put on a hair net. Put on a set of gloves and pull the stocking over your face. have a friend blast you off with an air hose. Put on your tyvek suit, nobody may touch any of the sealed suit boots or gloves witout wearing rubber gloves. Have a gloved friend put your boots and gloves on to you and duct tape the joints of the boots and gloves, you will look like a haz-mat guy once you duct tape the boots and gloves onto your suit. Again air blast off away from the tent and other devices. The suited person now rolls out the tarp and once the clean tarp is out places the boot package onto the tarp and dons and tapes the boots to his suit, next he opens his tent and assembles it. All device assembly takes plce in the tent. Sealed ingredients and parts are opened by suited and gloved people only inside the tent. Trash sack all completed devices and place in a padded box. All remnants that can be burned should be if possible in a way that the black smoke will not alert the fire department. Remember you are trying very hard to keep the DNA and fingerprints off of your device. Fingerprints remain in gloves, hair and skin flakes remain in all of these items of clothing saliva might remain on the stocking. A study of crime lab technique will help in developing evidence-sterile technique but remember that contaminated evidence is not a problem to the police who will rule out investigator prints and DNA. Bleach, lye, and caustic oven cleaner can help destroy DNA but do not rely on denaturing the evidence, don't leave any in the first place.
Perhaps the most widely used homemade concussion bombs are those made out of pipe. Perfected by George Metesky, the renown New York Mad Bomber, they are deadly, safe, easy to assemble, and small enough to transport in your pocket. You want a standard steel pipe (two inches in diameter is a good size) that is threaded on both ends so you can cap it. The length you use depends on how big an explosion is desired. Sizes between 3-10 inches in length have been successfully employed. Make sure both caps screw on tightly before you insert the powder. The basic idea to remember is that a bomb is simply a hot fire burning very rapidly in a tightly confined space. The rapidly expanding gases burst against the walls of the bomb. If they are trapped in a tightly sealed iron pipe, when they finally break out, they do so with incredible force. If the bomb itself is placed in a somewhat enclosed area like a ventilation shaft, doorway or alleyway, it will in turn convert this larger area into a "bomb" and increase the over-all explosion immensely.
When you have the right pipe and both caps selected, drill a hole in the side of the pipe (before powder is inserted) big enough to pull the fuse through. If you are using a firecracker fuse, insert the firecracker, pull the fuse through and epoxy it into place securely.
If you are using long fusing either with a detonator (difficult to come by) timing device or a simple cancerette fuse, drill two holes and run two lines of fuse into the pipe. When you have the fuse rigged to the pipe, you are ready to add the powder. Cape one end snugly, making sure you haven't trapped any grains of powder in the threads. Wipe the device with rubbing alcohol and you're ready to blast off.
A good innovation is to grind down one half of the pipe before you insert the powder. This makes the walls of one end thinner than the walls of the other end. When you place the bomb, the explosion, following the line ofleast resistance, will head in that direction. You can do this with ordinary grinding tools available in any hardware or machine shop. Be sure not to have the powder around when you are grinding the pipe, since sparks are produced. Woodstock Nation contains instructions for more pipe bombs and a neat timing device (see pages 115-117).
This section is not meant to be a handbook on explosives. Anyone who wishes to become an expert in the field can procure a number of excellent books on the subject catalogued in the Appendix. In bombing, as in trashing, the same general strategy in regard to the selection of targets applies. Never use anti-personnel shrapnel bombs. Always be careful in placing the devices to keep them away from glass windows and as far away from the front of the building as possible. Direct them away from any area in which there might be people. Sophisticated electric timers should be used only by experts in demolitions. Operate in the wee hours of the night and be careful that you don't injure a night watchman or guard. Telephone in warnings before the bomb goes off. The police record all calls to emergency numbers and occasionally people have been traced down by the use of a voice-o-graph. The best way to avoid detection is by placing a huge wad of chewed up gum on the roof of your mouth before you talk. Using a cloth over the phone is not good enough to avoid detection. Be as brief as possible and always use a pay phone.
When you get books from companies or libraries dealing with explosives or guerrilla warfare, use a phony name and address. Always do this if you obtain chemicals from a chemical supply house. These places are being increasingly watched by the F.B.I. Store your material and literature in a safe cool place and above all, keep your big mouth shut!
Original First Aid for Street Fighters
Without intending to spook you, we think it is becoming increasingly important for as many people as possible to develop basic first aid skills. As revolutionary struggle intensifies, so will the number and severity ofinjuries increase. Reliance on establishment medical facilities will become risky. Hospitals that border on "riot" areas are used by police to apprehend suspects. All violence-induced injuries treated by establishment doctors might be reported. Knife and gunshot wounds in all states by law must be immediately phoned in for investigation. At times a victim has no choice but to run such risks. If you can, use a phony name, but everyone should know the location of sympathetic doctors.
Chaos resulting from the gassing, clubbing and shooting associated with a police riot also makes personal first aid important. Most demonstrations have medical teams that run with the people and staff mobile units, but often these become the target of assault by the more vicious pigs. Also, in the confusion, there is usually too much work for the medical teams. Everyone must take responsibility for everyone else if we are to survive in the streets. If you spot someone lying unconscious or badly injured, take it upon yourself to help the victim. Immediately raise your arm or wave your Nation flag and shout for a medic. If the person is badly hurt, it is best not to move him, or her, but if there is the risk of more harm or the area is badly gassed, the victim should be moved to safety. Try to be as gentle as possible. Get some people to help you.
What to Do
Before anything else, get First Aid training. Check the local schools or ask at the local Fire Department as to where you can get First Aid training. Many places will give you extensive training at a low cost, if not free.
Original WHAT TO DO
Your attitude in dealing with an injured person is extremely important. Don't panic at the sight of blood. Most bloody injuries look far worse than they are. Don't get nervous if the victim is unconscious. If you're not able to control your own fear about treating someone, call for another person. It helps to attend a few first aid classes to overcome these fears in practice sessions.
When you approach the victim, identify yourself. Calmly, but quickly figure out what's the matter. Check to see if the person is alive by feeling for the pulse. There are a number of spots to check if the blood is circulating, under the chin near the neck, the wrists, and ankles are the most common. Get in the habit of feeling a normal pulse. A high pulse (over 100 per minute) usually indicates shock. A low pulse indicates some kind of injury to the heart or nervous system. Massaging the heart can often restore the heartbeat, especially if its loss is due to a severe blow to the chest. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should be used if the victim is not breathing. Both these skills can be mastered in a first aid course in less than an hour and should become second nature to every street fighter.
When it comes to dealing with bleeding or possible fractures, enlisting the victim's help as well as adopting a firm but calm manner will be very reassuring. This is important to avoid shock. Shock occurs when there is a serious loss ofblood and not enough is being supplied to the brain. The symptoms are high pulse rate; cold, clammy, pale skin; trembling or unconsciousness. Try to keep the patient warm with blankets or coats. If a tremendous amount ofblood has been lost, the victim may need a transfusion. Routine bleeding can be stopped by firm direct pressure over the source of bleeding for 5to10 minutes. If an artery has been cut and bleeding is severe, a tourniquet will be needed. Use a belt, scarf or torn shirtsleeve. Tie the tourniquet around the arm or leg directly above the bleeding area and tighten it until the bleeding stops. Do not loosen the tourniquet. Wrap the injured limb in a cold wet towel or ice if available and move the person to a doctor or hospital before irreparable damage can occur. Don't panic, though, you have about six hours.
A painful blow to a limb is best treated with an ice pack and elevation of the extremity by resting it on a pillow or rolled-upjacket. A severe blow to the chest or side can result in a rib fracture which produces sharp pains when breathing and/or coughing up blood. Chest X-rays will eventually be needed. Other internal injuries can occur from sharp body blows such as kidney injuries. They are usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, shock and persistent abdominal pain. If you feel a bad internal injury has occurred, get prompt professional help.
Head injuries have to be attended to with more attention than other parts of the body. Treat them by stopping the bleeding with direct pressure. They should be treated before other injuries as they more quickly can cause shock. Every head injury should be X-rayed and the injured person should be watched for the next 24 hours as complications can develop hours after the injury was sustained. After a severe blow to the head, be on the look-out for excessive sleepiness or difficulty in waking. Sharp and persistent headaches, vomiting and nausea, dizziness or difficulty maintaining balance are all warning signs. If they occur after a head injury, call a doctor.
If a limb appears to be broken or fractured, improvise a splint before moving the victim. Place a stiff backing behind the limb such as a board or rolled-up magazine and wrap both with a bandage. Try to avoid moving the injured limb as this can lead to complicating the fracture. Every fracture must be X-rayed to evaluate the extent of the injury and subsequent treatment.
Bullet wounds to the abdomen, chest or head, ifloss of consciousness occurs are extremely dangerous and must be seen by a doctor immediately. If the wound occurs in the limb, treat as you would any bleeding with direct pressure bandage and tourniquet only if nothing else will stop the bleeding.
If you expect trouble, every person going to a street scene should have a few minimum supplies in addition to those mentioned in the section on Demonstrations for protection. A handful ofbandaids, gauze pads (4x4), an ace bandage (3 inch width), and a roll of 1/2 inch adhesive tape can all easily fit in your pocket. Aplastic bag with cotton balls pre-soaked in water will come in handy in a variety of situations where gas is being used, as will a small bottle of mineral oil. You should write the name, phone number and address of the nearest movement doctor on your arm with a ballpoint pen. Your arm's getting pretty crowded, isn't it? If someone is severely injured, it may be better to save their life by taking them to a hospital, even though that means probable capture for them, rather than try to treat it yourself. However, do not confuse the police with the hospital. Many injured people have been finished offby the porkers, and that's no joke. It is usually better to treat a person yourself rather than let the pigs get them, unless they have ambulance equipment right there and don't seem vicious. Even then, they will often wait until they get two or three victims before making a trip to the hospital.
If you have a special medical problem, such as being a diabetic or having a penicillin allergy, you should wear a medi-alert tag around your neck indicating your condition. Every person who sees a lot of street action should have a tetanus shot at least once in every five years.
Know just this much, and it will help to keep down serious injuries at demonstrations. A few lessons in a first aid class at one of the Free Universities or People's Clinics will go a long way in providing you with the confidence and skill needed in the street.
Hip Pocket Law
Http:// civil rights training video watch it every day for a month for less incarceration
Legal Advice
Legal Advice
Pig Psyche
While there are a handful pigs who seem nice at first, all of them have to answer to the system.
Even if they might have been a good person outside an authority role, theirjob is singularly to get a confession or evidence to convict. Their paycheck depends on enforcing the laws of the Pig Empire, which means throwing punk kids like you in the pokey.
Many pigs are also the worst kind ofhipocrites. They don't feel bad about jacking your weed, hauling your ass off to the county jail, and then going home and lighting up the dope theyjust confiscated. They talk high and mighty about the rule oflaw, but when their kid's in trouble, you can bet that shit's out the window before you can say "fuck".
You are playing a game with the pigs whether you realize it or not, and you damn well better play to win, because they will be. Many pigs will lie, cheat, and scare you to get the big win and scratch another "kill" mark onto their desk.
The Pig Game
If you were in on a direct action alone, shut your mouth. Don't lie or shift blame no matter how nice or cool the cop seems or how screwed you think you are. If there is no actual evidence you will walk free unless you give them something to work with. This includes lying, which can be used in other charges or to further an investigation.
If you have to work in a group, only work with people you have known for a very long time. If that's not an option, work only with people who have been vouched for by other genuine and canny activists. Either way, be careful. Even well known friends might turn if they get busted and are offered a deal.
When interrogated as a group, you will always be separated for questioning. During your questioning, it's likely that someone will come in speak the pig who's harassing you, and you will be told that your friend spilled. You will then be offered a deal. The catch it is entirely lawful for them to lie to you and pretend your friend has confessed regardless of ifhe actually has, so chances are he hasn't spilled and isn't going to. This deal the cops offer is a scam. They probably were going to have to release you both but your confessionjust guaranteed an easy conviction andjail time for both of you.
outcomes of the police Pig (game theory)
you silent + others silent = no one in jail, Pigs loose
you nark/confess + they nark/confess = everyone in jail, Pigs win
you silent + them nark/confess = you possible longjail or freedom, them medium or long jail, Pigs Win
911 is a Joke
If you find yourself in a situation in which common sense tells you to call in the cops for assistance or for your protection, think again. It is almost never a good idea to call the cops. They don't want to be bothered with your problems, and are more likely to make the situation worse for both parties in order to make you less likely to try to call them again in the future. As always they will always be snooping for probable cause to search and bust people living an alternative life.
Remain Silent
If stopped and questioned at a protest, rally, or the like, do not, under any circumstances admit to having ever done anything illegal. Despite the borderline legality, cops will often use the admission of a past crime as probable cause to search you, your car, your house, etc. They're on shaky legal ground when they do it, but if they find something, that ground becomes a lot less shaky. Also, if you're stopped seemingly randomly, and the officer starts asking a bunch of questions, you are under no obligation to answer. Chances are, ifhe's asking a ton of questions, he doesn't have probable cause, and is simply fishing for something that he can use.
Pig Lies
Cops will lie in order to make the situation worse. They will exaggerate claims ofboth parties, and invent statements from both parties. What they are hoping for is that one party will drop the charges. If that doesn't happen, the cops will simply not show up for the hearings. After a few hearings, the judge with simply throw out the case. Of course, if you miss a hearing, the cops will come to your house and arrest you. But cops are different. They are above the law. Don't ever forget that.
Remember what Bob Dylan said: "The cops don't need you and, man, they expect the same." Unless your life is literally at risk, do not call the cops.
Be Smart
Many busts are not the result of good police pigwork, rather it is the stupidity of activists that leads to the triumphant bust, or the bragging of someone who is not as wise as he is proud. Never make work easy for the pigs. Shoplifting, speeding, drug activity, and suspicious behavior after a job give the piggies an easy probable cause to search everything. If you or your comrades did something that could get any of you busted, keep it to yourself (You can always tell your grandkids about it after the Revolution). Once you are in the Can the piggies have plenty of time to run prints and photos from national databases, they will hang onto freaky looking kids for this reason.
Free Legal
If you're expecting hassles in court, it's best to get "pro bono" legal help. Lawyers have to provide a number of cases as charity work to keep their license, and the best way to get free legal help is to go to your local library and ask at the service desk about local pro bono legal sources. They'll probably direct you to a Legal Aid group.
Real Law VS CorpGov Rule
There are a few self-styled "patriots" who will claim to have some sort of silver-bullet approach to the legal system, citing all sorts of stuff that you've probably never heard of (like the gold fringe on the flag or your name in all capital letters has come secret meaning, or that the Federal Income Tax isn't Constitutional). While they may be well-meaning, sincere, and probably even correct (at least in theory), much of what they preach doesn't hold up in court and could get you slapped with Contempt. Just because what it does isn't "legal" doesn't mean the system can't enforce its will. Stick to a lawyer with his or her name on a shingle, or skip bond andGet the Hell Out ofDodge.
Your Rights When You Are Stopped or Confronted for Photography
Petty Crimes
The simplest way to avoid most contact with the corrupt legal system is to avoid petty crime. Most activist arrests and convictions leading to prison orjail are not for their activism or even direct actions, it is for shoplifting which society considers low and not matching with the high morals we claim to espouse.
Three Strikes
Look out for three-strikes laws which use two prior convictions like for fighting, even juvenile convictions, to lock a person up for 25 to life if they get busted again. These laws are criticized since it appears to give major incentive for a shoplifter to shoot the arresting cops since the sentence is sometimes the same, even the pigs are a little afraid of these stupid laws. If you have two prior convictions that could have been charged as feloniesGet the Hell Out ofDodge, the man wants you to go down for life. Might as well take a nice swipe at the man before you go though.
Original Legal Advice
Any discussion about what to do while waiting fur the lawyer has to be qualified by pointing out that from the moment of arrest through the court appearances, cops tend to disregard a defendant's rights. Nonetheless, you should play it according to the book whenever possible as you might get your case bounced out on a technicality. When you get busted, rule number one is that you have the right to remain silent. We advise that you give only your name and address. There is a legal dispute about whether or not you are obligated under the law to do even that, but most lawyers feel you should. The address can be that of a friend if you're uptight about the pigs knowing where you live.
When the pigs grab you, chances are they are going to insult you, rough you up a little and maybe even try to plant some evidence on you. Try to keep your cool. Any struggle on your part, even lying on the street limp, can be considered resisting arrest. Even if you beat the original charge, you can be found guilty of resisting and receive a prison sentence. Often if the pigs beat you, they will say that you attacked them and generally charge you with assault.
If you are stopped in the street on suspicion (which means you're black or have long hair), the police have the right to pat you down to see if you are carrying a weapon. They cannot search you unless they place you under arrest. Technically, this can only be done in the police station where they have the right to examine your possessions. Thus, if you are in a potential arrest situation, you should refrain from carrying dope, sharp objects that can be classified as a weapon, and the names and phone numbers of people close to you, like your dealer, your local bomb factory, and your friends underground.
Forget about talking your way out of it or escaping once you're in the car or paddy wagon. In the police station, insist on being allowed to call your lawyer. Getting change might be a problem so you should always have a few dimes hidden. Since many cases are dismissed because of this, you'll generally be allowed to make some calls, but it might take a few hours. Call a close friend and tell him to get all the cash that can be quickly raised and head down to the court house. Usually the police will let you know where you'll be taken. If they don't,just tell your friend what precinct you're being held at, and he can call the central police headquarters and find out what court you'll be appearing in. Ask your friend to also call a lawyer which you also should do if you get another phone call. Hang up and dial a lawyer or defense committee that has been set up for demonstrations. The lawyer will either come to the station or meet you in court depending on the severity of the charge and the likelihood you'll be beaten in the station. When massive demonstrations are occurring where a number ofbusts are anticipated, it's best to have lawyers placed in police stations in the immediate vicinity.
The lawyer will want to know as many details as possible of the case so try and concentrate on remembering a number of things since the pigs aren't going to let you take notes. If you can, remember the name and badge number of the fink that busted you. Sometimes they'll switch arresting officers on you. Remember the time, location of the bust and any potential witnesses that the lawyer might be able to contact.
If you are unable to locate a lawyer, don't panic, the court will assign you one at the time of the arraignment. Legal Aid lawyers are free and can usually do as good a jobas a private lawyer at an arraignment. Often they can do better, as the judge might set a lower bail ifhe sees you can't afford a private lawyer. The arraignment is probably the first place you'll find out what the charges are against you. There will also be a court date set and bail established. The amount ofbail depends on a variety of factors ranging from previous convictions to the judge's hangover. It can be put up in collateral, i.e., a bank book, or often there is a cash alternative offered which amounts to about 10% of the total bail.
Your friend should be in the court with some cash (at least a hundred dollars is recommended). For very high bail, there are the bail bondsmen in the area of the courthouse who will cover the bail for a fee,generally not to exceed 5%. You will need some signatures of solid citizens to sign the bail papers and perhaps put up some collateral.
Once you get bailed out, you should contact a private lawyer, preferably one that has experience with your type of case. If you are low on bread, check out one of the community or movement legal groups in your area. It is not advisable to keep the legal aid lawyer beyond the arraignment if at all possible.
If you're in a car or in your home, the police do not have a right to search the premises without a search warrant or probable cause. Do not consent to any search without a warrant, especially if there are witnesses around who can hear you. Without your consent, the pigs must prove probable cause in the court. It's unbelievable the number of defendants that not only come naked, but pull their own pants down. Make the cops kick in the door or break open the trunk themselves. You are under no obligation to assist them in collecting evidence, and helping them weakens your case.
Original Lawyers Group
National Lawyers Guild
The "Guild" provides various free legal services especially for political prisoners. If you have any legal hassles, call and see if they'll help you. You can call the one nearest you and get the name of a good lawyer in your area.
American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU is not as radical as the Guild, but will in rare instances provide good lawyers for a variety of civil liberty cases such as censorship, denial of permits to demonstrations, and the like. But beware of their tendency to win the legal point while losing the case. Here is a list of some of their larger offices.
Join the Army of Your Choice
Have your paperwork and excuses in order, the USA might be drafting again soon. Two years ago they were busy filling vacancies on volunteer draft boards across the USA. Earlier this year, a Democrat from NY proposed a bill that would institute a mandatory 2 year National Service requirement; either in the Army or in the Peace Corps. It is doubtful it will pass, but keep an eye on war-hawks from both parties preparing to enslave young Amerikans.
People have been known to cause injury to themselves to avoid the draft. One person, according to BoingBoing, had a buddy break his lower leg with a dumbbell in order to avoid deployment to the desert. This is a good idea, normally, as long as your injury is relatively controlled. It's better to live with a slight limp for the rest of your life than live with PTSD and no leg, or worse, especially when you're not fighting for anything except the interests of the CEO of Amerika.
With so many Amerikans diagnosed with "symptoms" like ADHD, clinical depression, or others sponsored by the Medical Empire, tell a shrink that you're depressed. Research the symptoms, tailor them to your needs, and chances are you'll get an Army ban/deferment and a script you can sell on the black market.
Right now, the army still excludes open homosexuals from serving. If a buddy doesn't mind (offer him a case ofbrew and tell him you'll never see him again...chances are he'll comply), hold hands in the waiting room and act like a legit gay couple. Until the Bush Empire is overthrown by the Clinton Empire, chances are you won't be drafted and will be barred from serving Uncle Sam until "Don't ask, don't tell" is killed.
Original Join the Army of Your Choice
The first rule of our new Nation prohibits any of us from serving in the army of a foreign power with which we do not have an alliance. Since we exist in a state of war with the Pig Empire, we all have a responsibility to beat the draft by any means necessary.
First check out your medical history. Review every chronic or long-term illness you ever had. Be sure to put down all the serious infections like mono or hep. Next, make note of your physical complications. When you have assembled a complete list, get a copy ofPhysical Deferments or one of the other draft counseling manuals and see if you qualify. If you have a legitimate deferment, document it with a letter from a doctor.
The next best deal is a Conscientious Objection status (C.O.) or a psychiatric deferment (psycho). The laws have been getting progressively broader in defining C.O. status during the past few year s. The most recent being, "sincere moral objections to war," without necessarily a belief in a supreme being. There are general guidelines sent out by the National Office of Selective Service that say it is a matter of conscience. The decision, however, is still pretty much in the hands of the local board. Visit a Draft Counseling Center if you feel you have a chance for this type of story. They'll know how your local board tends to rule. There are still some more cases to be heard by the Supreme Court before objection to a particular war is allowed or disallowed. It is not grounds for deferment as of now.
Psychos are our specialty. Chromosome damage has totally wiped out our minds when it comes to concentrating on killing innocent people in Asia. When you get your invite tojoin the army, there are lots of ways you can prepare yourself mentally. Begin by staggering up to a cop and telling him you don't know who you are or where you live. He'll arrange for you to be chauffeured to the nearest mental hospital. There you repeat your performance, dropping the clue that you have used LSD in the past, but you aren't sure if you're on it now or not. In due time, they'll put you up for the night. When morning comes, you bounce out ofbed, remember who you are, swear you'll never drop acid again and thank everyone who took care of you. Within a few hours, you'll be discharged. Don't be uptight about thinking how they'll lock you up forever cause you really are nuts. The hospitals measure victories by how quickly they can throw you out the door. They are all overcrowded anyway.
In most areas, a one-night stand in a mental hospital is enough to convince the shrink at the induction center that you're capable of eating the flesh of a colonel. Just before you go, see a
sympathetic psychiatrist and explain your sad mental shape. He'll get verification that you did time in a hospital and include it in his letter, that you'll take along to the induction center.
When you get to the physical examination, a high point in any young man's life, there are lots of things working in your favor. Here, long hair helps; the army doesn't want to bother with troublemakers. Remember this even though a tough looking sergeant runs down bullshit about "how they're gonna fix your ass" and "anybody with a trigger finger gets passed." He's just auditioning for the Audie Murphy movies, so don't believe anything he lays down.
Talk to the other guys about how rotten the war in Vietnam is and how if you get forced to go, you'll end up shooting some officers. Tell them you'd like the training so you can come back and take up with the Weathermen.
Check off as many items as can't be verified when given the forms. Suicide, dizzy spells, bedwetting, dope addiction, homosexuality, hepatitis. Be able to drop a few symptoms on the psychiatrist to back up your story of rejection by a cold and brutal society that was indifferent, from a domineering father that beat you, and mother that didn't understand anything. Be able to trace your history ofbad family relationships, your taking to the streets at 15 and eventually your getting "hooked." Let him "pry" things out of you if possible. Show him your letter if you had the foresight to get one.
Practice a good story before you go for the physical with someone who has already beat the system. If your local board is fucked up, you can transfer to an area that disqualifies almost everyone who wants out, such as the New York City boards. If you can't think of anything you can always get FUCK ARMY tattooed on the outside of the baby finger of your right hand and give the tough sergeant a snappy salute and a hearty "yes sir!"*
If unfortunately you get hauled in. The Army gives you a life insurance policy. By making Dan Berrigan or Angela Davis the beneficiary you might avoid front-line duty.
Canada Sweden and Political Asylum
Switzerland, Sweden, Other Nations & Political Asylum
Canada in the post 9-11 era signed an extradition treaty with the USA that would send back any future draft dodgers. In the event of a future draft, the Canadian government - currently dominated by the right-wing Tories, similar to America's Republican Party - would be inhospitable to those fleeing a US draft. OfEnglish-speaking nations, New Zealand appears to be the most likely to provide some measure ofhospitality to future draft dodgers, due to PM Helen Clark's strident opposition towards Bush/Blair foreign policy, a political culture well to the left of any other country in the Anglosphere, and generous immigration laws which give English speakers an advantage.
Sweden during the Vietnam War did provide asylum to US draft dodgers. It is unclear whether that would be the case in a future draft. The Swedes do have a long history of tolerance towards foreign dissidents but a harsh anti-immigration mood in the country, caused by ethnic-religious tensions involving Muslim immigrants, may change this in the future.
Switzerland accepted a small number ofUS draft dodgers as refugees during Vietnam, tolerated the presence of many more, and has a long history of accepting foreign political refugees (as well as a thriving counterculture). The authorities are generally unconcerned about Americans living there ; they are more concerned about illegal Moroccans and Algerians rather than people from the USA. Ethnic-religious tensions caused as a result of the arrival ofMuslim immigrants, while extant, seem to be at a lesser level than the rest of Western Europe. Given the Swiss' long history of political neutrality, Switzerland may prove to be a future option in case of the draft coming back. Unlike the other countries mentioned, however, it would be best to know either French or German to fit in. Setting up a sham marriage is the best way to get into a European country. A like minded female (or even male in some countries) friend can marry you, granting you instant citizenship to their nation of origin.
If you're just looking to get the hell out of dodge and move to a better place, other english-speaking countries are a very good start. Australia, New Zealand and the UK now have tough immigration laws, but if your an Amerikan with a good job skill and you can give the immigration people a good impression, you'll probably get in and make big bucks. Canada is OK, but their immigration requirements are strict and until you're a citizen, you'll probably be forced to drive a cab or sell hamburgers as most skilled employment has a "Canadians First" policy. All three of these countries are accepting oflike-minded Amerikans, with Australia probably the most accepting. Sweden has a very open-immigration policy even today. However, you'll probably be unable to get welfare money until you are a permanent resident. If you offed somebody, definietly go to Sweden. They will more than likely refuse to extradite you to a state with a death penalty statute.
China while an integeral part of the tidy little corpgov facist system is hardly part of the republicrat empire. You can get free transportation and housing as well as a salary in exchange for teaching English. There is no extradition treaty and quite a few high tech firms that will hire Americans. Beware Hong Kong does have extradition with the USA!
If you are in trouble a casual stroll against the tide of workers headed norte will land you in sunny mexico soon to be absorbed along with Canada by the Bushista empire, for now once across the border you can head toward an airport and freedom elsewhere. Mexico will deport non-Mexican citizens to the USA.
If you are Jewish or Israeli Arab or a decendant you can run to Israel while your wasp friends are stuck. Israel has very limited extradition but may try you for the crime andjail you there.
Original Canada, Sweden & Political Asylum
If you've totally fucked up your chances of getting a deferment or already are in the service and considering ditching, there are some things that you should know about asylum.
There are three categories of countries that you should be interested in if you are planning to ship out to avoid the draft or a serious prison term. The safest countries are those with which Amerika has mutual offense treaties such as Cuba, North Korea and those behind the so-called Iron Curtain. The next safest are countries unfriendly to the U.S. but suffer the possibility of a military coup which might radically affect your status. Cambodia is a recent example of a border-line country. Some cats hijacked a ship bound for Vietnam and went to Cambodia where they were granted asylum. Shortly thereafter the military with a good deal ofhelp from the CIA, took over and now the cats are in jail. Algeria is currently a popular sanctuary in this category.
Sweden will provide political asylum for draft dodgers and deserters. It helps to have a passport, but even that isn't necessary since they are required by their own laws to let you in. There are now about 35,000 exiles from the Pig Empire living in Sweden. The American Deserters Committee, Upplandsgaten 18, Stockholm, phone 08-344663, will provide you with immediate help, contacts and procedural information once you get there. If you enter as a tourist with a passport, you canjust go to the local police station, state you are seeking asylum and fill out a form. It's that simple. They stamp your passport and this allows you to hustle rent and food from the Swedish Social Bureau. It takes six months for you to get working papers that will permit you to get employment, but you can live on welfare until then with no hassle. The following places can be contacted, for additional help. They are all in Stockholm:
Reverend Tom Hayes 82-42-11 or 21-45-86
Kristina Nystrom of the Social Bureau 08-230570
Bengt Suderstrom 31-84-32 (legal)
Hans-GoranFranck 10-25-02(legal)
Canada does not offer political asylum but they do not support the U.S. foreign policy in Southeast Asia so they allow draft dodgers and deserters to the current tune of 50,000 to live there unmolested. Do not tell the officials at the border that you are a deserter or draft dodger, as they will turn you in. Pose as a visitor. To work in Canada you have to qualify for landed immigration status under a point system.
There will be a number ofbackground questions asked and you have to score 50 points or better to pass and qualify. You get one point for each year of formal education, 10 points if you have a professional skill, 10 points for being between 18-35 years of age, more points for having a Canadian home andjob waiting for you, for knowing English or French and a whopping 15 points for having a stereotyped middle class appearance and life-style. Letters from a priest or rabbi will help here. Some entry points are easier than others. Kingsgate, for example,just north ofMontana is very good on weekdays after 10:00 P.M.
The best approach if you are considering going to Canada is to write or, better still, visit the Montreal Council to Aid War Resisters, Case Postale 5, Westmount, Montreal, 215 Quebec or American Deserters Committee, 3837 Blvd., Saint Laurent, St. Louis, Montreal 3, Quebec. They will provide you with the latest info on procedures and the problems ofliving in Canada as a war resister. If you can't make it up there, see a local anti-war organization for counseling. If you are already in the army, you should find out all you need to know before you ditch. It's best to cross the border while you're on leave as it might mean the difference between going AWOL and desertion if you decide to come back. In any event, no one should renounce their citizenship until they have qualified for landed immigration status as that would classify the person as a non-resident and make it possible for the Canadian police to send you back, which on a few rare occasions has happened.
Because there have been few cases of fugitives from the U.S. seeking political asylum, there is not a clear and ample formula that can be stated. Germany, France, Belgium and Sweden will often offer asylum for obvious political cases but each case must be considered individually. Go there incognito. Contact a movement organization or lawyer and have them make application to the government. Usually they will let you stay if you promise not to engage in political organizing in their country. In any event if they deport you these countries are good enough to let you pick the country to which you desire to be sent.
We feel it's our obligation to let people know that life in exile is not all a neat deal, not by a long shot. You are removed from the struggle here at home, the problems of finding work are immense and the customs of the people are strange to you. Most people are unhappy in exile. Many return, some turn themselves in and others come back tojoin the growing radical underground making war in the belly of the great white whale.
Organise a Labor Union
Starting Out
Find a few coworkers that are reliable and leadership potential, they will form the core of your unionization effort. You need to discuss grievances and workplace issues, as well as choosing to go with an established labor union or to form you own collective bargaining group.
You will need to get representatives established in all areas and work shifts of your workplace. this is the time to quietly educate these organizers and future leaders about the likely anti-union effort that will surely follow the discovery of your organizing effort. Be sure to include minorities and subcultures in your leadership recruiting. If possible obtain an employee phone list and note their work area and shift. Obtain as much employer information as you can, find out about previous unionization attempts and corporate officer history with unions. You will need to know the parent company, and composition of the board of directors. If you want to get outside union assistance you will need to decide which best matches your workplace, product, and employee specialization.
Develop a list of demands for use in negotiations including even small requests that can be bargained away. Concurrently have a workplace education program to combat employer misinformation and to educate on the importance of organizing.
Start a union card sign up effort. Once started this needs to be a quick and furious effort to get the largest majority possible of workers to sign up.
These union cards are required to be signed collected so that you can go to the state or federal labor board and force your employer to enter into negotiations. It will take a few weeks for the labor board to determine who can vote and set up the election. You need to continue your education efforts during this period as your employer fights to keep the union out.
Once you win the election and have the union in the real work starts. You will begin negotiating a contract with your employer. Look at what other unions in similar fields have gotten in their workplaces, you will need to take the economic health of the business into account when demanding some things like insurance or pay increases.
One of the major purposes of a union is to pursue individual and group grievances whether they are covered by the collective bargaining contract or not. If you receive a reprimand or are fired the first call should be to your union which should have a lawyer on retainer and a trained shop steward who is available at all large locations and on all shifts. Your union may not be able to protect you in all cases especially for stealing caught on tape.
The National Labor Relations Act gives you the right to organize a union in your workplace. You Have the Right to:
Participate in meetings to discuss j oining a union
Distribute, read and discuss union literature (in non-work areas during breaks and lunch time)
Wear union buttons, stickers, t-shirts, and hats to show support for the union
Sign a union membership card and demand union recognition
Circulate and sign petitions
Join together in other activities to protest unfair treatment or demand improvements in wages, hours and working conditions
Organize employees to support the union, sign union cards, or to file grievances.
These rights are protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (and similar state laws), which gives you the right tojoin or support a union.
Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) you have the legal right to form a union in your workplace. The NLRA says:
Section 7: "Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form,join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representation of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining ...."
Section 8(a): "It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7...."
Using an Established Union to Represent You
If you choose an established major labor union your dues will likely be lower for the services provided and you will have access to a larger legal framework and strike fund. The reasons for choosing to organize on you own include being unable to find a union willing to support your location, size, or demands. Realize that the labor board and corporations will expect a level of professionalism and an idealistic but non-business savvy radical will usually not be allowed to turn negotiations into a bully pulpit at the expense ofhis union brothers and sisters.
It is important to be realistic when negotiation in behalf of your union workers. The easiest concessions to obtain are those that don not cost the company any money.
Safety and worker retention are the most important emphasis, demand strong protections and arbitration in cases of workers being fired.
It is important to include throw away demands in your initial list the company will surely have over requested on their counter offer. Know how much your demands will cost the company when determining if they are realistic. Never believe company cost estimates, hire an expert who is not swayed by the company to evaluate realistic costs of the changes you are requesting.
Your negotiation opposite has both a personals as well as a corporate stake in these negotiations. If you can find out what points will get him the biggest bonus or that he has a personal passion for it will make planning you strategy easier.
Our major threat when in collective bargaining negotiations is that we can deny the company their trained and skilled workers. Once negotiations break down and deadlines are not met we call for a strike. The intent is not to destroy the business but to bring them back to the bargaining table.
Strike Fund
It is important that there be a fund established with the monthly dues to cover striking workers basic needs, it is usually a percentage of normal pay. It is advisable to arrange low or no interest loans to help workers with regular expenses. A large business fears a union with a fat strike fund.
When the company is injured by our walkout they will try to scab over the damage by calling in temporary workers and use management to keep the business running. Try to keep track of scabs and their identity, especially keep track of union workers who cross the picket lines. Laws may differ on what can be included in the new contract to penalize scabs.
If there is a continuing strike or the company fires its striking workers it may become useful to call for a general boycott. A boycott is a last ditch measure because it can cause permanent reduction in the business of the company you want to return to work for. Working with other unions to inform their members, placing newspaper and radio adds as well as continuing picketing in front of the company and its customers will help enforce the boycott with concerned individuals.
Terms of Settlement
Most union settlements contain not only an agreement ofbenefits, rights, and compensation to union employees, but to the extent allowed by law also attempt to make the shop union exclusive. The company can be forced to only hire employees who will join the union, it can also be forced to recognise the union as the sole collective bargaining agent for the employees in order to prevent sneaky deals or union breaking.
Union as a Vehicle for Radicalism
The labor union is one of the most radical and practical ideas to appear in the nineteenth century where coal and steam baron capitalists were growing fat on the dangerous sweat shop labor of the industrial revolution. Even today a good union representative or shop steward should use their post as a place to educate the employees of the importance of collective bargaining and workers rights.
