This is a collaboratively edited wishlist of texts that various people would like to see archived on this website someday. That way the texts can be easily found, quoted, printed out as pamphlets, etc.

So, feel free to add to this list by editing the page directly, or by mentioning a text you’d like to see archived in the live chat spaces and some wonderful person may get around to finding and adding the text. Also, whilst you wait, you could be that wonderful person for someone else.

If you’d like advice on how to convert EPUB, PDF and DOC files for the archive, you could consult this AmuseWiki manual, and/or ask your questions in the discord or matrix live chat spaces.

Texts you can find online for free

EPUBs available online

  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

  • Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

  • The Way Home by Mark Boyle

  • Eclipse of Reason by Max Horkheimer

  • Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard

  • Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal by Joel Salatin

  • The Crisis of the Modern World by Rene Guqnon

  • Confronting Collapse; The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World by Michael C. Ruppert

  • The Retro Future by John Michael Greer

  • Re-Engineering Humanity by Brett Frischmann and Evan Selinger

  • The Revenge of Gaia by James Lovelock

  • Darwin Among the Machines by George Dyson

  • The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger

  • City by Clifford D. Simak

  • Retrotopia by John Michael Greer

  • Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse

  • One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse

  • The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker

  • Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond

  • The Way of Men by Jack Donovan

  • Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil by Paul Bloom

  • Becoming A Barbarian by Jack Donovan

  • Critical Transitions in Nature and Society by Marten Scheffer

  • War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat

  • The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning by James Lovelock

  • The World Without Us by Alan Weisman

  • The World Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond

  • In The Absence of the Sacred by Jerry Mander

  • Countdown by Alan Weisman

  • A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

  • Collapse by Jared Diamond

  • The Party’s Over by Richard Heinberg

  • Integral Ecology by Ken Wilber

  • The New Wild by Fred Pearce

  • We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

  • Factfulness by Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling, and Ola Rosling

  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

PDFs available online

  • Eco-Philosophy: Designing New Tactics for Living by Henryk Skolimowski

  • The Voice of the Earth by Theodore Roszak

  • Pleasant Hell by John Dolan

  • The Myth of the Machine by Lewis Mumford

  • American Anarchism by Steve J. Shone

  • Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of culture by Marvin Harris

  • The Evolution of Technology by George Basalla

  • Mao’s War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China by Judith Shapiro.

  • Why Things Bite Back by Edward Tenner & Alfred A. Knopf

  • Earth First! Environmental Apocalypse by Martha F Lee

  • Discordant Harmonies by Daniel B. Botkin

Texts you can only buy online or find in various libraries

  • Zen Anarchism: The Egalitarian Dharma of Uchiyama Gudo
    ––– Worldcat + ThriftBooks

  • Anarchy in the USSR: A New Beginning by Philip Ruff
    ––– Worldcat + Amazon

  • Jacques Ellul on Politics, Technology and Christianity by Jacques Ellul and Patrick Troude-Chastenet
    ––– Worldcat #1 & #2 + Amazon

  • Primal Awareness by Don Trent Jacobs
    ––– Worldcat + Amazon

  • I’m working here: the collected poems of Anna Mendelssohn
    ––– Worldcat + Publisher’s Website

  • Siete Kabezas by Iván Poduje
    ––– Worldcat + Author’s Website

  • A dream named you by David Kaczynski
    ––– Worldcat + Amazon

  • Existential Literature: An Introduction by Linda Patrik
    ––– Worldcat + Amazon

  • Assassination and Political Violence, Vol. 8 by James F. Kirkham, Sheldon G. Levy & William J. Crotty
    ––– Worldcat + AbeBooks

  • Philosophy for a New Civilisation by Henryk Skolimowski
    ––– Worldcat + Amazon

  • The End of Commitment, Intellectuals, Revolutionaries and Political Morality by Paul Hollander
    ––– Worldcat + Amazon

  • Eco-Yoga by Henryk Skolimowski
    ––– Worldcat + Amazon

Texts you can only find in various libraries

Series III: Written Materials – undated, 1933–1996

Abbie Hoffman

  • Abbie Hoffman? Leaving the Movement?

  • Abbie Hoffman’s Fugitive Life

  • Abbie Hoffman’s Plains Speaking

  • America on $0 a Day

  • Border Crossings

  • Did You Hear the One...

  • The Eyes of Conkrite

  • The Great Gourmet Rip-Off

  • How Clifford Irving Stole...

  • I Confess

  • I Remember Papa

  • Letter From Abbie Hoffman

  • Loch Ness Nellie...

  • Love Letters From the Underground

  • My Life on the Lam

  • National Student Convention

  • 1978: Part of the World...

  • Nuclear Waste Upstate

  • Origens and Rebuttal

  • President Jimmy: The Outside Story

  • Reefer Madness

  • Shoot-Out in Tinseltown

  • Steal This Author

  • Too Soon the Hero

  • The Underground Odyssey...

  • Untitled Essays

  • Village of the Bomb

Anita Hoffman

  • Life Without Abbie

  • What Six Nice People...

Jack Hoffman

  • Abbie: One Step Ahead

  • Abbie: Three Steps Ahead

  • A Brother’s Story

  • Dear Abbie

  • Life of Jack Hoffman

  • Three Moves Ahead...

Rose Shanberg

  • Diary (1) Rose Shanberg

  • Diary (2) Rose Shanberg

Other Authors

  • Abbie! A Celebration Program Outline

  • Abbie Hoffman: Prophet from Worcester (2) Manuscripts Michael Boover

  • Abbie Hoffman: American Road Story Manuscripts Al Giordano

  • Abbie, I’m Glad I Knew Ye Essay

  • American Rebel: A Political Biography... (2) Manuscripts Marty Jeezer

  • Author’s Kit Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.

  • The Baptism of Brandeis Article Jon Landau

  • Barnyard Epithet... J. Anthony Lukas

  • Best of Abbie Hoffman Daniel Simon

  • Book Reviews

  • CBS Re-Creation Script

  • Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8 Outline HBO Showcase

  • Dear Abbie!! A Celebration... Program Notes Ram’s Horn Productions

  • In Hiding-An Interview with Abbie Hoffman Transcript Ron Rosenbaum

  • Interviews: Abbie Hoffman Interview John Schultz

  • Jewish Mothers’ Hall of Fame Excerpt Fred Bernstein

  • Jonah Raskin Title Pages (2) Signed by Abbie Hoffman

  • The Last Yippie Interview and Article Howard Goodman

  • Live This Book Manuscript Becker and Dodson

  • Making of a Yippie Draft Nancy Shapiro

  • Motion Will Be Denied Excerpt John Schultz

  • The Movie Isn’t Over Yet Article John Schultz

  • New Hope: Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman (2) Drafts Jonah Raskin

  • Revolution for the Smell of It Interview Steve Kraus

  • Typed Notes Tony Dodson

  • Underground Chapter and Reviews Jonah Raskin

  • Urine Testing and the Fourth Amendment Draft Kevin Zeese

  • Yippies’ Anti-War Propaganda

Texts we don't yet know how to find

Articles, Poems, Talks, and Letters (in chronological order)

Hoffman, Abbott. The Drum. Newsletter written and edited by Abbott Hoffman, Worcester, Mass., 1964.

---------- . Letter. Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 4 May 1965.

---------- . Letter. Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 12 Aug. 1965.

---------- . Letter. Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 4 Oct. 1965.

---------- . Letter. Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 7 Dec. 1965.

---------- . Letter. Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 20 Jan. 1966.

---------- . Letter. Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 6 Aug. 1966.

---------- . “The Crafts of Freedom.” Catholic Worker, Oct.—Nov. 1966: i + .