Prisoner Support
Legal Aid
Fund raising for competent legal representation is the best way to win an early release. Find a competent lawyer and keep them on the appeals and parole process.
Outside Support
Ask about prison rules regarding:
What can and cannot be sent in the mail
Prisoners rights to private objects and clothing
What are the prisoners rights to send communications
Arrangements for release
Find out what is permissible to send, sometimes you can even send books or clothing in the mail. Never send something that is not allowed as this may cost your prisoner their mail privileges. It is important to see that any special dietary needs are met it might be possible to send funds to the prison to provide vegan or religious meals. Just sending personal letters on new paper and envelopes is a major morale boost to your prisoner, of course followSecurity Cultureat all times. Sending extra paper and stamped envelopes might be a way to save your prisoner money when communicating.
Letter Campaigns
If you can get a large letter writing campaign together it can actually have a major effect on the chances of your prisoner in being released. It is best to address local and regional representatives. If there is a judge or parole board chairperson that can be written to this might also be useful. You must advise your letter writers especially the regulars to be respectful and to the point. Long letters are almost never read in full. Short, respectful, clear, and concise are the rules
Do whatever you can to keep the incarceration of your prisoner at the front of the minds of their support group and sympathetic members of society. public demonstration, picketing, and posters are good ideas if they will provoke sympathy. It is important to avoid publicity in places where people might stongly support continued imprisonment.
If possible try to arrange visits from friends as often as possible, if the prisoner has a spouse or partner on the outside try to collect funds for travel and petition for regular conjugal visits. It is a good idea to be in contact with the prisoners clergy and the chaplain at the prison as they have some power over visitation in some prisons.
Adopt a Prisoner
Even if nobody in your group has been imprisoned it does not mean you do not have a responsibly to the larger movement. Contact prisoner support circles and larger radical groups, but remember the most forgotten prisoners are those that come from small or broken up organizations.
Links Support/
Steal Now Pay Never
Beware the temptation to be a petty shoplifter. You are truly resisting oppression, not just being an angry wannabe revolutionary. Even an angry youth, once fingerprinted, will be in the database for life. How many promising brothers and sisters have successfully fought a political persecution only to be later sent behind bars for a maximum sentence on a shoplifting charge. To lower ourselves in the eyes of the public demeans our cause. We are not in the 60's anymore - we need leaders that inspire popular resistance to the corpgov. Be aware of modern technique for only the worst of emergencies.
Consider the story of Tre Arrow a leader in the eco-green movement who was slapped with some arson charges in 2001 to get him out of circulation. After escaping safely to Canada he is at the time of this writing sitting in a Canadian prison, fighting for assylum against the Canadian courts who want to deport him to the United States. All for being caught shoplifting bolt cutters. If the movement needs something so badly let a low level noob do the shoplifting.
This book/wiki is no substitute for knowing both the laws and enforcement of those laws in the different states and localities. For example some states allow store employees to make a citizens arrestfor shoplifting and in others they can talk tough and hope you stick around until a sworn law enforcement officer arrives to collect you. Understand that an officer will usually not take an employee infor assault or false imprisonment even if he did improperly apprehendyou.
Many stores offer store credit for questionable returns in lieu of cash. If you return a "questionable" item at one of these stores, keep in mind that the credit can be used to purchase a variety of small items, each of which may be exchanged for cash.
Found Receipts
Many consumers simply throw away their receipts at the door. With some preparation one can lift items from a store with this policy. Simply lift an item that matches a discarded receipt and exchange it for store credit for a legal purchase.
Alternatively, buy something big (e.g, a DVD player) then take it outside the store for a bit. An hour or so later, return it to the same clerk, but avoidgiving them the receipt. This leaves you with a recent receipt for a large, valuable item while you're in the store. Pluck one from the shelves and put it in the store bag (which you kept,) along with the receipt. Walk out the door. The alarm will sound, they will check your bag, find the receipt and maybe perform a quick pat-down search. Finding nothing else, they will (ideally) write it off as a malfunction and let you go.
Trespass and Burgalary
If you are caught and documented the management will often ban you from the property (even if they don't call the cops on you.) If you are banned from a store, don’t go back! If you do, you can be charged with trespassing. If you return and steal something, you will be charged with burglary, a serious felony.
A lot of "big box superstores", especially Target, have taken to posting fake cops (in corp-speak, they're called LP, or "loss prevention" agents.) They're actuallyjust normal rent-a-cops, but they're dressed up in cute little dark blue uniforms -- so if you don't look closely at the nametag, you might mistake them for real pigs. They're not -- they're just little pretend piglets. They're instructed to "act with full authority" when confronting shoplifters. While Target, etc. do not condone the impersonation of a police officer, these piglets don't seem to have any problem letting people believe they're the real deal. Don't fall for it. Ignore the uniform, and don't consent to anything. For added fun when confronted by a piglet, ask him ifhe is a police officer. Ifhe responds "no", then ask "then why do you look like one?" Responses (and therefore entertainment value) may vary. Most LP are pig-wannabes, but occasionally you can find a security guard that is as disgruntled as you are. Watch for these guys. Get to know them if you can. They can be a valuable resource.
Know the laws of your state, in most places when proper procedure is followed a uniformed or plainclothes loss prevention agent or even a regular employee may perform a citizens arrest when they witness a crime, this includes the right to restrain you until the cops show up. Even in states where normal store employees are denied citizens arrest rights a licensed and bonded security officer (rent-a-pig) is given power to make an arrest under certain conditions. Expect the real pigs to be lenient on the rent-a-pig and take you to the station and book you even if the LP really screws up your arrest. Like mentioned above, NEVER show any respect to a rent-a-pig, unless he is arresting you he has no power beyond asking you to leave.
Employee Arrest
Once a employee crosses the line and arrests you (detains you) they usually have the right to pat you for weapons for their own safety. This might be your chance for a lawsuit, but don't expect it to end up fruitful, the system and most juries are against "another shoplifting punk". If they do search you, even without your permission, since it was not a real cop going too far, it is often admissible evidence in court.
Tag Scanner
Setting off a security tag scanner near the door does not give any employee the right to search you(there are too many false alerts for this to be probable cause in most jurisdictions), so if you trip an alarm, refuse the request to search your bag or person. If they stop you, ask if you are under arrest. If you are not under arrest, then you should 1) get rid of anything you may have tried to lift, and 2) leave the store immediately. If you do not actually exit the store with their property, you probably cannot be charged with shoplifting(be careful these stores might have dishonest agents or there might be a security scanner or "past the cash register" clause in the state or local law) — so remember: if you're caught before you leave, DON'T RUN OUTSIDE! Simply ditch the goods and then get away clean. If you have no stolen goods on your person make a big deal of not allowing a search, if they falsely imprison you get witnesses and sue them into bankruptcy.
NEVER CARRY OR STEAL ANYTHING THAT COULD BE CONSIDERED A WEAPON if you decide to shoplift, unless you want to spend a few years in a medium to high security state hotel.
This section presents some general guidelines on thievery to put you ahead of the impulse swiping. With some planning ahead, practice and a little nerve, you can pick up on some terrific bargains.
Being a successful shoplifter requires the development of an outlaw mentality. When you enter a store you should already have cased the joint so don't browse around examining all sorts ofitems, staring over your shoulder and generally appearing like you're about to snatch something and are afraid of getting caught. Enter, having a good idea of what you want and where it's located.
Camouflage is important. Be sure you dress the part by looking like an average customer. If you are going to rip-off expensive stores (why settle for less), act like you have a chauffeur driven car double parked around the corner. A good rule is dress in the style and price range of the clothes, etc., you are about to shoplift. The reason we recommend the more expensive stores is that they tend to have less security guards, relying instead on mechanical methods or more usually onjust the sales people. Many salespeople are uptight about carrying out a bust if they catch you. A large number are thieves themselves, in fact one good way to steal is simply explain to the salesclerk that you're broke and ask if you can take something without paying. It's a great way to radicalize shop personnel by rapping to them about why they shouldn't give a shit if the boss gets ripped off.
The best time to work out is on a rainy, cold day during a busy shopping season. Christmas holiday is a shoplifter's paradise. In these periods you can wear heavy overcoats or loose raincoats without attracting suspicion. The crowds of shoppers will keep the nosy "can-I-help-you's" from fucking up your style.
Since you have already checked out the store before hitting it, you'll know the store's "blind-spots" where you can be busy without being observed too easily. Dressing rooms, blind alley aisles and washrooms are some good spots. Know where the cashier's counter is located, where the exits to the street and storage rooms are to be found, and most important, the type of security system in use.
If you are going to snatch in the dressing room, be sure to carry more than one item in with you. Don't leave tell-tale empty hangers behind. Take them out and ditch them in the aisles.
An increasingly popular method of security is a small shoplifting plastic detector attached to the price tag. It says "Do Not Remove" and if you do, it electronically triggers an alarm in the store. If you try to make it out the door, it also trips the alarm system. When a customer buys the item, the cashier removes the detector with a special deactivation machine. When you enter the store, notice if the door is rigged with electronic eyes. They are often at the waist level, which means if the item is strapped to your calf or tucked under your hat, you can walk out without a peep from the alarm. If you trigger the alarm either inside the store or at the threshold,just dash offlickety-split. The electronic eyes are often disguised as part of the decor. By checking to see what the cashier does with merchandise bought, you can be sure if the store is rigged. Other methods are undercover pigs that look like shoppers, one-way mirrors and remote control television cameras. Undercover pigs are expensive so stores are usually understaffed. Just watch out (without appearing to watch out) that no one observes you in action. As to mirrors and cameras there are always blind spots in a store created when displays are moved around, counters shifted, and boxes piled in the aisles. Mirrors and cameras are rarely adjusted to fit these changes. Don't get turned offby this security jazz. The percentage of stores that have sophisticated security systems such as those described is very small. If you work out at lunch time, the security guards and many of the sales personnel will be out of the store. Just before closing is also good, because the clerks are concentrating on going home.
By taking only one or two items, you can prevent a bust if caught by just acting like a dizzy klepto socialite getting kicks or use the "Oh-gee-I-forgot-to-pay" routine. Stores don't want to hassle going into court to press charges, so they usually let you go after you return the stuff. If you thought ahead, you'll have some cash ready to pay for the items you've pocketed, if caught. Leave your I.D. and phone book at home before going shopping. People rarely go tojail for shoplifting, most if caught never even see a real cop. Just lie like a fucker and the most you'll get is a lecture on law and order and a warning not to come back to that store or else.
Just Run!
The simplest technique ever! Most of the time, if you walk into a store, grab what you need/want/can sell, and tear ass out at top speed, you'll get away. They likely won't chase you too far, especially if you look dangerous, and you'll be long gone by the time the fuzz shows up. Don't try this in a mall or big department store though. They have private pigs, automatically-locking doors, etc.. Once you're out the door, you either have a buddy waiting with a ride (dangerous, as they may catch the license plate), duck into an alley or building, orjust book it on foot until you're sure they're not chasing you anymore.
Most of the time, though, this is a bad idea. Running calls attention to you, and unless you are sure you can get away, you're going to be between a rock and a hard spot. If you decide to use this technique, be sure tojudge your target beforehand, and map out a route and a back-up route. And remember - if you do get caught, you have no excuse.
Emergency Exit
You will have to brave an alarm once you open the door (unless you fixed the yelper box with a screwdriver or nail earlier) but there is often little security on watch in back, and lots of emergency exits. Have a fast get-away plan ready. If you have a security tail you had better be faster than them since there may be no witnesses in the back.
Brick in the Wal
After a recent national news article there are those who claim it's a fact that Walmart doesn't prosecute the "average" shoplifter for values under $20, Walmart disputes this allegation in a follow up article. Of course, if you're caught more than once, you'll probably be charged. The truth is like in most stores it is up to the store detective and corporate rules, since the early 90's some stores have a company policy that if the security makes a stop they must prosecute no matter how small the theft else the security agent will themselves be fired, this is to prevent bribes or sexual favors being traded for freedom. Many stores also post "arrest" information on a commercial databases separate from what the police use, this may be used bay subscribers for pre-employment and other background checks as well as when evaluating busted shoplifters.
That said, keep in mind this fact about stealing clothes from retailers: an increasing number of clothing manufacturers are being forced by companies like Walmart to embed RFID chips in their fabric. These chips are used ostensibly for inventory control, but they are not large chips that can be removed easily. Keep this in mind as the government (which is closely associated with all corporations - the larger the better) continues to slide down the slippery slope of information technology on a heavily greased sled. The good news is once stores are all RFID you can take your RFID reader/writer and reprogram the Gucci stuff to Pucchi prices.
An easy way to lift shoes is to try them on, then have a friend "find" you and show you something in another aisle. Then, simply walk out! Everything from $140 pairs ofDoc Marten boots to $10 faux Converses have been "bought" in this manner.
Under Cover
Another incredibly easy way to get clothes is to simply wear them out under a sweater or another pair of pants. This is particularly effective with underwear and tshirts, and works best in less high- end stores. Remember to choose a corner stall, as these are less likely to have a security camera hovering above.
The "Confidence” Method
This method involves you picking up one or two larger items (vcr's, DVD players, boom-boxes etc. work great for this one) and wandering around the store with them as though you bought them and are looking for something else. After a few minutes, and once you are far enough away from the department where you swiped it, walk out the door with all the confidence in the world (you may want to staple on a phony reciept). They might even hold the door. If you have confidence, and look like a good customer, this might work.
Not a 100% free method, but a damn good one. Simply put, you find a cheap item with a large box, an area of the store without cameras, and a bunch of small, expensive items. Get the stuff you need, and carefully move it all into the store's blindspot. Make sure that it's not obvious you're doing this... if it is, then employees will probably tail you. Once it's all there, open the large box, pack in the small stuff (but make sure it can't rattle around!) and close up the box. Pay for the large item. Alternatively, you can use slight ofhand to sneak small, flatish items into the box without fully opening it. Some sufficiently talented fighters have been able to do this in full view of cameras and employees and not get caught -- but don't be too cocky, or you'll likely get caught.
Have a partner draw off security by singing into the PA system, openly stuffing things into his shirt but not leaving, or yelling at a clerk up front, the scene needs to take long enough that security attention will be drawn away.
Stealing Makeup
Makeup isn't a necessity, and does not benefit any real cause but big business and animal testing, so don't buy it if you don't have to! Usually at stores such as CVS or Rite Aide, the there is a LOT of makeup to choose from, and it covers almost floor to ceiling. This gives you a lot of ways to use your body to hide what you're doing, especially the lower you get. Wear long, looser sleeves (coats work well). Be aware of where cameras are, and try to shield what you're doing- stuffing eyeshadows, eyeliners, loose lipsticks and mascaras up your sleeves. You have awhile to do this- most people take a long time picking out makeup- so take your time to pick your own out. When you're done, pick a cheap eyeshadow or something like that, buy it as a cover, and walk right out.
Mail Call
In big shops like Walmart, there's often a postoffice or parcel service counter somewhere insinde the shopping area. So you canjust take a cardboard box, fill it with stuff you want to have, close the box and mail it to yourself, other people, or to places where you can pick it up later. One guy did this to make a living for months. He specialized in DVDs, which he sold on eBay.
Double Team
This technique requires two people of the same gender, preferably women, as purses draw less attention than bulges in pants pockets. One person walks in the store, looks around for a minute and grabs some items as if they intend to purchase them. That person then goes to use the restroom, gets in a stall and unwraps the packaging of the items (as long as there's no one else in there). You walk in a few minutes later and go straight to the restroom. You should remember the shoes of your accomplice and go to the stall next to them. They hand you the unwrapped item under the stall, put the box and any electronic anti-theft devices in the upper part of the toilet, and leave. You leave a minute later, pretend to look for soup or somthing to ease suspicion (if you're paranoid) and leave the store.
They have no reason to search you, so (ideally) they can't. If pigs search your accomplice (going into the restroom with unpaid items provides probable cause) he or she will be free to go because they have no stolen items on their person.
Sidewalk Sales
Sidewalk sales, especially major ones that allow customers to freely roam in and out of the store with merchandise, are money. There are several reasons for this. First of all, anything that's outside is outside the range of most store cameras and all electronic shoplifting detectors. Second, it's way easier to talk your way out ofbeing considered a "shoplifter." If there are products outside the store, salespeople will actually buy the "Oh, Ijust forgot to pay!" excuse, or the "Really? You can't take in-store items out while you're looking at the sale items? I had no idea!" explanation. Sometimes you can even get away with telling the clerk that you own the item in question. If you sound really offended, and say things like "I can't believe you're accusing me of theft! I purchased this item when I was here last time!" or "I OWN this, thankyouverymuch", they tend to be afraid of calling your bullshit. You can alsojust storm off if they bother you too much, and they probably won't chase you. Third, if they put up blockers or turn off their usual electronic detection devices, you can steal ANYTHING by simply taking it and walking out. The people in the store will assume you're browsing the sale products, and the people outside will think you already paid. It helps to have a bag from that store on hand, but it's not necessary. Fourth, that crap is on sale because they want to get rid of it. They actually sort of want you to steal it, so they're not going to try too hard to catch you.
One place that does this with some regularity is Urban Outfitters, which is nice because some of their shit is cool but way overpriced. Lots of random local stores do this too, but if you rip off a small business, make sure you're jacking the man's profits, and not your fellow workers. It's only polite.
The lining of a bulky overcoat or loose raincoat can be elaborately outfitted with a variety of custom-made large pockets. The openings to these pockets are not visible since they are inside the coat. The outside pockets can be torn out leaving only the opening or slit. Thus you can reach your hand (at counter level) through the slit in your coat and drop obj ects into the secret pockets sewn into the lining. Pants can also be rigged with secret pockets. The idea is to let your fingers do the walking through the slit in your coat, while the rest of the body remains the casual browser. You'll be amazed at how much you can tuck away without any noticeable bulge.
Another method is to use a hidden belt attached to the inside of your coat or pants. The belt is specially designed with hooks or clothespins to which items can be discretely attached. Ditching items into hidden pockets requires a little cunning. You should practice before a mirror until you get good at it.
A good idea is to work with a partner. Dig this neat duet. A man and woman walk into a store together looking like a respectable husband and wife. The man purchases a good belt or shirt and engages the salesman in some distracting conversation as he rings up the sale. Meanwhile, back in the aisle, "wife" is busy rolling up two or three suits. Start from the bottom while they are still on the rack and roll them up, pants andjackets together, the way you would roll a sleeping bag. The sleeves are tied around the roll making a neat little bundle. The bundle is then tucked between your thighs. The whole operation takes about a minute and with some practice you can walk for hours with a good size bundle between your legs and not appear like youjust shit in your pants. Try this with a coat on in front of a mirror and see how good you get at it.
Another team method is for one or more partners to distract the sales clerks while the other stuffs. There are all sorts of theater skits possible. One person can act drunk or better still appear to be having an epileptic fit. Two people can start a fight with each other. There are loads of ways,just remember how they do it in the next spy movie you see.
One of the best gimmicks around is the packaging technique. Once you have the target item in hand, head for the fitting room or other secluded spot. Take out a large piece of gift wrapping and ribbon. Quickly wrap up the item so it will look like you brought it in with you. Many stores have their own bags and staple the cash register receipt to the top of the bag when you make a purchase. Get a number of these bags by saving them if you make a purchase or dropping around to the receiving department with a request for some bags for your Christmas play or something. Next collect some sales receipts, usually from the sidewalk or trash cans in front of the store. Buy or rip- off a small pocket stapler for less than a dollar. When you get the item you want, drop it in the bag and staple it closed, remembering to attach the receipt. This is an absolutely perfect method and takes just a few seconds. It eliminates a lot of unsightly bulges in your coat and is good for warmweather heisting.
A dummy shopping bag can be rigged with a bit of ingenuity. The idea is to make it look like the bag is full when there's still lots of room left. Use strips of cardboard taped to the inside of the bag to give it some body. Remember to carry it like it's filled with items, not air. Professional heisters often use a "booster box," usually a neatly wrapped empty package with one end that opens upon touch. This is ideal for electrical appliances,jewelry, and even heavy items such as portable television sets. The trick side can be fitted with a spring door so once the toaster is inside the door slams shut. Don't wear a black hat and cape and go around waving a wand yelling "Abracadabra," just be your usual shlep shopper self. If you can manage it, the trick side just can be an opening without a trick door. Just carry the booster box with the open side pressed against your body. Briefcases, suitcases and other types of carrying devices can all be made to hold items. Once you have something neatly tucked away in a bag or box, it's pretty hard to prove you didn't come in with it.
Original ON THE JOB
By far the easiest and most productive method of stealing is on the job. Wages paid to delivery boys, sales clerks, shippers, cashiers and the like are so insulting that stealing really is a way of maintaining self-respect. If you are set on stealing the store dry when you apply for the job, begin with your best foot forward. Make what employment agencies call a "good appearance." Exude cleanliness, Godliness, sobriety and all the other WASPy virtues third grade teachers insist upon. Building up a good front will eliminate suspicion when things are "missing."
Mail clerks and delivery boys can work all sorts of neat tricks. When things get a little slow, type up some labels addressed to yourself or to close friends and play Santa Claus. Wrap yourself a few packages or take one that is supposed to go to a customer and put your label over theirs. Blame it on the post office or on the fact that "things get messed up 'cause of all the bureaucracy." It's great to be the one to verbalize the boss's own general feelings before he does when something goes awry. The best on-the-job crooks always end up getting promoted.
Cashiers and sales persons who have access to money can pick up a little pocket change without too much effort, no matter how closely they are watched by supervisors. Women can make use of torn hems to stash coins and bills. Men can utilize cuffs. Both can use shoes and don't forget those secret little pockets you learned about in the last section. If you ring up items on a cash register, you can easily mistake $1.39 for 390 or $1.98 for 980 during the course of a hectic day. Leave pennies on the top shelf of the cash register and move one to the far right side every time you skip a dollar. That way at the end of the day, you'll know how much to pocket and won't have to constantly be stuffing, stuffing, stuffing.
If you pick up trash or clean up, you can stick all sorts of items into wastebaskets and later sneak them out of the store.
There are many ways of working heists with partners who pose as customers. See the sections on free food and clothing for these. There are also ways of working partnerships on the job. A cashier at a movie theater and a doorman can work out a system where the doorman collects the tickets and returns them to the cashier to sell again.
A neat way to make a large haul is to get a job through an agency as a domestic for some rich slob. You should use a phony identification when you sign up at the agency. Once you are busy dusting the town house, check around for anything valuable to be taken home. Pick up the phone, order all sorts of merchandise, and have it delivered. A friend with a U-haul can help you really clean up.
Credit Cards
Credit Card Fraud
Unless you have the luxury ofliving outside the corporate-controlled world (often erroneously called "the first-world nations"), credit card fraud is a pretty sure way to land you behind bars. Visa is notorious for essentially owning the police in many countries... which means that carding often just isn't worth the risk.
Abandoning Debt
Make money the central bank way borrow from nothing and never repay. If it is legal for the US federal reserve bank corporation to make new magic money every time you run your credit card or take out a loan why not you? When finally you stop payments send them a bond to pay off your debt against the central bank of yippie-a-stan where you are the central banker and you can make the funny money. reserve
Credit Cards
Credit cards are part of a general CorpGov banking scam to wean people from using cash, people using cash can buy from the black market, they can also easily notice the Corp(Bank)Gov way to steal from the people called inflation, lastly there is less restraint when you can charge against the future soit is easier to fleece the sheeple. Why save when you can spend!!
Max Out
If you are planning to go alternate max out all of your credit cards in a month or two and forget about it when they stop working, they can't send you tojail for non-payment (yet) although if you have had a legit job they might try to get a judgement against you and garnish your paychecks, the lesson is don't get a legit job. No legal action may be taken if the collections-corp guys figure that there is no money to take, no address or out of the country are good reasons for them to think this. You have a right to dispute entries to your credit report, check to see if the overdue debt is still listed every few months and dispute them. The credit card companies have a limited time to respond, you can get the debt removed from your report if they miss a deadline.
Transfering Balance
Apply for a bunch of cards or debt transfers all at one time, lie about your income, the credit report lists all applications but they take time to post. Non-payment oflegal credit card debt is not in any way considered fraud according to the law, non-payment of debt is a civil matter and at worst will get you sued and your check garnished, and they might go after your stuff if you bought it with the card(very unlikely). After a few months (or years if you left the country and nobody has sued) see about buying back your own debts from the open market for 1/5 to l/10th or less than you owe.
Stopping Payments
When you let the payments stop, do it to all of your debt payments all at once, there is no reason to ever send another check after you can't pay even one of your credit bills. A good time to stop payments is when you have maxed out all of your accounts. When the vampires start calling remember they are like cops nice or mean they want only your money not your friendship, give them no information but don't be an ass they are people(vampires) too,just hang up. We hope you lied about your family addresses and phone numbers, your mother doesn't want to talk to the collections geek, most of our credit applications seem to go back to 867-5309 for some Jenny person.
Beware calling cards sent to you as a "gift" from ANY company that you owe money to. This is a simple trick to collect the phone numbers of your friends so they can harass them as well as hopefuly finding the phone number of the place you are staying.
If you own a house, car, or anything of value a settlement or refinance might want to secure against this asset, don’t do it credit cards are unsecured debt it takes a lawsuit and court order to go after your stuff, once a debt is secured against property the vampires can grab your stuff with much more ease.
Have an impartial party represent you if you want to go for the debt settlement, your weapon and threat is that you are filing for bankruptcy and the credit company or those who they have sold the distressed debt to want to make something from the account. Be wary of even the non-profit debt fixer organizations, they are there (even the non-profits) to bring home a big paycheck and maybe a big monthly bonus. The process is like this, settlement managers know the lingo and reality of buying out a distressed debt from a credit card company. They call make a deal and take you pile of cash, they for example settle a $40k debt for $8K and ask you to pay $10kto them to close the deal. Don't let the settlement agency hold onto any of your money. Be sure that you can make payments if you start to go this settlement route otherwise it would have been better tojust go bankrupt and not pay up front fees to the settlement manager.
If you lie to the bankruptcy judge about hidden assets and you get caught you might be refused bankruptcy, which is known as the financial death sentence, no escape from your creditors. The good news is you will be forced into the underground with no taxes, no social security, and no garnished paychecks. A good solution if that happens is tojust leave the country and set up shop somewhere else.
Bankruptcy laws change, and we are not lawyers (since we were disbarred), get factual up to date information before screwing yourself over with dated advice. Remember the system is stacked against the regular guy, use the system to fight back.
Any discussion of shoplifting and forgeries inevitably leads to a rap on credit cards; those little shiny plastic wonder passes to fantasy land that are rendering cash obsolete. There are many ways to land a free credit card. You can get one yourself if your credit is good, or from a friend: report it stolen and go on a binge around town. Sign your name a little funny. Super underworld types might know where you can purchase a card that's not too hot on the black market. You might heist one at a fashionable party or restaurant. If you're a hat check girl at a night club, don't forget to check out pockets and handbags for plastic goodies.*
Finally, you can redo a legitimate card with a new number and signature and be sure that it's on no one's "hot list." Begin by removing the ink on the raised letters with any polyester resin cleaner. Next, the plastic card should be held against a flat iron until the raised identification number is melted. You can use a razor blade to shave off rough spots. This combination of razor blade and hot iron, when worked skillfully, will produce a perfect blank card. When the card is smooth as new, reheat it using the flat iron and press an addressograph plate into the soft plastic. The ink can be replaced by matching the original at any stationary store. If this is too hard, you can buy machines to make your own credit cards, which are made for small department stores. Granted, this method is going require some expertise, but once you've learned to successfully forge a credit card, buy every item imaginable, eat fancy meals, and even get real money from a bank.
The absolute best method is to have an accomplice working in the post office rip off the new cards that are mailed out. They get to know quickly which envelopes contain new credit cards. Since the person never receives the card it never dawns on them to report it stolen. This gives you at least a solid month of carefree spending and your signature will be perfect.
Whether your credit card is stolen, borrowed or forged, you still have to follow some guidelines to get away without any hassle. Know the store's checking method before you pass the hot card. Most stores have a fifty-dollar limit where they only call upstairs on items costing fifty dollars or more. In some stores it's less. Some places have a Regiscope system that takes your picture with each purchase. You should always carry at least one piece ofback-up identification to use with the phony card as the clerk might get suspicious if you don't have any other ID. They can check out a "hot list" that the credit card companies send out monthly, so if you're uptight about anything watch the clerk's movements at all times. If things get tight,just split real quick. Often, even if a clerk or boss thinks it's a phony, they'll OK the sale anyway since the credit card companies make good to the stores on all purchases; legit or otherwise. Similarly, the insurance companies make good to the credit companies and so on until you get to a little group ofhard working elves in the basement of the U.S. Mint who do nothing but print free money and lie to everybody about there being tons of gold at Fort Knox to back up their own little forging operation.
Monkey Warfare
Bitter Memories
There's a wonderful substance out there called Denatonium benzoate, AKA Bitrex. Check out the wikipedia article on it for more detailed info, but basically, it's a bitter substance you can buy that'll put a person into all kinds of discomfort without hurting them at all. Sprinkle it on the boss' doughnut in the morning. Add it to coffee. Whatever! You can also use Phenylthiocarbamide, or PTC, but it's not as effective, since some people can taste it and others can't.
Make locks pick and key proof, use super glue and it will seize the pins, to be really sure the lock is ruined shoot a little carb cleaner into the keyhole first to clean out any oil.
Tree and Building Sits
Take a stand, climb trees which are about to be cut down or buildings that represent the corrupt system like finance banks. Often you can stay up for many days even weeks assuming you have hauled up food and water or there is not a 24/7 guard and you can rope up suplies. Fling pooh like a real monkey and you will gain major weirdo publicity, not sure that is what we want, maybe bag and save it or dump into the bushes. A banner for your cause makes you much more useful to the cause by giving the press something to photograph, better than letting reporters describe you as a lone nut.
See alsoTree sittingand Backpacking and Camping#Hammock
Tyre Fyre
Burning tires in the road will shut down an intersection for a long time, a tire resists extinguishment with water. Ifburning steel belted tires are placed around a flag pole, fire hydrant, or steel sign post it is almost impossible to safely remove while burning.
Traffic Trouble
Often, monkey warfare is as easy as finding an abandoned couch and dragging it into the middle of an intersection. Make sure to do this with a friend, during a low traffic time (weekday mornings right before rush hour are the best). Also make sure to have a quick getaway (bicycles are best) in case a cop shows up. With the right timing and a bit ofluck, this can cause mass confusion and major traffic jams.
Dumpster Fires
Large dumpsters often burn well and can pe pushed or chain towed into the road before ignition.
Etch Glass
Phosphoric acid will etch glass, this is much more effective than paint on large windows, you can paint on your sign or spraypaint with a stencil leaving a image then use the acid the result will be an inverted image of the stencil frosted into the glass once the paint is removed. Experiment at home first, it could end up being a paying hobby frosting glass, but !!be very careful to not get this acid onto your self!!
Disolve a Building
Muratic acid can be used to disolve cement and concrete. Drill a hole into a wall near the corner and plug in a hose from a large bucket of acid with a gravity feed into the wall, they might have the close the whole building for safety reasons.
Photo Radar
If you see a photo radar trailer or red light camera scout out for hiding cop cars, if there are none around tow it into a pond or off a cliff!! In the UK the latest fashion is to get pissed and burn down the camera pole.
A bucket of marbles and a few rubber snakes can spook and trip police horses, but be careful horses are heavy if they fall onto a demonstrator.
One possibility for taking out an office for a few days is to sneek into large office buildings and install etherkillers attached to cheap timers set for a very early morning period of time in an empty office. To make an etherkiller, splice a length of Cat-5 cable with a length of extension cord, plug the whole thing into the network, a timer, and the wall-socket (110 volt feed). After you've set the timer, leave -- you don't want to be around when large amounts of current are fed into Ethernet wiring. WARNING: This is a very dangerous and destructive activity. This attack will destroy some hardware attached to the network and may cause fires, so if you get caught may well findyourself facing an arson charge.
USB Pwner
Walking through an office with a USB pwner made from a hacked off mouse or keyboard plug could wipe out many cubes in a short time walking from one machine to the next for a quick smoke.
We give you, the usb pwner. It could even hide inside a legitimate stick: USB Pwner pinout schematic
D+- (nc) |
D - (nc) |
Many similar computer destruction tools could be made to short out video cards or other ports destroying most all-in-one motherboards, all are easy to improvise on site from the cables already connected to the computers and a razor blade or knife. Just remember the hard disks will still contain their data even if you toast the mobo.
Monkey Warfare, the Movie
There's a new film from Canadian filmmaker Reg Harkema called Monkey Warfare, which illustrates many of the principles. It includes a Molotov Cocktail instructional video whose script was taken from Steal This Book.
See also Weapons for Street Fighting
Original Monkey Warfare
If you like Halloween, you'll love monkey warfare. It's ideal for people uptight about guns, bombs and other children's toys, and allows for imaginative forms of protesting, many of which will become myth, hence duplicated and enlarged upon. A syringe (minus the needle) or a cooking baster can be filled with a dilute solution of epoxy glue. Get the two tubes in a hardware store and squeeze into a small bottle of rubbing alcohol. Shake real good and pour into the baster or syringe. You have about thirty minutes before the mixture gets too hard to use. Go after locks, parking meters, and telephones. You can fuck up the companies that use IBM cards by buying a cheap punch or using an Exacto knife and cutting an extra hole in the card before you return it with your payment. By the way, when you return payments always pay a few cents under or over. The company has to send you a credit or another bill and it screws up their bookkeeping system. Remember, always bend, fold, staple or otherwise mutilate the card. By the way if you ever find yourself in a computer room during a strike, you might want to fuck up the school records. You can do this by passing a large magnet or portable electro-magnet rapidly back and forth across the reels of tape, thus erasing them. And don't miss the tour of the IBM plant, either.
Another good bit is to rent a safe deposit box (only about $7.00 a year) in a bank using a phony name. That usually only need a signature and don't ask for identification. When you get a box, deposit a good size dead fish inside the deposit box, close it up and return it to its proper niche. From then on, forget about it. Now think about it, in a few months there is going to be a hell-of-a- smell from your small investment. It's going to be almost impossible to trace and besides, they can never open the box without your permission. Since you don't exist, they'll have no alternative but to move away. Invest in the Stank of Amerika savings program. Just check out Lake Erie and you'll see saving fish isn't such a dumb idea. If you get caught, tell them you inherited the fish from your grandmother and it has sentimental value.
There are lots of things you can send banks, draft boards and corporations that contribute to pollution via the mails. It is possible to also have things delivered. Have a hearse and flowers sent to the chief of police. We know someone who had a truckload of cement dumped in the driveway of her boss under the fib that the driveway was going to be repaved.
By getting masses of people to use electricity, phones or water at a given time, you can fuck up some not-so-public utility. The whole problem is getting the word out. For example, 10,000 people turning on all their electrical appliances and lights in their homes at a given time can cause a blackout in any major city. A hot summer day at about 3:00 PM is best. Five thousand people calling up Washington, D.C. at 3:00 PM on a Friday (one of the busiest hours) ties up the major trunk lines and really puts a cramp in the government's style of carrying on. Call (202) 555-1212, which is information and you won't even have to pay for the call. If you call a government official, ask some questions like "How many kids did you kill today?" or "What kind ofliquor do Congressmen drink?" or offer to take Teddy Kennedy for a ride. A woman can cause some real excitement by calling a Congressman's office and screaming "Tell that bastard he forgot to meet Irene at the motel this afternoon."
A Washington call-in would work even better by phoning direct to homes of the big boys. For starters you can call collect the following*:
Richard M. Nixon - El Presidente - (202) 456-1444
Spiro T. Agnew - El Toro - (202) 265-2000 ext. 6400
John N. Mitchell - El Butcher - (202) 965-2900
Melvin R. Laird - El Defendo -(301) 652-4449
Henry A. Kissinger - El Exigente - (202) 337-0042
William P Rogers - El Crapper -(301) 654-7125
General Earl G. Wheeler - El Joint Bosso - (703) 527-6119
General William C. Westmoreland - El Pollutoni - (703) 527-6999
Richard M. Helms - El Assassin -(301) 652-4122
JohnN. Chafee-El Sinko Swimmi-(703) 536-5411
Any group who elopes with any of the persons listed is entitled to a free copy of this book. Anyone who parlays all 10ina lift-off can have all the royalties. Send ears for verification.
A great national campaign can be promoted that asks people to protest the presidential election farces on Inauguration Day. When a president says "So help me God," rush in and flush the toilet. A successful Flush for God campaign can really screw up the water system.