Hoffman, Abbie. Noww. Newsletter written and edited by Abbie Hoffman, Worcester, MA, 1966.

----- . “SNCC: The Desecration of a Delayed Dream.” Village Voice, 15 Dec. 1966: 6.

---------- . “Another Look at the Movement.” Village Voice, 22 Dec. 1966: 5 + .

Hoffman, Abbott. “View from Canal nth.” Poem. Punch, Apr. 1967: 8.

---------- . “Venceremos!” Poem. Punch, Apr. 1967: 8.

Hoffman, Abbie. “Liberty House/Poor Peoples Corporation.” Liberation, Apr. 1967: 20-21.

---------- . “Love and Hate on 5th Avenue.” WIN, 16 June 1967: 8.

Metesky, George [pseud, for AH], “Diggery is Niggery.” WIN, 15 Sept. 1967: 8-10.

Hoffman, Abbie. “The 1968 Election?” (Hoffman s comments on a panel that included Staughton Lynd, Dr. Spock, and Jack Newfield.) WIN, 15 Mar. 1968: 4-5.

----- . “Creating a Perfect Mess.” Other Scenes, Oct. 1968: unpaged. (Reprinted as “Creating the Perfect Mess” in Revolution for the Hell of It)

---------- . “My Life to Live.” New York Free Press, 3—9 Oct. 1968: 4—5.

---------- . Letter. Punch, 4 Nov. 1968: 5.

----- . “The Doctors Revolt.” WIN, 15 Feb. 1969. (Reprinted in The Movement toward a New America, ed. Mitchell Goodman.)

Hoffman, Abbott. “Fupk the Vanguard, Power to the People.” East Village Other, 30 Apr. 1969: 3 + ..

Hoffman, Abbie. Review of Die Nigger Die! by H. Rap Brown. East Village Other, 15 May 1969: 19.

---------- . Letter. East Village Other, 18 June 1969: 2.

----- . “Media Freaking.” Talk given in Lincoln Park, Chicago, 27 Aug. 1968. Tulane Drama Review, Summer 1969: 46—51.

---------- . “Commuter Protest.” New York Rat, 3-16 Dec. 1969: 7 + .

---------- . “Sami and the Golden Yo-Yo.” Short story. Eye, Jan. 1969: 67.

---------- . Letter. Dated 22 Feb. 1970. Punch, 12-24 Mar. 1970: 9.

----- . “Chicago: Two Years After.” Introduction to reprint of Revolution for the Hell of It. New York: Pocket Books: 1970.

---------- . “America on $0 a Day.” Ramparts, Feb. 1971: 48—55.

----- . Transcript. Untitled audio tape from “Tribunal for Steal This Book,” 1971.

---------- . “I Quit.” WIN, Sept. 1971:18-19.

---------- . “Yo-Yo Power!” Esquire, Oct. 1971:106+.

----- . “Fire in the Lake: The Image of Revolution.” Letter. East Village Other, 23 Dec. 1971: 8 + .

---------- . “The Eyes of Cronkite.” Esquire, Apr. 1973: 85.

----- -. “Book-of-the-Month-Club Selection.” University Review, June 1974: 12-14.

---------- . “Renewing a Revolution.” Berkeley Barb, 12-18 Dec. 1975: 7.

----- . “Breaking Control and Getting in Tune.” Berkeley Barb, 19—25 Dec. 1975: 5

---------- . “My Life on the Lam.” Oui, June 1977: 79 + -

----- . “Inside the FBI (Or, How One of the Most Wanted Fugitives Goosed the Ghost of J. Edgar Hoover).” Penthouse, Oct. 1977:142+.

----- . “Abbie: In His Own Defense.” Transcript of taped speech from underground to audience at Madison Square Garden Felt Forum. Yipster Times, 10 Mar. 1978: 3.

Freed, Barry [pseud, for AH]. “Statement to Jefferson County Board of Supervisors.” Thousand Islands (New York), 3 Oct. 1978.

----- . “The Facts about Save the River Committee and Winter Navigation.” Pamphlet, n.d.

----- . “Statement of Barry Freed, Save the River.” United States Senate Subcommittee on Water Resources of the Committee on Environment and Public Works. Field Hearing, Alexandria Bay, New York, 27 Aug. 1979.

Hoffman, Abbie. “My Life as a Fugitive.” Parade, 14 Dec. 1980: 8-10.

---------- . Letter. Harper’s, Dec. 1980: 4.

---------- . Letter. Veritas letterhead. 25 June 1981. Photocopied.

---------- . Talk given at Clark University, Worcester, Mass., 28 Mar. 1982.

----- . “Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties.” Talk given at University of Colorado at Boulder, 26 July 1982.

----- . “Nuclear Waste Upstate.” Op-ed piece. New York Times, 27 Sept. 1982.

---------- . “Steal This Meal.” High Times, Jan. 1983: 41 + .

----- . “No Lack of Civil Liberties in Nicaragua.” Post-Standard (Syracuse, New York), 29 July 1985: A13.

---------- . “Woodstock: Love It or Leave It.” L. A. Weekly, 16—22 Aug. 1985: 39.

----- . “Steal This Campus: A Report on the Mood of the Colleges from a Veteran Rabble-Rouser.” L. A. Weekly, 16-22 May 1986: 18.

----- . “Students Deserve Truth about the CIA.' Guest editorial. Worcester Telegram and Gazette, to Dec. 1986.

---------- . Talk given at “The Sixties” conference, San Francisco, Feb. 1987.

----- . “Democracy Summer.” Public statement on plan to combat the Philadelphia Electric Company, Bucks County, Penn., 7 July 1987.

----- . Talk given at Cody’s Bookstore, Berkeley, California, to promote Steal This Urine Test, 17 Oct. 1987.

----- . “AIDS and Responsible Drug Education.” City Lights Review 2 (1988): 14-16.

----- . “Running on Empty.’ Review of Naomi Foner’s film Running on Empty. Premiere, Sept. 1988: 90.

----- . “Deers and Cars.” Letter to the editor. New Hope Gazette, 29 Dec. 1988:to.

----- . “The Value of Conflict.” Talk given at Naropa Institute peace conference, 19 June 1986. Vajradhatu Sun, Oct.-Nov. 1989: i + .

----- “Reflections on the Dialogue with [Jesse] Jackson.” Tikkun, Nov. I Dec. 1987. Reprinted in Tikkun ... To Heal, Repair and Transform the World: An Anthology, ed. Michael Lerner, 81-83. Oakland: Tikkun Books, 1992.

----- “Bye-Bye Sixties, Hollywood-Style.” Reprinted in Abbie Hoffman, Square Dancing in the Ice Age. New York: Putnam, 1982.

Unpublished Manuscripts (in approximate chronological order)

Hoffman, Abbott. “A Theory of Motivation by Erich Fromm.” Unpublished paper for Psychology 107, Brandeis University, n.d.

----- . “ ‘Help’ and ‘Hinder’ in a GESP-PK test: A Pilot Study.” Unpublished abstract of experiment in parapsychology, University of California, Berkeley, i960.

Phillips, Jean [pseud, for AH]. “La Chef Extraordinaire.” Twelve-page article on Dominique Nahmias and her restaurant, Olympe.

Hoffman, Abbie. Letter on electronic voting, n.d.

----- . “Kiss and Tell: A True Story of Love and Sex in the New Age.” Fortypage first draft of autobiography, n.d.

---------- . “Abbie’s Quickest Spanish Lesson in History.” N.d.

Hoffman, Abbott Howard. “Last Will and Testament.” 4 July 1983.

Hoffman, Abbie. “Memorandum on U.S. Public Relations.” Plan for a public relations tour of the U.S. by Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega, 29 July 1985.