If you want to give Ma Bell an electric permanent, consider this nasty. Cut the female device off an ordinary extension cord and expose the two wires. Unscrew the mouthpiece on the phone and remove the voice amplifier. You will see a red and a black wire attached to two terminals. Attach each of the wires from the extension cord to each one from the phone. Next plug in the extension cord to a wall socket. What you are doing is sending 120 volts of electricity back through equipment which is built for only volts. You can knock off thousands of phones, switchboards and devices if all goes right. It's best to do this on the phone in a large office building or university. You certainly will knock out their fuses. Unfortunately, at home your own phone will probably be knocked out of commission. If that happens, simply call up the business office and complain. They'll give you a new phone just the way they give the other seven million people that requested them that day.
Remember, January is Alien Registration Month, so don't forget to fill out an application at the Post Office, listing yourself as a citizen ofFree Nation. Then when they ask you to "Love it or leave it," tell them you already left!
Piece Now
NOW, is the time to purchase any weapons you have been considering purchasing. After every shooting or terror scare the gun control debate always starts back up. The assault rifle ban may also very well be re-passed in a stronger form. Even if there is no new ban look at where we are now in terms of freedom, an armed population has made little difference so far, don't let open gun shops put you to sleep.
This section is intended for thorough readers and morally conscious citizens. There is often quite a bit of concern whenever non-military citizens become aware of or are trained about potentially dangerous or subversive knowledge.
The fact is, the world is a dangerous place. Not every problem we encounter involves pretty colors and goofy dragons. It is curious that attention is being paid to our disseminating this information, when there are numerous criminals, convicted and otherwise, in charge of state-of-the-art military weaponry around the world.
With America and various other nations using their military might to coerce innocent people and force submission according to their own greedy whims, the last place attention should be focused is on us.
We trust this information with the average American citizen much more than we do with these current criminals in office.
10. Original Piece Now
It's ridiculous to talk about a revolution without a few words on guns. If you haven't been in the army or done some hunting, you probably have a built-in fear against guns that can only be overcome by familiarizing yourself with them.
The standard handgun for a beginner is a Browning Buckmark, Ruger MK series or Beretta Neos. All of these are in .22lr and are thus not much good for defense(Despite what "experts" tell you, .22 caliber rounds DO NOT bounce around in the body.) However, the ammunition is extremely cheap (around $30 for 1000 rounds) very easy to find and even in pistol form, a .22 has next to no recoil. The guns themselves are also relatively inexpensive, at around $300 for a new model, and as low as $90 for used. With a .22, you can easily and cheaply practice marksmanship, do fire drills and practice trigger pulls.
Once you feel comfortable with a handgun and are able to accurately hit targets at distances of around 25 yards, you should move on to a more powerful model. It can be difficult to decide what you want with so many different models, but the best advice I can give you is to try them all out if possible and determine what you like the best. I'll do a rundown of some of the more popular models and try to dispel some misconceptions.
1. 9mm is worthless. For defense, you need a .45/.44 mag/.357/flavor of the month caliber.
This one couldn't be more untrue. When loaded with modern hollowpoint ammunition, a 9MM handgun is very lethal, expanding to within .09 of a .45ACP hollowpoint. It is also traveling at nearly twice the speed, and modern 9MM handguns can hold as many as 20 rounds, where 10is very high capacity for a .45. 9MM has a bad reputation because the military is not allowed to use hollowpoint ammunition and must instead use non expanding ball ammunition, which greatly limits the effectiveness of a 9MM. However, you can and should at all times use hollowpoints for defense. Leave ball ammo to target practice.
The fact of the matter is, many men were killed with the lowly .25ACP. It's not about the size of the bullet, it's about where you put it. You should chose a weapon based off feel, accuracy and personal preference, not caliber. Anything above a .380 is more than good enough.
2. Handguns use clips
Your handgun, unless it is a Mauser C96, uses ammunition magazines, not clips. There hasn't been a clip fed firearm produced since the Korean War.
3. Autoloading pistols are inaccurate/unreliable
Modern autoloading pistols are the industry standard for a reason. Though initially the technology did have some problems, there now exist autoloaders that would fire under conditions that would stifle even a revolver.
Also, most modern champion marksmen use autoloading handguns instead of revolvers. This isn't to say the revolver isn't a valid weapon, as it still is, but autoloaders are now developed to a high level of accuracy, reliability and durability. Modern autoloaders are also very simple to clean and maintain.
4. GLOCKs can pass though metal detectors
Totally incorrect. 85% of a GLOCKs weight is in metal.
5. OMG DESERT EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The desert eagle is a handgun that is oft hyped by the gun ignorant media. The fact is, Desert Eagles are unreliable, have tremendous recoil, fire very expensive ammunition ($2+ per round), are very large and heavy and expensive. While they're an interesting weapon, they're not practical for real defense use.
This only applies to the Desert Eagle, however, other weapons produced by IMI (including the Baby Eagle, which is basically a CZ75 clone) tend to be ofhigh quality.
Which weapon do I want?
In this day and age, there are thousands of models ofhandgun being produced. Finding one that works for you can be difficult. Remember, don't chose a weapon based off caliber. Try to fire, or at least hold and point a weapon you're looking to buy to get a feel of it. Some people may love Sig Sauer pistols, for example, but they're far too big for my hands to comfortably grip.
Some good brands: CZ, Sig (AKA SIGARMS, Sig Sauer), HK, GLOCK, Springfield Armory, Wilson Combat, Kimber, Browning, FN, Walther, Kahr, Magnum Research (AKAIMI), Colt, Ruger, Para Ordinance (high capacity M1911 style pistols), EAA(All EAA autos are CZ75 clones), Bersa, Taurus, Smith and Wesson (REVOLVERS ONLY! S&W autoloaders have a history ofbeing terrible), Beretta and most custom gun shops.
Brands to avoid: Braztech (AKABraztech Rossi, Rossi), Lorcin, Jennings, Hi-Point, Raven and most other centerfire handguns that cost less than $300 or so new. These guns are at best unreliable and at worst, they're as dangerous to the shooter as the target.
Other notes:
Though almost all handgun rounds are easily defeated by body armor, there are some such as 7.62x25 which can penetrate police grade body armor with ease and also Kevlar helmets. Unfortunately, this round is found only in the CZ52 handgun, which, for lack of a better term, is unrefined. It has a terrible grip angle, low ammo capacity, snappy recoil, one of the worst triggers ever seen on a handgun and crude sights. However, like some other soviet weapons designed around the same time, it is incredibly reliable. The reason this round can penetrate body armor is that it was originally designed for submachine guns, it travels at a higher velocity than a conventional handgun round but does much less damage than a normal bullet.
If you intend to carry a weapon, you should invest in a quality gun belt and holster. Low quality ones are not only uncomfortable and flimsy, they can be dangerous. Some good brands are Galco, Tucker Gunleather and Comp-Tac. Also, be sure to check your local laws in regards to carrying a handgun. Most states will allow you to carry a concealed weapon with the appropriate permit, and some even allow open carry.
A common handgun drill is the Mozambique or failure to stop drill. It is done like so: begin with your weapon holstered and holster open. Now rapidly draw the weapon, acquire the target and fire twice into the chest (preferably the heart/lungs region) and once into the head. The purpose of this drill is to practice quickly and lethally engaging a target. Competition shooters can do this drills in around 3.5 seconds, and while you can probably never reach that time yourself, doing this drill regularly can greatly improve survival in a combat situation.
Be careful when buying aftermarket magazines. Though often much cheaper than factory mags, aftermarket magazines can be prone to feeding problems, which can take you permanently out of a fight (Often on a stretcher.) If you must buy aftermarket magazines, get Mec Gars. Mec Gar is the OEM magazine supplier for most major handgun manufacturers and thus are ofhigh quality. For a 1911 type pistol, USGI style magazines are considered to be the most reliable.
Another factor to consider is the action of the firearm. It will either be double action, single action, or single/double.
For an experienced and responsible shooter, single action is often preferred as it has a much lighter and quicker trigger pull. However, many less experienced shooters may not feel safe or comfortable with a light triggered handgun being cocked and ready to fire at their hip (And this is the way you should keep it, as it is the quickest way if it's needed.) This is why double action was created. Double actions both cock the hammer and fire in a single trigger pull, allowing you to carry uncocked and still be ready to fire. However, this leads to a very long and very heavy trigger pull, which can hinder accuracy. The newest of the three is single/double, or DA/SA. It is a double action on the first shot and single action on every subsequent shot. It can also be carried cocked if you want all shots to be in single action. Many new firearms (GLOCKs, Springfield XDs) are striker fired, which means they have no hammer and thus can be double action and still have smooth and crisp triggers.
Black Powder Firearms and Their Advantages
While much of what the above author has said is true, one may also wish to consider looking at old fashioned Black Powder firearms. One reason for this is that the US Federal CorpGov doesn't fully consider these to be weapons and therefore doesn't conduct the same stringent background screenings or enforce the same stringent gun carrying laws that they enforce with modern firearms(although it is still considered a weapon like a knife). Also if one keeps an old fashioned revolver opened with a couple of cylinders in reserve it is possible to match in many instances the same ammo capacity and rapid fire action that is possible with current handguns.
There are also inherent advantages of self sufficiency with Black Powder in that one can produce Black Powder with charcoal (which can be derived from burned wood), Nitrate (derived from bird or bat droppings, tree stump remover), and sulfur (which can be derived from either natural source) and ammo can be derived from melted lead which can be gained from tire wheel weights that are very easy to obtain at tire shops or from the wheels of cars. The only thing that may be difficult to procure with certain Black Powder weapons is the percussion caps that some require but many of these percussion caps can be derived from simple caps such as those used in children's cap guns. The old mercury fulminate or modern lead azide that is used in percussion caps can be replaced with the red phosphorus/potassium chlorate/ground glass material in the caps for toy cap guns although this will destroy a weapon if not cleaned right away. This material placed into tiny metal cups made from aluminum can (you need a special tool) to easily be make into percussion caps thus lending itself further to the self sufficiency advantage ofBlack Powder which no modern weapon can offer. All modern weapons require manufactured ammo that must be produced under stringent conditions. This is not needed with Black Powder weaponry.
Home Made Firearms
With some strict safety precautions a firearm can be built using common hardware, most of these are not meant to be used for years on end but rather to protect against armed oppression at which point you should have acquired a proper functional firearm.
Pipe Pistol
In a serious time when you have access to no other firearm, a zip gun might make the difference to your survival. A simple pipe gun is made from heavy steel pipe nipple, a threaded pipe joiner, and a pipe plug. The pipe is reamed to bullet diameter with a drill bit and chamber cut in the same way, a cartridge is loaded and the threadedjoiner is threaded tight to the pipe nipple. A pipe plug with a hole drilled in the center is threaded tightly on, a nail is inserted into the plug hole and taped on. A "hammer" made from steel strap and screwed into the grip is propelled by rubber bands or springs to strike the nail firing this zip gun. Test fire several times remotely before firing with your hands. This is a risky dangerous weapon.
Pipe pistol, cap and matches
Follow the designs for the pipe gun but don't insert a nail into the hole in the pipe plug. Load a thimble full of scraped safety match head powder down the barrel followed by plastic wadding then followed by a projectile. Toy caps are taped over the firing pin hole, the hammer should fire the cap and ignite the matches. This is a desperate, dangerous, unreliable weapon, test remotely before firing in your hand.
Pen Gun
A simple pen gun can be made by purchasing a steel pen-gun type flare launcher which consists of a steel tube a inner striker propelled by a spring and a knob that protruded from a slot in the tube, a notch is cut in the tube to allow the knob to catch in a cocked position. There is a threaded in disc which is side punched to lock it in place, this stop plate for the striker has a hole for the firing pin near the end of the tube, this plate is set to rest against the base of the cartridge when the barrel tube is fully threaded in. Cut threads onto a .25 inch diameter piece of steel tubing to fit the launcher tube, the chamber area of the tube is reamed to fit a .25 ACP case, the firing pin is tapered to better strike a pistol primer.
A similar modification could be made to a rimfire flare launcher to fire .22 cartridges or high power rimfire blanks used in nail guns to project a projectile or dart. A larger caliber pen-gun could be made using a similar design to these penguns.
This is a very close in concealed defensive weapon, likely only giving you a few seconds of shock and confusion to escape.
Silent Pistol, Bolt Action
A silent pistol has the benefit in a totalitarian police state of not causing noise and confusion as you liquidate a death squad coming for you giving time to make a quick escape.
The easiest way to accomplish this construction is to chop off a .22 bolt action rifle, and drill air vents in the barrel starting after about 3-5 inches. A piece of metal tubing is held in place with rubber spacers, the interior is filed with felt discs, plastic washers, rubber washers or even cotton. After several shots the felt and cotton filler needed to be replaced.
For more stopping power the Welrod could be copied, this 9mm or .32 cal pistol was used to eliminate Nazis. The hand grip could be removed and the "rod" could be hidden and fired from a coat sleeve or rolled newspaper because of the simple slide trigger. A laser point sight might be a good modern addition to aim such a hidden weapon without requiring the weapon to be fully exposed or held up.
Improvised Barrels
Better quality tubing for improvised firearms can be had than galvanized pipe nipples. Try to find something as close as possible to the diameter of your bullet. Seamless mechanical and hydraulic tubing is sized by it's outside diameter by wall diameter in millimeters. Chart gives cartridge name, tubing size, and bore in millimeters.
22 | Rimfire- | -9.53 2 | <2.03 | seamless | mechanical | tube= 5.47mm |
22 | Rimfire- | -9.52 2 | <2.03 | seamless | hydraulic | tube= 5.46mm |
25 | ACP- | -12.70 2 | < 3.25 | seamless | mechanical | tube= 6.20mm |
32 | ACP- | -14.29 2 | < 3.25 | seamless | mechanical | tube= 7.79mm |
9mm/.380- | -14.29 2 | <2.64 | seamless | mechanical | tube= 9.01mm | |
9mm/.380- | -14.00 2 | < 2.50 | seamless | hydraulic | tube= 9.00mm | |
9mm/.380- | -15.00 2 | <3.00 | seamless | hydraulic | tube= 9.00mm | |
44/ | .410- | -20.64 2 | <4.88 | seamless | mechanical | tube=10.88mm |
44/ | .410- | -19.05 2 | <4.06 | seamless | mechanical | tube=10.93mm |
45 | ACP- | -17.46 2 | <2.95 | seamless | hydraulic | tube=11.56mm |
Manufacturing and Reloading Handgun Cartridges
It is highly recommended that forward thinking people will at least purchase a pocket size hand reloading kit for their chosen calibers if not a full bench set, we also expect you to stash away powder and primers at the minimum see [Caching] Improvised reloading is explained in the military 31–210 manual available in [DIY Defense] but this improvised method is not well suited to repeating firearms. Extreme care must be taken in all aspects of ammunition manufacture It is useful to learn reloading using standard components and only use these improvised methods in severe emergencies.
Smokeless Powder
Paper or cotton is nitrated by soaking with concentrated nitric acid then washing with distilled water to make nitrocellulos. Acetone is used to disolve real competetion celluloid(nitrocellulos) ping pong balls or nitrated cotton or paper, add desired percentage of nitroglycerin Warning Nitroglycerin is VERY sensitive if desired based on the dry weight of nitrocellulose. When making powder add 0.52% of 2-Nitrodiphenylamine or Diphenylamine to prevent spontaneous detonation of aged ammunition, if you are using celluloid ping pong balls they already have been treated. The nitrocellulose acetone gel is blended and extruded into drops onto an aluminum or non stick tray. Dry in a warm 150F(80C) degree electric oven (not gas) for one hour then and filter by size through a large pass sieve to stop oversized balls and then a small pass sieve to let undersized balls drop out, all balls that are to big or small go back to be redissolved and dropped. The passed powder balls could also be redampened with acetone and pressed into flakes for faster burning using a marble rolling pin and board, these should be in the .1mm to .2mm screen pass and redried. Powder that passes is given a light sprinkle of graphite powder.
APrimex powder contains 0–40% nitroglycerin, 0–10% dibutyl phthalate, 0–10% polyester adipate, 0–5% rosin, 0–5% ethyl acetate, 0.3–1.5% diphenylamine, 0–1.5%N-nitrosodiphenylamine, 0–1.5% 2-nitrodiphenylamine, 0–1.5% potassium nitrate, 0–1.5% potassium sulfate, 0–1.5% tin dioxide, 0.02–1% graphite, 0–1% calcium carbonate, and nitrocellulose as the remainder to 100%.
British cordex double base powder propellant consisted of 58% nitroglycerin, by weight, 37% nitrocellulose and 5% Vaseline. Using acetone as a solvent, it was extruded as spaghetti-like rods .3mm-.5mm diameter and dried, it is probably the easiest smokeless powder to make.
Never make a over a half ounce at a time as this is quite flammable, wear gloves and a ski mask with goggles to protect from flash burns, consider a respirator too. Use only nonsparking tools and surfaces, electricaly ground your work area and make sure room moisture is high enough to prevent static discharge. Be consistent in ingredients and always follow the same steps and mixtures to get repeatable ammunition performance. Make a numbered lot of loaded bullets from one batch of powder and keep them together. Test burn a small pile of powder on a piece of aluminum foil away from your sealed metal powder container (outside), it should burn quickly and cleanly not pop or flash or leave much residue. Test fire several cartridges from each lot in special heavy test barrel before using in normal firearms, examine the case for deformation or stress marks. Start with half loads and always weigh the powder or use a precision powder dipper, buy and use a reloading book for data, assume that performance will be that ofbullseye powder or greater and adjust down from there.
Lead picrate production is described in the 31–210 manual as is reloading of spent primers, a small percentage of crushed powdered glass can be added to the damp primer compound. A new primer cup is punched out and formed from brass and filled with your damp primer material, a cone shaped anvil with at least two flash holes at the edges is punched from brass or steel and inserted into the primer until flush with the bottom. Finished primers are allowed to dry in an electric (not gas) oven on bake (not broil) at 150F degrees. Care must be taken that primers fit the standard primer pocket of your ammunition (0.175in for 9mm).
Before making your own brass try mining the gravel around old shooting areas out in the woods especialy in the western USA or dumpster diving outside military or police shooting ranges, reshaping and reloading shot brass is much easier than making new.
A two piece inner and outer aluminum mold can be made [Means ofProduction] using a lost wax method mold, to make a production line for brass cartridges. Brass melts at 900–940 °C depending on composition and can be poured into the outer die followed by a inner mold which will shape the inside of your cartridge. Once the brass is cool lathe out an extractor groove(make the lathe by sticking a wooden dowel into your hand drill, cut the groove with a ground to shape saw blade or chisel), drill out the primer pocket and flash hole, and trim any sprue. Trim case neck to proper length. Brass alloy of 95% copper and 5% zinc is soft and good for ammunition components, up to 30% zinc is acceptable for harder cases if you find too much deformation or torn off extractor rims. Scrap brass that bends and doesn’t break easily when hammered should work for production of ammunition. Source your zinc from newer pennies(97% zinc) and copper is easy to find as water pipes or wire.
Using a pulled bullet and plaster of paris lost wax method [Means ofProduction] an aluminum mold can be made for production oflead bullets. The best source for bullet lead is wheel balance weights, copper can be used to make more complicatedjacketed and hollow-point bullets with lead bases.
Original Handguns
There are two basic types ofhandguns or pistols: the revolver carries a load of5or6 bullets in a “revolving” chamber. The automatic usually holds the same number, but some can hold up to 14 bullets. Also, in the automatic the bullets can be already packed in a magazine which quickly snaps into position in the handle. The revolver must be reloaded one bullet at a time. An automatic can jam on rare occasions, or misfire, but with a revolver youjust pull the trigger and there’s a new bullet ready to fire. Despite pictures ofRoy Rogers blasting a silver dollar out of the sky, handguns are difficult to master a high degree of accuracy with and are only good at short ranges. If you can hit a pig-size object at 25 yards, you’ve been practicing.
Among automatics, the Colt 45 is a popular model with a long record of reliability. A good popular favorite is a Parabellum 9 mm, which has the advantage of a double action on the first shot, meaning that the hammer does not have to be cocked, making possible a quick first shot without carrying a cocked gun around. By the way, do not bother with any handgun smaller than a .38 caliber, because cartridges smaller than that are too weak to be effective.
Revolvers come in all sizes and makes, as do automatics. The most highly recommended are the .38 Special and the .357 Magnum. Almost all police forces use the .38 Special. They are light, accurate and the small-frame models are easy to conceal. If you get one, use high velocity hollow pointed bullets, such as the Speer DWM (146 grain h.p.) or the Super Vel (110 grain h.p.). The hollow point shatters on contact, insuring a kill to the not-so-straight shooters. Smith and Wesson makes the most popular .38 Special. The Charter Arms is a favorite model. The .357 Magnum is an extremely powerful handgun. You can shoot right through the wall of a thick door with one at a distance of 20 yards. It has its own ammo, but can also use the bullets designed for the .38. Both guns are about the same in price, running from $75-$100 new. An automatic generally runs about $25 higher.
Rifles give you the reach to defend with planning instead of reacting at the last moment with a handgun. A rifle is carried when you are expecting trouble.
The market for a rifle can be more confusing than that for a handgun, as there have been hundreds of thousands of different rifles produced. There are hundreds of calibers, each having it’s own unique characteristics, countless different actions, optics and other accessories. Do not rely on knowledge gleaned from television and Hollywood most of is exactly opposite the truth.
Before you feel like we are getting all right wing technical talking about guns remember that the Black Panther Self Protection Party taught us to openly carry our rifles to intimidate our oppressors.
Starting Out
Your first rifle should be a .22lr caliber. 22s are easy to find, cheap, fire cheap ammunition and thus are excellent practice weapons. A Ruger 10/22, Marlin M60, or M70p breakdown backpack rifle are good starter rifles in 22lr. Once you are comfortable with your .22, you can move on to a high powered rifle. The .22 cartridge is quieter than a centerfire rifle and if firing BB or CB caps they are almost silent although these rounds will not cycle a semi-automatic they are great for low signature training. Clean up all of your fired brass during training, not only is this littering it is evidence with fingerprints.
A semi-auto .22 rifle and thousands of rounds fired at the range over time time will do wonders for your shooting skill.
The M16/5.56mm is unreliable/has no stopping power/is a bad rifle
The M16 rifle, also known as the AR-15 in it’s civilian variant is a superb rifle. It is very accurate, modular, has very little recoil, is light in weight and compact in size. If it is properly cleaned and maintained, it is a very dependable rifle, and modern .223/5.56 ammunition has more than enough power to take down a deer or a human. The bad reputation of the M16 rifle comes from 3 Vietnam era mistakes. Firstly, Army logistics changed some design characteristics of the rifle without consulting the designer. Secondly, they changed the recommended ammunition to an inferior round and thirdly, proper cleaning kits and instructions were not issued to soldiers in the field. All these mistakes have been corrected, and the M16 series now shows it’s true colors among finest modern weapon systems in the world. One of the most common stoppages now is due to bad quality or damaged magazines, keep the feed lips from getting dinged or switch to polymer mags.
The AK series of rifles is incredibly inaccurate
While not as accurate as some contemporary designs, many AK47’s are capable of shooting a 3 inch group at 100 yards, which is more than good enough for eliminating a human sized target. The accuracy of the AK series is badly hindered by the crude sights, which have changed little since World War 1. After market replacements, which run around $30, can greatly increase the accuracy of the rifle.
Fully automatic firearms are easy to get
Unless you have Class 3 dealers license or are willing to pay outrageous prices and get government approval to pay a compulsory $200 machine-gun transfer tax, you can’t legally buy a fully auto firearm. Depending what you are up for a class 3 tax evasion on machine gun transfer tax charge will likely be a flag on top of the mountain charges you are wanted for. Many semi automatic rifles can be modified by someone with general metal work skills. That said most guerrilla operations are chronically short on ammunition and the waste of full automatic fire is onlyjustified by a squad or platoon size unit pinning down opposing units or during a hasty retreat from a superior force.
When purchasing a rifle, many things should be considered, including caliber, ergonomics and size, sights, accessory and part availability, ammunition cost and a multitude of other factors.
A note on caliber
When talking about high powered rifles, anything .223 and above is more than adequate for everything short of safari hunting. Recoil, availability and cost are far more important factors. Most military pattern semi automatic and bolt action hunting rifles have fairly mild recoil, whereas old surplus bolt actions can have a fierce kick. Handling recoil depends on experience as a shooter and physical size and strength. A healthy, average to large sized adult should be able to handle most rifles once he’s mastered the grip, but smaller shooters could have trouble.
Try very hard to find a rifle chambered in the ammunition used by local military, captured ammunition can then be used by more fighters thanjust those equipped with captured weaponry.
When it comes to availability and price of gun show or mail order surplus ammunition, 7.62x39 and it’s smaller brother 5.45x39 are usually the cheapest and easiest to find new manufactured high powered centerfire ammunition. 5.56 is around $50–75 more per thousand and .308 (AKA 7.62x51) is the most expensive. For old surplus bolt actions, the obsolete and oddball caliber ammo is super cheap, often less than $100 for 1000 rounds. If you can still buy sporting ammunition the most common calibers are .308 Winchester / 7.62 NATO, be careful sport loads are often hotter loaded than military powder loads, 30.06 Springfield, .270 Winchester, .243 Winchester, and .303 British in Canada, the 7mm Remington Magnum and .300 Winchester Magnum are common in the western United States in places where larger game is hunted. Civilian sport loadings are expensive but generally more accurate and maintain a common zero than most military surplus ammunition. Sport loadings are also almost always soft point capable of doing much more damage to a non metallic target than military full metal jacketed “humane” ammunition.
Selecting the right rifle for you can be difficult, but like any other firearm, you should try to fire or at least hold and point any rifle you’re eyeing before buying it.
Bolt actions
The most common variety of centerfire rifle in the United States is the bolt action. It is a very simple and rugged design, consisting of a manually operated bolt which pushes a round from the ammunition magazine into the chamber. The bolt contains the firing pin triggers the round. Then, via a mechanical extractor, the spent brass is pushed from the chamber and another round is loaded. This design has been in use since the 1880s and continues to be very popular today for hunting and other precision uses. Most modern bolt action sport rifles are well suited for entry level sniper and counter sniper work since they are scope ready and good for use to at least 200–300 Meters with proper training and regular practice, commercial rifles are usualy of superior utility for the price to surplus weapons.
Mauser K98s and derivatives, British Enfields (especially the No4 models), M1903 Springfields and Swiss K31s are considered to be the best for surplus bolt actions and all of them except the M1903 can be had for around 200 USD in good shape. The M1903 is considerably more, but is an excellent rifle if you can afford it. The Mosin-Nagant is also worth considering. While not as refined as it’s contemporaries, it is quite accurate in good shape and very cheap at around 75–100 USD.
Semi Automatic
First developed in the late 1800s, semi-automatic weapons didn’t become popular until after World War 1. During WW2, the semi-auto rifles had become standard issue for US Army units, and were also mass produced by the Russians, Germans and others. Most semi-auto hunting rifles while lighter are not reliable for combat use whan a proven military arm is at hand.
The SKS Russian/Chinese carbine is cheap and reasonably handy it fires the same 7.62x39 as the AK-47. The 7.62x51 NATO FAL, CETME, and G-3 semi-automatic rifles which all feed from 20 round detachable magazines have good accuracy and excellent reliability, but are now very expensive unless you can find a sucker since the post cold war bonanza of cheap weapons has mostly dried up. The CETME while usualy less expensive can suffer from jamming issues due to incompetent importers.
The AR-15 is fairly expensive (~$700 2007US$) although its virtues of accuracy, small size, light weight, and light ammunition are recognized worldwide, it is very well suited to urban operations. If you build your own AR-15(easy if you have technical ability) you can usualy stay under $400, but remember since there are hundreds of manufacturers quality varies. Look for an unfinished 80% receiver (you need to drill the holes) if you want to build an off the books gun but realize that the Feds are probably tracing every delivery from these places.
The venerable AK-47 also cannot be overlooked. It’s not overly large or heavy, has mild recoil and a common round, is fairly inexpensive ($450 for a good Yugoslavian model is a fair price) and can be very easily and cheaply modified if you so desire. Good aftermarket sights greatly increase it’s usefulness.
The Ruger Mini-14 in .223/5.56 and Mini-30 in 7.62 Soviet are readily available, handy, and reliable rifles. The KelTec SU-16 .223/5.56 survival rifle is a simple light pack gun, it folds into its own stock with room for a standard 30 round M-16 magazine. These are legal “non-assault-rifles” by most state laws.
A carbine is basically defined as a lighter, smaller, more compact version of a rifle. Many modern carbines have semi-automatic capability. The big difference between rifles and carbines is range. Carbines are designed for close-range “shoot-em-up” combat compared to rifles, which can easily cause damage 500–1000 yards away (if you’re that good of a shot). An average carbine can usually cause damage from about 100–500 yards away. Carbines are great for picking-up and going, and many have a pistol-styled grip. A good carbine can easily run $500+, though Hi-Point firearms makes inexpensive and fairly reliable carbines. They’re not precision insturments, but Hi-Points are more than capable of getting the job done. A Hi-Point .40 carbine can be picked up at your friendly gun dealer for as little as $200 (2007USD). For those who desire a slightly higher quality gun, Beretta makes a very nice law-enforcement-grade Cx4 Storm carbine, however these can be very pricey, at $600 (2007USD)MSRP. When choosing a pistol caliber carbine try to buy a few oversized magazines holding at least 30 rounds.
Grab the download pack at http://stealthiswiki.blogspot.comwhich contains the US Sniper manual with lots of information and training tips for small combat teams, also Sten Mkll plans.
Build a Long Gun
Like mentioned in Handguns section a firearm can be built by someone needing lethal protection from marauders Corpgov or other. Making a rifle that is able to match the accuracy of a manufactured model is very difficult without access to a good machine shop, precision chamber reamers, and manufactured barrel blanks. Unrifled improvised long guns can be made that will fire rifle ammunition although even greater care must be exercised than with handguns due to a larger power load.
Check out for detailed instructions on how to make a number of firearms and ammunition using common plumbing supplies. Though the author does charge for these plans, they work and are safe.
STEN Submachinegun
Slam fire submachineguns are some of the most effective firearms and can be made with basic shop equipment. These weapons if carefuly made can be very reliable and provide good firepower even if they are a bit wasteful, the STEN was made select fire so you can choose single shots or auto fire. Browse down and download the Sten MKII blueprint PDF at[l] will acquaint you with the basics of a slam fire weapon. If you are using a different caliber adjust the dimensions and bolt weight accordingly. If you are creative an electric drill, hand tools, and a welder are all you need although a lathe and drill press with a side slide to mill the bolt really helps. Print out the blueprints on paper to scale and glue them onto the metal you are working. You can use the tools from Means ofProductionand the electrical mask cutting method for sheet metal and tubing to make your handy little STEN guns.
If rifled barrel blanks are unavailable you can use seamless mechanical tube or seamless hydraulic tube look in [Handguns] for a compatibility chart. At ranges under 10 meters the loss of accuracy will not be too great if you can’t rifle the barrel. Barrels must be reamed and honed to the diameter and depth of the cartridge you plan to use. If a reamer is unavailable you must slowly drill to the proper depth too far and the weapon will not function too shallow and cases will bulge or burst which often causes a jam and makes the cartriges unreloadable. Micrometer the case and use a drill bit of the proper diameter, 10.03mm wide by 18.15mm deep chamber for a 9mm, the chamber must stay straight, smooth out the chamber with fine sandpaper and a pencil after reaming.
The STEN is an excellent design to use as it is reliable, easy to make, and well engineered given the restrictions on cost and tools. The STEN was designed from the start as both a partisans and a soldiers weapon. It did not require a specialized gunsmith shop to build only simple tools. The STEN can be broken down into a barrel, stock, and tube which will easily fit into a small pack or toolbox. Estimates of material cost for the STEN today is about $30.
Fora semi-auto version to match local or national laws weld in a slotted block in place of the the selector switch to prevent going to auto. In the United States the selector mod is not enough, the weapon must be modified to fire from a closed bolt and either have a standard barrel and only a pistol grip or a 16in barrel and rifle stock. Designs are seen on the net for a closed bolt using a modified bolt with anM-16 firing pin, and a spring loaded striker which is caught by the standard STEN trigger group.
Cutting Riflings into Steel
Obtain a piece ofhardened steel about .5mm than wider exact diameter of your unrifled barrel tube.
Determine the rifling twist/inches ratio and lay out 1mm strips of tape on a graph the length of your twist (1 in 9 would be 9 inches long) by the cicumfrence of your rod. You need to evenly space the strips perfectly parallel and face up. Roll the metal onto the tape strips, your rod is now striped. Make sure the tape is on tight and electrolyticaly etch off.5mm form the rod. Cut off the unetched end, remove tape, and press the rod through your barrel with a screw press.
Original Rifles
There are two commonly available types of rifles; the bolt action and the semi-automatic. War surplus bolt action rifles are cheap and usually pretty accurate, but have a slower rate of fire than a semi-automatic. A semi-automatic is preferable in nearly all cases. The M-1 carbine is probably the best semi-automatic for the money (about $80). It’s light, short, easy to handle and has only the drawback of a cartridge that’s a little underpowered. Among bolt actions, the Springfield, Mauser, Royal Enfield, Russian 7.62, and the Lee Harvey Oswald Special, the Mannlicher-Carcano, are all good buys for the money (about $20).
One of the best semi-automatics is the AR-18 (read AR-15), which is the civilian version of the military M-16. In general, this is a fantastic gun with a high rate of fire, minimal recoil, high accuracy, light weight, and easy maintenance. Ifkept clean, it will rarelyjam, and the bullet has astounding stopping power. It sells for around $225.
The Shotgun is a double edged sword. Depending on the situation, a Shotgun can either be the most effective weapon possible or wholly worthless. It lacks the range of a rifle or the concealability of a pistol, but it makes up for it in raw power. A blast ofbuckshot can literally leave your adversary staring through a grapefruit sized hole in his torso.
Selecting a Shotgun
Unlike Rifles, selection of a shotgun is more or less standardized. You will want a pump action model with a short barrel. The big 3 of shotguns are the Remington 870, the Mossberg 500 (590 if you have the $$) and the Benelli Nova. All of these are available for around $250. The Remington and Mossberg are more traditional, whereas the Nova is more high tech and comes with some very nice features like fiber optic or available rifle style (ghost ring) sights. There is, unless you are on a very tight budget, little reason to look at anything else. If you absolutely must save a buck, get a 12 gauge on police surplus. Most of them are lightly used and can be picked up for a single bill. Stay away from the cheap Norinco shotguns.
Another nice shotgun is the Russian Saiga-12. It is a semi-automatic shotgun that is built off the AK47 action, so it is very reliable (Unlike most other semi-auto shotguns, which are veryjam prone) and it comes with detachable magazines uptoa 10 shell capacity for quicker reloads. It starts at around $400, but if you want one fully tricked out with goodies like an integrated flashlight, muzzle break, short barrel, folding stock and ghost ring sights, you’re looking at over $1000.
Don’t bother with other gauges. 12 gauge is the world’s standard defense shotgun for a reason. Other gauges are either not powerful enough or far too expensive to be practical.
For defense, there are only two loads worth considering, buckshot and slugs. Buckshot is large diameter lead balls loaded into a shell. The standard 00 buckshot has around 9 pellets which are roughly the size ofa .30 caliber bullet, making it incredibly effective against soft targets. 00 is the standard load for buckshot. Some claim that #1 or even #4 are more effective, but you can’t go wrong with 00. For smaller shooters, reduced recoil loads are worth considering. They not only have less recoil, but usually tighter groups as well. The maximum range for buckshot is 50 yards, but realistically you should wait until the target is within 25. Remember that these loads will not be any good for center torso strikes.
Slugs are large, solid projectiles that somewhat resemble muzzle loader bullets. They essentially turn your shotgun into a large caliber, slow rifle. The only problem with slugs is that in situations where they are better than buckshot, you’re better off with a rifle. Nevertheless, slugs are very effective and have a maximum range of around 100 yards. A slug may be slow, but it packs an awful lot of punch at shorter ranges. If you have to hunt large game with your shotgun, use slugs. If you regularly shoot slugs, it might be worthwhile to invest in a rifled barrel, but the investment required for this would cost more than a nice rifle. A slug has reduced effectiveness against a vest or helmet but the blunt trauma can still sometimes be deadly even though it does not penetrate body armor.
Gadget loads like dragons breath and bolo are nearly useless when compared to conventional ammunition and will do damage to your weapon. There is very limited utility in 12ga tear gas shells, with the expense why not leave that stuff to the cops, same advice for flares and bird banger (airport non-lethal bird scare) shells.
Pipe Shotgun
A simple pipe shotgun can be made from
3/4” pipe
3/4” pipe coupler
3/4” pipe plug
Wood for stock
Heavy fricton tape
Short nail
metal strap(for hammer)
Spring or rubber strap
Drill a hole in the pipe plug and loosely tape down the nail/firing pin file the point off of the nail. Thread the coupling onto the pipe, ream the barrel to allow a 12 gauge shell to fit. Friction tape the barrel to the rough sawed stock. Make the strap/hammer and bend into a U shape attach with screws and put under spring or rubber tension. Insert the shell and plug, only insert the firing pin before firing. Test fire with a string several times for safety. If you are creative you might be able to make this into a double barrel gun. Only use shot not slugs in this weapon.
Surprisingly to some this is legal in most places in the USA if the pipe is longer than 18 inches and you can legaly own a gun. In most localities if you inscribe your “gun company” and a serial number you are even safer. If the cops haul you in expect to sit in the can overnight until the DA pulls his head from his ass and realizes you are legal, but they will always take it away. It is still legal to make your own gun in most parts of Amerika no matter if it is made from junk. As always check the law yourself it may have changed since printing.
This is an unsafe desperate design for protecting against the vampires who would try to extinguish your life. If you need to use this weapon your upgrade should have arrived with the threat.
Original Shotguns
The shotgun is the ideal defensive weapon. It’s perfect for the vamping band of pigs or hard-heads that tries to lynch you. Being a good shot isn’t that necessary because a shotgun shoots a bunch of lead pellets that spread over a wide range as they leave the barrel. There are two common types: the pump action and the semi-automatic. Single shot types and double-barrel types do not have a high enough rate of fire for self-defense. Some shotguns can also hold slug shells, which, instead of buckshot pellets fire a large piece of metal, useful for the far away or armored.
The pump action is easy to use and reliable. It usually holds about five shells in a tube underneath the barrel. For self-defense you should use 00 buckshot shells. Shotguns come in various gauges, but you will want the largest commonly available, the 12 gauge. The Mossberg Model 500 Ais a super weapon in this category which sells for about $90. When buying one, try to get a shotgun with a barrel as short as possible up to the legal limit of18 inches. It is easy to cut down a longer barrel, too. This increases the area sprayed.
The semi-automatic gun is not used too much for self-defense, as they usually hold only three shells. With some practice, you can shoot a pump nearly as fast as a semi-automatic, and they are much cheaper. See the gun books catalogued in the Appendix for more information.
There are many other good guns available, and a great deal to know about choosing the right gun for the right situation. Reading a little right wing gun literature will help.
Other Weapons
Mace/Pepper Spray
Pigs have this thing called pepper spray. It contains a high concentration of capsaicin. This is the stuff that makes Jalapenos hot. It WILL Burn. More Importantly there is not a lot you can do about it. If you do get it on you DON’T try to rub it out, you will only spread it around. It can’t be washed out with water. However, it will do the same to the pig too. Its also relatively easy to get. Its also a very good thing to carry around since its so easy to conceal. On the streets it is one of the easiest things to carry safely.
Heavy Weapons
If a regular firearm is not enough you need to step up a bit. Heavy weaponry is designed to take on military units, infrastructure, and armored or heavy vehicles.
A piece ofheavy pipe can be loaded with gunpowder, propellant, or explosives and used to fire heavy nuts and bolts or a shotput, this is a great way to knock out parts of a power substation, industrial plant, or utility station. be careful to avoid injuring employees.
Mortar Shell Launcher
A modern military mortar shell has a propellant charge in the tail and explosive, smoke, flare, teargas, or other warhead. If we take a lesson from the fireworks industry we could make our own smoke and teargas mortars, perfect for disrupting police formations or covering escapes. Electrical ignition is a good idea as a fuse is unreliable and takes too long between loading and firing. [DIY Defense] mentions a way to launch military mortar shells.
Thermite Device
Thermite is a mixture of3 parts aluminum 8 parts iron oxide, both finely powdered as possible, that burns at a temperature hot enough to easily melt large holes in thick steel plate armour or engine blocks. It must be ignighted with a magnesium strip or potassium chlorate/sugar igniter. Sparklers will work too, but sometimes you will need a few for reliability. this device will easily melt an engine block and will destroy most construction or industrial equipment.
Stun Guns
Descent stun guns or tasers are a cheap means of self defense. They may not be much against someone with a gun or knife, but at least you can get away from an assailant and prevent rape or mugging much better than fists alone. Beware the sparks of a stun gun will turn away many attackers but if it comes to actually using such a device only the real and very expensive police taser type will have anything approaching real knockdown power or a safe standoff, touching is too close!! For the price of a real taser you could purchase a 9mm Glock handgun which is known to take down quite well at considerable range.
Original Other Weapons
If you are around a military base, you will find it relatively easy to get your hands on an M-79 grenade launcher, which is like a giant shotgun and is probably the best self-defense weapon of all time. Just inquire discreetly among some long-haired soldiers.
Get a air rifle and pistol for quiet marksmanship training even indoors, look for airguns that handle and feel like your real weapons. Paintball guns and safety masks will let you practice defensive and team combat indoors and out, remember paintballs stain and break stuff, so talk to your squat mates before planning indoor combat.
If you can find a summer or winter biathalon competetion or trainer you will learn the difficult skill of shooting while winded, which is typical of most combat.
Original Training
Owning a gun ain’t shit unless you know how to use it. They make a hell of a racket when fired so youjust can’t work out in your den or cellar except with a BB gun, which is good in between real practice sessions. Find a buddy who served in the military or is into hunting or target-shooting and ask him to teach you the fundamentals of gun handling and safety. If you’re over 18, you can practice on one of your local firing ranges. Look them up in the Yellow Pages, call and see if they offer instructions. They are usually pretty cheap to use. In an hour, you can learn the basics you need to know about guns and the rest is mostly practice, practice,just like in the westerns. Contact the National Rifle Association, Washington D.C. and ask for information on forming a gun club. If you can, you are entitled to great discounts, have no trouble using ranges and get excellent info on all matters relating to weapons.
A secluded place in the country outside city limits, makes an ideal range for practicing. Shoot at positioned targets. A good idea is to blow up balloons and attach them to pieces or boxes. Position yourself downstream alongside a running brook. A partner can go upstream and release the balloons into the water. As they rush downstream, they simulate an attacker charging you and make excellent moving targets. Watch out for ricochetting bullets. Have any bystander stand by behind you. A clothesline with a pulley attachment can be rigged up to also allow practice with a moving target.
Gun Laws
You can still get the book form the feds listing state and national firearm laws, get it and know it, the laws they are always a changing.
You can legaly transport an unloaded and disasembled firearm anywhere in the United States ignoring local and state laws ifjust traveling through from one location where you are allowed to posess that weapon to another place which also allows posession of that weapon, as long as it is unloaded in the trunk of your car or if the vheicle has no trunk in a locked container that is not the glove compartment or console according to GORRA-1986.
You may still make private off the books purchases between individuals for privately owned firearms if you are allowed to posess those weapons(in most locations).
You are allowed to make any firearm that you can legally own for your own use(in most locations).
The legal definition of a firearm according to the feds is the frame or the receiver. There are 80% complete receiver and frame kits that you can order along with the rest of the parts to make a legal firearm ‘off the books’.
Any questions, contact a competent firearms law lawyer, orjust trust that the constitution will protect you
Original Gun Laws
Once you decide to get a gun, check out the local laws. There are federal ones, but they’re not stricter than any state ordinance. If you’re unsure about the laws, send 750tothe U.S. Government Printing Office for the manual called Published Ordinances: Firearms. It runs down the latest on all state laws. In most states you can buy a rifle or shotgunjust for the bread from a store or individual if you are over 18 years old. You can get a handgun when you can prove you’re over 21, although you generally need a special permit to carry it concealed on your person or in your car. A concealed weapon permit is pretty hard to get unless you’re part of the establishment. You can keep a handgun in your home, though. It’s also generally illegal to walk around with a loaded gun of any type. Once you get the hang of using a gun, you’ll never want to go back to the old peashooter.
Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape
The shooting and killing branch of Corpgov a.k.a. The armies, navies, and air-forces of the industrialized nations spend lots of cash teaching their robo-soldiers how to survive if cut off from their unit and stranded behind enemy lines. We as humans fighting this nasty machine have slowly and stealthily had our homes occupied and are currently all living in occupied territory. This whole book is your starting point to train you to live by your wits but when the bust finally comes down and you are being chased, caught, or imprisoned hopefully some of this information will help.
For further advice on this situation, why not just use the Government’s own S.E.R.E manual? It is totally free upon request and can be found online here: This is excellent book for learning how to cross patrolled areas like national borders, forage and prepare foods and medicinal plants, and improvised first aid when the hospital is not an option.
The Bust
Decision process — Fight or Flight
This is much harder than it may seem. Truth be told, nobody wants to be in cuffs or detained. The important thing, however, is to keep your cool. Quite often if you are nabbed for a small crime (shoplifting, minor drug possession, protests, etc.) it would be in your best interest tojust let the pigs have their way with you. Once you have been detained and you escape, you can be charged with resisting or evading arrest (a felony in most areas). Furthermore, small crimes usually involve no more than a day or two in the joint, a much better option than being re-nabbed a few years later and going back to the joint for a year or two. Keep track if you have outstanding warrants or are wanted, the most common way major catches are made is at a traffic stop or for petty crimes.
Outstanding warrants
If you know you are wanted for something big and the blue lights come on behind you you have no choice, run! The only exception is if you either have a good fake ID or the situation is totaly hopeless and you might die escaping.
Running from pigs is one of the scariest things you can do, because the stakes are high. If you’re caught, you could get some serious jail time by making Sgt. Barney get a running exercise. Mind you, many local cops are not muscle machines and have a difficulty running long distances. If you’re in a situation (such as protests) where you may get nabbed, scout the area out for good hiding places. If the time comes for a jog with the pigs, try to avoid them by making as many sharp turns as possible. When you feel you have gotten a good deal away from them, hide for a bit and take a back way home
Police dogs
K-9 dogs can be evaded in many ways, especially in the woods. If you are being followed by bloodhounds, try to cross a body of moving water, such as a stream or river (Don’t drown!! Be careful about undercurrents); the dogs will lose the scent, the human tracker will help the dog cross and look for signs to start the search again.
Some will incorrectly claim sprinkling some tear gas or pepper behind you will lose the dogs, as it will fill their nasal passages when they sniff it, truth is these dogs are not dumb and will not sniff painful teargas and pepper unless it is in some kind of surprise tripwire pepper landmine.
A distraction like another dog’s turd or urine wiped and dragged along the ground on the tip of a stick then thrown onto a roof or tree after a few hundred meters can really confuse a tracking dog.
If you get taken down by a fighting dog, like a German Shepard, don’t fight back. Attack dogs are trained to clamp onto your arm and not let go, unless you are sure you can win and keep them from grabbing on, it’s not smart to fight them, they can usualy outrun you.
Many dogs are trained in german, standing straight like you are a cop and commanding “feitz”(say it like the word feet as in foot with a “tz” on the end) may cause the dog to stop, sit, and await a command or at least stop mauling you.
Urine from coyotes, foxes, and wolves and rabbits can be purchased for the purpose of scaring deer and rabbits away or luring predator animals, this should drive most police dogs nuts, another idea is to bottle the urine from a female dog in heat and put it on your tires, the cop-dog will be so horney or excited to chase the fox he won’t care about that bale of weed in the back seat.
Take every chance to let your escape path take you near outdoor dogs, cats, and farm animals; this distracts the K-9 dog.
You can escape from a search dog, use scent to distract and confuse, cover scent won’t work
Infrared cameras and helicopters
Infared, thermal, or FLIR has a mythical reputation for being something like x-ray vision. For all of the hype it can only determine if a room is heated not that it is occupied, infared cannot get the outline of a person through walls. It is best to hide behind solid objects but even an umbrella can be enough to block the infared radiating from your body. Campfires, car engines, and heated structures show up as light areas as do people making them contrast against the cooler backround. Trees can help break up your IR signature but only very thick cover can really conceal you. A great place to hide from IR is under a car, inside a dumpster, or inside a building or rock ledge, as long as the heilo has not seen you you are cool. New tech like milimeter-wave radar may make it possible to see through a wall but for now the price is very high.
Cyclone fence should not be too hard to climb even though it is often topped by barbed or razor wire. Throw a blanket, thick coat, or something else over the sharp parts that you can afford to have destroyed. It is not safe to hang from the top wires as they may not be well attached to the main fence. If you were planning ahead and were able to obtain one, you can cut the stout wires on a cyclone fence with a compound action wire cutter; a mini bolt cutter.
If you have to cut through a farmers field don’t worry too much about electrical fences, they are a usualy a low single wire usualy strung about 2–3 feet inside the main barbed fence, they will at worst give you a quick zap. If you see a single or multiple barbed or unbarbed wires attached to electrical insulators and not direclty to the poles, especially at on private property, some wacko might just have wired it into the 110 or 220 volt power system and that could easily kill you. Unpunctured rubber boots and gloves are an effective way to thwart the effectiveness of an electrical fence at a secure installation, shorting to the ground may set off an alarm and a security guard might go out and check the wire.
Some very secure fences like at national borders or military bases include sound and motion sensors every dozen meters or so and three or four meter strips of sand so that footprints will be left to indicate numbers and direction of travel.
Water Crossing
Take your pack off and be ready to ditch it if it sinks, float down stream for up to fifteen minutes if the cops know you are in the water but before a boat or dive team can be called in, exit in what looks like a safe area preferably not near a road. Warm up, dry off, change your clothing if you need to.
Escape in a Building
If you have had the chance to prepare your home a tunnel to access the storm sewer system, another friendly house, a shed on the property, or to other underground structures could save your life. Keep in mind most walls in America are only drywall and can quietly be cut through or quickly kicked through, to avoid injury tap for the studs and cut/kick between, be careful for electrical wiring.
(heating, ventilation, air conditioning) ducts are now mostly confined to hanging above a false pannel ceiling these usualy won’t take the weight of a human. If you can find a strong enough structure to support you above a hung ceiling it could be a temporary hiding spot.
Elevator shafts can usualy be accessed from inside the elevator car although it usualy requires tools.
Elevator doors are locked when closed but they can sometimes be unlocked with a proper tool through the small hole in the front of the outer door. If you have the chance get a firefighter key, this should command all of the elevators in the city and give you exclusive emergency control.
Fire System
Activating the fire system or lighting a flame under a smoke detector or two may activate the safety override system unlocking the exits, although this might also shut down the elevators for users who don’t have a firefighter key.
Rope Escape
If you are really trapped and the police are advancing up the building you have a few options get to another nearby building, surrender, or hide. Getting to another building is VERY dangerous, if you need out bad enough a grapple hook to a window or parapet, or friends on the other structure can secure the other end, pull the line tight with a hauling system if you brought a few extra carabieners and have the time, then zip line across and cut the line. If there are not too many police outside it is a better idea to break out a window and attempt a fast rappel to the ground, a distraction and smoke are good for making this work. If escaping after direct action evacuating with the building occupants might be possible if your team were to wear business dress under theirjumpsuits and masks. Once you get out fake cellular calls or quiet tears where you can even cover your eyes and nose with a tissue, whatever makes you look normal but unable to be questioned, as you slink away.
BASE Parachute
Much mention was made after 9–11 of using a parachute to escape from a building, if the police are present a BASE jump would almost surely be seen and followed, unless you are jumping into the bed of a pickup truck get-away car chances are slim for escape.
An insider who takes a jobas a janitor or worker in they physical plant might get access to most of the tools and keys to access or override useful parts of a building.
escape on the road
Car pursuits are very dangerous and risky, even if you’re an experienced driver. Avoid them at ALL costs. The chances of avoiding capture while driving are slim enough that it should only be used as a last resort. Chances are, you, another driver, or a pig will get banged up real bad. If you get banged up, there is no recourse. If a pig or a driver gets hurt, the prosecutor will lay his wrath upon you. If you’re on a clear road,just gun the vehicle to full speed. If speeds get too high, the pigs may call off the chase for safety purposes. If you have been lucky enough to evade them, drive off in a different rural direction and do one of the following:
Car ID
Ditch the car and get a brother/sister to pick you up, let someone else pick up the car or leave the keys so it will be stolen
Grab a valid license plate (preferably from a willing brother/sister) and swap them out. While cops may be on the look-out for a gray Chevy sedan with license plates WXY-1234, you can throw them off a little by putting a new license plate on...even more so if it’s an out of state plate.
Injection of transmission fluid into the fuel, intake, or exhaust manifold will produce massive clouds of white smoke. Depending on engine size and fuel system this might bog down the motor or interfere with modern sensors. Large gas guzzling motors of days gone by will come out with shiny clean valves and not much else. Test your smoke system before you need it in a safe rural area, this can potentialy wipe out a large road for about a mile per pint of fluid. If running be sure to kill the smoke before making a turn to escape or you will be leaving a follow me trail.
Most smoke bombs and fire extinguishers are not powerful enough to make your car dissapear into a cloud of smoke.
Oil Slick
This is a tricky way to throw off a tail, you might get a pig to wipe out when chasing you into a tight turn but the oil slick might also lead to unintentional accidents which you can be charged for, use your brain.
police “spin stop”
This practice, known as a PIT maneuver by police, is usually used as a last resort by the pigs. They simply find a clear spot of road, then they swerve quickly away and then back striking your rear bumper at an angle orjust go for a straight on tap with as low of a closing speed as possible, and 9 times out of10 you go spinning off the road. Taking defensive driving classes and learning how to steer out of a fish-tail helps, but if you’re PITed, you will probably go off the road, often with disastrous consequences. The best way to avoid a PIT is if you see a pig gaining on you real close, mash the accelerator down. The PIT stop is considered police deadly force in some jurisdictions.
spike strips
Spike strips are quickly deployable strips ofhollow spikes designed to let all of the air from your tires quickly causing loss of control and speed. A cop hides behind a bush or unmarked car and pulls the rope to yank the strip onto the road.
Escape Below the Road
If you are in an urban area and have the tools to do the job go really underground, the piggies will take forever to try looking there. A piece of 5mm cord with two short pieces of rebar tied at the ends to make little drop in T’s, if you are strong enough you can lift the lid into a underworld of escape.
Escape in the Wilderness
The wilderness is not the escape it once was, airborne infrared equipment makes picking a campfire up against a cool backround easy, digging out a cooking hole under a low tree and sleeping under a hut ofbrush and leaves at least a foot thick should help avoid detection. SeeGet the Hell Out of Dodgeand Backpacking and Campingfor more tips.
If you can get a hold of or buy a cuff key, duct tape, wire, or sew the key to the inside of your pant’s waistband or belt, a loop ofheavy carpet thread is a good lanyard in case you drop the key during unlocking. When the cop is not watching you can get the key and unlock yourself or a friend. Remember to watch the cop and see ifhe pin locks the cuffs, use the pin on the top of the key to unlock the key hole, this pin hole is often on the opposite side or at the bottom of the cuff. A scissors type multitool with a thread loop in your back pocket or hidden behind your belt can cut flex cuffs with a little effort and time, help a friend then let her free you.
Squad Cars
Squad cars have the “child safe” back doors that lock and often have no inside handles. If there are no bars the back window might be kicked out if the cop gives you enough time, the side windows are often lexan which is almost unbreakable.
School and Charter Busses
The police may hire charter or school busses to transport large groups of dissidents, sometimes the windows can be opened and some people may be able tojump as the bus slows down, there is likely not enough cops onboard to stop everyone if there is a real effort to make a break.
Holding cell
Nobody in the holding cell is your friend, never talk about your case in the holding cell, many have audio or video monitoring. Also realize that some police departments either have undercover pigs or “snitches” locked up in there to try and extract information from people.
The job of a cop who questions you is not to get you off easy or help you it is singularly to get a confession or evidence to convict. You are playing a game with him and he wants to win big and cheer as his buddies slap him on the back for a good conviction. The cops will lie, cheat, and scare you to get the big win and scratch another “kill” mark onto their desk.
If you were in on a direct action alone shut your mouth don’t lie or shift blame no matter how nice or cool the cop seems, he wants to win the game. If there is no evidence you will walk free unless you give them something to work with, this includes lying. If you were in an action that really requires more than one person only work with people you have known for a very long time, preferably since you were early teen or pre-teen. Even well known friends can be co-opted if they get busted and are quietly offered a deal from the DA to turn on the cause so be careful. When interrogated as a group you will always be separated for questioning and part of the way into the questions someone will come in speak to your cop and you will be informed that your friend narced out. If your friend kept to the rules of “security culture” which you must believe in like a religion the cops are playing you against him. You will be offered a better deal if you also confess. This deal the cops offer is a scam they likely were going to have to release you both but you confessionjust guaranteed an easy conviction andjail time for both of you.
Fear and shame are the main tools of an interrogator, torture is only useful for making a person docile and afraid to run or fight, it is rarely used even by the military for questioning. the questioner will try to have as much information about you as possible before he begins, personal websites like facebook, prior arrests, and statements or video from the event will be used to try to paint a picture of you and your personality. With your personality type and motivations established the pigs try to find the lever they need to control you and exploit it. Worst case is if they have power over your partner, most men and some women break when their partner is threatened. Exposure of shameful information is one lever, outing a homosexual, planting evidence, or revealing financial malfeasance are good levers to control a prisoner with. every effort will be made to keep you in a state of fear, good cop bad cop, threats against friends, threats oflong sentence, these are all meant to keep the questioner as the powerful party, keep in mind they are nothing but sad little piggies with no life, pity them, fight the loosers!!
Use techniques learned from POW’s and POW training to fight your captors. The US government is known to use SERE school instructors and tactics to interrogate alleged terrorist prisoners. Never give the interrogator clues to work from, clues like being thirsty, hungry or how long it has been since you have heard from your partner or family are all levers against you. When answering a question wear your poker face show nothing through facial expressions or body language. One technique in Gitmo type detention camps is subjecting prisoners to sensory deprivation including confinement in small spaces for long periods with exposure to extreme hot or cold temperatures, loud music and noise, sexual embarrassment and humiliation, and the “religious dilemma” like at abu-garib where a Koran was shredded into a toilet. The job of your captors is to generate a state of massive uncertainty, prisoners are hooded, their sleep patterns are disrupted, they are starved for extended periods, stripped naked, etc. If a prisoner is trying to avoid revealing secrets to interrogators, he is less likely to succeed ifhe has been deprived of sleep or is struggling to avoid intense pain. Sexual humiliation and ridicule, where naked prisoners have women laugh at the size of the men’s unit, is reported to be part of military interrogation training. These trained soldiers come home often to become cops and prison guards. Depending on what you have been taken in for you might find yourself facing a “anti-terror” investigator with sweeping powers. Don’t let the head games get to you, remember that these are all levers to get you to break, they fight for the power of money, but you fight for freedom.
Get a lawyer, make all the phone calls you need don’t worry the one phonecall thing is from the 1940’s. Don’t make any deals and find a lawyer willing to go to trial. If you need ask for a public defender, make sure she is willing to fight, most lawyers want to make a deal and avoid a trial. If you cut a deal you will have a record for life, not good for employment or later interaction with the law.
If you somehow ended up getting well framed or caught working for the cause (and hopefully not for shoplifting) you will be sent to one of the highly profitable prison corporations. Here they will not really try to reeducate you, the purpose is to store the undesirable people that can’t legally be executed and maybe get some sub minimum wage labor. Prison is just like high school except you don’t get to go home at the end of the day.
Do not act defeated or scared. Many of these guys are master criminals and feed off of fear and helplessness.
Keep your yap shut as much as possible until you know the institution or the people well. Prisoners who are higher on the “food chain” don’t appreciate big-mouthed newbies.
If you haven’t started smoking, prison’s not the time to do it, smoke just enough in front of guards so you will be allowed to buy. If the institution permits smoking, cigarettes are used as open currency. If you piss off somebody, you can usually pay them off with smokes, so keep a stash around.
Any penal institution is a real drag. The boredom, mixed with a group of angry people of the same sex along with bad food makes life suck. If you’ve been there for a week orlO years, you will hate being ordered around. There is no real way to truly deal with this...they design prisons to suck for a reason, so you won’t return.
Every male penal institution is like this in some way, but there will ALWAYS be a hierarchy of prisoners. Because of the higher incarceration rates of male Revolutionaries, most of this article (unless otherwise noted) will be about male institutions.
When you arrive remember to keep your dignity and to shut your mouth. Don’t ever accept any favors until you know the rules of repayment. Shut your mouth about radical politics, try to blend in. Try to act the strong silent part don’t embarrass people, these small egos are easily threatened, and that can lead to violence.
Homosexual rape is not a big a problem,just don’t act submissive. If you are gay stay celebate, prison homosexuality is a different from outside gay culture, many inmates are dominator abusers. Women should avoid eye and physical contact with any male guard and always keep her body covered (this might help a little) as guards are famous for raping inmates with no disciplinary consequences, anything could set them off.
The guards are not your friends, prison guards are mostly cop dropouts, they don’t like the inmates, they will play head games with them to feed their own small ego. If you get too tight with the guards the inmates may feel threatened, after a few months you will have a core of fair-weather friends among the inmates as long as you don’t act like a narc. If you do narc out other inmates, especially for favors form the guards, expect a shank in the kidney.
Do everything you can to keep from getting depressed, working out is a good way to keep up, reading and composing are excellent ways to feel productive. If you do get depressed it will make you an easy target for prison thugs inmate and guard alike, even if you are depressed use every bit of acting skill to fake it, sometimes succeeding in faking yourself out will help you get over the bad patches. Study oflaw and following case law is a great way to spend your time and builds strong intellect. If you put your head to it you might, with prison correspondence school, come out ready to take the bar exam.
Work Crew
If you go down for minimum security you may be assigned to road work or even forest firefighting crew, these are real work for almost no extra pay, but you do get outside which is good for your sanity. If you get a chance to escape here take it but be aware that the cops have been playing the runaway game for a long time and they have thought about many easy escape plans already.
Drugs and weapons
Contraband including weapons, drugs, and other goods are difficult to hide. Drugs are a good way to get in trouble and while a knife or other weapon might seem useful, it can screw you in a parole hearing and get you a additional sentence. A strong reputation and avoiding enemies is much more safe and useful than a knife.
As a political prisoner you might be passed up for parole several times. Even though you don’t feel any hope appear before the committee and act in an reasonable educated matter. This committee may have some hip members in it and if you act with dignity even to the point of admitting a past mistakes they might feel better about letting you go. These tactics likely work in the case of a thuggish crime, thought crimes are much less likely to parole.
If you are really considered dangerous you might get stuck in solitary with nothing in the cell, some prisons will give you a bible and nothing else, take it if it will help you from going nuts. Find something to mentaly take you away, but regularly give yourself sanity checks that are based on a mental checklist you make at the beginning of your incarceration. Don’t let the guards be your scale for sanity they are most vile sick men and women or will be after a few years of exposure to Prison Inc.
Tap Code
Prisoners of war devised tap code to communicate through walls when in solitary confinement, it was easier to learn, teach, and remember than morse code, all letters were arranged on a 5x5 grid the first set of taps started with one on top and five on the bottom this was followed by one tap for left and five for the far right c and k are considered the same for spelling. Eye blinks, rake scrapes, or foot taps are all examples of ways to transmit this easy code.
A .. | B... | C,K.... | D...... | . E....... | |
F.. | G .. | .. ^^ .... | .... | ... ^J ..... | L.... M N................. O.. P... |
Q....... R......... S.............. T..
Z ....
V....... W............ X............ Y..
Escape Kits
Spies and prisoners have been carrying escape kits to prison for hundreds of years in the only hiding place a naked man has. Most of these capsules are smooth aluminum or plastic and screw together. Inserted forcefuly, or if the capsule comes open, a person could be severely injured. The CIA made such kits for spies, one was a metal capsule shaped .22 gun with a rubber covering, another appears as if they wanted to start a prison metal shop with a 35mm wide monster kit. The second kit contained:
a small pliers/wire cutter/tool handle
two saw blades
metal reamer
flat and round metal file
drill bit
Metal chisel
two knife blades
More useful kit contents might be:
LED micro light
Button Compass
Basic Lock Picks
Cut Down Standard Bump Keys
Amphetamine Tablets (to stay awake for up to three days during escape)
Rabbit Scent (to throw off search dogs) in a perfume sample vial
Local Cash
If you try smuggle this kit into prison you are likely to get caught in posession of escape tools, most prisons do a rectal check on arrival and regular cell checks will probably get the kit before you have a chance to use it. It takes a lot of suspicious activity in the bathroom to keep a kit “hidden” all the time. At this time it is not normal to x-ray prisoners on arrival.
Prison Escape
It will be difficult to explain prison clothes to passers by if there is a known escape, have normal clothes sent to you while in the joint, maybe you could make something from bedsheets without getting caught, get clothes on the first opportunity.
If you really make it out play homeless in a nearby city for a week or two while quietly and legaly obtaining supplies, don’t contact any friends, and thenGet the Hell Out ofDodgeand get to a nonextraditing country, your time in the US is over.
see Free Prison about prison crystal radio.
Cutting Metal
CAUTION!! This Uses High Voltage and is Dangerouslf you really have a good reason to believe cutting bars will get you free, use your diode that you have scrounged to make the AC power in the wall into metal cutting DC. With your length of power cord and a diode on one side connect a piece ofjunk metal on one side and the other pole to your bar (or other metal to cut) add urine or salty water or liquid in a puddle and set your electrode as far as possible from the bar. Watch for bubbles don’t let the reaction go to fast it will boil away your water or burn out the wire or diode. If you need a resistor to keep voltage down use some pencil lead or a long puddle of urine or salt water. Stop and make sure you are cutting the bars and not your scrap. CAUTION!! This Uses High Voltage and is Dangerous
Sodium Chlorate
CAUTION!! This Uses High Voltage and is Dangerouslf you can get some pencil lead, a diode, a jar(non conductive), and access to AC power you can make an oxidizer that you can use to make a kind of gunpowder or explosive. start electrolysis with the pencil leads as your electrodes use a diode in-line to one lead to make the AC power into useful DC. Keep adding clean water when levels drop never let the electrodes get deep enough that the wire is in the water. The salt after 64 hours should be converted to more then 50% sodium chlorate which will be filtered through a paper cone with the filter discarded, the liquid is dried and the resulting powder mixed with sugar or flour as an incendiary or if confined an explosive.CAUTION!! The best use for this would be making some sort of tear gas bomb from sugar, cayenne pepper, and sodium chlorate to cover your escape. Blasting or gunpowder in prison could be the stupidest thing you could make unless using it to escape were a sure thing. With the number of guards available the noise ofblasting would lock the whole prison down for weeks and would be useless as a distraction.
DIY Defense
FM31-210 Improvised Munitions
In 1969 the CorpGov US Army subsidiary had their special forces instructors and engineers write a book that soldiers deep behind enemy lines could use to make a vast array of simple and effective weapons from common objects and substances. This work was paid for by USA tax dollars and is thus in the public domain.
A word of caution and reflection: This information is knowledge which is power; nothing you read here could not be learned by visiting a high school or university library. All of the devastation that could be caused by these designs and mixtures are to be used only in a defensive manner. We are not in a civil war yet and we don’t want to have to hurt anyone, demonstration and protest are our medium and we wish to keep it that way striving and winning with marches and signs not rifles and bombs. The Governments and corrupt leadership of most of the world have been taking another darker direction and we are in real fear for our very lives and freedoms. You will have to live with the decision you make, taking the path of destruction must only be the last resort. All humans are one family but you have a responsibility that family to preserve freedom at all costs.
That said destruction of objects where you can ensure no loss oflife is a major but acceptable escalation if all free forms of expression are closed up by a government using emergency powers. Don’t expect any escalation to be met by anything short of deadly violence. This book external to Steal This Book/Wiki is another boost to those who fear being oppressed to death.
You may download the PDF version of this book via the following link: FM31-210 Improvised Muntions Handbook
DIY Explosives Myths
Myth — Microwaving aerosol cans will blow the room up when the timer hits zero.
Truth — the microwave will probably not even pop the cans
Myth — Military explosives can be detonated with a nine volt battery.
Truth — C-4 and other standard explosives are safe and insensitive, and require explosive initiation (i.e. detonator cap.)
Myth — Smokeless gun powder will detonate like dynamite if confined in a can or tennis ball and ignited with a fuse.
Truth — Most of the time, it will only pop the container and burn. Even a pipe bomb will usualyjust expel a jet of gas/debris without exploding.
Myth — All explosives detonate if dropped.
Truth — Most commercial and military explosives are fairly stable. Even most dynamite is now made with a more stable mix that does not regular turning due to nitroglycerine leakage.
Myth — Explosives can be made in an airplane restroom with safe non-toxic chemicals.
Truth — There are no common liquid binary explosives that can be safely mixed in an airplane lavatory. All known liquid binary explosives require chemicals that would be rather dangerous to handle and mix except under laboratory conditions.
Myth — Letting a gas stove run unlit with a candle burning in the next room can blow up a house.
Truth — Gas can be used to destroy a house, but it would likely need to be liquified and pressurized in a container like liquid propane, and ignited with a timed igniter. Home gas usualy flows at too low a rate to fill a room with an explosive fuel air mixture.
Myth — A stick of dynamite is deadly many meters away.
Truth — A bare stick of dynamite is not the nuclear bomb most people think of. Small explosive charges lose much of their power in open spaces (hence why the military uses fragmentation bombs to damage a wide area). Inside a room or closed space, however, many explosives can cause severe injury or death.
Get the Hell Out of Dodge
So you have really done it this time, gotten over your head so badly that you have to bail out of the fight in Amerika, much like the Dali Lama had to do in Tibet. Perhaps youjust think Amerika is so rotten it’s not even worth saving (wuss!). That’s ok, your new job is to help fuel the freedom revolution worldwide. If you’ve never been out of Amerika, you’ll be surprised at how good our English-speaking friends in other countries have it compared to the on-going fight here in Amerika, but you may also be surprised what liberties they also have totaly given up. First, however, you have to cross that border without the pigs getting you and then set up your new life. Here is a bit of pre-planning that should help you be on your way to becoming Joe Canadian/Australian/Whatever.
Taking some money
One of the biggest aids to setting up a new life is money: you will be able to bribe if you need to at the border, set up in a hotel, and buy your food for the first night until you can link up with or figure out the local scene. The money trail is the easiest way to track a fugitive, and huge parts of the FBI and other agencies are full of fat cops checking suspicious bank transfers. Bank employees are required to report all suspicious transactions such as large cash withdrawals, large international wire transfers and large purchases of traveler’s checks. Since you may not have yet developed the street smarts for your new home, robbery and theft are a problem, so split up your stash in several places, both on your person and where you are staying. Expect many methods of getting some money to cause a loss of value of over 50%, that is still better than getting caught or having no money.
Euros and Dollars
These two currencies are the most internationally recognized corpgov currency, with the US dollar having a bit of an edge in acceptance as of 2007. In many nations is is seen as “real” money vs. their own inflatable currency, but with the recent big drops in the dollar against other currencies worldwide, trust is wavering.
In case you think that hiding cash the secret neck strap, bra, and in the pants wallets from travel stores are a big secret, think again, many crooks know about these extra pockets although they are still safer than your wallet in a back pocket. Zippered in the belt stashes and hiding emergency cash under a shoe insole seem the safest quick places now.
If you are going to try to mail cash or packages to general delivery/Poste Restante at a post office, wrap two or three large bills in a layer or two of newspaper, mail from a drop box, split the load into many envelopes over time if possible in case some get intercepted and stolen or confiscated. Other items and packages can also be sent in this way. Check with the local post where you are for specific addressing rules.
AUS general address would look like this:
Joe Yippie
General Delivery
Washington DC 20090–9999
or in the UK:
Mr. Guy Fawkes Poste Restante Islington Post Office 116 Upper Street Islington London N1 1AE
Gold and Silver
In any country in the world there will be someone buying gold and often silver as well. The easiest and least costly way to get gold in the US at the time of this writing is to buy bullion coins, preferably from a no sales tax state. These have little if any collector value overhead and if you go with the Canadian Maple Leaf or American Eagle, they will be recognized worldwide. A small amount hidden in a change purse could be worth a few thousand dollars. Silver “rounds” are commercially minted medallions that have one troy ounce each, and are popular with the Survivalists. “Junk Silver” is the term used for old silver coins that have little if any collector value, and are bought and sold only for their silver content. Silver, at the time of this writing, is priced too low per ounce to be an efficient mobile way to carry value, but the price per ounce has been on the rise and will likely continue to become more practical as time goes on. Jewelery ifbought as junk in a bin might be a good way to buy gold but there is no easy way for an amateur to know whether he or she is being ripped off with electroplate junk. Don’t waste your time trying to play the gem and diamond game unless you are already a established player, it is too easy for a novice to get ripped off and the cartel overhead both buying and selling can burn you badly.
Credit cards, Checks, or Bank transfers
Don’t even think ofhaving someone wire you money, send a check, or credit/debit card unless you are under a safe false identity. This will be a big easy red arrow that authorities can follow right to you. After a few weeks or month someone far away from you, who already has a reason to visit, can bring you the money or cash a check and open a tourist account at a bank. Many fugitives are easily caught by leaving a money trail.
Many nations in the Middle East and Asia have very harsh drug laws to make the United States happy, and some even impose a death penalty. If you intend to use drugs to carry value across borders, be very careful, the drug business is cutthroat and there is as good a chance that they will rob a stupid American as pay a fair price for your stash, or you will loose your profits trying to bribe the cops out of trouble. Drugs should be a last resort for transfer of wealth.
A shaving kit full of small expensive items like computer memory, large capacity flash memory cards, and even processors carry a high value if new. It may be difficult to find a buyer who will give a fair price, but offer at several computer shoppes. Hurry to liquidate your stash after arrival before the stuffbecomes obsolete.
Getting Across the Border
If you plan on getting out of the continental US you have a few options you can fly out First Class and enjoy the drinks and movie but unless you are using good fake ID you are running the risk of agents greeting you at the airport or being denied by a “no-fly-list” status. You might try taking a sailboat or ferry over the border, the ferry might work if you are a low priority and lookjust like everyone else on the ferry. A nice hike is the classic way to get across a border, you run a low risk ofborder agents catching you unless you are at a place that they patrol hard. See also:[Sail Away] and [Canada Sweden and Political Asylum] for more ideas.
Canadian border
While many are looking towards keeping illegals out of Amerika from Mexico, very few worry about the Canadian border (primarily because nobody is crazy enough to move here these days). Doing so legally will mean being tracked by the Bush Empire using a passport soon. But escaping to the land of socialized medicine, lax pot laws, and friendly people is easy as 1, 2, flee!
Overland hike
It’s a pretty easy skip to make it across the border. About 95% of the US/Canadian border is either untouched wilderness, farming plains, or forest. First, pick out where you want to hike from and when. If you only speak English, hopping over to Francophone Quebec may make you stick out like a sore thumb. If you’re needing to flee in the winter, spending a few days hiking through Washington State into B.C. will be a much better option than going through the freezing plains on skis pulling a sled. Whatever you do, plan your trip as well as you can: Take into effect weather, food, clothing, shelter, water (or water sources) and orientation. see also [Backpacking and Camping]
Get an idea of the climate of the area you’ll be in. In a place like western BC, it can be rainy at many times, and highs usually never go above 80 or below 30. Move a wee bit up into the mountains, and the snowy season begins in September and doesn’t end until May. Go out to the plains of Saskatchewan and summertime highs may easily reach 95, but winters are fierce, with lows almost always below 0. In any instance, it is best to camouflage yourself with the terrain. Avoid using white or bright-colored clothing unless you’re trekking through snow.
While the average Amerikan will say “LOL,just head north!” it takes a little more effort than this. If you’re planning a trip, water sources, avoiding small towns, border guards, or other obstructions must be kept in mind. If you print out contour maps of the area (and know how to use them), you can navigate just fine with a compass.
Legal surface crossings
This will require an Amerikan passport soon, so keep this in mind. Since you will be going into Canada, you will not have to deal with US Border Guards, though Canadian Guards are well known for being very precise. There is a good chance your trunk/car may be searched, and they may have drug dogs (so keep the weed at home if possible). While the Canadians do have their own independent passport screening system if you’re on the run from the Amerikan Gestapo, it will come up in their system. The important thing is to be friendly to the border guards, do NOT be impatient with them; this will arouse suspicion in their eyes
Air and Boat
You will meet a customs agent as you exit the air terminal or boat,just like the car crossing be ready for questions about if you have a handgun, if you brought drugs, or other contraband. Be cool and everything should be fine.
Mexican Border
If you have to get out Mexico may not be the top choice for place to stay since it is too close and obvious to Uncle Sam. Most US law enforcement agencies operate in Mexico for the expressed purpose of getting those who flee the US. You might be able to use a trip through Mexico to get to another destination without getting caught.
Over Land Hike
cross border walks are best made shortly after sundown, be sure to bring plenty of water. Have a map and compass and know the town you are heading for.
legal surface crossings
Mexico welcomes your dollars, gringos have them and are allowed to visit. The border guards will want to know your business and destination know a place that you can tell them you are going.
air and boat
Regular airline and pleasure cruise access, California and Texas yacht owners frequently cross the border for a holiday.
It used to be that hijacking a flight to Cuba was an easy way to safely flee the US if the heat was really on. Now it is much more difficult to make residence anywhere in the Caribbean. Remember that many islands are US or UK territories with full extradition.
Boat Crossing
You could boat out of the US from Florida, not a difficult or particularly long escape, although the Coast Guard swarms this area on drug patrols, and an unusually small vessel would be suspicious. Once you come into territorial waters the coastal patrol or police will expect at least a radio call as you enter, when you come to dock the fact that you are an American would be clear and that dock master will likely want to see your ID and passport. Often there are specific ports that must be visited before docking and egress of the crew is allowed.
Air Travel and Stay ID Requirements
Some border zones in Mexico only require a drivers license. Passport recommended, no visa required.
Passport recommended, no visa for US citizens.
The UK and Europe are easy once you clear the border, there is no border stops between EU nations now.
East Asia
Most East Asian nations are very ethnocentric unless you have a valuable skill getting any kind of long term visa might be difficult, one exception is teaching English. Hong Kong is a bit easier because of the significant English minority but again permanent stay is tricky. People of Asian descent often find themselves looked down by the locals upon unlike their white friends.
Southeast Asia
Thailand is one of the main destinations for US expat’s. Low prices, low rent, and a government friendly to long term visitors all make Thailand an excelent destination. Thailand is not all sex, it is a really beautiful, free, and open kingdom with nice people and a very large international tourist population.
South Asia
Those with high tech skill can usually find work, English speakers can also eke out a living if they can get hired training outsource call centers.
A big tourist destination, unless you can afford and are accepted long term at a temple and are self supporting this is a difficult place to live.
Middle East
If you bring money Dubai is happy to give you a place to live, opportunities for underground work in domestic work and slave wage construction work.
If you are Jewish or descendant of an Israeli Arab this is the easiest country in the world. Instant citizenship and about 10,000 assistance, subsidized apartment, and language lessons.
Sub-Saharan Africa is an easy destination if you want to talk about jebus, otherwise scratching out a living might be tough unless you have telecom, petrolium, or water utility skills. African-Americans might be disappointed to find that most Africans consider them just another American and feel that they are anther american to get ca$h from.
South Africa
South Africa is a combination of first and third world, some white areas in Johannisberg and Capetown are English speaking.
Australia is an amazing destination and the culture is not too different form the United States in some ways more similar than Canada. It is easy to find a compatible mate get married and gain residency
New Zealand
New Zeland is not aligned to the United States in foreign policy and has a more liberal outlook on the world, it is a beautiful place to marry for fakes or real and take residency.
See also Identification Papersfor ideas on getting fake travel ID.
In most places refugee status is difficult to get especially if you are a fugitive for normal criminal charges, you risk being deported in cuffs with a US marshal on both sides if you go this route. Some nations will give refugee status if you face a possible death sentence, but part of a extradition deal may be a promise from the US government not to seek the death penalty.
Student Visa
If the man is after you a student visa in your legal name might not be issued, the new country may also share their student visa data with US law enforcement.
Religious Worker Visa
This takes some preparation, Many nations will allow religious workers to enter as a leader or worker for an existing community. Start by creating links to worldwide religious organizations in your community by approaching sympathetic clergy and expressing interest in this kind of work in case you will ever need this out.
Tourist Visa
A tourist visa usually has a short expiration date. Sometimes this is all you have time to get and if so you need to use your time well in finding a way to integrate and get a better visa or go illegal inside your host country.
Your ultimate goal is likely permanent residency, there are several ways to get it which vary from nation to nation.
If you have family members who are citizens, or a special skill that is in demand in your new country you might be able to get sponsored for residency by a that relative or a company in that job field, having a friend with an established business will be a big help.
Get Married
A real or sham marriage is a well known way to get permanent residency, in some countries a bribe is also required to get this to work, but in many places nothing happens without a bribe.
There are several ways to get instant citizenship, although it will require a bit of paperwork and research. Contact the embassies of all nations that you would consider living in. Especially concentrate on nations that your parents or grandparents may have immigrated from, some nations even accept your ethnicity as a way to claim (almost) instant citizenship.
If your family has been in the United States for too many generations or you are unable to document family immigration use the tactics in Identification Papers but with a twist, look for immigrant families, lists of names might be found from newspaper stories or biographies. Trace back and find a child living or dead near your age who has never been out of the country or expressed an interest in filing for citizenship in that foreign country. This is not uncommon for European minorities who had to run away during wartime. Using the paperwork you have ordered and being sure to get it certified with an apostille (usually about $5 from the state records agency), you have started the process of getting all of the foreign citizenships you might ever need.
Be sure you invest in a passport once you get your identity, but before you do inform the embassy that you would like to file for a name change so you will not have such an outlandish American sounding name once you move back to your ancestral homeland.
Extradition Treaties
If the man figures out that you are hiding out in a nation friendly to the US they will seek an extradition hearing as allowed in the extradition treaty they have likely signed. You get a court hearing in most places to decide if the charges are too bogus to even be real, if the charges are reasonable you will be extradited. Also remember that if you are wanted for something US courts consider it legal for federal agents to enter another country and kidnap you, even if this violates that nation’s laws — so keep your head low!
The following nations have a history of not extraditing US citizens:
People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong area extradites!)
Mexico (only if the sentence imposed in a US prison is greater than a Mexicanjail term. Mexican authorities DO have the ability to kick you out for being there illegally, though.)
Russia (Absolutely no extradition for Russian citizens, limited extradition for others)
EU Countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand (will not extradite if the death penalty is involved)
This Wikipedia of United States extradition treatieslink gives a listing of all nations who have ever signed extradition treaties with the US, notice many nations did so long ago and the treaty predates the sitting government, in these places it may not be in force. Even if there is no treaty a stern request along with pressure or gifts may cause that nation to give you over.
Making your New Home Work
The expat editors of Steal This Wiki have known many attempted emigrants from the United States who fail because they did not use their heads and pre-plan their exit properly. Here are some important tips to remember for when you make the jump.
Use the worksheet/phrasebook in International Communicationsto help you in the first few days in your new host country, have a new friend fill out all of the words and important phrases.
You are not a citizen of the new country, your rights are limited and you can be kicked out at any time
You are not in America, try to learn the new culture and integrate, you are a guest
If you do not find a support group with some political power in your new country you will have a difficult time
Try to spend at six to eight hours a day speaking the new language without resorting to English
Make a culture and language notebook and add to it every day review it before bed and in the morning
Avoid anything that could lead to argument or law enforcement contact, revenge is a phone call and a deportation away
Depending on why you left you should think about integrating with other American expats, they often know lots of tricks to get proper papers and other services, unfortunately the trick is often expensive bribery or fat fees
If you are on the run stay away from other Americans no matter how cool they seem there may be a reward out for you
Stick post-it notes on your stuff with the foreign nouns, say the noun when you see the item or use it
If you are unable to do the foreign language thing choose an English speaking country, work on faking a local English accent, spend a few hours a day on speech therapy with a accent sensitive local, this will help throw offlocal cops
Be watchful of depression, moving to a strange country and possibly unable to return is very hard, learn breathing and meditation exercises
Write a daily personal journal about your feelings and review your progress
Don’t turn to alcohol or drugs for help if depressed, exercise works better, drag yourself out for exercise even when unmotivated.
Set yourself goals to accomplish every day, write a list.
Especially when you are new be sure to walk with confidence, a timid western foreigner invites robbery.
Men should never wear shorts or go without a shirt until you get a good understanding of if this is acceptable and honorable.
Women should stick to long skirts and loose long sleeve shirts covering the abdomen and neckline at until they understand what less clothing may imply about them in the new culture
Do not flirt at all until you very clearly know when this is appropriate.
Do not get into a situation where you will test the “No! means No!” rule, not all men worldwide understand that once they are out on a date and get turned on by making out or flirting, the partner saying the word NO! means hands off.
Understand that in most parts of the world Americans are stereotyped as very rich, an easy source of money, lazy, impulsive, and easy to get into bed, this is what locals will think of you too.
Never photograph police, soldiers, infrastructure, or military equipment, this is an easy way to disappeartojail.
Never show off shiny new equipment or bags, dirty and de-label ASAP.
Have spending money in two pockets, stash the rest, nothing makes for bad bargaining than counting a big wad on the counter.
It is better to give nothing to a panhandler than to give too little and insult him
If you give to a nearby panhandler you have an expectation to continue supporting him and others nearby as long as you stay
Put away the camera, this makes you look like a tourist, tourists have money, robbers want money.
Avoid transfusions, needles, surgery, and IV medication if possible, contaminated medical treatment in the third world is common.
Put a lock or doorstop on your door
Door or window alarms can be purchased at some travel stores against late night prowlers.
Be cautious when taking a cab for kidnappers.
When taking a room look for entry points from adjoining balconies and windows, roof access, and attic spaces into your room, robbers are known to use this access to rob tourists.
Be vary cautious taking a drink with strangers, alcohol conceals many “date rape” type drugs used on both men and women for rape and robbery.
International Communications
This section to the book is a selection of useful survival words and phrases, intended for when there are no available tourist phrase books. By necessity this must be short and kept to a small number oflanguages. Language inclusions are in the following order: English, Spanish, and French. Alternatively, the reader could pencil in the local translations to these important words when he has access to a local translator, wherever he is.
Military pilots used to be given a book called a pointey-talkie with pictures and useful phrases in both English and the local language for use if they had to escape. Modern world travelers also often are seen carrying a general purpose phrase book in preference to a dictionary. Any phrase “cheat sheet” is infinitely less useful than basic knowledge of the local language and instantly points you out as both an American and a potential naive robbery victim new onto the streets. A major problem with phrase books is that unless the answer is a yes or no you might never find the exact phrase that the local has just said. This section is not to be a substitute for learning a language or even a phrase book but rather a survival tool used with some gestures until either a guide or larger book can be obtained.
It is important that if you find someone who speaks some English to use only clear statements. For example “restroom” might be interpreted as a “resting room”, a room for sleeping. Always be simple and clear using the least amount of words possible. Never use slang, your pop slang words just don’t translate into anything useful and might cause trouble. If you change your mind during a conversation be sure the other party understands clearly that you have changed your intent. Get your guide to repeat back what you said at the end of a conversation to ensure he has the right idea. It is a good idea to use drawings or write out what you are saying if this improves understanding. Don’t worry too much if you confuse the gender of a word, people will almost always understand unless you are speaking about people, when in doubt just use masculine form.
Remember what we said inGet the Hell Out of Dodgedon’t flame too radical when visiting outside your home nation or if you are on the run until you get to know the cultural expectations. There is more Spanish and grammar inSpanish for the Revolution.
5-to the end
7-traffic signal
8-railroad track
18–1 don’t understand
19-pl ease repeat
20-speak slowly
Direcciones (Spanish)
2- la derecha
3- delantero
4- continue
5- al extremo
6- intersection
7- serial de trafico
8- pista del ferrocarril
9- rio
11-paso superior
12- del norte
13- del sur
14- del este
16- si
18-No entiendo
19- por favor repetition
20- hable lentamente
Directions (French)
2- droite
3- vers 1’avant
4- continuez
5- a l’extremite
6- intersection
7- feux de signalisation
8- voie de chemin de fer
9- fleuve
11- passage superieur
12- du nord
14- est
16- oui
18-je ne comprends pas
19- sil vous plait repetition
20- parlez lentement
Where is the
2- toilet
3- hotel
4- youth hostel
5- hospital
6- embassy
7- building
8- office
9- airport
10-rail station
11- automated teller machine
12- postal office
13-bus station
14- doctor
16-Internet cafe
17- English bookstore
19-hardware store
21-police station
22- government ministry ofXX
23- food store
24- car rental shop
25- bicycle shop
26- camping area
Donde esta (Spanish)
1- almacen del alimento
3- hotel
4-paradorde lajuventud
5- hospital
6- embajada
7- edificio
8- oficina
9- aeropuerto
10-estaciondel carril
11- maquina automatizada de teller
12-oficina postal
13-terminode autobuses
14- doctor
16- Cafe del Internet
17-Libreria inglesa
19- almacen del hardware
21-comisaria de policias
22- el ministerio del gobierno de la XX
23- almacen del alimento
24- tienda del alquiler de coches
25- tienda de la bicicleta
26- area que acampa
La ou est (French)
1-magasinde nourriture
2- toilette
3- hotel
4-pensionde lajeunesse
5- hopital
6- ambassade
7- batiment
8- bureau
9- aeroport
10stationde rail
11- machine automatisee de teller
12- bureau postal
13-gare routiere
14- docteur
16- Cafe d’Internet
17- Librairie anglaise
19-magasinde materiel
21-commissariat de police
22- ministere de gouvernement de la XX
23- magasin de nourriture
24- magasin de location de voiture
25- magasin de bicyclette
26- secteur campant
My XX feels bad
7-lower abdomen
11-teeth / tooth
14–1 eg
16–1 ower back
18-kidney kidneys
22-testicle testicles
Mi XX se siente mal (Spanish)
1- cabeza
2- ojo
3- oido
4- nariz
5- estomago
6- abdomen
7-baje el abdomen
8- pecho
9- pulmones
12- brazo
14- piema
16-baje detras
17- espina dorsal
18-rinones del rinon
20- vagina
22- testiculos del testiculo
23- herida
24- lesion
25- hueso
Mon XX sent le mauvais (French)
2- oeil
3- oreille
4- nez
5- estomac
6- abdomen
7- abaissez 1’abdomen
8- coffre
9- poumons
12- bras
16- abaissez en arriere
18-reins de rein
19-reservoir souple
20- vagin
22- testicules de testicule
23- blessure
24- dommages
25- os
Types of Pain
1-sharp pain
Tipos de dolor (Spanish)
1-dolor agudo
2- dolor
3- presion
4- dolorido
Types de douleur (French)
2- mal
3- pression
4- endolori
1–1 do not want a transfusion
2-My blood type is
3-Only use new needles
4–1 will pay for a new needle
5-XX has his/her blood type
6-XX wants to give blood for a transfusion
7-Call an ambulance
8–1 have American insurance
9-Would a larger hospital be able to help?
10–1 am diabetic
11-Iam allergic to XX
12-I am taking XX
Tratamiento (Spanish)
1-No deseo una transfusion
2- Mi tipo de la sangre es
3- Utilice solamente las agujas nuevas
4-Pagare una aguja nueva
5- XX tiene su tipo de la sangre
6- XX desea dar la sangre para una transfusion
7- Llame una ambulancia
8- Tengo seguro americano
9- (,Un hospital mas grande podria ayudar?
10- Soy diabetico
11- Soy alergico a XX
12- Estoy tomando XX
Traitement (French)
1-Je ne veuxpas une transfusion
2- Mon type de sang est
3- Employez seulement les nouvelles aiguilles
4- Je payerai une nouvelle aiguille
5- XX a son type de sang
6- XX veut donner le sang pour une transfusion
7- Appelez une ambulance
8- J’ai 1’assurance americaine
9- Est-ce que un plus grand hopital pourrait aider ?
10-Je suis diabetique
11- Je suis allergique a XX
12- Je prends XX
l-me, I-yo
2-wife — esposa
6-friend (male) — amigo
7-friend (female) — amiga
1 O-daughter
14-police officer
Gente (Spanish)
1- yo
3- novia
4- marido
5- novio
6- amigo
7- amiga
8- padre
9- madre
12- relative
13- soldado
14- oficial de policia
Les gens(French)
2- epouse — esposa
3- petite amie
4- mari
5- petit ami
6- ami
7- amiga
8- pere
9- mere
12- relatif
13- soldat
14- officier de police
18- girl
20- madame
3-is coming
4-is going
12-collision (vehicular)
Verbes (Spanish)
2- fue
3-esta viniendo
4- va
6- golpe
7- condujo
8- monto
9- funciono
12- colision (de vehiculos)
14- comio
16- quebrado
Verbes (French)
2- est alle
3- vient
4- va
5- est tombe
6- coup
7-a conduit
8- est monte
9-a couru
12- collision (vehiculaire)
14-a mange
16- casse
Other Words
7-forbidden — prohibido
11-please — por favor
12-thank you — gracias
13-you’re welcome — de nada
15-excuse me — compremiso
Otras Palabras (Spanish)
1- Quien
2- que
3- donde
5- porque
6- como
7- prohibido
8- permitido
9- imposible
11-por favor
12- gracias
13 — usted es agradable
14- apesadumbrado
16- assylum
D’Autres Mots (French)
1- Qui
2- ce qui
3- la ou
5- pourquoi
6- comment
7- interdit
8- laisse
9- impossible
12- merci
13- vous etes bienvenu
14- desole
16- assylum
1- one
2- two
4- four
5- five
6- six
8- eight
9- nine
20- twenty
30- thirty
100-one hundred
200- two hundred
300- three hundred
1000-one thousand
2000- two thousand
3000- three thousand
2- dos
3- tres
4- cuatro
5- cinco
6- seises
7- siete
8- ocho
9- nueve
10- diez
20- veinte
30- treinta
100- ciento
200- dosciento
300- tresciento
2000- dos miles
3000- tres miles
1- un
2- deux
3- trois
4- quatre
5- cinq
6- six
7- sept
8- huit
9- neuf
10- dix
20- vingt
30- trente
200- deux cents
300- trois cents
1000- mille
2000- deux mille
3000- trois mille
Other Phrases
l-Can I pay more to make it happen faster?
2-I don’t have that much money
3-Is it available cheaper elsewhere?
4-I am not happy
5-I am happy
6-I am frightened
7-let’s be friends
8-I am not interested
9-I have no cash
10-Please stop — Alto por favor
11-Iam seeking (residency, citizenship, asylum)
12-Can I stay here?
14-I am sick
Otras Frases (Spanish)
1- ^Puedo pagar mas para hacer que sucede mas rapidamente?
2- No tengo que mucho dinero
3- (,Es mas barato disponible a otra parte?
4- No soy feliz
5- Soy feliz
6- Me asustan
7- seamos amigos
8- No estoy interesado
9- No tengo ningun efectivo
10- Por favor parada — Alto por favor.
11- Estoy buscando (implantacion, ciudadania, asilo)
12- ^Puedo permanecer aqui?
14- Soy enfermo
D’Autres Expressions (French)
1- Est-ce que je peux payer plus pour la faire se produire plus rapidement ?
2- Je n’ai pas que beaucoup d’argent
3- Est-il meilleur marche disponible ailleurs ?
4- Je ne suis pas heureux
5-Je suis heureux
6- Je suis effraye
7- soyons des amis
8- Je ne suis pas interesse
9- Je n’ai aucun argent comptant
10- Svp arret — faveur de por d’alto
11-Je cherche (residence, citoyennete, asile)
12- Est-ce que je peux rester ici ?
13-Je suis perdu
14- Je suis malade
Babelfish can provide quick translation for many common languages
Disguise is the art of changing you appearance without making it appear that you have done so.
If you think that a wig and fake mustache are a good disguise you have allot to learn. People often remember faces by only a few features. A big nose, style of glasses, smile or facial tic all are features we use to memorize the faces of people around us. A disguise is designed to give people something else to notice or even something that was not there before. What is important to remember is that we do not want the disguise to be so interesting that people will remember it even if it effectively covers your identity. A bad disguise is worse than no disguise!
An easy way to throw people off is to find some thick rim safety glasses or low power reading glases (don’t impair your vision), don’t use something too retro that stands out, they should be passable as real glasses. If you always wear glasses you should have a few weeks supply of contacts and solution, many manufacturers will mail you free samples.
Dye and Hairstyle
Abad dye or bleach job will stick out like a sore thumb, the same with a bad haircut.
An easy haircut is to use the shorter trimmer tips on an electrical beard trimmer to give a close cut for someone with long hair. Abad dye job is one that does not match facial hair and eyebrows, also it is obvious as it grows out.
Shaving and a preppy haircut are surprisingly effective disguise when combined with a new wardrobe.
If punk is your style switching to button shirts and khaki or a suit is a huge disguise. Don’t do the nice clothing thing if you don’t know how to act the part, that will stand out.
When dressed up be sure to walk and move in a purposeful way with your chin up, a mobile phone you can constantly pretend tojabber on is a good prop to make people feel they need to look away, don’t be annoying or loud though.
Whatever your race or ethnicity all good hard working Amerikans try to be WASP’s. Remember this and suppress your natural in your face humor if you are trying to stay off the radar. Every morning repeat this mantra for ten minutes “I am a good hard working WASP”. Looking shifty, stressed, or worried will stick out more than your appearance even if your face is all over the papers and TV. Be cool...
Piercings and Tattoos
All forms of piercing, body mods, and tattoos must be covered up. Wool hats can cover ears and eyebrows, bandages long sleeves and gloves can all be used to cover up hands.
A bandaid plaster or some acne cover-up on your forehead is sure to distract the casual interaction like at a bank or convenience store. Don’t get too elaborate with distraction as it might begin to draw attention.
Hard to Change features
The following are very difficult to fully disguise:
Race: There are medication that will darken the skin, spray or natural tanning may also work but this will not alter other race specific facial features.
Sex: hard to fake, going for the androgynous frumpy look might work.
Age: difficult to fake even with stage makeup, up close it often looks fake
Height: good posture or slouching will alter apparent height.
Head Shape: Some medications can cause swelling in the face but be careful of side affects.
Facial Features: Drastic measures include the home nose job which involves a “surgeon’ who knows how to give a nice punch and then reset the cartilage, this gives minimal alteration of the face long term but leaves you with two black eyes for a week or two.
Drastic changes in diet can cause drastic changes in appearance both weight gain and loss but this takes time as does building a muscular appearance.
The Underground
The Pledge Of Allegiance Defiance
I pledge defiance to the United States of America, and allegiance to that for which it once stood. I believe in my God(s), not yours, and in liberty andfreedom for all.
Many underground organizations continue to exist, including the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). It should be noted that many sisters and brothers have paid the ultimate price and many continue to pay for resisting the U.S. government. Members of the Black Panther Party, Black Liberation Army, MOVE, and many Black and Latino freedom fighters remain in prison. Organizations such as the Anarchist Black Cross Network, Anarchist Black Cross Federation, the Jericho Movement, and the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee struggle for their freedom.
11. Original The Underground
Amerika is just another Latin dictatorship. Those who have doubts, should try the minimal experience of organizing a large rock festival in their state*, sleeping on some beach in the summer or wearing a flag shirt. Ask the blacks what it’s been like living under racism and you’ll get a taste of the future we face. As the repression increases so will the underground-deadly groups of stoned revolutionaries sneaking around at night and balling all day. As deadly as their southern comrades the Tupamaros. Political trials will only occur when the heavy folks are caught. Too many sisters and brothers have been locked up for long stretches having maintained a false faith in the good will of the court system. Instead, increased numbers have chosen to become fugitives from injustice: Bernadine Dohrn, Rap Brown, Mark Rudd, hundreds of others. Some including Angela Davis, Father Berrigan and Pun Plamondon have been apprehended and locked in cages, but most roam freely and actively inside the intestines of the system. Their growth leads to persistent indigestion for those who sit at the tables of power. As they form into active isolated cells they make apprehension difficult. Soon the FBI will have a Thousand Most Wanted List. Our heroes will be hunted like beasts in the jungle. Anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of a fugitive is a traitor.
Unless you want to use our music to attack our politics as the governor of Oregon did to drain support away from demonstrations against the AmeriKKKan Legion. In such a situation the concert should be sabotaged along with political education as to why such an action has been taken. Don’t let the pigs separate our culture from our politics.
Well fellow reader, what will you do when Rap or Bernadine call up and ask to crash for the night? What if the Armstrong Brothers want to drop some acid at your pad or Kathy Boudin needs some bread to keep on truckin’? The entire youth culture, everyone who smiles secretly when President Agnew and General Mitchell refer to the growing number of “hot-headed revolutionaries”, all the folks who hope the Cong wins, who cheer the Tupamaros on, who want to exchange secret handshakes with the Greek resistance movement, who say “It’s about time” when the pigs get gunned down in the black community, all of us have an obligation to support the underground. They are the vanguard of our revolution and in a sense this book is dedicated to their courage.
If you see a fugitive’s picture on the post office wall take it home for a souvenir. But watch out, because this is illegal. Soon the FBI will be printing all our posters for free. Right on, FBI! Print up wanted posters of the war criminals in Washington and undercover agents (be absolutely sure) and put them up instead. Since the folks underground move freely among us, we must be totally cool if by chance we recognize a fugitive through their disguise. If they deem it necessary to contact you, they will make the first move. If you are very active in the aboveground movement, chances are you are being watched or tapped and it would be foolhardy to make contact. The underground would be meaningless without the building of a massive community with corresponding political goals. People above ground demonstrate their love for fugitives by continuing and intensifying their own commitment.
If the FBI or local subversive squad of the police department is asking a lot of questions about certain fugitives, get the word out. Call your underground paper or make the announcement at large movement gatherings or music festivals; the grapevine will pass information on to those that need to know.
If you’re forced to go underground, don’t think you need to link up with the more well-known groups such as the Weathermen. If you go under with some close friends, stick together if it’s possible. Build contacts with aboveground people that are not that well known to the authorities and can be totally trusted.
You should change the location in which you operate and move to a place where the heat on yon won’t be as heavy. A good disguise should be worked out. The more information the authorities have on you and the heavier the charges determine how complete your disguise should be. There are some good tips in the books on make-up listed in the Appendix. Only in rare cases is it necessary to abandon the outward appearance ofbelonging to the youth culture. In fact, even J. Edgar Freako admits that our culture is our chief defense. To infiltrate the youth culture means becoming one of us. For an FBI agent to learn an ideological cover is a highly disciplined organization is relatively easy. To penetrate the culture means changing the way they live. The typical agent would stand out like Jimmy Stewart in a tribe of Apaches.
In the usual case the authorities do not look for a fugitive in the sense of carrying on a massive manhunt. Generally, people are caught for breaking some minor offense and during the routine arrest procedure, their fingerprints give them away. Thus for a fugitive having good identification papers being careful about violations such as speeding or loitering, and not carrying weapons or bombing manuals become an important part of the security. It is also a good idea to have at least a hundred dollars cash on you at all times. Often even if you are arrested you can bail yourself out and split long before the fingerprints or other identification checks are completed.
Ifby some chance you are placed on the “10 Most Wanted List” that is a signal that the FBI are indeed conducting a manhunt. It is also the hint that they have uncovered some clues and feel confident they can nab you soon. The List is a public relations gimmick that Hooper, or whatever his name is, dreamed up to show the FBI as super sleuths, and compliment the bullshit image of them that Hollywood lays down. Most FBI agents are southerners who majored in accounting or some other creative field. When you are placed on the List, go deeper underground. It may become necessary to curtail your activities for a while. The manhunt lasts only as long as you are newsworthy since the FBI is very media conscious. Change your disguise, identification and narrow your circle of contacts. In a few months, when the heat is off, you’ll be able to be more active, but for the time, sit tight.
Identification Papers
IF you need to get out of the country borrow the passport of a friend who is not being tracked by the police and looks like you,just like fake ID for beer, try to get matching credit cards and other ID. Another possibility if your passport is a sure bust at the border is to enter through Canada or Mexico and take a nice hike across a wilderness border area. Once across your American papers will not be heavily scrutinized unless you start annoying the pigs.
Another concept is the “Camouflage Passport”, which is promoted to US citizens traveling overseas. Technically, it’s a make-believe passport with the name of a country that either no longer exists (ie: South Vietnam), changed its name with the old name on the passport (ie: Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe), or has a name similar to that of a real country (ie: British West Indies), complete with your photo, vital statistics and lots of phony Visa stamps. You’re supposed to show them to potential kidnappers or terrorists to “prove” you’re not from the USA ( “No, no! I’m not American! I’m really from West Timor!”). In the USA, these are legal to own as long as it’s really your name and photo in it, you to don’t try to pass them off as real to a government or law enforcement agent and you don’t try to get a Visa with it. Elsewhere, you might have some explaining to do if the Customs agents find this in your suitcase. Some companies will also sell “back-up” ID such as a Driver’s License and a library card to further “prove” your nationality. Some new-country projects also sell their own passports that look very legit. The US Customs Service is wise to these, but they might bluff out a local cop in a small town ( “What’s afeller from British Honduras doin’ round these here parts?”). Do a web search on “Camouflage Passport” for dealers. Just remember that they’re made on a custom basis, so they’re not cheap, and since the September 11th attacks, much harder to get.
NSK (“Neue Slowenische Kunst” or “New Slovenian Art”), a Slovenian artists collective that includes the Industrial band Laibach, have formed a “global state” called NSK State. They sell NSK passports that look very official, and for € 24 (about $35 USA), one can be yours. Just how you use it is up to you. According to reports, some people used them to leave occupied Sarajevo during the 1995 civil war when authorities refused to recognize Bosnian passports. Their website is:, or you can write to:
NSK Info Centre, p.p. 101, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
A small group called the World Service Authority issues “World Passports” that may or may not be recognized by a number of countries. They officially aren’t recognized by the USA, but they’ve been successfully used in over 150 nations on a case-by-case basis (As they say in the car commercials, “Your mileage may vary.”). They also offer “World Citizen” ID cards, birth & marriage certificates, and the like. Check their website at or write to them at:
World Service Authority, World Office, 1012 14th Street NW, Suite 205, Washington, DC 20005, USA
Official looking “secondary” ID cards can be found in some stores and shopping centers/flea markets that cater to immigrants, both legal and illegal. The cards are often decorated with American flags, quasi-official looking seals and clip-art ofbald eagles orthe Statue ofLiberty and made to look very “government issue”. However, they’re known as “ancillary” documents that are supposed to be used as back-up ID with your official ID card, and not intended to be official ID on their own. You’re required to supply legal ID (driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, Resident Alien card, etc.) and sign a legal release (also called a Notary Statement) verifying the information you’re giving is legit.
Some check cashing services will offer a “check cashing card” with your photo, address and Social Security Number for a few bucks. If you get one, guard it with your life, since your SSN can be used in Identity Theft.
One group called the High Vibrations Academy (“A Space For Growing In Higher Consciousness”) offers a “common law ID card”. You can read about it here: , or write to:
High Vibrations Academy, 3311 Mission Street, San Francisco, California. [94110] (Yes, that’s how the list their address on their website.)
If you’re buying Fake ID through the mails or the Internet, you’re on your own. The industry is loaded with shady dealers that will rip you off with either no delivery or a very fake looking fake (such as a misspelled state name, legal disclaimers written across the top in small print, or excessively thick laminate)...these may work for getting beer at your local quickie-mart, but more than likely will not get you onto a plane. Furthermore, good luck trying to get your money back, since admitting you were trying to get a counterfeit identification document will get you into serious trouble. Also, by Federal Law, any ID card that you obtain through the mails that has your date ofbirth on it has to say “NOT A GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT” on the front.
Using a Corporation as an Identity
Here’s another idea that one could use for an identity that some books such as J.J. Luna’s “How to be Invisible” outline. The basics of the idea are this. The CorpGov recognizes corporations as “artificial persons” which can own property and draw income. They even issue identification numbers for such “artificial persons” in the form of a Taxpayer Identification Number which the Infernal Revenue Service issues. This is a nine digit number similar to the SSN but instead of the SSN 123-45-6789 pattern that most individuals are familiar with, the TIN format is 12–3456789 or 12-34-56789. This number could very easily be manipulated to the SSN form if needed for a private reason and for purposes of dealing with the CorpGov could be used the same as format it was issued in. One may be wondering, “Well what about a Driver’s License and all ifI go this route?” Well to make it appear to be a person you name the corporation something like Billy Bob Thorton, Inc. and simply drop the Inc. part when dealing on paper with entities such as the DMV and go to some far off state like Idaho or something like that which only require a birth certificate to get an ID card and don’t worry with SSN’s. There are about 8 to 10 states like this that issue either both ID’s and Driver’s License without verifying an SSN or at the least issue an ID without verifying an SSN and the only thing needed is a Birth Certificate. One may be wondering, “Well what in the world do I do to get a Birth Certificate?” Very simple apply for what’s called a Delayed Birth Certificate or forge one. Barry Reid’s “Paper Trip 3” describes in detail how to get a delayed birth certificate and who are the easiest states to get one through. The simple answer to who is the easiest to get this through is to go to a rather socially liberal state and get one of these issued as they usually ask less questions about why you might not have been born in a hospital and have gotten a birth certificate a long time ago. Well once you have this Delayed Birth Certificate in whatever name you want it is much easier to obtain all of the other identity info needed. Also use the TIN as your SSN and it is recommended to have your own business to work at or work as a contract labor person for someone rather than a direct employee. Granted if you’re going along with the system you’ll have to pay capital gains tax and maybe some other taxes for corporations but you’ll be able to have a durable identity in whatever name you want and the pittance costs of taxes might certainly be worth that. Also it is recommended that when you set up your corporation, name a phantom person it’s Registered Agent or have someone you can totally and completely trust named as the Registered Agent for it. Well good luck and all with this method.
Real ID, Fake Person
The best and safest I.D. is the real thing, printed in a government office or bank. Here is how you can become a new person who can apply for her rightful identification papers.
1- Visit a cemetery or view obituaries finding a baby who was born and died near your birth year.
2- Order a Birth certificate from the state the infant was born (it is better that this be distant from your home).
3- Rent an apartment in this name as a secondary room mate and begin receiving and paying a few bills in this name.
4- With mail and birth certificate you can safely try to get a social security card, claim you have lived with friends, on drugs since your early teens, or been homeless never working legit.
5- Take your stack ofID and get a drivers license.
6- Most important with all of this ID get a new passport.
7- Open a bank account, this could be useful later to have a safe debit card to use overseas.
You should do this several times, months apart and stash your ID in caches in several cities in case you ever need to flee the country quickly. This system might work (someone let us know) in Canada with modifications.
Ifleaving the US is a concern a few ounces gold or many silver coins can be converted on the gray/black market in almost every country. They are also not subject to inflation. Forget diamonds orjewels; they are too variable and most legit buyers will not give you anything near their real value.
International Driving
If you’re going to drive a car outside the USA, and you have a USA driver’s license, it’s best to get an International Driving Permit (IDP) in case you get pulled over by a cop who doesn’t speak or read English. But be warned! There is no such thing as an “International Driver’s License (IDL)” or “International Driving Document (IDD)”. There is only an International Driving Permit, and it’s nothing more than a multi-language translation of your own existing driver’s license. No matter what anyone tells you otherwise, it isn’t a license to drive on its own, and you can’t get an IDP unless you already have a real driver’s license. In the USA, only the American Automobile Association (AAA) or American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA) through the National Automobile Club (NAC, a motor service club for businesses) can issue them. To get one, go to or call your local AAA or AATA/NAC office. You don’t have to be a member to get one, but membership can get you a discount. Avoid the websites or any dealers offering IDLs or IDDs (since they’re useless rip-offs), or charging as much as $300 for an IDP. The AAA and NAC sell them for less than $20 plus tax and they’re good for one year. You will have to provide two passport-sized photos of yourself (on film, no digitals), but call to see if they can take the photos for you at the office. If not, photos can be had at the local Kinko’s.
(Outside the USA, contact your country’s agency in charge of auto registration and ask who issues International Driving Permits.)
Most USA auto insurance policies don’t cover driving into Mexico. Before you go, call your insurance agency to check on your policy. If your coverage isn’t valid in Mexico, ask if they offer a short-term policy for your trip, or can recommend an agency that can.
If you’re driving your car into Canada, get an Inter-Provincial Insurance Card from your auto insurance agency before you go. It proves your coverage is good in Canada, and can save you lots of problems if your car is stopped by the Mounties.
Other Notes
Neutering your passport does not invalidate it. More correctly, a “faulty” RFID chip does not make your passport invalid — but intentional damage will invalidate it (in addition to potentially landing you in jail.) Moral of the story? Make sure that there’s no evidence that you intentionally destroyed the RFID chip.
A neutered RFID passport will cause additional scrutiny at checkpoints and borders, a better idea might be to foil wrap your passport except when scanning in the airport so it is unreadable by passers on the street. There are currently attempts to hack and rewrite passport chips; this is an option on early passports whth standard RFID although if hacks become common expect added security for later models.
An amateur photographer or commercial artist with good processing equipment can make passable phony identification papers. Using a real I.D. card, mask out the name, address, and signature with thin strips of paper the same color as the card itself. Do a neat gluing job. Next, photograph the card using bright overhead lighting to avoid shadows, or xerox it. Use a paper of a color and weight as close to the real thing as you can get. If you use phony state and city papers such as birth certificate or driver’s license, choose a state that is far away from the area in which you are located. Have a complete understanding of all the information you are forging. Dates, cities, birthdays and other data are often part of a coding system. Most are easy to figure out simply by studying a few similar authentic cards.
Almost all I.D. cards use one or another IBM Selectric type to fill in the individual’s papers. You can buy the exact model used by federal and state agencies for less than $20.00 and install the ball in 5 seconds on any Selectric machine. When you finish the typing operation, sign your new name and trim the card to the size you want. Rub some dirt on the card and bend it a little to eliminate its newness.
Another method is to obtain a set of papers from a close friend of similar characteristics. Your friend can replace the originals without too much trouble. In both cases it might be advisable to get authentic papers using the phonies you have in your possession. In some states getting a license or voting registration card is very easy. Library cards and other supplementary I.D.‘s are simple to get. A passport should not be attempted until you definitely have made up your mind to split the country. That way agencies have less time to check the information and you can decide on the disguise to be used for the picture. Unless you expect to get hotter than you are right now, in which case, get it now.
It is wise to have two sets of identification to be on the safe side but never have both in your possession at the same time. If you sense the authorities are close to nailing you and choose to go underground, prepare all the identification papers well in advance and store them in a secure place. Inform no one of your possible new identity.
Before you start passing phony I.D.‘s to cops, banks and passport offices, you should have experience with lesser targets so you feel comfortable using them. There are stiff penalties for this if you get caught. A few better methods than the ones listed above exist, but we feel they should not be made this public. With a little imagination you’ll have no trouble. Dig!
Modern Communications
In a age where all phones are pre-tapped to some degree and a tap can legally be put on a person, meaning every phone they could or do use, staying in touch when you have gone to the mattresses can be tough. Part ofbeing underground and hiding out is staying quiet but if you are a leader your continuing free existence may be needed to rally the troops.
Safe Transmitters
Surprisingly a well grounded CB radio with a horizontal to the ground wire antenna 264 cm (104’) long suspended or sloped 5 meters from the ground with gives good sky wave and local/regional propagation especially if the atmospherics are right, with the bonus that is almost impossible to trace. Try to buy a radio that can easily be modified for out ofband transmission and if you have the extra cash sideband really increases the range and free channels. Better yet for the price of a good CB you can get your hands on a real HF radio transmitter, tuner, and set up a wire stealth antenna, you could keep in contact with almost anyone who is just listening to a shortwave receiver, or have conversation with other members using HF radio gear, try to keep the transmit power set as low as possible so neighbors won’t report the radio operator jamming their TV and trackers will need to search harder. Using a horizontal antenna it is nearly impossible to triangulate or trace location beyond the general region of the country the transmitter is in. To calculate antenna length of a half wave antenna wire divide 492 by your frequency in Megahertz (MHz), antenna length is measured in feet for this formula. If you are bad at morse code pre-key your transmission into a tape recorder and when the time comes run the tape on Single-Side-Band into the mike, morse works much better at long range than voice, you can also tape and slowly decode recieved messages.
1, A Ju-h ta flirt*
2, Tbr >poi u’n pcrtt of Lh* bumi- Ictlrr u b qrut tci ong dot.
3, The Sjb** beliwn IWO km™ it tquir ta Urn dull.
f. Thr afirt btotutoa ttoto wwdi to i^uil Io Sit dolt.
Pocket Radio
Why not build from scratch, kit, or buy a small
A t » Bbt-i.r C to* to — — P — — ♦ E « F * « ■* — C —— » H*««*
I.* J v Itou — * K to uto* !>•*■«•
M M- N to * O to* W P to Mto — to fl touto to to* ft « *■ — B — * — T *»
0 « * — V « — » «—
W t — —
X * to to to* Y*t —— Z**to to
1 to * ■*
2 >■ ■— - — lot** 4 « « to — fia to to« to</strong> « — t — to 7 — w t to to S — — •* to • ft to* Ptoi in- ■* to fl —■ to* — •* M
QRP radio and keep it in your pack. Have a regular time that a friend with a quality antenna and
radio setup listens for you. You can keep in touch over hundreds or even thousands of miles using morse code and a transmitter/receiver the size of a pack of cards that is almost impossible to trace. There are many designs on the internet for building such a radio set from easy to get parts. Many QRP radio kits are made to fit an Altoid mint tin, this makes it possible with some creativity to hide a transceiver inside a normal AM/FM walkman type radio case, this disguise might mean that the pigs will return your radio if they pick you up. We have even seen radio transceiver kits smaller and lighter than paperback book for around $100 that let you transmit SSB voice or with minor modifications RTTY data when plugged into a laptop or PDA, these have a range from hundreds to even thousands of miles with a decent wire antenna and good location.
See Backpacking and Campingfor some wilderness radio tips for the wilderness fugitive.
Your voice is really your fingerprint and the police can use it, with the help of modern computers, to hunt you back to the telephones you use. If you are in trouble get rid and never use again both your current cell phone and the SIM card inside, don’t make calls on a residential phone, even pay phones are risky.
Taped Broadcasts
Abbie’s advice on voice and video tapes is very good. Be sure to have a generic indoor background unless you need to show that you are in a certain location, a clean blue sheet is a perfect backdrop as there is no way to guess where you are and a video editor can easily make a pleasing background. Background sound is even more important on the audio ofboth voice and videotapes. The audio can give away your location better than the video, make sure to have good white noise or soft music covering the background and that you are taping in a quiet room, have a friend with some quality sound editing software check out the background and edit out any passing sirens, trains, or recognizable noise.
Secure SneakerNet
Files can be burned to CDs or stored in USB drives and distributed, carrier pigeon delivered, or mailed from an out of town drop box, then a GPG passphrase and signature is used to unlock operation details for secure meets and backup plans that are somewhat less likely to be compromised than without the codes.
Easy Cyphers
Solitare Encryption and Decryption
(Copyright Wikipedia GNU FDL[[1]])
The algorithm generates a stream of values which are combined with the message to encrypt and decrypt it. Each value of the key stream is to be used for one value of the message, thus the keystream will need to be the same length as the message.
1. Remove all punctuation and convert the characters to the same case.
2. Convert all the characters to their natural numerical values, A = 1,B = 2, etc, Z = 26.
3. To encrypt a message, add each keystream value to its corresponding character in the plaintext, rolling over back to 1 if the resulting value exceeds 26. To decrypt, subtract each key stream value from its corresponding character in the ciphertext, rolling back up to 26 if the resulting value should be lower than 1.
This algorithm assumes that the user has a deck of cards and twojokers. For simplicity’s sake, only two suits will be used in this example. Each card will be assigned a numerical value: the first suit of cards will be numbered from 1to13 (Ace through King) and the second suit will be numbered 14 through 26 in the same manner. The jokers will be assigned the values of 27 and 28. Thus, a 5 from the first suit would have the value 5 in our combined deck, the value 1 in the second suit would have the value 14in the combined deck.
The deck will be assumed to be a circular array, meaning that should a card ever need to advance below the bottom card in the deck, it will simply rotate back to the top (in other words, the first card follows the last card).
1. Arrange the deck of cards according to a specific key. This is the most important part as anyone who knows the deck’s starting value can easily generate the same values from it. How the deck is initialized is up to the recipients, shuffling the deck perfectly randomly is preferable, although there are many other methods. For this example, the deck will simply start at 1 and count up by 3’s, modulo 28. Thus the starting deck will look like this:
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 2225 28 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24272 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26
2. Locate the first joker (value 27) and move it down the deck by one place, basicallyjust exchanging with the card below it. The deck now looks like this:
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 2225 28 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24227 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26
3. Locate the secondjoker (value 28) and move it down the deck by two places.
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 2225 3 628 9 12 15 18 21 24227 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26
4. Perform a triple-cut on the deck. That is, split the deck into three sections. Everything above the top joker (which, after several repetitions, may not necessarily be the first joker) and everything below the bottom joker will be exchanged. The jokers themselves, and the cards between them, are left untouched.
5 8 11 14 17 2023 2628 9 12 15 18 21 24227 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 2225 3 6
5. Observe the value of the card at the bottom of the deck, if the card is eitherjoker let the value just be 27. Take that number of cards from the top of the deck and insert them back to the bottom of the deckjust above the last card.
23 26 28 9 12 15 18 21 24227 1 47 10 13 16 192225 3 5 8 11 14 17 20 6
6. Note the value of the top card. Count this many places below that card and take the value of the card there. This value is the next value in the keystream, in this example it would be 11. (Note that no cards are changing places in this step, this step simply determines the value).
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for as many keystream values as required.
Book Code
Much less secure but quicker to use than the card cypher a book code gives the page and location of a sentence or word on a page several such instructions makes a readable message, both parties must have the exact same edition of the book. With the advent of massive book digitization this code might be easily broken in the future, and even now is not considered secure since the book you are using may be known to the police or government.
Living underground, like exile, can be extremely lonely, especially during the initial adjustment period when you have to reshuffle your living habits. Psychologically it becomes necessary to maintain a few close contacts with other fugitives or folks aboveground. This is also necessary if you plan to continue waging revolutionary struggle. This means communication. If you contact persons or arrange for them to contact you, be super cool. Don’t rush into meetings. Stay OFF the phone! If you must, use pay phones. Have the contact person go to a prescribed booth at prescribed time. Knowing the phone number beforehand, you can call from another pay phone. The pay phone system is superior to debugging devices and voice scramblers. Even so, some pay phones, that local police suspect bookies use, are monitored.
Keep your calls short and disguise your voice a bit. If you are a contact and the call does not come as scheduled, don’t panic. Perhaps the booth at the other end is occupied or the phone you are on is out of order. In New York, the latter is usually true. Wait a reasonable length of time and then go about your business. Another contact will be made. Personal rendezvous should take place at places that are not movement hangouts or heavy pig scenes. Intermediaries should be used to see if anyone was followed. Just groove on a few good spy flicks and you’ll figure it all out.
Communicating to masses of people above ground is very important. It drives the MAN berserk and gives hope to comrades in the struggle. The most important message is that you are alive, in good spirits and carrying on the struggle. The communications of the Weathermen are brilliantly conceived. Develop a mailing list that you keep well hidden in case of a bust. You can devise a system of mailing stuff in envelopes (careful of fingerprints) inside larger envelopes to a trusted contact who will mail the items from another location to further camouflage your area of operation. A host of communication devices are available besides handwritten notes and typed communications. Tape recorders are excellent but better still are video-tape cassette machines. You can wear masks, do all kinds of weird theatrical stuff and send the tapes to television stations. At times you might want to risk being interviewed by a newsman, but this can be very dangerous unless you conceive a super plan and have some degree of trust in the word of the journalist. Don’t forget a grand jury could be waiting for him with a six months contempt or perjury charge when he admits contact and does not answer their questions.
The only other advice is to dress warm in the winter and cool in the summer, stay high and...
Asylum Seekers
As the worldwide struggle for freedom grows and the oppression increases to match there will be many more opportunities for us to provide asylum to dissidents both foreign and domestic. It is part of our revolutionary responsibility to find safe hideouts as well as assisting these front line fighters in continuing to fight in this worthy war. Always have an extra bed or couch ready in case there is a knock at two in the morning and a whispered plea “I need sanctuary”.
Law Enforcement Contact
The largest hazard is routine traffic stops and petty crime busts. These brushes with the cops bag more activists than real police work. Our Bedouin lifestyle makes finding us at any one address difficult.
It is important to provide any fugitive with a good set of matching identification and a good cover story, playing deaf is often easier than trying to cover an accent or inability to speak English. The importance of good fake identification papers will only intensify once a national ID system is implemented. See Identification Papersfor more ideas.
Safe Houses
The safest location to hide a fugitive is with a retired non-activist volunteer, think the auntie or grandmother type. They have the lowest priority on police lists and probably live in suburbia where the cops are called for loud parties. If the fugitive is trying to stay off the radar they must not use Internet or telephone from the safe house.
Changing clothing style and getting a haircut can alter appearance as can adding or removing glasses. Wigs and skin makeup are allot of trouble and a sure giveaway ifleft on too long.
Legal Asylum
If you are protecting a fugitive from a nation at odds with the United States it might be possible to obtain legal asylum form the state department and a legit residence visa. Having a pool of volunteers willing to get “married” to asylum seekers will increase the odds of success in getting a visa. Be in contact with an immigration attorney and always get advice from them about the current state of affairs with the State Department and what is the best course of action.
The following is directly from visti for more information.
You may apply even if you are in the US illegally. You may apply for asylum regardless of your immigration status as long as you file your application within one year of your last arrival or demonstrate that you are eligible for an exception to that rule based on changed circumstances or extraordinary circumstances, and that you filed for asylum within a reasonable amount of time given those circumstances.
The Asylum Officer or Immigration Judge will consider whether any bars to asylum apply. You will be barred from being granted asylum under INA § 208(b)(2) if you:
1. Ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion
2. Were convicted of a particularly serious crime (includes aggravated felonies). Committed a serious nonpolitical crime outside the United States
4. Pose a danger to the security of the United States
5. Firmly resettled in another country prior to arriving in the United States (see 8 CFR § 208.15 for a definition of“firm resettlement”)
You will also be barred from being granted asylum under INA § 208 if you are inadmissible under INA § 212(a)(3)(B) or removable under INA § 237(a)(4)(B) because you:
1. Have engaged in terrorist activity;
2. Are engaged in or are likely to engage after entry in any terrorist activity (a consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reasonable grounds to believe, that this is the case);
3. Have, under any circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, incited terrorist activity;
4. Are a representative of
1. a foreign terrorist organization, as designated by the Secretary of State under section 219 of the INA, or
2. a political, social, or other similar group whose public endorsement of acts of terrorist activity the Secretary of State has determined undermines United States efforts to reduce or eliminate terrorist activities;
5. Are a member of a foreign terrorist organization, as designated by the Secretary of State under section 219of the INA, or which you know or should have known is a terrorist organization;
6. Have used a position of prominence within any country to endorse or espouse terrorist activity, or to persuade others to support terrorist activity or a terrorist organization, in a way that the Secretary of State has determined undermines United States efforts to reduce or eliminate terrorist activities.
Asylum status may be terminated if you no longer have a well-founded fear of persecution because of a fundamental change in circumstances, you have obtained protection from another country, or you have committed certain crimes or engaged in other activity that makes you ineligible to retain asylum status in the United States.
If the above does not help try contacting:
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 1775 K Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 296–5191 Website:
Continuing the Fight
Extreme care must be exercised and the strictestSecurity Culture must be followed when communicating with the outside world, seeCommunication for more ideas.
Fugitive Support Kits
An important revolutionary act is to assemble support gear for those who have been driven underground. These are similar to what those in the survivalist movement call “bug out bags”. We are a little more realistic and realize that the fantasy of running to the woods and living off of squirrels and berries is very far fetched even for a survival expert. These kits should have some wilderness gear but should be designed with urban survival and border crossing primarily.
It is OK to go with budget items, if that is what it takes to build more of these support kits. The finest mountaineering gear would probably not even be warranted where our underground fighters will be going. This is not to be left scattered around your house, everything should be loaded in the pack and stored in a dry place, you might store the food seperately in an easy to grab bag. It is very important to have one or more of these bags ready to go at very short notice. People need to know you are willing to provide these emergency support kits to fugitives. If somebody comes by your apartment at three in the morning with their face covered or turned away and loudly whispers “I need an escape kit” be happy that they are practicingSecurity Culturegive them the kit and forget any identifiers so you won’t be able to help the cops. You might also keep such a kit stashed someplace safe for fugitives to grab by themselves, seeCaching. If you need to ask for a kit do it in a deniable way to keep the supporter out of trouble. It might do to have such a bag packed for yourself in case you are ever in trouble.
Look in Backpacking and Campingand Pack your bagfor more item descriptions as well as ways to economize, of course look for the most generic gear possible to avoid attention. The suggested list:
Large frame backpack in good condition
Season appropriate jacket and clothing(is winter coming, what is the weather at the northern border)
Sleeping bag or blanket (a taped plastic cover might be good in rainy areas)
Tent or tarp tent (depending on climate plastic sheet tarp might be OK)
Stove and fuel or sterno and sterno stand (a can stand is OK)
Camping pots and handle
Eating utensils
Sleeping pad and/or hammock
Change of clothing or two (men’s large pants and shirts fit most or can be cut off if you include a belt)
Sturdy shoes or boots (can be difficult because of sizing)
Bottles for water
Ready to eat foods (tuna in bags, heavy cereal(like grapenuts), nuts, sweets, cheeses, sausages)
Easy to prep foods, couscous, raamen, soup base, condiments and spices
Instant coffee or tea (For long hours of running or driving)
Hair dryer (for heat and drying clothes)
Hat, clear safety glasses(should look like normal glasses), and sunglasses to disguise face, hair dye and bleach, razors, scissors, comb, mirror.
Printout of this book
Washcloth, towel, drain plug, and soap
Big black marker
Highway and local wilderness maps and compass
Other items might be appropriate depending on the conditions and needs of the underground for example a car, bicycle, weapons, cash, fake ID, communications equipment, whatever. A mobile phone, credit card, or calling card are all probably bad ideas since they are very easily tracked.
Table of Contents
Free Atlanta
Free Binghamton, NY
Free Chicago
Free Dallas
Free Jerusalem
Free Las Vegas
Free Los Angeles
Free Melbourne, Australia
Free Portland, OR
Free Seattle
Free Atlanta
General Guide
Atlanta is the capital and the most populous city of the state of Georgia, and the central city of the ninth most populous metropolitan area in the United States. It is the county seat ofFulton County; although a portion of the city extends into DeKalb County. According to the July 2005 census estimate, the city has a population of 470,688 and a metropolitan population of 4,917,717. As of July 1, 2005, Atlanta’s combined statistical area (CSA) is estimated to have a population of 5,249,121.
During the Civil Rights Movement, Atlanta stood apart from Southern cities that supported segregation, and became known as the “City Too Busy to Hate.” The city’s progressive civil rights record made it increasingly popular as a relocation destination for African Americans, and the city’s population became majority-black by 1972. African Americans soon became the dominant political force in the city; since 1974, all of the mayors of Atlanta have been African-American, as well as the majority of the city’s fire chiefs, police chiefs, and other high-profile government officials. White flight occurred in the city in the 1970s and 1980s; the city’s population dropped by more than 100,000 from 1970 to 1990. That trend has reversed itself, however, and with accelerating gentrification, the black majority has dropped from 69 percent in 1980 to 54 percent in 2005. The city has one of the largest gay populations in the nation; according to Census 2000 both DeKalb and Fulton counties are among the ten most heavily gay counties in America.
*What the hell does the African-American/Black population have to do with anything? We know that Georgia was a member of the racist community in the past (and somewhat still is...just silently).
Atlanta has a humid subtropical climate, (Cfa) according to the Koppen classification, with hot, humid summers and mild winters by the standards of the United States. Summer highs are usually in the 90s and winter lows are usually in the 30s.
Atlanta’s police department has been plagued by allegations of police brutality.
*Atlanta is known for being a Pig Patrol Palace and can be proven. Just try to reason with them or make sure not to do anything too obvious or stupid. But serious warning-these pigs are out on the loose ready to arrest anybody and they are real stupid with the rules and stuff. Get the Declaration ofIndependence to save you and carry a copy of it with you. If you aren’t too rude, you might give them the vibe that youjust want to be left alone.
To find a plethora of stuff you can do for free/cheap while seeing Atlanta, go to For an extremely charitable organization offering anything from free meals to showers to medical clinics, go to
The madhousers build shelters for homeless people. Their phone number is (404) 806–6233 and they ask that you leave a message.
There is a commune called Amata that might be able to offer accomidations. Contact information: 317NelmsAveNE
Atlanta, Georgia 30307–2105.
Phone: 404-378-3954, 404-704-5548.
The web address, for this commune and more in Georgia as well as the rest of the US, is id=6002.
The below address holds space for any decent person with a small party for living space for as long as needed for free if willing to help out and do work. Free food available:
1020 Amhearst Oaks Drive Lawrenceville 30043 (an hour away from Atlanta)
or ask any nice-looking person on the street if they’ll take you for a small rent or work. Or look through the newspapers to see if any one is looking for a roommate. Try college campuses.
Sevananda Natural Foods Co-Op is a community-owned natural foods business that sells pretty much anything that’s edible and organic. They have vitamins, supplements, and groceries. The kitchen serves fresh and nutritious baked goods, soups, sandwiches and salads, and offers ongoing health, cooking and nutrition classes. Emphasis is placed on providing high-quality natural foods, preferably those grown and prepared using organic methods. Natural care, household, and general merchandise items are also available. The cooperative is owned by the people who shop here, but membership is not required for shopping. The prices aren’t listed that I’ve seen. Their address is 467 Moreland Way, Atlanta, GA 30354. Their website is templates/shell id 1.asp?storeID=C5G13S77A6GB8P0J T1P2Q4XBHR8BFXX2.
There is a little Italian style resteraunt called Toscano & Sons Italian Market located at 1000 Marietta St., Suite 106. They have panini (I’m not sure what it is) for $4.50. They also have wine available for $10, though I’m not sure how much you get. They have a variety ofItalian food available. They don’t have a site, but you can find out more here
Atlanta’s Food Not Bombs gives away free vegetarian food in the Little Five Points neighborhood. Close to Sevananda Co-op. Check for more info. on where it’s located. Every Saturday from about noontime ‘till the food runs out! Or go to a grocery store and ask for day-old food that should not be thrown out but instead given up for your charity-Bums That R Hungry. They should gladly do it. Orjust get whatever you’d like, buy only one small thing and walk on out. Or just eat the food while you are in the grocery store-away from any salespeople, then leave when you feel full.
Medical Care
Here is a PDF of free/cheap medical clinics in or near Atlanta, health-organizations/FreeClinicsinAtlanta.pdf
Legal Aid
For those of you that get busted for pot or other drugs, here is a list of lawyers that specialize in such an area:
Bruce Harvey 146 Nassau St.NW Atlanta 30303 404-659-4628
Michael R. Hauptman 1950 The Equitable Bldg. 100 Peachtree St. NW Atlanta 30303 404–5258421
Deric Beaudoin 2200 Century Parkway N.E. Atlanta 30345 404-325-4800
-Derived from
High Museum of Art, Folk Art & Photography Galleries is located at
30 John Wesley Dobbs Ave.
Atlanta, GA
Their number is 404-577-6940
The King Center is dedicated to educating the public about the philosophies ofDr. Martin Luther King, Jr and conducts tours of the King Center’s Freedom Hall Complex, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Dr. King’s Birth Home, and the National Park Service Visitor’s Center. Their address is: 449 Auburn Ave.
Atlanta, GA
Their number is 404-526-8900.
Centennial Olympic Park is located at Techwood Dr and International Blvd. It’s a really big park, with fountains in the ground that are good for cooling down in the summer. Their number is (404) 223–4412.
While it isn’t free, one of the main venues of the Atlanta scene is Masquerade, located at 695 North Ave NE Atlanta, Ga 30308. It’s little and the shows rarely cost over $20. [1]
The Oakhurst Community Center in Decatur is a community garden and play-area open and free to all 24–7 and is not far from Atlanta. A great area for meetings for the End AmeriKa Club.
The streets are open and free to all. The streets are for dancing, singing, and meeting other likeminded fellow,just remember. Don’t let anybody kick you guys off, but don’t be rude. Just sit calmly and peacefully-but once they start to be violent, cause a riot with everybody else in the streets.
The major daily newspaper in Atlanta is The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Other weekly papers include Creative Loafing and Atlanta Nation.*!
Skirt! is a free newspaper for women and girls that is layed out for free in many different areas throughout Atlanta and the state of Georgia. Take as many as you’d like!
!nternational medical, law, and business publisher NewsRx is headquartered in the Atlanta suburb of Vinings.
There is generally a lot of traffic in Atlanta, with morning and evenning rush hours typical of any city.
Underground Papers
Atlanta is home to Crimeth!nc. Headquarters. While they aren’t a paper or magazine, they have them available, as well as a lot anarchist literature. Their address is 2695 Rangewood Dr.[2]
Public Transit
Anyone who lives in or near Atlanta, or anyone who has visited it, have probably seen MARTA busses or trains. A single one-way fare, with up to two children under six is $1.75. Passes for multiple rides are sold at RideStores and Breeze Vending Machines. Their address, for any questions, is MARTA Customer Service Center, 2424 Piedmont Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 303243330. Their phone number is 1-888-446-4511. More on MARTA>[3]
Stand on the streets away from busy intersections and stick your hitch-hiking thumb out. We always give people a lift without a problem and !‘m sure other people will be glad to give a friendly ride. !f you are going far, offer to pitch in for gas or provide drugs or let them join you in the fun. Be sure and thank people and let them know that your wife and children will be glad that you can finally get them food.
Free Clothing and Furniture
There are many thrift stores that offer discounted and really cheap used clothes in the Little Five Points Area such as Psycho Sisters. You can sell your clothes and trade it for new clothes (or lightly used). Or there’s Rag-o-Rama that sells entirely used but REALLY CHEAP clothes. !f you speak to the manager and tell him you really need something warm, !‘m sure they will provide a decent jacket that isn’t selling for free. The Salvation Army has free clothing available and the Mexican square in Lawrenceville has a thrift store that sells really cheap clothes, shoes, books, toys, and anything you need. Or go to garage sales where everyone is busy, take a bunch of clothes and leave. Orjust ask them to give it to you for free-chances are they have so muchjunk from all the new stuff they’ve got and probably won’t be affected if they don’t make $5or10 bucks. Make sure to really go dressed like the bum that you are and look grungy.
Assorted Freebies
Open Door Community is an organization that offers all kinds of things to homeless people, from food to clothes to medical clinics and more. They
Free Binghamton, NY
General Guide
Former factory-town, filled with hicks and criminals from the city (NYC), full of cheap, easily- accessible drugs, with cheap housing compared to most areas of the US.
There’s not much to see in downtown Binghamton, except for maybe State St., which is just a bunch of grimy-ass nightclubs and bars. In the alley of the Rat on State St., there’s usually heroin junkies hanging around past 2 or 3 AM.
Behind the Conklin Ave Giant supermarket on the south side, there’s a ridiculous amount of cocaine going around, and crack is beginning to popularize in this area. Throughout the rest of the city, there aren’t too many other notable drug areas. Being that there’s both an assload ofkids that grew up in Binghamton and would never have the balls to hurt somebody, and an assload of criminals sent up from the city (hence why NYC is the safest large city today) that won’t hesitate to shoot the fuck out of you: watch who you’re dealing with.
Keep in mind that Binghamton and the surrounding area is an economically-depressed area, so don’t expect to be able to find a job. SUNY is the only thing that continues to employ enough people to keep the city functioning today.
Downtown, there’s shitloads of cops with not too much to do. The same applies for downtown Johnson City and Endicott, as well. The town of Vestal is noted for housing SUNY Binghamton, and therefore having an extremely high Jewish and Asian population. Most of Vestal are rich, lawabiding citizens with an extremely oversized police force, so really watch your ass around Vestal. Areas such as Conklin and parts ofKirkwood are now great towns to lay low and do whatever the fuck you feel like, following a disastrous flood in June of 2006. There are little businesses now, dense drug-usage, and ridiculous amounts of abandoned houses. The only police you would find would be the sheriffs department on the main roads, such as Conklin Rd (NY-RT 7) and US-RT 11. If you have nowhere to sleep, the large number of abandoned houses in these areas should satisfy you.
Several shelters on Main St/Court St in Binghamton, as well as most churches throughout the area. Many abandoned houses and businesses in the low-lying areas ofBroome County due to a major flood in June of 2006, notably Conklin.
The Binghamton branch of the Broome County Public Library on Court St. is noted for all of the bums that come in and sleep during the day on the comfy couches, andjust hide somewhere during closing and sleep throughout the night. You can do this if you want, but apparently they’re “cracking down” on this, even though you can walk in and find at least 5 people at any time with a news paper covering their faces, sleeping.
There are soup kitchens on the southside ofBinghamton, parallel to Conklin Rd. on Vestal Av. (if going towards Vestal, take a left of Conklin Rd. near the Exchange St. bridge, there’s one right before St. John’s, a large Catholic church). There is also a soup kitchen (Salvation Army) on Washington St, between Court and Hawley Sts.
Binghamton is named “Carousel Capital of the World,” because it has 5 carousels. These are all free, and if you ride on all of them, you get a carousel pin from the zoo. Great for kids or for chasing that slow buzz of dizziness. Woohoo.
Ross Park Zoo Morgan Road, Town ofBinghamton
Mid-sized zoo with a carousel and playground. Go up Pennsylvania Ave on the southside of Binghamton (going down Conklin Ave towards Vestal, right before Conklin Ave turns into route 434/the Vestal Parkway, take a left on Pennsylvania Ave), and follow the signs for it.
Discovery Center Morgan Road, Town ofBinghamton
Located right next-door to the Ross Park Zoo, has some cool shit if you have younger kids (under 12)
Recreation Park Beethoven Street, City ofBinghamton (West Side)
Located next to Seton Catholic Central High School on the West side ofBinghamton. Has a carousel and some picnic tables, playground, pool, tennis courts, baseball field, free concerts on most Fridays in the summer.
C. Fred Johnson Park C.F.J. Boulevard, Johnson City
Contains tennis courts, a carousel, a baseball field, and a playground. Sucks.
Highland Park Hooper Road, Endwell
Has a swimming pool, wading pool, carousel, picnic tables, tennis courts, playground, volleyball nets.
George W. Johnson Park Oak Hill Avenue, Endicott
Located on the north side ofEndicott, has a carousel, pool w/ bathhouse, picnic areas, baseball field, and playground.
West Endicott Park Page Avenue, Endicott
This place has a carousel, tennis courts, playground, picnic area, and a kiddie pool.
Be prepared for any type of weather. One day could be 85 degress out and humid, while the next is 50 degress and pouring rain, and then the next is a great day, in the 70s, sunny, etc. The weather around here is extremely unpredictable. The winters are very harsh, usually around zero with a snowstorm about once every 2 weeks, usually bringing at the least, half of a foot of snow, usually upwards to 2 feet.
Traffic isn’t too bad, except during rush hour, obviously. Try and stay away from the Vestal Parkway, the flyover from the mall to the parkway, and Main St. during rush hour, because traffic can sometimes end up a complete stop.
Cable channels 2, 3, 5, 6, and 16 are all local news stations, with channel 16 running constant news. Channel 4is a public access channel, so most of the time it displays events around the area, along with constant weather forecast for the next week or so scrolling along the top, as well as the time and date at the bottom.
Public Transit
The bus system covers a good portion of the city ofBinghamton, Vestal, Endicott, Endwell, Johnson City, and Dickinson, as well as some stops in Conklin and Kirkwood and a few in other very small towns.
If you need a cab, Yellow Cab is reccomended, or failing that, Courtesy Cab. These 2 have the cheapest rates and least smelly-ass drivers. If you need a cab and have no money, go with some random cab company andjust ditch them when they stop where you want to get off, because most of the smaller, rundown taxi cars have no door locks. If you happen to get in the cab with no money and notice that the locks work, tell them to let you out at a specific house, and then tell them you have to go get your money from your house and that you’ll be right back. Guess what the next step is? Book the fuck out of there. This applies everywhere, not just Binghamton, obviously.
Free Clothing and Furniture
Salvation Army Griswold St. Binghamton
Nearly New Shop 100 Main St. Binghamton
Rescue Mission 1139 Upper Front St. Binghamton
Salvation Army E. Main St. Endicott
As with most cities,just bum around some areas and watch to see which neighborhoods have garbage out and what day it is and if the garbage was picked up already or not, and keep it written down somewhere, and thenjust lurk around those areas the night before pickup day. Doesn’t take much common sense. I’ve never gone as far as to document which areas have pickup at what days of the week, but if youjust drive around right before it gets dark out (so you can see furniture and whatnot) and look for furniture outside. I know that if you take the East exit out of SUNY campus (just drive around the main road on campus and find it), you come to the neighborhood Ster Track of Vestal, and the pickup day for most of that neighborhood is Monday morning, and it is a very nice neighborhood, so you’re bound to find something in OK quality on Sunday night.
Assorted Freebies
See Assorted FreebiesSection, provide details for this city, including other topics. Whatever fits and is useful.
Common sense applies, nothing too special. Avoid projects at night (mainly larger ones such as Saratoga Heights/Terrace off of Conklin Ave. on Felters Rd, the Webster Ct apartments and the entire area behind the Conklin Ave Giant market, and near the Kmart on State St. on the North side ofBinghamton.), try and find a quiet residential neighborhood (even rural if you want to walk far enough, usually an hour walk max from anywhere in the area) if you need to sleep somewhere. Yse you head a little. If you’re going to be homeless, at least get some sort ofknife or a gun to carry concealed with you, and don’t sleep on a main road. Go to theSurvive section and provide any cityspecific details, including new topics.
Free Chicago
General Guide
Please provide a general outline of the city and its neighborhoods/boroughs/parts of town, including information about political leanings,police forces,population, income levels, social services, etc.
Chicago is a massive liberal CorpGov bastion. Our limited experience is that these Democratic voting conservatives could clench a bit of coal into a diamond. Tall buildings and lots of effort to act normal. We expect you might have to blow through the windy city on your way to somewhere chill so you can use this limited information. BTW Dress warm in the winter or you will freeze your ass off.
( quote) Chicago , is the largest city in the state oflllinois and the largest in the Midwest. With a population of nearly 3 million people, Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. It is the anchor of the Chicago metropolitan area, commonly called Chicagoland, which has a population of over 9.7 million people in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana, making it the third largest metropolitan area in the U.S.[1] Rich in history and renowned for its historically- innovative and influential architecture, Chicago is classified as an alpha world city.
The City of Chicago is almost entirely located in Cook County, with a small portion overlapping into DuPage County, while the metropolitan area extends over several counties. Located at the site of a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed, Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837. It rapidly became a major transportation hub, as well as the business, financial, and cultural capital of the Midwest. Since the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893, it has been regarded as one of the ten most influential cities in the world.[2]
Free housing, shelters and hostels, etc.
The city’s waterfront allure and nightlife has attracted residents and tourists alike. Over one-third of the city population is concentrated in the lakefront neighborhoods (from Rogers Park in the north to Hyde Park in the south). The North Side has a large gay and lesbian community. Two North Side neighborhoods in particular, Lakeview and the Andersonville area of the Edgewater neighborhood, are home to many LGBT businesses and organizations. The area adjacent to the North Side intersection ofHalsted and Belmont is a gay neighborhood known to Chicagoans as “Boystown.” The city has many upscale dining establishments as well as many ethnic restaurant districts. These include “Greektown” on South Halsted, “Little Italy” on Taylor Street,just west ofHalsted, “Chinatown” on the near South Side, “Little Seoul” on and around Lawrence Avenue, a cluster of Vietnamese restaurants on Argyle Street and South Asian (Indian/Pakistani) on Devon Avenue.
Free/low-cost markets,produce, butchers, day-old bakeries, Food banks, missions, church meals, etc.
Chicago can lay claim to a number of regional specialties, all of which reflect the city’s ethnic and working-class roots. Included among these are the nationally renowned deep-dish pizza—although locally the Chicago thin crust is also equally popular; the Chicago-style hot dog, typically a Vienna
Beef dog loaded with an array of fixings that often includes Chicago’s own neon green pickle relish, yellow mustard, pickled sport peppers, tomato wedges, dill pickle spear and topped off with celery salt (ketchup on a Chicago hot dog is typically frowned upon).[21] There are two other distinctly Chicago sandwiches that can be found at eateries throughout the area: The Italian Beef sandwich, which is thinly sliced beef slowly simmered in an aujus served on an Italian roll with sweet peppers or spicy giardiniera; and the Maxwell Street Polish, which is a kielbasa—typically from either the Vienna Beef Company or the Bobak Sausage Company—on a hot dog roll, topped with grilled onions, yellow mustard and the optional sport peppers.
Chicago’s standing in the culinary world is not limited to ‘street food’, however. Featuring a number of celebrity chefs—a list which includes Charlie Trotter, Rick Tramonto, Jean Joho, Grant Achatz, and Rick Bayless, Chicago has in recent decades developed into one of the world’s premiere restaurant cities.
The grand tour of Chicago cuisine culminates annually in Grant Park at the Taste of Chicago, a festival that runs from the final week of June through Fourth of July weekend. ‘The Taste’, as it is abbreviated by locals, showcases Chicago’s ethnic dining diversity as well as all the locally favorite stalwarts (see above). Booths representing myriad local eateries form the centerpiece of the city’s largest festival, which draws millions each summer to sample the cuisine, while enjoying free concerts and fireworks.
Medical Care
Plannedparenthood,free clinics,free medical advice,Medicare resources, low-cost clinics, etc.
Chicago is home to the Illinois Medical District on the Near West Side. It includes Rush University Medical Center, the University ofIllinois Medical Center at Chicago, and John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, the largest trauma-center in the city. The University of Chicago operates the University of Chicago Medical Center.
The University ofIllinois College ofMedicine at UIC is the largest medical school in the United States (1300 students, including those at campuses in Peoria, Rockford and Urbana-Champaign). Chicago is also home to other nationally recognized medical schools including Rush Medical College, the Pritzker School ofMedicine of the University of Chicago, and the Feinberg School of Medicine ofNorthwestern University. In addition, the Chicago Medical School and Loyola University Chicago’s Stritch School ofMedicine are located in the suburbs ofNorth Chicago and Maywood, respectively. The Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine is in Downers Grove.
Public Transit
Subways, Buses, Ferries, Shuttles, etc.
Chicago is a major transportation hub in the United States. It is an important component in global distribution, as it is the third largest inter-modal port in the world after Hong Kong and Singapore.[70] Additionally, it is the only city in North America in which six Class I railroads meet.[71]
Chicago is one of the largest hubs of passenger rail service in the nation. Many Amtrak long distance services originate from Union Station. Such services provide connections to New York, Seattle, New Orleans, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Amtrak also provides a number of short-haul services throughout Illinois and toward nearby Milwaukee.
Nine interstate highways run through Chicago and its suburbs. Segments that link to the city center are named after influential politicians, with four of them named after formerUS Presidents. Traffic reports tend to use the names rather than interstate numbers.
The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) coordinates the operation of the three service boards: CTA, Metra, and Pace. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) handles public transportation in Chicago and a few adjacent suburbs. The CTA operates an extensive network ofbuses and a rapid transit system known locally as the “L” (for “elevated”), with several lines, including service to Midway and O’Hare airports. Pace provides bus and paratransit service in over 200 surrounding suburbs with some extensions into the city. Bicycles are permitted on all CTA and Metra trains during non-rush hours and on all buses 24 hours. Metra operates commuter rail service in Chicago and its suburbs. The Metra Electric Line shares the railway with the South Shore Line’s NICTD Northern Indiana Commuter Rail Service, providing commuter service between South Bend and Chicago.
Chicago offers a wide array ofbicycle transportation facilities, such as miles of on-street bike lanes, 10,000 bike racks, and a state-of-the-art central bicycle commuter station in Millennium Park. The city has a 100-mile (160 km) on-street bicycle lane network that is maintained by the Chicago Department of Transportation Bike Program [[1]] and the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation In addition, trails dedicated to bikes only are built throughout the city.
Chicago is served by Midway International Airport on the south side and O’Hare International Airport, one of the world’s busiest airports, on the far northwest side. Gary/Chicago International Airport, located in nearby Gary, Indiana, serves as the third Chicago area airport, although it currently lacks scheduled passenger service. Chicago Rockford International Airport, formerly Greater Rockford Airport, serves as a regional base for United Parcel Service cargo flights, some passenger flights, and occasionally as a reliever to O’Hare, usually in times ofbad weather.
Free Dallas
General Guide
Dallas is a hotbed of conservative activity. The Bush Dynasty originates here, people like nothing better than gas guzzling vehicles, fundamental churches proliferate and the city government refuses to finance any decent sort of public transportation. In other words, if you are liberal or antigovernment your best descision is not to move to Dallas in the first place. Ifhowever, you do end up in the city an idea of the general layout is good to know. Dallas proper [the city itself, not the suburbs that make up the metroplex] is divided into a few major segments. Oak Cliff, the lowest income, most violent and predominantly non-white section is the farthest south, making it the bottom of the city. Please note that this is also where the cheapest food and housing can be found if one is not afraid to defend themselves. Slightly north across the ‘Trinity River Floodplain’ is Downtown. This area is a relatively small cluster oflarge buildings giving way to a rather abandoned and wrecked sprawl. As one moves north through the downtown area the properties change from municipal buildings and drone corporation offices to a more expensive and upscale district housing the highclass arts spaces, architects, lawyers and hotels. Still moving north the traveler will move out of downtown and enter the highclass neighborhood and its surroundings. The areas knowns as ‘Uptown’, ‘Oaklawn’ and ‘Greenville Avenue’ are all relatively liberal but still quite expensive and patrolled by a fair number of oinkers. Not a bad place to chill and screw with people but not a good place for procuring things. Still on the route north a person will come upon a small city within a city, Highland Park. Highland Park is a place to be avoided. It has the honor ofbeing the most affluent part of the city but also having a pig force dispropotionately well equipped to deal with crimes that never happen and to top it off the pigs here are also know to be racial profilers. Stay away from here. If you are forced to come through cause as much trouble as possible and then get the hell out. North ofHighland Park is an area called North Dallas. This is mostly a series of apartment blocks and middle class neighborhoods. There are some high class area interpersed but since it is a safe area and under the jurisdiction of the normal Dallas Pig Force it is lightly patrolled. In Dallas, the best haunts for any bum or revolutionary are anywhere near Greenville Avenue on the east side of the city or in the industrial areas in the northeast.
Dallas Metrocare Services tel. 214.743.1200 1380 Riverbend Dr., Dallas, TX 75247 fax 214.630.3642
Family Gateway tel. 214.741.6515 711 S. St. Paul St., Dallas, TX 75201 fax 214.761.5658
Genesis Women’s Shelter tel. 214.942.2998 PO Drawer G, Dallas, TX 75208 fax 214.943.9269
Housing Crisis Centertel. 214.828.4244 3108 Live Oak, Dallas, TX 75204 fax 214.828.9623
Interfaith Housing Coalition tel. 214.827.8950 4627 Munger Ave., Dallas, TX 75204 214.827.7220
PO Box 720206, Dallas TX 75372–0206 fax 214.827.9310
Promise House tel. 214.941.8578 224 W. Page, Dallas, TX 75208 fax 214.941.8670
Shared Housing Center tel. 214.821.8510 402 N. Good Latimer, Dallas, TX 75204 fax 214.828.1499
Union Gospel Mission tel. 214.637.6117
3211 Irving Blvd., Dallas, TX 75247
Austin Street Centre tel. 214.428.4242 2929 Hickory St., Dallas, TX 75226 fax 214.428.8158
Brighter Tomorrows tel. 972.263.0506 PO Box 532151, Grand Prairie, TX 75053 24 hr Hotline: 972.262.8383 fax 972.237.2565
Dallas Life Foundation tel. 214.421.1380 1100 Cadiz St., Dallas, TX 75215 fax 214.426.5114
The Family Place tel. 214.559.2170 PO Box 7999, Dallas, TX 75209 fax 214.443.7797
Friends ofthe Family tel. 972.219.2829 PO Box 640, Denton, TX 76202 fax 940.383.1816
Genesis Women’s Shelter tel. 214.942.2998 PO Drawer G, Dallas, TX 75208 fax 214.943.9269
Hope’s Door tel. 972.442.2911 2701 W. 15th St., #212, Plano, TX 75075 fax 972.423.4154
New Beginning Centertel. 972.276.0057 218 N. 10th St., Garland, TX 75040 fax 972.276.1344
Promise House tel. 214.941.8578 224 W. Page, Dallas, TX 75208 fax 214.941.8670
Reconciliation Outreach tel. 214.821.9192 4311 Bryan St., Dallas, TX 75204 fax 214.824.3961
Salvation Army — Carr P Collins Social Service Center tel. 214.424.7000 5302 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75235 fax 214.688.5234 PO Box 35928, Dallas, TX, 75235–0928
Samaritan Inn tel. 972.542.5302 1710 N. McDonald St., McKinney, TX 75069 fax 972.569.9988
Union Gospel Mission tel. 214.637–6117 3211 Irving Blvd., Dallas, TX 75247 fax 214.637.6117
Union Gospel Mission—Center ofHope tel. 214.638.2988
4815 Cass St., Dallas, TX 75235 fax 214.637.2790
Dallas Life Foundation tel. 214.421.4600
1100 Cadiz St., Dallas, TX 75215 fax 214.426.5144
The Magdalen House tel. 214.324.9261 1302 Redwood Circle, Dallas, TX 75218 fax 214.324.5299
Nexus Recovery Center tel. 214.321.0156 8733 La Prada Dr., Dallas, TX 75228 fax 214.321.3096
Reconciliation Outreach tel. 214.821.9192
4311 Bryan St., Dallas, TX 75204 fax 214.824.3961
Home-delivered meals for elderly or disabled. Individual must be home bound with no caretaker and no meals from any other source. Illness or old age must prevent normal activity in order for client to receive meals.
Dallas County: 1440 West Mockingbird Ln. #500, Dallas, TX 75247 tel. 214.689.0000
Collin County: 2414 W. University Drive, Suite 200, McKinney, TX 75071 tel. 972.562.0140
Denton Country: 216 W. Mulberry St., Denton, TX 76201 tel. 972.434.2931
Medical Care
Agape Clinic at Grace United Methodist Church tel. 214.824.2533 4105 Junius St., Dallas, TX 75246 hours: Thurs: 7:30 am — 3:30 pm; Fri: 7:30 am-11:30 am; Sat 8:00 am — 12:00 pm;
vaccinations Fri 9:00 am — 12:00 pm and Sat 8:30 am service area: 75246, 75225, 75206, 75214, 75223
Collin County Adult Clinic tel. 972.679.0035 2520 Ave. K (Park and Ave) Suite 100, Plano, TX 75074 Thurs nights (sign-up sheet on door on Thursday at 7:00 am; new patients return at 4:00 pm and returning patients at 5:30 pm) service area: all zip codes in Collin County
Central Dallas Ministries Community Health Services tel. 214.821.8644 801 N. Peak St., Dallas, TX 75246 hours: Mon & Wed 9:00 am — 5:00 pm; Tues & Thurs 9:00 am — 9:00 pm (by appointment only) Service Area: 75204, 75246, 75226, 75223, 75210, 75215
Christ’s Family Clinic (in the Preston Road Church of Christ) 6409 Preston Rd., University Park, TX 75205 tel. 214.261.9500 hours: Wed 1:00 pm — 9:00 pm service area: anyone working in Park Cities area
Christian Community Action Adult Health Center tel. 972.219.4325 200 S. Mill St., Lewisville, TX 75057 hours: Tues 1:00 pm — 6:00 pm; Wed 11:00 am -12:00 pm; Thurs 5:00 pm — 9:00 pm; 2nd Thurs 2:00 pm -9:00 pm; 2nd Sat 8:00 am-12:00 pm service area: call for service area
Cornerstone Ministries Life Medical Clinic tel. 214.426.5468 2711 Ervay, Suite. 104, Dallas, TX 75215 hours: Tues 10:00 am -2:00 pm service area: call for service area
Dallas Life Foundation tel. 214.421.1380 1100 Cadiz St., Dallas, TX 75221 hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs 5:00 pm -9:00 pm service area: no set requirements
Friendship House Health Ministries tel. 972.485.9292 451 W. Ave. B, Garland, TX 75040 hours: Thurs 5:00 pm — 8:00 pm (walk-in); Women’s clinic 8:30 am-10:30 am (by appointment only) service area: 75040, 75041, 75042, 75043, 75044
Grace Community Clinic 1002 Park Blvd, Grapevine, TX 76051 tel. 817.488.7009 hours: Tues 5:30 pm — 9:00 pm service area: 76051, 76092, 76034
Grand Prairie Wellness Center tel. 972.266.9123 1710 Small St., Grand Prairie, TX 75050 hours: Mon — Sat 8:00 am — 4:00 pm (application required; call for further details) service area: Grand Prairie residents
Islamic Association ofNorth Texas Clinic tel. 972.231.6751 8420 Abrams Rd., Richardson, TX 75081 hours: Tues and Wed 5:00 pm — 8:00 pm; Sun 10:00 am-2:00 pm (by appointment only) service area: no set requirements
Los Barrios Unidos Community Clinic, Inc. tel. 214.571.6132 809 Singleton Blvd., Dallas TX 75212 hours: Mon-Thurs 7:00 am — 5:00 pm; Fri 7:00 am — 4:00 pm service area: call for service area
Martin Luther King Jr. Family Clinic, Inc. tel. 214.426.2686 2922 B Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Dallas, TX 75215 hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8:00 am- 5:00 pm; Wed 11:00 am — 8:00 pm service area: 75201, 75202, 75204, 75206, 75210, 75214, 75215, 75216, 75217, 75218, 75219, 75223, 75234, 75236, 75237, 75244, 75247, 75248, 75249, 75252, 75287
Metrocrest Family Medical Clinic tel. 972.484.8444 One Medical Parkway, Suite. 140, Dallas, TX 75234 hours: Tues, Thurs 6:00 pm — 9:00 pm; immunizations on 3rd Wed service area: call for service area (referral needed)
Mission East Dallas tel. 972.682.8917 2914 Oates Dr., Dallas, TX 75228 hours: Tues 4:30 pm service area: 75041, 75042, 75043, 75149, 75150, 75159, 75180, 75181, 75185, 75217, 75218, 75227, 75228, 75238, 75253
Network of Community Ministries, Inc (for children and adolescents) tel. 972.234.8880 741 S. Sherman St., Richardson, TX 75081 hours: Mon & Wed 6:00 pm — 8:00 pm service area: child must live in Richardson Independent School District
North Dallas Shared Ministries tel. 972.620.8696 ext 226 2875 Merrell Rd., Dallas, TX 75229 hours: Adults and Children’s Clinic: Tues and Thurs 5:00 pm; Women’s Clinic: 1st and 3rd Wed 5:00 pm; Children’s Immunization Clinic: Tues 10:30 am -1:30 pm service area: 75001, 75204, 75205, 75219, 75220, 75225, 75229, 75230, 75231, 75234, 75235, 75240, 75244, 75247, 75248, 75251, 75252, 75254, 75287
North Texas Indian Physicians Charitable Clinic tel. 972.870.9500 1706 Britain, Irving, TX hours: 1st and 3rd Sun 10:00 am — 11:30 pm service area: call for service area
Plano Children’s Medical Clinic tel. 972.801.9689 1407 14th St., Plano, TX 75074 hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am — 4:30 pm; Volunteer Clinic Wed-Thurs 6:00pm on walk-in basis service area: call for service area
Plano Day Labor Center tel. 972.422.6384 805 Ozark Dr., Plano, TX 75074 hours: Wed 7:00 am — 11:00 am; adult clinic: Thursday 6:30 pm service area: All zip codes in Collin County
Presbyterian Community Medical Centertel. 972.509.4554 900 East Park, Suite. 100, Plano, TX 75074 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm (closed 12:00 pm — 1:00 pm) service area: call for service area
The Stewpot Clinic tel. 214.746.2785 408 Park Ave., Dallas, TX 75201 hours: Mon — Fri 8:30 am — 4:30 pm service area: no set requirements
Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas tel. 214.941.1050 209 Jefferson Blvd., Dallas, TX 75203 hours:
Mon, Wed, Thurs 8:00 am — 5:00 pm; Tues 10:00 am — 7:00 pm; Fri 8:00 am — 3:00 pm service area: call for eligibility requirements
Parkland Community Oriented Primary Care (PCOPC) administration telephone: 214.590.0100; call Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm with questions.
Parkland Memorial Hospital tel. 214.590.8000 5201 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75235
NOTE: all of the health centers listed below require appointments.
Bluitt-Flowers Health Center tel. 214.266.4200 303 East Overton Rd., Dallas, TX 75216 fax 214.266.4218 hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30 am — 6:00 pm; Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm
DeHaro-SaldivarHealth Centertel. 214.266.0500 1400North Westmoreland, Dallas, TX 75211 fax 214.266.0554 hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30 am — 6:00 pm; Fri 10:00 am — 5:00 pm, Sat 8:00 am — 8:00 pm (urgent care)
East Dallas Health Center tel. 214.266.1000 3320 Live Oak, Dallas, TX 75204 fax 214.266.1128 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am -5:00 pm
Garland Health Center tel. 214.266.0700 802 Hopkins, Garland, TX 75040 fax 214.266.0656 hours: Mon-Thurs 7:00 am — 6:00 pm; Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm
Oak West Health Center tel. 214.330.1066 4444 S. Hampton Rd., Dallas, TX 75232 fax 214.266.1455 hours: Mon-Wed 7:30 am — 6:00 pm; Thurs-Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm; 2nd Friday 1:00 pm — 5:00 pm
Pediatric Primary Care Centertel. 214.266.0100 6303 Harry Hines Blvd., Suite 101, Dallas, TX 75235 fax 214.266.0113 hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30 am — 6:00 pm; Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm
Southeast Dallas Health Center tel. 214.266.1600 9202 Elam Rd., Dallas, TX 75217 fax 214.266.1790 hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 am — 6:00 pm; 2nd and 4th Friday 1:00 pm — 6:00 pm
Vickery Family Health Center tel. 214.266.0350 8224 Park Ln., Suite. 130, Dallas, TX 75231 fax 214.696.3776 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm; Sun 8:00 am — 6:00 pm (urgent care)
Parkland’s Women’s Health Center Locations customer hotline: 214.590.4900
deHaro-Saldivar Health Center tel. 214.266.0598 1400 North Westmoreland, Dallas, TX 75211 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am -5:00 pm
East Dallas Health Centertel. 214.266.1195 3320 Live Oak, Dallas, TX 75204 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm
Garland Health Center tel. 214.266.0782 802 Hopkins, Garland, TX 75040 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am
-4:30 pm
Lake June Health Center tel. 214.266.1504 6925 Lake June Rd., Dallas, TX 75217 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm
Lake West Health Center tel. 214.266.0906 3737 Goldman St., Dallas, TX 75217 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am- 4:30 pm
Oak West Health Centertel. 214.266.1412 4444 S. Hampton Rd., Dallas, TX 75232 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm
Pediatric Primary Care Centertel. 214.266.0419 6303 Harry Hines Blvd., Suite 101, Dallas, TX 75235 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm
Vickery Family Health Center tel. 214.266.0267 8224 Park Ln., Suite 130, Dallas, TX 75231 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm
Baylor College ofDentistry tel. 214.828.8441 3301 Gaston, Dallas, TX 75246 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm service area: call for service area
Bluitt-Flowers COPC Dental Clinic tel. 214.266.4280 303 North Overton Rd., Dallas, TX 75216 fax 214.266.4373 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm (closed 12:00–12:30 pm)
Central Dallas Ministries Community Health Services tel. 214.821.8644 801 N. Peak St., Dallas, TX 75246 hours: Mon — Tues 9:00 am — 5:00 pm (by appointment only) service area: 75204, 75246, 75226, 75223, 75210, 75215
deHaro-Saldivar COPC Dental Clinic tel. 214.266.0630 1400 North Westmoreland, Dallas, TX 75211 fax 214.266.0633 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm (lunch 12:00–12:30 pm) service area: City ofDallas; City ofIrving
East Dallas COPC Dental Clinic tel. 214.266.1170 3320 Live Oak, Dallas, TX 75204 fax 214.266.1178 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm (lunch 12:00–12:30 pm) service area: City of Dallas
Garland COPC Dental Clinic tel. 214.266.0760 802 Hopkins St., Dallas, TX 75040 fax 214.266.0766 hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 am -4:30 pm (lunch 12:00–12:30 pm) service area: City of Garland
Golden Acres Dental Clinic tel. 214.327.2622 2525 Centerville Rd., Dallas, TX 75228 hours: Mon — Fri 9:00 am — 4:00 pm service area: call for service area
Kiwanis Dental Clinic tel. 214.827.1724 5216 Monarch St., Dallas, TX 75206 hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am — 4:30 pm service area: call for service area
Los Barrios Unidos Community Dental Clinic, Inc. tel. 214.571.6130 809 Singleton Blvd., Dallas TX 75212 hours: Mon -Thurs 7:00 am — 5:00 pm; Fri 7:00 am — 4:00 pm service area: call for service area
Mission East Dallas tel. 972.682.8917 2914 Oates Dr., Dallas, TX 75228 hours: 3 Fridays of month 8:00 am — 12:00 pm; 1 Friday of month 1:00 pm — 5:00 pm (by appt. only) service area: 75041, 75042, 75043, 75149, 75150, 75159, 75180, 75181, 75185, 75217, 75218, 75227, 75228, 75238, 75253
North Dallas Shared Ministries tel. 972.620.8696 ext 226 2875 Merrell Rd., Dallas, TX 75229 hours: 1st and 3rd Wed 8:00 am service area: 75001, 75204, 75205, 75219, 75220, 75225, 75229, 75230, 75231, 75234, 75235, 75240, 75244, 75247, 75248, 75251, 75252, 75254, 75287
The Stewpot Dental Clinic tel. 214.746.2785 1823 Young St., Dallas, TX 75201 hours: Mon — Fri 8:00 am — 4:30 pm (closed 12:30 — 1:00 pm) service area: no set requirements
Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas tel. 214.941.1050 209 Jefferson Blvd., Dallas, TX 75203 hours: Wed & Thurs 8:00 am — 5:00 pm; Fri 8:00 am — 3:00 pm; 3rd Friday 8:00 am — 12:00 pm service area: call for service area
The state government agency that oversees and provides workforce development services to employers andjob seekers in Texas. General Office hours: Mon — Fri 8:00 am — 5:00 pm
Dallas Area Management Office tel. 214.290.1031 fax214.290.1001 1201 Main St. Suite 2700,
Dallas, TX 75202
Unemployment Compensation
Teleserve number for Texas Work Force Commission): 214.688.7088
Work Force Center Locations
2922 MLK Dr. tel. 214.421.2460 fax 214.426.2924 Dallas, TX 75215
2020 N. Masters tel. 972.288.2703 fax 972.288.4332 Suite. 102, Dallas, TX 75217
2707 Stemmons Frwy., tel. 214.920.3663 fax 214.920.3617 Suite. 150, Dallas, TX 75207
2925 N. Skyway Cir. tel. 972.258.0114 fax 972.570.1485 Irving, TX 75038
4243 S. Polktel. 214.372.1471 fax214.372.4756Dallas, TX 75224
217 N. 10th tel. 972.276.8361 fax 972.272.6469 Garland, TX 75040
1222 E. Arapaho tel. 972.234.5391 fax 972.480.9259 Richardson, TX 75081
202 W. PioneerPkwy. tel. 972. 264.5881 fax 972.264.1765 Grand Prairie, TX 75051
2110N. Galloway tel. 972.329.1948 fax 972.329.2144 Suite. 116 Mesquite, TX 75150
7222 S. Westmoreland, tel. 972.709.5377 fax 972.780.8696 Suite. 110, Dallas, TX 75237
Day Labor Center Locations
GarlandDay LaborCentertel. 972.864.1739 2007 SaturnRd, Garland, TX 75041 fax 972.864.1739
Lone Star Park Hiring Off tel. 972.264.5881 1000 Lone Star Pkwy, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 fax 972.264.1756
Public Transit
The Dallas public transportation system is called the DART, for Dallas Area Rapid Transit. The system is quite pitiful. The bus component is slow, the transfer situation is bad and the route choice is poor. Also be prepared that there is no accomodation for bikes on the bus system. You normally cannot ride a bus with a bike. As for the train system, it is even worse. The light rail follows the easternmost highway putting it over 5 miles from the main section of the city in North Dallas. In most cases it is more practical to simpyly walk or bike to your destination then attempting to get to a rail station and waiting for a train. One note for anyone who plans to walk or bike places. Dallas drivers are assholes to any liberal looking individual. Be prepared to get yelled at, honked at, cut off and generally disrespected to the point ofbodily injury. Dallas is Not a pedestrian/biker friendly city. Now that it has been stated that biking in Dallas isn’t great, it is also good to mention that it is probably the most practical method of movement. A bike needs no gas, and there are no liscense plates to identify a bike. Other advantages include being able to hold speed while traversing terrain impassible to pig cars and allowing the rider to move faster than a running officer.
Free Clothing and Furniture
This is the one redeeming aspect ofDallas. As mentioned in the general overview the highclass neigborhoods are located in Highland Park and its immediate vicinity. Due to the intense fashion driven wastefulness it is possible to comb the front garbage piles of the larger houses for perfectly good armchairs, couches, tables and electronic devices. As for clothes, the Goodwill or St.Vincent de Paul center are always good bets. Many baptist churches, as revolting as they may be, run garage sale shops. Surprisingly many interesting pieces of clothing can be found there for extremely cheap prices. It is assumed that the clothes have been taken from the children of the baptist parents in an effort to ‘straigten them out’. Another method of getting clothing items for free are charity drop boxes. These boxes can be found in the parking lots of chain stores such as Home Depot and Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse. A bum equipped with some fishing hooks and string can easily pull various items out of the ‘tamper proof1 chutes. Just be ready to run when you see the fat rent-a-pig in his golfcart coming across the parking lot. The last thing to remember is that various Goodwills and charity closets in the area will exchange items. If you find some frilly pinkjacket it can be taken to a charity closet and exchanged for something more fitting to your own taste.
Free Jerusalem
General Guide
Jerusalem is one of the most well known cities in the world. Tourists and pilgrams have been visiting for at least three thousand years. Jerusalemis split up along mostly religous and ethnic lines Arab, Heradi (ultra religious Jewish), and Modern neighborhoods. Arabs generaly live in the east part of the city and the western side is Jewish/modern Heradi neighborhoods weave through both halves of the city. Jerusalem is the seat of gevernment ofIsrael and representatives of most political groups are present from labor zionist to anti-zionist ultra religious to arab nationalist. The police are generaly cool until a riot or protest (which happens regularly) breaks out then the horse cops get brought out to bust heads and clear the blocked parts of town. There is a massive disparity in income from the poorest to the very rich, because of massive private charity networks people may have no worldly posessions to speak of they are all fed and clothed with a roof to sleep under.
Over half of the population speaks some english, have patience with those who are out of practice. If you are speaking english most people assume you are a rich Canadian, English, American, or South African and will assume you are rich.
A word to the wise, if you feel a need to spread you religion especialy Christians don’t do it in Israel, almost everyone has an faith even if they don’t appear to practice it and they are deeply offended that you feel the need to interfere.
Jews and Arabs being descendents of Abraham have a well known tradition of hospitality. You can expect to be invited to homes after only knowing people a few hours. Try to have contacts before you arrive then you will likely never spend even a single night in a hotel. In summer it is easy to camp outside although the tourism police will catch you easily if you overstay your tourist visa,
Dumpster diving is mostly useless for foods almost everything is donated to food relief efforts, even weddings have collectors pick up left overs to distribute. If you are in the old city near the kotel you will usualy be invited to dinner and lunch by a religious Jewish family.
Try the open-air market on Jaffa Street on Shabbat. On Friday afternoons before sunset, go hang out in the market and look around. It’s very crowded, but empties out quickly before the sun sets. It’s chaos in there and food is splayed out everywhere. Expect there to be lots ofleftover. I accidentally walked away with tons ofbaguettes, an entire watermelon and some cucumbers that were just lying around.
Medical Care
Israel has socialized medicine but tourists are not covered, cash or credit are usualy taken in larger clinics, ask if there is a free clinic nearby.
Armed Forces/Deployment Avoidance Counseling
If your parents are Israeli you will be expected to do army time. There are many exemptions most popular being national service which post high school students work in schools nursing homes or other national projects.
See Free Playsection, include details for this city.
Beaches, Swimming Pools, Parks, Sports, Museums, Music, Theatre, TV shows, Movies, etc.
Hiking and tourism is very popular with the Israelis much more than Americans,just ask your new friends what sights are nearby. Good to see in Jerusalem are the Kotel, Temple Mount, Museum of Jewish History, and Yad Vashem Holocaust museum. The beaches are great with some of the worlds best diving down in Elat. The only middle east skiing in the winter is at Mt Hermon. Mountain biking and hiking trails fill the forest surrounding Jerusalem. Everywhere in the city there is something historical going back about 4000 years
General weather, traffic, news resources, etc.
Jerusalem is cooler then most ofIsrael because it is about 700M elevation. Summers are hot and dry winters cold with occasional snow.
Traffic and parking are a mess, drivers are super agressive, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death because everyone is late for everything. Cyclists must use sidewalks for uphill and can take to the toad lanes if they can keep up with traffic.
Israeli papers are available in English if you look around. Many of the Arab TV stations transmit subtitled american reruns. Movies are usualy english with hebrew subtitles.
Public Transit
Subways, Buses, Light Rail, Ferries, Shuttles, etc.
One of the best bus systems in the world city busses can be jammed full especially on friday afternoon or saturday night. The public transit in Jewish areas shuts down for the sabbath. The train system is being expanded, as is the rule worldwide trains are much more civilized than the bus or a car. Sherutim or vans can be arranged ask a local about catching one between cities
Assorted Freebies
See Assorted FreebiesSection, provide details for this city, including other topics. Whatever fits and is useful.
Jewish young adults can sometimes get a free trip for yeshiva or seminary study. These yeshivas offer a place to stay in exchange of some Jewish study usually at a low stress level and often for free to those that can’t afford it. If you blow off too many classes you might be asked to leave. If you get the boot there are dozens more you can try to get a place at.
Free Las Vegas
General Guide
The most important thing to know is that the Las Vegas ofboth the Rat Pack and Hunter S. Thompson’s “Fear and Loathing” is long gone and is never coming back. Another helpful hint is that the “Las Vegas Strip” is really named “Las Vegas Boulevard South”, and most of it isn’t in Las Vegas itself, but rather unincorporated land within Clark County. The real city limits on the Strip begin (or end) on Sahara Avenue.
“Las Vegas” is usually meant to refer to the Las Vegas Valley itself, which also includes Henderson, North Las Vegas, Boulder City and Blue Diamond. The area has, in recent years, had a very large influx ofMexican expatriates, much to the dismay of many of the long-time (and considerably right-wing) residents. Politically, the city is rather conservative, but there are pockets ofliberalism, mostly in the suburban regions.
The telephone area code is 702, and is located in the Pacific Time Zone. Summer temps are VERY hot (weeks of over 100 degree heat are common in the Summer) and the temperature drops quickly at Sunset. Bring sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat and a jacket in the summer, and a heavy coat in the winter.
There’s a Minors curfew on the Strip. You have tobe 21 or older to be on the Strip on your own after 9PM, or be in the company of a “parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult over the age of 21”. The cops have already seen all the fake IDs there are, so don’t even try.
If you arrive at the airport and you’re staying on the Strip or Downtown, tell the taxi driver “Take the Strip or Paradise Road, NOT the tunnel.”, since that’s the long way around and you’ll be charged more.
In case you’re asking a local for directions, “Industrial Road” was renamed “Dean Martin Drive” in 2005, but many still call it by the old name.
Keep in mind that Las Vegas has been subject to great and drastic change, so some information in this may become out of date even as you read it!
Las Vegas has two hostels:
Sin City Hostel (1208 Las Vegas Blvd. South) is the only hostel on “The Strip”, and boasts a jacuzzi pool, BBQ pit, DSL internet and basketball half court. (702-868-0222) http://www.sincityhostel .com/
USA Hostels (Formely the Las Vegas Backpacker’s Hostel — 1322 Fremont St., Downtown) boasts a hot tub, a swimming pool, wireless internet (if you bring your own laptop) as well as air conditioning in every room. (702-385-1150 or 800-550-8958)
CALL FOR RESERVATIONS BEFORE YOU GET HERE!!! Cheap rooms in Las Vegas are rare! This is no joke or exaggeration!
There are a number ofhomeless encampments scattered throughout the valley, but due to police “interventions” they only last a few days (a month at the most) and move quite frequently.
The major homeless shelter is the Las Vegas Rescue Mission on 480 West Bonanza Road (Phone: 702-382-1766). Lodging is first come-first served, so good luck finding a bed. Free dinner is served every day at 5 PM (4:30 on Sundays). You can also call one of the Salvation Army centers (see below) and plead poverty, if you don’t mind a heavy dose of religion.
The many cheap buffets that Las Vegas was known for are now almost all gone. There are still buffets, but they’re more expensive, especially on Fridays when they are often serving seafood specials (It isn’t cheap to ship fresh or frozen seafood across the desert!). Your best bets for a decently priced buffet woud be the casinos located off-Strip that are designed to appeal to the locals, including places like The Cannery, Joker’s Wild, Railroad Pass, Klondike Sunset, or any of the “Fiesta” or “Station” casinos (except Main Street Station offFremont and Palace Station, which is too close to the Strip). On the Fremont Street Experience, there are a number of souvenir shops that sell hot dogs for 2 for $1.50 (the price may go up as times get tougher). Vegetarian fare can be had at Rainbow’s End at 1100 E. Sahara Ave., Souper Salad (yes, that’s how it’s spelled) at 4022 S. Maryland Pkwy and 2051 N. Rainbow Blvd #102, and a few Indian & Thai restaurants. Check the “Vegetarian” listings under “Restaurants” in the phone directory, or check the on-line reviews at
To buy packaged food on the cheap, there are a number of discount stores scattered around the valley that sell canned and dry foods, such as Big Lots, Family Dollar and 99 Cents Only Stores (The latter also sells milk, fruit juices, fresh produce and some refrigerated & frozen foods). There are a few “Bakery Outlet” stores that sell baked goods that are close to their expiration dates.
Medical Care
US Health & Human Services lists the Nevada Rural Health Centers and maintains a central switchboard in Carson City (the state capital) that can direct you to the nearest facility for your needs and schedule an appointment. It’s atoll call: 775-887-1590
Legal Aid
If you’re arrested on the Strip, you’ll be sent to the Clark County Detention Center, 330 S. Casino Center Boulevard, Downtown Las Vegas. If you make a phone call from there, remember that before you get a chance to speak, there will be a pre-recorded announcement telling the person you’re calling that the call is from the CCDC and is being recorded for security purposes. The information number at CCDC, in case you want to check in on someone who might be there, is (702) 671–3900. They take Western Union payments for bail.
Free legal service can be had from Clark County Legal Services at (702) 386–1070 or (800) 5221070.
Armed Forces/Deployment Avoidance Counseling
Try Clark County Legal Services at (702) 386–1070 or (800) 522–1070.
Las Vegas Strip
First, you have to be at least 21to drink or gamble. Sorry, but that’s state law. It’s pretty much impossible to get booze at the hotel/casino bars or to gamble (and then cash out) without getting carded. The security and bartenders there are real picky on IDs, and they’ve seen all the fakes there its probably well advised NOT to use a fake ID (unless your older brother looks a LOT like you).
When you get here, grab all the tourist fliers and free magazines you can get. You’ll find them in the hotel lobbies. Check the coupons and read the fine print as to how much the “free” stuff will cost you: some are 2-for-1 gigs or “BOGO’s” (“Buy One, Get One Free/Half-Price”). Whatever you can exploit, do so.
Almost every casino has an arcade, but they vary greatly in the games offered. Some are mostly a place to dump off the kids while the parents spend their inheritance. There is a Gameworks on the Strip near the MGM Grand, but they have an enforced dress code (no torn, soiled or excessively baggy clothes; no clothing or tattoos with objectionable art or profanity; no chains of any kind), and they enforce the 9PM curfew for Minors.
The local NPR station is KNPR at 88.9 FM, with news on the hour and the BBC World Service overnight (Yes, they carry “A Prairie Home Companion” on Saturday evenings with a repeat broadcast every Sunday at 11 AM).
What passes for a college station, KUNV at 90.5 FM, is an NPR Jazz station Monday through Friday, with miscellaneous music programs on the weekends.
The major casinos have lots of free stuff to look at, such as the fountains in front of the Bellagio and a flower display inside, the fake Egyptian motifs inside the Luxor, the equally fake Manhattan motifs in New York New York, the even more fake Roman motifs in Caesars Palace, the replica rain forest inside the Mirage (and the fake volcano outside which “erupts” on the hour after 8PM, weather permitting) and the “canals” inside the Venetian. The “Sirens” battle ship show in front of Treasure Island (or “T.I.” for short) has replaced the long-running pirate battle show (One of the last vestiges of the “Family-Friendly” Vegas of the 90’s.). Sam’s Town on Boulder Highway (yes, the place that The Killers named their CD after) has an indoor park with animatronic critters all over the place. There are night-time laser shows synchronized with music and water fountains.
If you’re over 21, you can get a unique souvenir by buying a casino chip for$l. And since designs change and casinos close, it could go up in value! To buy a chip,just go to a gaming table that isn’t busy, put a dollar bill on the table, and ask for a one dollar chip. The dealer can’t take the money from your hand or hand you the chip, but will place it on the table for you to pick up.
A note about the Bellagio: The place has serious snob-appeal, and if you’re not dressed “appropriately”, you might be asked to leave. A clean shirt andjeans are okay, but if you have a mohawk or dye your hair a unique hue, wear a hat. Also, you won’t be allowed entry if you’re an unaccompanied minor.
There are stage shows and concerts along the Strip, but they are VERY EXPENSIVE! Las Vegas is trying to appeal to a demographic with deep pockets, hence the quick disappearance of the “family themed” attractions from a short number of years ago. (Yes, the Circus Circus still stands, but it isn’t what it used to be!) Check the listings in the Las Vegas CityLife or Las Vegas Weekly (see below) for info on local bands.
You can get free passes to the Auto Collection at the Imperial Palace Casino on the Strip. There’s almost always someone handing out free passes on the sidewalk in front of the casino. The catch is that you have to walk all the way into the casino, past the tables and machines, to get to the elevators to the collection. It’s worth it just to look at the funky old cars, many of which are for sale!
Many of the larger casino resorts have “professional” art galleries you can browse for free. Mostly, they’re shops for the very upscale. You might get a sales pitch aimed at you if they think you have money (or they think you’re going to steal something).
The world-famous “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign is down the end of the Strip near the airport. There’s no official parking for it yet, so take your chances at the “Tourist Information” setup nearby, and watch out for the traffic!
Fremont Street
The Fremont Street Experience, located Downtown, has something going onjust about every weekend. If it isn’t some cultural festival or trade show tie-in, there’s usually live music. The nearby area will soon grace a proposed “Las Vegas Neon Museum”, and some recently restored signs are scattered about the pedestrian walkways. Just look for the big neon signs on pedestals with the little metal informational signs next to them. If you can get to the “Neon Boneyard” near Cashman Center, you can look over the fence and see where the old signs are kept before they’re restored. While you’re at the Fremont Street Experience, there are hourly light shows on the canopy at night. Watch your stuff, because that’s when the pickpockets go to work.
An ill-conceived attempt of revitalizing the area was “Neonopolis”, which was supposed to be a vertical shopping mall with neon signs in a central column. It’s now pretty much a ghost town. Worth a look to have a laugh at the futility of urban planning.
The cheapest place to park near Fremont Street is at the Plaza Casino. Get your parking ticket at the entrance booth, and for the first three hours you can park for free (There a sliding scale of per hour rates afterwards). You used to be able to park for free for an unlimited time, but people were going so far as to RV camp in the parking lot! There’s a bus station inside the Plaza as well, so if you need to catch a Greyhound, that’s the place. (Amtrak used to have their trains stop there, but in a boneheaded cost-cutting move, ended train service to Las Vegas. Now, you have to take Amtrak to either Baker, CA or Kingman, AZ, and then take a bus to Las Vegas! Ah, don’t youjust love governmental logic!)
There is also a city-run public parking garage in the area (look for the blue signs), but it’s metered, and you’ll have to keep running back to your car every two hours or so. You might be better off parking your car at one of the Strip casinos and taking the bus downtown!
Downtown & Off-Strip
“First Friday” is a monthly event where local artists and performers strut their stuff. Since it is scattered within the Downtown area, you’ll need comfortable shoes to get around. Try starting at The Arts Factory (101–109 Charleston Blvd). Events start around 6 PM and are held (When else?) on the first Friday of every month. Website here:
Sad to say, but there aren’t very many All-Ages venues in the area. Check the listings in the Las Vegas Weekly and Las Vegas CityLife for local events. Since the night scene is prone to sudden and drastic change, your best bet is to read the listings once you get to Las Vegas, rather than rely on possibly outdated information.
You’ll hate yourself if you don’t visit the Liberace Museum at 1775 East Tropicana Ave (at Spencer) in the Liberace Plaza. Admission is $12.50 (students and seniors are $8.50), but it’s worth it just to see all the glitz and kitsch the man was associated with (including a mirror paneled limo!). It’s a major tourist attraction with the “bus tour” circuit, so you might find yourself amidst groups of senior citizens.
Arcade purists need to visit the Pinball Hall ofFame at 3330 E. Tropicana Blvd (look for the large multi-panel sign with the word “PINBALL” screaming at you). Open 11to11 (till Midnight Friday and Saturday), all the machines work and are playable (!), with proceeds from the Non-Profit operation going to the Salvation Army. Free admission. Yes, they have a website ( ) and they use quarters, not tokens!
If you’re over 21, go to the Double Down Saloon at 4640 Paradise Rd. There are live bands just about every night, and there’s no cover charge. The decor looks like a nightmare inspired by a back issue of Zap Comix, and the jukebox is a college radio DJ’s dream come true. Despite how they look from the outside, the bathrooms are perfectly safe and well-lit. Decent prices for the drinks, too! The Double Down is located within a small circle of Gay-oriented businesses known locally as the “Fruit Loop”. Band list at their website:
While Nevada frowns upon gay marriage, there are a number ofLesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender spots in Las Vegas. The two main areas are the “Fruit Loop” at Paradise Road near the airport, and a “rough around the edges” collection of spots at the Commercial Center at East Sahara Avenue. has a full listing:
Two slick publications,OVegasandOut Las Vegas, are available at bookstores and gay-friendly businesses around the city.
On Boulder Highway in Henderson, there is the Clark County Heritage Museum which features a nature and historical diorama, a changing exhibit space, a historical self-guided tour of rebuilt houses from the valley’s history, and a desert walking trail. There’s wild rabbits, hares and reptiles about, so watch your step on the trail.
In Henderson proper, the main business area is Water Street, which has undergone much renovation in recent years. There’s a few galleries, a used book dealer, and more than a few places to eat. The plaza at the City Hall often holds public events, and a Farmers Market every Thursday from 11 AM to4:30 PM. Check here for events:
Lake Mead National Recreation Area & Hoover Dam
If you have a car (or access to one), check out the Lake Mead National Recreation Area,just outside ofBoulder City. It’s a fee area (you pay $5 per car load, or get a annual pass for $20), and there is a beach for swimming in the summer months (The water can be VERY COLD at times!). Call (702) 293–8990 or (702) 293–8906 for info.
While you’re in the area, also check out Hoover Dam (park for free up the hill on the Arizona side and walk, otherwise it’s $7 per car, cash only). Remember to get there early, since due to Post-9/11 security regulations, no one is allowed to walk across the dam after sunset. There are guided tours of the dam (inside and out), and tickets are $11 for adults, $6 for ages 7to16, $9 if you’re over 62 or have a Military ID, and free for kids 6 or under. The tickets stop selling at 4:15 PM, and is closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Just a reminder; It’s illegal to throw ANYTHING off the dam!) For full information while you’re there, you can tune into two low-power informational radio stations provided by the government: 530 AM gives info on Hoover Dam, while 1610 AM plays info on Lake Mead (The time check is always a few minutes off). If you notice that big white “bathtub ring” around the lake, that’s where the water USED to be!
(In case you’re curious, the highway leading from the dam into Arizona leads all the way into Kingman and US Route 66.)
Boulder City
Boulder City was built for the workers who were building Hoover (originally Boulder) Dam, and it was a “Federal Zone” for a number of years afterwards until it officially became part ofNevada. Since many of the buildings, parks and roads were built by the folks who normally build Army bases, the city looks like a little model railroad town. There’s funky antique shops, arts & crafts stores and a few boutiques around, as well as a museum inside the old Boulder Dam Hotel on Arizona Street (Paid admission, but worth it). And if you think something is missing in town, you’re right. Boulder City is one of only two towns in Nevada where gambling is illegal (The other is the village ofPanaca, which also prohibits the sale of alcohol), but there is the Hacienda casinojust outside ofBoulder City on a parcel of private land within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (so it’s not “officially” in Boulder City). They have decent food specials and a modest buffet.
Outlying Areas
Other natural places to visit are Red Rock Canyon and Valley ofFire State Park (both are Fee areas). At the entrance to Valley ofFire State Park is a small corner of the Moapa Piute Reservation, and the Moapa Tribal Travel Plaza, which sells gas, diesel fuel, food, liquor, tobacco products, fireworks (which are illegal in the rest of Clark County!) and Native American books, CDs, arts & crafts, all exempt from Nevada Sales Tax.
Many of the resident Las Vegans take their vacations (or even day-trips and weekend getaways) in Laughlin. Think of it as Las Vegas’ poor cousin. No sleaze, but it has a nice long walkway alongside the Colorado River. The car collection in the Riverside Casino has free admission. Drive towards Boulder City on Boulder Highway or 1–515 South and take US 93 South through Searchlight (Watch the speed limit!), turning left onto State Hwy 163 East when you get past Cal-Nev-Ari. It’s about a two hour drive from the Strip. When you’re there, buy your gas across the river in Bullhead City, Arizona, where it’s usually cheaper. If you stay there overnight, you can take day trips into Arizona (like London Bridge in Lake Havasu or Route 66 in Kingman). Most of the time the cheapest place to stay at is the Pioneer Hotel & Gambling Hall, which is more of a very large motel than a hotel.
A word about Arizona: The state doesn’t recognize Daylight Savings Time. In the Fall and Winter, they’re in Mountain Standard Time (1 hour ahead ofNevada). In the Spring and Summer, they’re in Pacific Daylight Time (the same time as Nevada).
The free weeklies are Las Vegas Weekly and Las Vegas CityLife (read about them below). The local daily is the Las Vegas Review-Journal with another (more liberal) paper, the Las Vegas Sun as an insert within it.
The local NPR station, KNPR (Nevada Public Radio), is at 88.9 FM and has local public affairs and news programs mixed in with NPR fare. It’s also one of the few talk stations locally that isn’t overrun with Right-Wing blowhards.
There are a few rock radio stations in Las Vegas, but all of them are corporately owned. In short, the overwhelming majority of them suck. Presently there is a halfway decent Alternative Rock station at 107.9 (KVGS or “Area 107.9”) licensed in Laughlin with a transmitter in Dolan Springs, Arizona, but despite having a booster transmitter on Henderson’s Black Mountain, its signal doesn’t reach the whole valley.
Two of the few local talk show hosts worth listening to are Doug Basham and Lydia Cornell (she played Sarah Rush on the 1980’s TV show “Too Close For Comfort”). Their show can be heard on KLAV (AM 1230), weekdays from 8to9 AM, and webcast via the website: (Doug has his own website:
Hart Kirch is a well-versed Liberal and used to be in Doug & Lydia’s time slot, but he has a great weblog:
Underground Papers
The closest Las Vegas has to an independent press are two free weeklies. Las Vegas CityLife(yes, that’s one word) and Las Vegas Weekly. They both come out every Thursday and can be had at marked street boxes and convenience stores around the valley. They both have great information on local free and cheap events (that is, when they’re not attacking each other in print!), as well as good local reporting.
QVegas (formerly the Las Vegas Bugle) and its sister publicationOut Las Vegas are glossy monthly publications that cover the LGBT scene in the valley. They can be had for free at many bookstores and gay-friendly bars & businesses.
There are two local conservative papers called the Las Vegas Tribuneand Penny Press. Both are limited circulation weeklies. The Tribune has had financial and distribution troubles as oflate, and dwells heavily on local politics from a sharp conservative viewpoint, as well as featuring Former City Councilman Steve Miller’s juicy reporting on criminal influence in local politics. The Penny Press, aimed at the Northwest part of the valley and the military market, is published by long-time Nevada broadcast station owner Fred Weinberg and has regular contributers such as economist Pat Choate, market contrarian Al Thomas and local libertarian figures such as Doug French.
If you’re in need of some small item, remember that the stores on the Strip (especially those inside the casinos) charge more, since they have to pay higher rent. It’s best to buy stuff you might be needing (dental floss, medicines, condoms, etc.) in advance. If you need to get something, try going to the stores on the main streets off the Strip.
While it is legal to drink from an open container while walking on the Strip, if you act stupid or are seen to be TOO drunk, the cops will take you in. Casino security guards have a reputation for acting like police when they aren’t. Also, while the sidewalks in front of many of the casinos are public walkways, due to a strange law in the County Code, the casinos can actually OWN them if they provide the upkeep! Yes, the sidewalk in front a major casino is often casino property! If you find yourselfhassled by casino security,just say “I’m leaving now.” and then leave! Don’t make a scene, don’t be rude,just leave. If they hassle you any more, stay cool and ask them politely but firmly, “Are you police officers? If not, I want one present.” That should calm things down a bit. Just remember that the best way to get out ofhot water in Las Vegas is to not get in it in the first place. Stay cool, watch your back, and don’t make a scene. Remember, you’re here to have fun.
There is a quasi “Chinatown” slowly springing up on Spring Mountain Road. Two large Chinese shopping centers (a short drive apart) offer all sorts of stuff, and both have well-stocked Asian supermarkets. Chinatown Plaza is on Spring Mountain Rd. between Arville and Valley View, and Pacific Asian Plaza is at 5115 Spring Mountain Rd, on the other side ofDecatur Blvd.
The Broadacres Swapmeet is an outdoor flea market sellingjust about anything (legal) you can think of. Thanks to Nevada’s unique liquor laws, they also sell beer you can drink while you shop! It’s on 2390 Las Vegas Boulevard North and open every Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Admission is $1a head and worth it just to see all the stuff available and watch the amazing parade of people go by. Get there EARLY (the gates open at 6 AM) because parking is a nightmare! Drive away from the Strip into Downtown and keep going into North Las Vegas. You can’t miss the black and yellow billboard on your right.
A good indoor flea market is Fantastic Indoor Swapmeet at 1717S. Decatur Blvd. (Corner of Decatur and Oakey Blvd.), open 10to6 Friday through Sunday. Admission is $1 but you get a coupon for $1 off a purchase of$15 or more (at most vendors). The “Fastastik” sign on the building is leftover from the days when it was the site of a members-only department store from those preCostco days.
There are a number of good used book and CD/record stores in the valley. Big B’s CDs & Records at 4761 S. Maryland Pkwy near UNLV is a great place. Record City has three locations scattered in the valley. Their store at 300 E. Sahara Ave also sells used DVDs. As for used books, Dead Poets Books (937 S. Rainbow Blvd), Book Magician (formerly Amber Unicorn, 2202 W. Charleston Blvd #2), and Albion Books (2466 E. Desert Inn Rd #G) are the big three, but there are others. Check the phone book while you’re here.
If you’re in the need of things spiritual, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation ofLas Vegas is located at 3616 East Lake Mead Boulevard (not to be confused with Lake Mead Parkway). Sunday services start at 10 AM.
Public Transit
The main bus service is Citizens Area Transit (CAT), and is dependable. Visit the website at or call 1-800-228-3911 or702-228-7433 (702-CAT-RIDE) for Customer Services. There is a bike map on the site at, oryou can call 702-676-1500 to request a copy.
(The local joke is that “CAT” stands for “Can’t Afford a Taxi”.)
The Route 301 bus on the Strip has been replaced by “The Deuce”, a double-decker bus system. Check out There is also a much maligned monorail system linking many of the Strip casinos with a website at
Free Clothing and Furniture
Thrift stores abound here, and there are yard sales scattered about every weekend. Just look for the signs posted on carboard boxes weighed down with rocks at the major intersections. With people moving in and out with great frequency, lots of stuff is thoughtlessly thrown away. Go out on garbage night in the suburbs with a pick-up truck. Happy hunting!
Assorted Freebies
Casinos will give out free drinks if you play the slot machines long enough (Drunk gamblers are happy gamblers, and happy gamblers spend money!). Tip the waitresses, however, since their’s is a roughjob.
Many of the locals join “players clubs” at the casinos. If you gamble using your slot club card, you often get mail notices of promotional freebies (ranging from chess sets to clothes hampers and kitchen bowls). Some folks have furnished apartments this way. The downside to this is that your personal information is in the casino’s database.
Police Non-Emergency -311
Suicide Prevention Center of Clark Country — 731–2990
Poison Information — 732–4989
Rape Crisis Center Hot Line — 366–1640
Domestic Crisis Shelter — 646–4981
Information and Referral HELP of Southern Nevada (includes Traveler’s Aid International) — 3694357
Juvenile Court Services Abuse and Neglect Hot Line — 399–0081
Crisis Mental Health Unit — 486–8020
Youth Runaway Emergency Shelter — 385–3330
Salvation Army Corps Community Centers
2900 Palomino Lane, Las Vegas — 870–4430
2828 E. Cheyenne Avenue, North Las Vegas — 651–9550
830 E. Lake Mead Drive, Henderson — 565–9578
Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth
If you’re between 12 and 18, these folks can help you out with a number of services. Their main phone number is 383–1332, but their Mobile Crisis Intervention Team has a 24 hour toll-free line at 1-866-827-3723 (1-866-U-ARE-SAFE).
Anything else, dial “211” and ask the Operator for assistance.
Stay away from the sleazierjoints, since they have a bad reputation for overcharging patrons and fights in the parking lot. Be careful about tempers flaring in the bars during any major sporting event, since the patrons will probably have large amounts of money riding on the outcome. (The Double Down Saloon, however, is an glowing exception to this, and is worth a visit, especially for the live music.)
Watch out for the “Official Tourist Information” storefronts. Nearly all of them are shills for timeshare operations with little if any tourist information (One of our writers used to work for one). The truly official website is, which is run by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.
Stay Safe
Despite all the pleasures you can indulge in in Las Vegas, its always best to be smart.
Small amounts of marijuana possession have been decriminalized for people over 21as per a voter referendum. You’ll still get a nice ticket and fine to boot, though. If you’re under 21, it’s a misdemeanor with (more than likely) no more than a night in the pokey and a stiff fine. Cocaine, Meth, and basically any other uppers are all-too plentiful in the 24/7 city that is Las Vegas, but the pig patrol is much more happy to bust a cat with hard drugs on him.
Don’t even think of trying to cheat the casinos! With all the video security in the casinos (Ever wonder what those little glass domes on the ceilings are hiding?), you have a better chance of winning than cheating and not being caught.
Once again, avoid using a Fake ID in a casino. These people are not stupid when it comes to fake ID’s, and know every trick in the book. Best case scenario if you’re busted is that your ID will be confiscated and you’ll get escorted out by LVMPD. Worst case scenario is if the casino presses charges against you (very possible). These places could very well lose their license (EXTREMELY valuable) if they turn a “blind eye” to under 21’s in the casino. If you’re under 21, stay away from any gambling machines or gaming tables. Nevada gaming laws are pretty tough on under 21’ can’t even watch if you’re underage! The same should be said for bars, nightclubs, etc.
Almost all hotels in Vegas require you tobe 21 to simply rent a room. Since its not illegal to do so and liquor laws are tight, you very well may get a room if you fork out enough bread. If you feel risky, get some booze delivered to your room by the room service. It’s costly, but fake ID’s are pretty much accepted at par with delivery staff (most don’t even give a rat’s ass so long as you tip them well)
Regardless of what anyone tells you, prostitution is illegal in Clark County (that includes Las Vegas)! All the legal brothels are outside the county, and they’re not cheap.
In closing, never bet on an Inside Straight, watch your wallet (there’s lots of pickpockets out here), and as soon as you think you’re “getting the fever”, cash out and quit. Remember, “Easy Street” is both a dead end and a blind alley!
Free Melbourne, Australia
General Guide
Please provide a general outline of the city and its neighborhoods/boroughs/parts of town, including information about political leanings, police forces, population, income levels, social services, etc.
Melbourne is a beautiful city with a good vibe. A great place to escape to but remember that Australian foreign policy unfortunately often mirrors that of the United States, and they extradite to the US in most cases.
Armed Forces/Deployment Avoidance Counselling
As it currently stands, people aren’t forced into military service, so avoiding military service is as simple as not signing up!
Melbourne is the capital city of the state of Victoria, Australia and is located on the south-east coast. Current population estimates are around 3.7 million people, spread over 8,800 sq km of city and suburbs.
Melbourne has a temperate climate of mild temperatures with four distinct seasons.
Summe!’ (December to February): warm to hot.
Average maximum temperature 25°C (77°F)
Average minimum temperature 14°C (57°F)
Autumn (March to May): mild
Average maximum temperature 20°C (68°F)
Average minimum temperature 11°C (52°F)
Winter (June to August): cool to brisk
Average maximum temperature 14°C (57°F)
Average minimum temperature 7°C (45°F)
Spring (September to november): cool to mild
Average maximum temperature 20°C (68°F)
Average minimum temperature 10°C (50°F)
Average rainfall; 638.8 millimetres.
Victoria is currently in the grip of its longest drought on record, although Melbourne is known for its rapid ‘four seasons in one day’ weather, and it experienced rain and hail on December 25, 2006. This drought has been attributed to the El Nino phenomenon, which some meterologists believe to have ended in early 2007.
Time Zone
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) is GMT plus 10 hours.
Daylight Savings — begins on the last Sunday in October and finishes on the first Sunday in March.
Daylight hours
Winter — 9 hours, 32 minutes (June 21)
Summer -14 hours, 47 minutes (December 22)
Public Transit
If you have ever been to Melbourne, you will know how easy it is to hop trains. Here are some tips to do it well.
1. Buy a ticket and don’t validate it. If an inspector is actually on the train (not bloody likely), tell them you forgot to validate it. As long as you don’t get caught (and pre-buy the ticket) this can be used multiple times.
2. If you see an inspector,just get off — no sense in getting a fine when you canjust catch the next train to Frankston.
3. There are a few more inspectors in the CBD and the Outskirts than the rest of Victoria.
4. That being said, going to Frankston is the easiest place to train hop to.
5. Pretend you are asleep when an inspector comes and tell them you missed your stop if you crossed zones.
6. Make sure you conceal anything (ie. a wallet) which would identify you. Have a down pat name, date ofbirth, address and story all worked out in case you do get caught. Because the transport officers are allowed to arrest you if you refuse to give details, pretend to go along with them, give your details, and comply. As long as you can get your story flawless and natural, you’ll never get a fine sent to you.
Trams in Melbourne are also easy to use — just keep an eye out for any inspectors hopping on. If you do, calmly leave as they get on (if you look like you’re trying to walk fast or run they’re more likely to grab you). Buses are basically impossible to cheat, unless you can carefully change the date on the back of your ticket and make it look like the machine is in the wrong.
A new system called myki is supposed to be introduced in late 2007 (similar to the Oyster card in London) and this may change the rules for free transport.
Free Portland, OR
General Guide
Portland is a hip left-libertarian leaning city with some of the best tolerance for radicals as US cities go. It has a population of 562,690 in a metro area of around two million, it is the third largest city in the Pacific Northwest AKA Occupied Cascadia and 23rd largest in the United States. Bicycling and public transport are among the best in the world. If you like good coffee, craft brewed beers, cycling, high tech, and radicals for all causes Portland has what you want.
In 2006, Portland was ranked overall number 1 of 50 U.S. cities by the organization SustainLane on quality oflife and economic factors that affect personal sustainability. According to Grist Magazine, Portland is the second most eco-friendly city in the world.
Southwest and Selwood areas are where most of the hip people live. Northeast is becoming more livable but the rising prices are also starting to displace the poor and minorities. Downtown has plenty of places to hang out with south park blocks and PSU having both free WiFi and benches plus an occasional power plug. Downtown the Pioneer Place mall is like any other but the decor and lighting of the underground food court area has a futuristic blade-runner feel, forget the ordinary food, bring a sack lunch. Pioneer courthouse square has WiFi and an amphitheater if you want to speak to a group, bikes are forbidden to be ridden in the square and the private security can evict anyone since the city has set this up as a private space but it is a free speech zone. Northwest is another trendy area, prices are high for rent but there are nice parks and the bike ride down from the zoo down to Burnside is a long scenic one. North Portland is a long way from anything except industry and the airport but has lots of places to stealth camp, Dignity Village alternative housing experiment is near the Portland airport.
Dignity Village
After much protest, relocation, and negotiation a city recognized squatter camp exempt from building codes, occasionally troubled by internal political turmoil. For safety reasons children are not allowed to reside in dignity village. There may be a limit to amount of residents and/or a waiting list to get in.
The Rules:
No violence toward yourself or others.
No illegal substances or alcohol or paraphernalia on the premises or within a one-block radius.
No stealing.
Everyone contributes to the upkeep and welfare of the village and works to become a productive member of the community.
No disruptive behavior of any kind that disturbs the general peace and welfare of the village.
Among the services offered by Dignity Village for their residents are:
Sanitary facilities
Private and communal food and flower gardens
Communal cooking and refrigeration facilities
Emergency transportation
Access to education
Access to counseling
Distribution of donated food, personal items and construction material
Internet access
Weekly community meetings
On-site medical care on a scheduled basis by volunteer doctors and nurses
Access to prescription medication assistance
Rudimentary first aid
Access to telephone http://www.dignityvillage.org1
SafeHaven — Eligibility Criteria
Must have one or more children under the age ofl8.
Must be homeless
Must have been clean and sober for 30 days prior in intake
If you have questions about SafeHaven Shelter for Families, or are in need ofhomeless family services, please call (503) 246–1663 ext 100 between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday — Friday.
Goose Hollow Shelter
First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson St. Shelter Manager’s Desk (during shelter hours only) — 503.228.3195 ext. 203 Email:
Families staying at the Shelter are provided an evening meal and a light breakfast. They have access to showers, laundry facilities, sleeping areas (partitioned for families), and constructive activities for kids. Thanks to many donations received throughout the year, we maintain a pantry of personal toiletry items and a clothes closet of re-cycled clothing for shelter families.
Transition Projects
The Community Service Center staff provides resource information and services to homeless and other very low-income adults. Located at the corner ofNorthwest Glisan Street and Fifth Avenue, the Community Service Center is open: Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM to4:30PM
Call 503-823-4930 to be placed on the shelter waiting list, or visit us at 475 NW Glisan Street, http://www.tpro]
24-Hour ShelterReferrals call 211 or (503) 222–5555.
We have known “homeless” Portlanders who lock up their bicycle on shore and row to one of the urban area river islands staying in self built cabins on these rarely patroled islands. Once in town they bike trailer the kayak and lock up bike and boat at the university for classes.
Forest park is the largest urban park in the USA. There is enough depth that you can usually find a place to tent up off ofbicycle or walking trails. A father and daughter lived hidden for five years in forest park using tarps for shelter while teaching the girl from a set of encyclopedia.
Excellent Dumpster diving at the plentiful organic food markets and if you ask at the independent stores most clerks are cool and will load you up with the days spoils before they hit the dumpster.
Portland farmers market is good farm grown produce with plenty of organics open when in season Saturday at PSU, Wednesday Downtown, Thursday Eastbank, Thursday Ecotrust
The Portland chapter ofFood Not Bombs serves free vegan meals every Wednesday (Dawson Park), Friday (Colonel Sumners Park), and Saturday (Under the west end of the Burnside bridge) starting at 5:30.
Medical Care
Outside in Clinic and homeless assistance centre 503-535-3800 Phone 1132 SW 13th Ave in
Portlandjust north of the 1–205 overpass from Portland State University
More beautiful wilderness nearby than you could imagine, Mt Hood for skiing and boarding all year round, national forest for camping and anti-logging action, beach and rivers for fun in the water, Columbia gorge for the best wind surfing in the world, Rock climbing is scattered all around the metro area.
Portland Futsal (3401 SE 17th Ave) is a converted warehouse designed to give soccer fans a place to play after work. Open play occurs twice a week, Wednesday and Friday 8–11, and though there is technically a charge of $5 per hour a little resourcefulness will get you in and out for free. Beautiful facility, good soccer players, good vibe.
Zoobomb is a weekly bike event that meets every Sunday around 8:30PM across from Rocco’s Pizza (949 SW Oak) in Portland OR. Bring a bike if you have one, MAX fare ($1.75), bike lights, and any saftey gear you want to wear. You are welcome to bring snacks and drinks but you MUST clean up everything you bring with you. Leave no trace. Its a good time and you WILL have fun!
Portland has a temperate rain forest climate cool winters with occasional snow days which quickly melt away and mild warm summers, the city is very hilly as it is built on and near small volcanoes it is bisected by the Wilamette and Columbia rivers. The cycling infrastructure is amazing with bicycle paths on almost every road in the metro area and progressive bicycle traffic laws.
Underground Papers
Street roots vendors can be found at busy crossroads throughout the Portland metropolitan area and at special events and farmers markets. A newspaper by the homeless for the homeless, covering a vast array of civil and human rights, political, local and international issues. Homeless or Jobless Street vendors can sell this paper to make money with dignity and pride. The street vendor keeps 70% with the other 30% going for the operations of Street Roots.
Most Underground print publications are also online but there is free internet at city libraries. Papers with Radical Content
Wilamette Week
Portland Mercury
Portland is at the forefront of the zine movement, they are everywhere.
Portland Indymedia Center is a media resource with community submitted articles and editing.
- provides free WiFi to many neighborhoods and locations
Freegeek is a good source of cheap computers and electronic equipment, free if you have a good cause FREE GEEK
Community Technology Center 1731 SE 10th Avenue 503-232-935
Bicycle Collectives
Bicycle Repair Collective
A full-service shop at 4438 SE Belmont (503) 233–0564
A worker-owned cooperative shop with 2 locations on SE Ankeny — 734 SE Ankeny — (503) 2396951 and 1914 SE Ankeny — (503) 239–0553
The Recyclery
Known for their great selection of used bikes and regularly scheduled swap meets. 1417 SE 9th & Madison (503) 734–8831
The Community Cycling Center
operates a full-service professional bike shop. Proceeds from the shop benefit our year-round bicycle education programs for low-income youth and adults. 1700 NE Alberta Street 503-287-8786
Community Radio Programing Non Corporate — The Communities Voice
Public Transit
Light rail and trolley are free in the center of the city, Bicycles are allowed on buses and light rail for free with ticket purchase. Be sure to take a ride on the OHSU cable tram, it runs from the Willamette river up one km to the state medical university which is on the tallest mountain in the city. A fun ride and beautiful view of the city with a 500 foot elevation change bike or skateboard ride down into the city, $4.00 a ticket in 2007.
Ticket Prices:
All Zone: $2.05 (Valid for any ride within time-stamp)
1and2Zone: $1.75
Honored Citizen: $0.85 (disabled and elderly passengers)
Youth: $1.40 (ages 7–17 and students in high school or pursuing a GED).
LIFT Paratransit All Zone: $1.70
Children under 7: Free when accompanied by fare paying passenger
Day Pass: $4.25 (Valid all day, and for all zones)
Light Rail
Blue line runs 33 miles east west covering nearly all of the metro area from Hillsboro to Gresham, Red line runs 26 miles from Beaverton to the downtown area on blue line then splits to the airport, Yellow line runs 7 miles north from downtown to the Expo Center near the Oregon Wasington border.
Find the big neon “Made in Oregon” sign shaped like the state of Oregon with a deer jumping through and you will be headed toward the Amtrak station, as you get closer begin looking for the neon “Go by Train” sign, that is on Union Station. Blue line MAX to downtown get off at the last stop west of the Wilamette River right before the Steel Bridge and head north, the station address is 800 NW Sixth Ave. The rail and bus stations are in the light rail and bus fareless square section of the city.
Amtrak trains leave Union Station on three routes.
The Coast Starlight north-south line from Los Angeles to Seattle; major stops on the route are Portland and Eugene, Oregon; Sacramento, Emeryville (for San Francisco), Oakland, San Jose, Santa Barbara, and Oxnard, California.
Empire Builder line runs east-west from Portland to Chicago. Major stops include Milwaukee Wisconsin, St. Paul Minnesota, Spokanne Washington and dozens of stops between, the line splits toward the end to reach either Portland or Seattle.
The Amtrak Cascades commuter trains run north-south between Vancouver, British Columbia and Eugene, Oregon, and stop in Portland several times daily in both directions. The following stops are made: Vancouver BC, Bellingham Wa, Mount Vernon Wa, Everett Wa, Edmonds Wa, Seattle Wa, (Passengers change trains here) Seattle, Tukwila Wa, Tacoma Wa, Olympia-Lacey Wa, Centralia Wa, Kelso Wa, Vancouver Wa, Portland Or, Oregon City Or, Salem Or, Albany Or, Eugene Or.
Long Distance Bus
The Greyhound bus station is across the street from Union rail station so you can compare prices and take the cheapest ride.
Take the red line MAX light rail to get to the airport. From Portland Airport international flights regularly depart to Japan (Tokyo), Singapore, Germany (Frankfurt), Mexico (Guadalajara, Mexico City, Cabo San Lucas, and Puerto Vallarta), and Canada (Vancouver, British Columbia) as well as flights toUS destinations.
Assorted Freebies
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The people in Portland are usually very nice but don’t be fooled something like 10% are carrying a gun at any time, don’t try strong arm violent stuff there. Violent crime is very low, car break-ins and shoplifting get most police time. If you are cool most people are willing to help unless you piss them offby acting like an pompous ass. That said general freak out threshold is somethingjust below Berkley levels.
Free Seattle
General Guide
Seattle is the largest city in Occupied Cascadia and the state of Washington, with a population of about 570,000, and a metropolitan population of about 3.8 million. First settled in 1851, it is one of the more youthful large cities in the U.S. It lies between Puget Sound and Lake Washington: you’re never far from water in Seattle.
There are quite a few different neighborhoods in Seattle, including Wallingford, Capital Hill, Pioneer Square, Columbia City, and West Seattle.
‘(General weather, traffic, news resources, etc.)’
It does rain frequently in Seattle, especially in the autumn and winter. On the plus side, it is often light rain, and the temperature is relatively moderate for such a northern city: the temperature is in the 40s during much of the winter, though cold spells do occur. The summers are really superb: little rain, and pleasant temperatures with reasonable humidity.
Underground Papers
Eat the State — “A forum for anti-authoritarian political opinion, research and humor”
Public Transit
The primary public transit in Seattle is the bus system, the “Metro” bus service. Fare is $1.25 (or $1.50 during “peak” hours). From 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. there is a “Ride Free Area” in downtown. Buses have bike racks that can carry two bikes.
Seattle has no subway system.
Ferries[1]connect Seattle to Bainbridge and Vashon Islands in Puget Sound and to Bremerton and Southworth on the Kitsap Peninsula, some routes are equipped with WiFi Internet but even at an introductory discount of$15 a month better to hack it.
Link Light Rail will connect between Downtown and Sea-Tac Airport in 2009, Sea-Tac airport is a major hub to destinations worldwide.